Favorite video game protaganist?
The title is self-explanatory. Anyway, here are mine. In no particular order:
Big Boss and Solid Snake: Metal Gear Solid
Commander Shepard: Mass Effect
Gordon Freeman: Half-Life
John Marston: Red Dead Redemption
Niko Bellic: Grand Theft Auto IV
Ezio Auditore: Assassin's Creed
Those were some are could name of my head. How about yours?
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Max Payne: Max payne
Niko Bellic: Grand Theft Auto IV
The lone wanderer: Fallout 3
Leon Kennedy: Resident Evil 4
Master Chief: Halo
Link: The Legend of Zelda
Booker DeWitt
Nah man, this badass triumphs all.
Ain't nobody on his level.
Max Payne from... take a guess.
Courier 6 from Fallout: New Vegas.
The Jedi Exile from KOTOR 2.
Silas Greaves from Call of Juarez Gunslinger.
Oh, really? How about this crazy son of bitch?
Sly Cooper
Nathan Drake
Lee Everett.
Don't know if this counts, but...
Shit, you got me there. Link is pretty OP.
no order..
Lee- Walking Dead
Clementine- also WD
Niko- GTA IV
All the protagonist from GTA 5
Joel & Ellie- the last of us
Bigby Wolf- Wolf Among Us
Hajime Hinata- Danganronpa 2
Altair and Desmond Miles and Ezio
Lara Croft
Commander Shepard
I missed alot I know, but those are off the top of my head.
Favourite because it's good to play as the character or because he/she is interesting character? You know, playing as Freeman is cool but we don't know much about him, we don't see his face, guy's mute. Clementine was great but not as protagonist.
I liked Lee Everett and Bigby. James Sunderland was fine. Nico Bellic too, despite the sh****, slow buggy pc port.
I'll name a few that weren't mentioned above!
BJ Blazkowicz - Wolfenstein series
Corvo Attano - Dishonored
Adam Jensen - Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Ethan Thomas - Condemned series
Jack - Bioshock
Lee/Clem - TWD, Max Payne - Max Payne series, Bigby Wolf - Wolf Among US, Ezio - AC2, and Walker - Spec Ops: The Line.
imo Nintendo has pretty much become irrelevant at this point in video games.
I like Max Payne 3 when he pukes in the sink, memories....
We all been there.
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider reboot)
Bigby Wolf (Wolf Among Us)
Lee Everett (Walking Dead)
Zer0 (Borderlands 2)
Wilhelm the Enforcer (Borderlands TPS)
Joel and Ellie (The Last of Us)
And me,myself, and I :P (Skyrim)
Oh you did not just diss Nintendo bro.
It's like you ripped the answer straight from my mind.
Have an internet cookie.
In no particular order.
Makoto Yuuki/Minato Arisato/ P3 Protagonist
Lee Everett
Lloyd Irving
Commander Shepard
Though, if I had to choose one from the list... it would most likely be Makoto Yuuki.
Desmond Grand.
The character I create in games!

And, as others have mentioned, Commander Shepard from Mass Effect.
Max Payne, Solid Snake, Big Boss, Booker Dewit, John Marston, Cole McGrath, Kratos
Cate Archer from No One Lives Forever
Regina from Dino Crisis
Ada Wong from Resident Evil
Heather Mason from Silent Hill 3
James Sunderland from Silent Hill 2
Lee Everett
Carl Johnson from *Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
John 117 - Halo
David Young - D4
Jak - Jak and Daxter
Ratchet - Ratchet and Clank
Niko Bellic - Grand Theft Auto 4
Bigby Wolf - The Wolf Among Us
Ezio Auditore - Assassin's Creed
Ok I couldn't put this in order if I wanted to so I will just tell you guys them in particular order:
Joel / Ellie from the Last of us/ Left Behind
Clementine/Lee from walking dead
The Prince from Prince of Persia: sand of times and the two thrones (I hate him in the second game)
The Point-man from the f.e.a.r series, also Paxton Fettal (in the first 5 games he was the bad guy, but he comes playable in f.e.a.r 3
Gex from the Gex series, I played the first game as a kid and really loved it, I would love to play it again if I ever got it work on windows 7
spyro the dragon - I played a bit of the first game when I was visting family and I remember loving it but never got to finish it
oh yeah and Shadow the hedgehog from Sonic adventure 2 (back when he was a hero, when they bring his character back from the dead they make him a anti-hero)
I love how Link looks but he isn't really much of a character so real characters..

Max Payne, why? Typical Noire detective but self-aware enough to know that he is a cliché and makes jokes about it and also how ridiculous the game is but still manages to feel like he's played straight, I don't know he's kind off perfect in Max Payne 1 in 2 he's pretty good too but they kinda toned down the self-awareness a bit but he's still great in that, Max Payne 3 just sucks though, I mean the story, it just completely misses the point of the character and ignores the character development he had on the second game, or at least it seemed like that from the little I played of it because I couldn't stomach that piece of shit for more than half an hour, I mean the shooting felt good but at the same time it was too directed and it kind off really annoyed me, maybe it's just that the beginning of that game sucks but I kinda uninstalled it after how much I didn't like it, which sucks because I love 1 & 2 but losing Remedy's writers really killed it.

Sgt. Cortez from TimeSplitters: Future Perfect, he has no personality in the previous games but he's just hilarious in Future Perfect, I don't know why I love him so much, he's just a dopey space soldier that travels through time saying lame catchphrases and being generally silly, but he's great.

Does Flint from Mother 3 count? You only use him in the beginning of the game, he's mostly like a tutorial but of you've played that some shit goes down in the beginning of that game and they are able to express so much emotion with his character using only sprites, because whatever character you're using is silent but only while you use them, so yeah that little pixelated guy managed to make me feel his grief only with the music the game was playing and his animations and it was fantastic, so fantastic I actually finished the whole game just because that one moment sold me on it completely and I rarely ever finish RPGs, that game is really good though.

Locke from FFVI was a pretty good charismatic Rogue and I loved him, he wasn't really the protagonist but that game switches protagonists around throughout the story though it's mostly about Terra who is pretty good too, anyway I liked Locke because I like thieves a lot and he was a good take on that and whatever.
That's all I can think off for the moment, well not counting Telltale's games anyway but if I included Telltale characters I'd just say Bigby, I liked Lee but he's not my favourite and I loved Clementine but at the same time I kinda thought she was poorly executed as a protagonist, Bigby hits all the right notes but I kinda have a weakness for Noire detectives and I already had Max Payne, Cole Phelp's isn't here because I actually haven't played much of L.A. Noire, odd I probably should fix that, but from the little I saw he seemed a bit too cliché to be a favourite, same thing with Adam Jensen from Human Revolution.
I'll eat it with an internet milk.
Lee and Clementine - The Walking Dead
/ Booker DeWitt - Bioshock Infinite
/ Bigby Wolf - The Wolf Among Us
/Trevor - GTA V
/ Jodie - Beyond Two Souls
/John Marston - Red Dead Redemption
/ Lara Croft - Tomb Raider
/Rhys - Tales From The Borderlands (Yeah, I already like him a lot
Lee/ Clem
Mine are:
Joel and Ellie
Lara Croft
April Ryan (from "The Longest Journey")
Ethan (Game of Thrones)
Nathan Drake
James Sunderland
Jodie Holmes (Beyond Two Souls)
No order