Thoughts on Suicide.
NOTE: This is a remake of the ever so terrible other discussion I made a few minutes ago, it was awful and stupid, I apologize for that.
So, I just want to give my thoughts on the controversial subject of suicide.
I'm not a fan of suicide. I think it's kind of horrible and a little selfish. A person taking his or her life because of some temporary problem is just them giving up on themselves and they're entire family and friends.
Now I understand that life can get extremely horrible and be too much for some people, but to be honest, I didn't really have a great life as I was bullied, made fun of, and had some personal issues as well, and I still somewhat struggle to this day, but I know that I have something to live for and I don't "end it" because life gets too hard.
I get the depression argument and the fact if the person wants to do it and is so dead set on doing it but what if he or she can't see that there are actually people that deeply care about this person and these people try EVERYTHING in their power to make that person life worth living, that person killing himself is telling them that they failed, I can't support that.
Or heck, even if this person has no one looking out for him of her, he or she can TRY to find SOMEONE who can.
I know, this may be a little bit emotional and controversial, but I wanted to give my thoughts, and I was wondering what everyone else thinks.
**"Suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems." **< I agree.
I don't think this is cool. To be this sarcastic about this subject and joking about it... I don't like it.
I'm pissed. it's sarcasm.
I...I can tell.
Even though it's understandable to be mad that people support suicide. This is a serious topic and shouldn't be handled sarcastically like you did with this thread, you should try editing it and talk about why you don't like that people support it, not be sarcastic about it.
Well, okay, but when you contradict them like this, its just pathetic. Like... You don't have any respect.
At least give your thoughts about it in a more proper manor. This is a subject that should always be taken seriously no matter what your outlook on it is.
Truth be told, I'm against suicide. I'm arguing against people that support it.
This... Could have been said better.
Well, okay, but when you contradict them like this, its just pathetic. Like... You don't have any respect.
At least give your thoughts about it in a more proper manor. This is a subject that should always be taken seriously no matter what your outlook on it is.
Fixed it. I hope its better.
Thoughts on All These Thoughts on Threads
I don't know. Honestly if you asked me a few years ago I would have said it's dumb and wrong, but now.... I don't know.
Yes, and I apologize.
I fixed it.
I mean I get why people do it and can understand how they feel. I've often thought about it.
My thoughts on Suicide I know this topic well but I don't want to go into it
I do not think it's selfish sometimes people have serious problems and we need to invest more money in giving that help to the people struggling who feel the need to go that far. See this as a serious issue with people with serious problems not just push it under the carpet calling them quitters they are NOT, they gave up because they can't see the light at the end of the tunnel anymore and we need to show them and offer them help to remind them that life is worth living
This is a serious issue no one can relate to their problems our minds are made differently and react differently to different things. alcohol or drugs can affect your logical mind to in causes I know of
Suicide is the single hardest death to deal with as you feel such an unnecessary loss and it's hard to know they felt the need to go that far, Could you have done things differently to help them and knowing you never see this person again it leaves an unfillable hole that can never be filled.
I know in one case someone I knew reached out to the government for help that persons mental nightmares became to much and was denied because they do not take this issue seriously they are not quitters they just need the proper help in place and maybe feel that love they never felt in their lives before don't give of them show them life is still worth living :'/
I even ran a charity marathon in the summer which raised thousands for suicide prevention with my sistah I really believe we need more support in this area in the future and for this issue to be taken more seriously
Life is beautiful, don't worry what other people say, everyone is unique in their own way
My comment got eaten anyways as I was saying is I get why people do it and I understand why they do it and I understand their feelings. I've been there and down that road and I think about suicide quite often.
I think suicide is a terrible thing. I would hate to have any of my friends do it...So if you ever feel like talking i'm here.
I'm so proud well done Rachel well said :'D
Huh, I had no idea this existed. Thanks.
What can happen when pain overwheighs coping resources.
I like this broad generalization that people who kill themselves are only dealing with 'temporary' problems.
Kind of reminds me how last night I heard someone say that they 'Literally put their tail between their legs' and I just could not take anything they said seriously after that.
I don't think that was the type of tail he was talking about ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I think suicide sucks, and I'm sad it exists. It's just depressing to know that people out there feel so bad that they just end themselves. I value all human life, so killing, especially of oneself is scary. I'm guilty of wanting to, and I'm glad I never did. Death shouldn't be the solution, it's giving up, and people just can't give up, because even though the world is full of bad things, there is also good. They have to try, and hope. We were all born into this world, and giving up on the life you have been given, no matter how bad, is wrong. Maybe things won't get better, but that's why you have to try and make things better, or at least just live with it because I dis-encourage killing, and we don't know what death holds.
There was actually a user on here who did it, and I tried so very hard to help but I couldn't. It was sad to see how far gone he was, and how bad he felt about himself. I know the feeling and I wish no one in the world would ever feel that pain.
Yes, he was sadly too far gone....
rock on with your bad self
I am gonna get so much hate for this, but fuck it.
If someone simply does not think life is worth living, which I believe can be a conclusion based on rational thought, then I think it's selfish to make them live so that you don't feel sad because you lost them. Honestly if you keep someone alive for your own benefit even if it's agony inside for the person, then you're the selfish one (not accusing anyone on here of being like that).
Overall, I think at the end of it, it should be up to the person. Living is a right, which can be exercised at the person's wish. But if they are considering suicide, then I recommend they think long and hard before doing so. If it's depression, get some help. Go someplace else and meet some new people. Try and get yourself together. At the end of the day, it's your choice, but think about everybody that could be affected by it. Hell, tell your friends and family that you trust. If they don't want to support you and they don't show concern for you, then they're just scum. Fuck them, find someone who will care. Just make sure you think about what you'll leave behind when you make your choice.
If you mean sprocket, I'm not sure if he actually did it or not. I checked his profile, and apparently he was last seen on the forums in mid-January, which was at least a week after he said he would do it. Don't know what that means though. I don't even wanna think about the whole thing.
Still, he was clearly hurting, and maybe he would have been able to recover but didn't think it was worth it. I just hope he's not suffering anymore.
I made it as a response to the argument we had on my other thread.
This is a very difficult subject with a lot of angles. But people have to remember that there are more reasons to end your life than depression. In the uk there was a right to die campaign led by tony Nicholson I suggest looking into it because there is too much to the story for me to post here. A long time ago before inquests and toxicology reports doctors would help people through there final hours if they asked often in the case of horrible illnesses like aids and cases where people were doomed to die in insufferable drawn out agony with 0 chance of survival.
No offense, but I fucking hate it when people talk about suicide as being 'selfish,' as though the person is supposed to live through constant pain just so that other people don't feel remotely guilty. And these are usually the people close to the suicidal person - they feel bad if the person does it, but when it comes to the constant depression the person faces, they grow tired. They just don't want to have the burden, either the burden of trying to take care of someone who is utterly depressed or the burden of the sadness at their suicide. More often than not, I feel like the people calling suicidal people selfish are being selfish themselves.
Speaking from experience, suicidal thoughts oftentimes come from the idea that it isn't going to get better, that "trying to find someone to care" is a process of constant defeat - You said yourself the people around that person are doing whatever they can to make them feel like life is worth living? Yes, and that process gets them tired. The suicidal person picks up on this and retreats even further. Trying to find other people, well, if you meet somebody new and immediately give off signs of "I need to be taken care of" - how often do you think that's going to lead to a fruiful relationship?
As to suicide being a "permanent solution to a temporary problem," that's become another meme that really doesn't offer much solace. To quote one of my favorite authors (who, full disclosure, did kill himself):
"There were even some who would resolve to kill themselves. And when that happened, everyone would say 'Oh, if she were a little more grown up she would have figured it out.' How saddened they would be. But if those people were to think about it from our perspective, and see how we had tried to endure despite how terribly painful it all was, and how we had even tried to listen carefully, as hard as we could, to what the world might have to say, they would see that, in the end, the same bland lessons were always being reapted over and over, you know, well, merely to appease us. And they would see how we always experienced the same embarassment of being ignored. It's not as though we only care about the present. If you were to point to a faraway mountain and say, 'If you can make it there, it's a pretty good view,' I'd see that there's not an ounce of untruth to what you tell us. But when you say, 'well, bear with it just a little longer, if you can make it to the top of that mountain, you'll have done it,' you are ignoring the fact that we are suffering from a terrible stomachache - right now. Surely one of you is mistaken to let us go on this way. You're the one who is to blame." - Osamu Dazai
Life can be anything the sky is the limit with life. However there can be no limit as to how bad it can get either. I think if people want to end it I'm sure they have their reasons for wanting to die and its their right. We're too hard on some people without knowing how they take it. Life can be nice for one person but an endless hell for another. Some people can't stand simply existing.
One thing I will say, is I tend to be against looking at depression as a 'disease,' because too often that shirks responsibility for caring for the person with depression - depression is no longer seen as the result of the way the depressed person is living, or the trains of thought that cause them to spiral down into hopelessness, but as a chemical imbalance that 'just happens.' I think such a view is pernicious, both against the person with depression and for the society at a whole. It's not a means of helping, but of shifting responsibility on to an amorphous 'illness.' Depression is oftentimes a learned way of thinking, a pessimism that spirals downward; and while that makes it sound even more like the person with depression is guilty and erroneous, it is and isn't - these are ways of thinking which have been continually reinforced (often as self-fulfilling prophesy) and which have become in a way a subconscious habit. If depression were simply 'a disease,' than people wouldn't need therapists, they'd be given pills and that would be the end of it. The real problem is fixing those mental pathways, which requires a trained professional in helping the subject identify those thought patterns and attempt to rectify them.
I suppose the word disease isnt accurate maybe condition or disorder would have been a better choice of words. It can be both environment and genetic the word depression is a general sweeping term for a diverse range of disorders, some people can say why they feel that way others will never understand why they have been cursed to self hate and struggle to function as a member of society. The whole subject is difficult and sad.
To be honest, letting people die and supporting suicide is not healthy, and it is a little selfish, because they off for THEMSELVES and frankly make other people greatly unhappy and miserable, oh they're happy to be dead, but others are suffering, and they're doing nothing about it because they're dead.
I do think there is a chance for suicidal people to get another chance, and I know it gets hard and tiring for other people, but giving up is not an option if you're trying save a person's life, if they give up, then we are doomed.
Think about all the pain they suffered they're in no position to think. After so many people and the world have hurt them I think they have the right to think about themselves