To the person above me.
I sent an angel to look over you at night. The angel came back a minute later and I asked it why. It told me angels don't watch other angels.
To the person above me.
I sent an angel to look over you at night. The angel came back a minute later and I asked it why. It told me angels don't watch other angels.
My sistah. She made basket head which is awesome. And I wouldn't want to live a life where I've never talked to her. .
Edit: no homo I just realized that sounds kind of weird. o_O
Better writer then me, we played civ, he's hilarious when he's drunk(or semi-drunk), cool accent, has an underscore in their name like me , likes cool shows like SnK, and a wonderful friend.
My shipping bro, good fan fic and posts, golden heart, insightful statements and opinion that I might not entirely agree on but are perfectly valid. Interesting avatar.
My shipping bro, good fan fic and posts, golden heart, insightful statements and opinion that I might not entirely agree on but are perfectly valid. Interesting avatar.
@GoldenPaladin - a true golden guy, reasonable and funny, and the good storywriter (from what I've seen so far). Also, the rumours say he's Luke reincarnated. Suspicious, I'd say.
@GoldenPaladin - a true golden guy, reasonable and funny, and the good storywriter (from what I've seen so far). Also, the rumours say he's Luke reincarnated. Suspicious, I'd say.
Edit: ignore this I screwed up. XDD
To the person above me.
I sent an angel to look over you at night. The angel came back a minute later and I asked it why. It told me angels don't watch other angels.
It's ImmortalHD from The Creatures.
Kaneki is one smart sonuvabitch, makes a mean can of beans too.
Thats a fast angel!
And you should look before you posted that...You said it to the kwaii devil themself!
No offense @Green613
He's awesome and likes to eat shower gel.
Dont_Look_Back is funny and made some of the best TWD threads I've seen.
Also, her username is sorely in need of an apostrophe.
Created Gavinism, oh wait, I'm supposed to find something positive.
JK, JK, it is sort of positive.
A fellow Canadian, therefore he is awesome.
My sistah. She made basket head which is awesome. And I wouldn't want to live a life where I've never talked to her. .
Edit: no homo I just realized that sounds kind of weird. o_O
A really nice gal. It's great talking to her. And she's just a really great person in general. :P
She also saved us from cannibals.
te amo girly ♥♥ ^-^
Hehe Carol went Rambo.
Saved my ass.
@Gustav_Kenny Promised someone he wouldn't drink BUT HE DID.
Oh wait I need to say something nice... He's pure aryan #mastarace (jk they ain't nothin)
Introduced me to one of the best shows ever. Now one of my favorites. Is in fact awesome, and was a cute baby.
It's my mission to spread SnK like genital herpes.
@Raging_Blades Complete and utter skrub, I have nothing nice to say about him. Except that Boyd avatar is pretty dank.
@Green613 is exceptionally spooky this Halloween.
Thank you :]
@dojo32161 is the best 360noscoper on the interwebs
Has a Fallout icon, which makes him infinitely cool.
You're an awesome guy and one of my best friends on this site!
@BlueShadiw is obviously smart bc he likes nick and came up with a good alternative for "shadow"
@Ellias is fuckin' great, he likes Nick just as must as I do. He's nice. You still have to catch me that shiny magikarp tho.
Better writer then me, we played civ, he's hilarious when he's drunk(or semi-drunk), cool accent, has an underscore in their name like me , likes cool shows like SnK, and a wonderful friend.
whispers Gustadines cough Gustonni cough
People just skipped me...Alrighty then...
My shipping bro, good fan fic and posts, golden heart, insightful statements and opinion that I might not entirely agree on but are perfectly valid. Interesting avatar.
@GoldenPaladin - a true golden guy, reasonable and funny, and the good storywriter (from what I've seen so far). Also, the rumours say he's Luke reincarnated. Suspicious, I'd say.
Someone who likes The Walking Dead, and wants a Doug, Larry, and Carley DLC. Oh and I think he's Sam Jackson from his profile pic.
I'm pretty sure that's actually just Lee without his facial hair :P
How did you know? That was a secret.
It's pretty obvious with the face he's making and the shirt is a dead giveaway :P
Shhh. No one can know.