So why was the original voice actor for Rhys recast?
Sam Witwer was originally suppose to be voicing Rhys
I know from the early previews people said his version of Rhys was more unlikable so maybe that's why they decided to recast
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Where did it say that?
Which would also explain why we had to wait so long for the trailer...
I am a bit sad that Sam Witwer isn't going to voice Rhys...I think he is a great voice actor. Maybe, his voice doesn't fit Rhys?
Telltale originally announced Sam Witwer as the voice of Rhys, however Telltale announced a few moments ago that he's now played by Troy Baker.
There could be many reasons as to why they decided to change voice actor. The same thing happened during season 1 of The Walking Dead, they originally had a different voice actor for Lee and recorded all of episode 1 before replacing him with Dave Fennoy.
Not to mention, going all the way back to Telltale's early years, they recast Max for episode 2 of the first season of Sam & Max because Andrew Chaikin had health issues.
As far as I know though, that was the only time that Telltale ever specifically stated why they replaced the previous actor, so it's quite likely we won't get to know why they replaced the voice actor for Rhys.
I'm disappointed he isn't. I'm tired of Troy Baker.
Both voice actors are great but I must say, I'm a big fan of Troy Baker.
I want to know why Handsome Jack sounds completely different in the trailer.
It may have something to do with the fact that Witwer has been dating Hartwick's recent ex, Chloe Dykstra. Can't imagine they'd have an easy time pulling off besties.
It's still Dameon Clarke, the same voice actor he's always had. I didn't think he sounded different...
Are you playing Pre Sequel right now? He sounds a bit different in that one because he's younger/not yet fully psychotic. Maybe you're just used to that version of his voice right now? :P
Anyways, as for Rhys... I'm a fan of Troy Baker, so I don't mind. Maybe they just didn't like the way things were working out with the original voice? Troy's also pretty damn popular these days, so him being attached will probably help the game get a bit more attention.
Who cares Troy Baker is voicing him!. Not to shit on the other guy but baker is awesome. also north is in the game, I was like holy shit two of naughty dog's heavy hitters. I love too see either one of them for the walking dead or wolf among is
I am fan both Sam Witwer and Troy Baker. Yes Tory Baker is in pretty much everything now days - he had a massive break out in 2013 he played Joel in the Last of Us, Jake Muller in RE6, the joker in batman arkham origins and a role in Bioshock, he has the voice I love his work. Sam Witwer Isn't as famous, he dose great work as a voice actor, he did the voice for Darth Maul in star wars the clone wars - he wasn't recognisable, you didn't hear Sam Witwer's voice you really heard Darth Maul from star wars the phantom menace. I was looking forward for Sam, in my opinion he doesn't get enough credit so him being in a tell-tale game would be awesome. They didn't went with it
. I have no doubt that Troy Baker will do a great job, I just feel sorry for Sam Witwer, to put your voice into something creative as a tell-tale project and things are going smoothly, then you get replaced the last min.
I hope Sam gets another role in either Tales or Games of Thrones.
Me too, I really do want to see Sam Witwer in more video games.
What??? Mind blown.
i am sure they based the character on sam witwer originally, but maybe they might tweak the facial features to look a bit more like troy baker
Apart from motion capture most characters don't look or design to look like voice actors. Tell-tale seems to be exception.
I really don't want to sound mean by saying this, but I'm getting tired of Troy Baker. He's literally the next Nolan North. Got one breakout role and now he's doing leading roles all over the place. With TFTBL coming out, he's done four games this year where he's voiced the lead character (them being Infamous Second Son, Shadow of Mordor, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, this (TFTBL) and Lego Batman 3. He's also playing the main antagonist of Far Cry 4.
Honestly, I have huge respect for Troy Baker. He really is a talented voice actor (and actor as a matter of fact), but he has got to the point where I'm rather tired of hearing him play the lead protagonist in every game I play now. Heck I've been playing Halo The Master Chief Collection the last while, and I found it refreshing playing as a protagonist who wasn't voiced by him.
Nolan North had the same thing happen to him when he got the roles of Nathan Drake and Desmond Miles, he simmered down through time though. Though I have a feeling he'll rekindle it when Uncharted 4 comes out.
Wow, didn't know that Lee VA tidbit. Did Telltale ever say who the original voice actor for Lee was?
telltale use motion capture? i dont think so...
I have never heard them say the original voice actors name, they probably want to keep it a secret.
Ah not that's not what I am saying at all.
I am saying the characters that voice actor/s DO NOT look like their character/s. If a game/ game series characters look like the voice actors who plays them its because of motion capture. The actor put on the dots and they movement/ expressions are recorded. Then the animators bring to life using the movement a design to follow.
Tell-tale is the only company that I know that design the characters to look slightly like the voice actors, WITHOUT using motion capture.
Who would turn down Tory Baker?Not me,but I do understand when people say he's everywhere.
I personally don't mind that he is everywhere. Also, I think him and Laura Bailey usually have great chemistry with their characters. Maybe that's why Telltale hired them to play the protagonists?
there are loads of games where the characters look sort of like the voice actors, it's a pretty common thing to do in films as well, even if the voice actor isn't necessarily famous, it just helps the face match the voice
Couldn't agree more. At least Nolan North is versatile. Troy uses his silly voice in almost every game.
Yeah about that. This why: Tory Baker is best friends with the voice actor Travis Willingham, who is married to Laura Bailey. So all three are close friends apparently
Infamous: Second son; Tory plays "Delsin Rowe" and Travis play "Reggie Rowe", In the game Delsin and Reggie are brothers. The characters were written around Tory and Travis friendship.
You can find about that from this video, the writers take advange of the good chemistry between Tory and Travis when witten/ creating second son->>
To be honest, having Sam Witwer announced as one of the main voice actors got me interested in the game. I'm not a fan of the Borderlands games but a huge fan of his voice acting in The Force Unleashed and Clone Wars so I was going to go for it.
After playing through Last of Us, Bioshock Infinite, and Shadow of Mordor I honestly do appreciate Troy Baker a huge amount, but if every lead character continues to sound like him the immersion is gone.
Well, I rarely see Troy do comedies, so I like to how he can handle that. Unless of course, his voice role as Joker could be counted as comedy.
He played the Boss in Saints Row 3 and 4 if you select "Voice 1".
I honestly don't mind that Troy Baker plays so many characters because I'm a big fan of his. But in all fairness most of his stand out performances are when he's not using his normal voice like Joel, The Joker and the villain in Farcry 4. I'm surprised more developers don't allow him to be more versatile because that's when he's at his best.
I dont care whos voice Rhys will have. I just want the episodes too be entertaining.