Why are people so nasty about transgender people?
Bit of a rhetorical question, as I know why, humans have evolved to dislike anything that they percieve as different as they don't know if it is a threat or not. Seriously though, how hard is it to believe that a female brain developed in a male body? Biology fucks up all the time, people are born with all sorts of wacky defects, it'd be a lot stranger if it didn't happen. Yet nobody harps on at people born with a cleft lip for getting it operated on, or a extra finger removed. There is no "You'll always have the DNA for the cleft lip, you're just deluding yourself, and trying to trick others by having it sorted out" etc for other birth defects. Yet people have to be so damn nasty about this one.
Why can't people just be decent? Even if inside you're like "ew man in a dress man in a dress" you can still respect them by calling them she or basically not giving them shit for something out of their control.
And the whole "I believe I'm a tiger, everyone should treat me like a tiger derpy derp" argument is complete rubbish. When a fetus is developing, there is the means and materials for the brain to develop as male or female. There is no tiger/rock/tree/unicorn DNA in there for the brain to develop.
Yeah, could be considered a rant. I know lots of people suffer for lots of different things, this issue just hurts me more than most due to seeing a good friend deal with this transphobic shit all the time.
Wait, so you're telling me I'm not a unicorn?
Yeah I'm kind of pissed I'm not a tree.
You can be a tree if you really want to.
Society can't stop you.
I'm not discrediting you or anything, but are there male and female brains?
weird ass repost
Being a tree is not a choice.
I'm sorry for offending you.
Being a tree is determined not by you, I just hope society does a better job of accepting trees...Hurtful, hurtful things have been said to my tree friends. They also face so much physical violence, people always coming at them with weapons.
People are awful, that's about it really.
People are becoming more, and more, accepting about many things. Not too many years ago, homosexuals were hated by the majority of people, due to lies spread by specific groups, and religions. Thankfully, nowadays, there is probably a larger majority that supports it, than rejects it.
That being said, as fucked up as it may sound, once the generation of people who hate, and discriminate against transgender people, people who have issues with their sexuality, and people who are struggling with gender identity, slowly, start to either change their views, or die off completely, things will change for the better.
Unfortunately, there will ALWAYS be people who dislike homosexuals, and transgender people. Hell, there are still complete, full blown, KKK motherfuckers out there, but they are the minority, and that is all that matters. Unfortunately, people will always discriminate against others, for very, stupid reasons. Whether it be race, sexuality, gender, or gender identity.
It is up to us, as human beings, to tolerate these people while they are still around, and not allow their negative views to hurt us mentally, or physically. I find solace in the thought that ignorance, and bigotry, DIE, with the ignorant bigot.
Most of it is guys afraid they're going to pick up a woman one day and she's going to secretly slip him the D, and even more afraid they're going to like it. Or, if she's post-op, thye're just anxious that whatever women they're dating isn't a 'real woman.' Honestly, they should really fuck off. (Transphobic people I mean).
Full disclosure: I'm somewhat of a hypocrit in that regard - I'm all in favor of transgender rights (changing legal information, anti-discrimination laws, public acceptance etc.) but I would be uncomfortable if somebody I was dating told me they used to be a guy.
Now if my family needs another reason to think i'm "strange."
I'm a pokemon, i wish to be treated as such. I demand only pokemon food. Why haven't they put pokemon on a real console yet, FFS Nintendo get your head out of your ass and make that MMORPG.
MMORPG Pokémon? Revolutionary! I'd definitely get back into Pokémon and MMORPG's if they did that
I wouldn't be surprised in 100 years, Japanese might genetically create their own pokemon.
They are obsessed with Pokemon, and you know how the japanese are with obsessions. Just look up Japanese artificial sex doll. LOL.
Because according to some people "it's not normal"....but then again,who is normal really!
There's really no explanation aside from the fact that some people are ignorant and stubborn in their beliefs on what isn't "normal". Have you seen Boys Don't Cry? It's a great movie based on the true story of a transgendered person.
^ well said
People are assholes that judge people for superficial reasons thats why.
People should be judged on character but I have personally met some transexuals that are assholes not because there transexuals but because there assholes
Ignorance, my friend.
Pure, cringe-worthy ignorance.
I dont want to antaganise but... we do share 60% dna with banana plants, sorry I know its bad taste
Don't get me started on the banana plant elitism overshadowing the poor oppressed trees.
I don't see why any group or minority should get special treatment. People are dicks in RL. Fact of life.
"let's not rag on them" "let not beat them up" "let's not bully them until they kill themselves" is not 'special treatment.'
Except all of that stuff happens to every group of people, so it kind of is.
umm tha point of this is not 'don't be nasty to transgender peopel regardlass of what they do' its 'don't be nasty to transgender people just for being transgender' cause loads of people do do the second one
the same is true for racism and homophobia lots of kids kill themselves because they are bullied just for bein gay which is bad and easy to reduce. you shouldnt also be nasty to someone for bein black.
does that mean u shouldnt be nasty to any black people no, cause robert mugabe is horrible and deserve nastiness. but meanness JUST because he black is wrong, and meanness JUST cause someone transgender also wrong.
there no preferential treatment here, just askin to be judged for what we do and say not for thing we cant change
but it dont happen to every group of people for reason they cant change.
it okay to be nasty to someone for havin a bad opinion cause they can change it. but you cant change being black so being mean to some1 just cause they black is wrong.
How is that ignorance?
I know a few idiots who think that 'different' people shouldn't be accepted into society, and believe that they should be treated with contempt. Transgenders are on their list.
So there aren't any kind of people you think shouldn't be accepted?
I don't remember typing that.
I personally don't have a problem with people as long as they don't violate my rights.
However, with transgenders, I am not okay with them using restrooms based on their gender and not sex. No one should get special treatment like that.
Otherwise, as long as they don't go dating me fully knowing I am not interested in a homosexual, physically I mean, relationship, they're cool.
Transgender doesn't equal homosexual.
"close minded and so called religious people"
Bullshit, I'm Lance Armstrong's missing testicle and no one can tell me otherwise.
Where is the post for all the PTSD VETS that are killing themselves every day
or sexually abused children, that wish they were dead from years of abuse
or people with disabilities with one leg/arm
or growing up poor, you know what that was like? I do.
Who makes those posts, you think those people are always treated well? The only person you can change is yourself.
Everyone has been bullied in their life at some point, you either learn how to deal with life, or you fall apart. If someone makes the decision to let people know their sexual preference in "HIGH SCHOOL" that is something they have to live with. That kid who stutters you think he didn't get bullied?
I don't have anything against Anybody in this point in my life, but people shouldn't expect special treatment.
I agree, but that kid who stutters is probably more likely to get bullied that the captain of the stereotypical football team, and if that happens, teachers and fellow students should keep an eye out and address something if it happens.
I hate football, especially after the WWF Superbowl.