This is my last Telltale



  • lol so it means it has even suckier system then i thought. just lol.

    himmatsj posted: »

    Telltale is currently at least working on five games. Game of Thrones, borderlands, Minecraft, top secret IP and TWD S3.

  • edited February 2015

    You know that for sure do you? It's dangerous for Telltale to assume that people will just ignore this and could damage future sales. One bad experience is all it takes for a lot of customers to think twice in the future.

    The recently closed thread about the CEO agreeing the schedule isn't right does offer some signs of improvement. The two current series were already in production before he took over, so perhaps future products will be better.

    Exactly. You nailed it.

  • What top secret IP?

    And no, they aren't working on TWD S3.

    himmatsj posted: »

    Telltale is currently at least working on five games. Game of Thrones, borderlands, Minecraft, top secret IP and TWD S3.

  • What top secret IP? And no, they aren't working on TWD S3.

  • What happened back then with TWAU? TftB and GoT were their first games I bought and I LOVED them. Then I bought TWAU and both Seasons of TWD and I loved them even more. But with TWAU and TWD I didn't have to wait at all, all episodes were released by that time. How long does it usually take?

    Tyranitar posted: »

    Telltale is shit when it comes to release dates. My heart still hurts from TWAU lol.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    And no, they aren't working on TWD S3.

    They are doing some work on TWD Season 3 even if it's in the very early stages, Robert Kirkman confirmed it in a IGN interview in December that there is some "back and forth" talks going on (from around 5:45)

    What top secret IP? And no, they aren't working on TWD S3.

  • Episode 1 release date = October 11, 2013

    Episode 2 release date = February 4, 2014[

    It took a long time for Episode 2 to come out as you can see.

    Tahon posted: »

    What happened back then with TWAU? TftB and GoT were their first games I bought and I LOVED them. Then I bought TWAU and both Seasons of TWD

  • I wouldn't take himmatsj's word for it. He doesn't have his facts straight. Minecraft and other projects are not affecting GoT and TftB.

    gina-0816 posted: »

    lol so it means it has even suckier system then i thought. just lol.

  • well i don't work for ttg so i dont know for sure which is true, but even if they have different staffs and designers, engineers, whatever for each games, that doesn't change the fact if they do one project at a time, they can use all people they have on one project and be done with it sooner.

    I wouldn't take himmatsj's word for it. He doesn't have his facts straight. Minecraft and other projects are not affecting GoT and TftB.

  • edited February 2015

    Not necessarily. Look up the Law of Diminishing Returns. Basically, it says that for a process, adding more resources becomes less effective at a certain point. Sometimes, having too many employees on one project will actually reduce efficiency. Who knows if Telltale has reached that point, but it's certainly possible that adding more employees wouldn't speed things up.

    gina-0816 posted: »

    well i don't work for ttg so i dont know for sure which is true, but even if they have different staffs and designers, engineers, whatever f

  • yeah it does get frustrating when some games episodes are put on hold to start other projects. like GoT is great but i want to know what happens to Rhys and fiona. i find the longer i have to wait for episodes the more i loose interest, having to replay the same episode over and over again.

  • The waiting doesn't bug me as much its more of telltale not updating their animations since like 2010

  • Same engine, same animations.

    The waiting doesn't bug me as much its more of telltale not updating their animations since like 2010

  • The only problem i have is it wouldn't take but 10 minutes for a telltale staff member to get on here and say something like hey we know you guys expected the episode by now and we are sorry it isn't out yet but we are working on it we haven't forgotten about you and appreciate you being patient with us.. that would make most here happy and they don't have to release any actual info.. i know they aren't obligated to do this but it would be a nice gesture and would be simple for someone to do

  • Guys trust me, episode 2 is just around the corner. It's within arm's reach. Soon we will all get to play and then we can complain about episode 3.

  • Some of their animations could certainly be improved. Maybe they could use mocap for at least some animations, like Dontnod did for LIS, because right now, the animations in the fight scenes from their games, look about as good as this:Alt text

    The waiting doesn't bug me as much its more of telltale not updating their animations since like 2010

  • I've been thinking that for weeks now, and it still hasn't happened yet :'(

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Guys trust me, episode 2 is just around the corner. It's within arm's reach. Soon we will all get to play and then we can complain about episode 3.

  • Around the corner wink wink

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Guys trust me, episode 2 is just around the corner. It's within arm's reach. Soon we will all get to play and then we can complain about episode 3.

  • You musn't despair Scooby Doo, I've got a really good feeling that it is coming soon.

    I've been thinking that for weeks now, and it still hasn't happened yet

  • Alt text

    Around the corner wink wink

  • A statement like that would be pretty useless imo. I'm not sure if it's possible. but I wish they would give some sort of periodic update. At the six week mark (ie, the end of the 4-6 week "estimate"), it would have been great to get something like "Sorry guys, we're still at least a few weeks away from releasing Episode 2." Then repeat every couple weeks. I realize that unexpected delays can happen, but I find it very difficult to believe that Telltale doesn't at least have a rough sense of how far off a release is.

    trez1336 posted: »

    The only problem i have is it wouldn't take but 10 minutes for a telltale staff member to get on here and say something like hey we know you

  • Yes, I hope this as well as you too.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Guys trust me, episode 2 is just around the corner. It's within arm's reach. Soon we will all get to play and then we can complain about episode 3.

  • I hope you're right...

    MichaelBP posted: »

    You musn't despair Scooby Doo, I've got a really good feeling that it is coming soon.

  • I guess the little tease that we got at pax was their way of letting us know that they are working on it and it will be here soon.

  • I think of it as telltale is my abusive husband I keep running back to because I know deep down he's a good guy

  • I'd be okay with just an email.

  • Telltale seems to be a relative of ClapTrap.

  • I've never grumbled over the wait time before, but this is ridiculous. What's really pissed me off is that there's no explanation. No "Sorry for the delay, we're working in getting it to you ASAP."


    They've ignored every tweet from hundreds of people about it, yet posted other stuff. It's like they know we'll wait, because we have no choice, especially if you've bought the season pass.
    I love TT Games stuff, but now I'm really losing faith. From now on I'm never buying a season pass again, because what I really want to do is uninstall it and demand my money back, I've lost interest. But since they'll only ignore me, I guess I've no choice other than to wait. And I'll play it, and no doubt enjoy it.

    Doesn't stop me being pissed about it though...

  • Just FYI, we actually got a reply from Job in the Ep 2 Release thread explaining the reasoning behind the delay, when we're getting the trailer, etc.

    ALIENANGIE posted: »

    I've never grumbled over the wait time before, but this is ridiculous. What's really pissed me off is that there's no explanation. No "Sorry

  • Still doesn't change the fact telltale have said nothing.
    Not one word.
    All they needed was the say there had been a delay. No need to explain it. Just say sorry and it's coming out asap. But they chose to ignore the fans.

    Just FYI, we actually got a reply from Job in the Ep 2 Release thread explaining the reasoning behind the delay, when we're getting the trailer, etc.

  • Wait, isn't what you're asking for literally exactly what Job did?

    I know for some people it was too little too late, but at least we got some form of explanation from Telltale.

    "More news?! Okay. Yeah. So, the team is working hard on finishing 102, and yes, we hope you'll really enjoy it! I played a version before the weekend and checked it out again later tonight and it's looking great! We know the wait has been a while, but we hope you'll agree it'll be worth it!

    Sometimes we'll play an episode and sometimes it might need a little more love or a little more time to be the best it can be. With Tales from the Borderlands Ep 2, this was the case. The reception to the first episode was, quite frankly, above and beyond what we ever hoped! We cannot thank you enough for playing this series as we kicked off! We want Ep 2 to be awesome. This of course means that it's taking a few extra weeks to make sure it's as fun as the first.

    After the premiere, we took some time to look at everyone's feedback and take a closer look at different choices being made, listening to the player community. These factor into the overall development process. Remember, we're in live development! This series was a fresh idea and a unique take on an existing universe, and it meant we had to listen very carefully to what you had to say, and what you did in the premiere. This factors into certain aspects of the game and story itself as the series progresses.

    With a series as big as Tales, and with a cast that's only going to grow and perhaps tie even more closely to what's happened/happening elsewhere in the Borderlands universe, this second episode has a lot of ground to cover! The cast is huge and the action is pretty crazy. Also, Scooter is a bit of a handful, so we hope you'll understand when we get a little tied up managing the talent. ;)

    We're always striving to deliver quality content on a frequent and more predictable basis, but at the end of the day, quality content comes first.

    We're insanely excited to get everyone playing 'Atlas Mugged' as soon as possible. It'll be in your hands checks Telltale 'S-word' Thesaurus .... 'before long,' but not before our panel at PAX East next weekend, I can say that.

    That said, the panel will be a blast! We'll be out in Boston opening the show with the 'Story Time' panel, then we'll be with Gearbox on Sunday the 8th along with Rhys and Fiona themselves, Troy Baker and Laura Bailey!

    If all goes well, MAYBE THERE WILL BE SOME KIND OF VIDEO TO SHOW YOU!?! Who knows!? If all goes even better, I'm hopeful we'll have a firm date to share with you as well. It may be beyond our control on that date, but as you know, as soon as we know, you'll know via twitter, and I'll be tweeting that myself the minute our dates are locked with our partners.

    I really do thank you guys again for all of your patience. You mean the world to us, and if we're ever quiet on the boards, it's largely due to us being so busy here working to make the best episodes possible.

    In the future, keep your eyes peeled to our twitter accounts for the most frequent updates as they happen. Also stay tuned here in the coming weeks and months as our team grows and we have more awesome community activities, events, live-streams, and all kinds of fun things planned for this year and beyond!

    Thanks again, guys. That's all for now, but stay tuned for more!


    ALIENANGIE posted: »

    Still doesn't change the fact telltale have said nothing. Not one word. All they needed was the say there had been a delay. No need to explain it. Just say sorry and it's coming out asap. But they chose to ignore the fans.

  • I hate the waiting, too, and I bet we ALL do, especially not knowing till WHEN we have to wait. BUT I rather wait one year than not playing it at all... :)

  • The wait, so vague once again.

  • Wow, look at you all, bringing dead threads back.

  • [repeats this to myself with less enthusiasm as each day passes]

    good things...

    good things happen....

    to those who....



    Alt text

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Come on! Good things come to those who can wait

This discussion has been closed.