Monument to the Walking Dead: An Interactive Story (Ongoing)



  • See you soon, Liquid!

    Have a fun, too! :3

    Gah the suspense is terrible, especially since I probably won't have internet access from Friday to Monday Anyways, have fun

  • I know.

    Have fun!

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I'll be back B3


    :D. Good Luck!

    Yep, I'll be visiting my grandparents for Easter. They basically live in the german equivalent of the Australian Outback and I don't know if my phone's mobile internet connection will work there. That's just my bad luck

  • I miis already u.u .P

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Seeya, supersagig!

  • Cliffhanger omg

    But hey, have fun!

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Voting is closed! (!) Christian will reluctantly leave without trying to learn of Maria's location Okay...I have bad news, but it's no

  • edited March 2015

    Please Hope, don't end this episode with a cliffhanger while I'm away, I couldn't bear coming back next week only to find out that I have to suffer even longer ;_;

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    See you soon, Liquid! Have a fun, too!

  • Good luck and have fun liquid.

    Please Hope, don't end this episode with a cliffhanger while I'm away, I couldn't bear coming back next week only to find out that I have to suffer even longer ;_;

  • Thanks :) For now I'm still here though, there's a Forum of Thrones chapter that needs to be finished first. Knowing my luck, I'll be gone the exactly same moment Hope comes back XD

    cheyman99 posted: »

    Good luck and have fun liquid.

  • Well...I'm back from my vacation, but sadly I'm kind of sick. I'll be working on the episode final, but keep in mind that I'm not feeling to great, so it could be awhile before I can get back to it :/

  • It´s okay. Beter late than never :D

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Well...I'm back from my vacation, but sadly I'm kind of sick. I'll be working on the episode final, but keep in mind that I'm not feeling to great, so it could be awhile before I can get back to it

  • Okay! :D I missed you c:

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Well...I'm back from my vacation, but sadly I'm kind of sick. I'll be working on the episode final, but keep in mind that I'm not feeling to great, so it could be awhile before I can get back to it

  • Welcome back! I hope you get well soon!

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Well...I'm back from my vacation, but sadly I'm kind of sick. I'll be working on the episode final, but keep in mind that I'm not feeling to great, so it could be awhile before I can get back to it

  • edited April 2015

    Thank you, Liquid!

    Like I've said; shouldn't be too long :3

    Welcome back! I hope you get well soon!

  • Thank you!

    It shouldn't be too long before I get better :D

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Okay! I missed you c:

  • Good point :3

    supersagig posted: »

    It´s okay. Beter late than never

  • Welcome back, Hope! And please, take as much time as you need to get better!

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Well...I'm back from my vacation, but sadly I'm kind of sick. I'll be working on the episode final, but keep in mind that I'm not feeling to great, so it could be awhile before I can get back to it

  • Thank you!

    Don't worry, I won't rush it right now. I'll get to working on it soon enough. Fingers crossed I can get started tonight. Maybe tomorrow if I'm feeling it :D

    Welcome back, Hope! And please, take as much time as you need to get better!

  • Fuck I unfollowed this thread.

  • edited April 2015

    I can wait, no problem. I have internet here on vacation, so I'll be able to read it whenever it comes out.

    On another note I've listened to that Dust Bowl Dance song like a maniac during the past days and even though I thought that I've already prepared myself for the fact that nothing good will come out of that backroom anyways, the song proved me wrong and managed to make me scared shitless. I'm definitely not ready to get my heart sealed and pride broken D:

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Thank you, Liquid! Like I've said; shouldn't be too long

  • Oh don't worry, it won't be YOUR heart or pride...

    I can wait, no problem. I have internet here on vacation, so I'll be able to read it whenever it comes out. On another note I've listened

  • Josie's? Jerry's? Dan's? Lindsay's? Christian's? Gah so many questions again with such a small sentence... you surely don't mean to imply it could be Zafir's, right?

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Oh don't worry, it won't be YOUR heart or pride...

  • All of the above? :P

    Josie's? Jerry's? Dan's? Lindsay's? Christian's? Gah so many questions again with such a small sentence... you surely don't mean to imply it could be Zafir's, right?

  • I did too and was wondering why no one had commented in ten days xD

    Fuck I unfollowed this thread.

  • Hey InGen, welcome back, let me be your summary:

    Jerry is cool now, we all love him and I want to create a post-apocalyptic religion around him, the Jerryism. Josie is quite likely dead or worse, or at least I'm convinced of it and in a state of according panic. Finally, Zafir is officially worse than, Ebola, Hitler and Ubisoft combined now.

    Fuck I unfollowed this thread.

  • I read everything before I commented lol.

    Now to be the devil's advocate:

    Ebola - Population Control. We all die other wise.

    Hitler - No smartphones, fast computers, rockets, without him.

    Ubisoft - Nothing good about them.

    Hey InGen, welcome back, let me be your summary: Jerry is cool now, we all love him and I want to create a post-apocalyptic religion arou

  • So, you mean to imply that there is at least the chance that Zafir will start to pay for the things he did to Josie? Maybe there could be something in this episide finale to look forward to after all...

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    All of the above? :P

  • Me too :D I was wondering the same

    Fuck I unfollowed this thread.

  • The prodigal sons return XD

    finlander posted: »

    Me too I was wondering the same

  • Liquid, you have yet to truly hate Zafir...though I feel your opinion on him will become...indifferent? Episode 2 everything changes

    Hey InGen, welcome back, let me be your summary: Jerry is cool now, we all love him and I want to create a post-apocalyptic religion arou

  • I was looking for my fan fic's thread in the forum games section and I saw '172 new comments' in 'Monument - An Interactive TWD Story' and I was like, 'Shit.'

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    The prodigal sons return XD

  • Indifferent? You mean he's not the guy who tortures and rapes two girls in some torture chamber? Or the guy who tolerates it at least? Or the guy who rules over the fucked up people who torture Josie? And he is not the guy who ordered the fall of Harvest Hills and the deaths of Anthony and Dean? Zafir is too far gone for anything positive or indifferent, he does not deserve positive character traits and there is no way he will have even the slightest redemption or forgiveness in my eyes. I will definitely not become indifferent about him

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Liquid, you have yet to truly hate Zafir...though I feel your opinion on him will become...indifferent? Episode 2 everything changes

  • .>.>


    I'm gonna put my finger on it that you'll continue to hate him either way, but I feel like it'll be for different reasons...

    Indifferent? You mean he's not the guy who tortures and rapes two girls in some torture chamber? Or the guy who tolerates it at least? Or th

  • You know, one of the ways to get a character hated is to get them to kill another popular character.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    .>.> <.< I'm gonna put my finger on it that you'll continue to hate him either way, but I feel like it'll be for different reasons...

  • Noted

    You know, one of the ways to get a character hated is to get them to kill another popular character.

  • edited April 2015

    You know, I'm the guy who needed three chapters loaded with redemption to forgive Jerry slapping Josie and nearly causing two deaths out of cowardice. The guy who is torturing her for no reason at all and is directly responsible for two deaths will have it slightly worse, I think that's safe to say, the same goes for his whole community.

    But hating him for different reasons? He or one of his underlings are torturing/raping/killing her in that backroom, right? Or do they have a civil chat over a cup of tea in Zafir's wellness area? And one of his people killed Dean, right?

    Somehow I do get the bad feeling I might be on the wrong track here and I don't know how to feel about that. On the one hand, me being wrong here probably equals Josie, alive and fine, which is more than I could dare hoping for. On the other hand, the thought of Zafir not being the antichrist I paint him as, maybe even as civil to Josie as a kidnapper/rapist/torturer/ubisoft-employee could be... that woukd be shocking, to say the least, because I'd be so conflicted how to feel about him then. But I can't see him being any better than I think he is, I honestly can't.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    .>.> <.< I'm gonna put my finger on it that you'll continue to hate him either way, but I feel like it'll be for different reasons...

  • I have ways to make you like people.

    You know, I'm the guy who needed three chapters loaded with redemption to forgive Jerry slapping Josie and nearly causing two deaths out of

  • I at least hate Zafir more than enough already, actually enough to hate his whole community by proxy. Destroying Harvest Hills, killing Anthony and Dean, kidnapping Lord Jerry and kidnapping Josie and Lindsay and quite possibly torturing them did wonders in instilling my hatred for this guy. Compared to the amount of hate I have for him, I was merely slightly upset and annoyed at Jerry. I don't need him killing a popular character to wish for the option to use a spork on his eyes.

    You know, one of the ways to get a character hated is to get them to kill another popular character.

  • I know, after all you made me like Jerry. But there have to be limits, right? I mean, if he or anyone in his community did the thing I assume they did, there is no coming back for anyone from that... and... wait... you know that and still you hint at Zafir being more than just the sadistic monster he seems to be...

    All these hints... can it truly be that I am in the wrong here? That would mean... is Zafir redeemable after all? But... all the hints in the other direction as well, the gruesome fate for my Josie that is all but confirmed... can it be that you're simply trying to make me doubt all the things I know? But know that you have succeeded in instilling the seed of doubt in me, oh Hope, for I will refrain from further judging this motherfucking swine for now, at least until the inevitably horrible reveal at the end of the episode finale. But... if I was wrong, which is not very likely, I... no, I can't possibly be that wrong! Nobody could be that wrong...

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I have ways to make you like people.

  • Alt text

    I know, after all you made me like Jerry. But there have to be limits, right? I mean, if he or anyone in his community did the thing I assum

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