Plot twist: Rhys is really Handsome Jack



  • When you check Professor Nakayama's corpse for the first time its said he was trying to clone Handsome Jack.

    It's possible Rhys is clone of Handsome Jack made by Professor Nakayama. Or at least one of clones. One of others may be Timothy.

  • he wasn't successful fyi

    When you check Professor Nakayama's corpse for the first time its said he was trying to clone Handsome Jack. It's possible Rhys is clone of Handsome Jack made by Professor Nakayama. Or at least one of clones. One of others may be Timothy.

  • edited November 2014

    No, there is no way Rhys can be Handsome Jackass

    This remind me of this thread in Gearbox forum a while ago, somebody said that Rhys is actually Jack's long lost son, due to his eye color lol. Now turn out it was an implant,haha.

  • You are right cause tale is some thing that is about past and it's why this game after bl2 maybe we can see how jack is come this far and complete all story of bl maybe it will tell is vault hunters origin

  • Also, Lee is still alive and will appear in episode 3.

  • Timothy isn't a clone. He was just an average Joe trying to pay off his student debts by undergoing severe body-modification to become Jack's double.

    When you check Professor Nakayama's corpse for the first time its said he was trying to clone Handsome Jack. It's possible Rhys is clone of Handsome Jack made by Professor Nakayama. Or at least one of clones. One of others may be Timothy.

  • Rhys eye is yellow, and the metal you can see on his head, isn't blue anymore, but just metal.
    Oh, and why does he have a tattoo in present time, or was that always there? Guess we will find out... On the DLC, after episode five.

  • ...What....

    Sam997 posted: »

    You are right cause tale is some thing that is about past and it's why this game after bl2 maybe we can see how jack is come this far and complete all story of bl maybe it will tell is vault hunters origin

  • Yep, it's noteworthy at least. Really though - Rhys even looks kinda like Jack. And by the way Jack addresses him (I mean "I'm very dissapointed in you" and all that) can be taken as that they're related... kinda... maybe? He sounds like Ryan from Bioshock when he talks to the protagonist. I know that those similarities can be just a coincidence and Rhys trying to be like Jack, but still - something fishy going on there.

    When you check Professor Nakayama's corpse for the first time its said he was trying to clone Handsome Jack. It's possible Rhys is clone of Handsome Jack made by Professor Nakayama. Or at least one of clones. One of others may be Timothy.

  • This takes place after Borderlands 2. Nice try though.

  • Seems Unlikely. I shot him in the face and killed him.

  • Ha, you keep telling yourself that, Pumpkin...

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Seems Unlikely. I shot him in the face and killed him.

  • Gearbox added a new side mission in the Pre-Sequel, in which you create a Handsome Jack AI with Nakayama, which was basically just asking Jack a few questions. When you've made it, it's just a small loader bot with (if I remember correctly) Jack AI's head floating over it. It's incomplete as of then as the only things it was saying were of the lines of, "You can touch my abs." "Destroy, destroy." Nakayama says he'll work on it and that's the end of the mission. From the time of the Pre-Sequel and Nakayama's death, I'm pretty sure he'd have enough time to tinker out all of the bugs. There's a thread on the forum that has the video of the mission if you're intreated in watching that.

  • i blew his head off and dragged his body to the lava in the warrior's vault by shoting it with a shotgun all the way to the lava. so i dont think so

  • Dude, overkill (literally) much?

    i blew his head off and dragged his body to the lava in the warrior's vault by shoting it with a shotgun all the way to the lava. so i dont think so

  • He's clearly an underdeveloped Jack clone.

    Like duh.

  • edited February 2015

    just made sure he wont somehow decide "fuck that shit im still alive", of course there is the chance he will rise out of the vault's lava as a super lava warrior mutant zombie thing with eridian powers while being filled with shotgun shells and half blown brain. but that seems unlikely

    Dude, overkill (literally) much?

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