Dev here, checking in with you guys!



  • edited February 2015

    I want to point out I really appreciate your (and the other moderators) hard work to keep the forum clean during these waiting days.

    Well, btw I thought this was IN-THREAD at least from my point of view. ;_;

    After all he's the Season Director of TftB, and he answered a bunch of questions before in this very thread.
    I know the odds that he gives a nod are few, but the post itself was even contructive, asking if we as community could've done something.

    Alt text

    The warning IMHO should've been "please don't go off-topic filling the thread with irrelevant posts about the wait" - but I'm not a moderator, so you're surely better in evaluating things. BTW feel free to delete any of my messages if you think I'm violating rules. ;-)

    I get that the wait for Episode 2 is taking a while, but please don't bump old threads with irrelevant posts about the wait. I'm pretty sure

  • I know Season 1 had multiple writers, it just seems that the old way is more effective than this newer method. The old way, as you mentioned, Vanaman would not start writing episode 3 until 2 was fully complete, that way he could account for stuff like the player choices and feedback and incorporate that more effectively into the next episode. The difference is though that Vanaman would only be focused on the next episode of TWD, not distracted with what another game is doing and having to write for that game as well. It feels like Telltale is piling it on and forcing their writers to focus on several different items at once. Even if he's not writing 2 episodes at once, he's dividing his attention between two different projects. So instead of writing one episode and waiting until the next episode is done, he finishes one episode and jumps to another one, and then another, and then another. Doesn't that seem like too much work for one guy to handle. To me, it seems like this would only lead to a less effective product than if Vanaman or anyone else was fully dedicated to one single project instead of jumping around and dividing their attention to different games. It just seems like this newer method isn't working out like Telltale is hoping because we're seeing shorter episodes than when Telltale was using their older method, along with inconsistent writing and less impactful choices.

    Even in Season 1 of Walking Dead, Telltale would still switch writers for different Episodes. Sean Vanaman wrote Episodes 1,3, and 5. Gary W

  • The events played in TPS, yes. But the game is framed as a retelling of the events between BL1 and BL2 by Athena. And Athena tells her story after BL2, at gunpoint, to Lilith. What I'm curious about is when Athena is captured by the Crimson Raiders and when she subsequently tell her story, in relation to the TFTBL story.

    I'm mostly asking because I run a tabletop RPG based on Borderlands and would have liked to keep canonical events the way they're supposed to be, but I can't really figure out how things pan out after BL2...

    ActionHank posted: »

    Borderlands, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, Borderlands 2, Tales From The Borderlands, This should be the current chronological order.

  • The warning IMHO should've been "please don't go off-topic filling the thread with irrelevant posts about the wait"

    If you feel that way then why did you do it? :P

    I want to point out I really appreciate your (and the other moderators) hard work to keep the forum clean during these waiting days. Well

  • I wasn't referring to myself... sorry for my bad english :P

    Green613 posted: »

    The warning IMHO should've been "please don't go off-topic filling the thread with irrelevant posts about the wait" If you feel that way then why did you do it? :P

  • Telltale is hoping because we're seeing shorter episodes than when Telltale was using their older method,

    For whatever reason, that's entirely a deliberate design choice on Telltale's behalf. They want episodes for their newer, choice based games to feel like you are playing an interactive TV show so they've removed more traditional gameplay and longer episodes to reach a more cinematic presentation. They could choose to include more gameplay elements (like puzzles in Telltale's older titles before Walking Dead), but they feel that puzzles and other gameplay elements hurt the narrative if the player isn't getting the puzzle. I personally disagree, but I understand their viewpoint. I think that shorter episodes wouldn't be such a problem if Telltale released episodes on a quicker timeframe, but hopefully they will iron that out eventually.

    I know Season 1 had multiple writers, it just seems that the old way is more effective than this newer method. The old way, as you mentioned

  • You aren't violating any rules, but I do feel like it was a rather odd (and off topic) reason to bump the thread. However, I understand your reasoning and know that you don't mean any harm.

    After all he's the Season Director of TftB, and he answered a bunch of questions before in this very thread. I know the odds that he gives a nod are few, but the post itself was even contructive, asking if we as community could've done something.

    Again, I'm not sure if he would be the one who could answer or not.

    I want to point out I really appreciate your (and the other moderators) hard work to keep the forum clean during these waiting days. Well

  • Unforgivable? What do you act like if someone actually wrongs you? I hope no-one cut in your que

    himmatsj posted: »

    "I'm also here because I want you guys to know that we are always looking at these forums and love hearing from the community. Your opinions

  • I'd just like to say a big thank you for Tales from the Borderlands! I haven't bought the game and I wasn't going to, but then I watched a play through and it's probably my second favourite TT series at the moment (behind TWD). You guys did a great job and thanks for taking some time to read peoples comments and answer their questions.

    I doubt I'll get this question answered, but can I ask how this new Minecraft game is coming along? I heard that development had started now, and though I don't expect to get any details about the game do you have any idea when it might be released (before or after TWD S3?)?

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited February 2015

    Bloody Eugene wrote:
    After all he's the Season Director of TftB, and he answered a bunch of questions before in this very thread. I know the odds that he gives a nod are few, but the post itself was even contructive, asking if we as community could've done something.


    Blind Sniper wrote:
    Again, I'm not sure if he would be the one who could answer or not.

    It's certainly possible that he can't. Remember, it's possible that the silence about the delay has to do with contract reasons too (there's a lot of non-disclosure agreements you usually have to sign when you license something), which could mean that they can never reveal the reason behind the delay (which most likely is the case with the delay of the second episode of The Wolf Among Us, which will almost certainly remain a mystery at least as long as any agreements are still in place).

    They're revealing that the episode is now back on track and is almost finished, which is probably the best information that is possible for us to get under the circumstances. Since they're able to talk about the release of the episode now, it's likely that it won't be much longer until it's released.

    You aren't violating any rules, but I do feel like it was a rather odd (and off topic) reason to bump the thread. However, I understand your

  • You're probably right. But they could've said that: "there are small delays that we can't talk cause they're under non-disclosure agreements, but we can confirm that the episode is still in full developement and on track for being released sooner than you think".

    I just hope that for the community's peace, moderators included, next time there will be a little more communication between TTG and customers.

    And - to go back in-thread - any insight TTG wanna make on the subject? Are we as community too stressful/nitpicky/overcritic to talk with?

    Jennifer posted: »

    Bloody Eugene wrote: After all he's the Season Director of TftB, and he answered a bunch of questions before in this very thread. I know

  • Are we as community too stressful/nitpicky/overcritic to talk with?

    I would say yes. We are a very unsupportive community.

    You're probably right. But they could've said that: "there are small delays that we can't talk cause they're under non-disclosure agreements

  • The more time they spend on the forums the less time they have to work on the project.

    Most devs dont make direct contact with fans like that because they simply cant answer the questions. Its impossible to say how long making a game will take because even small bugs can set a team back by months when you fix one part of a script over parts get messed up

    You're probably right. But they could've said that: "there are small delays that we can't talk cause they're under non-disclosure agreements

  • Don't forget that the show is actually good too unlike Season 2 of the game.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Honestly, S2 of the game was eerily similar to the show... Lots of replaceable characters, and those that aren't are milked until we're tire

  • I respectfully disagree

    Comics and game (both seasons) are still the superior mediums for me

    TinyCarlos posted: »

    Don't forget that the show is actually good too unlike Season 2 of the game.

  • Can't forget that. Like I said, the show has multiple interesting characters. They have Merle, Tyreese, Carl, Rick, Daryl, Beth (somewhat towards the end), Glenn, and so many more. The game has Kenny. There are a few other characters with 10 minutes of screen time that are sorta interesting (Nick/Pete), but they don't quite count, due to the game throwing them away so fucking fast.

    TinyCarlos posted: »

    Don't forget that the show is actually good too unlike Season 2 of the game.

  • edited February 2015

    Well... The comic has its ups and downs, honestly. When the comic is good, it's REALLY good. When it's bad, it's REALLY bad. Namely the prison was fucking garbage in the comic. Just about every character was virtually unlikable. Glenn, Axel and Dale were the only characters in the prison arc that were tolerable. Then the first few issues in Alexandria were garbage as well. Not as bad as the prison, but still with the same vibes.

    As for the games, Season 2 was a fucking mess, honestly. With all the bullshit choices that don't affect dick. At least in season 1 you could impact relationships, but in season 2, there is literally one choice that changes how any character in the entire fucking game views you, or anyone else for that matter. The Luke choice. That's it. Otherwise, you're just an observer, occasionally clicking buttons. Nothing meaningful in any way, aside from that bullshit ending, which was poorly written and incredibly one sided. That's a big portion of what pissed me off.

    The show, however, generally keeps the quality in the midline. It's just good enough to keep watching, although in general it's nothing special. I can live with that.

    I like the show equal to the comic (though that's probably due to the comic currently being in a slump, while the show is doing insanely well), while S1 of the game is above both, and S2 is below both.

    Deltino posted: »

    I respectfully disagree Comics and game (both seasons) are still the superior mediums for me

  • Wow, like as if one of their employee spends ten minutes a day on the forums will have any tangible impact on the development of the episode?

    The more time they spend on the forums the less time they have to work on the project. Most devs dont make direct contact with fans like

  • Ha! No not realy, but being the equivalent of a child in the back seat chanting "are we there yet" isn't very constructive im not surprised they dont turn up often

    himmatsj posted: »

    Wow, like as if one of their employee spends ten minutes a day on the forums will have any tangible impact on the development of the episode?

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