No disrespect to borderlands writer Anthony Burch but thank goodness he did not write the script lol



  • edited December 2014

    We all can't act like Anthony is a masterful writer though, writers have their strengths and weaknesses.

    Shh, Kiddo, shh. If you continue to excuse his excuses he'll never feel comfortable enough to accept himself. He needs to know that this is

  • Also how the fuck is his bisexuality relevant?

    Baldex posted: »

    Anthony Burch is an utter moron on twitter. Especially when he tries to pull stunts like this. "And he's done a lot to make the g

  • Still, Anita ain't perfect.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Social Regression Warrior here folks, nothing to see.

  • Also to anyone saying he's bad due to his bisexuality:

    Alt text

  • Who is?

    Nelson Mandela slaughtered thousands, Martin Luther king had countless affairs and was homophobic.

    Imperfect people can do great things, or in Anita's case, raise important questions.

    J-Master posted: »

    Still, Anita ain't perfect.

  • edited December 2014

    Also dudes dudettes and all people in between, I've just been researching lgbt stuff in borderlands and I'm blown away by how fantastic it is.

    Asexual women? Bisexual males?! CALL THE REVEREND!!!

  • I honestly can't tell if you're being serious.

  • edited December 2014

    Well, Anita is either a manipulative sexist feminist bent on changing the indsutry or she's just a feminist just discussing tropes, to be honest, I don't like rooting for manipulative sexists if that turns out to be the case, there is some form of evidence to it.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Who is? Nelson Mandela slaughtered thousands, Martin Luther king had countless affairs and was homophobic. Imperfect people can do great things, or in Anita's case, raise important questions.

  • edited December 2014

    I'm not being serious about calling the reverend. I'm serious about everything else.

    Taylor swift said it eloquently: 'Boys and Boys and Girls and Girls'.

    Also I'm afraid for you, mister, I must quote another popstar.

    It's pretty clear that you don't spend much time analysing society from the things you say. Hence this quote from Marina and the DIamonds, in her feminist anthem 'Sex Yeah', which states how bad it is men and women are told who they should be based on sex.

    Here's the quote:

    'Question what the TV tells you

    Question what the popstar sells you

    Question Mum and question Dad,

    Question Good and question Bad'

    It'd be wise to adhere to that advice.


    Baldex posted: »

    I honestly can't tell if you're being serious.

  • edited December 2014

    Sorry. A lot of stuff almost looked like a parody of SJWs to me. I was a bit confused about that. Like how you said people who say bisexual people are bad which I understand, but I don't think anybody said that. You love forced minorities in Borderlands who don't have a lot of personality and are there for the sake of being there which even Burch admitted was forced? okay. And SRW? I've never even heard about that. It really sounds like you're dicking around at this point.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I'm not being serious about calling the reverend. I'm serious about everything else. Taylor swift said it eloquently: 'Boys and Boys and

  • SRW is what you are. It stands for Social Regression Warrior. It means you're holding the inevitable positive progress of society back.

    You posting an irrelevant picture of his bisexualiy in an image to show he is bad is very much saying that its a negative thing. And the same for open relationships.


    You're being a regressive dick. Stop being a regressive dick.

    Baldex posted: »

    Sorry. A lot of stuff almost looked like a parody of SJWs to me. I was a bit confused about that. Like how you said people who say bisexual

  • edited December 2014

    I didn't even say anything about him being bisexual or that that's a bad thing. I posted that image because it showcases where he acts like a hypocrite, admits he doesn't like his own writing and how he's made mistakes which would be fine, but he doesn't fix it. Not mention all of inconsistencies it lists in Borderlands 2.

    EDIT: Heck, I even checked, he wasn't ridiculed for being bisexual, but for knowing that he was okay with the fact that his wife was cheating on him.

    Flog61 posted: »

    SRW is what you are. It stands for Social Regression Warrior. It means you're holding the inevitable positive progress of society back. Y

  • Would you have opposed the work of Martin Luther King, as he was a homophobic cheater?

    Or would you have thought the underlying message of what he fought for was too positive for society to let that stuff get in the way?

    Anita has flaws, and many of them, as do we all. The important thing is that she raises incredibly relevant issues.

    And I am yet to see ONE negative consequence of her activism on the games the devs are making, while said games become less and less objectifying and sexist towards women.

    J-Master posted: »

    Well, Anita is either a manipulative sexist feminist bent on changing the indsutry or she's just a feminist just discussing tropes, to be ho

  • That picture includes a horrible image making fun of his wife and his statement of bisexuality, among the other thigns it shows, as if it were a bad thing.

    Baldex posted: »

    I didn't even say anything about him being bisexual or that that's a bad thing. I posted that image because it showcases where he acts like

  • edited December 2014

    Please point it out, because I'm not seeing it. Only picture has him talking about bisexuality and nobody is making fun of him in said picture. Maybe the fact that he said it on twitter, an open platform, is what's supposed to be funny? I have nothing against gay people, but talking about "touching wangs" unironically in public is a bit dumb. Again, not saying that gay people are disgusting or shouldn't be open about their sexuality, but I don't talk about my favorite sex positions on the internet for everybody to see. That's not a good idea.

    Also way to dismiss all the other more important stuff in that..... Like say how he's a hypocrite.

    Flog61 posted: »

    That picture includes a horrible image making fun of his wife and his statement of bisexuality, among the other thigns it shows, as if it were a bad thing.

  • edited December 2014

    ...dude come on, are you just being purposefully obtuse?

    That picture with all the twitter posts was made to be a collection of reasons how he is a bad person. It';s not a fact file: they didnt just randomly put in a picture about something irrelevant.

    Why is that dumb? He's just saying 'have sex with men'. That's not a sex position. Its the equivalent of a bi version of me saying 'I wish I'd realised I was bi, as opposed to gay, younger so I could have had sex with women'

    I didn't say he was a hypocrite, nor do I have interest in discussing his merits as a person: my fellows above are doing a perfectly adequate job of that without my assistance.

    Baldex posted: »

    Please point it out, because I'm not seeing it. Only picture has him talking about bisexuality and nobody is making fun of him in said pictu

  • edited December 2014

    things I learned today

    • Talking about touching wangs online is smart you wont get made fun of at all
    • do stuff songs tell me like question everything except when youre regressive
    • youre regressive when your opinion is not like someone elses now thats progressive
    • you can ignore evidence by changing the debate youre having into a different one youre winning cuz equality even tho it has nothing to do with that
    • saying one thing and doing another isn't being a hypocrite
    • Burch is jesus even when he contradicts himself, admitting hes a bad writer and is a giant dick towards people with legitimate criticisms

    aRe u doIng tHiS oN pUrpOse??

    Flog61 posted: »

    ...dude come on, are you just being purposefully obtuse? That picture with all the twitter posts was made to be a collection of reasons h

  • You are having a difficult time with several people in this thread.

    What do you think is the lowest common denominator here?

    Baldex posted: »

    things I learned today * Talking about touching wangs online is smart you wont get made fun of at all * do stuff songs tell me like qu

  • Things you should have learned today:

    • Talking about gay sex is fine, particulary on a personal twitter account, and theres no reason to be ashamed of sex
    • Songs have meaning, and some have progressive meanings
    • You're regressive when you try to stop people from doing things based on things they can't control such as sexuality
    • You need to take note of who you're speaking to, as you seem to be mixing me up with other comments
    • I never said anything about hypocrisy
    • Burch is human
    Baldex posted: »

    things I learned today * Talking about touching wangs online is smart you wont get made fun of at all * do stuff songs tell me like qu

  • "More people agree with me so I'm right."

    Nice logical fallacy, champ.

    JByrne posted: »

    You are having a difficult time with several people in this thread. What do you think is the lowest common denominator here?

  • I didn't even bring up right or wrong. I said you were having a difficult time.

    Also, don't talk about logical fallacies. Seriously. You are continually crafting strawmen arguments (like you did just now) that, and using reductio ad absurdum.

    Baldex posted: »

    "More people agree with me so I'm right." Nice logical fallacy, champ.

    • when did i say that. my argument was to not give ammo to trolls. it's like saying "my dog is going to die" on any social media you can think of. Trolls are going to jump on that. This is very likely to happen when your popular like say.... helped write an AAA game? I'm not saying this is a good thing. Harassment on the internet should be stopped, but you're not helping your position by making yourself vulnerable to them. its about being smart. Of course you're going to be made fun of.
    • Yes, question everything. like you, Sarkeesian, SJWs... I question those people.
    • But you somehow made it a thing about how he was made fun for his sexuality even though he really wasnt and how burch was so progressive even though he himself said the inclusions are forced?? okay...
    • was I adressing you in there?? I listed the things I learned because apparently you guys don't like to acknowledge that Burch himself acknowledged his writing was bad, but doesn't seem to learn from mistakes or listen to criticism.
    • Okay, look, Mr. Burch wrote or at least partially, Borderlands 2. He tackled a billion dollar industry with this game. He included dumb and dated memes in it (of which he didn't really apologize for), admitted he forced the inclusion of minorities (which he now did a 180 degree turn on) and made a lot of errors and plotholes along the way. A game like this costs 60 dollars, I think people have the right to give him feedback on it. I wouldn't mind if he at least tries his best and tries to not fall into the same traps, but what does he do instead? He DOES make the same mistakes, he SURROUNDS himself with yes-men who think he can do no wrong, he SHUTS OFF any legitimate criticism and he PANDERS to SJWs who pretend to stand up for others when they can't even bear to listen to an opinion different from their own. Real progressive.
    Flog61 posted: »

    Things you should have learned today: * Talking about gay sex is fine, particulary on a personal twitter account, and theres no reason

  • Aren't you the guy who didn't recognize sexism when you literally saw it happen in a video?? I dunt think you should use big words like that.

    JByrne posted: »

    I didn't even bring up right or wrong. I said you were having a difficult time. Also, don't talk about logical fallacies. Seriously. You are continually crafting strawmen arguments (like you did just now) that, and using reductio ad absurdum.

  • nah

    Baldex posted: »

    Aren't you the guy who didn't recognize sexism when you literally saw it happen in a video?? I dunt think you should use big words like that.

    • People should feel free to post whatever they want on their personal twitter accounts, as long as it isn't harmful. And his comment was not harmful. If you dont want people to talk about sex on twitter, then you've got far bigger fish to fry than anthony flipping burch.
    • I advise you to question everything, and you are only questioning people you'd already decided you disagree with. Way to miss the point.
    • He is being made fun of for his sexuality as a picture containing tweets which are supposed to make us dislike him included a tweet about his sexuality.
    • Your obsessive repressed attraction to Burch extends way past his writing standards, judging by some of your comments.
    • Forcing minorities into society is necessary when society has homophobia, racism and sexism
    • The inclusing of memes doesn't make a game bad, as shown by the Mass Effect Citadel DLC
    • All writers make lots of plotholes
    • This extends beyond feedback and constructive criticism
    • SJWs do stand up for others: thats what Social Justice is
    • He admitted he fucked up with Lilith so clearly doesn't think he can do no wrong
    Baldex posted: »

    * when did i say that. my argument was to not give ammo to trolls. it's like saying "my dog is going to die" on any social media you can thi

    • It's about internet safety. Do you not know what that means?? i'm not saying it's bad for him to talk about sex, but people will find a weak point about him which in this case is about sex and make fun of him for it like the fact that his wife cheated on him. It's about being smart. if he doesn't mention it=trolls wont make fun of the thing cuz they dont know it a child could work this out god damn
    • I do question everyone just like I do now. Like what's the point of adding minorities when burch admits theres no reasonzgo^nàejno evigno,vpksgoung
    • Diagnosis: you're deluded. It's not there. It's just an image, nobody is making fun of him in it.
    • this is a thread about burch talking about a person makes me obsessed?? i read a couple of his tweets, i dont follow him tho dont get what you're trying to tell me here.... WAIT WAIT WAIT, are you implying i'm gay for burch? Like that other user? omg dats homophobic I'm being opressed call the cyberpolice
      cuz you know implying people are gay and enjoy seeing men in drag is progressive, right?? where r sjws when I was being harrassed by that guy :'(

    • The way you phrase that is hilarious. WE NEED TO FORCE IT, but okay, look racism, homophobia, sexism is bad, okay? But video games? Are escapism. I love to immerse myself in a game, but I can't do that when your character is gay for the sake of being gay and has "being gay" as a nametag and has the sole oh so memorable personality trait of being gay. That's bad writing.
      also games arent art and are not the best medium to enforce a quota in people should have the freedom to make games the way they want it to be nobody should tell them otherwise

    • memes are dumb and lazy. I explained this countless times. 1) it dates the game 2) it makes you look lazy 3) its not a substitute for actual jokes or good writing 4) how about you don't give me something I don't need to pay memes

    • But it's so transparant with Burch
    • like stop putting memes cuz its annoying enough on the internet? that doesn't count?? okay... or wait, you talking about the forced inclusion of all these characters for no reason? yeah, maybe you could have solved that by not forcing it and giving a reason for it
    • #killallmen okay, but in all seriousness, actions speak louder than words. I've seen the way how SJWs treat other people. They talk down on them, treat them like babies as if they can't handle anything. Trigger warnings is the worst offense of this. There was this whole ordeal about putting trigger warnings on the Great Gatsby, I think? The reasoning was there was domnestic violence and other stuff in it? Even though there are several factors to consider like context, time and the fact that people aren't babies and should be able to handle this kind of stuff. You shouldn't create a hugbox for yourself in which you can never be harmed, it's dumb.
    • which isn't a mistake. I explained this. Tropes aren't bad. They aren't sexist. They don't target a gender. They don't have a mind of its own. He's doing it for the wrong reason.
    Flog61 posted: »

    * People should feel free to post whatever they want on their personal twitter accounts, as long as it isn't harmful. And his comment was no

  • I suppose, still though, sometimes when people make a boogeyman out of someone, that someone actually does turn out to be a boogeyman, but I guess that's a little rare nowadays.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Would you have opposed the work of Martin Luther King, as he was a homophobic cheater? Or would you have thought the underlying message o

  • I do question everyone just like I do now. Like what's the point of adding minorities when burch admits theres no reasonzgo^nàejno evigno,vpksgoung

    The way you phrase that is hilarious. WE NEED TO FORCE IT, but okay, look racism, homophobia, sexism is bad, okay? But video games? Are escapism. I love to immerse myself in a game, but I can't do that when your character is gay for the sake of being gay and has "being gay" as a nametag and has the sole oh so memorable personality trait of being gay. That's bad writing. also games arent art and are not the best medium to enforce a quota in people should have the freedom to make games the way they want it to be nobody should tell them otherwise

    Oh I'm sorry.

    Do people who aren't white and male need a justification for you?

    Do they need your fucking permission? If a character just happens to be gay or just happens to be black or female? That's forcing it for you?

    So I guess white straight males don't need a reason. They don't need anything to justify themselves.

    But everyone else does, huh?

    How *fortunate *we have someone of the default white male hetero status to act as neutral party here.

    Baldex posted: »

    * It's about internet safety. Do you not know what that means?? i'm not saying it's bad for him to talk about sex, but people will find a we

  • edited December 2014

    I'm not paranoid enough to think she's some kind of mastermind who tricked people into giving her money (I do know of some people who feel ripped off because of what they ended up getting), but I do think she didn't really do a good job It's not a fair analysis at all.. She's often misinformed and doesn't articulate her points very well to the point where she herself sounds sexist.

    J-Master posted: »

    Well, Anita is either a manipulative sexist feminist bent on changing the indsutry or she's just a feminist just discussing tropes, to be ho

  • edited December 2014


    Baldex posted: »

    * It's about internet safety. Do you not know what that means?? i'm not saying it's bad for him to talk about sex, but people will find a we

  • edited December 2014

    No, again way to misinterpret the point. Are you familiar with the character known as Batwoman?At one point, the writers decided to have her be a lesbian. Fine, but that ended up being her personality. As in that's it. If she were to describe herself she would reply: "I love pussy" and that's it. Nothing else. Do you see what the problem is here? Quota's come first.... and that's it. You do realize gay people are people too, right? With personalities? They're something else outside of their sexual preferences? That's the problem! Writers focus too much on 'HEY LOOK LOOK AT THIS CHARACTER WE RE BEING PROGRESSIVE I SWEAR' without really thinking what it would add.

    let me put this the best way I possibly can. if there was a game in which for exampe a female protagonist who has her own character. Now, at the end of the game she declines a date proposal made by her male companion and says: "no thanks, I'm not interested in men."

    Boom, way more progressive than your Gone Homes.

    Again, not saying you can't have your gay characters, I'm saying it should be BETTER.

    JByrne posted: »

    I do question everyone just like I do now. Like what's the point of adding minorities when burch admits theres no reasonzgo^nàejno evigno,vp

  • That's just my opinion. Feel free to disagree.

    J-Master posted: »


  • If that white straight male has no personality and is just straight just to make a certain group happy, then yeah maybe that is forced.

    JByrne posted: »

    I do question everyone just like I do now. Like what's the point of adding minorities when burch admits theres no reasonzgo^nàejno evigno,vp

  • edited December 2014

    So....Journey and Flower aren't art to you? Cause that was the intention.

    Baldex posted: »

    That's just my opinion. Feel free to disagree.

  • Yeah, that's not Batwoman. That's another reductio ad absurdium.

    Also I guess gay people aren't actually allowed to express themselves as sexual beings.

    Because while some gay people do indeed not "flaunt" their sexuality, lots of others embrace sexuality very much. I mean, how does Geralt from the Witcher make you feel? Or Han Solo? I mean-

    But no, I guess inclusivity is less important than making poor persecuted white male heterosexuals feel as though minorities are being fucking crowbarred into your video games.

    You're setting this up in a way that the only acceptable minorities are invisible ones.

    Baldex posted: »

    No, again way to misinterpret the point. Are you familiar with the character known as Batwoman?At one point, the writers decided to have her

  • I actually really like Journey. Not Flower tho. I think that was a bit artsy farsty if you get my drift.

    J-Master posted: »

    So....Journey and Flower aren't art to you? Cause that was the intention.

  • what group would that be?

    The white hetero male group?

    Literally the most catered to demographic?

    J-Master posted: »

    If that white straight male has no personality and is just straight just to make a certain group happy, then yeah maybe that is forced.

  • edited December 2014

    I think Baldex is only asking for minorities to be more developed and to have more complex personalities in video games and fiction in general rather than just being said trait for the sake of pleasing minorities, JBryne.

    JByrne posted: »

    Yeah, that's not Batwoman. That's another reductio ad absurdium. Also I guess gay people aren't actually allowed to express themselves a

  • edited December 2014

    Probably, getting a little boring in video games nowadays, complex personalities for the win!

    JByrne posted: »

    what group would that be? The white hetero male group? Literally the most catered to demographic?

  • Actually, I agree.... er... kind of. I am sick of bald space marines with no personality see also: the protagonist of Gears of War. When did I say that white straight males as a protagonist are an automatic "best writer award". You know what I'm sick off, for instance? Troy Baker as every white guy ever. The character of Jack Mitchell in the latest COD couldn't be or sound any whiter if he was albino. The guy from Far Cry 3? Simply awful! He's every white guy ever that's not even funny. If he was a parody of every white guy then I would have appreciated that game a lot more. it's also why I appreciate Blood Dragon so much. It oozes with personality. I call them like I see. I don't care about who or what your character is as long as he's will-written.

    I don't know about sexuality tho, because either it's never acknowledged, not really important or left to the players choices or interpretation.

    J-Master posted: »

    If that white straight male has no personality and is just straight just to make a certain group happy, then yeah maybe that is forced.

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