Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 4: Twilight - Part 6.
Jerry Stewart.
A group consisting of Atlanta, Ashley, Jerry, Daniel, Ch… moreristian and Jordan, all walked down a long hallway. Soon, they entered a long room with a - once again - very tall ceiling. It was the mall’s cafeteria, it large place with plenty of room and space, tables filled the place with people sitting around on them. They approached a line of people and waited with a plate, soon having a thing of beans set onto their plate along with a bottle of water and two pieces of toast.
Jordan lead the unfamiliar group to a table where only two other people set. One was a man with glasses, short curly brown hair and had soft blue eyes and the other was a mildly happy looking woman with long curly blonde hair, along with blue eyes. Both appeared to be caucasian. The man looked up from his meal and so did the woman.
“This Vincent and Clarice.” Jordan introduced them with… [view original content]
Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 4: Twilight - Part 6.
Jerry Stewart.
A group consisting of Atlanta, Ashley, Jerry, Daniel, Ch… moreristian and Jordan, all walked down a long hallway. Soon, they entered a long room with a - once again - very tall ceiling. It was the mall’s cafeteria, it large place with plenty of room and space, tables filled the place with people sitting around on them. They approached a line of people and waited with a plate, soon having a thing of beans set onto their plate along with a bottle of water and two pieces of toast.
Jordan lead the unfamiliar group to a table where only two other people set. One was a man with glasses, short curly brown hair and had soft blue eyes and the other was a mildly happy looking woman with long curly blonde hair, along with blue eyes. Both appeared to be caucasian. The man looked up from his meal and so did the woman.
“This Vincent and Clarice.” Jordan introduced them with… [view original content]
Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 4: Twilight - Part 6.
Jerry Stewart.
A group consisting of Atlanta, Ashley, Jerry, Daniel, Ch… moreristian and Jordan, all walked down a long hallway. Soon, they entered a long room with a - once again - very tall ceiling. It was the mall’s cafeteria, it large place with plenty of room and space, tables filled the place with people sitting around on them. They approached a line of people and waited with a plate, soon having a thing of beans set onto their plate along with a bottle of water and two pieces of toast.
Jordan lead the unfamiliar group to a table where only two other people set. One was a man with glasses, short curly brown hair and had soft blue eyes and the other was a mildly happy looking woman with long curly blonde hair, along with blue eyes. Both appeared to be caucasian. The man looked up from his meal and so did the woman.
“This Vincent and Clarice.” Jordan introduced them with… [view original content]
Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 4: Twilight - Part 6.
Jerry Stewart.
A group consisting of Atlanta, Ashley, Jerry, Daniel, Ch… moreristian and Jordan, all walked down a long hallway. Soon, they entered a long room with a - once again - very tall ceiling. It was the mall’s cafeteria, it large place with plenty of room and space, tables filled the place with people sitting around on them. They approached a line of people and waited with a plate, soon having a thing of beans set onto their plate along with a bottle of water and two pieces of toast.
Jordan lead the unfamiliar group to a table where only two other people set. One was a man with glasses, short curly brown hair and had soft blue eyes and the other was a mildly happy looking woman with long curly blonde hair, along with blue eyes. Both appeared to be caucasian. The man looked up from his meal and so did the woman.
“This Vincent and Clarice.” Jordan introduced them with… [view original content]
Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 4: Twilight - Part 6.
Jerry Stewart.
A group consisting of Atlanta, Ashley, Jerry, Daniel, Ch… moreristian and Jordan, all walked down a long hallway. Soon, they entered a long room with a - once again - very tall ceiling. It was the mall’s cafeteria, it large place with plenty of room and space, tables filled the place with people sitting around on them. They approached a line of people and waited with a plate, soon having a thing of beans set onto their plate along with a bottle of water and two pieces of toast.
Jordan lead the unfamiliar group to a table where only two other people set. One was a man with glasses, short curly brown hair and had soft blue eyes and the other was a mildly happy looking woman with long curly blonde hair, along with blue eyes. Both appeared to be caucasian. The man looked up from his meal and so did the woman.
“This Vincent and Clarice.” Jordan introduced them with… [view original content]
(!) Jerry and Christian will bury Anthony, Stan, and Dean
I actually finished the choice affecting part last night, I was pretty surprised by the length of it, 3 pages that you wouldn't have seen if you chose the other choice. You'll come by some...Something interesting by the time I fully finish this chapter's ending.
Let's just say Jerry takes a trip down memory lane and learns of something that sends him on another one of his rages...Only it might be a little more productive then it sounds.
Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 4: Twilight - Part 7.
“Let’s get on with it then.” Jerry confirmed as he turned to the side and began walking forward, towards his house, while behind him Christian briefly shifted his weight from foot to foot and somewhat regretfully followed.
They retrieved two shovels from Jerry’s shed and walked to Jerry’s chosen grave site; on other side of the wall by a very tall tree, that’s leafs continually fell, layering the ground with Autumn’s orange leafs. Jerry and Christian being digging below this tree until they had three deep holes under the trees limbs and an occasionally leaf falling in. Both Jerry and Christian were covered in sweat, but only took a little less than half an hour to finish them.
Both silently walked to the first body, who lay outside the wall with a large dent on their forehead. It was Anthony Harper. Jerry grabbed the man’s shoulders and Christian took hold of the man’s legs and they carried him to the first grave. Slowly they lowered him into the the makeshift grave.
Leaving the lifeless the body of Anthony on their way to the next, Christian here and there shot Jerry with a sad look as if he didn’t want to continue helping, either do to the fact they were moving dead bodies or the possibility of getting in trouble for neglecting his duties. But in the he continued to help Jerry.
Soon ready to happen upon Dean’s body, hidden away in the addit of the house near the break in the wall. As they approached, Christian looked at the RV rammed against the house and the backend hanging partly outside of the wall. “What happened here?” He asked with a baffled expression.
“I rammed the RV into the house and climbed on top to get inside of the house without having to set foot on the first floor.” Jerry smirked, but his looked turned to a depressed expression as they climbed onto the RV and walked to the addit stairs that remained opened with a walker trapped underneath it. Jerry approached as it reached out to him and he raised his boot high, but was stopped by Christian tugging at his shirt, but quickly let go as Jerry shot a annoyed look “You’ve got combat knife, but...Help yourself.” He suggested, quickly letting go of Jerry.
Jerry sighed and pulled out the knife, smashing the walker’s head with the tip of the blade, making the walker completely lacking of movement.
Jerry pulled the bloodied knife from it’s skull and gave it a distasteful look at the blood covered blade. Taking a step to the side, stopping next to a couch where he whipped the blade across the sofa once of either side until it was clear of the dark red blood.
The duo walked up the falling stair and retrieved the boy Dean, repeating their system as they brought him to the second hole in the ground.
“Wait here.” Jerry sounded as they briefly walked a few feet away from the tree and the makeshift graves. “Um…” Christian mumbled, looking back at the graves.
“Please.” Jerry said, his tone serious, but before he could even say another word Jerry was halfway over the wall. Leaving Christian alone at the grave site.
After jumping 4 more wooden fences he arrived in his backyard. His gaze first landing upon the bee filled pool. Then, steadily and regretfully he stepped into his house pulling out a Billy Joel record, he briefly starred at the rounded black disk. He let out an angry breath that sounded almost like a sigh as he slammed the record onto the floor. It left behind a shattered piece of the once playable ‘The Good Die Young’ record that had ironically played during Stan’s demise just outside the backdoor. He looked at a mirror from across the room, his reflection simply stared back at him. He looked at lot different then did last week, a bandage rested on his broken nose that seemed lot it might fall off. A burish on his jaw and numerous others all over his body.
He walked back outside and let out a reluctant sigh as he turned to his final groupy’s current residence.
He soon found himself standing over the lifeless body of Stan. Jerry picked up the lightweight boy in his arms and walked out of the house through the broken window of the sliding door.
Christian heard the crackle of the leafs under Jerry’s boots as he approached, giving a very sad look at the lifeless boy he was carrying. He remained silent as Jerry rested him in the grave.
Jerry gestured towards the shovels buried in the turned dirt. Christian took notice and grabbed both shovels, handing one of them to Jerry and the two covered the three bodies with dirt in silence.
Upon finishing, Jerry stepped over to the tree and pulled out the knife. He carefully carved the three names into it’s trunk. He spent more time then he should have when doing this, but it ended with him having a good-looking set of names with small arrows leading to the graves, respectively.
Anthony. - Jerry had tried to save him, but he felt like it didn’t makeup for what he’d put the group through, where he caused problems and even slapped his sister who was now missing. But once he found Josie he could be at peace with his interactions with Anthony.
Dean. - His thought went back to their first day, where he had stayed within the safety of the community when the car Dan and Stan were stuck in with the incoming horde. Jerry smirked when he remembered the punch Dean sent into his jaw. He felt his jaw line and found the slight dump.
Stan. - He had tried to leave him in a horde of walkers by not lifting a finger. He had ignored him until he was trying to break into his house by getting under the house...Then finding the beehive the hard way. He died because of him, he tried to let him die, he caused many of his group’s deaths, though some were indirectly, and some were just completely out of his control.
Jerry felt his shirt being pulled slightly by Christian, who had a worried look on his face that was accompanied by at a somewhat scared expression. Only then Jerry realized there were tears pouring from his eyes like a river. “Are you...Okay…” He mumbled, softly, trying not to offend the man.
“I’m fucked…” Jerry replied with groan. “I’m in bad condition is both body and mind, I’m morally broken...All I have left of these people is a awful memory...I’m a fucked up person he helped get some of these people killed. I was selfish, cold, anger and disrespectful to pretty much all of them. All I have left...Is two smart and strong, both morally, physically and mentally young women who are gay for each other. Then a young boy who’s for all I know lost the only friend in his world, is probably silently cracking mentally, and probably hates me…” Jerry paused looking at the graves, not bothering to wipe the tears from his eyes. “And those people...They’re all I have left. I love them all. I’m going to protect them to the ends of this earth and the next.” His expression turned very angry. “And the two others...Who are missing, kidnapped, I will find them and make sure they're okay...And if they’re not...I’ll save them for whatever trouble they’re in, and if I find out they’re dead...If they were killed by anything but walker...I’ll make sure the fucker pays dearly.” Jerry stared angrily at the graves of the people who probably died hating him, the people that he loved more than anything probably hated him with good reason. That in itself made Jerry feel like death himself.
“I’m…” Christian mumble, unsure of what to do what Jerry’s sudden break down. “I’m sorry.” He Finished, almost immediately regretting his choice of words, as if it was him cursing the dead member’s of Jerry’s group.
“Thanks…” Jerry mustered a smile and patted him on the back. “Now all that’s left...Is to find a way out of your damned mall, but please, don’t inform your peers of my distillery intent.”
“Your...Uh...Secret’s safe with he. But I’m sure they already think you’re wanting to get out of there. They’ll keep a good eye until they think you’ve...Adopted to their way of thinking...Acting…” Christian trailed off, soon looking at the wall suddening Harvest Hills. “How did it fall? How did the horde get in?” He questioned with a soft tone, staring blankly at the cement wall.
“Someone let them in.” Jerry responded. Christian quickly turned back and stared at him. “What?” He exclaimed, almost as if he hadn’t seen people do dumb and awful things during the outbreak.
“Someone let the horde...And kidnapped my...Friends...Josie and Lindsay...I don’t know about you...But who do you know that goes around kidnapping people?” Jerry groaned angrily. “I’ll give you a hint...They make something, they force someone to make it...It’s four letter word, starts with ‘M’ and ends with ‘H’.” Christian’s mouth hung open blankly. “More hints...More hints...Let’s see, wrote a big ‘X’ on the gate, there’s also a ‘E’ and a ‘T’ in between those other two letters...Oh, and I’m sure you could find ‘Motherfucking sonofabitch whose head will be a puddle very soon.” Christian’s face continued to posses a shocked looked as Jerry finished. “I’ll let you know who...Someone fuckin’ fucked us! And you know who did it? You know who makes ‘M.E.T.H’? Your fucking group!” Jerry looked at the shocked expression on Christian and thought he might have scarred the man. "I'm gonna find the sonofabitch and kill the sonofabitch and kill the sons of bitches whole posse and then they'll know who and who not to mess with." Jerry stopped, looking at the blankly stare at him. He sighed and looked away as he began to walk back to the pickups.
“I’ve heard those names not 40 minutes ago.” Christian called out to him. Jerry turned around and ran back to him. “What?” He questioned through gritted teeth.
“The men in the truck with me...They mentioned the names Josie...And lindsay...They were…They were boasting about...Trying to do things to them.” Christian looked up at Jerry directly super quickly. “They never got the chance though, someone told them off...I don’t know who...But they said they’ll try again tonight.”
Jerry’s expression turned undecided as he stared at Christian. He continued to stare blankly, but managed to mutter a strings of words. “I’m gonna kill them…Before they can even think about keeping my people and hurting them.” He muttered angrily.
“One of the groups is going back to the mall while the other is going to run a deal, if you want to get an...Answer...out of them, anywhere between the deal and the mall is a good place to do it.” Christian replied, giving him the plan, pretty much already laid out.
“I’ll kill them, fuckers…” Jerry muttered with gritted teeth. “You’ll want to be in their truck in the first place. Try to get yourself placed with them...And...It’s not like a demand anything...But while you're at it...Maybe get me in the other truck..I don’t want...Too…” He trailed off.
“Fine, so be it.” Jerry replied sternly as he began walking back to the trucks. Christian looked baffled as probably just helped two people die, granted they were assholes and really terrible people, but Christian didn’t like the idea that he had just sentience two people to death. he shook off the thought and briefly looked back at the graves he helped make, trying his best to give a respectful nod and then quickly tried to catch up with Jerry.
“Hey!” Christian hissed, catching Jerry’s attention as he froze in place with his back pointed towards him. “Unless you can scare the literal shit out of them until they remain completely silent, you’re going to have problems if they talk to Zafir, Jake, anyone…” Christian catch Jerry looking back slightly. “They’ll be lucky if they can breathe.” Jerry muttered and continued on his way back to the front gate.
Christian ran after him, until he finally caught up with him standing just behind the wall where, on the outside, the others were finishing their business. Before Jerry stepped out, he noted his appearance, wiping away any remaining tears and even trying to change his expression from what that look like he was about to murder to people, to one where he looked somewhat angry.
He stepped out and was immediately spotted by Jake. “Where’ve you been? Patrolling the area?” He asked sarcastically, shooting Christian the same smirk as he rounded the corner. “No matter, no harm done, no problem.” He finished, turning around, oddly enough only one of the trucks was in use, the other remained empty. But this was probably do the fact they didn’t have enough supplies to need both trucks after all.
“Jordan you’re coming with me back to the mall, Jerry and Christian, you’ll be doing the deal with those assholes.” He gestured towards the truck without anything supplies in the back and Christian gave a worried looks, he didn’t want to stand witness to what awaited the two men.
“Um...Mind if I came back to the mall? I’m sure Jerry can--” Before he could Jake cut him off. “No buts, you’ll be back at the mall soon enough.” Christian did his to keep a calm look as he climbed into the pickup bed with Jerry.
Both trucks pulled away, making a scraping sound as they pulled onto the highway. The truck with the supplies and the truck going to the deal went their different ways as one returned to the mall and the other took a 10 minute drive down and out of town.
Jerry held the revolver in his hands and simply stared at it as they neared the trade site. He had never killed someone before, but there’s a first time for everything. Christian on the other hand nervously looked between the gun and the two men in the truck’s cabin.
The driver and passenger remained silent on the way to the deal. Completely silence fell over everyone as they pulled into a long dirt driveway and soon pulled up to a rundown looking house, where the driver and passenger climbed out of the car, followed by Jerry and Christian hopping out of the backend.
Someone who looked rather worse for wear walked up slowly from near the house. Their clothes were dirty and so was their face. He looked like someone suffering from addiction. One hand was to his side while the other pulled a wheelbarrow behind him. “You’ve got the stuff?” He muttered with beady eyes darting upon everyone.
Jerry’s hand rested on Anthony’s revolver and he seemed ready for anything.
“Hey.” One the assholes running the deal said towards Jerry. “Get the stuff outta the cabin.” Jerry sighed silently sighed as he walked backwards towards the truck and opened the passenger’s side door to find a paper bag that was most likely full of meth. He carried in one hand as he continued to rest his hand on the revolver.
He walked past the two dealers he planned to kill and stood in front of the junkie. He held the bag over the man’s stuck out hand and looked like he was about to drop in into his ghasp. “Check the supplies.” Jerry mumbled, making the drug addict’s face light up with fear. “No, no, it’s--” He tried to defend but was cut off by the man who had previously hung Christian off the overpass. “Check up.” He nodded towards wheelbarrow as the second man walked towards it and briefly rummaged through it, all the while the addict’s face grew up fear.
“Everything’s fuckin’ empty!” The man called out kicked the wheelbarrow over as they addict tried to grabbed the paper bag from Jerry’s hand. But Jerry pulled it away from his grasp and tried to back away as the drug addict tackled him with the meth. Jerry was struggling to keep the addict off him and what made things worse was the sudden knife the man pulled on him as he tried to stab him. BUt sudden shot was heard and the drug addict rolled off of Jerry - dropping the knife - he fell to the ground on his back with a bloodied shoulder where a somewhat shocked Christian held a smoking pistol. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” The addict yelled as he backed away from the group. “You--” He mumbled as the the man who hung Christian off the overpass ran up and kicked him in the side. “Fuck you!” He shorted to the addict as he spits in his direction.
The group returned to the truck, leaving the man as he stood up and ran towards the pickup, just as it began pulling away and soon started speeding out of there. “Don’t leave me!” The addict short desperately. “I’ll die!” He cried. He calmed down slightly as he stared at the retreating truck. “Fuck you!” He finished, quickly raising his middle finger in the air.
Jerry set in the pickup bed compeltely unscaved, but Christian on the other hand as hypervenntilating. “I fuckin’...I fucking…I fucking shot someone…” He mumbled.
“Yeah...Thanks.” Jerry groaned feeling a cut on his right forearm where the knife had briefly slashed across.
The window on the back of the pickup was suddenly opened by the man who had toyed with Christian at the overpass. “Yeah, you fuck shot him! Did you see the look in his eyes when he heard the sound and felt the pain!” The man laughed.
“Hey…” The driver muttered, still focusing on the road. “Maybe...let him have a reward, of some type.” The guy mumble seductively as they other laughed to it. “Great, yeah, we have something planned for tonight if you’re up for it.”
Christian looked at Jerry and said something Jerry wasn’t expecting from the young man. “Now...The driver.” he muttered and closed his eyes as Jerry pulled Anthony’s revolver and placed it against the back window, then before the driver or passenger could react, he pulled the trigger and the glass shattered and blood flew all over the truck’s cabin and the pickup suddenly jerked to the right and slammed into - and through - a fence next to a sign that read “Welcome to Braunig Park” and went through a few patches of grass and over dirt roads as it approached “Victor Braunig Lake.”
The truck bounced around and Jerry and Christian got the worse of it as the revolver flew from Jerry’s hand and landed in a patch of grass.
Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 4: Twilight - Part 7-2
the pickup truck slammed into the water and slid out about 6 feet into the water, with less than half the truck in the water as Jerry grabbed Christian by the shirt and he pulled him out of the pickup bed and dragged him to the small sandy beach.
The two rested for a second with Jerry him as Christian lay with his back in the sand breathing heavily. Someone forced the passenger’s door opened and the man who Jerry had condemned for being one of the sons of bitches he was looking for.
He saw Jerry and tried to run to shore away from the spot Jerry stood. he lacked a gun, but Jerry approached him with a ran and grabbed him by the ear, slamming him into the sandy beach face first.
He kicked once and the man fell over, completely outmatched in a matter of seconds. “Where is Josie, where is Lindsay?!” Jerry shorted at the man angrily kicking him a second time.
“I don’t know, I don’t know! I don’t know!” The man hissed back in pain as he tried to crawl away. But Jerry was faster then him and just steadily caught up and once again pushed him to the ground as he stumped on the man’s left hands. “I know you know, all tell me before I cut your fuckin’ legs off!” Jerry yelled back as he applied pressure to the man’s already broken hand.
“We have them in the-- the side room just on your way to the room with the beds and the lockers, right in front of a metal grate!” He answered in pain as Jerry let pressure off his hand.
“What did you try to do to my people?!” Jerry as the man didn’t answer he once again lifted his boot just above the man’s hand. “Nothing! Nothing!” He answered.
“Don’t lie to me!” Jerry shorted and slammed his boot on the hand again, this time blood started bleeding from it. “We we're gonna fuckin’ touch them ‘n fuck them! But-- but some bitch stopped us!” He shouted in pain with tears pouring from his face as Jerry lifted his boot from the man’s hand once again and began walking back to the patch of grass where Anthony’s revolver had fell. He picked it up and looked back as the man tried to stand up and ran several feet before Jerry had taken aim and fired three shots, one into the man’s leg, the second into his back, the finial into his head. the man fell to the ground dead, just feet away from where Christian lay in the sand.
Jerry boiled with rage as he approached the dead man whose blood began coating the sand. he looked at the shocked expression on Christian’s face as he spoke. “If they find out they we killed them...We’re dead.” He muttered staring blankly into the sky.
“C’mon.” Jerry muttered as he grabbed his arm to pull him up and pulled him along as they walked back towards the highway, but Christian shook away his grip of his arm. “What are we going to say?” He asked, a shocked look on his face.
“We are going to lie and say they were killed by the juckie or walkers…” Jerry answered, coldly. “But we have a bigger plan to make. We’re gonna bust out of their little mall with all our people…Find my missing people, along with anyone else who’s looking to leave.” Jerry continued walking as Christian looked back at the truck and the dead body. He had just help kill two people. That didn’t sit well with him.
Jerry on the other hand was ready to take on the world and had felt like he had done something awful as to murdering two people, but this was going to get him closer to find his missing members and the person who murdered Dean.
But he was going to free them, save them, make up for his past mistakes. He was on his way to breaking them out, slowly, but surely. They walked towards the mall as the sun set behind them.
Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 4: Twilight - Part 7-2
the pickup truck slammed into the water and slid out about 6 feet into the … morewater, with less than half the truck in the water as Jerry grabbed Christian by the shirt and he pulled him out of the pickup bed and dragged him to the small sandy beach.
The two rested for a second with Jerry him as Christian lay with his back in the sand breathing heavily. Someone forced the passenger’s door opened and the man who Jerry had condemned for being one of the sons of bitches he was looking for.
He saw Jerry and tried to run to shore away from the spot Jerry stood. he lacked a gun, but Jerry approached him with a ran and grabbed him by the ear, slamming him into the sandy beach face first.
He kicked once and the man fell over, completely outmatched in a matter of seconds. “Where is Josie, where is Lindsay?!” Jerry shorted at the man angrily kicking him a second time.
“I don’t kno… [view original content]
Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 4: Twilight - Part 7-2
the pickup truck slammed into the water and slid out about 6 feet into the … morewater, with less than half the truck in the water as Jerry grabbed Christian by the shirt and he pulled him out of the pickup bed and dragged him to the small sandy beach.
The two rested for a second with Jerry him as Christian lay with his back in the sand breathing heavily. Someone forced the passenger’s door opened and the man who Jerry had condemned for being one of the sons of bitches he was looking for.
He saw Jerry and tried to run to shore away from the spot Jerry stood. he lacked a gun, but Jerry approached him with a ran and grabbed him by the ear, slamming him into the sandy beach face first.
He kicked once and the man fell over, completely outmatched in a matter of seconds. “Where is Josie, where is Lindsay?!” Jerry shorted at the man angrily kicking him a second time.
“I don’t kno… [view original content]
What a legitimatelly awesome part! I have to say after that I have an even harder time resisting my growing fondness of Jerry Is this really the same Jerry who was a legitimate bastard in the first two chapters? Because he starts to become strangely likeable. Christian also grew on me during this part, I'm happy that he decided to help.
And I'm even more happy that Jerry finally got some trail he can follow! Though I haven't suspected the Heisenberg cultists to be ones responsible for the walker attack. Hopefully Jerry manages to save Josie and Lindsay and hopefully somewhere on the way Zafir and all his wannabe rapist assholes die in a horribly brutal way, preferrably either by Jerry going into a berserk mode, or Josie going full Michonne on them. The only ones from Zafir's group whose death I'm not actively trying to achieve with my votes will be Christian and the mysterious woman who stopped these assholes from raping Josie. Anyway, I'm so hooked for the next part!
Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 4: Twilight - Part 7-2
the pickup truck slammed into the water and slid out about 6 feet into the … morewater, with less than half the truck in the water as Jerry grabbed Christian by the shirt and he pulled him out of the pickup bed and dragged him to the small sandy beach.
The two rested for a second with Jerry him as Christian lay with his back in the sand breathing heavily. Someone forced the passenger’s door opened and the man who Jerry had condemned for being one of the sons of bitches he was looking for.
He saw Jerry and tried to run to shore away from the spot Jerry stood. he lacked a gun, but Jerry approached him with a ran and grabbed him by the ear, slamming him into the sandy beach face first.
He kicked once and the man fell over, completely outmatched in a matter of seconds. “Where is Josie, where is Lindsay?!” Jerry shorted at the man angrily kicking him a second time.
“I don’t kno… [view original content]
Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 4: Twilight - Part 7-2
the pickup truck slammed into the water and slid out about 6 feet into the … morewater, with less than half the truck in the water as Jerry grabbed Christian by the shirt and he pulled him out of the pickup bed and dragged him to the small sandy beach.
The two rested for a second with Jerry him as Christian lay with his back in the sand breathing heavily. Someone forced the passenger’s door opened and the man who Jerry had condemned for being one of the sons of bitches he was looking for.
He saw Jerry and tried to run to shore away from the spot Jerry stood. he lacked a gun, but Jerry approached him with a ran and grabbed him by the ear, slamming him into the sandy beach face first.
He kicked once and the man fell over, completely outmatched in a matter of seconds. “Where is Josie, where is Lindsay?!” Jerry shorted at the man angrily kicking him a second time.
“I don’t kno… [view original content]
Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 4: Twilight - Part 7-2
the pickup truck slammed into the water and slid out about 6 feet into the … morewater, with less than half the truck in the water as Jerry grabbed Christian by the shirt and he pulled him out of the pickup bed and dragged him to the small sandy beach.
The two rested for a second with Jerry him as Christian lay with his back in the sand breathing heavily. Someone forced the passenger’s door opened and the man who Jerry had condemned for being one of the sons of bitches he was looking for.
He saw Jerry and tried to run to shore away from the spot Jerry stood. he lacked a gun, but Jerry approached him with a ran and grabbed him by the ear, slamming him into the sandy beach face first.
He kicked once and the man fell over, completely outmatched in a matter of seconds. “Where is Josie, where is Lindsay?!” Jerry shorted at the man angrily kicking him a second time.
“I don’t kno… [view original content]
I love all of the characters and I want to develop more of the cast, but right now that means moving the story forward., which also means more Jerry time.
And trust me, there's plenty of characters to come and go. So you won't have to worry about it being Jerry 24/7.
Edit: Don't forget the Clarice thing is going to happen, slightly differently then you had intended, but I'd like if you kept quiet about it >.>
Thank you! By the way, just say you like the sonofabitch already! >:P He's gonna protect the group to the ends of the earth, I'd say that he deserves to be recognized for that XD
I'm glad Christian's growing on you, part of my intention was to make him pretty likable while still trying to maintain his humanity to a degree. Though it bothers him that he got two people killed, he's 100% sure they were bad people, but that doesn't change his views. He's likely trying to get closer to finding Josie and Lindsay with the hope of finding his girlfriend along the way.
It's pretty clean, whoever took Lindsay and Josie also marked them with a marking on the front gate for some odd reason...Hmm...But Jerry has a heading and is going start his search for the missing people in the mall. He's actually knows where they are, at least what the man had told him before he was killed. I'd say this person who stopped them is gonna have some interesting...Un...Guilt...Let's call it that.
Anyway, I'm glad your looking forward to "Nine O'clock Lab..." Bet you'll never be able to figure out what I have planned for this chapter...Let's just say it'll be somewhat subtle...All the twists and turns that will make you doubt what you thought before...Heheheeheheh! >:D
What a legitimatelly awesome part! I have to say after that I have an even harder time resisting my growing fondness of Jerry Is this reall… morey the same Jerry who was a legitimate bastard in the first two chapters? Because he starts to become strangely likeable. Christian also grew on me during this part, I'm happy that he decided to help.
And I'm even more happy that Jerry finally got some trail he can follow! Though I haven't suspected the Heisenberg cultists to be ones responsible for the walker attack. Hopefully Jerry manages to save Josie and Lindsay and hopefully somewhere on the way Zafir and all his wannabe rapist assholes die in a horribly brutal way, preferrably either by Jerry going into a berserk mode, or Josie going full Michonne on them. The only ones from Zafir's group whose death I'm not actively trying to achieve with my votes will be Christian and the mysterious woman who stopped these assholes from raping Josie. Anyway, I'm so hooked for the next part!
Do to the fact we're nearing the end of Episode one...I'll be revealing a new chapter title for Episode 2 every time I post a part for Episode 1's final chapter. Just a heads up to get you a little hyped or whatever, I like teasing people >:P
Do to the fact we're nearing the end of Episode one...I'll be revealing a new chapter title for Episode 2 every time I post a part for Episode 1's final chapter. Just a heads up to get you a little hyped or whatever, I like teasing people >:P
Do to the fact we're nearing the end of Episode one...I'll be revealing a new chapter title for Episode 2 every time I post a part for Episode 1's final chapter. Just a heads up to get you a little hyped or whatever, I like teasing people >:P
Alternate choices of Episode 1, chapter's 3 and 4.
[Leave Harvest Hills.] - The group would've left Harvest Hills and Jerry behind. Jerry would have been left unknown until he would have appeared again, seemingly "broken" after his mistakes broke who he once was. Likely to have been found at Zafir's mall.
[Stay in the house.] - The group wouldn't have left Atlanta's house, leading to big changes in most of the chapter, but since it wasn't chosen I hadn't thought too far ahead.
[Stay but try to get Jerry to the house.] - They wouldn't have opted to leave, therefore staying in Atlanta's house for the most part and also finding a way to get Jerry out of his house. They also would've heard a loud gunshot...Hmm...
[Let Atlanta die, saving himself and Jerry.] - Needless to say, Altanta would've died and Anthony wouldn't have been bitten, meaning he would live. As well as Jerry never getting the "protector" thing in his head and would've continued to break without any thing to pull him back.
[Drag him to the others.] - Jerry would've seen him turn while trying to take him to the others. Even pulling an unconscious Anthony until he turned and tried to kill Jerry, but would've been put by Jerry once turned.
[Refuse to leave him.] - This would've been the saddest option, Jerry would stay with Anthony and talk until Anthony passed out again, when he "woke up" he would have been a walker and Jerry would put him down.
[Leave it behind.] - Jerry would go straight back to camp and be in a better place to defend the group then he had in the other choice. This revolver was come in handy for Jerry in the more recent parts, as well as it being a good memento to Josie once he finds her...
[Remain silent.] - The people from the Zafir's group would've come out of hiding and taken them quicker.
[Answer from here.] - Again, not much would've changed, other then removing the risks of shaking his hand.
[“Surrender, Jerry.”] - Jerry would reluctantly drop the gun and surrender. Making him uninjured from the many splinters that were sent into his back.
[“Shoot him!“] - Jerry would have killed the man who later held Christian off the overpass, who had also previously tried to rape a kidnapped Josie.
[Stop the guy from toying with Christian.] - Atlanta would've climbed out of the truck and start trying to get the man to pull Christian back up, the man wouldn't have taken kindly to it to say the least and Christian would've been up and literally forced to hit Atlanta while at gunpoint. Though he would've refused at first, he would've been killed if he'd done otherwise and soon hit Atlanta, though they would talk later and he would understand.
[Talk to Christian.] - She would've talked to him and learned his point-of-view of the situation...As well as learning of a place they're soon to be going in episode 2.
[Stay on guard.] - You wouldn't have gotta the burial scene nor learning of what Christian knew, though Jerry would've learned about it another way.
Anyway, I haven't been added the alternate choices recently and figured it was about time. If yoy have any questions or feedback feel free to speak up.
Also...I'm gonna be doing a "title meaning" thing that will explain the meaning of the titles, but you don't have to worry about spoilers for future titles/episodes, I'll only be explaining up to chapter 4 "Twilight."
[Bury Anthony, Stan, and Dean.]
Awesome part!
Thank you!
[Bury Anthony, Stan, and Dean.]
Great part!
Thank you
[Bury Anthony, Stan, and Dean.]
I don't mind making a summery, it'll take awhile to make but I don't mind at all. :P
Haha, thanks but im fine
I love your writing and have a feeling it'll be awesome. 
Okay, and thanks!
[Bury Anthony, Stan, and Dean.]
I woke up just in time for school or reading. I had to make a choice and here I am
[Bury Anthony, Stan, and Dean.]
[Bury Anthony, Stan, and Dean.]
Voting is closed!
(!) Jerry and Christian will bury Anthony, Stan, and Dean
I actually finished the choice affecting part last night, I was pretty surprised by the length of it, 3 pages that you wouldn't have seen if you chose the other choice. You'll come by some...Something interesting by the time I fully finish this chapter's ending.
Let's just say Jerry takes a trip down memory lane and learns of something that sends him on another one of his rages...Only it might be a little more productive then it sounds.
Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 4: Twilight - Part 7.
“Let’s get on with it then.” Jerry confirmed as he turned to the side and began walking forward, towards his house, while behind him Christian briefly shifted his weight from foot to foot and somewhat regretfully followed.
They retrieved two shovels from Jerry’s shed and walked to Jerry’s chosen grave site; on other side of the wall by a very tall tree, that’s leafs continually fell, layering the ground with Autumn’s orange leafs. Jerry and Christian being digging below this tree until they had three deep holes under the trees limbs and an occasionally leaf falling in. Both Jerry and Christian were covered in sweat, but only took a little less than half an hour to finish them.
Both silently walked to the first body, who lay outside the wall with a large dent on their forehead. It was Anthony Harper. Jerry grabbed the man’s shoulders and Christian took hold of the man’s legs and they carried him to the first grave. Slowly they lowered him into the the makeshift grave.
Leaving the lifeless the body of Anthony on their way to the next, Christian here and there shot Jerry with a sad look as if he didn’t want to continue helping, either do to the fact they were moving dead bodies or the possibility of getting in trouble for neglecting his duties. But in the he continued to help Jerry.
Soon ready to happen upon Dean’s body, hidden away in the addit of the house near the break in the wall. As they approached, Christian looked at the RV rammed against the house and the backend hanging partly outside of the wall. “What happened here?” He asked with a baffled expression.
“I rammed the RV into the house and climbed on top to get inside of the house without having to set foot on the first floor.” Jerry smirked, but his looked turned to a depressed expression as they climbed onto the RV and walked to the addit stairs that remained opened with a walker trapped underneath it. Jerry approached as it reached out to him and he raised his boot high, but was stopped by Christian tugging at his shirt, but quickly let go as Jerry shot a annoyed look “You’ve got combat knife, but...Help yourself.” He suggested, quickly letting go of Jerry.
Jerry sighed and pulled out the knife, smashing the walker’s head with the tip of the blade, making the walker completely lacking of movement.
Jerry pulled the bloodied knife from it’s skull and gave it a distasteful look at the blood covered blade. Taking a step to the side, stopping next to a couch where he whipped the blade across the sofa once of either side until it was clear of the dark red blood.
The duo walked up the falling stair and retrieved the boy Dean, repeating their system as they brought him to the second hole in the ground.
“Wait here.” Jerry sounded as they briefly walked a few feet away from the tree and the makeshift graves. “Um…” Christian mumbled, looking back at the graves.
“Please.” Jerry said, his tone serious, but before he could even say another word Jerry was halfway over the wall. Leaving Christian alone at the grave site.
After jumping 4 more wooden fences he arrived in his backyard. His gaze first landing upon the bee filled pool. Then, steadily and regretfully he stepped into his house pulling out a Billy Joel record, he briefly starred at the rounded black disk. He let out an angry breath that sounded almost like a sigh as he slammed the record onto the floor. It left behind a shattered piece of the once playable ‘The Good Die Young’ record that had ironically played during Stan’s demise just outside the backdoor. He looked at a mirror from across the room, his reflection simply stared back at him. He looked at lot different then did last week, a bandage rested on his broken nose that seemed lot it might fall off. A burish on his jaw and numerous others all over his body.
He walked back outside and let out a reluctant sigh as he turned to his final groupy’s current residence.
He soon found himself standing over the lifeless body of Stan. Jerry picked up the lightweight boy in his arms and walked out of the house through the broken window of the sliding door.
Christian heard the crackle of the leafs under Jerry’s boots as he approached, giving a very sad look at the lifeless boy he was carrying. He remained silent as Jerry rested him in the grave.
Jerry gestured towards the shovels buried in the turned dirt. Christian took notice and grabbed both shovels, handing one of them to Jerry and the two covered the three bodies with dirt in silence.
Upon finishing, Jerry stepped over to the tree and pulled out the knife. He carefully carved the three names into it’s trunk. He spent more time then he should have when doing this, but it ended with him having a good-looking set of names with small arrows leading to the graves, respectively.
Anthony. - Jerry had tried to save him, but he felt like it didn’t makeup for what he’d put the group through, where he caused problems and even slapped his sister who was now missing. But once he found Josie he could be at peace with his interactions with Anthony.
Dean. - His thought went back to their first day, where he had stayed within the safety of the community when the car Dan and Stan were stuck in with the incoming horde. Jerry smirked when he remembered the punch Dean sent into his jaw. He felt his jaw line and found the slight dump.
Stan. - He had tried to leave him in a horde of walkers by not lifting a finger. He had ignored him until he was trying to break into his house by getting under the house...Then finding the beehive the hard way. He died because of him, he tried to let him die, he caused many of his group’s deaths, though some were indirectly, and some were just completely out of his control.
Jerry felt his shirt being pulled slightly by Christian, who had a worried look on his face that was accompanied by at a somewhat scared expression. Only then Jerry realized there were tears pouring from his eyes like a river. “Are you...Okay…” He mumbled, softly, trying not to offend the man.
“I’m fucked…” Jerry replied with groan. “I’m in bad condition is both body and mind, I’m morally broken...All I have left of these people is a awful memory...I’m a fucked up person he helped get some of these people killed. I was selfish, cold, anger and disrespectful to pretty much all of them. All I have left...Is two smart and strong, both morally, physically and mentally young women who are gay for each other. Then a young boy who’s for all I know lost the only friend in his world, is probably silently cracking mentally, and probably hates me…” Jerry paused looking at the graves, not bothering to wipe the tears from his eyes. “And those people...They’re all I have left. I love them all. I’m going to protect them to the ends of this earth and the next.” His expression turned very angry. “And the two others...Who are missing, kidnapped, I will find them and make sure they're okay...And if they’re not...I’ll save them for whatever trouble they’re in, and if I find out they’re dead...If they were killed by anything but walker...I’ll make sure the fucker pays dearly.” Jerry stared angrily at the graves of the people who probably died hating him, the people that he loved more than anything probably hated him with good reason. That in itself made Jerry feel like death himself.
“I’m…” Christian mumble, unsure of what to do what Jerry’s sudden break down. “I’m sorry.” He Finished, almost immediately regretting his choice of words, as if it was him cursing the dead member’s of Jerry’s group.
“Thanks…” Jerry mustered a smile and patted him on the back. “Now all that’s left...Is to find a way out of your damned mall, but please, don’t inform your peers of my distillery intent.”
“Your...Uh...Secret’s safe with he. But I’m sure they already think you’re wanting to get out of there. They’ll keep a good eye until they think you’ve...Adopted to their way of thinking...Acting…” Christian trailed off, soon looking at the wall suddening Harvest Hills. “How did it fall? How did the horde get in?” He questioned with a soft tone, staring blankly at the cement wall.
“Someone let them in.” Jerry responded. Christian quickly turned back and stared at him. “What?” He exclaimed, almost as if he hadn’t seen people do dumb and awful things during the outbreak.
“Someone let the horde...And kidnapped my...Friends...Josie and Lindsay...I don’t know about you...But who do you know that goes around kidnapping people?” Jerry groaned angrily. “I’ll give you a hint...They make something, they force someone to make it...It’s four letter word, starts with ‘M’ and ends with ‘H’.” Christian’s mouth hung open blankly. “More hints...More hints...Let’s see, wrote a big ‘X’ on the gate, there’s also a ‘E’ and a ‘T’ in between those other two letters...Oh, and I’m sure you could find ‘Motherfucking sonofabitch whose head will be a puddle very soon.” Christian’s face continued to posses a shocked looked as Jerry finished. “I’ll let you know who...Someone fuckin’ fucked us! And you know who did it? You know who makes ‘M.E.T.H’? Your fucking group!” Jerry looked at the shocked expression on Christian and thought he might have scarred the man. "I'm gonna find the sonofabitch and kill the sonofabitch and kill the sons of bitches whole posse and then they'll know who and who not to mess with." Jerry stopped, looking at the blankly stare at him. He sighed and looked away as he began to walk back to the pickups.
“I’ve heard those names not 40 minutes ago.” Christian called out to him. Jerry turned around and ran back to him. “What?” He questioned through gritted teeth.
“The men in the truck with me...They mentioned the names Josie...And lindsay...They were…They were boasting about...Trying to do things to them.” Christian looked up at Jerry directly super quickly. “They never got the chance though, someone told them off...I don’t know who...But they said they’ll try again tonight.”
Jerry’s expression turned undecided as he stared at Christian. He continued to stare blankly, but managed to mutter a strings of words. “I’m gonna kill them…Before they can even think about keeping my people and hurting them.” He muttered angrily.
“One of the groups is going back to the mall while the other is going to run a deal, if you want to get an...Answer...out of them, anywhere between the deal and the mall is a good place to do it.” Christian replied, giving him the plan, pretty much already laid out.
“I’ll kill them, fuckers…” Jerry muttered with gritted teeth. “You’ll want to be in their truck in the first place. Try to get yourself placed with them...And...It’s not like a demand anything...But while you're at it...Maybe get me in the other truck..I don’t want...Too…” He trailed off.
“Fine, so be it.” Jerry replied sternly as he began walking back to the trucks. Christian looked baffled as probably just helped two people die, granted they were assholes and really terrible people, but Christian didn’t like the idea that he had just sentience two people to death. he shook off the thought and briefly looked back at the graves he helped make, trying his best to give a respectful nod and then quickly tried to catch up with Jerry.
“Hey!” Christian hissed, catching Jerry’s attention as he froze in place with his back pointed towards him. “Unless you can scare the literal shit out of them until they remain completely silent, you’re going to have problems if they talk to Zafir, Jake, anyone…” Christian catch Jerry looking back slightly. “They’ll be lucky if they can breathe.” Jerry muttered and continued on his way back to the front gate.
Christian ran after him, until he finally caught up with him standing just behind the wall where, on the outside, the others were finishing their business. Before Jerry stepped out, he noted his appearance, wiping away any remaining tears and even trying to change his expression from what that look like he was about to murder to people, to one where he looked somewhat angry.
He stepped out and was immediately spotted by Jake. “Where’ve you been? Patrolling the area?” He asked sarcastically, shooting Christian the same smirk as he rounded the corner. “No matter, no harm done, no problem.” He finished, turning around, oddly enough only one of the trucks was in use, the other remained empty. But this was probably do the fact they didn’t have enough supplies to need both trucks after all.
“Jordan you’re coming with me back to the mall, Jerry and Christian, you’ll be doing the deal with those assholes.” He gestured towards the truck without anything supplies in the back and Christian gave a worried looks, he didn’t want to stand witness to what awaited the two men.
“Um...Mind if I came back to the mall? I’m sure Jerry can--” Before he could Jake cut him off. “No buts, you’ll be back at the mall soon enough.” Christian did his to keep a calm look as he climbed into the pickup bed with Jerry.
Both trucks pulled away, making a scraping sound as they pulled onto the highway. The truck with the supplies and the truck going to the deal went their different ways as one returned to the mall and the other took a 10 minute drive down and out of town.
Jerry held the revolver in his hands and simply stared at it as they neared the trade site. He had never killed someone before, but there’s a first time for everything. Christian on the other hand nervously looked between the gun and the two men in the truck’s cabin.
The driver and passenger remained silent on the way to the deal. Completely silence fell over everyone as they pulled into a long dirt driveway and soon pulled up to a rundown looking house, where the driver and passenger climbed out of the car, followed by Jerry and Christian hopping out of the backend.
Someone who looked rather worse for wear walked up slowly from near the house. Their clothes were dirty and so was their face. He looked like someone suffering from addiction. One hand was to his side while the other pulled a wheelbarrow behind him. “You’ve got the stuff?” He muttered with beady eyes darting upon everyone.
Jerry’s hand rested on Anthony’s revolver and he seemed ready for anything.
“Hey.” One the assholes running the deal said towards Jerry. “Get the stuff outta the cabin.” Jerry sighed silently sighed as he walked backwards towards the truck and opened the passenger’s side door to find a paper bag that was most likely full of meth. He carried in one hand as he continued to rest his hand on the revolver.
He walked past the two dealers he planned to kill and stood in front of the junkie. He held the bag over the man’s stuck out hand and looked like he was about to drop in into his ghasp. “Check the supplies.” Jerry mumbled, making the drug addict’s face light up with fear. “No, no, it’s--” He tried to defend but was cut off by the man who had previously hung Christian off the overpass. “Check up.” He nodded towards wheelbarrow as the second man walked towards it and briefly rummaged through it, all the while the addict’s face grew up fear.
“Everything’s fuckin’ empty!” The man called out kicked the wheelbarrow over as they addict tried to grabbed the paper bag from Jerry’s hand. But Jerry pulled it away from his grasp and tried to back away as the drug addict tackled him with the meth. Jerry was struggling to keep the addict off him and what made things worse was the sudden knife the man pulled on him as he tried to stab him. BUt sudden shot was heard and the drug addict rolled off of Jerry - dropping the knife - he fell to the ground on his back with a bloodied shoulder where a somewhat shocked Christian held a smoking pistol. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” The addict yelled as he backed away from the group. “You--” He mumbled as the the man who hung Christian off the overpass ran up and kicked him in the side. “Fuck you!” He shorted to the addict as he spits in his direction.
The group returned to the truck, leaving the man as he stood up and ran towards the pickup, just as it began pulling away and soon started speeding out of there. “Don’t leave me!” The addict short desperately. “I’ll die!” He cried. He calmed down slightly as he stared at the retreating truck. “Fuck you!” He finished, quickly raising his middle finger in the air.
Jerry set in the pickup bed compeltely unscaved, but Christian on the other hand as hypervenntilating. “I fuckin’...I fucking…I fucking shot someone…” He mumbled.
“Yeah...Thanks.” Jerry groaned feeling a cut on his right forearm where the knife had briefly slashed across.
The window on the back of the pickup was suddenly opened by the man who had toyed with Christian at the overpass. “Yeah, you fuck shot him! Did you see the look in his eyes when he heard the sound and felt the pain!” The man laughed.
“Hey…” The driver muttered, still focusing on the road. “Maybe...let him have a reward, of some type.” The guy mumble seductively as they other laughed to it. “Great, yeah, we have something planned for tonight if you’re up for it.”
Christian looked at Jerry and said something Jerry wasn’t expecting from the young man. “Now...The driver.” he muttered and closed his eyes as Jerry pulled Anthony’s revolver and placed it against the back window, then before the driver or passenger could react, he pulled the trigger and the glass shattered and blood flew all over the truck’s cabin and the pickup suddenly jerked to the right and slammed into - and through - a fence next to a sign that read “Welcome to Braunig Park” and went through a few patches of grass and over dirt roads as it approached “Victor Braunig Lake.”
The truck bounced around and Jerry and Christian got the worse of it as the revolver flew from Jerry’s hand and landed in a patch of grass.
Continued below V
Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 4: Twilight - Part 7-2
the pickup truck slammed into the water and slid out about 6 feet into the water, with less than half the truck in the water as Jerry grabbed Christian by the shirt and he pulled him out of the pickup bed and dragged him to the small sandy beach.
The two rested for a second with Jerry him as Christian lay with his back in the sand breathing heavily. Someone forced the passenger’s door opened and the man who Jerry had condemned for being one of the sons of bitches he was looking for.
He saw Jerry and tried to run to shore away from the spot Jerry stood. he lacked a gun, but Jerry approached him with a ran and grabbed him by the ear, slamming him into the sandy beach face first.
He kicked once and the man fell over, completely outmatched in a matter of seconds. “Where is Josie, where is Lindsay?!” Jerry shorted at the man angrily kicking him a second time.
“I don’t know, I don’t know! I don’t know!” The man hissed back in pain as he tried to crawl away. But Jerry was faster then him and just steadily caught up and once again pushed him to the ground as he stumped on the man’s left hands. “I know you know, all tell me before I cut your fuckin’ legs off!” Jerry yelled back as he applied pressure to the man’s already broken hand.
“We have them in the-- the side room just on your way to the room with the beds and the lockers, right in front of a metal grate!” He answered in pain as Jerry let pressure off his hand.
“What did you try to do to my people?!” Jerry as the man didn’t answer he once again lifted his boot just above the man’s hand. “Nothing! Nothing!” He answered.
“Don’t lie to me!” Jerry shorted and slammed his boot on the hand again, this time blood started bleeding from it. “We we're gonna fuckin’ touch them ‘n fuck them! But-- but some bitch stopped us!” He shouted in pain with tears pouring from his face as Jerry lifted his boot from the man’s hand once again and began walking back to the patch of grass where Anthony’s revolver had fell. He picked it up and looked back as the man tried to stand up and ran several feet before Jerry had taken aim and fired three shots, one into the man’s leg, the second into his back, the finial into his head. the man fell to the ground dead, just feet away from where Christian lay in the sand.
Jerry boiled with rage as he approached the dead man whose blood began coating the sand. he looked at the shocked expression on Christian’s face as he spoke. “If they find out they we killed them...We’re dead.” He muttered staring blankly into the sky.
“C’mon.” Jerry muttered as he grabbed his arm to pull him up and pulled him along as they walked back towards the highway, but Christian shook away his grip of his arm. “What are we going to say?” He asked, a shocked look on his face.
“We are going to lie and say they were killed by the juckie or walkers…” Jerry answered, coldly. “But we have a bigger plan to make. We’re gonna bust out of their little mall with all our people…Find my missing people, along with anyone else who’s looking to leave.” Jerry continued walking as Christian looked back at the truck and the dead body. He had just help kill two people. That didn’t sit well with him.
Jerry on the other hand was ready to take on the world and had felt like he had done something awful as to murdering two people, but this was going to get him closer to find his missing members and the person who murdered Dean.
But he was going to free them, save them, make up for his past mistakes. He was on his way to breaking them out, slowly, but surely. They walked towards the mall as the sun set behind them.
End of Chapter 4: Twilight
Jerry so pissed. Excellent!
Sorry, but Jerry's a main character and is getting focus. He won't be the only one to get lots of screen time.
And thanks :P
What? No!
Could you stop making everything Jerry-Central , please?
Awesome Chapter!
Thank you!
What a legitimatelly awesome part! I have to say after that I have an even harder time resisting my growing fondness of Jerry
Is this really the same Jerry who was a legitimate bastard in the first two chapters? Because he starts to become strangely likeable. Christian also grew on me during this part, I'm happy that he decided to help.
And I'm even more happy that Jerry finally got some trail he can follow! Though I haven't suspected the Heisenberg cultists to be ones responsible for the walker attack. Hopefully Jerry manages to save Josie and Lindsay and hopefully somewhere on the way Zafir and all his wannabe rapist assholes die in a horribly brutal way, preferrably either by Jerry going into a berserk mode, or Josie going full Michonne on them. The only ones from Zafir's group whose death I'm not actively trying to achieve with my votes will be Christian and the mysterious woman who stopped these assholes from raping Josie. Anyway, I'm so hooked for the next part!
Great parts!!!!
I've been caught!
Nah, JK.
I love all of the characters and I want to develop more of the cast, but right now that means moving the story forward., which also means more Jerry time.
And trust me, there's plenty of characters to come and go. So you won't have to worry about it being Jerry 24/7.
Edit: Don't forget the Clarice thing is going to happen, slightly differently then you had intended, but I'd like if you kept quiet about it >.>
Thank you!
It's actually the first time I reached the size limit
Jerry's pretty entertaining while he's pissed
Thank you! By the way, just say you like the sonofabitch already! >:P He's gonna protect the group to the ends of the earth, I'd say that he deserves to be recognized for that XD
I'm glad Christian's growing on you, part of my intention was to make him pretty likable while still trying to maintain his humanity to a degree. Though it bothers him that he got two people killed, he's 100% sure they were bad people, but that doesn't change his views. He's likely trying to get closer to finding Josie and Lindsay with the hope of finding his girlfriend along the way.
It's pretty clean, whoever took Lindsay and Josie also marked them with a marking on the front gate for some odd reason...Hmm...But Jerry has a heading and is going start his search for the missing people in the mall. He's actually knows where they are, at least what the man had told him before he was killed. I'd say this person who stopped them is gonna have some interesting...Un...Guilt...Let's call it that.
Anyway, I'm glad your looking forward to "Nine O'clock Lab..." Bet you'll never be able to figure out what I have planned for this chapter...Let's just say it'll be somewhat subtle...All the twists and turns that will make you doubt what you thought before...Heheheeheheh! >:D
Do to the fact we're nearing the end of Episode one...I'll be revealing a new chapter title for Episode 2 every time I post a part for Episode 1's final chapter. Just a heads up to get you a little hyped or whatever, I like teasing people >:P
It's too early in the morning for hype, Hope pls
But two people were put to death today. They were bad but they were people, fuck them
Evil laugh echoes in the distance
My profile picture accurately describes how I feel right now. Evil laughing must be stopped
Stops evil laughing
The first chapter is titled "Trauma."
Smiles while twiddling mustache
Why you do this to me?
Just wait until the end of this episode...Then you'll know the full meaning of this title...
Alternate choices of Episode 1, chapter's 3 and 4.
[Leave Harvest Hills.] - The group would've left Harvest Hills and Jerry behind. Jerry would have been left unknown until he would have appeared again, seemingly "broken" after his mistakes broke who he once was. Likely to have been found at Zafir's mall.
[Stay in the house.] - The group wouldn't have left Atlanta's house, leading to big changes in most of the chapter, but since it wasn't chosen I hadn't thought too far ahead.
[Stay but try to get Jerry to the house.] - They wouldn't have opted to leave, therefore staying in Atlanta's house for the most part and also finding a way to get Jerry out of his house. They also would've heard a loud gunshot...Hmm...
[Let Atlanta die, saving himself and Jerry.] - Needless to say, Altanta would've died and Anthony wouldn't have been bitten, meaning he would live. As well as Jerry never getting the "protector" thing in his head and would've continued to break without any thing to pull him back.
[Drag him to the others.] - Jerry would've seen him turn while trying to take him to the others. Even pulling an unconscious Anthony until he turned and tried to kill Jerry, but would've been put by Jerry once turned.
[Refuse to leave him.] - This would've been the saddest option, Jerry would stay with Anthony and talk until Anthony passed out again, when he "woke up" he would have been a walker and Jerry would put him down.
[Leave it behind.] - Jerry would go straight back to camp and be in a better place to defend the group then he had in the other choice. This revolver was come in handy for Jerry in the more recent parts, as well as it being a good memento to Josie once he finds her...
[Remain silent.] - The people from the Zafir's group would've come out of hiding and taken them quicker.
[Answer from here.] - Again, not much would've changed, other then removing the risks of shaking his hand.
[“Surrender, Jerry.”] - Jerry would reluctantly drop the gun and surrender. Making him uninjured from the many splinters that were sent into his back.
[“Shoot him!“] - Jerry would have killed the man who later held Christian off the overpass, who had also previously tried to rape a kidnapped Josie.
[Stop the guy from toying with Christian.] - Atlanta would've climbed out of the truck and start trying to get the man to pull Christian back up, the man wouldn't have taken kindly to it to say the least and Christian would've been up and literally forced to hit Atlanta while at gunpoint. Though he would've refused at first, he would've been killed if he'd done otherwise and soon hit Atlanta, though they would talk later and he would understand.
[Talk to Christian.] - She would've talked to him and learned his point-of-view of the situation...As well as learning of a place they're soon to be going in episode 2.
[Stay on guard.] - You wouldn't have gotta the burial scene nor learning of what Christian knew, though Jerry would've learned about it another way.
Anyway, I haven't been added the alternate choices recently and figured it was about time. If yoy have any questions or feedback feel free to speak up.
Also...I'm gonna be doing a "title meaning" thing that will explain the meaning of the titles, but you don't have to worry about spoilers for future titles/episodes, I'll only be explaining up to chapter 4 "Twilight."
=.= pls no dont do it =.=