My point merely is, is that many of them act like they want everyone to be homosexual.
And that many of them ask us to respect their rights, but they don't respect ours.
They ask us to refrain from conduct in front of them; that they feel is insulting, but when it comes to them refraining from conduct that we may find insulting; many don't return the courtesy.
Once again. Gay evangelicals don't exist.
Fuck, even if did, they'd probably be less annoying than the Jehovah's witnesses. Statement's… more like this bother me. You're a heterosexual man who isn't in prison. What do you have to fear from a homosexual, honestly?
My point merely is, is that many of them act like they want everyone to be homosexual.
And that many of them ask us to respect their rights… more, but they don't respect ours.
They ask us to refrain from conduct in front of them; that they feel is insulting, but when it comes to them refraining from conduct that we may find insulting; many don't return the courtesy.
You clearly haven't been around many gay people. They're trying to 'convert' you, seriously? Being gay isn't a choice, gay people know this, so trying to convert someone would be pretty redundant.
My point merely is, is that many of them act like they want everyone to be homosexual.
And that many of them ask us to respect their rights… more, but they don't respect ours.
They ask us to refrain from conduct in front of them; that they feel is insulting, but when it comes to them refraining from conduct that we may find insulting; many don't return the courtesy.
My point merely is, is that many of them act like they want everyone to be homosexual.
And that many of them ask us to respect their rights… more, but they don't respect ours.
They ask us to refrain from conduct in front of them; that they feel is insulting, but when it comes to them refraining from conduct that we may find insulting; many don't return the courtesy.
I agree with this, you can be religious and accept gay people, look at me for example =] I don't get why so many religious people use religion as an excuse to be homophobic.
I love how people think their religious beliefs somehow excuses their homophobia. Sorry, you're still an asshole.
Also, the only person w… moreho has to follow your religious belief's rules is you. No one else does, only you.
No one is asking you to be gay.
I agree with this, you can be religious and accept gay people, look at me for example =] I don't get why so many religious people use religion as an excuse to be homophobic.
"Thanks Gusty. But it's just a piece of plastic.... breaks off pieces and throws it to @SergeantSnookie, @Elias, @xboxplayer_12, and finally @Gustav_Kenny. Everyone of you deserves it.
What, people freely expressing themselves is disgusting? Just because they dress like that, doesn't mean they are indoctrinating the childre… moren to be gay or owt. I don't understand how they're extremists? Its not like they're trying to pass laws so that everyone has to dress like them. I honestly don't understand your point?
I don't really care what homosexuals do in their spare time.
What is the point of this thread, i don't get it.
Are you trying to say that gay people are being mistreated in certain third world countries, or are you talking about Gay Marriage.
People have the right to whatever religious belief and not be told that they suck. These people are simply saying why THEY don't support it because of their religious beliefs. Nobody's forcing religion on anybody, so calm the fuck down.
If the insults like what EpicMustacheGUy continue then yes, I will. I made this thread for people to be able to share their opinions, and it's been derailed by a religious discussion.
If the insults like what EpicMustacheGUy continue then yes, I will. I made this thread for people to be able to share their opinions, and it's been derailed by a religious discussion.
People have the right to whatever religious belief and not be told that they suck. These people are simply saying why THEY don't support it because of their religious beliefs. Nobody's forcing religion on anybody, so calm the fuck down.
You didn't call them a (just making a joke, please don't get offended anyone)
"A dogshit group of religious fucks"
( I just replaced crippled with religious from Carver's speech, i'm not looking for a ban)
I did not insult, I asked you to calm down and stop telling people they suck. And I meant that nobody's forcing religion on anyone in THIS THREAD. You even said that you're insulting them. Why do you feel the need to say "You have your religious beliefs, then fine. You're a dumbass"? That was not necessary at all.
If the insults like what EpicMustacheGUy continue then yes, I will. I made this thread for people to be able to share their opinions, and it's been derailed by a religious discussion.
Both of you please, lets just stop this. This thread has gone away from the very topic we were talking about. If you want to carry on, do it in a private message, ok?
I did not insult, I asked you to calm down and stop telling people they suck. And I meant that nobody's forcing religion on anyone in THIS T… moreHREAD. You even said that you're insulting them. Why do you feel the need to say "You have your religious beliefs, then fine. You're a dumbass"? That was not necessary at all.
My point merely is, is that many of them act like they want everyone to be homosexual.
And that many of them ask us to respect their rights, but they don't respect ours.
They ask us to refrain from conduct in front of them; that they feel is insulting, but when it comes to them refraining from conduct that we may find insulting; many don't return the courtesy.
Just trying to make a point.
I have never in my life met a homosexual who "act like the want everyone to be a homosexual."
It would be impossible for any sane person to think that. If everyone was gay, how would we survive?
You clearly haven't been around many gay people. They're trying to 'convert' you, seriously? Being gay isn't a choice, gay people know this, so trying to convert someone would be pretty redundant.
I love how people think their religious beliefs somehow excuses their homophobia. Sorry, you're still an asshole.
Also, the only person who has to follow your religious belief's rules is you. No one else does, only you.
No one is asking you to be gay.
Buddy if you are scared of being "converted" it means they would easily turn you into one of them, if they actually did that of course.
By cloning each other?
As a Florida man of two weeks, I take umbrage at that remark!
I agree with this, you can be religious and accept gay people, look at me for example =] I don't get why so many religious people use religion as an excuse to be homophobic.
Oogly boogly boo, I am the fabled gay missionary, here to convert insecure straight men to the D. Fear me and despair ooooooooooohhhhh.
Its people like you that make religion a lot easier to tolerate.
I don't know what you're saying...was this directed towards me?
Yeah. I was agreeing with your previous comment. Sorry for any confusion.
Its okay, just wanted to make sure.
Why thank you good sir
omg ily
I wouldn't call them disgusting , but I'm not inviting them over to my house for Sunday Brunch.
Not my Cup of Tea
I don't really care what homosexuals do in their spare time.
What is the point of this thread, i don't get it.
Are you trying to say that gay people are being mistreated in certain third world countries, or are you talking about Gay Marriage.
Some homosexuals are mistreated, even in America. That's why I made this thread because it's an important issue.
Ignore this.
Good rant, man.
I feel the same way.
People have the right to whatever religious belief and not be told that they suck. These people are simply saying why THEY don't support it because of their religious beliefs. Nobody's forcing religion on anybody, so calm the fuck down.
"Then fucking fine"
That reminded me of Carver. XD
I agree though.
Guys this thread is getting out of hand. I'm having it locked if this keeps up.
You realized
Yep agree with this so much
You didn't call them a (just making a joke, please don't get offended anyone)
"A dogshit group of religious fucks"
( I just replaced crippled with religious from Carver's speech, i'm not looking for a ban)
You mean you'll have a mod close it?
If the insults like what EpicMustacheGUy continue then yes, I will. I made this thread for people to be able to share their opinions, and it's been derailed by a religious discussion.
That doesn't surprise me. These sorta issues always attract religious discussion. Its a sad fact, but true.
Still, I'd prefer to keep the topic on gay rights instead. But if we are having a religious discussion, I'd prefer that insults weren't traded.
I agree with you.
And ignore this, too.
Because I don't feel like that :P
I did not insult, I asked you to calm down and stop telling people they suck. And I meant that nobody's forcing religion on anyone in THIS THREAD. You even said that you're insulting them. Why do you feel the need to say "You have your religious beliefs, then fine. You're a dumbass"? That was not necessary at all.
Well you can truly blame Rosemary for the whole religious thing.
Both of you please, lets just stop this. This thread has gone away from the very topic we were talking about. If you want to carry on, do it in a private message, ok?
I know it was just another Carver quote (altered) I thought could fit there since he said it before he said "then fucking fine".