
  • There are a few bugs I noticed pertaining to the boot. The biggest one being at the end where Rhys is on the platform. I got the boot back, but at that scene it was still gone. Oh well, I'l expect a patch sometime soon.

    So in your playthrough does Rhys still only have one shoe on (and Fiona's holding it hostage)? That's hilarious! What happens when he cli

  • edited March 2015

    Even the judge is on my side. So,what do you say @1513570?

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    It would seem so. Do you have any evidence to support these claims, @1513570 ?

  • Well IGN gave it an 8.8, so it seems they got a review right for once though I'd give it a 9 out of 10 :P

  • Meanwhile, in the crowd

    Alt text

    Little did they know that I did it...hehehe...

    Cody_nara posted: »

    Even the judge is on my side. So,what do you say @1513570?

  • I'm not sure if I'd say it was worth the wait...but I'm glad I had GTA V and Destiny to keep me busy until now. So much awesome, and the episode itself felt much longer and more involved than the first. I can see myself replaying it a lot for the other dialogue options, just to see what happens.

    Choice-wise, I wish I could have saved the second bullet...but at least the Acid Bullet leaves a very cool (and gross) mark on the guy that will persist into the next episodes, it seems. I went with Jack at the end soley so that Fiona could save those three homing grenades for the inevitible grand escape. I really hope there's some kind of super advantage if you play the game super conservative until the very end. At this rate I'll have the keys to the apocalypse and enough money to buy out the planet by episode 5.

    Also, this episode just made me more hyped for The Handsome Collection, makes me regret skipping the Nakayama DLC in Borderlands 2, and has buit a very strong case for picking Athena as my Pre-Sequel character. Sorry, Wilhelm and Jack Doppelgänger, but both of you end up dying in Borderlands 2 anyway.

  • Oh, no. Timothy Lawrence has been confirmed to NOT be the guy you kill in Opportunity. Burch said it.

    Also, Nisha dies. This upsets me. I mean, I felt a little less bad after her puppy dialogue, but really, it was sad to kill the person you've done 2 playthroughs with and doesn't verbally abuse you too much. She did give a little taunt during the first sidequest, but after that, it was mostly "Continue with what you're doing, I'm not even mad, you fight nice, you're cool and I like you. Also, kill more stuff."

    Mazekial posted: »

    I'm not sure if I'd say it was worth the wait...but I'm glad I had GTA V and Destiny to keep me busy until now. So much awesome, and the epi

  • thats really cool dude! In the Lee and Bigby scene I was like: nooo the sandwich!!!!!!!!!

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Okay, so I'm going to note my favorite highlights of the episode by gifs [all in order...I think] and you gotta guess what moments I'm refer

  • edited March 2015

    Also, that's kinda Borderlands' thing. One moment you're laughing until your butt falls off at a joke, the next you're laughing because someone's butt fell off, and a few minutes later your mind is blown by a suprisingly intrigueing plot point, then you're laughing bitterly when something goes to hell in a darkly humorous way. Then a Psycho does something hilarious and/or stupid and you're back to laughing your butt off.

    Then it clicks in your mind that Psychos and all the baddies on Pandora are actualy just regular people like you who have gone insane on the planet and you're mercilessly cutting through them and snuffing out what little life they still clung to, ultimately just for a couple bucks and a gun. And then you start questioning if you're really any better than the Psychos you think are beneath you.

    And then Claptrap writes his own dubstep song and you completely forget what you were just thinking about.

    In short, Telltale's absolutely nailing the tone perfectly. The right nails and everything.

    J-Master posted: »

    So....apparently this episode getting some criticism for being a little darker than the first episode and not as over the top..... I don't get it, this episode is not even on Walking Dead or Wolf Among Us levels of dark.

  • Episode 5: We will slice your throat while you sleep.

    Deltino posted: »

    I would have honestly loved if they changed the credit skipping notification each episode Episode 1: Telltale Games will remember that

  • ...Eh...what? Huh? Where's that info?

    Huh, never knew Athena was a lesbian. Wonder what the red eyes were about though.

  • Officially my favourite gaming series. It's just so much fun I had to cry of joy. The story, the characters, the badass scenes and the hilarious crap hits my taste perfectly. They're all best friendos, Jack is a personal comedian for Rhys, Rhys and Vaughn are bros, and lets not forget my son loader bot.

  • Hm...ok, Jack Doppelgänger returns to the point of consideration. =P

    Also, you could just not do that sidequest. Then Nisha lives forever but never appears in the story again! Well, and you get no exp from it...meh, the price you pay for lives.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Oh, no. Timothy Lawrence has been confirmed to NOT be the guy you kill in Opportunity. Burch said it. Also, Nisha dies. This upsets me. I

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    I don't know if there's confirmation if she's a lesbian or bi, but her only relationship(current) is with another woman (Janey).

    Mazekial posted: »

    ...Eh...what? Huh? Where's that info?

  • I got a different creddit skipping notification. I just now got "Serously? Again?! People worked really hard on this!"

    Deltino posted: »

    I would have honestly loved if they changed the credit skipping notification each episode Episode 1: Telltale Games will remember that

  • canonically kill Nisha. Burch confirmed it.

    But anyway, do that sidequest. It's fun, it's great, and she doesn't actually verbally abuse you except for one time. Then that's it.

    Mazekial posted: »

    Hm...ok, Jack Doppelgänger returns to the point of consideration. =P Also, you could just not do that sidequest. Then Nisha lives forever but never appears in the story again! Well, and you get no exp from it...meh, the price you pay for lives.

  • Loud cheering and booing starts
    Judge:Order! Order! Order!

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Meanwhile, in the crowd Little did they know that I did it...hehehe...

  • Alt text

    D-Did they hear me?

    Cody_nara posted: »

    Loud cheering and booing starts Judge:Order! Order! Order!

  • Umm hey does anyone know if you can save general pollux?

  • Before you climb up on the dumpster, if you have Rhys talk to Fiona there is an option to ask for his boot back.

    Pipas posted: »

    Wait, when can you ask for the shoe? I guess I missed the option. Not that I complain, it's funny that he's walking around with only one shoe.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Man, I still can't get over how great that soundtrack at the end of the episode is

    How is Jared such a great composer

  • Fiona is even better looking than Sasha, IMO.

    But beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that. Maybe Scooter likes dreads.

    Yeah, I got that moment too and straight away I thought, Rhysha confirmed! In saying that though, it's only one-sided so far... Actually

  • I'm guessing the grenade was an EMP, because we know the protagonists are unharmed, and they were closest to it. It probably fries the bots but leaves everyone else unharmed.

    I trusted Jack... Finding out what happened with Fiona I think I made the right decision.

  • If you decide to go to Old Haven as Rhys, Fiona and Sasha get to talk to Athena.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Wait, how does this trigger, I didnt know you could talk to Athena

  • so whats in Sashas present... i didnt open it but dont really want to do another playthrough atm and want to know whats inside :) anybody can tell me ? :)

  • Overall I thought this episode was pretty good, it ended way more abruptly than I expected.
    But I'm satisfied so long as the next wait isn't as long for EP3.
    Enjoyable, worth the money, and I love seeing all the characters.
    Vaughn is a cutie, and I still absolutely LOVE Handsome Jack!!!
    Can't wait to see Brick too, FFFFFF if only Roland wasn't dead I'd be very excited to see him make an appearance.

  • Loud cheering and booing becomes louder

    Judge:Order! Order! I will remove you from court!

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    D-Did they hear me?

  • edited March 2015

    Episode 2 blew episode 1 out of the water. I can't fully comprehend the pure awesomness that I've just witnessed.

  • Loved it. Great job TellTale. I wonder though; is anyone else just as curious as I am about Fiona and Sasha's back story? I feel like TellTale can really create a huge, heavy story with them. Also, why do I feel like Vaughn and/or Sasha are going to die before the season ends? sobs...

  • I downloaded it today for episode 2... we have a winner.

  • edited March 2015

    Well, yet another winner from Telltale. So hilarious and action packed. Just as good as episode 1. I now like this series much more than GoT.
    It was awesome that Loader Bot made another appearance and it was good to see some more sexy ladies. :D
    I like Scooter a lot already. He's rather awkward socially which makes him really funny and endearing in a way. And I loved the bro scene with Vaughn and Rhys. Haha. And the music in the credits was great too.
    I'll definitely replay it again.

  • I did the same - I wanted to burst his bubble and he was still smitten! I felt so horrible...

    DeityD posted: »

    but more surprisingly made me genuinely like August (I now feel really sorry for the guy!) And Scooter. Goddamn, he's such a nice gu

  • Yeah, it was debunked in episode 1 that he/she doesn't always speak in Haikus. Also Zer0 only has four fingers on each hand. If I could say one thing about Atlas Mugged that disappointed me slightly it's that I wanted a little more face (or mask) time with The Captor - just because I really want to work out who they are! It's interesting that he/she is moving Rhys and Fiona, though - I wonder where (or more importantly who) he/she's taking them to...

    DeityD posted: »

    I can't think of any reason for him to dress up like this and starting to use a shotgun. He could just go and ask without that masquerade. I also don't think he speaks in haiku, he just doesn't talk much.

  • Ah, now that makes sense!

    Scaeva posted: »

    I'm guessing the grenade was an EMP, because we know the protagonists are unharmed, and they were closest to it. It probably fries the bots but leaves everyone else unharmed.

  • Does that mean your Fiona failed to grab Rhys as he flies out of the caravan? Did you do it on purpose? (you monster!)

    Gapaot posted: »

    I didn't lost my shoe at all =P

  • I was fairly disturbed that Vasquez genuinely seems to believe he was 'helping' Rhys by repeatedly punching him in the face, demoting him to janitor and generally being the biggest douchebag on the moon - Handsome Jack has a lot to answer for, Helios is a seriously messed up place...

    Dapnee posted: »

    Anyone else seriously disturbed Vasquez would consider keeping Rhys' hair?

  • Wait, so Athena has normal eyes in this playthrough?

    For me they were red the whole time (and she had a weird robotic voice)!

  • Yep that was the first time I died, second time was when I refused to shoot Finch (BIG mistake)!

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Fucking up another car for Assquez (and then messing with his gun for good measure) I cannot be the only one who died examining all of the stuff in that scene. Vasquez figures out how to use it and just nails you with it XD

  • Uhhh, in my playthrough Vaughn admits to taking the deal...


    Alt text

    Cody_nara posted: »

    OBJECTION! We don't know if the witness(Hugo Vasquez) is telling the truth! Since you don't have any proof that my client is guilty, my client(Vaughn) is innocent...

  • Or the opposite...

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Maybe if you trust Fiona Sasha will die, and if you trust Jack Vaughn will die

  • Alt text

    Mazekial posted: »

    Also, that's kinda Borderlands' thing. One moment you're laughing until your butt falls off at a joke, the next you're laughing because some

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