This is my last Telltale



  • I love weighing in with my pointless opinions on arguments that aren't mine.

    Communication is key. A lot of users in this thread have made it clear that they'll support the developer whether they s*** on them or not, which is good for Telltale.

    Others say that they'll never play their games again. 1) I doubt it, and 2) I wouldn't want to see fellow gamers miss out on great games. It's all about the fun, after all. Am I right?

    Personally, I'm with the s*** on me crowd; if the games are good, I'll play them regardless. I'm not expecting quick releases; only polished games. I think we can all agree that the most important thing is a solid, working product. Earlier release dates does not a good game make.

    That said, Telltale COULD handle their communication a little better. Ignoring fans until about a week before an episode's release is lame. If it's going to be late, just say it when you know it. You're having problems. No big deal. Just let us know. In addition, saying something to the effect of, "Expect a new episode every 5-8 weeks" doesn't cut it, because that's nearly a month difference. That's a long time for any gamer to wait... or it's not... if it comes out within 5 weeks. And it won't. History is destined to repeat itself. Since it's not up to me, it doesn't matter what I say, but if it were me, I'd cover my behind and just say every 2 months. That way, no one is left guessing, and if it's released earlier, it's a pleasant surprise for us all.

    Those of us who download by the episode may not be the star audience, but we're the early adopters for a lack of a better term. Those who wait and buy it on disc really have no dog in the fight, so they're good to go. But those of us who bought the season pass and only got to play one episode at least could use some more open communication. Those who buy it on disc DON'T buy the game early, and in the end, may not buy it at all. Many of us bought the season pass with no clue as to how much we'll actually enjoy the game, so we chose to take a risk. That's on us. but by taking that risk, Telltale could look at the communication and think, "Maybe we can do a little better with this. They believe in us."

  • Good things come to those who wait!!! Have some patience. This world has become so used to getting instant gratification that sadly, people have forgotten the value of being patient.

  • I wholeheartedly agree with you but you'll get used to it, eventually. I also hate the way Telltale release their games with radio silence after an episode is released and not a word on when to expect the next plus a trailer the day just before the game is released. But I've learned to accept it because let's face it, it's never going to change.

    So now, when I complete an episode, I forget about the next and do other things, I play other games and try to find someting else that will keep me interested until I forget about the telltale game, and then I come back a few weeks later and discover that there are already release dates for the game (it's what happened to me for GoT episode 2). But if it doesn't work for you, the best thing would be to wait until at least 3 episodes are out and then play them just before episode 4 is released.

  • no, YOU deal with it!

    You don't need it, they give it to you. This entire thing is stupid, they give information as it comes. Deal with it.

  • edited February 2015

    Where was my wish to stay? I only check weekly to get my PAID FOR SHIT. thanks.... Much less like a crack addict who paid for something and then follows every post about it until the company comes to a climax into their face with the cremation of the almighty loin into their face like some people in this thread, not to name names, Cope49

    Cope49 posted: »

    Again .....why do people post these (I'm gonna leave now ,please beg me to stay) threads. Say nothing and ..just..leave...

  • Amen

    Why the hell is this guy not entitled to an opinion? Whats with the venom you would think that people had been peronaly attacked by the OP.

  • I agree, the world is used to instant gratification. This is the basis of Gen X. However, I was brought into "instant gratification" with a Commodore 64 which had no tape drive or storage media at all. I had to purchase a programming book usually from Walden's and program the game which I wanted to play. This took anywhere from 2 days to a week. If I lost power, I had to start from square one due to no storage media. Instant gratification vs Where the fuck is the book I paid for that you led me to believe would be here 2 months ago? THAT my friend is a different story.

    OnlyCat posted: »

    Good things come to those who wait!!! Have some patience. This world has become so used to getting instant gratification that sadly, people have forgotten the value of being patient.

  • Why are you still here?

    rrdxxx posted: »

    Where was my wish to stay? I only check weekly to get my PAID FOR SHIT. thanks.... Much less like a crack addict who paid for something an

  • I get it.. it's frustrating I actually left this forum in frustration during season 1 of walking dead due to wait time but you know what even with the long wait or delays or whatever you choose to call it telltale always delivers so they won me back and continue to impress so wait i will

  • I completely agree. I don't really bother with telltale for that very reason. I've only purchased their games because I finished DAI and spotted a bundle with the complete series of TWAU and complete WD1 and WD2 in it.

    You know, when you play the whole series one episode right after the other it's more obvious how little you get for your money. The anticipation makes you more grateful. I think that's why they do it. Psychology.

    The number of times I've googled for a release schedule and found nothing is weird. They'd only have to suggest a month for each and they could change it at will. I didn't even know GoT e2 had come out except it was featured on Xbox homepage a couple of days later. Ridiculous. They've got my email address if they wanted to let me know.

    I'm waiting for GoT and Borderlands to finish the series (and bug fix).

  • [removed]

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited February 2015

    Somebody's bored...

    Alt text

  • I do, that's why I'm not crying about it like others.

    Dubz13 posted: »

    no, YOU deal with it!

  • While I agree that the way they publicize the release of their games, and that their marketing department leaves a lot to be desired in terms of informing the consumer on their releases, I don't see how this would have any effect on the actual enjoyment of the game itself.

    "You know, when you play the whole series one episode right after the other it's more obvious how little you get for your money. The anticipation makes you more grateful. I think that's why they do it. Psychology."

    You get plenty for your money. Paying 5 euro (in my currency at least) or 23 euro for 5 episodes (5x4+3=23euro) is perfectly fine for a good riveting story. Everyone values a game differently anyway, but I think your scraping the bottom of the barrel if you think you should be paying less!

    It's also got nothing to do with psychology, more to do with the length of production and design for the game. Maybe they are overstretched? Maybe they could quicken the pace a little, but I don't see how any of it is to do with some devious ploy by Telltale to mentally manipulate us...

    Lou153 posted: »

    I completely agree. I don't really bother with telltale for that very reason. I've only purchased their games because I finished DAI and spo

  • Deal with what, with lying? They say 4-6 weeks between episode, but it is from 8 weeks to eternity in fact. I won't deal with it, hell I won't.

    Good for you, you don't like episodic game series. Telltale's not changing so either deal with it like us all or wait till they're all released.

  • I think people are so over dramatic. A little wait is not the end of the world.

    BMane posted: »

    While I agree that the way they publicize the release of their games, and that their marketing department leaves a lot to be desired in term

  • Alright, bye, I don't know why you think I or Telltale cares.

    Deal with what, with lying? They say 4-6 weeks between episode, but it is from 8 weeks to eternity in fact. I won't deal with it, hell I won't.

  • Your beef isn't even with Telltale. Episodic Games have been around for a while. I know people want everything at their finger tips immediately but if you rush things they won't ever be as good. I know I would rather wait for Telltale to take their time and make a longer, quality episode like Zer0 Sum. You can't rush perfection and I've seen the results of people wanting things on the fly. TWAU last two episodes were released very quickly and they were both short and weren't neck to neck with the rest of their episodes.

  • Telltale's episodes used to be longer and more self contained with more gameplay. I wouldn't say it's a Psychological thing. It actually seems to be an intentional direction where they want their games to feel like interactive TV show episodes or movies where the player uses purposefully simplified and light weight gameplay to make choices. I think this format has its ups and downs in comparison to their older titles, but again, it's not like Telltale is incapable of delivering lengthier and beefy episodes with more gameplay. Of course, I can't imagine a waiting period longer than 4-6 weeks is intentional, but I imagine Telltale will work on that over time.

    BMane posted: »

    While I agree that the way they publicize the release of their games, and that their marketing department leaves a lot to be desired in term

  • True, the last two episodes of Wolf were short, but they were still good though. Heck, Cry Wolf remains one of my favorite Telltale episodes overall. Even though that episode was barely over an hour long, they made each and every interaction vital to the story and they even managed to incorporate multiple genres of story telling seamlessly in one episode.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Your beef isn't even with Telltale. Episodic Games have been around for a while. I know people want everything at their finger tips immediat

  • Guys, please try to behave and stay on topic. Constructive criticism is allowed, of course, but personal insults and arguments don't need to be a part of the discussion. Thanks.

  • edited February 2015

    You know, there are bigger things to get this upset about.

    Deal with what, with lying? They say 4-6 weeks between episode, but it is from 8 weeks to eternity in fact. I won't deal with it, hell I won't.

  • Totally agree, Sniper. The last episode was amazing, I thought.

    True, the last two episodes of Wolf were short, but they were still good though. Heck, Cry Wolf remains one of my favorite Telltale episodes

  • edited February 2015

    I have to disagree the last episode was even shorter than the rest. If it weren't for Crooked Man's trial the episode would be garbage imo

    True, the last two episodes of Wolf were short, but they were still good though. Heck, Cry Wolf remains one of my favorite Telltale episodes

  • that is what they all say then they come back when the next game comes out and say that is their last game too and the cycle keeps going

  • I thought the City Chase scene and the Bloody Mary fight were also great, and the Pudding and Pie scene gave some great characterization to Georgie and Vivian. Although it helps more often then not, Episode length is not always a sign of quality. Walking Dead Season 1's final Episode was also the shortest of the Season, but similarly was also the most dramatic and iconic.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I have to disagree the last episode was even shorter than the rest. If it weren't for Crooked Man's trial the episode would be garbage imo

  • I agree about the scenes with Georgie, they really made him a much more sympathetic character... but of course by then it was too late :( I loved the way you could almost be lulled into a false sense of security by the Crooked Man's politeness and apparent willingness to help at the beginning, but then after a few minutes my feeling was "nah you're a scumbag, I'm not letting you get away with this". And then the stand-off with Bloody Mary was just awesome, to see Bigby's true form, the real Big Bad Wolf was just so cool and it was done in such style and suspense.

    I thought the City Chase scene and the Bloody Mary fight were also great, and the Pudding and Pie scene gave some great characterization to

  • The Bloody Mary fight was he best part of the episode IMO. You thought that was garbage?

    Clemenem posted: »

    I have to disagree the last episode was even shorter than the rest. If it weren't for Crooked Man's trial the episode would be garbage imo

  • Oh no you did not just say the S word!

    Alt text

    We're all just going around in circles really, aren't we? "When will there be updates?? I'm dying here!" "Just be patient, it'll be out s

  • You don't understand, it was a different time... Please don't hurt me....

    Oh no you did not just say the S word!

  • I am coming for you...

    Alt text

    You don't understand, it was a different time... Please don't hurt me....

  • Exactly. You nailed it.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    that is what they all say then they come back when the next game comes out and say that is their last game too and the cycle keeps going

  • You'll be back. They always come running back.

  • I thought the action scenes were pretty gratuitous. I know I'll get hate for wanting Telltale to stick to story instead of gameplay but fuck it.

    KCohere posted: »

    The Bloody Mary fight was he best part of the episode IMO. You thought that was garbage?

  • You bet it.

    snyderman posted: »

    You'll be back. They always come running back.

  • I doubt you will get hate for wanting Telltale to remain more story than gameplay. Lots of people feel that way. But the action scenes in Cry Wolf were justified IMO, they needed them.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I thought the action scenes were pretty gratuitous. I know I'll get hate for wanting Telltale to stick to story instead of gameplay but fuck it.

  • I can understand Telltale wanting to make their games feel more like games with the QTEs but their story is already so great I don't even care about the game . Regardless Crooked Man's trial was the main event and one of the highest points in the entire game

    I doubt you will get hate for wanting Telltale to remain more story than gameplay. Lots of people feel that way. But the action scenes in Cry Wolf were justified IMO, they needed them.

  • edited February 2015

    The one true thing is TTG DOES have a pretty sucky system. they should go 100% all in one project at a time, but instead they do 3 projects at the same time, and at least one or two of them keeps being delayed or worse. i just HATE this system, since I bought all the season passes. Yes, I do like their games, and YES, I'd wait, but it doesn't mean i can't point out how SUCKY this system is while I wait.

  • Telltale is currently at least working on five games. Game of Thrones, borderlands, Minecraft, top secret IP and TWD S3.

    gina-0816 posted: »

    The one true thing is TTG DOES have a pretty sucky system. they should go 100% all in one project at a time, but instead they do 3 projects

  • Not making them though.

    They're only making two games.

    They're writing and planning for five though in separate teams and divisions.

    himmatsj posted: »

    Telltale is currently at least working on five games. Game of Thrones, borderlands, Minecraft, top secret IP and TWD S3.

This discussion has been closed.