Why guys like to play as female character?

edited November 2014 in General Chat

Ok, so i noticed this a long time ago, and i'm sure you too, in any game where they let you create your own character regardless if it's online (eg.GTA Online) or single player (eg.Skyrim) a big percentage of males chose to play as a female character,i'm aware that a lot of those are just pervy guys,it's obvious by the way they dress them, but i don't think that's the case for everyone , and this doesn't happen with women, actually i've seen only one girl in GTA Online that uses a male character (there might be more, just that i haven't noticed), and docens of guys using female charcters, the same happens with most games i've played where they let you create you character,Why do you think this happens?

PS.I'm not against it, actually i've also created female characters too, i was just wondering why this happens



  • When I make female characters it's because of role playing purposes. I usually like to create a story...When I played GTA 4 Multiplayer with my friends I used this female model (For no real reason) and when I had GTA V I played as that same person pretending it was a continuation as her story.

    Usually it just helps me create up interesting stories and I dress them correctly and normally. I usually play as a guy but when I do make a female character I do it because it helps with role playing.

  • I don't really think it's all pervyness, maybe it's just cause they like to change things up a little since most games make you play as a guy? :P

  • edited November 2014

    Yeah,i don't think is all pervyness either, and yeah you might be right, companies should embrace the protagonism of women in videogames.

    Green613 posted: »

    I don't really think it's all pervyness, maybe it's just cause they like to change things up a little since most games make you play as a guy? :P

  • edited November 2014

    I created a female character for saint's row the third because I thought it would look bad ass to cause mayhem and destruction as a woman.

  • I started with a male but changed the gender on the middle of the story to see if anyone reacted XD, and then kept the female character, cause i liked it more than the male,and yeah it looked badass

    pcharl01 posted: »

    I created a female character for saint's row the third because I thought it would look bad ass to cause mayhem and destruction as a woman.

  • I actually see the opposite. Most men get rather annoyed and very sexist when a game has announced that there's going to be a female protagonist.

  • edited November 2014

    Yeah, that happens but when it's an established character like Lara Croft or Samus, but when you create the character men like to play as females for some reason, not the majority but a great percentage

    I actually see the opposite. Most men get rather annoyed and very sexist when a game has announced that there's going to be a female protagonist.

  • It's just that those percentage of men don't like the idea of a female protagonist, but if they play it, they end up loving it.

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    Yeah, that happens but when it's an established character like Lara Croft or Samus, but when you create the character men like to play as females for some reason, not the majority but a great percentage

  • For me, it's like...experimental purpose? I want to now how it is like to be a woman, at least a little (no gender swap or something 0.o). I also think that it's pretty badass if the young Lara Croft just goes full killer. In many games, I like to play as a woman, like Pokèmon for example. In Mass Effect though, I must say I prefer male Shepard.

    And I admit it, a little bit of pervyness too :3

  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited November 2014

    I would rather look at a womans ass than a mans ass while i play.

    Now, the REAL reason i do it, is because in some games, the voice actor for the female character is better, look at Female Commander Shepard in Mass Effect for example.

  • There's an old multiplayer BBS text game called L.O.R.D. (Legend Of the Red Dragon) which could get extremely silly, but in that game, it was helpful to be a female character because if so, you gave birth every day (provided you were fooling around, of course), and those children would risk their lives to save you if you were losing in a battle with a monster. If you were a male character, the children only risked their lives for you if you happened to be married to the female character the child popped out of one day. If you weren't married, your children didn't give a flip about you.

  • I still prefer John Shepard over Jane Shepard.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I would rather look at a womans ass than a mans ass while i play. Now, the REAL reason i do it, is because in some games, the voice actor for the female character is better, look at Female Commander Shepard in Mass Effect for example.

  • if the game is awesome and it just happens to be a female character ill play it. WD s2, i love clementine, the last of us is awesome when you play as her, i love it and i completely loved the DLC but i also hated playing like her cuz i hate getting kill and watching her die, and cuz you just feel small with her. but if the game gave me a choice to choose no i wouldnt cuz i put myself as the character. but if there is a good game with a great female character why not

  • I usually play a female role when available. I do this because most games your forced to play as a dude.

  • That's an interesting mechanic, and also sounds painful

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    There's an old multiplayer BBS text game called L.O.R.D. (Legend Of the Red Dragon) which could get extremely silly, but in that game, it wa

  • You lose 25% of your health each time during the birth and if you failed the corresponding QTE you would die.

    You also lose 10% of your stamina after the birth permanently.


    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    That's an interesting mechanic, and also sounds painful

  • edited November 2014

    Oh, and what if you gave birth 10 times? do you lose your stamina completely

    You lose 25% of your health each time during the birth and if you failed the corresponding QTE you would die. You also lose 10% of your stamina after the birth permanently. :P

  • You...again....Die.

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    Oh, and what if you gave birth 10 times? do you lose your stamina completely

  • edited November 2014

    Wut? What did i do to you Golden?

    Edit:Oh wait i think i misunderstood that, you mean the character dies?


  • No i misunderstood that, i thought you were telling me to die XD

    What? :P

  • What?


    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    Wut? What did i do to you Golden? Edit:Oh wait i think i misunderstood that, you mean the character dies?

  • Yeah...The character dies.


    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    Wut? What did i do to you Golden? Edit:Oh wait i think i misunderstood that, you mean the character dies?

  • Smaller hit boxes. Also I do it to screw with people. I made a female awoken warlock in Destiny for the sole purpose of surprising people when they see a female character and think, "oh a chick, I'll wreck her." And then I go 22-7, and I can only hope that they are ashamed. I'm guessing this actually has happened a number of occasions based on all the random friend requests and dance circles that have started around me while I was in my menus.

  • "I'll go change my sound settings"

    Goes into menus and comes back and there are 50 people dancing around you.

    Smaller hit boxes. Also I do it to screw with people. I made a female awoken warlock in Destiny for the sole purpose of surprising people

  • edited November 2014

    I like to be pretty, that's it.

    It's generally harder and in some games impossible to make a pretty male character so I just make a girl, if I can play as a pretty slightly effeminate looking guy I will though, and in Fallout New Vegas for example I found it downright impossible to make any kind of guy that looked good.

    I have a very specific style though so I don't really like it when they make some items "Male" or "Female" only as I'd probably dress them the same way, I kinda prefer my women to wear pants rather than skirts for example and I'm not really fond of skimpy clothing.

  • I am a female, when it comes to creating a character for a game - I will use a dragon age as an example. I will pick a female. I don't role-play I find female characters more relatable. yes I can see why a male will pick a female when creating a character because of pervert-ness. I have seen my brother as a kid doing it.

    females - don't get equal rights when it come to video games. generally when they show up it them being sexy trying to catch the male character's eye. when that happens you can see a male has made the game. there is more to females then just sex. honestly I find it really degrading

  • females - don't get equal rights when it come to video games.

    Please...Stop...There are tropes but they are for fun, there are tropes against men too. If you don't like how a woman isn't being portrayed in a video game don't play that game or ignore it. I've played tons of games and in about 70% women have been portrayed very well. I'm tired of hearing this from people.

    I am a female, when it comes to creating a character for a game - I will use a dragon age as an example. I will pick a female. I don't role

  • edited November 2014

    To be fair Golden a lot of female protagonists nowadays have some kind of sexual element

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    But personality wise most of them are well represented, i wouldn't say that women don't have equal rights on video games, but developers always tend to make them sexy or good looking at least and that's what she must be confusing with not having equal rights, also it's male gamer's fault they get really creative with rule 34 (not all of them)

    females - don't get equal rights when it come to video games. Please...Stop...There are tropes but they are for fun, there are trope

  • edited November 2014

    I feel like a lot of male characters are physically idealized as well.

    Bigby from TWAU, for example.

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    To be fair Golden a lot of female protagonists nowadays have some kind of sexual element But personality wise most of the

  • edited November 2014

    Yep, you're right about that, but they're generally covered by clothes cause they look "cooler" that way or they clothes are less thight

    Alt text,

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    plus you can show more on a male before it is conciderated inapropiated, that's why they are unnoticed in that aspect most of the time

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    Belan posted: »

    I feel like a lot of male characters are physically idealized as well. Bigby from TWAU, for example.

  • I must have been playing a different update. In my version, you weren't given a choice as to whether to have a baby or not (other than don't have sex, but what fun is that?), and you could have way more than 10 children, with no obvious loss of ability. They didn't cost anything to rear, either. They just happened to show up when you were about to die.

    Yeah...The character dies. XD

  • That's their purpose, to be sexy...Well, except Samus. Trust me i've accidentally stumbled upon rule 34 a few times...Women get creative on there too.

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    To be fair Golden a lot of female protagonists nowadays have some kind of sexual element But personality wise most of the

  • I never played, it was a joke. XD

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    I must have been playing a different update. In my version, you weren't given a choice as to whether to have a baby or not (other than don'

  • edited November 2014

    sorry for making you angry it wasn't my intention. In past games in the early 90's that I have played females were based as sex symbols and that's pretty much it. Now days its a lot better. Females are portrait as strong characters. they don't back down. Dragon Age is one of my games where I can create my own character and females in that series are protraited amazingly. Female characters have come a long way.

    Still Female characters aren't in the main role. for most games its about the men - I don't know why - because the makers of the game think that men characters can take more damaged : ( its weird.

    females - don't get equal rights when it come to video games. Please...Stop...There are tropes but they are for fun, there are trope

  • I wasn't angry, I was just tired of hearing that over and over again when it just ain't true.

    I really want to play DA but I can't....Damn you old consoles!

    Women are protagonists all the time, some times it is just better story telling to have it be a man.

    sorry for making you angry it wasn't my intention. In past games in the early 90's that I have played females were based as sex symbols and

  • I always figured it was because they enjoyed the male attention.

  • Dragon age is the best on the computer. it is a great game but it isn't made as consoles game. because of the size you need a massive hard dive

    It is true through females in the early games were protract as sex symbols. not now days. Yes that is true sorry it is getting tiring but it is true

    I wasn't angry, I was just tired of hearing that over and over again when it just ain't true. I really want to play DA but I can't....Dam

  • I have a laptop so no can do there.

    They were but now a days they aren't...As much. It is tiring and now and days people like Anita Sarkeessian just want women to be invincible and strong in every single game or it's sexist.

    Dragon age is the best on the computer. it is a great game but it isn't made as consoles game. because of the size you need a massive hard d

  • Yeah, i'm know that's their purpose, i'm just saying some girls take that as the developers being misogynist.

    That's their purpose, to be sexy...Well, except Samus. Trust me i've accidentally stumbled upon rule 34 a few times...Women get creative on there too.

  • Well then they are trying to use the victim complex.

    "A video game is oppressing me."

    Please, Antia Sarkeessian.

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    Yeah, i'm know that's their purpose, i'm just saying some girls take that as the developers being misogynist.

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