A horrifying thought



  • o.O Another Cl4p-Tp

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Implants dont put personalities in your mind, Rhys got Handsome Jack in his mind when he plugged in Nakayamas ID chip or what it was, wich had some sort of Handsome Jack AI clone on it wich is now in Rhys mind

  • I'm scraptrap, here for all your door-opening needs.

    CL4P-TR4P posted: »

    o.O Another Cl4p-Tp

  • edited December 2014

    Pffft - that pitiful little code monkey wishes he looked like me!

    Look at that chiselled jaw, those strong, arched brows, and that perfectly coiffed hair...

    Wait, what was I saying? I got lost in those dreamy eyes.

    Deathtrap posted: »

    as far as i know this is the only time it has happens in any of the games and besides Rhys i'm hard pressed to come up with anyone else with

  • lol this just made my day XD

    Pffft - that pitiful little code monkey wishes he looked like me! Look at that chiselled jaw, those strong, arched brows, and that perfectly coiffed hair... Wait, what was I saying? I got lost in those dreamy eyes.

  • hm guess you have a point there but those ones always seamed to be hand made i was talking more along the lines of rhys which is more advanced to get another one of those you would probably have to be rich. and yes please if that Gaige thing actually happens i will be so happy

    You don't really have to be too rich, both hammerlock in bl2 and helena in bl1 had arm (and leg) implants and they got them on pandora so...

  • oic...you call everyone pumpkin....I see you called me that in my other thread..

    And why exactly is that horrifying, pumpkin? Sounds like a pretty good ending to me... Not that I'm biased or anything.

  • edited December 2014

    and i'm a D374-TP otherwise know as deathtrap originally here for your anit-bulling need but now for your bandit killing needs

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I'm scraptrap, here for all your door-opening needs.

  • ?

    sorry, double post feel free to delete it

  • Something tells me that Tales is your first trip to Pandora, right Kiddo?

    Dubz13 posted: »

    oic...you call everyone pumpkin....I see you called me that in my other thread..

  • Rhys as the new evil head of Hyperion with a bronzed statue of his nemesis. Sasha as his bad girl Girlfriend. Fiona and Vaughn a couple and Vault Hunters now.

    Ok really we all know Yvette is going to end up in charge of Hyperion. This isnt Dragon Age where you can choose who becomes the Divine. Though it be nice to
    X. for Fiona
    B. for Rhys
    A. for Vaughn
    Y. for Yvette
    Press Nothing. for Moxxi

  • Jack, everyone has to be new at one point.

    Just don't send a W4R-D3N after them for it. Or an army of Loader Bots. Or try to blow up the train they're coming in on.

    Something tells me that Tales is your first trip to Pandora, right Kiddo?

  • Rhys' implants are Hyperion Grade, so it would follow that he upgraded them by moving up in Hyperion! That is the whole plan for Rhys, Vaughn and Yvette, to move up in Hyperion and take control. Overthrowing Vasquez is a given in the storyline and since we start at what seems like the middle and play through a flash back in Ep.1, the changes in the characters looks and clothing means SERIOUS changes have happened. Also, I am liking the involvement of more Vault Hunters (Gaige being the one go to for tech upgrades on Pandora)! Also fleshing out the bandits into their true hilarity instead of one note ponies has been my favorite parts of this series so far!

    Deathtrap posted: »

    hm guess you have a point there but those ones always seamed to be hand made i was talking more along the lines of rhys which is more advanc

  • I only need a spoon...

    Lack-Jaw posted: »

    Jack, everyone has to be new at one point. Just don't send a W4R-D3N after them for it. Or an army of Loader Bots. Or try to blow up the train they're coming in on.

  • true but until he get there he has to put up with the handsome jack AI unless he has money since Hyperion kinda liked him out from my understanding of it(and yes i know he has a new arm in the beginning part) and(if you ask me at that point hes even more handsome jack like)

    Fugufish428 posted: »

    Rhys' implants are Hyperion Grade, so it would follow that he upgraded them by moving up in Hyperion! That is the whole plan for Rhys, Vaugh

  • Here, have a spork and go nuts!

    ::] hides behind rocks and activates Neogenator shield [::

    I only need a spoon...

  • Same here, a bit like that:


    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    For some reason I really wish for this to happen. It would be pretty hilarious to see Rhys being attacked by his own arm while others are just like "Wtf is wrong with you" |D

  • I'd rather this is the last story with Jack.

    He's a great villain but he's going to get so overplayed. We need a new villain for the next Borderlands game. They might not be as good as Jack, but it's going to get very tired by retreading Jack; it would damage his character.

  • I completely agree The TPS makes it look like Lilith is becoming evil.

    Trentest0 posted: »

    I'd rather this is the last story with Jack. He's a great villain but he's going to get so overplayed. We need a new villain for the next

  • I bet the story will end with Jack being resurrected with what ever is in the vault.

  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited December 2014

    I thought everyone would like to know in The PreSequel Nakayama gives a mission called Handsome AI where the player char asks Jack questions in order to create a Jack AI. heres my transcript as the jack doppleganger

    Doppleganger:why are we awesome?


    Doppleganger:Do we have a wife or kids?

    Jack: Next Question

    Doppleganger:What was our childhood like?

    Jack:(cant remember specifics I think 1 parent died 1 ran off. He was a nerdy code monkey he had a cat but his abusive grandma drowned it when he didnt clean his room)You know just a normal childhood

    Doppleganger:How would you like to die?

    Jack:I dunno someplace warm (Like the Warriors vault?) with an attractive woman (like Lilith Maya Gaige?) Wait I thought the point of this was to make me immortal.

    Nakayama:You will be ...as an AI.

    Jack:Uggh Artificial Intelligence the Diet Soda of Immortality this interview is over.

  • New mission in presequel develops nakayamas' creation of cyber jack and possibility of a clone to reintegrate him into.

    Deathtrap posted: »

    true but until he get there he has to put up with the handsome jack AI unless he has money since Hyperion kinda liked him out from my unders

  • Nakayama then implies the possibility of a clone to install the AI into.

    CapnJay posted: »

    I thought everyone would like to know in The PreSequel Nakayama gives a mission called Handsome AI where the player char asks Jack questions

  • I mentioned it but its at the bottom of comments now

    Fugufish428 posted: »

    New mission in presequel develops nakayamas' creation of cyber jack and possibility of a clone to reintegrate him into.

  • edited December 2014

    rhyse is ur son, you shouldnt have spread your seeds too much handsome bruh

    Pffft - that pitiful little code monkey wishes he looked like me! Look at that chiselled jaw, those strong, arched brows, and that perfectly coiffed hair... Wait, what was I saying? I got lost in those dreamy eyes.

  • That's a bad theory... and grammar.

    rhyse is ur son, you shouldnt have spread your seeds too much handsome bruh

  • She better not. She was one of my favourite characters, and doing a "LOL EVIL" on characters like that doesn't really make any sense at all.

    CapnJay posted: »

    I completely agree The TPS makes it look like Lilith is becoming evil.

  • edited February 2015

    Then I guess there could be a "Luke I am your father" moment between Rhys who's possessed and loader bot.

  • edited February 2015

    Doesn't really seems so likely. We saw Rhys in the beginning of the episode 1. Didn't seem that different to me from his usual self. Anything is possible I suppose but somehow I still doubt it.

    What I find interesting tho, why he says "we can work this out" to Fiona. That phrase is just... strange. Like he owe her something or outmaneuvered or I don't know.

  • While I would support Rhys being a potential NPC in Borderlands 3, I don't think he'd be the big antagonist for a few reasons.

    Since we're getting the backstory for Rhys right now, it seems underwhelming to have him as a villain in the future. With Handsome Jack, you were presented with this cocky, psychopathic tyrant, and as you progressed throughout the game you were given glimpses of his backstory to shed some light on how he came to power. It was fun and fascinating. Having Rhys as the protagonist limits the mystery a new antagonist could bring.

    In addition to that, Rhys aspired to be like Jack...so at most, we would get merely a shadow of Handsome Jack as a new villain, which would be a tad stale.

    I say wipe the slate, and bring in the head of one of the other manufacturers as the new villain, such as the art-obsessed Maliwan company, or the hyper-conservative Jakobs company...better yet, have them both, and let them bicker with one another.

  • edited February 2015


    Ok well its a possibility. Honestly I don't know anything about the borderlands series. So I don't anything about "implants ", just curious

  • no fucks was given, also it was a joke

    papai46 posted: »

    That's a bad theory... and grammar.

  • Sasha<3

    Meanwhile Sasha's just standing there all judge-y: And depending if you gave her a thumbs up/down/'meh' when she attacked the bandit, she'll do the same back to you now.

  • Sure...

    no fucks was given, also it was a joke

  • "I guess that makes me the villain in this story."

    Rhys says that early on in episode 1. I think it's going to foreshadow his eventual fate. I think he'll end Tales as the villain.

  • edited February 2015

    Dunno, for me it sounds like the exact opposite - I mean,he make it sound like his only fault was working for Hyperion and nothing more.

    Scaeva posted: »

    "I guess that makes me the villain in this story." Rhys says that early on in episode 1. I think it's going to foreshadow his eventual fate. I think he'll end Tales as the villain.

  • [removed]

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I think I'd be like this if Rhy's died: I would not be a happy panda XD

  • Why do you have to put that image in my head, bro. But no, I don't want to consider this, I don't want to believe this could happen.

    Alt text

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I think I'd be like this if Rhy's died: I would not be a happy panda XD


    DeityD posted: »

    Why do you have to put that image in my head, bro. But no, I don't want to consider this, I don't want to believe this could happen.

  • It's 'key. I'm just paranoid and obsessed with fictional character.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »


  • Vengeful isn't necessarily the same thing as evil. Although a Siren antagonist, especially one we've already come to know, could be interesting.

    CapnJay posted: »

    I completely agree The TPS makes it look like Lilith is becoming evil.

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