"You caught me by surprise last time but I´m not about to give up."
"Impress me."
"Can I follow you everywhere?"
"I don´t understand."
"I was always taught to follow my dreams."
Rhys is ashamed that she has to be his knight in shining armour instead of him rescuing her gallantly like he´s always dreamed of.
´S okay, Rhys. Next time.
"What can we say except
Be on the lookout.
Hmmmmm, I'll make sure to be on the lookout
Here´s a little preview.
"You caught me by surprise last time but I´m not about to give up."
"Impress me."
"Can I follow you everywhere?"
"I don´t understand."
"I was always taught to follow my dreams."
Smooth motherfucker Rhys returns with a vengeance.
I'd glady become a member of church Rhyiona. The bestest.
Will do.
EDIT: Done.
You certainly are Rhys, you certainly are.
aw yes xD thanks lol
Im trying so hard right now to get some Telltale models, so i can get them 3d printed, and then make them amiibos.
I need help.
I am a pure atheïst, but for this I will convert
Itll be one long expensive project ;3
Good Luck. I suck at 3D. But no matter how you do it, I know it's going to be awesome!
My God! There are soooo many shipping topics!
I remember when Borderlands was all about guns lol.
"Over 87 Bazillion Ships!"
Our new welcome to new members:
The power of Rhyiona.
Rhys is ashamed that she has to be his knight in shining armour instead of him rescuing her gallantly like he´s always dreamed of.
´S okay, Rhys. Next time.
That makes me think if you have Fiona help Sasha, that's her wanting her man to be protected.
Fiona would never let any harm come to her husband.
She even wordlessly offered to do physical labour herself to protect his weak body from getting tired. She´s truly the best wife.
They obviously are looping it and nodding proudly.
I can just imagine Telltale's reaction..
More like
This is what the internet WAS MADE FOR.
Haha this thread is classic. Its amazing how much you can really want something, eh?
It´s what dreams are made of.
The love between Fiona and Rhys...
Mr. Krabs is feeling it.
What´s going on through her head.