Tales from the borderlands profanity
So I've seen some other tell take games and the profanity tends to be very bad. I'm considering buying the season pass but would like to know if there's an f bomb around every corner.
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It helps if I proofread my posts. TellTale**
Tales From The Borderlands is probably Telltale's tamest episode in recent years in terms of language. I think the worst I've heard is sh*t which was used once I believe. There is a lot of regular vulgarity though like damn,crap,hell,asshole ect.
This of course is just episode one, so it could get more vulgar.
Do dick jokes count as profanity? If that's the case you might want to avoid Vasquez/Assquez...
Ah yes how could I forget about the dick jokes.
I don't remember any f-bombs (which is nice, if you ask me), but there were definitely some profane jokes. There was much less swearing than previous Telltale games, to answer your question. Just don't be shocked when you hear jokes referencing the phallic nature of spaceships.
Borderlands games in general are pretty tame when it comes to swearing. The F-bomb is rarely used in the franchise and when it is, it's bleeped out for comedic effect. The Pre-Sequel in particular even straight up avoided using the word "bitch", saying things like "Son of a taint" instead. The Borderlands games also tend to have quite a few dirty jokes, but nothing too bad.
The first episode of Tales has swearing, but the swearing is all pretty mild, keeping in tone with the rest of the Borderlands games. I don't see that changing with future episodes. There are some dick jokes and an innuendo about a rocket launcher.
Although Tales is rated M, it's definitely far tamer than all of Telltale's other recent works. I think you'll be fine!
If there's one thing I will never understand, it's this fear of swearing. It's just words, people.
Profanity in Borderlands? Really? Oh fuck me running.
Some people generally don't like swears because they think it's wrong to use them. Mostly it's because they are used to hurt other people, and that resonates within most people as a really bad thing to do. It can make something completely non-enjoyable, when they keep hearing these words which their mind is telling them is bad... and stuff.
I find profanity in games enjoyable (to some extent) because it makes them "realistic". A game like Borderlands with bandits and corporate sons of "female canines" like Vasquez wouldn't seem real to me without some swears here and there. (i know realistic isn't the right word to use about the Borderlands franchise.
I have to say Tales from the Borderlands so far is the least-swearing Telltale game I've played.
Is it that important to you?
I've actually played this part a few seconds ago.
In episode three, when you're trying to get the gun out of the Finch's hands - in case you're shooting the fire bullets, he says "what the fuck" after that.