Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 4: Twilight - Part 5.
Atlanta Roberts.
Atlanta approached the sniper as they put away the gear. The sniper was a woman. She had very tanned skin and seemed to be of Middle Eastern descent, wore faded jeans with the bandanna sticking out of her front pocket. She had removed the previously black sweatshirt in favor of a light blue sleeveless shirt. “Hey.” The sniper said as Atlanta approached, a slight smirk on her face.
“Hello…” Atlanta replied, awkwardly. “Ugh, where do I begin...what the fuck just happened?” Atlanta asked with a quick pace.
The sniper sighed reluctantly. “Well, I’m Jordan and this is where you’ll be spending the rest of your days, sorry to say.” The smirk on her face faded away. “Listen, I’m sorry about...Shooting at y’all, but it’s not like I have a choice in the matter.”
“It’s fine.” Atlanta replied, halfheartedly while crossing her arm. “You wouldn’t have...Shot us, right?”
“Sadly...If they tell me to shoot I’m usually at gunpoint myself, metaphorically, I guess. Fuckers put me to work the sniper rifle, says it because I have steady aim...Which I do, but I like staying quiet, silent, get up behind one of them rotting corpses with machete and just cut the fucker’s head clean off.” Jordan swinged a finger across the air to demonstrate a cutting motion.
“Yeah, okay, good to know.” Atlanta replied, forcing a smile. “But I need to know what the fuck’s going to happen to my group.” She demanded and Jordan first replied with another smirk. “You’ve been brought here to be their workers. Same as I, Christian, and plenty of others. There’s pretty much two types of jobs here; you’ll either be working in the kitchen or as escorts for the trades.” Her smirk faded as she gave a frown, “they pretty much only use people who have something to lose as escorts, unless they trust you. But they sure as hell don’t trust you. I could see only one of you joining us. The kid won’t have to either of those jobs, luckily. He’ll probably be put to work in either the laundry or maybe the actual kitchen.” Jordan paused as Atlanta gave a puzzled look.
“You keep saying kitchen, what do you mean?” Atlanta asked as she moved her hands to her sides.
“Sorry, it’s habit, well, more of nickname. The kitchen is a very large meth lab, as you already know we use meth as a way to trade for supplies. Escorts go out to do the deals with the these addicts all over the state. Still plenty of them out there. But they gather food, water, ammo, and whatnot in exchange for meth. It works, honestly.” Jordan sighed with annoyance. “But what the asshole said, Jake, he puts it...Softy. He’s pretty much the mouth of Zafir, the right hand man,” she paused with a smirk, “or the hand the jacks him off, not literally.”
She turned to her locker door and shut it as she stepped over to the tables, where at the far left end Christian sat. She gestured for Atlanta to sit. “So, what happens now?” Atlanta asked as she sat at the table.
“Well, you’ll be put to work in one of the jobs. Oh, and just to be clear so you don’t go in expecting something else; you won’t actually be cooking meth in the kitchen, we’ve got cooks that you will be assisting.” Jordan bit her lip, “that’s is...If you are picked to work in the lab. Again, I’d say only one of your group will be working as an escort, they don’t want the majority of your group as escorts because they’re afraid you’ll team up and leave while on trade runs. Even if you have something to lose here.” Jordan made a ‘tisk’ sound with her tongue. “I’d bet...Jerry will be put with the escorts, he put up a good fight when we tried to ‘nap you. Though you’ll think people like that wouldn’t be given a gun and told guard them, it’s people like that they need when trading with the meth-heads who are liable to kill you.” She sighed as she briefly turned to face Christian. “It-- I know it must of been hard to resist the urge to have climbed out of the pickup and beat the asshole silly, but know that Christian won’t hold it against you for not doing anything.”
“What was that anyway? Atlanta questioned with puzzled tone. “He just called their boss a fucker and the guy went apeshit. But when that asshole Jake called Zafir an asshole the guy didn’t budge.”
“Yeah, both of them are assholes, but Jakes a sarcastic asshole who can’t seem to help it. He doesn’t have much of a say in it either. Oh and believe me, that guy will tell Zafir he called him an insufferable asshole. But a lot of Jake’s insults get drowned in all his fuckin’ sarcasm.” Jordan said with a smile, but it faded to more serious expression. “Again, you trust me and Christian, but don’t trust Jake too much. He’s not that bad, but he reports to Zafir, you never know what he might tell him.” Jordan’s expression perked up again, “oh, and the cook you’ll probably be assisting, his name’s Vincent Willows. A little heads up, his sister’s a bitch. My guess is that you will working with them, keep in mind there’s a few other cooks, but they all have a good few assistances. Vincent’s lab - right now - only has him and his sister working in it when they usually like to have about 4 people in each.”
“Okay, good to know. But who the hell’s Zafir? I keep hearing his name, I take it he’s the leader. What can you tell me about him?” Atlanta asked with an interested look.
Jordan gave a tired look, “I figured you’d ask about HIM sooner or later.” She sighed with distaste. “Well, he’s pretty much the mastermind of this shitshow. He’s the one you should hate, he’s the reason you’re here. I, myself, have only seen him two times. He’s old, probably in his mid-forties with greying hair cut so short he’s almost bald by the looks of him. And the last time I saw him he had a thick grey beard. Oh and believe me, he’s an athletic motherfucker, even for his age. I’m pretty sure he was FBI or DEA or something before this.”
Atlanta bit her lip and looked at Christian who set a good ways away, out of earshot. “What can you tell about…” she nodded her head towards Christian “...What can you tell me about Christian?”
Atlanta sighed reluctantly. “Well, it’s sad story; he came out of Laredo, it’s a city by the border of mexico. Let me tell, it was fucking bad there. I’m sure he’s got some stories, but I wouldn’t ask if were you. Anyway, he came up further into Texas after escaping the city with his girlfriend, only to be picked up by Zafir’s gang. He and his girlfriend, Maria, didn’t like this place...So they tried to leave a few days back, but they didn’t make it far before Zafir himself caught up with them. He brought them back and continued to force Christian to work as an escort again, but Maria...She’s been missing. Christian wants to leave more than anything, but he’ll never Maria. So until he finds her he’s just been going by, day by day. Zafir’s taken her somewhere, or...I don’t think she’s dead, but I wouldn’t put it past the asshole.” Jordan let out a frustrated breath. “That’s what the fucker does; keeps you from leaving by keeping someone or something that is deer to you. That’s why only one of you are going be a escort. Then the rest of you will work here, in the mall, he’ll keep you here and it keeps the people who have to run the trades from running while on a run. Like what Jake said on your way in, ‘it’s gonna be one shit ride.’”
“I’m gonna get back to my group and fill them in, but have one last question; when are they going to have us work? ” Atlanta stuck out her hand as she asked and Jordan shook it. “They usually will let you settle in. I’d say first thing in the morning is a good guess. But yeah, you too.” Jordan smirked, with a kind expression.
Ashley as pulling large splinters out of Jerry’s back. “Last one.” Ashley said, pulling out a the final splinter. “You sure? It still hurts like hell.” Jerry groaned. “Yes, I’m sure.” Ashley replied, she turned to face Atlanta as she approached. “So…?” She asked worryingly.
“We have been kidnapped and are going to be either forced to be assistance in a meth lab or to be escorts while trading the meth for supplies.” Atlanta answered, turning to Jerry. “She said you’ll most likely end up working as a escort, Jerry.”
“Fucker’s will giving me a gun, too?” Jerry smirked devilishly. “These fuckers will be making the biggest mistake of their lives since bring us here.”
“No, well, yes. They will probably give you a gun but you can’t try to shoot your way out of this. Jordan said they’ll use one of us as some kind of...Barging chip.”
Jerry let out an annoyed sigh. “So, that’s completely off the table, or…?” Jerry scratched the back of his head awkwardly. “Or is only...slightly hanging...off the table?”
“It’s completely off the table.” Atlanta replied seriously and annoyed tone.
“What about her?” Daniel spoke up, shooting Jordan an undecided look. “She’s cool, I’d say you should go talk with her sometime.” Atlanta smiled. “You sure?” Ashley asked with concern.
“Definitely.” Atlanta answered with confident smile fixed on her face. “But for now I’d say we just wait...That’s honestly all we can do.”
Jerry looked at the group they had left. “Atlanta, I need to talk to you. Privately.” He asked with an soon-to-be angry expression forming on his face. “Fine.” Atlanta replied as she and Jerry walked off to the corner of the room. “What is it?”
“I found Dean’s dead body, he was shot.” Jerry blunted out, barely able to keep his voice from turning into a yell. “Not only that, but I never found Josie or Lindsay. I think someone might have taken them while we we’re...Scattered.”
Atlanta raised her hand to her mouth and had a chill sent down her spine. “Oh...Oh my fucking god.” She muttered with a shocked expression. “Who...Who would…” She trailed off.
“Take a wild guess.” Jerry exclaimed quietly. “Not only that...But a big ‘X-marks-the-spot’ on the front gate, written in blood.” Jerry groaned angrily. “I think someone - not only killed Dean and kidnapped Josie or Lindsay and fucking marked us - but also let the damn horde in.” A subtle rage lingered in his voice.
“There was a fuckin’ army of the dead in between the community, and the gate, and the break. How could they even get close.” Atlanta bit her lip. “I won’t doubting you, but--”
“If they could make it to the gate they could probably make it to that practical part of the wall.” Jerry reluctantly reinsured.
“Fuck…” Atlanta trailed off. “Someone...Someone fucking killed us.” Atlanta looked baffled as she coped with the new revelation. “We need to tell the others--” She turned to walk towards Dan and Ashley, but was stop as Jerry grabbed her arm. “There’s more.” He muttered relucketly.
“Anthony was bitten. After I dragged him for a bit trying to reach where we thought you were, he began blacking out. He told me to leave and I left, and I found you and the others. Then I came back to him, just to...Make sure. He was turned like Stan...I...Put him out of his misery…” Jerry bit his lip. “DON’T tell Daniel that Stan turned into one of...them, that is...if he doesn't know already. I have a lasting image of Anthony as one of them. I’d rather that Dan doesn’t remember Stan like that.”
Atlanta took a shaky breath. “Fuck...I didn’t realize you’ve...been through so much...Fuck…” She trailed off as she glanced back at Daniel. “He knows Stan’s dead, but he doesn’t he turned...I-- I didn’t think to ask you at the time...But did Anthony say anything?” Atlanta questioned, depressedly.
“He said he wanted me to protect this group.” Jerry answered. “That’s what I intend to do. Starting with finding a way to get us out of here, figuring out who murdered Dean and where Josie and Lindsay have been taken. ”
Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 4: Twilight - Part 5.
Atlanta Roberts.
Atlanta approached the sniper as they put away the gea… morer. The sniper was a woman. She had very tanned skin and seemed to be of Middle Eastern descent, wore faded jeans with the bandanna sticking out of her front pocket. She had removed the previously black sweatshirt in favor of a light blue sleeveless shirt. “Hey.” The sniper said as Atlanta approached, a slight smirk on her face.
“Hello…” Atlanta replied, awkwardly. “Ugh, where do I begin...what the fuck just happened?” Atlanta asked with a quick pace.
The sniper sighed reluctantly. “Well, I’m Jordan and this is where you’ll be spending the rest of your days, sorry to say.” The smirk on her face faded away. “Listen, I’m sorry about...Shooting at y’all, but it’s not like I have a choice in the matter.”
“It’s fine.” Atlanta replied, halfheartedly while crossing her arm. “You wouldn’t have...Shot us, … [view original content]
Okay, sorry to cut this part short before there was a choice, it's getting late and I want to post a part. There will be a part tomorrow with a choice. It will be the second to last part of this chapter. This chapter will end with the Billy Joel song "Why Should I Worry." Do with that what you will ;3
But at last, I have more questions for you! >:D (Again - like the last time I asked question - you by no means have to fill out the questions)
Who is your favorite character?
Who is your least favorite character?
Who's character (story/development) are you most interested in?
Who do you think will die next?
Where do you think the group's situation is going?
Anything speculation on things to come?"
What do you think will happen at the end of chapter 4?
What do you think the episode titles mean?
Who do you want to die?
Once again, so many "W"s it's messing with my mind, but we got a "A" this time too!
I really don't. I can't even guess now like you use such good ways of tricking me and I can't figure it out. Like my heart was pounding while I was reading this, not even joking.
I really don't. I can't even guess now like you use such good ways of tricking me and I can't figure it out. Like my heart was pounding while I was reading this, not even joking.
Okay, sorry to cut this part short before there was a choice, it's getting late and I want to post a part. There will be a part tomorrow wit… moreh a choice. It will be the second to last part of this chapter. This chapter will end with the Billy Joel song "Why Should I Worry." Do with that what you will ;3
But at last, I have more questions for you! >:D (Again - like the last time I asked question - you by no means have to fill out the questions)
Who is your favorite character?
Who is your least favorite character?
Who's character (story/development) are you most interested in?
Who do you think will die next?
Where do you think the group's situation is going?
Anything speculation on things to come?"
What do you think will happen at the end of chapter 4?
What do you think the episode titles mean?
Who do you want to die?
Once again, so many "W"s it's messing with my mind, but we got a "A" this time too!
Well, I glad I got you into the moment! (especially without any action )
By the way, I rediscovered your story and will be catching up as soon as I can
Several words (tons of words, actually): Music. Finding ways to get into the story again itself. Reading/watching/pretty much anything similar to what you're writing (also a good way to ideas, I've been recovering from watching Breaking Bad {amazing show by the way} which got me into writing the whole meth trade thing.)
This entire meth trade thing is giving me life and I love it. I'll try some of those, there are quite a few songs that I could sort out for the mood I'm aiming for so this will probably work. Thank you so much!
Several words (tons of words, actually): Music. Finding ways to get into the story again itself. Reading/watching/pretty much anything simil… morear to what you're writing (also a good way to ideas, I've been recovering from watching Breaking Bad {amazing show by the way} which got me into writing the whole meth trade thing.)
I'm glad to hear it! I really don't want to toot my own horn, but there's going to be a lot of interesting situations that haven't been touched yet
Most of the songs I put at the ends of chapters are one's that I listened to while writing it. It gives me a picture, sets the mood and adds an atmosphere, to me at least.
This entire meth trade thing is giving me life and I love it. I'll try some of those, there are quite a few songs that I could sort out for the mood I'm aiming for so this will probably work. Thank you so much!
What do you think will happen at the end of chapter 4? The lost people might be found, I'm not too sure.
Where do you think the groups si… moretuation is going? From bad to way fucking worse.
I'll answer the other questions later
All the W's for Walter White, the code has been cracked!
I'm glad to hear it! I really don't want to toot my own horn, but there's going to be a lot of interesting situations that haven't been touc… morehed yet
Most of the songs I put at the ends of chapters are one's that I listened to while writing it. It gives me a picture, sets the mood and adds an atmosphere, to me at least.
Anyway, no problem!
Simply since this is the last time I can reasonably choose this: Anthony. His death was touching and he was an overall great guy. Out of the confirmed living people, it's probably Atlanta, but only because Anthony basically died for her.
Who is your least favorite character?
Surprise, surprise, it's not Jerry. He somehow started to redeem himself. I mean, I still don't like him very much, but it's a start. No, easily my least favourite character would be whoever let the horde in. Even though we know nothing about this character, I already know that (for me at least) he is beyond any even slightly redeeming traits and I hope Josie gets the chance to kill him slowly and very painfully. Out of the mentioned characters, it would be Zafir. He sounds like a complete and utter prick and I wouldn't be too sad if he would just OD offscreen before getting the chance to screw shit up. Out of the introduced characters it would definitely be Jake, but only for a lack of alternatives. He seems to be harmless, but a complete douche, similar to Aiden Monroe from the TV series.
Who's character (story/development) are you most interested in?
Now I have to say you got me slightly interested in Jerry, something I wouldn't have thought possible a few chapters back. Still don't like him at all, but he might be on a way where I could end up slightly liking him.
Who do you think will die next?
I have no idea... Maybe Ashley, or maybe one of these Heisenberg cultists. If it's one of them, I'd say Christian.
Where do you think the group's situation is going?
It's not going to be any better, I think it's safe to say that
Anything speculation on things to come?
This Zafir person won't OD offscreen before even appearing. He will tear shit up. It will be bad. But I think in the long run the group can escape from his place.
What do you think will happen at the end of chapter 4?
I wouldn't be too sad if we could get a glimpse of Josie. However, given the credit song, I think it will be something involving Jerry. Maybe the elusive Clarice, who according to supersagig has apparently some history with Jerry will finally appear. I mean, she got mentioned after all.
What do you think the episode titles mean?
No idea, absolutely no idea, even though I try my best to figure them out. Maybe Episode 4 will play in a small town...
Who do you want to die?
Not Jerry, to my own surprise. But without a doubt, I want to see the slow and horribly painful death of the person who let the horde in, actively killed Dean, passively killed Anthony and kidnapped Josie and Lindsay. For me, his death can't come soon enough and it can't be gruesome enough. Alternatives would be Zafir (I despise this guy already) and maybe Jake.
Okay, sorry to cut this part short before there was a choice, it's getting late and I want to post a part. There will be a part tomorrow wit… moreh a choice. It will be the second to last part of this chapter. This chapter will end with the Billy Joel song "Why Should I Worry." Do with that what you will ;3
But at last, I have more questions for you! >:D (Again - like the last time I asked question - you by no means have to fill out the questions)
Who is your favorite character?
Who is your least favorite character?
Who's character (story/development) are you most interested in?
Who do you think will die next?
Where do you think the group's situation is going?
Anything speculation on things to come?"
What do you think will happen at the end of chapter 4?
What do you think the episode titles mean?
Who do you want to die?
Once again, so many "W"s it's messing with my mind, but we got a "A" this time too!
Well, you should be happy to know several people will die in the chapter ending. There's also going to be a large body of water. A pickup truck. And a glimpse of Harvest Hills.
Who is your favorite character?
Simply since this is the last time I can reasonably choose this: Anthony. His death was touching and he w… moreas an overall great guy. Out of the confirmed living people, it's probably Atlanta, but only because Anthony basically died for her.
Who is your least favorite character?
Surprise, surprise, it's not Jerry. He somehow started to redeem himself. I mean, I still don't like him very much, but it's a start. No, easily my least favourite character would be whoever let the horde in. Even though we know nothing about this character, I already know that (for me at least) he is beyond any even slightly redeeming traits and I hope Josie gets the chance to kill him slowly and very painfully. Out of the mentioned characters, it would be Zafir. He sounds like a complete and utter prick and I wouldn't be too sad if he would just OD offscreen before getting the chance to screw shit up. Out of the introduced charac… [view original content]
Well, you should be happy to know several people will die in the chapter ending. There's also going to be a large body of water. A pickup truck. And a glimpse of Harvest Hills.
Oh and meth, lots of meth to come.
◾Mad Max style car chases
◾Armored cars and tanks and jeeps and rigs of every size. Chick… moreen coups, full of bears, choppers filled the skies.
◾Lots of cannibals
◾More Explosions
◾Dinosaur Skeleton
◾Power struggle.
Okay, sorry to cut this part short before there was a choice, it's getting late and I want to post a part. There will be a part tomorrow wit… moreh a choice. It will be the second to last part of this chapter. This chapter will end with the Billy Joel song "Why Should I Worry." Do with that what you will ;3
But at last, I have more questions for you! >:D (Again - like the last time I asked question - you by no means have to fill out the questions)
Who is your favorite character?
Who is your least favorite character?
Who's character (story/development) are you most interested in?
Who do you think will die next?
Where do you think the group's situation is going?
Anything speculation on things to come?"
What do you think will happen at the end of chapter 4?
What do you think the episode titles mean?
Who do you want to die?
Once again, so many "W"s it's messing with my mind, but we got a "A" this time too!
I love it! The story itself is pretty compelling on it's own already, with plenty of unforseeable twists. I love how the choices have real impact, with Anthony and especially Stan. I mean, I kinda saw Anthony coming when picking that choice, but Stan really shocked me and drove the point home that no character is safe. Chapter 3 gave me genuine goosebumps while reading and while it turned out less than good for my characters, it made me even more hooked on the story. And on top of that, you are among the best writers here on this Forum from my point of view. The compelling writing adds to the already great story. I especially love the way you write the characters and their interactions and you somehow even managed to make me genuinely care for characters almost as if they were my own.
For example, it really shows your ability as a writer that you managed to make me genuinely hate Jerry up to the point where I wished for his death, before somehow being able to turn him into a character that is somewhat slightly more likeable and whose death I'm no longer actively rooting for.
All in all, this is among my favourites here on this forum! I'm looking forwad for the things to come
I'm glad to hear you're looking forward to what's to come
Which is death with a spice of...paranoia, stalkers, dust, sand, body-filled rivers, betrayal, people genuinely going insane, scary borders, ragtag groups of survivors barely getting by, junkies, wild and deranged animals/people, diseases, maaaybe a fighter jet, grudges, murder...and Billy Joel music >:3
I love it! The story itself is pretty compelling on it's own already, with plenty of unforseeable twists. I love how the choices have real i… morempact, with Anthony and especially Stan. I mean, I kinda saw Anthony coming when picking that choice, but Stan really shocked me and drove the point home that no character is safe. Chapter 3 gave me genuine goosebumps while reading and while it turned out less than good for my characters, it made me even more hooked on the story. And on top of that, you are among the best writers here on this Forum from my point of view. The compelling writing adds to the already great story. I especially love the way you write the characters and their interactions and you somehow even managed to make me genuinely care for characters almost as if they were my own.
For example, it really shows your ability as a writer that you managed to make me genuinely hate Jerry up to the point where I wished for his death, before s… [view original content]
Who is your favorite character? Jerry, the hero and Savior.
Who is your least favorite character? That asshole Zafir.
Who's character … more(story/development) are you most interested in? Jerry/Zafir
Who do you think will die next? Ashley
Where do you think the group's situation is going? Bad.
Anything speculation on things to come?" Jerry going Kenny on Zafir in an escape attempt.
What do you think will happen at the end of chapter 4? Escape.
What do you think the episode titles mean? In Kingdom Come has to do with some community.
Who do you want to die? Anyone except Jerry. Zafir is a prime candidate.
Regrettably, I haven't been able to finish the next part before I leave. I'm going to a friends house and won't be back until tomorrow. On top of the I might be too tired to write tomorrow. But bear with me, I'll get a part out soon enough
After not liking Jerrys behavior in Chapter 1 and 2, he is now one of my favorite characters. You did some good development for him! I also like Josie, hope she will be fine
Who is your least favorite character?
Dont really have a least favorite right now. Jake seems like an asshole but I thought the same from Jerry at first. Maybe he turns out okay
Who's character (story/development) are you most interested in?
Jerry or Dan
Who do you think will die next?
Maybe Ashley but I dont really have an idea here
Where do you think the group's situation is going?
I think I am the only one who could see that but maybe it will get better for them, at least for a while
Anything speculation on things to come?"
The group could try to escape but I dont think this will happen at the end of this chapter yet
What do you think will happen at the end of chapter 4?
Maybe Zafir will appear
What do you think the episode titles mean?
No idea
Who do you want to die?
Nobody who got introduced yet but I think I would eventually like to see the deaths of Zafir and whoever kidnapped Lindsay and Josie, they both seem to be pretty evil guys.
Okay, sorry to cut this part short before there was a choice, it's getting late and I want to post a part. There will be a part tomorrow wit… moreh a choice. It will be the second to last part of this chapter. This chapter will end with the Billy Joel song "Why Should I Worry." Do with that what you will ;3
But at last, I have more questions for you! >:D (Again - like the last time I asked question - you by no means have to fill out the questions)
Who is your favorite character?
Who is your least favorite character?
Who's character (story/development) are you most interested in?
Who do you think will die next?
Where do you think the group's situation is going?
Anything speculation on things to come?"
What do you think will happen at the end of chapter 4?
What do you think the episode titles mean?
Who do you want to die?
Once again, so many "W"s it's messing with my mind, but we got a "A" this time too!
Okay, sorry to cut this part short before there was a choice, it's getting late and I want to post a part. There will be a part tomorrow wit… moreh a choice. It will be the second to last part of this chapter. This chapter will end with the Billy Joel song "Why Should I Worry." Do with that what you will ;3
But at last, I have more questions for you! >:D (Again - like the last time I asked question - you by no means have to fill out the questions)
Who is your favorite character?
Who is your least favorite character?
Who's character (story/development) are you most interested in?
Who do you think will die next?
Where do you think the group's situation is going?
Anything speculation on things to come?"
What do you think will happen at the end of chapter 4?
What do you think the episode titles mean?
Who do you want to die?
Once again, so many "W"s it's messing with my mind, but we got a "A" this time too!
Okay, after finally getting a nights sleep I will be returning with a new part I worked on before I was super sleepy and after I was super sleepy, which made it a little hard to write. Be on the look out for a new part with a choice coming soon, sometime today.
Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 4: Twilight - Part 6.
Jerry Stewart.
A group consisting of Atlanta, Ashley, Jerry, Daniel, Christian and Jordan, all walked down a long hallway. Soon, they entered a long room with a - once again - very tall ceiling. It was the mall’s cafeteria, it large place with plenty of room and space, tables filled the place with people sitting around on them. They approached a line of people and waited with a plate, soon having a thing of beans set onto their plate along with a bottle of water and two pieces of toast.
Jordan lead the unfamiliar group to a table where only two other people set. One was a man with glasses, short curly brown hair and had soft blue eyes and the other was a mildly happy looking woman with long curly blonde hair, along with blue eyes. Both appeared to be caucasian. The man looked up from his meal and so did the woman.
“This Vincent and Clarice.” Jordan introduced them with a smile. “Vincent and Clarice, this Atlanta, Daniel, Jerry, and Ashley.”
“Hey.” Vincent smile, reaching out his hand and shaking Jerry’s hand. “So, ah…” Vincent trailed off giving an awkward look as he shook the remaining hands. “New here, well, have a seat” He smiled, gesturing for the to be seated. “Hi.” Clarice added herself.
“So…” Ashley trailed off waiting to see where the conversation was heading. “Yeah.” Vincent smiled. “I’ve got word you will working my lab. Atlanta, Ashley.”
“Yeah about that.” Atlanta replied with a forced smile. “We only know a bit about what we’ll be doing. Do you mind explaining a bit?”
Vincent cracked a smile. “Of course.” He answered. “As you should hopefully know already, you’ll be assisting me in my lab. It’s honestly pretty much just manually labor on you part, I’m doing the ‘cooking’ as they’d say and you’ll be helping with pretty much anything I ask of you. But you don’t have to worry, I’ll be handling any chemicals and making the batches. Y’all will probably be taking inventory, moving boxes of supplies, nothing too bad.”
“You’re in good hands.” Clarice added with a slight smile.
Everyone - now set down - began to eat their meal. Jerry turned his head and looked at the hallway they entered through and saw Jake walking into the cafeteria and walked in a direction as he scanned the large room’s many tables, right up until his vision landed on Jerry and he began walking towards their table. He had a backpack over his shoulder
He stopped at the front of the table. “Jordan, Christian...and Jerry.” Jake said looking at a clipboard in his hand as the group fell silent. “You’re needed.” He stood waiting as the first two rose from the table, Jerry reluctantly stood up in lead of the others. Jake turned around and began walking back to the hallway as Jerry, Jordan and Christian followed.
As they walked Jake explained more. “A scout of ours stumbled upon a house filled to the brim with supplies, you’ll be coming with me and three others to this place in two trucks to pick up the supplies, then Jerry and Christian will be going on a ride along to a trade.” They reentered the room with the bunk beds and lockers as Jordan and Christian approached the lockers to get ready.
Jerry stood awkwardly with a slightly puzzled expression as Jake stepped forward, taking the backpack off and pulling out a thick jacket and paintball mask to go with his certient outfit. “You’ll be putting these on, it’ll help to keep the dead from biting you. Same with the mask, but it also puts the junkies under a little more fear.” Jake handed them to Jerry. “Also…” Jake added as he reached deeper into the backpack, soon pulling out Anthony’s revolver that was confiscated. “Told you it’ll find it’s way back to you.” He cracked a smile, but it soon turned to a more serious look. “Don’t do anything...Considered stupid, lot’s of people have and it doesn’t well. Also, don’t think you can just carry it around the place, it’ll be taken from you when you reenter the place. But don’t threat, it’ll be returned.” Jake warned.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Jerry replied disinterestedly. As he threw the jacket on and somewhat reluctantly and the holster that was with it in the backpack. “I’m not putting on the mask.” Jerry blunted out as he shoved it back towards Jake.
“What?” Jake remarked. “Look, it’s pretty comfortable--” He tried to explain, but was cut off by Jerry. “Why wear it?” He pondered briefly. “Let them see my face, my expression. I’m sure it can be a whole lot more intimidating than this.”
“Look, I can’t stop you from not wearing it, but it’s for your own protection.” Jake replied, he soon rested his brow and sighed. “Hey, ‘least wear the jacket. Honestly you can your jimmies if that was that you wanted.” he sarcastically added, but with a tone of seriousness he continued. “Just be ready in about 10 minutes.” He finished taking back the paintball mask and holding it to his side as he waited.
Jerry let out an impatient sigh. “What about the rifle and the ammo? All of which belong to me.” He asked with furrowed brow.
“You only need the revolver, a set amount of rations, , a combat knife, a first aid kit, and ammo.” Jake answered, crossing his arms. “We don’t need to overkill it here.” He finished.
Everyone walked out of the mall’s front doors with a group consisting of Jerry, Jordan, Christian and Jake. Upon reaching the place where two pickups were parked, Jerry spotted three other people, the driver from earlier that day and the man who toyed with Christian at the overpass, along side another man who appeared to be the driver of the second pickup truck. Jake gestured for Jerry and Jordan to come with him as Christian reluctantly joined group at the first pickup.
Jordan grabbed Jerry’s arm as he was about to climb in front and slightly pulled him along as they walked to the pickup bed and climbed up, sitting by the backseat window. Jordan briefly fixed her vision to Christian and gave reassuring nod. “He gonna be fine?” Jerry asked. “That guy’s not gonna do anything he’ll regret?” He added, giving distasteful look at the man.
“Yeah, he’ll be fine as long as he doesn’t run his mouth.” Jordan halfheartedly smiled. “It sorry to say it...But he’s learned his lesson. There’s no reason to worry.” She regretfully finished giving a somewhat depressed look before lighting her face with smirk.
“Hehe.” Jerry grinned. “This is a fucking shity setup--” Jake butted in as he opened the passenger side door. “It’s actually a amazing setup once you get past of the…” He paused, sitting inside the truck and closing the door, then opening the small sliding back window of the truck. “Once you get past all of the ‘you’ve been kidnapped shit and forced into working here bullshit’ you’ll find yourself at the heart of a...Interesting operation that honestly works.” He smiled and let out a sigh. “Or course it’s pretty fucking hard to get past the bullshit.”
“Then why did we need to be kidnapped?” Jerry sternly questioned, giving Jake a distasteful look.
“Well, they weren’t trying to kidnap you at first.” Jake repeated. “At first...they were trying to get you to come back with them...From what I heard things...escalated quickly. They opted to take you with them.”
Jordan spoke up. “But, yeah. We did kidnapped you.” Her voice sounding reluctant.
“Yeah...Buuuuut once you get past that it’s pretty good setup.” Jake replied, gesturing for the driver in the other car to drive to go. Both pulled up at the front gate and it was opened by a guard at the gate and the two pickups passed through as it was closed behind them.
They remained silent until they finally arrived at the place. It was the front entrance of the Harvest Hills Community. Both trucks parked in front of the gate with the big “X” on it, but the gate itself had somehow fallen outwards and the horde inside was no longer there.
“The fuck…” Jerry announced loudly as he set up straight. “Why fuck are we here?” He questioned with an angry tone brewing .
“I’ve told you.” Jake answered, not understanding Jerry’s anger. “We here to take what’s inside of a makeshift storehouse.”
“No, not fucking here.” Jerry replied coldly. “You aren’t taking what belongs to my group.”
“What?” Jake exclaimed, somewhat baffled by Jerry’s reasoning. “I..I can slightly see why you wouldn’t want us to take this. But what the hell are you going to do with it? If we bring it back to the mall it’ll be put to use, better then letting it sit here and rot. It’ll be used by your group too, it befits your group if bring this back.” Jake answered, furrowing his brow detremently.
“Fuck it. “Jerry exclaimed as he hopped out of the pickup bed and onto the asphalt. “Fine.” He grumbled as he walked around the two trucks. As he neared entering the gate he pulled out Anthony’s revolver and and held it ready as he stepped inside.
Sure enough it was Harvest Hills, but it was considerably walker-free. Much unlike the last time Jerry had seen it. As he scanned the walkerless place Christian walked up from the trucks and stood next to him. “You like you’ve seen a ghost.” Christian commented, looking at Jerry’s expression.
Jerry - who’s mouth hung open slightly - suddenly realized the blank expression he had on his face and shook his head. “Lost a lot or people when the walkers got through the wall.” Jerry oddly commented.
“I’m...I’m sorry.” Christian replied, somewhat reluctantly that he had stepped on the topic by accident.
“You couldn’t known. No harm done.” Jerry answered, his voice slightly trailing off again as he scanned the area.
“Yeah…” Christian replied awkwardly as he followed Jerry’s vision to what was the Harper’s house, then to the house by the break, then finally... He looked down the street, somewhere past one of the houses.
As Jerry scanned the house Jake walked into the community remains, along with Jordan and the three. “You two stay guard while we load the trucks.” Jake called out to Jerry and Christian as the rest of them entered the house where the supplies were placed.
Jerry angrily glared at him until he was out of sight. Out of sight, out of mind. Jerry continued scanning the place until he knew what was itching to do. He wanted to bury the dead bodies of his group. “Help with something.” Jerry said, out of the blue, making Christian raise an eyebrow.
“What?” He questioned with a half interested, half worried look. “We need to guard the place, make sure nothing gets the jump us.”
“Help bury my friends.” Jerry added, not making eye contact with Christian.
“Oh…” Christian said sadly. “Well...We’re suppose to stay guard, but they won’t get onto us unless something happens, let’s a say walker. But if we’re...Quick about I’m sure we could bury your friends.” He finished, trying his best to not discourage him.
Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 4: Twilight - Part 6.
Jerry Stewart.
A group consisting of Atlanta, Ashley, Jerry, Daniel, Ch… moreristian and Jordan, all walked down a long hallway. Soon, they entered a long room with a - once again - very tall ceiling. It was the mall’s cafeteria, it large place with plenty of room and space, tables filled the place with people sitting around on them. They approached a line of people and waited with a plate, soon having a thing of beans set onto their plate along with a bottle of water and two pieces of toast.
Jordan lead the unfamiliar group to a table where only two other people set. One was a man with glasses, short curly brown hair and had soft blue eyes and the other was a mildly happy looking woman with long curly blonde hair, along with blue eyes. Both appeared to be caucasian. The man looked up from his meal and so did the woman.
“This Vincent and Clarice.” Jordan introduced them with… [view original content]
Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 4: Twilight - Part 6.
Jerry Stewart.
A group consisting of Atlanta, Ashley, Jerry, Daniel, Ch… moreristian and Jordan, all walked down a long hallway. Soon, they entered a long room with a - once again - very tall ceiling. It was the mall’s cafeteria, it large place with plenty of room and space, tables filled the place with people sitting around on them. They approached a line of people and waited with a plate, soon having a thing of beans set onto their plate along with a bottle of water and two pieces of toast.
Jordan lead the unfamiliar group to a table where only two other people set. One was a man with glasses, short curly brown hair and had soft blue eyes and the other was a mildly happy looking woman with long curly blonde hair, along with blue eyes. Both appeared to be caucasian. The man looked up from his meal and so did the woman.
“This Vincent and Clarice.” Jordan introduced them with… [view original content]
Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 4: Twilight - Part 6.
Jerry Stewart.
A group consisting of Atlanta, Ashley, Jerry, Daniel, Ch… moreristian and Jordan, all walked down a long hallway. Soon, they entered a long room with a - once again - very tall ceiling. It was the mall’s cafeteria, it large place with plenty of room and space, tables filled the place with people sitting around on them. They approached a line of people and waited with a plate, soon having a thing of beans set onto their plate along with a bottle of water and two pieces of toast.
Jordan lead the unfamiliar group to a table where only two other people set. One was a man with glasses, short curly brown hair and had soft blue eyes and the other was a mildly happy looking woman with long curly blonde hair, along with blue eyes. Both appeared to be caucasian. The man looked up from his meal and so did the woman.
“This Vincent and Clarice.” Jordan introduced them with… [view original content]
Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 4: Twilight - Part 6.
Jerry Stewart.
A group consisting of Atlanta, Ashley, Jerry, Daniel, Ch… moreristian and Jordan, all walked down a long hallway. Soon, they entered a long room with a - once again - very tall ceiling. It was the mall’s cafeteria, it large place with plenty of room and space, tables filled the place with people sitting around on them. They approached a line of people and waited with a plate, soon having a thing of beans set onto their plate along with a bottle of water and two pieces of toast.
Jordan lead the unfamiliar group to a table where only two other people set. One was a man with glasses, short curly brown hair and had soft blue eyes and the other was a mildly happy looking woman with long curly blonde hair, along with blue eyes. Both appeared to be caucasian. The man looked up from his meal and so did the woman.
“This Vincent and Clarice.” Jordan introduced them with… [view original content]
METH Walter White
Sadly, Walter will not be appearing. But that doesn't mean you won't get your daily dose of cookin' >:3
Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 4: Twilight - Part 5.
Atlanta Roberts.
Atlanta approached the sniper as they put away the gear. The sniper was a woman. She had very tanned skin and seemed to be of Middle Eastern descent, wore faded jeans with the bandanna sticking out of her front pocket. She had removed the previously black sweatshirt in favor of a light blue sleeveless shirt. “Hey.” The sniper said as Atlanta approached, a slight smirk on her face.
“Hello…” Atlanta replied, awkwardly. “Ugh, where do I begin...what the fuck just happened?” Atlanta asked with a quick pace.
The sniper sighed reluctantly. “Well, I’m Jordan and this is where you’ll be spending the rest of your days, sorry to say.” The smirk on her face faded away. “Listen, I’m sorry about...Shooting at y’all, but it’s not like I have a choice in the matter.”
“It’s fine.” Atlanta replied, halfheartedly while crossing her arm. “You wouldn’t have...Shot us, right?”
“Sadly...If they tell me to shoot I’m usually at gunpoint myself, metaphorically, I guess. Fuckers put me to work the sniper rifle, says it because I have steady aim...Which I do, but I like staying quiet, silent, get up behind one of them rotting corpses with machete and just cut the fucker’s head clean off.” Jordan swinged a finger across the air to demonstrate a cutting motion.
“Yeah, okay, good to know.” Atlanta replied, forcing a smile. “But I need to know what the fuck’s going to happen to my group.” She demanded and Jordan first replied with another smirk. “You’ve been brought here to be their workers. Same as I, Christian, and plenty of others. There’s pretty much two types of jobs here; you’ll either be working in the kitchen or as escorts for the trades.” Her smirk faded as she gave a frown, “they pretty much only use people who have something to lose as escorts, unless they trust you. But they sure as hell don’t trust you. I could see only one of you joining us. The kid won’t have to either of those jobs, luckily. He’ll probably be put to work in either the laundry or maybe the actual kitchen.” Jordan paused as Atlanta gave a puzzled look.
“You keep saying kitchen, what do you mean?” Atlanta asked as she moved her hands to her sides.
“Sorry, it’s habit, well, more of nickname. The kitchen is a very large meth lab, as you already know we use meth as a way to trade for supplies. Escorts go out to do the deals with the these addicts all over the state. Still plenty of them out there. But they gather food, water, ammo, and whatnot in exchange for meth. It works, honestly.” Jordan sighed with annoyance. “But what the asshole said, Jake, he puts it...Softy. He’s pretty much the mouth of Zafir, the right hand man,” she paused with a smirk, “or the hand the jacks him off, not literally.”
She turned to her locker door and shut it as she stepped over to the tables, where at the far left end Christian sat. She gestured for Atlanta to sit. “So, what happens now?” Atlanta asked as she sat at the table.
“Well, you’ll be put to work in one of the jobs. Oh, and just to be clear so you don’t go in expecting something else; you won’t actually be cooking meth in the kitchen, we’ve got cooks that you will be assisting.” Jordan bit her lip, “that’s is...If you are picked to work in the lab. Again, I’d say only one of your group will be working as an escort, they don’t want the majority of your group as escorts because they’re afraid you’ll team up and leave while on trade runs. Even if you have something to lose here.” Jordan made a ‘tisk’ sound with her tongue. “I’d bet...Jerry will be put with the escorts, he put up a good fight when we tried to ‘nap you. Though you’ll think people like that wouldn’t be given a gun and told guard them, it’s people like that they need when trading with the meth-heads who are liable to kill you.” She sighed as she briefly turned to face Christian. “It-- I know it must of been hard to resist the urge to have climbed out of the pickup and beat the asshole silly, but know that Christian won’t hold it against you for not doing anything.”
“What was that anyway? Atlanta questioned with puzzled tone. “He just called their boss a fucker and the guy went apeshit. But when that asshole Jake called Zafir an asshole the guy didn’t budge.”
“Yeah, both of them are assholes, but Jakes a sarcastic asshole who can’t seem to help it. He doesn’t have much of a say in it either. Oh and believe me, that guy will tell Zafir he called him an insufferable asshole. But a lot of Jake’s insults get drowned in all his fuckin’ sarcasm.” Jordan said with a smile, but it faded to more serious expression. “Again, you trust me and Christian, but don’t trust Jake too much. He’s not that bad, but he reports to Zafir, you never know what he might tell him.” Jordan’s expression perked up again, “oh, and the cook you’ll probably be assisting, his name’s Vincent Willows. A little heads up, his sister’s a bitch. My guess is that you will working with them, keep in mind there’s a few other cooks, but they all have a good few assistances. Vincent’s lab - right now - only has him and his sister working in it when they usually like to have about 4 people in each.”
“Okay, good to know. But who the hell’s Zafir? I keep hearing his name, I take it he’s the leader. What can you tell me about him?” Atlanta asked with an interested look.
Jordan gave a tired look, “I figured you’d ask about HIM sooner or later.” She sighed with distaste. “Well, he’s pretty much the mastermind of this shitshow. He’s the one you should hate, he’s the reason you’re here. I, myself, have only seen him two times. He’s old, probably in his mid-forties with greying hair cut so short he’s almost bald by the looks of him. And the last time I saw him he had a thick grey beard. Oh and believe me, he’s an athletic motherfucker, even for his age. I’m pretty sure he was FBI or DEA or something before this.”
Atlanta bit her lip and looked at Christian who set a good ways away, out of earshot. “What can you tell about…” she nodded her head towards Christian “...What can you tell me about Christian?”
Atlanta sighed reluctantly. “Well, it’s sad story; he came out of Laredo, it’s a city by the border of mexico. Let me tell, it was fucking bad there. I’m sure he’s got some stories, but I wouldn’t ask if were you. Anyway, he came up further into Texas after escaping the city with his girlfriend, only to be picked up by Zafir’s gang. He and his girlfriend, Maria, didn’t like this place...So they tried to leave a few days back, but they didn’t make it far before Zafir himself caught up with them. He brought them back and continued to force Christian to work as an escort again, but Maria...She’s been missing. Christian wants to leave more than anything, but he’ll never Maria. So until he finds her he’s just been going by, day by day. Zafir’s taken her somewhere, or...I don’t think she’s dead, but I wouldn’t put it past the asshole.” Jordan let out a frustrated breath. “That’s what the fucker does; keeps you from leaving by keeping someone or something that is deer to you. That’s why only one of you are going be a escort. Then the rest of you will work here, in the mall, he’ll keep you here and it keeps the people who have to run the trades from running while on a run. Like what Jake said on your way in, ‘it’s gonna be one shit ride.’”
“I’m gonna get back to my group and fill them in, but have one last question; when are they going to have us work? ” Atlanta stuck out her hand as she asked and Jordan shook it. “They usually will let you settle in. I’d say first thing in the morning is a good guess. But yeah, you too.” Jordan smirked, with a kind expression.
Ashley as pulling large splinters out of Jerry’s back. “Last one.” Ashley said, pulling out a the final splinter. “You sure? It still hurts like hell.” Jerry groaned. “Yes, I’m sure.” Ashley replied, she turned to face Atlanta as she approached. “So…?” She asked worryingly.
“We have been kidnapped and are going to be either forced to be assistance in a meth lab or to be escorts while trading the meth for supplies.” Atlanta answered, turning to Jerry. “She said you’ll most likely end up working as a escort, Jerry.”
“Fucker’s will giving me a gun, too?” Jerry smirked devilishly. “These fuckers will be making the biggest mistake of their lives since bring us here.”
“No, well, yes. They will probably give you a gun but you can’t try to shoot your way out of this. Jordan said they’ll use one of us as some kind of...Barging chip.”
Jerry let out an annoyed sigh. “So, that’s completely off the table, or…?” Jerry scratched the back of his head awkwardly. “Or is only...slightly hanging...off the table?”
“It’s completely off the table.” Atlanta replied seriously and annoyed tone.
“What about her?” Daniel spoke up, shooting Jordan an undecided look. “She’s cool, I’d say you should go talk with her sometime.” Atlanta smiled. “You sure?” Ashley asked with concern.
“Definitely.” Atlanta answered with confident smile fixed on her face. “But for now I’d say we just wait...That’s honestly all we can do.”
Jerry looked at the group they had left. “Atlanta, I need to talk to you. Privately.” He asked with an soon-to-be angry expression forming on his face. “Fine.” Atlanta replied as she and Jerry walked off to the corner of the room. “What is it?”
“I found Dean’s dead body, he was shot.” Jerry blunted out, barely able to keep his voice from turning into a yell. “Not only that, but I never found Josie or Lindsay. I think someone might have taken them while we we’re...Scattered.”
Atlanta raised her hand to her mouth and had a chill sent down her spine. “Oh...Oh my fucking god.” She muttered with a shocked expression. “Who...Who would…” She trailed off.
“Take a wild guess.” Jerry exclaimed quietly. “Not only that...But a big ‘X-marks-the-spot’ on the front gate, written in blood.” Jerry groaned angrily. “I think someone - not only killed Dean and kidnapped Josie or Lindsay and fucking marked us - but also let the damn horde in.” A subtle rage lingered in his voice.
“There was a fuckin’ army of the dead in between the community, and the gate, and the break. How could they even get close.” Atlanta bit her lip. “I won’t doubting you, but--”
“If they could make it to the gate they could probably make it to that practical part of the wall.” Jerry reluctantly reinsured.
“Fuck…” Atlanta trailed off. “Someone...Someone fucking killed us.” Atlanta looked baffled as she coped with the new revelation. “We need to tell the others--” She turned to walk towards Dan and Ashley, but was stop as Jerry grabbed her arm. “There’s more.” He muttered relucketly.
“Anthony was bitten. After I dragged him for a bit trying to reach where we thought you were, he began blacking out. He told me to leave and I left, and I found you and the others. Then I came back to him, just to...Make sure. He was turned like Stan...I...Put him out of his misery…” Jerry bit his lip. “DON’T tell Daniel that Stan turned into one of...them, that is...if he doesn't know already. I have a lasting image of Anthony as one of them. I’d rather that Dan doesn’t remember Stan like that.”
Atlanta took a shaky breath. “Fuck...I didn’t realize you’ve...been through so much...Fuck…” She trailed off as she glanced back at Daniel. “He knows Stan’s dead, but he doesn’t he turned...I-- I didn’t think to ask you at the time...But did Anthony say anything?” Atlanta questioned, depressedly.
“He said he wanted me to protect this group.” Jerry answered. “That’s what I intend to do. Starting with finding a way to get us out of here, figuring out who murdered Dean and where Josie and Lindsay have been taken. ”
To be continued…
I feel like this is going to be a choice sooner or later.
Huh, you never know ;P
Okay, sorry to cut this part short before there was a choice, it's getting late and I want to post a part. There will be a part tomorrow with a choice. It will be the second to last part of this chapter. This chapter will end with the Billy Joel song "Why Should I Worry." Do with that what you will ;3
But at last, I have more questions for you! >:D (Again - like the last time I asked question - you by no means have to fill out the questions)
Who is your favorite character?
Who is your least favorite character?
Who's character (story/development) are you most interested in?
Who do you think will die next?
Where do you think the group's situation is going?
Anything speculation on things to come?"
What do you think will happen at the end of chapter 4?
What do you think the episode titles mean?
Who do you want to die?
Once again, so many "W"s it's messing with my mind, but we got a "A" this time too!
I really don't. I can't even guess now like you use such good ways of tricking me and I can't figure it out. Like my heart was pounding while I was reading this, not even joking.
Well, I glad I got you into the moment!
(especially without any action
By the way, I rediscovered your story and will be catching up as soon as I can
What do you think will happen at the end of chapter 4? The lost people might be found, I'm not too sure.
Where do you think the groups situation is going? From bad to way fucking worse.
I'll answer the other questions later
All the W's for Walter White, the code has been cracked!
I've slacked on my story for a very long time and I need to start writing again but I haven't found the motivation lately.
Several words (tons of words, actually): Music. Finding ways to get into the story again itself. Reading/watching/pretty much anything similar to what you're writing (also a good way to ideas, I've been recovering from watching Breaking Bad {amazing show by the way} which got me into writing the whole meth trade thing.)
This entire meth trade thing is giving me life and I love it. I'll try some of those, there are quite a few songs that I could sort out for the mood I'm aiming for so this will probably work. Thank you so much!
I'm glad to hear it! I really don't want to toot my own horn, but there's going to be a lot of interesting situations that haven't been touched yet
Most of the songs I put at the ends of chapters are one's that I listened to while writing it. It gives me a picture, sets the mood and adds an atmosphere, to me at least.
Anyway, no problem!
Huh, sure :P
Shit, they've cracked the code!
cracked the code!
My joke's are so bad I'm going to bed, good night!
Feel free to toot your own horn as many times as you want, what you write is great!
Thank you, it seriously means a lot
Honestly it's just a coincidence. But hey, I foreshadowed it before I even knew
Who is your favorite character?
Simply since this is the last time I can reasonably choose this: Anthony. His death was touching and he was an overall great guy. Out of the confirmed living people, it's probably Atlanta, but only because Anthony basically died for her.
Who is your least favorite character?
Surprise, surprise, it's not Jerry. He somehow started to redeem himself. I mean, I still don't like him very much, but it's a start. No, easily my least favourite character would be whoever let the horde in. Even though we know nothing about this character, I already know that (for me at least) he is beyond any even slightly redeeming traits and I hope Josie gets the chance to kill him slowly and very painfully. Out of the mentioned characters, it would be Zafir. He sounds like a complete and utter prick and I wouldn't be too sad if he would just OD offscreen before getting the chance to screw shit up. Out of the introduced characters it would definitely be Jake, but only for a lack of alternatives. He seems to be harmless, but a complete douche, similar to Aiden Monroe from the TV series.
Who's character (story/development) are you most interested in?
Now I have to say you got me slightly interested in Jerry, something I wouldn't have thought possible a few chapters back. Still don't like him at all, but he might be on a way where I could end up slightly liking him.
Who do you think will die next?
I have no idea... Maybe Ashley, or maybe one of these Heisenberg cultists. If it's one of them, I'd say Christian.
Where do you think the group's situation is going?
It's not going to be any better, I think it's safe to say that
Anything speculation on things to come?
This Zafir person won't OD offscreen before even appearing. He will tear shit up. It will be bad. But I think in the long run the group can escape from his place.
What do you think will happen at the end of chapter 4?
I wouldn't be too sad if we could get a glimpse of Josie. However, given the credit song, I think it will be something involving Jerry. Maybe the elusive Clarice, who according to supersagig has apparently some history with Jerry will finally appear. I mean, she got mentioned after all.
What do you think the episode titles mean?
No idea, absolutely no idea, even though I try my best to figure them out. Maybe Episode 4 will play in a small town...
Who do you want to die?
Not Jerry, to my own surprise. But without a doubt, I want to see the slow and horribly painful death of the person who let the horde in, actively killed Dean, passively killed Anthony and kidnapped Josie and Lindsay. For me, his death can't come soon enough and it can't be gruesome enough. Alternatives would be Zafir (I despise this guy already) and maybe Jake.
Well, you should be happy to know several people will die in the chapter ending. There's also going to be a large body of water. A pickup truck. And a glimpse of Harvest Hills.
Oh and meth, lots of meth to come.
◾Mad Max style car chases
◾Armored cars and tanks and jeeps and rigs of every size. Chicken coups, full of bears, choppers filled the skies.
◾Lots of cannibals
◾More Explosions
◾Dinosaur Skeleton
◾Power struggle.
I'm steadily checking off the list >:3
Who is your favorite character? Jerry, the hero and Savior.
Who is your least favorite character? That asshole Zafir.
Who's character (story/development) are you most interested in? Jerry/Zafir
Who do you think will die next? Ashley
Where do you think the group's situation is going? Bad.
Anything speculation on things to come?" Jerry going Kenny on Zafir in an escape attempt.
What do you think will happen at the end of chapter 4? Escape.
What do you think the episode titles mean? In Kingdom Come has to do with some community.
Who do you want to die? Anyone except Jerry. Zafir is a prime candidate.
I'm looking forward for the dinosaur skeletons
Liquid, I've got a question for you if you don't mind answering it: What do you think of the story/writing/plot?
I love it! The story itself is pretty compelling on it's own already, with plenty of unforseeable twists. I love how the choices have real impact, with Anthony and especially Stan. I mean, I kinda saw Anthony coming when picking that choice, but Stan really shocked me and drove the point home that no character is safe. Chapter 3 gave me genuine goosebumps while reading and while it turned out less than good for my characters, it made me even more hooked on the story. And on top of that, you are among the best writers here on this Forum from my point of view. The compelling writing adds to the already great story. I especially love the way you write the characters and their interactions and you somehow even managed to make me genuinely care for characters almost as if they were my own.
For example, it really shows your ability as a writer that you managed to make me genuinely hate Jerry up to the point where I wished for his death, before somehow being able to turn him into a character that is somewhat slightly more likeable and whose death I'm no longer actively rooting for.
All in all, this is among my favourites here on this forum! I'm looking forwad for the things to come
Thank you, Liquid, it honestly means so much
I'm glad to hear you're looking forward to what's to come
Which is death with a spice of...paranoia, stalkers, dust, sand, body-filled rivers, betrayal, people genuinely going insane, scary borders, ragtag groups of survivors barely getting by, junkies, wild and deranged animals/people, diseases, maaaybe a fighter jet, grudges, murder...and Billy Joel music >:3
That made me fucking lose it for some reason
Regrettably, I haven't been able to finish the next part before I leave. I'm going to a friends house and won't be back until tomorrow. On top of the I might be too tired to write tomorrow. But bear with me, I'll get a part out soon enough
Who is your favorite character?
After not liking Jerrys behavior in Chapter 1 and 2, he is now one of my favorite characters. You did some good development for him! I also like Josie, hope she will be fine
Who is your least favorite character?
Dont really have a least favorite right now. Jake seems like an asshole but I thought the same from Jerry at first. Maybe he turns out okay
Who's character (story/development) are you most interested in?
Jerry or Dan
Who do you think will die next?
Maybe Ashley but I dont really have an idea here
Where do you think the group's situation is going?
I think I am the only one who could see that but maybe it will get better for them, at least for a while
Anything speculation on things to come?"
The group could try to escape but I dont think this will happen at the end of this chapter yet
What do you think will happen at the end of chapter 4?
Maybe Zafir will appear
What do you think the episode titles mean?
No idea
Who do you want to die?
Nobody who got introduced yet but I think I would eventually like to see the deaths of Zafir and whoever kidnapped Lindsay and Josie, they both seem to be pretty evil guys.
Who is your favorite character? Dan!!
Who is your least favorite character? Jake!
Who's character (story/development) are you most interested in? Zafir
Who do you think will die next? Ashley
Where do you think the group's situation is going? worse
Anything speculation on things to come?" Clarice doing shit to Jerry
What do you think will happen at the end of chapter 4? Death
What do you think the episode titles mean? 3 sounds religious (father Norman)
Who do you want to die? Christian
Okay, after finally getting a nights sleep I will be returning with a new part I worked on before I was super sleepy and after I was super sleepy, which made it a little hard to write. Be on the look out for a new part with a choice coming soon, sometime today.
Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 4: Twilight - Part 6.
Jerry Stewart.
A group consisting of Atlanta, Ashley, Jerry, Daniel, Christian and Jordan, all walked down a long hallway. Soon, they entered a long room with a - once again - very tall ceiling. It was the mall’s cafeteria, it large place with plenty of room and space, tables filled the place with people sitting around on them. They approached a line of people and waited with a plate, soon having a thing of beans set onto their plate along with a bottle of water and two pieces of toast.
Jordan lead the unfamiliar group to a table where only two other people set. One was a man with glasses, short curly brown hair and had soft blue eyes and the other was a mildly happy looking woman with long curly blonde hair, along with blue eyes. Both appeared to be caucasian. The man looked up from his meal and so did the woman.
“This Vincent and Clarice.” Jordan introduced them with a smile. “Vincent and Clarice, this Atlanta, Daniel, Jerry, and Ashley.”
“Hey.” Vincent smile, reaching out his hand and shaking Jerry’s hand. “So, ah…” Vincent trailed off giving an awkward look as he shook the remaining hands. “New here, well, have a seat” He smiled, gesturing for the to be seated. “Hi.” Clarice added herself.
“So…” Ashley trailed off waiting to see where the conversation was heading. “Yeah.” Vincent smiled. “I’ve got word you will working my lab. Atlanta, Ashley.”
“Yeah about that.” Atlanta replied with a forced smile. “We only know a bit about what we’ll be doing. Do you mind explaining a bit?”
Vincent cracked a smile. “Of course.” He answered. “As you should hopefully know already, you’ll be assisting me in my lab. It’s honestly pretty much just manually labor on you part, I’m doing the ‘cooking’ as they’d say and you’ll be helping with pretty much anything I ask of you. But you don’t have to worry, I’ll be handling any chemicals and making the batches. Y’all will probably be taking inventory, moving boxes of supplies, nothing too bad.”
“You’re in good hands.” Clarice added with a slight smile.
Everyone - now set down - began to eat their meal. Jerry turned his head and looked at the hallway they entered through and saw Jake walking into the cafeteria and walked in a direction as he scanned the large room’s many tables, right up until his vision landed on Jerry and he began walking towards their table. He had a backpack over his shoulder
He stopped at the front of the table. “Jordan, Christian...and Jerry.” Jake said looking at a clipboard in his hand as the group fell silent. “You’re needed.” He stood waiting as the first two rose from the table, Jerry reluctantly stood up in lead of the others. Jake turned around and began walking back to the hallway as Jerry, Jordan and Christian followed.
As they walked Jake explained more. “A scout of ours stumbled upon a house filled to the brim with supplies, you’ll be coming with me and three others to this place in two trucks to pick up the supplies, then Jerry and Christian will be going on a ride along to a trade.” They reentered the room with the bunk beds and lockers as Jordan and Christian approached the lockers to get ready.
Jerry stood awkwardly with a slightly puzzled expression as Jake stepped forward, taking the backpack off and pulling out a thick jacket and paintball mask to go with his certient outfit. “You’ll be putting these on, it’ll help to keep the dead from biting you. Same with the mask, but it also puts the junkies under a little more fear.” Jake handed them to Jerry. “Also…” Jake added as he reached deeper into the backpack, soon pulling out Anthony’s revolver that was confiscated. “Told you it’ll find it’s way back to you.” He cracked a smile, but it soon turned to a more serious look. “Don’t do anything...Considered stupid, lot’s of people have and it doesn’t well. Also, don’t think you can just carry it around the place, it’ll be taken from you when you reenter the place. But don’t threat, it’ll be returned.” Jake warned.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Jerry replied disinterestedly. As he threw the jacket on and somewhat reluctantly and the holster that was with it in the backpack. “I’m not putting on the mask.” Jerry blunted out as he shoved it back towards Jake.
“What?” Jake remarked. “Look, it’s pretty comfortable--” He tried to explain, but was cut off by Jerry. “Why wear it?” He pondered briefly. “Let them see my face, my expression. I’m sure it can be a whole lot more intimidating than this.”
“Look, I can’t stop you from not wearing it, but it’s for your own protection.” Jake replied, he soon rested his brow and sighed. “Hey, ‘least wear the jacket. Honestly you can your jimmies if that was that you wanted.” he sarcastically added, but with a tone of seriousness he continued. “Just be ready in about 10 minutes.” He finished taking back the paintball mask and holding it to his side as he waited.
Jerry let out an impatient sigh. “What about the rifle and the ammo? All of which belong to me.” He asked with furrowed brow.
“You only need the revolver, a set amount of rations, , a combat knife, a first aid kit, and ammo.” Jake answered, crossing his arms. “We don’t need to overkill it here.” He finished.
Everyone walked out of the mall’s front doors with a group consisting of Jerry, Jordan, Christian and Jake. Upon reaching the place where two pickups were parked, Jerry spotted three other people, the driver from earlier that day and the man who toyed with Christian at the overpass, along side another man who appeared to be the driver of the second pickup truck. Jake gestured for Jerry and Jordan to come with him as Christian reluctantly joined group at the first pickup.
Jordan grabbed Jerry’s arm as he was about to climb in front and slightly pulled him along as they walked to the pickup bed and climbed up, sitting by the backseat window. Jordan briefly fixed her vision to Christian and gave reassuring nod. “He gonna be fine?” Jerry asked. “That guy’s not gonna do anything he’ll regret?” He added, giving distasteful look at the man.
“Yeah, he’ll be fine as long as he doesn’t run his mouth.” Jordan halfheartedly smiled. “It sorry to say it...But he’s learned his lesson. There’s no reason to worry.” She regretfully finished giving a somewhat depressed look before lighting her face with smirk.
“Hehe.” Jerry grinned. “This is a fucking shity setup--” Jake butted in as he opened the passenger side door. “It’s actually a amazing setup once you get past of the…” He paused, sitting inside the truck and closing the door, then opening the small sliding back window of the truck. “Once you get past all of the ‘you’ve been kidnapped shit and forced into working here bullshit’ you’ll find yourself at the heart of a...Interesting operation that honestly works.” He smiled and let out a sigh. “Or course it’s pretty fucking hard to get past the bullshit.”
“Then why did we need to be kidnapped?” Jerry sternly questioned, giving Jake a distasteful look.
“Well, they weren’t trying to kidnap you at first.” Jake repeated. “At first...they were trying to get you to come back with them...From what I heard things...escalated quickly. They opted to take you with them.”
Jordan spoke up. “But, yeah. We did kidnapped you.” Her voice sounding reluctant.
“Yeah...Buuuuut once you get past that it’s pretty good setup.” Jake replied, gesturing for the driver in the other car to drive to go. Both pulled up at the front gate and it was opened by a guard at the gate and the two pickups passed through as it was closed behind them.
They remained silent until they finally arrived at the place. It was the front entrance of the Harvest Hills Community. Both trucks parked in front of the gate with the big “X” on it, but the gate itself had somehow fallen outwards and the horde inside was no longer there.
“The fuck…” Jerry announced loudly as he set up straight. “Why fuck are we here?” He questioned with an angry tone brewing .
“I’ve told you.” Jake answered, not understanding Jerry’s anger. “We here to take what’s inside of a makeshift storehouse.”
“No, not fucking here.” Jerry replied coldly. “You aren’t taking what belongs to my group.”
“What?” Jake exclaimed, somewhat baffled by Jerry’s reasoning. “I..I can slightly see why you wouldn’t want us to take this. But what the hell are you going to do with it? If we bring it back to the mall it’ll be put to use, better then letting it sit here and rot. It’ll be used by your group too, it befits your group if bring this back.” Jake answered, furrowing his brow detremently.
“Fuck it. “Jerry exclaimed as he hopped out of the pickup bed and onto the asphalt. “Fine.” He grumbled as he walked around the two trucks. As he neared entering the gate he pulled out Anthony’s revolver and and held it ready as he stepped inside.
Sure enough it was Harvest Hills, but it was considerably walker-free. Much unlike the last time Jerry had seen it. As he scanned the walkerless place Christian walked up from the trucks and stood next to him. “You like you’ve seen a ghost.” Christian commented, looking at Jerry’s expression.
Jerry - who’s mouth hung open slightly - suddenly realized the blank expression he had on his face and shook his head. “Lost a lot or people when the walkers got through the wall.” Jerry oddly commented.
“I’m...I’m sorry.” Christian replied, somewhat reluctantly that he had stepped on the topic by accident.
“You couldn’t known. No harm done.” Jerry answered, his voice slightly trailing off again as he scanned the area.
“Yeah…” Christian replied awkwardly as he followed Jerry’s vision to what was the Harper’s house, then to the house by the break, then finally... He looked down the street, somewhere past one of the houses.
As Jerry scanned the house Jake walked into the community remains, along with Jordan and the three. “You two stay guard while we load the trucks.” Jake called out to Jerry and Christian as the rest of them entered the house where the supplies were placed.
Jerry angrily glared at him until he was out of sight. Out of sight, out of mind. Jerry continued scanning the place until he knew what was itching to do. He wanted to bury the dead bodies of his group. “Help with something.” Jerry said, out of the blue, making Christian raise an eyebrow.
“What?” He questioned with a half interested, half worried look. “We need to guard the place, make sure nothing gets the jump us.”
“Help bury my friends.” Jerry added, not making eye contact with Christian.
“Oh…” Christian said sadly. “Well...We’re suppose to stay guard, but they won’t get onto us unless something happens, let’s a say walker. But if we’re...Quick about I’m sure we could bury your friends.” He finished, trying his best to not discourage him.
[Bury Anthony, Stan, and Dean.]
[Stay on guard.]
[Bury Anthony, Stan, and Dean.]
[Bury Anthony, Stan, and Dean.]
Sorry I didnt comment for like 10 days! I was away :c
Going to catch up now
[Bury Anthony, Stan, and Dean.]
Apparently Jerry wants to bury them, on top of them deserving some kind of makeshift burial.
[Stay on guard.]
Jerry ain't getting in trouble.
It's okay, I knew you were away XD
There's a fine amount to catch up on, but you'll be surprised by a number of things that happened >:3
Yeah, pretty much
Jerry finds a way.
Jerry always finds a way.