Tales From The Borderlands meme and fun thread. (Mobile Warning)
So TWAU, TWD, and GOT all have one, so why not this one? You may put anything related to Borderlands that you like (so long as it follows basic guidelines).
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I'm waiting for someone to post a full playthrough of borderlands 2 since it has a shit ton of memes lol.
My favorite character in the game, right next to Handsome Jack. :P

Who here has seen the Claptrap Web Series that Gearbox made a few years back? It's pretty hilarious stuff!
I have! I forgot about the part where Scooter obtains General Knoxx's robot, pretty funny stuff.
Have you seen the machinima series of Tales from the HQ as well? It's a shame that the first video is marked as a private video for some reason out of the four.
I guess this would be considered the first video now.
Fun fact: New-U stations are not canon in the borderlands universe and only exist as a gameplay element.
I remember those ones! Weren't they made by college students or something?
Probably? I think the original video you're referring to was some art sketch slideshow thing that a college student did. I'm going to try to find the video if I can.
right because there is no other story holes in that perfect lore
Lol, what's your problem? Where in my comment have I even claimed that? Calm your tits.
This is a good one.
dont bitch, i said that the game has alot of story holes other then the respawn station. i didnt said you claimed anything
if you aren't responding to anything I said, don't reply to my comment. Simple as that.
So true...so damn true.
Honestly I'm playing borderlands 2 for the first time(my first borderlands games) and truthfully I hate claptrap he annoys me.
Glad I wasn't the only one who wondered about this. XD
how is that a troll you retard?
Talking like that makes you look like one retard.
so calling you retard makes me look like a retard? are you fucking stupid or somthing?
OH i see they deside to remove my comments for no reasone so:
so here is my response
"Wow! So mature of you calling random people stupid and commiting grammar mistakes, you are really a retard, BTW stop talking with this much aggressivenes you will look like a troll instead of just retarded"
youre the one came here to call me dumb troll nobody was even talking to you, and english is not my main language you cant even say a word in my language you see me calling you retard for that?
Wow! So mature of you calling random people stupid and commiting grammar mistakes, you are really a retard, BTW stop talking with this much aggressivenes you will look like a troll instead of just retarded.
Just don't go around disrespecting people, now have a nice day!
Every. Goddamn. Time.
My personal favorite Claptrap moment
Well, Rhys is well on his way to become the next Handsome Jack! :P
I always figured that at first it was because Jack's plan revolved around making use of the Vault Hunters and that later Angel kept him out of the New-U system.
Oh man. It always bugs me that the quick swap slots are upgrades that are only given later on in those games. It makes starting a new game kind of frustrating.
Yep. Having it auto-save AFTER you enter a new area would be better. You're never attacked right away, and it sure beats standing there waiting for the save to complete.
And I do it every time because he pays me!
saw this on Tumblr by an official cinematic artist from Telltale XD
eaither i didnt got it, or its not funny
Bro, do you even anime/manga?
Neat! TFTB Meme thread!
Gonna follow it.
pierre shorte wrote this?? isnt him the guy who wrote ep 3 or 4 for WD?? what the hell happened???