No disrespect to borderlands writer Anthony Burch but thank goodness he did not write the script lol



  • edited December 2014

    I don't get you at all. So you want your gay characters to remind you every five to remind you he is indeed gay. You don't want your gay characters to be developed and well... be a character and you want their sole character trait to be gay? Do you know what words are?

    I'm so sorry. I'm just a white oppressor wanting better written minorities im so sorry

    JByrne posted: »

    Yeah, that's not Batwoman. That's another reductio ad absurdium. Also I guess gay people aren't actually allowed to express themselves a

  • another strawman.

    Because while some gay people do indeed not "flaunt" their sexuality, lots of others embrace sexuality very much.

    So no, I never said that. I said you can have both a character who is not very actively sexually, OR characters who are.

    Baldex posted: »

    I don't get you at all. So you want your gay characters to remind you every five to remind you he is indeed gay. You don't want your gay cha

  • edited December 2014

    Still, "Look how badass and gay I am, I am so gay. Gay. Gay. Gay. I love being gay." Isn't very progressive for video games or fiction. Same thing goes for other minorities.

    JByrne posted: »

    another strawman. Because while some gay people do indeed not "flaunt" their sexuality, lots of others embrace sexuality very much.

  • why do you call me jokes strawman i dunt get it

    Okay, real talk for a second, why did you reply with this? It's meaningless. All I said was, I want these characters to have a personality. When I can only describe Batwoman with "She's gay". That's a problem. Give these character CHARACTER before thinking of quota's.

    JByrne posted: »

    another strawman. Because while some gay people do indeed not "flaunt" their sexuality, lots of others embrace sexuality very much.

  • oh darn tiem to chek my privilige

    (That's a joke before you call strawman or whatever that means....)

    JByrne posted: »

    what group would that be? The white hetero male group? Literally the most catered to demographic?

  • edited December 2014

    so now they're jokes?

    No, you don't get to say that. The entirety of all your arguments are based on you continually reframing the what someone said, into something only barely recognisable, then responding to that invented argument.


    Also, just because you can only think of 'gay', doesn't mean it that's all there is. I don't think it's up to white hetero male consumers to be the arbiters of what is and isn't fit representation for minorities.

    If you feel she's a boring character, that's one thing. That's fine, that's totally up for debate. But you're keep talking about quotas like there's some government scheme. Like the existance of Gone Home or Batwoman somehow detracts from the things you like, rather than adding to it.

    White male hetero writers are more than welcome to write minorities, in fact, I think it should be encouraged. And here's the thing, they're going to stumble. They're going to make mistakes and that's okay. Even if people call them out on it, it's okay. You have to try in order to improve.

    But you don't get to be the one to say they failed, if you're not part of that group. It's about them. Not you. Them.

    Baldex posted: »

    why do you call me jokes strawman i dunt get it Okay, real talk for a second, why did you reply with this? It's meaningless. All I said w

  • edited December 2014

    I joked about being a white oppressor when all I want is good characters and writers not trying to push an agenda. Is that too much to ask? How come that's not considered.... good?

    I can't call out Burch for doing that when he admits that he does it and the pointlessness of it??

    JByrne posted: »

    so now they're jokes? No, you don't get to say that. The entirety of all your arguments are based on you continually reframing the what

  • I wholeheartedly agree, Borderlands' impressive diversity is just the cherry on top of an already great game!

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    Flog61 posted: »

    Also dudes dudettes and all people in between, I've just been researching lgbt stuff in borderlands and I'm blown away by how fantastic it is. Asexual women? Bisexual males?! CALL THE REVEREND!!!

  • edited December 2014

    Is that it? Surely they should have a personality and be developed and not be called awesome because they keep shouting on how bisexual, gay, and straight they are. I think I can understand where Baldex is coming from.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Also dudes dudettes and all people in between, I've just been researching lgbt stuff in borderlands and I'm blown away by how fantastic it is. Asexual women? Bisexual males?! CALL THE REVEREND!!!

  • You act like the two things are mutually exclusive...

    The vast majority of characters do have their own developed personalities completely separate to their sexuality/race/physicality.

    J-Master posted: »

    Is that it? Surely they should have a personality and be developed and not be called awesome because they keep shouting on how bisexual, gay, and straight they are. I think I can understand where Baldex is coming from.

  • Wat

    Okay, I'm sorry. I really feel the need to complain about one certain character on this list. Ellie? Proud of her "larger body type"? That's the worst type of pandering I've ever seen in my life, because you're doing it to a group who doesn't know what's good for them. Being fat is not healthy! Why be proud of that?? It's fiction, yeah, but the only reason they put her in there is for inclusivity apparently!

    I wholeheartedly agree, Borderlands' impressive diversity is just the cherry on top of an already great game! Source

  • You mean like memes? Memes and sexuality/race/physicality for inclusivity okay got it.

    You act like the two things are mutually exclusive... The vast majority of characters do have their own developed personalities completely separate to their sexuality/race/physicality.

  • Oh yay, you're back...

    I refuse to engage with you beyond sassy derision because in your previous threads with multiple different people you've proven yourself incapable of objective debate, instead twisting words, ignoring legitimate questions and spewing your absurd rhetoric like it's anything more than the sad opinion of an angry little man.

    I look forward to your bullet-point reply of confused drivel, Pumpkin. xoxo

    Baldex posted: »

    Wat Okay, I'm sorry. I really feel the need to complain about one certain character on this list. Ellie? Proud of her "larger body type"?

  • Speaking of memes, this is what I see every time one of your new comments pops up in my feed:
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    Baldex posted: »

    You mean like memes? Memes and sexuality/race/physicality for inclusivity okay got it.

  • I never brought up gamergate, but okay...

    Speaking of memes, this is what I see every time one of your new comments pops up in my feed:

  • edited December 2014

    That's funny, because no matter how many times I pointed it out nobody seems to acknowledge that Burch admits he can't stand his own writing and that he does force minorities in the game for the sake of an agenda and lots of other stuff I said.

    Also way to acknowledge the point I made in the post. Again, I'm so bad at making an argument that nobody tries to respond to it at all and try to dance around and make it about something else. Or are you saying that being fat is healthy?

    Oh yay, you're back... I refuse to engage with you beyond sassy derision because in your previous threads with multiple different people

  • You know whenever I have questions about gender and race, I look at vidya gaems

    oh look funny memes

  • Again, I'm so bad at makingan argument that nobody tries to respond to it at all it seems.

    I'm glad that you can finally admit it, Pumpkin, though the lack of bullet-points was a bit of a disappointment...

    Baldex posted: »

    That's funny, because no matter how many times I pointed it out nobody seems to acknowledge that Burch admits he can't stand his own writing

  • You didn't need to, Pumpkin, you didn't need to...

    Baldex posted: »

    I never brought up gamergate, but okay...

  • so being fat is healthy and people should have the right to ruin their own body and die at the age of 40 okay...

    Again, I'm so bad at makingan argument that nobody tries to respond to it at all it seems. I'm glad that you can finally admit it, Pumpkin, though the lack of bullet-points was a bit of a disappointment...

  • Then why did you? It's irrelevant. Also "Actually, it's about ethics in game journalism" is one of the most forced memes I've ever seen. Congratulations.

    You didn't need to, Pumpkin, you didn't need to...

  • And you were making such good progress, sigh.

    Baldex posted: »

    so being fat is healthy and people should have the right to ruin their own body and die at the age of 40 okay...

  • And you know what's progressive? Calling other peoples opinions regressive....

    Like again, explain to me. Why is this okay? Why is it okay for a writer to pander to this specific group who think being fat and unhealthy is okay and try to make other people think like this by forcing an agenda in his writing. But please, keep insinuating that I'm gay, because that's not only progressive, but also very open-minded.

    And you were making such good progress, sigh.

  • whispers: Pssst, Pumpkin, that was the joke.

    After all, I know how much you love memes!

    And it's not difficult to see where your allegiances lie on the GG spectrum, you've been rehashing their trite arguments and using them as your own this entire time...

    Baldex posted: »

    Then why did you? It's irrelevant. Also "Actually, it's about ethics in game journalism" is one of the most forced memes I've ever seen. Congratulations.

  • edited December 2014

    You still haven't explained what Gamergate has to with anything. I say Burch's writing is bad, not funny and forced , I give reasons why and here you are calling me gay which makes you sound really homophobic. Keep it up spamming memes which will not only show how much in the right you are, but you'll also make a great writer for Borderlands..... and by writing I mean stealing from reddit.... as in reciting things made by other people....

    whispers: Pssst, Pumpkin, that was the joke. After all, I know how much you love memes! And it's not difficult to see where your alleg

  • I have never stated that your opinions are regressive, nor have I insinuated you were gay.

    And I suppose you've never heard of the plethora of medical problems that can render a person overweight despite their diet and exercise regime - and the problems and discrimination they face from narrow-minded people?

    Besides, even if a person is overweight of their own volition, how does that affect you? And how is it forcing an agenda by including the sexualities, races and body types that exist in the real world? The fact of the matter is, Anthony Burch is the lead writer of Borderlands, if he wants to fill his universe with varied, yet realistic depictions of people you see every day in the real world, why is that an issue? It's his prerogative - where does storytelling stop for you and 'agenda setting' begin?

    Baldex posted: »

    And you know what's progressive? Calling other peoples opinions regressive.... Like again, explain to me. Why is this okay? Why is it oka

  • edited December 2014

    First off, yes you did. You said I was attracted to Burch in drag. No use denying it now, mister.

    Second, Burch panders to Tumblr people. Now these people? They don't have a condition unless it's mental or just plain made up, that seems the most likely. They think being fat is healthy, that the body index was made by nazi scientists to keep fat people down, they want stay like that despite all the disadvantages that come with it, but will proceed to complain about it on the internet even though they supposedly "accept" the condition they're in and if others are genuinely concerned about your health they're told that they should stay quiet and accept them for who they are.

    True, it doesn't affect me. You know what it does affect? The age that guys/girl/panda is going to die.
    also you did not just say forcing an agenda is good stories are going to suffer because of it
    also realistic? what kind of world do you live in??

    I have never stated that your opinions are regressive, nor have I insinuated you were gay. And I suppose you've never heard of the pletho

  • I have not called you gay.

    I've posted one comic that references a meme in direct response to your vehement hatred of the medium, and I'm apparently spamming?

    I brought up Gamergate because you've been using their arguments in almost every single one of your posts (including the creepy, stalkerific Anthony Burch photo dump, which has been used by pro-GG's to attack him on a personal level).

    Baldex posted: »

    You still haven't explained what Gamergate has to with anything. I say Burch's writing is bad, not funny and forced , I give reasons why and

  • The moment I realize your characters are there to fill an agenda is the moment I realize these aren't characters, but bullet points.

    I have never stated that your opinions are regressive, nor have I insinuated you were gay. And I suppose you've never heard of the pletho

  • edited December 2014

    "Shh shh shh, Pumkin? Shh shh shh - you don't have to justify why you were looking up pictures of Anthony Burch in women's clothing."

    implying a man being attracted to a man = not calling them gay?? okay
    Listen, real talk, I show evidence, you derail the discussion by implying I'm attracted to men and questioning my masculinity, this also makes you look homophobic, because it's as if being a homosexual is a bad thing. Last but not least, my sexual preferences? irrelevant and none of your business.

    memes is a medium? oh god I was more referring to how Burch steals jokes and is lazy but okay ill try and stop joking about bad writers I'm sorry
    Erm?? what?? 75 percent of that photo is about how he can't take criticism and about everything that's wrong with his writing.

    making jokes about video games or game developers online???
    warning signs to becoming a GAMERGATOR, tonight at 11.
    Alt text

    I have not called you gay. I've posted one comic that references a meme in direct response to your vehement hatred of the medium, and I'm

  • Oh, Pumpkin, being attracted to somebody in drag is not indicative of being gay. Sexuality is a grand and complex thing, and if you'll care to notice, I was nothing but supportive of you exploring your own in a welcoming and safe environment. I can provide any number of resources, and recommend certain communities to assist you in said exploration.

    No use denying it now, mister

    *Ms, just FYI, though I hesitate to correct you as I feel you may not take too kindly to a female calling you out on your bullshit.

    Now, once again, I have provided you with a legitimate argument that answers your question (people who are overweight due to illness), but you have chosen to ignore that fact, and instead, have gotten up on your soapbox to attack people on Tumblr by making assumptions about the status of their health (and by association, Burch, for "pandering" to these people).

    I'm glad that you can recognise that it doesn't affect you, but your next point is contradictory - their mortality shouldn't affect you, either...

    Your next point gets a bit confusing and jumbled, so you may want to try again.

    Baldex posted: »

    First off, yes you did. You said I was attracted to Burch in drag. No use denying it now, mister. Second, Burch panders to Tumblr people.

  • See, this is the bit that I just don't understand. So, the second a gay (etc.) character is introduced in Borderlands it takes you out of the story because you see it as Burch pushing an agenda, and that makes you think the writing is bad?

    What if, instead, he's just telling a story? And this story happens to have characters of varying race, sexuality and body type, because, (and bear with me here, because this might blow your tiny mind), there are people like that in the real world?

    Yes, most games are not indicative of the 'real world', but what's so bad about a game that is?

    Baldex posted: »

    The moment I realize your characters are there to fill an agenda is the moment I realize these aren't characters, but bullet points.

    1. First off, fuck you. If you really thought that "sexuality is a grand and complex thing" and that " I was nothing but supportive of you exploring your own in a welcoming and safe environment. I can provide any number of resources, and recommend certain communities to assist you in said exploration." you would not joke about someones sexual preferences like that especially if you don't know anything about said person.

    2. i didnt kno mister was offensive sowwy

      please point out the people who choose to be fat and the ones don't do so. tell me that this isnt insane i'll wait right here

    4. So you don't care that people are going to die sooner just because they choose it for dumb reasons?? okay... Yes, it does not personally affect me as in I don't need a forklift to get out of my bed, but if you can make a difference for your own benefit you should probably at least try to do so and not complain about how thin people are privileged or something.

    5. Borderlands = realistic?? how are any of these characters realist? you talking about tippy mcfedora? memebot? You know when I have questions about gender or race, i turn to vidya gaems cuz dats the smartest medium there is. who needs good writing? just go down a checklist of characters that need to be included. Nobody will notice that, nobody will think that ruins immersion.

    Oh, Pumpkin, being attracted to somebody in drag is not indicative of being gay. Sexuality is a grand and complex thing, and if you'll care

  • edited December 2014

    Holy shit, do you not get the point? Your characters have no personality outside of the fact that they have this one trait like being gay, are there for no reason and are badly written (which Burch admits).

    Your story won't a story anymore, but an agenda. Your characters aren't characters anymore, but one dimensional bullet points on a checklist and your memes aren't jokes. but hey it's inclusive so it's good i guess

    See, this is the bit that I just don't understand. So, the second a gay (etc.) character is introduced in Borderlands it takes you out of th

  • I love that the second I identify myself as a female the abuse starts - literally the first thing you say is telling me to fuck off (yet you've somehow managed to get through hundreds of posts without resorting to that kind of behaviour up until that moment).

    Brilliant, Pumpkin - thank you so much for proving everyone's point.

    I'm officially done with you, now. I don't put up that with that bullshit.

    Baldex posted: »

    * First off, fuck you. If you really thought that "sexuality is a grand and complex thing" and that " I was nothing but supportive of you ex

  • edited December 2014

    Wait, identify as a female? What? erm... Anyway, I told you to go fuck yourself, not because you were ... identify yourself as woman, but because you questioned my sexual preferences and made fun about it without even knowing anything about me. If you were being sincere then this would not have happened.

    Playing the victim and gender card? Now that's progressive.

    I love that the second I identify myself as a female the abuse starts - literally the first thing you say is telling me to fuck off (yet you

  • Oh, you mean that comment I made over 24 hours ago that you didn't feel the need to get abusive about until the second I told you that had been conversing with a female?

    Yep, it was just a total coincidence that you finally decided to snap at that exact moment, I'm sure...

    Baldex posted: »

    Wait, identify as a female? What? erm... Anyway, I told you to go fuck yourself, not because you were ... identify yourself as woman, but be

  • edited December 2014

    I pointed it out numerous times beforehand. You know what you did? Made more jokes about it. I don't do miracles. Can't make the blind see.

    And I'M the one being abusive? Way to take the high ground here.

    Oh, you mean that comment I made over 24 hours ago that you didn't feel the need to get abusive about until the second I told you that had b

  • No because nobody can actually win with you.

    You've positioned your goalposts in such a disingenuous way, that if a character happens to be a minority 'then it's pointless and no reason for being there'

    if there is a "reason" for them to be a minority, suddenly that's an agenda!

    Because the worst crime you can ever do as a creative, is to have an agenda. And I mean something cannot possibly have an agenda and be well written.

    I mean, like Sir Hammerlock. Hammerlock is gay, but has a clearly defined personality. He's foppish, he's, haughty, picky, gentlemanly, civilised, erudite, dry-witted. He's interested in the fashion of his clothes. He likes big game hunting. There are characters he likes and characters he doesn't like.

    None of these stem from his sexuality.

    But you're not arguing in good faith.

    Baldex posted: »

    Holy shit, do you not get the point? Your characters have no personality outside of the fact that they have this one trait like being gay, a

  • edited December 2014

    You know what the solution IS? How about.... you give them a point? How about you don't have them spout stupid jokes and memes and have them do stuff that doesn't involve boring fetch quests. Mindblowing, I know.

    Because and here's the kicker: if you don't have them do anything... they feel forced and pointless!

    JByrne posted: »

    No because nobody can actually win with you. You've positioned your goalposts in such a disingenuous way, that if a character happens to

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