Has anyone played resident evil revelations 2 yet? If you have is it worth buying the first ep or should I wait? I have no idea how long each episode is
Yep, played it last night. It was really good. I think its worth buying, and the second episode looks better, in my opinion (there's a preview at the end of the episode). Each episode is said to be about 2 hours or so long, but, it took me about 3 hours because I explored a lot.
Has anyone played resident evil revelations 2 yet? If you have is it worth buying the first ep or should I wait? I have no idea how long each episode is
So just today, Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number became available for pre-purchase on Steam. Anyone else gonna be painting Miami red come March 10, or am I the only one?
So just today, Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number became available for pre-purchase on Steam. Anyone else gonna be painting Miami red come March 10, or am I the only one?
So just today, Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number became available for pre-purchase on Steam. Anyone else gonna be painting Miami red come March 10, or am I the only one?
The retro style is to compliment the setting (Late 80's/Early 90's), and the story, gameplay, and soundtrack are just phenomenal. It's one of my favorite games.
In Australia? Yeah, unfortunately. Though the game's devs said that, if you live in Australia, you should pirate it. Like, for real. Not making that up.
Not surprising. There's tons of crap that gets pirated over here. Most people just don't have the money to spend hundreds of dollars on DVD's or games. Besides, it was bound to happen anyway.
Fun fact: Australia is the country in which Game of Thrones is the most pirated.
In Australia? Yeah, unfortunately. Though the game's devs said that, if you live in Australia, you should pirate it. Like, for real. Not making that up.
I did some research and found out Until Dawn is about 10 hours long and it has hundreds of endings. Good luck to the trophy hunters who are trying to get platinum if one of the trophies requires to play all the endings
Oh yes, Uncharted 4. Been pumped about it since it was announced. I played all 3 Uncharted games on PS3. I must say the best one is Uncharte… mored 2. It reminded me a lot of a Hollywood movie.
And Until Dawn looks awesome. Some people are already kinda comparing it to Heavy Rain because of the quick time events, and controls. But they are two different games.
The Gallipoli Campaign would be an awesome shooter scenario, as would the Alpine Front. Dodging machine gun nests and avalanches while skiing towards your objective would be awesome.
Unfortunately, I don't think CoD will be revisiting WWII, especially not with a German protagonist. The media would lose their minds!
So how do you guys feel about Ubisoft unlocking Initiates and Nomad content for AC Unity? I love it. Hopefully its a sign that Ubisoft is ge… moretting on the right track. I'm starting to re-think my promise to not buy anything from them.
And on the subject of AC Unity, I realize that I've been pretty hard on it. True, to me it's a weak point in the Assassin's Creed series, but it's not awful. Some things here and there that ruin the game at times, but I'm slowly starting to enjoy it more and more now that I've played through the campaign a bit more.
And for COD players, what are you hoping for in this year's Call of Duty? I'm hoping for a return to WW2, since World at War from 2008 was one of the strongest COD games in my opinion. I'd love a return to that time period, but maybe in a different scenario. Perhaps fighting for Germany or on of it's allies. I could see a decent story come out of that. I'd also love a game based on the Gallipoli … [view original content]
The Gallipoli Campaign would be an awesome shooter scenario, as would the Alpine Front. Dodging machine gun nests and avalanches while skii… moreng towards your objective would be awesome.
Unfortunately, I don't think CoD will be revisiting WWII, especially not with a German protagonist. The media would lose their minds!
The Gallipoli Campaign would be an awesome shooter scenario, as would the Alpine Front. Dodging machine gun nests and avalanches while skii… moreng towards your objective would be awesome.
Unfortunately, I don't think CoD will be revisiting WWII, especially not with a German protagonist. The media would lose their minds!
I did some research and found out Until Dawn is about 10 hours long and it has hundreds of endings. Good luck to the trophy hunters who are trying to get platinum if one of the trophies requires to play all the endings
Call of Duty has descended to the point of just having bigger and bigger explosions, hence the Michael Bay comparison. If they were to set Call of Duty at Gallipoli during WW1 and have it be anything realistic at all then the terrain would have far more of a part to play depending on who you would be playing as. Gallipoli was hell for the ANZACS since the Turks had such a strong prescience and were occupied the cliffs, which is the reason the landings went so badly. It would by very different from recent COD games since the terrain was more of an issue than the enemy soldiers. It would force Treyarch and Activision to make changes to the Call of Duty we're used to, which they don't want to do. They want to milk the big budget film-style as long as it makes them money. Maybe when people get bored of that they'll do something new, but it would actually be fitting for them to do Gallipoli this year since April will mark the 100th anniversary of the landings.
So how do you guys feel about Ubisoft unlocking Initiates and Nomad content for AC Unity? I love it. Hopefully its a sign that Ubisoft is ge… moretting on the right track. I'm starting to re-think my promise to not buy anything from them.
And on the subject of AC Unity, I realize that I've been pretty hard on it. True, to me it's a weak point in the Assassin's Creed series, but it's not awful. Some things here and there that ruin the game at times, but I'm slowly starting to enjoy it more and more now that I've played through the campaign a bit more.
And for COD players, what are you hoping for in this year's Call of Duty? I'm hoping for a return to WW2, since World at War from 2008 was one of the strongest COD games in my opinion. I'd love a return to that time period, but maybe in a different scenario. Perhaps fighting for Germany or on of it's allies. I could see a decent story come out of that. I'd also love a game based on the Gallipoli … [view original content]
I had that on last gen its awesome! Theres a bloody anoying side mission though where you have to go around the entire island in a mini sub looking for parts and it takes ages. I won a signed guide book and never needed it, the game is both challenging and completeable, your in for hours of fun and trever is the dogs bollocks
Just got GTA V for Xbox One and I'm loving it. As cliché as it sounds, playing in first person makes it feel like a completely new game.
… more Plus, you can get high off peyote and hallucinate that you're a dolphin. What's not to like?
Anyone else still screwing around in Los Santos?
I had that on last gen its awesome! Theres a bloody anoying side mission though where you have to go around the entire island in a mini sub… more looking for parts and it takes ages. I won a signed guide book and never needed it, the game is both challenging and completeable, your in for hours of fun and trever is the dogs bollocks
Hes got some kind of texas chainsaw family or something. I loved putting trevor in the most stupid outfits possible, Some of the stuff he was doing when I switched to him had me in stitches
Ive been trying to make afro samurai as a custom character on samurai warriors 4 but I cant make him look right. its realy difficult changing a Japanese face into afro he keeps coming out like Michael Jackson anyone got any tips. I dont have any custom pack dlc or anything by the way, ive been trying to find some type of guide but when I search I just pics of the girl character with the afro
I remember trying to import my choices on the Keep site thing for DA, but I messed up during the process and now I can't. Apparently, You had to make your password and username the same, I didn't know that. Can anyone help me?
Me too, its because ive got psn and even though I dont have a ps3 or vita I claim the lisences every month so I already have lots of games for it, plus CROSSBUY! but I still dont know if I will get one though. ..
Hes got some kind of texas chainsaw family or something. I loved putting trevor in the most stupid outfits possible, Some of the stuff he was doing when I switched to him had me in stitches
The thing is that I'm not a big Sony fan, but with all these collections and re-releases, it seems like the psvita will be my Playstation 1-2 backlog in the palm of my hand.
Me too, its because ive got psn and even though I dont have a ps3 or vita I claim the lisences every month so I already have lots of games for it, plus CROSSBUY! but I still dont know if I will get one though. ..
I didn't think of that. I just checked the price of the vita its still so high, I wont be getting it anytime soon. I recently bought I ps1 with 5 games including final fantasy 7 for £15 id rather hunt down the originals then pay that much for a vita but I am a tight ass. If I found a cheap one I would probably buy it I love retro gaming (is ps2 retro btw) ps2 is what made me a gamer I had plenty of consoles before but I wasnt a gamer untill my ps2
The thing is that I'm not a big Sony fan, but with all these collections and re-releases, it seems like the psvita will be my Playstation 1-2 backlog in the palm of my hand.
I agree, one of my favourite switching to Trevor moment was, when he's lying drunk on train tracks and there's a big ass train coming at him… more.
I was like "Get the fuck up now Trevor, that's a dumb way to die!". My hands got sweaty and all, it was so intense lol.
I don't know where you live, but for me a vita bundled in with five downloadable games is 200 euros. Seems like a fair deal especially when you factor in my laziness when it comes to tracking down old games.
I didn't think of that. I just checked the price of the vita its still so high, I wont be getting it anytime soon. I recently bought I ps1 w… moreith 5 games including final fantasy 7 for £15 id rather hunt down the originals then pay that much for a vita but I am a tight ass. If I found a cheap one I would probably buy it I love retro gaming (is ps2 retro btw) ps2 is what made me a gamer I had plenty of consoles before but I wasnt a gamer untill my ps2
Actually i am Arkham fan too. Played every Batman Arkham game and waiting Arkham knight with the big excitement.
Btw, does someone know day when it is comin out?
please can u tell me reason about why do u play resident evil revelations? i played it and it was the worst experience of gaming in my life. bad graphics, bad effects, bad storyline, nothing new or developed. BTW im waiting for life is strange too
I'm pretty hyped for Life Is Strange and Resident Evil Revelations 2. Its good to see more episodic games coming out. They will be real competition for Telltale.
New trailer for Batman: Arkham Knight.
Has anyone played resident evil revelations 2 yet? If you have is it worth buying the first ep or should I wait? I have no idea how long each episode is
Yep, played it last night. It was really good. I think its worth buying, and the second episode looks better, in my opinion (there's a preview at the end of the episode). Each episode is said to be about 2 hours or so long, but, it took me about 3 hours because I explored a lot.
So just today, Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number became available for pre-purchase on Steam. Anyone else gonna be painting Miami red come March 10, or am I the only one?
Apparently it was banned over here.
I dont get the love for all those fake retro games that flood PSN or whatever marketplace. It looks like a gameboy game
Ive just bought samurai warriors 4. Looking forward to this, koshosho is sooo kawaii!
The retro style is to compliment the setting (Late 80's/Early 90's), and the story, gameplay, and soundtrack are just phenomenal. It's one of my favorite games.
In Australia? Yeah, unfortunately. Though the game's devs said that, if you live in Australia, you should pirate it. Like, for real. Not making that up.
Not surprising. There's tons of crap that gets pirated over here. Most people just don't have the money to spend hundreds of dollars on DVD's or games. Besides, it was bound to happen anyway.
Fun fact: Australia is the country in which Game of Thrones is the most pirated.
I did some research and found out Until Dawn is about 10 hours long and it has hundreds of endings. Good luck to the trophy hunters who are trying to get platinum if one of the trophies requires to play all the endings
The Gallipoli Campaign would be an awesome shooter scenario, as would the Alpine Front. Dodging machine gun nests and avalanches while skiing towards your objective would be awesome.
Unfortunately, I don't think CoD will be revisiting WWII, especially not with a German protagonist. The media would lose their minds!
Playing stick it to the man right now...
It's too bad that their taking it in a direction which is less and less in touch with reality every year.
Why would they lose their minds ?
Holy shit, 10 hours long. Thats really good.
Probably because it wouldn't be the video game version of a Michael Bay movie.
Call of Duty has descended to the point of just having bigger and bigger explosions, hence the Michael Bay comparison. If they were to set Call of Duty at Gallipoli during WW1 and have it be anything realistic at all then the terrain would have far more of a part to play depending on who you would be playing as. Gallipoli was hell for the ANZACS since the Turks had such a strong prescience and were occupied the cliffs, which is the reason the landings went so badly. It would by very different from recent COD games since the terrain was more of an issue than the enemy soldiers. It would force Treyarch and Activision to make changes to the Call of Duty we're used to, which they don't want to do. They want to milk the big budget film-style as long as it makes them money. Maybe when people get bored of that they'll do something new, but it would actually be fitting for them to do Gallipoli this year since April will mark the 100th anniversary of the landings.
Just got GTA V for Xbox One and I'm loving it. As cliché as it sounds, playing in first person makes it feel like a completely new game.
Plus, you can get high off peyote and hallucinate that you're a dolphin. What's not to like?
Anyone else still screwing around in Los Santos?
I can just imagine one of the missions:
"Gas the Jews before the allies break into the camp"
I had that on last gen its awesome! Theres a bloody anoying side mission though where you have to go around the entire island in a mini sub looking for parts and it takes ages. I won a signed guide book and never needed it, the game is both challenging and completeable, your in for hours of fun
and trever is the dogs bollocks
Hell yeah! I had it for last gen too and I'll still probably go back so I can do heists with friends.
Difficulty is just right this time, a big improvement from GTA IV. I only had to use skip checkpoint once.
Look up How do you do it? on Steam. GOTY material.
Have any of you ever wondered if Gta V protagonist Trevor Phillips' mother was real or just imagination of Trevor's twisted mind?
Been some good articles lately about Rise of the Tomb Raider. Here's an interesting interview with Camilla Luddington (the woman that voices Lara):
Hes got some kind of texas chainsaw family or something. I loved putting trevor in the most stupid outfits possible, Some of the stuff he was doing when I switched to him had me in stitches
Ive been trying to make afro samurai as a custom character on samurai warriors 4 but I cant make him look right. its realy difficult changing a Japanese face into afro he keeps coming out like Michael Jackson
anyone got any tips. I dont have any custom pack dlc or anything by the way, ive been trying to find some type of guide but when I search I just pics of the girl character with the afro
I remember trying to import my choices on the Keep site thing for DA, but I messed up during the process and now I can't. Apparently, You had to make your password and username the same, I didn't know that.
Can anyone help me?
I'm thinking of getting a vita. What is wrong with me?
Me too, its because ive got psn and even though I dont have a ps3 or vita I claim the lisences every month so I already have lots of games for it, plus CROSSBUY! but I still dont know if I will get one though. ..
I agree, one of my favourite switching to Trevor moment was, when he's lying drunk on train tracks and there's a big ass train coming at him.
I was like "Get the fuck up now Trevor, that's a dumb way to die!". My hands got sweaty and all, it was so intense lol.
The thing is that I'm not a big Sony fan, but with all these collections and re-releases, it seems like the psvita will be my Playstation 1-2 backlog in the palm of my hand.
I didn't think of that. I just checked the price of the vita its still so high, I wont be getting it anytime soon. I recently bought I ps1 with 5 games including final fantasy 7 for £15 id rather hunt down the originals then pay that much for a vita but I am a tight ass. If I found a cheap one I would probably buy it
I love retro gaming (is ps2 retro btw) ps2 is what made me a gamer I had plenty of consoles before but I wasnt a gamer untill my ps2
The police chase in the golf cart was one of my faves it was made so much better by the fact he was wearing a dress
I don't know where you live, but for me a vita bundled in with five downloadable games is 200 euros. Seems like a fair deal especially when you factor in my laziness when it comes to tracking down old games.
Im like 90% certain borderlands the pre sequel is haunted after last night
Actually i am Arkham fan too. Played every Batman Arkham game and waiting Arkham knight with the big excitement.
Btw, does someone know day when it is comin out?
please can u tell me reason about why do u play resident evil revelations? i played it and it was the worst experience of gaming in my life. bad graphics, bad effects, bad storyline, nothing new or developed. BTW im waiting for life is strange too
lol I got one where he would start running over some dude on a moped and kept saying "were scooter buddies!"