The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Its almost like they want to be banned. Just one step away from nudes.....

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Um, be careful on what you post. Mods might ban you.

  • I wasn't here for it but it kind of sounds like they weren't being serious. I dunno just my guess.

    So... people made groups or "gangs" and they were fighting each other on the forums? Lol... I just... I don't even know anymore.

  • Thanks.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Good luck with that.

  • I wish I was Jewfreeus!

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    the moment when you are playing left 4 dead 2 with some people from here and some guy joins and starts to throw a tantrum cause my name is jewfreeus

  • Awww, thanks Rachel <3 That really means a lot.

    Alt text

    Girl... So proud. Your parents truly have a wonderful daughter. I hope when/if I have a child, she turns out like you.

  • One more. B^]

    Alt text

    haha, cool memes

  • of course you do everyone wants to be jewfreeus :p

    Rockworm posted: »

    I wish I was Jewfreeus!

  • I've never been depressed before but that's just how I feel when I hear on the news a kid commited suicide because of Bullying or something

    Rockworm posted: »

    Well said! Its knowing what it would do to my family that kept me from doing it when I was depressed.

  • edited September 2014

    Good Luck I'm just a meer American but sounds cool (I have to ask, if you joined a certain part of the police up there, do you get the mountie uniform)

    Pride for my country, mostly. Also, military service helps me get better jobs in the Canadian police force. There are different things yo

  • Goddamn WWE games!

  • If anyone is interested, here's the merged thread with all the gang threads, it was fun while it lasted :(

  • Anyone here watch the family guy/Simpsons crossover episode? Pretty cool episode.

  • ...

    bloop posted: »

    If anyone is interested, here's the merged thread with all the gang threads, it was fun while it lasted

  • Fuck Wall Street

    Ducks are assholes.

  • Alt text

    Goddamn WWE games!

  • Thats why Robin William's suicide hit me so hard. He was such a big part of my childhood (from Aladdin to Hook and Jumanji) and I just feel terrible that he had such sadness in him to do that. Leave his loved ones behind like that. The worst is how people harassed his daughter on Twitter by saying its her fault he did it! Fuck that shit! We don't need that kind of hate! I know what its like being in that deep depression. Its no one's fault and I would say its kind of unfair to call it selfish because that implies you are thinking rationally when you do it. My depression threw rational thinking out the window. For a long time I thought I'd be doing everyone a favor by offing myself.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I've never been depressed before but that's just how I feel when I hear on the news a kid commited suicide because of Bullying or something

  • Why was it shut down?

    bloop posted: »

    If anyone is interested, here's the merged thread with all the gang threads, it was fun while it lasted

  • Robin Williams, Damn I was surprised he did that he always seemed like a happy guy but he was depressed so sad that he did that....

    Rockworm posted: »

    Thats why Robin William's suicide hit me so hard. He was such a big part of my childhood (from Aladdin to Hook and Jumanji) and I just feel

  • edited September 2014

    No clue, but it was pretty fun

    Here's all the gang names:

    Kenny Krusaders

    The Jane Gang

    Sam's Survivors

    The Vanilla Icers

    Ben's Shitbirds

    Mike's Knights

    Lee's Urbans


    The Ice Breakers

    The Clem Cuties

    Alvin's Juiceboxes

    The Urban Duo

    Pete's Wise Men

    Bonnie's Bonners

    Carver's Villainous Villains



    Why was it shut down?

  • I have depression and high stress levels also...

    2059, I'd be 59 years when I die... The reason I have a relatively shortened lifespan is because my mother was a heavy smoker three years be

  • Noooo!

    Can't screenshot on my laptop, but I got Monday, March 6, 2102 I'm seeing the new century, bitches!

  • Yeah some people went WAY too far though, (If any of the Kool Kenny Krusaders are still on and don't have the link to the chat PM me...)

    bloop posted: »

    No clue, but it was pretty fun Here's all the gang names: Kenny Krusaders The Jane Gang Sam's Survivors The Vanilla Icers

  • I remember that... i felt so bad for him.

  • sigh

    Oh don't you just love doing homework on Sunday night?

  • It wasn't that bad, we were all having fun. One guy got annoyed though.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Yeah some people went WAY too far though, (If any of the Kool Kenny Krusaders are still on and don't have the link to the chat PM me...)

  • (!) Saltlick123 feels bad for you

    Bloodeon posted: »

    sigh Oh don't you just love doing homework on Sunday night?

  • Lol, people think it's weird when I say that I've never seen a Mountie in my life. xD The RCMP do provide police service to all provinces except Ontario and Quebec, but they're not the same as the municipal police. The RCMP usually work in rural areas rather than in the city. I won't be serving with the RCMP because I prefer to stay in urban areas. You'd have to stick to smaller towns if you wanted to join the RCMP, lol.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Good Luck I'm just a meer American but sounds cool (I have to ask, if you joined a certain part of the police up there, do you get the mountie uniform)

  • Lol Cool, Alt text

    Lol, people think it's weird when I say that I've never seen a Mountie in my life. xD The RCMP do provide police service to all provinces ex

  • YEs! The last few years have been crap! I wish I kept 2k12. I enjoyed that one. THen they started trying to hook us with "Attitude Era roster" or now its "2 era's of sting if you preorder" ugh. Just make it fun to play again!

    Goddamn WWE games!

  • Street Wall Fuck.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Fuck Wall Street

  • LMAO, I knew you were going to post something like that. xD

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Lol Cool,

  • In Soviet Russia, Wall Street Fucks Vince...

    Street Wall Fuck.

  • Wow.

    bloop posted: »

    No clue, but it was pretty fun Here's all the gang names: Kenny Krusaders The Jane Gang Sam's Survivors The Vanilla Icers

  • Wow what?


  • But we are not in Soviet Russia.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    In Soviet Russia, Wall Street Fucks Vince...

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