"Wow, that was...aggressive. Caught me off guard. Look, why don't we start over. If you guys aren't official racers, I'm supposed to shoot you in the face."
When you get a game over, one of the Stranger's reactions was pretty funny.
"And so then you died?"
I also thought Zer0's reaction to you telling him he was pretty cool was hilarious and unexpected to me.
Anything with Loader Bot and Meat Buddy.
Hell, there's so much to talk about. The polite bandit, everything about Vasquez, slapping Shade twice, breaking his heart and blowing his mind, and the action scenes were a lot of fun.
All the ones mentioned were grate I enjoyed the whole ep, it was fun from start to finish..
Another one I liked is when rhys and vaghn are stealing the motor home, and rhys says "its not what it looks like" then you see vaghn hot wiring the van the rhys says "ok it is what it looks like"
I especially liked Vaughn's reactions and facial expressions while Rhys is calling the guy Grease face. One of his lines is something like "look, my friend is really sorry. He's got some condition where he says really stupid crap just to see what will happen." I think that pretty accurately sums up the condition of everyone who would pick the grease face dialogue choices, haha.
When I did a replay and chose Break his Heart, that also made me laugh out loud. I was not expecting that result.
Let me ask you, when it switched to Fiona and you get to that point, did it replay differently? Because on mine Rhys fell to the ground and started crying and pleading.
The part where Rhys trys to knock out the bandit and fails miserably or the part where he trys to make a plan with the gang to sneak in to get the case and it's dramatically dramatized its funny
Let me ask you, when it switched to Fiona and you get to that point, did it replay differently? Because on mine Rhys fell to the ground and started crying and pleading.
All the crazy stuff happens at the end and just when you think it's over the loaderbot crashes down and just says "You suck". Fantastic tension releasing laugh.
Man, I laughed so freaking hard that everyone else in the house thought I was a maniac. Especially when I tried to explain what I was laughing at... XD
Break His Heart.
Man, I laughed so freaking hard that everyone else in the house thought I was a maniac. Especially when I tried to explain what I was laughing at... XD
Break His Heart.
Man, I laughed so freaking hard that everyone else in the house thought I was a maniac. Especially when I tried to explain what I was laughing at... XD
i didnt knew skrilex became a bandit
he isthe kind of guy who thinks everything that have a connections to balls or dicks is hallirious
When do you scan Felix/Fiona/Sasha? Every playthrough I've watched missed out on those options.
I think you can scan them when you step out of the caravan.
Thanks! Just found a playthrough that scanned them.
The oddly polite bandit who accosts Fiona and Vaughn at the hatch is pretty funny.
No problem
"Wow, that was...aggressive. Caught me off guard. Look, why don't we start over. If you guys aren't official racers, I'm supposed to shoot you in the face."
"I will hit you."
The "Fatality" moment was one of the best things I've come across this year. I really laughed out loud
The moment in which you try to kill the guard and you say to Sasha you can do it by yourself.
"Yeah, I will scratch them...really, really hard..."
When you get a game over, one of the Stranger's reactions was pretty funny.
"And so then you died?"
I also thought Zer0's reaction to you telling him he was pretty cool was hilarious and unexpected to me.
Anything with Loader Bot and Meat Buddy.
Hell, there's so much to talk about. The polite bandit, everything about Vasquez, slapping Shade twice, breaking his heart and blowing his mind, and the action scenes were a lot of fun.
When Rhys tries to take out the guard
All the moments that has been already mentioned
All the ones mentioned were grate I enjoyed the whole ep, it was fun from start to finish..
Another one I liked is when rhys and vaghn are stealing the motor home, and rhys says "its not what it looks like" then you see vaghn hot wiring the van the rhys says "ok it is what it looks like"
A lot of fun the whole EP..
There was so many but I laughed a lot at the whole teatime scenario.
Hahaha, thats classic!
Grease Face: He's got a greasy face.
I especially liked Vaughn's reactions and facial expressions while Rhys is calling the guy Grease face. One of his lines is something like "look, my friend is really sorry. He's got some condition where he says really stupid crap just to see what will happen." I think that pretty accurately sums up the condition of everyone who would pick the grease face dialogue choices, haha.
When I did a replay and chose Break his Heart, that also made me laugh out loud. I was not expecting that result.
When Rhys said "you'll need to get an eye in the back of your head, and I can be creeping up......behind you" then Vasquez punches him in the gut.
I laughed so much.
Let me ask you, when it switched to Fiona and you get to that point, did it replay differently? Because on mine Rhys fell to the ground and started crying and pleading.
The part where Rhys trys to knock out the bandit and fails miserably or the part where he trys to make a plan with the gang to sneak in to get the case and it's dramatically dramatized its funny
I absolutely loved making Fiona talk like one of the psychos. Just hilarious.
"I´m gonna kill you till you die from it!"
"Life come, life go... GO GO GO GO!"
Loader Bot just stole the show for me. Loader Bot is love. Loader Bot is life.
it was kreig reference, both poop trains and i have the shinyest meat bicycle are kreig's lines

It played the same way as yours crying and pleading.
At the very beginning I was already laughing out loud at this :
"Who are you ?"
"I ask the questions."
"Ok... So... Do you mind asking yourself who you are ?"
All the crazy stuff happens at the end and just when you think it's over the loaderbot crashes down and just says "You suck". Fantastic tension releasing laugh.
Who called the whaambulance only because it was from The Kid
And he looked so dramatic as well
I thought the interactions with Zer0 were pretty funny.
Rhys: You're...you're really cool...I just wanted you to know that.
Every one of Vasquez's lines.
For such a simple moment, it was still my favorite out of the whole episode. It's as cute as it is funny (which is a lot).
He sure like to talk about the private parts.
Break His Heart.
Man, I laughed so freaking hard that everyone else in the house thought I was a maniac. Especially when I tried to explain what I was laughing at... XD
The cock looking spaceship would have hisdick in a sling other wise
I was replaying the episode the other day and I notices that Rhys didn't even used his robot arm to pull August's heart out!
Nothing can beat Vaughn making it rain in 'break his heart' xD best scene ever!
"loaderbot will store that in memory"
Fiona headbutting the bandit, and the reaction that follows.
Bossanova forgetting to activate his voice synthesizer.
And everything else already mentioned..
Blow his Mind was even better in my opinion, I was crying
When I didn't watched the credits. It said Telltale Studios will remember that. I lost it there.