Borderlands 3

so what you guys want Borderlands 3 to be?

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1) open world


3) more interactions between us and whoever we choose and the NPC, and i mean like an RPG kind of interactions not just being a robot killing machine that says nothing ( which i am lol ),

4) NO CLONE PEOPLE PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE. BL2 all the people look the same. that was lazy. i know they'll fixx that. I HOPE GEARBOX!

5) maybe advance the ECHO system? we want to see the actual NPC's who give the quest talking to us and US talking back! more interaction and not a silent treatment kind of thing. borderlands is a world filled with personality, then why limit the interactions?

6) more interesting quests that arent a pain in the cake frost. no back and forth kind of thing. i dont mind it once but more then that it becomes annoying.






  • I want the ability to travel across multiple planets to find other vaults there, more elemental effects, definitely new guns (and i want the alien weapons from the first game to return).

  • Borderlands is pretty open world, right?

  • yes. and more of the special guns, like the lazers that were on the pre-sequel! that would be awesome.

    -XYAB- posted: »

    I want the ability to travel across multiple planets to find other vaults there, more elemental effects, definitely new guns (and i want the alien weapons from the first game to return).

  • i meant that all locations are connected somehow. just like GTA or The witcher 3 that will come out in may :) .. there are WAY TOO much loading screens in borderlands when travelling :)

    Borderlands is pretty open world, right?

  • edited March 2015

    1) open world


    borderlands already have these things

  • Ahh, okay, I was confused because I'm playing Borderlands 2 right now.

    Mercyva posted: »

    i meant that all locations are connected somehow. just like GTA or The witcher 3 that will come out in may .. there are WAY TOO much loading screens in borderlands when travelling

  • 1) by open world i meant like GTA or The witcher 3. all locations are connected, NO loading screens.

    2) not all vault hunters have super awesome skill trees. some of them are meant to play as coOp because they have alot of skills for that.. and we cant say no to more awesome vault hunters right lol.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    1) open world 2) MORE INTERESTING VAULT HUNTERS WITH UNIQUE SKILL TREE borderlands already have these things

  • 1) by open world i meant like GTA or The witcher 3. all locations are connected, NO loading screens.

    hate to break it to you but this is gearbox we are talking about here you're not gonna get that

    2) not all vault hunters have super awesome skill trees. some of them are meant to play as coOp because they have alot of skills for that.. and we cant say no to more awesome vault hunters right lol.

    just because you don't like some of the skill trees doesn't mean they aren't unique if that is what you mean then you should take out the unique skill tree part cause each class has its own unique skill tree already

    Mercyva posted: »

    1) by open world i meant like GTA or The witcher 3. all locations are connected, NO loading screens. 2) not all vault hunters have super

  • yeah me too. who you playing as?:)

    Ahh, okay, I was confused because I'm playing Borderlands 2 right now.

  • It's a pretty much blind play through. I'm Maya right now.

    Mercyva posted: »

    yeah me too. who you playing as?:)

  • personally, i am a SOLO player. i dont play CoOp. so yes, personality wise they ALL have awesome personalities, but in actual game mode i cant play few of them because third their skill tree is for CoOp stuff. so to answer, YES. i wont play those because they aint for me and many people who play single player. as far as CoOp which most people do, then you can play all of them, but for me i cant do that even with so many awesome vault hunters. its a personal thing. for me. its my opinion dont take it seriously lol :)

    why not? gearbox can make that if they want to. they said borderland gonna be much much bigger then presequel/BL2. so why not hope that they do that?:)

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    1) by open world i meant like GTA or The witcher 3. all locations are connected, NO loading screens. hate to break it to you but thi

  • oh xD its my 3rd. now playing all of that again in HC :( all that hard work LOL! i'll enjoy it anyway :)

    It's a pretty much blind play through. I'm Maya right now.

  • It's my first time playing in the Handsome Jack Collection which I call it since it sounds more special.

    Mercyva posted: »

    oh xD its my 3rd. now playing all of that again in HC all that hard work LOL! i'll enjoy it anyway

  • Fan made class as one of the characters. Not a need, but... If so then i have a cool class they should use.

  • i am not a fan of ''create your own vaulthunter'' but as a DLC thing, i can see that being awesome. although i wish we had more of a say as vault hunters ourselves when we play.. :) so much potential. i always liked borderlands, but i always feel like something's missing.. every game is addictive and such a fun time, but i wish i had that moment of '' WOW THAT WAS A MASTERPIECE OF A GAME '' i hope i get that reaction in borderland 3. they get better with each instalment so why not hope for the best :)

    Fan made class as one of the characters. Not a need, but... If so then i have a cool class they should use.

  • A love interest for Claptrap.

    Claptrap x ??? so I can ship it hard.............................

  • ''create your own vaulthunter'' but as a DLC thing

    Im not quite sure what you mean, create your own vault hunter as in you pick gender/skin/face stuff, or create your own vault hunter like somebody typing up a whole idea for a singular character thing, but i mean something like this persons class.

    Mercyva posted: »

    i am not a fan of ''create your own vaulthunter'' but as a DLC thing, i can see that being awesome. although i wish we had more of a say as

  • edited March 2015

    i have a feeling that they will kill poor clappy in BL3

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    Mercyva posted: »

    idk why but i have a feeling that they will kill poor clappy in BL3. if that happens, ohhhhhh tears will fall.

  • edited March 2015

    i meant like the Bioware stuff. DAI style lol. and gearbox make us choose which class/skill tree etc... i dont like that for borderland especially.. i dont mind it for a DLC tho but not for a main campaign :)

    ''create your own vaulthunter'' but as a DLC thing Im not quite sure what you mean, create your own vault hunter as in you pick gend

  • I spent a good 5 minutes trying to think of a name for his possible love interest, but I couldn't think of shit lol

    MasterStone posted: »

    A love interest for Claptrap. Claptrap x ??? so I can ship it hard.............................

  • idk why but i have a feeling that they will kill poor clappy in BL3. if that happens, ohhhhhh tears will fall.

    MasterStone posted: »

    A love interest for Claptrap. Claptrap x ??? so I can ship it hard.............................

  • Lovetrap = A female claptrap unit used for entertaining male guest.

    Boom. Check and mate.

    -XYAB- posted: »

    I spent a good 5 minutes trying to think of a name for his possible love interest, but I couldn't think of shit lol

  • 3) more interactions between us and whoever we choose and the NPC, and i mean like an RPG kind of interactions not just being a robot killing machine that says nothing ( which i am lol ),

    I'm glad they already improved a bit in this regard with The Pre Sequel. In BL1 and BL2 your characters were silent outside of combat. In TPS they actually responded to other NPCs which injected a lot more personality into the game. So I'd love to see them further expand upon that! An RPG kind of thing where you could choose dialog would be pretty neat.

    I'm expecting there to be multiple planets in the next game. That's what they hinted at with the end of BL2, if I recall correctly.

    And I'd love to see characters from Tales become NPCs in BL3. Rhys, Fiona, Vaughn, Sasha, August, Vasquez... Assuming they don't die in Tales. :P

  • edited March 2015

    maybe Miss Suave Botts. who can do samba, and got mad dance skills unlike poor clappy xD that would be a good change to my eyes, and NO, i dont think they should make her less annoying than him xD

    -XYAB- posted: »

    I spent a good 5 minutes trying to think of a name for his possible love interest, but I couldn't think of shit lol

  • Lol ok that could work! XD

    Lovetrap = A female claptrap unit used for entertaining male guest. Boom. Check and mate.

  • Ooops i did it again

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    -XYAB- posted: »

    i have a feeling that they will kill poor clappy in BL3

  • If anything, they should make it to the point where she annoys him lol

    Mercyva posted: »

    maybe Miss Suave Botts. who can do samba, and got mad dance skills unlike poor clappy xD that would be a good change to my eyes, and NO, i dont think they should make her less annoying than him xD

  • Sorry, I have to....
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    Make her obsessive. To the point where Claptrap would rather be alone forever. So sad.

  • Make her obsessive. To the point where Claptrap would rather be alone forever.

    So sad.

    -XYAB- posted: »

    If anything, they should make it to the point where she annoys him lol

  • edited March 2015

    YESS!! they did improve. and thats why i liked the pre sequel better. because i didnt feel like a robot killing machine. xD i hope the do more regarding that aspect of the game.

    personally i really like what you added. Rhys/Fiona have a potential to be a vault hunters. some people dont like this idea, so i suggest that maybe having him as a DLC character? or maybe as a bonus characters for people who purchased/played tale. i would love that. i dont doubt that with telltale character development and gearbox MAD skill tree creation can do awesome stuff with rhys and fiona. :) or if they dont, having them give quest or just appear would mean alot :)

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    3) more interactions between us and whoever we choose and the NPC, and i mean like an RPG kind of interactions not just being a robot killin

  • edited March 2015

    Here are some things I'd like to see.

    1. Open world-Skyrim style: Everything OUTDOORS needs to be connected, no need for different zones. Of course, I can understand the need for loading screens in internal areas, or cities.

    2. Flying vehicles: Stingrays in TPS were close, but not indefinite flight. C'mon give us a buzzard already!

    3. Stealth elements: Seriously, enemies just know you are there when you close, even if you are out of sight the whole time via cover. Maybe introduce silenced weapons that can be used to take out one enemy and not alert the others. Zer0 was sort of there, but even then the game was still "blast the horde to bits."

    4. Crossbows/grappling hooks: Back to stealth again, these could be great silent killers, or silent ways of zipping around. Plus, an arrow bolt to the head is sure to hurt ;).

    That's all for now.

  • edited March 2015

    I want a bit of stealth :d

  • Personally i hate stealth, especially in a shooter looter game, it doesnt make sense to have bazillion weapons and then be stealthy.. but if many people want this then i dont mind that being a mission or something but not in the main campaign because STEALTH is my most hated thing to do in a game xD

    Here are some things I'd like to see. * Open world-Skyrim style: Everything OUTDOORS needs to be connected, no need for different zone

  • i hope not xD

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I want a bit of stealth :d

  • NO loading screens

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    Mercyva posted: »

    1) by open world i meant like GTA or The witcher 3. all locations are connected, NO loading screens. 2) not all vault hunters have super

  • edited March 2015

    All of them have 3 different skill trees. There's always at least one that has no CO-OP skills and if they do you can skip the skill >.>

    Mercyva posted: »

    personally, i am a SOLO player. i dont play CoOp. so yes, personality wise they ALL have awesome personalities, but in actual game mode i ca

  • yeah thats a fact actually, but why bother when i can be someone who has more interesting skills? lol.. personally i dont use a vault hunter who has more than 2 coop skill point, i might use them to try them but never in my main campaign when i go past 50 lvl ... thats just me, other people dont care but i do xD nothing personal with that statement :p

    All of them have 3 different skill trees. There's always at least one that has no CO-OP skills and if they do you can skip the skill >.>

  • I want it to be more as story-driven as TPS or even more, I frickin' loved our vault hunters' responses to NPCs, hope they will keep that or even improve it, but mostly story and humor are things important for me in BL :D

  • yes. i liked that in the pre sequel. yes, improving that would be awesome.

    Crips posted: »

    I want it to be more as story-driven as TPS or even more, I frickin' loved our vault hunters' responses to NPCs, hope they will keep that or even improve it, but mostly story and humor are things important for me in BL

  • couldn't agree more :D. Story driven games always brings you back to play more and really gives depht to the world ur playing in :3

    Crips posted: »

    I want it to be more as story-driven as TPS or even more, I frickin' loved our vault hunters' responses to NPCs, hope they will keep that or even improve it, but mostly story and humor are things important for me in BL

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