This is the last song you'll hear from me for awhile. It's time for me to leave this place, I'll probably be back when Game of Thrones comes out so, Farewell everyone! ^_^
This is the last song you'll hear from me for awhile. It's time for me to leave this place, I'll probably be back when Game of Thrones comes out so, Farewell everyone! ^_^
This is my last serenade.
This is the last song you'll hear from me for awhile. It's time for me to leave this place, I'll probably be back when Game of Thrones comes out so, Farewell everyone! ^_^
This is my last serenade.
This is the last song you'll hear from me for awhile. It's time for me to leave this place, I'll probably be back when Game of Thrones comes out so, Farewell everyone! ^_^
This is my last serenade.
Ebola somehow got into australia....
well shit.....
"You know what it feels like to get beaten almost to death?"
"It was like I was floating away, but then I woke up again."
Good night!
As long as you don't let them take it back lol
I would actually be okay with holding onto their weapons for them.
Just be sterile, it's not the end of the world :P
Do you ever talk? Or do you only post gifs?
lol yea i'm not too fussed the person who has it is on the other side of the country so it should be all good
As long as you don't give it back lol
Stay inside, it's better anyway xD
wait there is somewhere other than inside?!
XD gimme your mums number first m8
I wouldn't do that, I just want them to give me their weapons.
Deal! You can be my step-brother and my step-dad at the same time!
CHEATER!!! everytime Gus getting married now wtf </3 D':
Puppys are better
cuteness alert
Anyone else have a white image for the profile pic for everyone with a gravatar?
EDIT: they're back now never mind :P
Yep, all I see is a bunch of frogs.
This is the last song you'll hear from me for awhile. It's time for me to leave this place, I'll probably be back when Game of Thrones comes out so, Farewell everyone! ^_^
This is my last serenade.
Night your going
Don't gooo!
You can't leave NOOOOOOOOOOOO pls bro
Aw man... Bye
See you then I guess XD
Kenny s2 episode 4 I love that line
The Feelz (especially in that trailer with the epic music)
Share any paranormal experiences that has happened to you, or a family member.
Lol, is it just me, or does Theon Greyjoy look a bit like Daryl Dixon? Just a bit...?
ayy lmao B^]
Is this directed to someone in specific?
The twist has been plotted...
XD So true :'D