Character name: bloop
Class: Middle
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Weapon specialty: Deadly in hand to hand combat, but very good with swords, decent in bow and arrow's
Golden had been welcomed into the Conspiracy but he didn't know the whole truth about what happened. Golden came from a distant land and only arrived after Green was in charge. The locals know the story and Green's past...Is ruthless.
Lee- Before Green...There were the Mods. The Mods were a powerful group of people, they ruled over the nation with a calm and peaceful hand. They were an Oligarchy and enforced the rules. The rules were made by the Gods. The Mods were well accepted till an incident...
Golden- Incident?
Creeping- Not something good...It sparked The Great War.
Golden- Great War?
Lee- We're are getting there... Anyway this incident involved a small change in the system...The people didn't like this. One Mod,whos name we don't say in respect tried,to greet the people peacefully. They rioted...Killing her...After that the Mods cracked down. The Mods killed and enforced rules harder than usual. The people...didn't like this. A conspiracy started to stop the Mods...Guess who was leading them.
Golden- Green?
Lee- Close...Her husband. He was the face of the Conspiracy and resulting Rebellion, however Green was the brains behind it. The Rebels captured a Mod and killed him then attacked the Capital. The only surviving Mod was Blind, he escaped while Green took over. Blind disappeared into the mountains and the people rejoiced at the Rebel victory.
Golden- Why?
Lee- I don't know...The Mods were nice to us....They kept the peace with rightful justice. All of them didn't deserve the treatment given to them. Anyway when the nation went into a new government they went into a Monarchy. Green's husband was the Emperor, she didn't like this. During the war Green made a few friends...One of which was the Assassin Order. She ordered the Assassins to kill her husband...and in the resulting morning...He was dead. The country grieved for her loss without knowing her crimes...She took over and then you arrived. We can stop her...
Prologue 1-4
Golden had been welcomed into the Conspiracy but he didn't know the whole truth about what happened. Golden came from a dist… moreant land and only arrived after Green was in charge. The locals know the story and Green's past...Is ruthless.
Lee- Before Green...There were the Mods. The Mods were a powerful group of people, they ruled over the nation with a calm and peaceful hand. They were an Oligarchy and enforced the rules. The rules were made by the Gods. The Mods were well accepted till an incident...
Golden- Incident?
Creeping- Not something good...It sparked The Great War.
Golden- Great War?
Lee- We're are getting there... Anyway this incident involved a small change in the system...The people didn't like this. One Mod,whos name we don't say in respect tried,to greet the people peacefully. They rioted...Killing her...After that the Mods cracked down. The Mods killed and enforced rules harder than usual. The peopl… [view original content]
Prologue 1-4
Golden had been welcomed into the Conspiracy but he didn't know the whole truth about what happened. Golden came from a dist… moreant land and only arrived after Green was in charge. The locals know the story and Green's past...Is ruthless.
Lee- Before Green...There were the Mods. The Mods were a powerful group of people, they ruled over the nation with a calm and peaceful hand. They were an Oligarchy and enforced the rules. The rules were made by the Gods. The Mods were well accepted till an incident...
Golden- Incident?
Creeping- Not something good...It sparked The Great War.
Golden- Great War?
Lee- We're are getting there... Anyway this incident involved a small change in the system...The people didn't like this. One Mod,whos name we don't say in respect tried,to greet the people peacefully. They rioted...Killing her...After that the Mods cracked down. The Mods killed and enforced rules harder than usual. The peopl… [view original content]
Prologue 1-4
Golden had been welcomed into the Conspiracy but he didn't know the whole truth about what happened. Golden came from a dist… moreant land and only arrived after Green was in charge. The locals know the story and Green's past...Is ruthless.
Lee- Before Green...There were the Mods. The Mods were a powerful group of people, they ruled over the nation with a calm and peaceful hand. They were an Oligarchy and enforced the rules. The rules were made by the Gods. The Mods were well accepted till an incident...
Golden- Incident?
Creeping- Not something good...It sparked The Great War.
Golden- Great War?
Lee- We're are getting there... Anyway this incident involved a small change in the system...The people didn't like this. One Mod,whos name we don't say in respect tried,to greet the people peacefully. They rioted...Killing her...After that the Mods cracked down. The Mods killed and enforced rules harder than usual. The peopl… [view original content]
Prologue 1-4
Golden had been welcomed into the Conspiracy but he didn't know the whole truth about what happened. Golden came from a dist… moreant land and only arrived after Green was in charge. The locals know the story and Green's past...Is ruthless.
Lee- Before Green...There were the Mods. The Mods were a powerful group of people, they ruled over the nation with a calm and peaceful hand. They were an Oligarchy and enforced the rules. The rules were made by the Gods. The Mods were well accepted till an incident...
Golden- Incident?
Creeping- Not something good...It sparked The Great War.
Golden- Great War?
Lee- We're are getting there... Anyway this incident involved a small change in the system...The people didn't like this. One Mod,whos name we don't say in respect tried,to greet the people peacefully. They rioted...Killing her...After that the Mods cracked down. The Mods killed and enforced rules harder than usual. The peopl… [view original content]
Prologue 1-4
Golden had been welcomed into the Conspiracy but he didn't know the whole truth about what happened. Golden came from a dist… moreant land and only arrived after Green was in charge. The locals know the story and Green's past...Is ruthless.
Lee- Before Green...There were the Mods. The Mods were a powerful group of people, they ruled over the nation with a calm and peaceful hand. They were an Oligarchy and enforced the rules. The rules were made by the Gods. The Mods were well accepted till an incident...
Golden- Incident?
Creeping- Not something good...It sparked The Great War.
Golden- Great War?
Lee- We're are getting there... Anyway this incident involved a small change in the system...The people didn't like this. One Mod,whos name we don't say in respect tried,to greet the people peacefully. They rioted...Killing her...After that the Mods cracked down. The Mods killed and enforced rules harder than usual. The peopl… [view original content]
I just realized how unloyal I sound right now.
It's okay...Wait...You're under Green's rule...You're going to get executed. XD
Wait! I'm to young to die!
It's okay...I won't kill you in my story.
I got friends in high places.
However I already have plans for you. :P
I liked where it began but not ended.'ll say that about your place in the story too. :P
You should put my birthday in the story, I'm turning fifteen on Tuesday!
You won't last long if you go against my nation.
I'll try best, I'm turning 15 in a few months too.
Cool! What month?
Your birthday is March?
Ayyyy March is best month B]
Forum ate your post, but yes my birthday is in March.
My birthday is in November. (Odd man out)
Happy early birthday then :P
actually its not that early, its on Tuesday.
Ayyy nice :P
Yeah, gonna be 15!
Not bad! =]
Character name: bloop
Class: Middle
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Weapon specialty: Deadly in hand to hand combat, but very good with swords, decent in bow and arrow's
Welcome to the cause friend!
Prologue 1-4
Golden had been welcomed into the Conspiracy but he didn't know the whole truth about what happened. Golden came from a distant land and only arrived after Green was in charge. The locals know the story and Green's past...Is ruthless.
Lee- Before Green...There were the Mods. The Mods were a powerful group of people, they ruled over the nation with a calm and peaceful hand. They were an Oligarchy and enforced the rules. The rules were made by the Gods. The Mods were well accepted till an incident...
Golden- Incident?
Creeping- Not something good...It sparked The Great War.
Golden- Great War?
Lee- We're are getting there... Anyway this incident involved a small change in the system...The people didn't like this. One Mod,whos name we don't say in respect tried,to greet the people peacefully. They rioted...Killing her...After that the Mods cracked down. The Mods killed and enforced rules harder than usual. The people...didn't like this. A conspiracy started to stop the Mods...Guess who was leading them.
Golden- Green?
Lee- Close...Her husband. He was the face of the Conspiracy and resulting Rebellion, however Green was the brains behind it. The Rebels captured a Mod and killed him then attacked the Capital. The only surviving Mod was Blind, he escaped while Green took over. Blind disappeared into the mountains and the people rejoiced at the Rebel victory.
Golden- Why?
Lee- I don't know...The Mods were nice to us....They kept the peace with rightful justice. All of them didn't deserve the treatment given to them. Anyway when the nation went into a new government they went into a Monarchy. Green's husband was the Emperor, she didn't like this. During the war Green made a few friends...One of which was the Assassin Order. She ordered the Assassins to kill her husband...and in the resulting morning...He was dead. The country grieved for her loss without knowing her crimes...She took over and then you arrived. We can stop her...
Creeping- We can make a new order!
Awesomeo- A better Order!
Lee- Our Order!....So,are you with us?
Golden-...YES! Viva-La-Revolution!
End of Chapter
The Vive La Revolution has begun! >:D
Three more prologue chapters.
Well, i failed. XD
However the Conspiracy is much alive.
Stop hacking my story files. :P
It has begun...
But in the end the mods always win.
Blind will come one day to smite us all down with his crowd control bat. Just a theory
Comment disappeared
Gustac backstabs Green and takes the throne for himself, called it.
I'm not ready for war! I in? XD I know my character application was a bit...odd XD
Rebels of all the Empire, we shall unite!