Why do you hate/love BigbyxSnow?
This is something that I see pretty much anywhere where TWAU or Fables is referenced. Some people ship BigbyxSnow (myself included) but there are others who don't like the pairing at all.
Some readers of Fables actually stopped reading the series after 50 issue was released because they found the whole thing with Bigby and Snow reconciling and then getting married after 3 years apart to be ridiculous. People don't understand how there can be any kind of chemistry between them because Snow can be so harsh to Bigby and she shows almost no romantic interest in him...
I love the pairing because to me they both need each other without realising it fully (they're also the only two people that can handle each other on a daily basis :P) Bigby wants what is best for Snow, he loves her dearly and would happily give his life to save her; Snow see's Bigby as someone who can love her genuinely as well as take care of her, and so she loves him dearly for his devotion. Snow has been betrayed so many times in the past by both friends and family, but Bigby is the only one not too...
They obviously care for each other in TWAU and what seems to be a strained working relationship in the comics beginning (to me at least) seems to be the two of them trying hard to not get close to the other.
But the real question is this: Why do YOU love or hate the beautiful pairing of Bigby Wolf and Snow White?
So you were like me in that you played TWAU before you read Fables?
Well it was pre comics, and I always found myself liking the Bigby and Snow thing before I got into the comics
I wonder if TWAU will give more hints to their affections?... I say this cuz Snow and Bigby won't see much of each other now that she is the Deputy Mayor.
yuppers !
Because they are complete opposites at first glance but deep down they are pretty similar. Guess its a pretty cliche thing but its nice XD
hahaha me too but never too late:P
I think that Bigby and Snow are the best pairing in the fables and the TWAU. In the game there are sometimes that snow and bigby are close and they both look shy to admit it. In the fables Snow might be thought as snob,cold or whatever like that but deep inside see looks like that because after all these that happened to her she secures her feelings by theese way so she will not be betrayed again. But she knows that her loneliness can only be filled by bigby althought she doesnt admit it at first. Bigby is full in love with Snow and he doesnt give up when Snow turns him down. Bigby is also lonely in a different way. He is always thought to be the Big Bad Wolf although the situations are pulling him to look like that. In a couple like them the one will fill the lonelyness and the injures their past have caused.
I've only seen the game and snow is just horrible I dont see what people see in her, If she actually did something except complaining or acting superior to everyone else I might like her.
She changes a lot in the comics (especially to Bigby and she is also a very sweet-hearted Mother)
I don't have anything against SnowxBigby pairing, I just like NerissaxBigby more
I just see more chemistry between them, to be short 
I know dude
I can see the chemistry too, maybe in Season 2 Nerissa WILL get with Bigby (bet it'll be a one-night-stand :P) and Snow will be all cool about it, but inside she will be reeling in anger XD
Ok, so here are my reasons why I'm on BigbyxSnow ship:
1. The pairing is so unorthodox.
Time and time again, from when we are born, we have listened, watched, read, fairy tales where it's always the handsome prince who saves the princess (or some damsel in distress). What I love about the Fables' Bigby and Snow pair is that the pairing is so unorthodox (generally that would be seen as something negative, but I view it as a good thing here).
I have gotten worn out of seeing (on TV, films, and pretty much almost every single book) the handsome prince, and Bigby is something completely opposite of that - which is to my liking. And with Snow, she is no damsel in distress either - she is one tough (though tender when needs be) cookie who can handle herself.
2. Like they say, opposites attract.
I don't like those couples who are always agreeing to each other or one side being more dominant than one another. Throughout the main series (and in spin-offs), we see Bigby and Snow sometimes argue, be cross with each other, and venting out their frustration with differences in opinions. But I believe that hides the attraction that the two of them feel for each other.
3. The Cubs
I believe cubs contribute largely to part of why I love the Bigby and Snow pairing. They have these (adorable) children who even warms the heart of North Wind (whom I kinda disliked at first, but grew to love due to his love for the cubs), and I really did love the whole family time the Wolf family spend together (I kinda miss that now, since Darien is now dead, and Therese is Queen of Toyland, and Winter is new North Wind).
4. Tender moments between the two (both comics and games)
I so love the tender moments they had with each other. In the comics I love that Snow hugging Bigby scene in March of the Toy Soldiers. I really like the whole Snow confessing her love to Bigby, Wedding scene, (and yes) Snow and Bigby spending time together in Haven in the enchanted woods.
In TWAU game, I love the moment where Snow says she was worried Bigby might be dead and touches his arm (until Colin spoils the mood lol).
5. Two of them are my Top 2 favourite Fables characters!
Bigby is always my favourite character out of all Fables characters, and Snow is my favourite female character and 2nd favourite (after Bigby) character in the entire Fables universe.
So there you have it, my reasons for why I love this pair (Willingham better give them a happy ending!!)
I hate it from Snow decided "bleep" Bigby .
of course I hate Bill more :-[
I can see why people may hate her in the game but in the comics she is one of the best characters IMO.
Those people who quit reading clearly don't understand Snow and Bigby's relationship at all. He's been in love with her since the minute he caught her scent and she had learned to love and respect him. Their bond didn't come out of nowhere and when they finally got engaged, it felt well earned.
I agree with all of this!!!!!
And yes Willingham BETTER give them a happy ending or else!
I'll also add this: Snow seems to become 'different' around Bigby (after they get married) Like around everyone else she is the headstrong and no-nonsense Snow White; but around her husband she is sweet and loving (almost like she is showing him her true colours.
Of course the two do argue in the comics after their marriage; but they always manage to make up in the end. When I read Volume 20 and Snow gives her little speech on "I take care of myself, I take care of my own and I never lose" I had to criticise...
Snow hasn't taken care of her own cuz Bigby got killed because of her; she has lost before, because she admitted defeat to Bigby when she accepted his proposal of marriage...
I wonder how Snow will respond to Bigby when he comes back; I really want them to have a big argument for some reason. I want the whole point of Bigby being left alone and hunted to be a big factor and Snow responding on how she thought he would never come back and how she is sorry that she got him killed in the first place. Basically I want their reunion to be about everything that happened involving Brandish and then Bigby's monstrous form... then they make up XD
The 'reasons' were apparently due to Snow crying her eyes out and accepting him back so quickly when she is meant to be this tough individual, when what they really wanted was a strenuous reunion where Bigby would gradually regain her trust etc...
I don't understand your comment
They were apart for four years and people wanted Bigby to spend another four years chasing her and her rejecting him, meanwhile he's losing more time with his children? Personally, I'm glad they skipped all that and just came together like they were meant to. Those people missed out on actually watching Bigby, Snow and the Cubs being a family, so it's their loss.
Actually it was 3 years. Ambrose comments in the Father and Son story arc that "My Father was away from us for our first 3 years"
Werent they celebrating their fourth birthday before Bigby came back? Either way, my point stands.
Snow took their Xmas pictures a few months before Xmas when Bigby finally came back...
I personally dislike the Bigby and Snow pairing for several reasons:
1) I can't find any reason why Bigby is attracted to Snow other than her scent. Surely there's another reason, because if is then it's almost superficial. It would be like a guy is attracted to a woman because of her looks.
2) The whole thing where Bigby and Snow were enchanted by a spell, slept together, and couldn't remember the sex. She always rejected his affections but after that, she accepts them, what made her change her mind? Then after she learned she was pregnant, it seemed that she stayed with him for the sake of their child(ren).
3) Snow goes to raise the cubs on the Farm (the place where she nearly killed and where Bigby isn't allowed to set foot there) for a couple of years because they couldn't be passed as human. Wouldn't it be better to move away so that the cubs can have their dad around and help them control their powers since they inherited from him and not Snow?
4) The fact that Bigby forced the Lady of the Lake to change his fate where Snow White would marry him instead of some noble. Even if this happened way later in the comics, it kinda looks a bit screwed up on Snow's part, plus given Bigby's nature, he would've made his own destiny without the Lady of the Lake's help.
The facts may not be 100% accurate, but this is how I see it. In my opinion, they are better off as close friends. If someone can explain all this to me then please do, because I don't get it.
I think Red Riding Hood and Flycatcher are the best canon pairing in Fable. I can see how Red would be attracted to his kindness, since almost everyone in Fabletown hated her because of how Baba Yaga impersonated her, and she supported him when he became ruler or Haven. I could see that Fly was attracted to her but wasn't ready to let go of his feelings for his former wife.
I'm in love with Bigby and Red Riding Hood pairing (and I'm not the only one who thinks so). Yes, I know that there's no relationship between them and that's what makes me mad, because Willingham didn't bother with that nor a backstory for Red Riding Hood other than she got eaten by the Big Bad Wolf. If done right, the relationship between them would've been much more of an impact, plus it would've made an interesting love triangle.
Well, as someone who shipped Bigby x Snow relationship from the beginning, I respectfully disagree:
1. Scent is only part of why Bigby was attacted to Snow. Sure, in the beginning, this was what led Bigby to be attracted to Snow, but their relationship is based on solid foundation of working together for centuries, and getting to know one another. Also love cannot be just sprung from good looks, factors like compatibility between the two people, and how affectionate and considerate to one another need to be taken into account.
And Bigby and Snow has had centuries to blossom their relationship, so it's not surprising they fell in love, and eventually got married.
2. There was always something that was hinting they were more than just close friends (From their first meeting in "The Wolf in the Fold" to events in the game/now comic "The Wolf Among Us"). From what is known (in all comics, novels of Fables series), Bigby only spoke his affections out loud twice (once when Snow says "I'm not yours to lose" in TWAU, and on the rooftop of Woodlands Building in Rememberance Day in Vol. 1), and yes she rebuffed him on both occasions, but just because she rejected him on the surface, doesn't mean she rejects him on the inside (inner feeling etc).
This can be shown in scenes like:
and so on (there probably is more, but these are the ones I remember most, and I can't be bothered searching for more at the moment, lol). As you can see, it's hinted not only in the main series, but spin-offs as well.
3. Bigby did ask Snow to move away with him, but she was still very loyal to Fabletown (she actually says... "I can't abandon Fabletown.") Sure, it would have been much sweeter if she actually said yes to Bigby then, but by saying no, that made their reunion much more sweeter (for me it did), and we also got to explore characters like Mowgli travelling around trying to track down Bigby, which was nice.
4. Bigby was apparently doomed (though we will never know what really would have happened if Bigby didn't change fate) to be "killed by a monster as big as and strong as he is" if Lake's original prophesy still held. But thanks to Turtle's advice, he changed his own destiny, by threatening Lake to change it (after killing the noble, who was originally suppoised to have the Bigby's destiny). I actually liked that part quite a bit.
Also, why is it screwed up on Snow's part? Snow was bound to end up with someone new anyway (be it Bigby or the human noble that Bigby killed), since regardless of Bigby's intervention Charming cheats on her with Rose Red. I'd say Snow actually ended up really, really well (she eventually got a loving husband who cares and is always affectionate towards her, and best of all who won't ever cheat on her or abuse her).
As to why I like Bigby x Snow pairing (I think they're the perfect pairing, and not just because these two are the poster characters for this series), well you can see why in the other comment that I posted previously (in spoiler tag).
Don't forget that Bigby didn't bother to hear the details of his new Fate from Lake! He had no idea that he was fated to fall in love with Snow
The thing with Snigby that some people complain about is probably compatibility. I mean, Snow is a hard-working, no-nonsense woman with strict ideas about laws and due process, she believes thoroughly in her own independence, and clearly doesn't want another man in her life.
Bigby is a tough, hard-edged fellow with a propensity for violence and lashing out at those who insult him. He never seems interested in falling in love or getting with anyone for any reason. He also works hard, but Snow clearly hates dealing with his mess.
I view the Snigby relationship as being something that was inevitable from day 1 of Fables. The 2 interact like a couple who don't want to admit that they like each other, when they actually really do! Like In Vol.1 when Snow tells Bigby to never 'force' her into dancing with him again, I viewed that as Snow silently telling Bigby that he should be a man and ask her properly, rather than to stay away from her, she is being feisty.
When Bigby is gone it is clear at times that Snow wants him back in her life, and the Cubs keep asking about Bigby as she ensured that his memory would be fresh in their minds on a regular basis. Let's not also forget that when Rose told Snow that he would come back if he truly did love her, Snow was clearly waiting for him to come back... And when he did, that was all the proof she needed to finally love him as much as she could.
The scene in the mountains in Vol.3 is a rare moment, the spell must've dropped all barriers on both sides, so the pair probably voiced their love and then decided to make love... Also, Snow didn't want an abortion! Now this can be viewed as selfish if you have read Peter and Max, cuz that novel tells us that an incident caused the Fable women to be near impossible at conceiving children. So MAYBE Snow wanted to keep the children as a sign of hope for change to come? But I still view it as a life that she seriously considered living with Bigby.
I love the BigbyxSnow pairing as much as the next guy, cuz you can see how much they love and care for one another. Especially after they get married and start living as husband and wife; their interactions are almost always sweet
That's my view of them...
The only thing I dont like is that fate-thing (Lady of the Lake). This kinda ruined if for me unfortunetly. Since then I think they are only a couple because thats their fate. Since then I saw Bigby as someone who drank a love potion and will only love Snow. Iam curious what your opinion is about the Lady of the Lake and all their fates. I liked her character, but all these fates ruined much of the story and I hoped that she would die sooner or later so that there will be no new fates, although her character was interesting.
By the way, what happened to that turtle? I liked her character but they didnt told us what happend to her right?
I guess the idea that it is Bigby's Fate to love Snow and vice versa does take away some of the sweetness of their relationship. But let's not forget 2 things here:
Bigby has no idea what his Fate entails, and I doubt Lake would tell him unless he asked her. At the time he got his new Fate, Bigby only cared about living, anything else was just an unnecessary bonus.
Some people do believe in the idea of Fate in real life, and Fate is used as a way to express love to someone. I guess they could view Fate bringing them together as a good thing...
I think the turtle character was just left as is, like other characters in the series :P
Also, in Fables, Fate is everything. Even if Lake died, someone else would replace her...
I have no problems with fates. And I had no problems with the Lady of the Lake. I just dont like that I/we know how fates work in Fables. And I dont liked the part where she gives fates to Fables which always come true. For me its like a spoiler and a change of course at one go. It feels like this fates "only" come true if Lake gives them to them. It felt like Bigby was more or less determined to love Snow and wouldnt have loved her if he wasnt given the fate. After Lake gave Bigby his fate she later continued to give other people their fates too. I wanted her to die because I dont wanted her to change her fates and that we dont know them, I hope you know what I mean^^. I would have like it better if she was some kind of fortuneteller for "possible" fates that can be changed under certain conditions. That way it wouldnt feel so forced to come true and that its still up to each fable to decide what their ultimate fate will be
I guess so...
Tbh I never gave much thought to it as we only know the Fates of Snow, Magus Atlantes, Bigby and the Cubs. Everyone else is left in the dark for us.
Where is season 2?? Give us season 2 !!!!!
I haven't read the fables since like January but the reason I started to ship them was when Gren called Snow a bitch and I liked how there was an option to defend Snow.
Yup, I always choose that option (punch Gren in the face to defend Snow).
Haha, that actually sounds pretty great. Draaamaaa,
Cause I like BigbyxBloodyMary more.
And cause I like BigbyxNerissa more.
I like those 2 ships as well :P
But BigbyxSnow is special to me...
I hate your for the first ship...
But I love you for the second one...
You confuse me ;_;
It's one of the only ships that I think makes sense. Like, Bigby x Bluebeard? Are you serious?
Lol, some people love to ship that stuff :P
**I love BigByxSnowWhite because BigBy and SnowWhite are looking good eachother.
I hate BigByxSnowWhite because SnowWhite pretends like manager, boss. I hate that. Who the fk are you woman near a big bad wolf??????**
I like it because it's so original and they both truly do love each other. In the comics they're always cuddling, hugging, or talking all cute to each other. It was very cool to see they're relationship develop. I was happy that they were still together after 1000 years of marriage. #bigbyxsnow