Noticed the change in the preview too. The eyes went from glowy red to pearlescent, which is even weirder. Also, did anyone else notice the distinct lack of bullets and/or sword when Athena chased the ladies? The only really agressive act was blowing up their cover crate after Sasha started shooting. Somewhow i don't think Athena was out to kill them. Is she just doing some random bounty hunting, as she cannot possibly know that Fiona&gang are going for the gordis project yet? SO. MANY. QUESTIONS.
From the next time preview at the end, Athena had normal eyes and her eyes were not evil red glowing anymore. So I think Fiona was probrably exaggerat...I mean "embelishing" her side of the story with Athena.
This episode was so awesome I don't know what to say because most of you guys already said what I wanted to bring here. I was espiecially like "Lol " when Loader Bot said "Come with me if you want to leave". Nice reference to Terminator. Telltale really did an excellent job. Can't wait for episode 3.
"City's burning, people are dying left and right, yada yada yada. This jackhole rushes me with a spoon. A FRICKIN' SPOON! And I'm dying laughing, right? So I scoop his stupid little eyeballs out with it and his kids are all like WAAHHHH! And he's runnin' into stuff and... hahaha! And, oh... I don't know, maybe you had to be there. Anyway, the moral is you're a total bitch."
This is also one of the few times I actually enjoyed listening to you talk. Continue speaking like that, AND MAYBE WE'LL LISTEN.
Yeah, it was debunked in episode 1 that he/she doesn't always speak in Haikus. Also Zer0 only has four fingers on each hand. If I could say … moreone thing about Atlas Mugged that disappointed me slightly it's that I wanted a little more face (or mask) time with The Captor - just because I really want to work out who they are! It's interesting that he/she is moving Rhys and Fiona, though - I wonder where (or more importantly who) he/she's taking them to...
Yeah, 'evil' walkthrough, didn't grab anyone. It was so fun, Rhys still grabs Vaughn, but too late, they both fly out, and you can just watch and let them. Fiona sits tight and gets to keep her cool and her hat. Rhys keeps his shoe.
I actually had a mini heart attack within the first few minutes because I saw that there was a body in the cryogenic freezer before I found out who it was - and I was completely and utterly convinced that it was Timothy and that's why he seemingly disappeared off the face of the planet after TPS, because Jack/Nakayama froze him, and that the Gortys project was somehow linked to Jack (even though it's Atlas) and we were going to implant Jack's AI into his body!
...And then it was just some random Atlas guy... >_<
I saw Brick in the preview, just add more Zer0 and Timothy and my life will be complete
I can just imagine HJ seeing Timothy
''Ooooh, who's this sexy beast?''
I actually had a mini heart attack within the first few minutes because I saw that there was a body in the cryogenic freezer before I found … moreout who it was - and I was completely and utterly convinced that it was Timothy and that's why he seemingly disappeared off the face of the planet after TPS, because Jack/Nakayama froze him, and that the Gortys project was somehow linked to Jack (even though it's Atlas) and we were going to implant Jack's AI into his body!
...And then it was just some random Atlas guy... >_<
I actually had a mini heart attack within the first few minutes because I saw that there was a body in the cryogenic freezer before I found … moreout who it was - and I was completely and utterly convinced that it was Timothy and that's why he seemingly disappeared off the face of the planet after TPS, because Jack/Nakayama froze him, and that the Gortys project was somehow linked to Jack (even though it's Atlas) and we were going to implant Jack's AI into his body!
...And then it was just some random Atlas guy... >_<
where did Vaughn get those abs? xD
Yes - I NEED that song! It was utter perfection for that scene - so emotionally charged.
Noticed the change in the preview too. The eyes went from glowy red to pearlescent, which is even weirder. Also, did anyone else notice the distinct lack of bullets and/or sword when Athena chased the ladies? The only really agressive act was blowing up their cover crate after Sasha started shooting. Somewhow i don't think Athena was out to kill them. Is she just doing some random bounty hunting, as she cannot possibly know that Fiona&gang are going for the gordis project yet? SO. MANY. QUESTIONS.
Exercise bike. YEAAAAAAAH.
How he got Vin Diesel's arms, however, is not known.
Wait, what? I missed Athena being adorkable like that?
....I have to make another savefile now.
This episode was so awesome
I don't know what to say because most of you guys already said what I wanted to bring here. I was espiecially like "Lol
" when Loader Bot said "Come with me if you want to leave". Nice reference to Terminator.
Telltale really did an excellent job. Can't wait for episode 3.
"City's burning, people are dying left and right, yada yada yada. This jackhole rushes me with a spoon. A FRICKIN' SPOON! And I'm dying laughing, right? So I scoop his stupid little eyeballs out with it and his kids are all like WAAHHHH! And he's runnin' into stuff and... hahaha! And, oh... I don't know, maybe you had to be there. Anyway, the moral is you're a total bitch."
This is also one of the few times I actually enjoyed listening to you talk. Continue speaking like that, AND MAYBE WE'LL LISTEN.
Bri bro bro bro bro!
I thought they counted the syllables in each sentence at the beginning...
Bro, you're good at this, bro.
Bro, you deserve a brofist...bro!
Yeah, 'evil' walkthrough, didn't grab anyone. It was so fun, Rhys still grabs Vaughn, but too late, they both fly out, and you can just watch and let them. Fiona sits tight and gets to keep her cool and her hat. Rhys keeps his shoe.
I saw Brick in the preview, just add more Zer0 and Timothy and my life will be complete
I can just imagine HJ seeing Timothy
''Ooooh, who's this sexy beast?''
So are you, bro.
I got you bro!
Thanks, bro. (brofist)
Awww. xD
Well,if you chosse to go Old Heaven,until the Scooter shop had the red eyes,and that robotic voice,but when i enter in and thing come up normal
[Bro bro bro bro bro bro,bro bro bro.] -Fiona 2015-9
I actually had a mini heart attack within the first few minutes because I saw that there was a body in the cryogenic freezer before I found out who it was - and I was completely and utterly convinced that it was Timothy and that's why he seemingly disappeared off the face of the planet after TPS, because Jack/Nakayama froze him, and that the Gortys project was somehow linked to Jack (even though it's Atlas) and we were going to implant Jack's AI into his body!
...And then it was just some random Atlas guy... >_<
''Just some random Atlas guy, who seemed to be alive and was Athena's first target'' I would say...
Damn, our crew is really unlucky
Hey! General Eyeball was a great man, not "some random Atlas guy" ! <.<
...Remembering that scene makes me want to squish grapes. Funny.
Yeah, but he wasn't TIMOTHY! </3
I really want to see Timothy at some point. The things HJ would say...
Telltale, do it.
''Ohohoho...You're so pretty, why aren't we married yet?''
~Timothy, TPS
We also need him to be flustered around Moxxi. Again.
The episode was truly amazing, great job Telltale
We really need a petition right now.
Yeah. Now I know why I missed it, you need to go to Hollow Point first to get that.
The ending not ending like that? At least don't leave us on a cliff hanger like that. Show us more before ending it.
I don't know sniffs he's too pure...
Oh god that screencap is too much.
You rip both his eyes out of his head. Even if I wanted to see him run around screaming before dieing, I wouldn't want to wake that guy up.
So... epic ending was epic.