The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I am not sure if this is the right place for this post but I wanted to let telltale games know that I am disappointed in them. I know you are bound to a story line but people like me are tired of being lied to that our choices in games matter. If you get choices then the game should be altered for the sake of following the store you soit after or one that we want. If I have multiple choices I should have the ability to save someone even if it means you have to do more work creating a extra story line. Please listen to your fans and give them something that impresses them not just satisfied them. Go the extra mile and be great not just ordinary. I will not be checking these posts because of my disappointed so if you truly wish to show you hear your fans email me and explain yourselves for this

  • Just watched Redline, that movie is awesome.
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  • Today, 15 years ago, I was pushed out of a vagina.


  • The celebration of the anniversary of coming out of your mother's vagina how lovely.

    Today, 15 years ago, I was pushed out of a vagina. Lovely.

  • I do agree that the choices never really matter, but I am still satisfied with their games :p

    I am not sure if this is the right place for this post but I wanted to let telltale games know that I am disappointed in them. I know you ar

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    Today, 15 years ago, I was pushed out of a vagina. Lovely.

  • Looks at my posts from yesterday

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    Today, 15 years ago, I was pushed out of a vagina. Lovely.

  • It feels weird being back in the Freshman campus.

    That was like, two years ago.

    Oh yeah, I have thin mint cookies, bless. Very good.

  • Ok I was like one room away from having my psych teacher proctor this stupid thing instead of that I have this dumb lady urgh

  • That guy's hair though...

    kaleion posted: »

    Just watched Redline, that movie is awesome.

  • 7 days (including today) until the heists finally arrive and I can rampage through robberies! >:D

  • edited March 2015

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    Edit:I don't want you guys thinking Kanye is meant to be offensive, so I changed it

    Today, 15 years ago, I was pushed out of a vagina. Lovely.

  • edited March 2015

    That was some pretty weird shit

    Looks at my posts from yesterday



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    MISS ME :D no? I understand XD but you did notice I was gone right ok I sorta understand, wat You don't even know who I am? Well sheet

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    Urban spiderman ruined my childhood I never taught how useless spidey could be unless he was in a city

  • Nice to see you back, where have you been?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    MISS ME no? I understand XD but you did notice I was gone right ok I sorta understand, wat You don't even know who I am? Well sheet

  • Just took a break and concentrated on my college, football and boxing thank you bro :)

    Nice to see you back, where have you been?

  • edited March 2015

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    WE need a Quinn movie with Emma Watson

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    And Ellen Page

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    A six hour game with two hours being a cutscene I seen this in my local shop for 80 euro(90 dollars) wtf

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    I loved the comments tho so true ^

  • What the actual fuck?

    ComingSoon posted: »


  • Lmao.

    Good job, you figured something out we all knew for a long time. It's the illusion of choice my friend, it's the journey not the destination, Telltale still has to tell a story. They won't email you. A lot of people are still satisfied and don't care about the illusion.

    Have a great day.

    I am not sure if this is the right place for this post but I wanted to let telltale games know that I am disappointed in them. I know you ar

  • Welcome back brother.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    MISS ME no? I understand XD but you did notice I was gone right ok I sorta understand, wat You don't even know who I am? Well sheet

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    ComingSoon posted: »


  • Great a snow day with no snow...Are you high school district?

    Whatever, I'm not complaining.

  • Invisible show? It's always a possibility.


    Great a snow day with no snow...Are you high school district? Whatever, I'm not complaining.

  • Well...It's raining. That's a type of snow.

    Water Cycle

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Invisible show? It's always a possibility.

  • Well, it's transparent!

    Close enough. :3

    Well...It's raining. That's a type of snow. Water Cycle

  • Well, I have some time to write today...Might do that in a bit.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Well, it's transparent! Close enough.

  • I will be waiting...Patiently...

    Well, I have some time to write today...Might do that in a bit.

  • I've recently started listening to Mumford and Sons, I really like them, so I'm gonna share some music by them. :3

    Thistle and Weeds

    Broken Crown

    I Gave You All

    Little Lion Man

    Roll Away Your Stone

  • Septar Jr. will destroy us all.

    I, for one, welcome our new AI Overlord.

    All hail Septar Jr.

  • "Do you know what our killer is-"


  • I will wait is my favorite by them. .3.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I've recently started listening to Mumford and Sons, I really like them, so I'm gonna share some music by them. Thistle and Weeds Broken Crown I Gave You All Little Lion Man Roll Away Your Stone

  • I haven't heard that one yet, I'm gonna check it out. :D

    I will wait is my favorite by them. .3.

  • "Dwight you ignorant slut"

  • Thanks bro :)

    Welcome back brother.

  • edited March 2015

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    I love this band I went into judging mode hoping I would see you had little lion man once I seen it I upthumbed XD

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I've recently started listening to Mumford and Sons, I really like them, so I'm gonna share some music by them. Thistle and Weeds Broken Crown I Gave You All Little Lion Man Roll Away Your Stone

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