The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • "Bec w8" XD

    fallandir posted: »

    I lost my shit at the last one.

  • Another throwback. Let's see if you recognize Stan's voice...

  • I need a pic of Stan's hat on Kenny.

    I need it.

    Trenchfoot posted: »

    Another throwback. Let's see if you recognize Stan's voice...

  • Shouldn't of been Lily she needs to stay gone.

    Arvo Vs Kenny, Save Kenny, Reunited with Luke, Lee and Lilly at the howe's. Lilly hug Kenny Click here

  • Along with an axe, a blowtorch, a spanner, Clem's hat, some animal crackers, a butchers knife and Carley

    Pipas posted: »

    He put it in his pocket.

  • This is so amazing, this is why I adore this fandom!

    Legendary12 posted: »

  • and Carley

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    ImUrban posted: »

    Along with an axe, a blowtorch, a spanner, Clem's hat, some animal crackers, a butchers knife and Carley

  • So I may be a bit late to the party but I just made an edit. Thank god Scott Porter did the ice bucket challenge else my life would of been a lot worst at finding Luke say nominate xD

  • edited October 2014

    Am I the only one who wants Ken to come back?


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  • Big Boss voice: Mmm tasty!

    Solid Snake voice: Great!

  • Gandalf the White confirmed for S3! Zombie hobbits confirmed for S3!

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    Luke is a real cassanova if i do say so myself

  • Amazing.

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  • The Wolf Among Us - Episode 2: Smoke and Mirrors - Remake - Walking Dead Season 2 Edition

    Click here

  • 100% true.

    SaltLick305 posted: »


  • Good points, although I didn't listen to Kenny on the third scenario. I always let Clem drink.

    SaltLick305 posted: »


  • Who am I supposed to be looking at? Luke looking like he sees some crazy shit, or Sarah who looks like she's on some crazy shit?

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    Who am I supposed to be looking at? Luke looking like he sees some crazy shit, or Sarah who looks like she's on some crazy shit?

  • So I made another video...expect the unexpected

  • Jane couldn't have saved her sister, they were on a rooftop and had to jump over to another roof but Jamie refused and I think its pretty obvious that you cant jump rooftops while holding someone.

    SaltLick305 posted: »


  • edited October 2014

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    Play the song and watch the gif. Clem looks like she could party hard lol
    Found this a few pages back

  • ...and this is why we love Clementine.

    So cute, and so badass.

    theonys posted: »


  • edited October 2014

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  • Not a good enough excuse to let your little sister be devoured by walkers in my book.

    Maybe you and I just have different morals and/or philosophies, but in my world, you stay with someone until the end if you truly care about that person. It's why I stayed with Sarah (Someone who I knew for about a week or so) until I managed to get her out of the trailer. So, it's safe to say I'd fight hundreds of walkers and die for my sister. Jane decided to keep living with the thought of letting her own flesh and blood die instead of continuing her selfless act, which is fine. This has clearly affected her, as she constantly speaks about Jamie and everything that happened. Sometimes it sounds like she's trying to convince herself she had no other choice when her facial expressions and tone when adressing the event loudly say otherwise.

    If Jane gave up on her own sister, why wouldn't she give up on Clementine too? She clearly cares about her, but I can tell you she probably doesn't "love" her as much as she loved her sister. Clementine's safety is my top priority. That's why I stayed with the insane, yet still selfless pirate known as Kenny. Son of a bitch still manages to make noble sacrifices after going nuts. Sacrifices for people he's not actually related to.

    Not saying everyone has to think this way, as there is no clear right or wrong choice here. Specially since Jamie supposedly wanted to die. But as any other decision, Jane's choice can be easily questioned and is open for criticism and debate. Had Jane saved her sister, others would actually criticize her for not granting Jamie her wish. It all depends on where you stand. From where I'm at, I'd rather push her down the roof myself and kill her trying instead of giving up on and tortuting myself with the thought of not helpin' her. Again, this is all just my philosophy. You're the one who seemingly wanted to convince me to see what happened differently. That's pretty much my take on this subject.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Jane couldn't have saved her sister, they were on a rooftop and had to jump over to another roof but Jamie refused and I think its pretty obvious that you cant jump rooftops while holding someone.

  • Jane didn't give up on Jamie, Jamie gave up on herself. In this situation Jane physically could not bring Jamie over to the other roof, it just wasn't an option, maybe Jane didn't try hard enough to convince her but I would assume she really tried as she had so many other times amd clearly cared a lot about her sister. The choice Jane had wasn't save or leave Jamie, it was live or die, Jamie was dead anyways and it was Janes choice to either be devoured by walkers or to jump to the next roof. Maybe you think its better to be devoured with someone you love than to live without them which is a fair opinion but I'm sure the person you love would want you to live, just like Lee wanted Clem to live.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Not a good enough excuse to let your little sister be devoured by walkers in my book. Maybe you and I just have different morals and/or p

  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited October 2014

    Oh, Jamie definitely gave up on herself, but so did Jane the moment she let her get destroyed on a roof. Not giving her the support and emotional stability that Jamie needed also counts as abandoning/giving up, you know. Nah, there's always a second choice. It's a matter of whether you're willing to take it or not.

    It's not only about living without that person, but about torturing yourself with the thought of leaving your loved one behind. Let me show you an example. If my sister died one way or the other and I had no chance on Earth to save her, I obviously wouldn't commit suicide or go crazy over this. There was nothing I could have done. Jane is clearly affected by her questionable decision, which contradicts the belief that she truly "Had no choice." You can obviously be forever affected by your sister's death, but if you're also affected by making "The right decision" or doing something that couldn't be changed then there's something else going on.

    Now that you mention whether Jane tried hard enough or not, why should I even be inclined to believe her if I'm not even a fan of her? Throughout the season, she showed that she has no problem leaving people behind if they became a liability or a danger to her own safety, which isn't neccesarily a bad thing when trying to stay alive. I'm not gonna say she invented this entire story and left her sister behind the first chance she got, but she didn't do much in this deparment to make me automatically swallow everything she ever says. Maybe Jamie did have some of these problems that Jane frequently talks about, but who's to stay she's not over exaggerating to make herself feel better? After Carlos' death, Sarah was as out of it as anyone can be, and a younger, lighter girl still managed to get her out of a near-death situation.

    Yep. Both are totally fair opinions. Like I said, it's all a matter of how you see things and how much you're willing to trust Jane's word. In the words of Lee Everett, sometimes there just isn't a right answer.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Jane didn't give up on Jamie, Jamie gave up on herself. In this situation Jane physically could not bring Jamie over to the other roof, it j

  • Lee must of provided him the power of the 'pimp hand'

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Luke is a real cassanova if i do say so myself

  • edited October 2014

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    God. I love this guy XD.

  • Rambo Carol. I love these, lol!

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    Rambo Carol. I love these, lol!

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