What do you think the best method would be? Strange place to ask, I know, but yahoo answers is no help haha.
I would prefer the body not to be found, but I don't really have the means. Honestly, I'm just brainstorming ideas. I've got the main ones, jumping off or in front of stuff, overdose, wrist cutting. I just can't pick one dammit!
So if you nice people could help me out, and not be like the shitty suicide forum which doesn't even give you tips, I'd be grateful. For as long as I can be, at least.
I'd prefer the least painful way, with the least chance of it going wrong. I'm not going to fail at killing myself lol, that's just embarrassing. I thought about writing the note, but then I remembered I have no one who gives a shit lol.
Also, I'm going to preemptively apologise for this blatant attention seeking. I just wanted to talk about this shit with people other than my dog, and this forum is the nicest I've been on.
How about don't kill yourself?
Okay, I'm going to be one of those people because almost every comment is going to say this. Don't suicide. In my opinion it's just stupid. My whole life I have wanted to but I never did. It doesn't end the pain it passes it on to somebody else. I'm really sorry you feel this way, and feel the need to suicide, I know the feeling, but it's not the way. Worldwide it's known that suicide is bad, that's why you can't find much answers on yahoo. You need to talk to somebody, maybe a friend or someone close. Maybe even me. I just really don't want to see another person kill themselves.
Now that you've gone and said this people are going to be worried. I'm really hoping you're not a troll, but then again I hope you are because this is going to cause a big reaction in the forum, and if you die we're all going to miss you even though we don't know you. I give a shit, we all give a shit. Trust me there are people who love you and I barely know you but I know I do. I myself actually searched up least painful ways but I never brought myself to do it, and I'm glad I didn't. If I did I would have never gotten to this amazing forum, meeting wonderful people such as yourself.
I know I'm making this long but I'm very adamant about keeping you alive. Every person on Earth is good, everyone is needed. Please dude, don't do it. This probably won't convince you because I know I wouldn't be convinced but please think, I've went through the same thing, and it's not right. But if it's your time to die, if you really want to, I can't stop you. I'm actually really worried now. Life is such a precious thing...
For me killing is bad no matter what. No matter how necessary, I would try to avoid killing. We make mistakes, we... Stray from the path, but that doesn't mean we end it. Life is a precious thing, and taking it away from somebody is horrible. We don't know what lies beyond death, so we must cherish life as it lasts. No matter how bad a person is, killing isn't right.
You don't just end it because it's hard you stick it out for those you care about.
sigh I've made my case.
But to answer your question I have no idea which one is least painful.
Plain and Simple. By Saltlick, It can be an "Assisted Suicide" All jokes aside, Why? Suicide is not a good thing and I find it selfish in a way, You're taking your pain and handing it over to your family and loved ones, I think some people don't realize what they're doing and think they'll just wake up the next day but they won't. I would say try to get help, If you're considering it, then think about all the negatives, There's also nice people on this forum willing to listen to you and give you advice
I wish I trolling, man. The mental anguish is just so overpowered lol. I just don't think I can put up with this much longer. I probably won't do it soon, I'm way to fucking scared. I don't want to die, I don't want to live either. It comes to the point with death is just a bit less shittier than life.
I appreciate the long post though.
Oh, there is no one I care about, and no one who cares about me. Except my dog, he's most of the reason I'm still around. Too selfish to give him to someone who'd properly look after him.
I've got no friends lol, hence why I try and talk about this shit with people on the internet. Dogs don't give a shit what your saying to them haha.
I find it much more selfish for people to expect you to live through a miserable existance because they don't want to feel a little bit sad that someone they knew died.
I know. And why say lol? This is nothing to laugh about XD. Trust me I was scared too, hell I might be dead if I wasn't scared. I fear oblivion but I wanted to die but I couldn't so I felt like I was trapped in a place I didn't want to be in. But things got better and I hope things get better for you.
No problem man, I wish I could have written more because every person is awesome, and losing somebody would suck... Like really badly. Even though I hardly know you it would have a big affect on me.
I care about you. I'm pretty sure your family does but if not well... I know it's not much but I care a lot. I used to have no friends for 4 years and I still don't feel like my friends even like me, I feel like they're just pretending.
Good Point but see things out, Sometimes things aren't as bad as they seem, people like making things more complicated than they are, Hope you can figure this out, again there's good people here.
The human nature to survive is also very overpowered. I always try and joke about stuff, no one likes a miserable bastard.
Eh, don't let it affect you. I'm a piece of shit lol, sorry, don't let it have an affect on you.
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I've lost to many people that way. Family and friends. Its just not right.
If you suicide I would literally be depressed for the rest of my life, leave my friends, probably fail even more in school. No lie man, this stuff gets me in the feels.
And living a shitty miserable existence is right? Fuck me and how shit I feel, my dog might be a bit sad that I've died!
I guess. That's cool man, I don't mind miserable people and my "friends" don't mind.
You're not a piece of shit :] And it's impossible to have an affect. I'm really sorry that I'm like this but it's just how I am, so I apologize for being a miserable bastard too.
Hey, you'd be me reincarnated! You pretty much described my life lol.
You don't know me bro haha, and you'll never know if I ended up doing it or not anyway. Just forget about it lol, people die every second.
So why exactly do you want to kill yourself?
Just think of me as Hitler reincarnate. That would make it alot easier lol.
I would assume you did if you stopped using the forum. But you know what? No I can't forget about it. But I'm going to be depressed anyway.
I'd guess that 75% is from self harm, people killing each other, accidents, and all that other jazz.
I'll never forget. Sorry. Again it's just how I am. And sorry for spamming this thread and trying so hard, I just have to try my very best. I want to be a good person, I want to try and save you, although this is just the internet, but it's worth a shot, I've got to try.
To put it simply, I'm sick of my miserable existence. Its time I took a stand. Viva la reveloution!
Not really. I care about everyone, even Hitler, even the Devil.
That's how much I care. Call me crazy but that's just how I think. I love everyone who ever was, is, and will be.
Its cool dude, I like that you are. It let's me pretend someone cares about me lol. I just want to talk about this shit, kinda inappropriate for this site, but the suicide forum is a wasteland haha. I wonder where everyone went? xD
Also, very few deaths are from suicide haha, what are you on about 75%?
Don't say that friend.
You must have someone else who cares about you. We all have someone (Any family or friend). Sometimes we just don't see that. And going through that way... It's not like you can go back. I know how you feel, not EXACTLY how you feel (no one really knows, we don't know how your life is) But I thought about suicide too one time, I'm just glad I didn't. Talk to someone, If you wanna you can talk to me. Think about it before you do anything.
Oh god... May they rest in peace I guess. And don't pretend because it's true. I love you. No homo of course lol.
And I don't know XD
Suicide takes the lives of nearly 40,000 Americans every year.
I encourage you guys to help this guy out. Let's make that number 39,999 and help those in need, let's decrease that number.
Please listen to this song. @sprocket23
No. Don't. I know life is hard sometimes. I've been there. We've all been there at some point, I guess.
But suicide is wrong. You might think you won't hurt anybody, but that’s not true. You might hurt the cleaning lady. Or the young policemen who accompanies his colleagues and sees a body for the first time. And your dog, like you said yourself.
Times will get better. If you just end it, then how do you know what might have come?
A German wisdom says:
'With every stone thrown onto your path, you can build something nice.'
I understand the being miserable part, but I can't fully relate if I don't know exactly what's making you miserable.
Lol woops, I'm British. But I appreciate the sentiment.
But nickelback? NICKELBACK? I suppose I can listen to them, to accumulate myself to the torture of hell haha.
Doesn't matter haha XD
Why you don't like them? Sorry I guess. Still trying.
There is an equal chance that times will get even shittier, if I end it, I don't have to put up with this shit anymore. Up with which, I will not put.
I'm sick of feeling guilty for others man, don't. I don't want this anymore.
Well, I've had a shit life, have clinical depression that medication doesn't do jack shit for. I will always have the memories of my childhood, always have this huge bloody embarrassing secret from it. I'll never have a girlfriend, sex has been ruined for me. I'll never get a job, my brain has been turned to mush. And to be honest, life just sounds rather mundane anyway.
That's the wrong way to think about it.
Half glass full. I know it seems impossible, but there must be someone who you can talk to. If not, then seek professional help. I realize that this sounds rude, but it's honest. You need help.
Idk, I thought there was a general consensus on the internet that they're shite. I appreciate it man, don't get me wrong, sorry.
I'm the one that should be sorry, I feel like I'm pushing too hard. If you want me to stop just tell me.
Literally, as opposed to figuratively, there is no one. Parents are bored of my, depression antics, and my brother hates me. I have no friends.
I would rather not pay someone to talk to me. Bit like an emotional hooker haha.
what you need to do is get into the word of God and go to Church. Let the power of the lord take away your depression, fears, lusts, greeds, etc, and change your lifestyle. Killing yourself isn't the way to go. This just inspired me to make a story about a teen going through depression and thinking about suicide, but changes when someone special enters her life and gives her support.
How about Don´t doing it?
No, man. I honestly like it. I can pretend someone cares about me lol.
Why pretend when it's real, I'm serious. For some reason I really want to help people like you but over the internet it's pretty hard, but I'm trying.
Its just not right. I know you may not feel the same way and you probably will never agree with me. I'm just another face on the internet, but you've gotta trust me on this on. Even if you feel like nobody cares, someone cares. It may not be obvious, but someone dose.
I don't believe in any god, I don't want to get into a religious argument, but I am in no way going to be able to delude myself, sorry.
Better give me rights to your story though . I can give the money to my dog when I'm gone. Give him an awesome life.
How about them apples?
Coming from my wife, who has both battled with suicide and suicidal friends, the fact that you're writing in a public forum means you're screaming for help. We hear you.
There is a British suicide hotline with a web site that is open 24 hours a day, where you can talk to someone. It does not cost anything, is confidential, and they're not a religious organization. Give them a call and see if they can help.