Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • They removed some lines on the final.

    Chloe was supposed to say, "Let me break this shit"(something like that) before saying, "You have powers." in the diner.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Ah, so I'm not crazy. Wonder if they removed it or if it's a bug that keeps that line from playing. Since I'm a nice guy, I'm willing to

  • The alternate ending was just the same as the final, just a bit longer.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    That one I didn't remember, though, it has been a while since I watched the playtrough of the leak (I remembered Victoria's line because it

  • That one I didn't remember, though, it has been a while since I watched the playtrough of the leak (I remembered Victoria's line because it made me furious).

    I wonder why they removed these lines.

    I've also heard they removed an alternate ending from the episode, though I'm not sure if that's true.

    They removed some lines on the final. Chloe was supposed to say, "Let me break this shit"(something like that) before saying, "You have powers." in the diner.

  • ik that was not you i am saying to that guy who did it

    Lol, yeah. Like that was me. You don't go around and call people stupid, yeah?

  • edited March 2015

    Damn really? I honestly didn't realize there was so many variables. Thank god I lucked out lol I took the blame for Chloe and I told the principle about the gun,so Nate got suspended.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    If you took the blame for Chloe's pot, Madsen tells the principal about it if you blame him and Max gets suspended. I believe if you didn't

  • The first episode had egregious dialogue, very uninteresting characters, and a pretty hokey plot introduction. But alas, you're right. The second episode did for sure deepen the pool a bit and gave me incentive to actually give a shit for characters.

    I won't lie either, the whole "rooftop" scene at the end gave me some strong emotions that I must admit TWD season two didn't really (except Sam's death was still fucked up, but now I'm getting off topic). So, yeah episode two made huge strides forward, not perfect, but still decent... for the most part.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    The first episode wasn't bad. It had a lot of introduction stuff, which worked out well considering the second episode.

  • Ah, so it was only that. I've read that there was an ending where Max is with Chloe that got removed from the episode, but I wasn't sure wether or not it was true.

    The alternate ending was just the same as the final, just a bit longer.

  • edited March 2015

    From the folders at the end, one of the name Lynn is on the folders.

    Kate's 10 year old sister's name is Lynn.

    Does this mean her little sister is being watched too?

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I think that those binders might be filled with things, such as pornographic pictures of Rachel, Kate and the other girls. Those other gi

  • Maybe, maybe not. It could just be another girl named Lynn, or the story is going to become even darker soon.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    From the folders at the end, one of the name Lynn is on the folders. Kate's 10 year old sister's name is Lynn. Does this mean her little sister is being watched too?

  • That's what I thought first, but the odds of characters in films and video games sharing the same name is surprisingly low.

    Unless the next episode introduces another Lynn, there's a good chance that Kate's little sister is also a target.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Maybe, maybe not. It could just be another girl named Lynn, or the story is going to become even darker soon.

  • i checked the files, and and nothing seems to be saying about that.

    All the endings, and the "Previously, on.." scenes are actually movies.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Ah, so it was only that. I've read that there was an ending where Max is with Chloe that got removed from the episode, but I wasn't sure wether or not it was true.

  • Most points you made I would have to agree with you on, only I didn't feel as strongly as you did on those points I would have to believe.

    The dialogue had some awkward parts. It felt like they were really trying to push the teen slang they had going (which they still had a lot of in the he second episode, but it felt like it had a much better flow to it, nothing (or not much) really jumped out at me like "I'm out of place as shit!" Even Chloe's weird hellas seemed much more spot on).

    Uninteresting characters was probably on the top of my charts for grievances of episode one, but again I think that was mostly because it was an encompassing introduction to the world. It's hard to go in depth when there are so many topics to hit. The second episode did a great job with focusing on only a few characters and giving them a lot to work with. I expect, and hope, they continue this trend (and not just with the same characters, I could see them doing this with Chloe)

    I liked where they were heading with the plot in episode one. It was a bit slow until near the end, but still interesting.

    But yes, episode two was bounds better than episode one. My rating for e1 was about 6.5, e2 has a sold 8 from me.

    The rooftop scene was phenomenal. Big props to Kates VA. I would assume suicide scenes are very difficult to pull off, but she did a great job. Was so happy I got her down off that ledge.

    I'm still a bit sour over TWDG S2 as well, haha.

    The first episode had egregious dialogue, very uninteresting characters, and a pretty hokey plot introduction. But alas, you're right. The s

  • Then I'm going to guess the posts I saw, were people assuming that there was an ending with Chloe, due to the specifying that Max is with Warren.

    i checked the files, and and nothing seems to be saying about that. All the endings, and the "Previously, on.." scenes are actually movies.

  • I think it's lacking that emotion, you know

  • edited March 2015

    I assumed that the files were organized in the order of the disappearances. Then again I've also been assuming that the room we see is the same one where Kate was drugged. That's the main reason why I think it's another Lynn.

    If Kate's 10 year old was drugged... and possibly... well... you know... like the other girls, then I think Dontnod has some guts, though they'd need to be very careful on how they handle it.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    That's what I thought first, but the odds of characters in films and video games sharing the same name is surprisingly low. Unless the next episode introduces another Lynn, there's a good chance that Kate's little sister is also a target.

  • edited March 2015

    Really O_O. I think it has plenty of emotion. It's some of the most emotional stuff I've played in a video game and I love it.

    SonEdo posted: »

    I think it's lacking that emotion, you know

  • That ending choice was probably the hardest. I told on David, because I actually had proof of him harassing Kate. If I blamed Nathan, i wouldn't have any proof against him if the police or anyone else asked for evidence. I hope Chloe's mom doesn't get pissed at me. Maybe now David is going to make Chloe's life more miserable now that he needs to stay at home for a while.

    Just gotta say that ending choice.....It was a lose lose situation. You blame Nathan you get him suspended, pissed off at you more, and wil

  • What if aliens gave Max her super powers to save the town from this hurricane. I'm sure they would be pretty pissed knowing that all she's doing is dicking around with her pot smoking friend and picking fights with rich kids. Kinda like if Shepard from Mass Effect ignored the beacon on Eden.

  • He's the same way with Telltale games, just stopped giving a fuck. Shame too cause I think he use to like story stuff. Oh well I'm sure there are plenty of youtubers out there who enjoyed this game.

    I just tried to watch CinnamonToastKen play Episode 2. Oh god that was awful. He even made fun of the BIG scene at the end. I tried to watch Ken play these story based games multiple times but clearly their not for him.

  • that part hit me hard and he just laughed about her jumping off a roof.

    Because people react differently to things , and you have to try and separate games and reality. To be honest its more that the scene is kind of trippy by being determinant. Kates 100% agreeing with you then flips back to being just about to jump, which I know mood swings are part of depression but still not in such a quick flick between them.

    I'm only really saying anything because a lets player didnt answer kate in the diner and said she felt she was helping her plenty to avoid taking one call from her and the comments are just full of people saying how horrible they are, over a game. People get to serious sometimes

    I'd also maybe care a bit more if they made kate likeable and give max more of a real interaction with the character. Why is she basically blowing kate off all the time because chole wants to shoot things when chole herself has just lost someone and wants to find someone too? And as I said the scene was all over the place, by the end I was kind of exasperating saying "either jump or dont this is getting tiresome" the back and forth went on forever, the tension just wasnt there for me.

    But the situation is real. Suicides happen. Yes I know that it's fake, I understand that he probably wouldn't laugh at real suicides. How

  • I had been digging through LiS file, and... I found a really, really BIG spoilers regarding MAJOR CHOICES in Episode 3. I am gonna shut up now.

  • Don't forget that she's also getting married to her pot smoking friend. The least she can do is invite the aliens to her wedding.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    What if aliens gave Max her super powers to save the town from this hurricane. I'm sure they would be pretty pissed knowing that all she's d

  • With great power comes great bacon omelets.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Don't forget that she's also getting married to her pot smoking friend. The least she can do is invite the aliens to her wedding.

  • edited March 2015

    I'm sure Max will be eating lots of great bacon omelets everyday, once Joyce is her mother-in-law.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    With great power comes great bacon omelets.

  • I also wanna talk about Max and Chloe's relationship. I'm starting to get a certain vibe about it too. I didn't catch something like it before when I was watching Legend of Korra and how it ended between Korra and Asami. I had to rewatch some parts more than once and read the show developer's confirmation to get what was going on, but now I did this time. Now I suspect that the same thing will happen between Max and Chloe in the coming episodes, especially with what the game developer said. And if it does, I won't be against it.

    I read somewhere that the developers wanted to leave their relationship ambiguous and leave it up to the player to decide whether they were

  • edited April 2015

    I'm gonna join in this thread by starting off how I envy this game so much, because of the power Max has. Rewinding mistakes and fixing them at any time in life.

    The 1st episode was a very nice intro to everything, and some of the major choices really make me double-guess as much as I do with the choice TTG's games give us. Everything about Blackwell just makes me glad that I NEVER have to step inside a high school as a student ever again. I also like Chloe, but I'm not sure if Max can keep up with her rebellious style. Also, Nathan sorta reminds of Devin from GTA 5. A punkass coward that uses money to get his way and to get out of trouble. I just wanna sucker-punch that little punkass.

    My episode 1 major choices:

    • I reported Nathan. It seemed to be the right thing to do. But the principle turned out to be no help, but it was better than hiding the truth to me.

    • I comforted Victoria. Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have, but she was already sad from getting covered in paint, and taking a picture of that would be like kicking someone whose down, and I'm not that type of guy to do that.

    • I intervened to help Kate. At first, I took a photo, but Kate got mad at me for standing by, so I rewound time and fixed that.

    • I intervened to lie for Chloe. Her step-duche, David, was being an ass to her and Max had just reunited with her. I wasn't gonna stand by and let her take the full blunt of his paranoid.

    As for episode 2, I really liked showing off my rewind powers with Chloe. I just wish she would take it more seriously instead of suggesting how to clown around with it. It was really nice to see them bonding in the junkyard. Also, some of the choices made me think of how I'm going to have to choose between people more and more. And I do feel really bad for Kate. I hope in the next episode, we get a choice for Max having the courage to punch Victoria, or Nathan, or at least one asshole. (Probably wouldn't be a good idea, since she'd get busted for assault, but still.) Also, that part where I had to get to Kate and everything was frozen after rewinding, I was thinking, "Uhh, did I just break time?" I really hope I don't keep overdoing it. BTW, I'm pretty sure if I keep warning Alyssa so she wouldn't get head injuries, she's bound to get curious.

    My episode 2 major choices:

    • I told Kate to wait for proof. I already told the principle about Nathan, and that didn't go so well. I wasn't sure if letting her go to the cops would be the best course of action just yet. (Maybe I should've taken a picture of David...)

    • I didn't answer the call. I was very torn about this. I explored both options and decided not to answer to appease Chloe. She might've been happy about it, but... Sorry Kate.

    • I tried to shoot Frank. Probably a stupid thing to do, but it's better than letting him walk away with Chloe's (I mean David's) gun to me. And I'm sorta glad it ran out of bullets.

    • I saved Kate's life. I could tell something like this was bound to happen with all the torment she's been getting. I was trying to be very careful what to say since I couldn't rewind at that moment and I finally got to her by guessing her favorite bible quote right.

    • I blamed Nathan. I wouldn't blame Jefferson. David is just a paranoid jackass with a security-fetish. Nathan is way more dangerous compared to the rest of them.

  • Why say this then if you're not going to tell us?

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    I had been digging through LiS file, and... I found a really, really BIG spoilers regarding MAJOR CHOICES in Episode 3. I am gonna shut up now.

  • You do have some good points. Yes, Kate's talking/suicide scene was all over the place but people who commit suicide act like that, they're irrational.

    However, suicide is bad all together and ESPECIALLY not something to laugh at, virtual or real.

    that part hit me hard and he just laughed about her jumping off a roof. Because people react differently to things , and you have to

  • edited March 2015


    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Why say this then if you're not going to tell us?

  • Mod Edit: Please don't post spoilers from any leaked Life is Strange episodes.

  • Yeah, I can't help it, sorry...

    Mod Edit: Please don't post spoilers from any leaked Life is Strange episodes.

  • Well it's gone now. Thank you.

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    Yeah, I can't help it, sorry...

  • edited March 2015

    One of my favourite parts of the episode was chilling by that stump in the junkyard and listening to this. Very calming.

    Music has a couple of musical hints towards Amazing Grace which is cool. Also the continual clock ticking in the background which is obviously appropriate.

  • Ive played through twice and the room was trashed differently each time, im sure it was different people

  • edited March 2015

    With Max's room, I think it can be Victoria alone, or Nathan alone, or Victoria and Nathan together, that trash the room. It depends on wether or not you deported Nathan, and wether or not you made fun of Victoria.

    Victoria will really mess up Max's room and write on Max's mirror, while Nathan messes the room up, though not as much as Victoria, he leaves a somewhat gruesome picture for Max, and he writes on the wall.

    I'm pretty sure nothing happens if you don't do anything that'll piss either of them off, in episode 1.

    Ive played through twice and the room was trashed differently each time, im sure it was different people

  • How different if I may ask? I have 2 savegames, the first one is I didn't tell the principal and rearrange victoria photo wall, and another savefile is the opposite of the first savefile.

    Ive played through twice and the room was trashed differently each time, im sure it was different people

  • When I didnt report nathan but bullied victoria there was mess on the floor, not much just papers and clothes there was also a message on the mirror. When I reported nathan and comforted victoria the floor was clean but there was a message on the wall with photos on it and a weird picture left on the bed.

    Ive got a feeling brooke is more pissed than I thought at first, she might do some stuff but thats just a thought

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    How different if I may ask? I have 2 savegames, the first one is I didn't tell the principal and rearrange victoria photo wall, and another savefile is the opposite of the first savefile.

  • [removed]

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