Monument to the Walking Dead: An Interactive Story (Ongoing)



  • Put a hashtag before what ever you want to be big

    how do you do that wtf

  • No man should be given this much power

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Put a hashtag before what ever you want to be big

  • Woop, woop, woop!




    No man should be given this much power


    ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Woop, woop, woop! B3 B;3 B3

  • Possibly.


    WAIT WAIT DOES THIS WORK ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )


    NoHopeLeft posted: »


  • It's a cat.



  • My friend just yelled out that a Tiger is not a reptile. what the fuck is going on, hope help pls

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    It's a cat. >:3

  • A reptile is not a Tiger

    My friend just yelled out that a Tiger is not a reptile. what the fuck is going on, hope help pls

  • [Reveal themselves directly.]

    [Explain without holding back any knowledge.]

    Well...doesn't Jordan seem nice? c:

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 5: Nine O’clock Lab - Part 1. Jerry Stewart. The drug addict stared at them. Then they stared


    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    A reptile is not a Tiger

  • edited March 2015





    NoHopeLeft posted: »


  • What is going on?



  • I have no idea.


    cheyman99 posted: »

    What is going on? O:

  • Three words.

    tigers aren't reptiles

    cheyman99 posted: »

    What is going on? O:

  • Tigers are mammals

    Three words. tigers aren't reptiles

  • I took a screenshot of that and sent it to her and she's blocking me

    Look at the pain that these precious mammals have caused...

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Tigers are mammals

  • Well...I guess we always have Lions.

    I took a screenshot of that and sent it to her and she's blocking me Look at the pain that these precious mammals have caused...


    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Well...I guess we always have Lions.

  • Do you like The Lion King?



  • edited March 2015

    I'm going to be honest. I love The Lion King and I still cry when I watch Mufasa's death.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Do you like The Lion King?

  • I have to go to sleep because I have my English EOC tomorrow but I should be up by 4:30 and hopefully, fingers crossed, the new part will be out by then. Night!

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I do too. :'c

  • Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 5: Nine O’clock Lab - Part 2.

    Jerry Stewart.

    “We go in directly. You said it yourself, if we sneak in, it could prolong our stay in questioning.” Jerry sighed deeply. “We play it safe and hope for a better outcome.”

    “Righty then.” Christian replied. “Then we have questioning for sure. They’ll probably go apeshit once they find us along.” Christian looked down the road as he blinked nervously. “We need one story for this. No alternates. One story for both of us to use during our questioning.” By his voice, he sounded sure of himself.

    “What the story we go by then?” Jerry questioned as they continued down the highway.

    “Once we went to the trade, it fell through and I ended up having to shoot the addict in the shoulder. Upon leaving we got shot at by the guy and the driver was killed. While they crashed into the lake we were thrown from the truck into a ditch. We briefly escaped but the other but wasn't as lucky. He was killed by the man and soon he turned his attention to us. You found your revolver after it was knocked out of your hand. You shot the man and we survived.” Christian finished the made up story and shot Jerry a serious look. “Now we repeat that until we both have it completely down, also making any needed changes that we spot.”

    “Fine.” Jerry sighed reluctantly.

    The old car passed over an overpass and continued down the road as they neared their destination.

    Atlanta Roberts.

    “You’re a part of this as much as we our. I won’t keep information from you.” Atlanta sighed. She looked Jordan dead in the eye and Jordan looked back without blinking. “Not only do we have missing people, but we also have a member of our group found dead. Shot.” She muttered through gritted teeth. “That’s better much everything, honestly. We aren’t sit here and wait on our asses while they’re still out there.”

    “Goodest reason I could’ve hoped to hear.” Jordan smiled kindly. “You have me on your side. I can help get you out of here.” The middle eastern woman looked over Atlanta’s head and at the door. “We’re being watched.” She hissed as Atlanta tried to turn around to look, but stopped as Jordan hissed orders. “Don’t look back, wait until I say they’ve passed.”

    “Right…” Ashley groaned with a tired voice as she walked over to door where she could clearly see a figure standing behind the doorway, as it had thick, yet somewhat transparent glass. “Hey!” Ashley shouted to the figure at the door. “Stop creepin’ and say hello.” She called sarcastically as she stood about 10 feet from the door.

    Ashley stood petrified as the loud sound of the lock turning filled the room’s silent air.

    A man stepped in the room. He had a grey beard and a shaven head. Tall and muscular. A pistol and knife rested in a sheave on either leg, he also wore thick cargo pants and black boots. At first glance he seemed like a brute, but as spoke his words were calm, polite and almost kind. “Hello.” He smiled, but it seemed devilishly sinister as he walked closer to Ashley.

    “Sonofabitch…” Ashley muttered as she looked at the man.

    “I hope that wasn’t an insult.” He sighed. “But nonetheless, I’m pretty sure you asked for a hello. Who am I to refuse?” He looked at the group further back in the room.

    “Zafir.” Jordan muttered as she awkwardly stood from her chair. “Stay seated.” He groaned as he approached the table and set himself down.

    “You’re Zafir?” Atlanta mumbled as she looked at the man who had just set next to her. “What do you want?” She muttered angrily remember who brought them here.

    “I love civil wars, y’know?” He strangely brought up. “Though majorly different compared to what’s at hand...they’re still so oddly simpler. All fighting, each other, in some attempt at supremacy. What is it they gain from fighting among themselves?”

    “To overthrow the oppressor…” Ashley mumbled from across the room.

    “Hehe.” Zafir laughed, almost silently, but definitely coldly. “It’s as good of a reason any other, apparently.” Zafir answered, Ashley replied with a shocked look, not knowing he had heard her. “But what baffles me is how simpler these times our to the times of civil wars. Despite obvious differences. Why not rebuild, why not restore order, balance...It’s something that you’ve yet to see in the waste land, but once outside you’ll know about this. It’s taken me...too long to know why people won’t join hands and rebuild, it’s because they don’t want what we had before. We’re days into this thing and people have shot themselves, killed family to save them from the suffering, while others have actually tried to rebuild--”

    Ashley interrupted him as she set at the table and crossed her arms. “Your point being?”

    “My point is simply.” He sighed as he stood from the table, leaving the topic completely. “Jordan, what have you been talking about with these people?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.

    “Ah, you know, lots to talk about. Nothing to worry about though, I’m just telling them about the mall.” Jordan lied, giving a smile that looked almost completely genuine.

    “Good to hear.” Zafir commented as he walked towards the door to leave. Stopping he continued to look forward with his back to the group. “Don’t forget; the worlds a scary place now, always was...if you think about it.” And on the note he continued forward, but stopped suddenly as a voice echoed through his pants pocket. He quickly pulled out a small walkie talkie and listened to the voice. “All of them?” He paused. “I’m on my way,” he spoke into the walkie talkie and walked off quickly, shutting the door behind him and turning the lock.

    “Well…fuck that guy.” Ashley mumbled.

    “You finally met him. I wonder what the call was about.” Jordan thought aloud as she stood from the table and walked towards the bunks. “You should get some rest. Jerry and Christian will be back before you know it. There’s no sense in staying up, I’m sure you could use the sleep. It’s better to sleep.”

    “You sure?” Atlanta asked, doubtfully. “But Dan, Ashley you go ahead. I’m staying up.”

    “C’mon, Atlanta, get some sleep.” Ashley said, walking over to the bunk beds with Dan.

    [Go to sleep.]

    [Stay up.]

    Jerry Stewart.

    Two guards stood upon the makeshift wall that surrounded the mall. Both held rifles and wore the same style of paintball masks that Jordan and Christian had wore earlier. In the distances a car’s headlights shined through the darkness of the night and rapidly approached the wall’s gate.

    The car came to a stretching stop just feet away from the gate and the two jumped out. The guards raised their rifles towards the duo and shouted. “Hands where we can seem ‘em!”

    The duo hastily raised their hands as a third person shined a bright light on them, which illuminated the two. The faces of Jerry and Christian were suddenly illuminated as the gate opened and several people exited the safety of the wall, taking them back inside at gunpoint. “Inside, now!” Now of the guards shouted as they began walking forwards and inside the large wall.

    One of the guards reached for a walkie talkie and spoke into it. “They're back.” He paused as Zafir’s voice entered his ear. “JUST Rios and that Jerry-fella are back, sir.” Words poured in from the other end of the walkie talkie. “They’ll be waiting for you.” The guard finished and put the walkie talkie back in his pocket as he catch up with the other guards as they held the duo at gunpoint.

    “You weren’t kidding when you said they’ll go apeshit.” Jerry muttered as they were pushed along.

    “Keep quiet.” Christian muttered in reply as brought inside the mall through the main front doors. Jake waited for him with a worried face. “But something happen? Are you alright?” Jake expressed with a genuinely worried voice.

    “Not entirely.” Christian answered as he shot his vision to an approaching figure.

    The person no other than Zafir himself. He walked quickly and stopped at the group that had gathered in the main area, consisting of several guards, Jake, Christian, Jerry, then himself.

    “What happened?” Zafir asked directly to Jerry with a passive-aggressive tone. “Where are the other two?

    “Dead.” Jerry blunted out as some of the guards shouted nonsense. “Killed by damn junkie.” Jerry faced down the taller man noshilontly.

    “Shit.” Jake mumbled as he gave a sad look. “What happened--” He tried to ask but was stopped by Zafir raising his arm. “Save the questions, we’re going to question you separately in front of a camera.” Just like what Christian had speculated, they were - one at a time - brought into a room with no windows and only a single door that seemed very thick, a table and video camera set up to film the interrogation.

    Jerry followed behind Zafir as he carefully eyed the guards escorting him to the room. Zafir entered first and was soon followed by Jerry, leaving all the guards behind at the door to the small room. “Take a seat.” Zafir gestured to one of two metal folding chairs. He reached over to the camera and turned it on, quickly pressing record, then taking a seat himself.

    “Okay, from the beginning.” Zafir folded his arms and waited as Jerry looked at him blankly. “You may beginning.” He reminded, his tone becoming more aggressive.

    “Well…” Jerry sighed, shooting a look towards the camera. “We start off with us arriving at Harvest Hills, which was my group’s community. It fell due to a break forming on the wall that we were unaware of. Christian and I were both told to guard the place and luckily there weren’t any problems. Upon leaving, both of us were told to leave with-- I never caught their names-- but the four of us left to go to the trade it seemed to be going well, too. But good things always find a way at ending themselves. The supplies the junkie was trading turned out to be either empty, or full of rocks, sand, and whatnot. He tackled me with a knife in hand, and the kid, Christian, shot him in the shoulder. We all reentered the truck after leaving the asshole to bleed out and it seemed to going...alright, until the fucker shot at us, killed the driver, which caused the truck to turn into the lake. We were in the back end so we suffered from lots of minor injuries as well as being thrown from the truck’s bed into a ditch. The junkie ran up and shot the other man in the truck and grabbed the paper full of meth. I pulled my revolver and took the shot, killed him. We left and found the old car and made our way back as quick as possible.” Jerry blinked twice. “Now we’re here.”

    “The man who killed them is dead? Are you completely sure?” Zafir questioned as he reached over to the camera and repositioned it to face Jerry better. “As sure as the man’s brains floating around in the water.” Jerry muttered in reply.

    “Well...we’re gonna bring Christian in here next and find out what he knows to cross reference the stories to make sure most of the stuff checks out.” Zafir stood up and Jerry did the same, but he gestured for him to remain seated. He turned off the video camera and looked at Jerry. “Is there...anything you want to tell me off record?” Zafir leaned on the table and looked Jerry directly in the eye. “I know you’ve been...questioning things around here. Chances are you have something to say, or ask, something nagging at the back of your head? Well?”

    “I’ve told you everything you need to know.” Jerry groaned as he crossed his arms.

    Zafir sighed as he took his seat again. “I don’t think so, Mister…?” Zafir trailed off as he waited for his answer. “Stewart. Jerry-motherfucking-Stewart.” He answer with a sarcastic tone.

    “Well, Jerry, I know a you must be...dumbfounded. Yes…” Zafir proclaimed as he continued his prolonged staring contest with Jerry. “Dumbfounded. Yes, I’m sure that can describe you at this time.”

    “Would you cut this shit and let me go back to my people??” Jerry angrily demanded.

    “In due time, Jerry, in due time.” Zafir answered as he reached for the video camera and pulled out off the tripod and began looking at it. “Let’s get this off the table: I do what I do to survive. Now, that is not limited to enslaving people. I honestly have done good by a lot of people I ‘enslave.’ They aren’t treated badly, I keep them in check, I make sure they obey my laws I have in place…” He trailed off as Jerry gave a puzzled look.

    “Laws…” Jerry mumbled angrily.

    “Yes, laws.” Zafir repeated as he stood from his chair and replaced the video camera. “It’s time I move on to Rios. I think you can find your way to the common area on your own.”

    “Really?” Jerry questioned. “Aren’t you afraid I’d ran off.”

    “No, of course not. That’s how this places runs. You wouldn’t leave behind your group. That’s enough to keep anyone who cared enough for someone to stay.” Zafir opened the door and let Jerry out, he stepped into the hallway.

    Jerry looked at the guards as they rushed Christian into the small and eyed him as he began walking towards the common area, the same way he had come when they first arrived.

    He walked down the corridor and stopped at the metal grate that was right in front of a locked door. This was the room Josie and Lindsay, and maybe others, were being held captive. He reached for the doorknob, but as he silently turned it, he found it was lock for sure. He leaned his head on the door and screamed into his forearm as it muffled the sound. He took a deep breath and took a step away from the door and looked at it in silence with a sad expression covering his face.



  • edited March 2015

    [Knock.] Right when I was going to bed. Fuck the rules, he's Jerry Motherfucking Stewart, he can do whatever he wants as a Grade-A certified bad ass!

    I look back now and it seems strange. They refers to Christian on a last name basis but for others they refer to them as their first names. I dont know why but I have a hunch that it has something to do with Maria...

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 5: Nine O’clock Lab - Part 2. Jerry Stewart. “We go in directly. You said it yourself, if we

  • edited March 2015

    [Stay up.]

    If anything happens with Jerry, Atlanta might be able to help.


    I'm getting seriously anxious... Now he needs a fucking key? Jerry needs no fucking key, he just needs to knock and kill whoever opens the door to get inside that fucking room. Besides, where is the point of leaving now? And I seriously can't wait any longer, it's eating me up. Please Hope, reveal Josie's fate in the next part and write the next part as soon as possible.

    On another note I desperately need the option to use a drilling machine on Zafir's genitals and/or kneecaps in future chapters on top of doing everything to him he did to Josie. I seriously don't care at all to learn more about this worthless pile of shit, I only want to see him in tremendous agony. Every word he says is wasted space. He does what he does to survive? Including brutally torturing and raping innocent women in some fucked up torture backroom? That's for survival too, yeah? He did good to a lot of people he enslaves and does not treat them badly? Well, too bad that does not apply to Josie and for all the others who suffer unimaginable things in there, just for his sick pleasures. He's a lying swine and full of bullshit, he is even worse than his group of irredeemable cunts. And I can't wait to make him and all of his men and probably even their families pay for what they did to Josie. That guy does not deserve an easy death and I hope there will be an option to do whatever torture he inflicted on Josie to him and every single member of his irredemable group of worthless monsters, only a thousand times worse. They can keep their bullshit about being a victim like the Harvest Hills group, about being forced to work for him. After what happens in that room, absolutely none of them has any chance of even the slightest redemption in my eyes. They allow Zafir to torture my Josie and I'm sure they even enjoy it or else they would stop him. And for that, they all have to die begging for their deaths.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 5: Nine O’clock Lab - Part 2. Jerry Stewart. “We go in directly. You said it yourself, if we

  • [Go to sleep.]


  • [Go to sleep]


    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 5: Nine O’clock Lab - Part 2. Jerry Stewart. “We go in directly. You said it yourself, if we

  • [Stay up.]


    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 5: Nine O’clock Lab - Part 2. Jerry Stewart. “We go in directly. You said it yourself, if we

  • Liquid, you're barking up the wrong tree.


    [Stay up.] If anything happens with Jerry, Atlanta might be able to help. [Knock.] I'm getting seriously anxious... Now he needs a

  • I don't know, it just seems fitting :P

    [Knock.] Right when I was going to bed. Fuck the rules, he's Jerry Motherfucking Stewart, he can do whatever he wants as a Grade-A certified

  • [Stay up.]


    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Episode 1: The Gateway Dream - Chapter 5: Nine O’clock Lab - Part 2. Jerry Stewart. “We go in directly. You said it yourself, if we

  • [Stay up.]


  • I don't know if you're alluding to my hatred for every so-called "person" who is a member of this utterly sadistic group of monsters, or to me being convinced about the nature of the torture chamber, or to both... Gah, I'm so confused right now...

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Liquid, you're barking up the wrong tree. ;3

  • Hey, it could be either, or neither. I have end in mind for this episode, but you might not like it.

    I don't know if you're alluding to my hatred for every so-called "person" who is a member of this utterly sadistic group of monsters, or to me being convinced about the nature of the torture chamber, or to both... Gah, I'm so confused right now...

  • Then I guess it will be either a cliffhanger, with Jerry finally entering the backroom, but without revealing what he finds there, maybe a pretty neutral and noncommital "Fuck", or "What the Fuck". And then there will be a change of groups at the beginning of Episode 2 and I'll be left hanging in the dark for another week or stuff like that...

    Or it will be the reveal that I have been right the entire time when assuming the worst and he will find either an undead Josie or worse. Right now I don't know which would be worse: The confirmation of my worst fears, or leaving me hanging even longer...

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Hey, it could be either, or neither. I have end in mind for this episode, but you might not like it.

  • Or maybe Joise and Lindsay are somewhere else :P

    Then I guess it will be either a cliffhanger, with Jerry finally entering the backroom, but without revealing what he finds there, maybe a p

  • Which would be pretty much the same as the first idea, since it would leave me in the dark for god knows how much longer.

    supersagig posted: »

    Or maybe Joise and Lindsay are somewhere else :P

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