Yisterday, I bot a trumpit off of ebiy for 45 dolars. Wen it arrived at my howz, it wuz a gold trumpit, which wuz werd cuz trumpetz r yooshally sulvir. Wen I tok out teh trumpt, it cummed with blod red valv oil an a corroded mouth piece. i pit teh blod red valve ol into mai trompet an wen i pley et, it spurt blod all ovur mai wal. I went to slep and then i hed a nitemaer about a trompet eatin me aliv. Wen i wok up, a trumboen wuz settin next tu my deth trompet. I went tu teh batroom to hied an tek a big nastee shet. Teh trombpet an trumboen falowd me an tehn they kelld me. teh trombun used itz slide to fuk me in teh assholes and teh trumpot suofucated me. I ded in teh end cuz thatz how i wrot tes creepypasta. Des is wut teh trompet looked liek Des wuz teh trumboen
You forgot the hyper realistic blood. And of all the things you have posted Pun.
Actually, most of the trumpets I've seen are gold. Cool story, though.
This is why you're my friend, Pun.
u fukin fagit
Fak u 1v1 me m8
(?) Puncake will remember that.
Fak u.
il fuking 1v1 ur mum fagit
(?) Raging_Blades will remember this.
I wasn't planning on sleeping tonight anyway