Oh wow, Vaughn and Rhys are standing further apart than I thought. Most of the characters together are really great, but Fuaghn and Rhysha are the cutest.
Not meant to comment in this thread originally, but I personally love Bonnie and like Mike, so this picture shocked me quite hard. (Not blaming, just expressing my thoughts, I know why people dislike them indeed) Anyway, even though I am on the Rhyiona ship, I like both Rhys and Sasha and I find them quite cute together ...... as brother and sister. So, I do not ship them, but I do not oppose this ship either.
Ok that took a bit of work but here you go loyal Rhysha fans! It's my first time doing something like that but I think I made the point across enjoy.
Also sorry for the water mark couldn't get rid of it
Not meant to comment in this thread originally, but I personally love Bonnie and like Mike, so this picture shocked me quite hard. (Not blam… moreing, just expressing my thoughts, I know why people dislike them indeed) Anyway, even though I am on the Rhyiona ship, I like both Rhys and Sasha and I find them quite cute together ...... as brother and sister. So, I do not ship them, but I do not oppose this ship either.
Oh wow, Vaughn and Rhys are standing further apart than I thought. Most of the characters together are really great, but Fuaghn and Rhysha are the cutest.
Few things.
While Carver did lead a large group of survivors, Jack lead Hyperion. Both are dead, but I think Jack's reign is more impressive.
don't even get me started on arvo okay.
Troy serves as nothing but a plot device.
Buuuut since I bashed one argument, I must bash another.
Jack's crazy and often kills/threatens employees of his Hyperion.
Bigby, is a bit of a douchebag and has proven that mere silver can kill him if used correctly. (i think in the comics its a bit different on when silver can hurt him but we're focusing on TWAU Bigby, so).
Kenny is short-tempered and is responsible for Duck having existed.
That having been said, can any ship give me a compelling argument to join them? Not sure where I should stand.
I personally ship Rhysha because I love their dynamic. Sasha is a competent fighter and anti-Hyperion, while Rhys tries to seem like a competent fighter but isn't and is Hyperion, so their relationship is conflicting but also balances each other out. They also both try to out-sass each other which leads to some pretty great banter.
To me they just seem to have the best chemistry and moments in the game so far, and there do seem to be real hints that they are starting to like each other. But to each his own.
Few things.
While Carver did lead a large group of survivors, Jack lead Hyperion. Both are dead, but I think Jack's reign is more impressiv… moree.
don't even get me started on arvo okay.
Troy serves as nothing but a plot device.
Buuuut since I bashed one argument, I must bash another.
Jack's crazy and often kills/threatens employees of his Hyperion.
Bigby, is a bit of a douchebag and has proven that mere silver can kill him if used correctly. (i think in the comics its a bit different on when silver can hurt him but we're focusing on TWAU Bigby, so).
Kenny is short-tempered and is responsible for Duck having existed.
That having been said, can any ship give me a compelling argument to join them? Not sure where I should stand.
Not meant to comment in this thread originally, but I personally love Bonnie and like Mike, so this picture shocked me quite hard. (Not blam… moreing, just expressing my thoughts, I know why people dislike them indeed) Anyway, even though I am on the Rhyiona ship, I like both Rhys and Sasha and I find them quite cute together ...... as brother and sister. So, I do not ship them, but I do not oppose this ship either.
Sasha's pet names for Rhys. Also heard that she'll call him "Mr. Tiny Business Cards" if you tell her about his childhood in the first episode and then call Pandora cities garbage in the second episode.
Sasha's pet names for Rhys. Also heard that she'll call him "Mr. Tiny Business Cards" if you tell her about his childhood in the first episode and then call Pandora cities garbage in the second episode.
I would love to try some drawings about them again
(i need to finish the Rhyona fanart before that)
Cool, looking forward to it.
Oh wow, Vaughn and Rhys are standing further apart than I thought. Most of the characters together are really great, but Fuaghn and Rhysha are the cutest.
Not meant to comment in this thread originally, but I personally love Bonnie and like Mike, so this picture shocked me quite hard. (Not blaming, just expressing my thoughts, I know why people dislike them indeed) Anyway, even though I am on the Rhyiona ship, I like both Rhys and Sasha and I find them quite cute together ...... as brother and sister. So, I do not ship them, but I do not oppose this ship either.
Got only 3 words to say, and you can't deny it's the truth.
All hail Rhysha.
Ok that took a bit of work but here you go loyal Rhysha fans! It's my first time doing something like that but I think I made the point across enjoy.
Also sorry for the water mark couldn't get rid of it
Glad to see you on board, armis!
I... I have no words...
Since the Ep. 1, Rhysha is confirmed to me.
Glad to meet you here too
Welcome brother we're glad to have you within our ranks
All hail Rhysha! Death to Rhyiona!
Glad to be here
Fun fact: Bonnie, Sasha, Snow White, Molly are all voiced by Erin Yvette.
It symbolizes how their friendship has been drifting away, towards a one of sisters.
I think I like you already, you will fit right in
But everyone is looking at Vaughn, because he said something silly. You Rhysha fans feed off of lies!
Sasha is just taking a peek at Rhys, the angle is meant to trick you.
Our fist gif ahhh bring back memories
Sasha, the anti-Hyperion, defending her Hyperion man against the doubtful Fiona
I said they were standing next to each other, not making googly eyes at each other.
Sasha ran an anti-Hyperion radio station, and Rhys works in Securities Propaganda, and she defends him. More proof of their love.
I'll try my best! xD
I thank your for the warm welcome, good sir. Nice gif you got there.
All hail Rhysha.
It's mine
Hm, we need to find a new gif with more people in it. :P
Also how come J-master hasn't visited this thread yet?
He hasn't been on I don't think.
Neither has @Piggs
I think this song is good for them, in Rhys' point of view
Tighten Up- The Black Keys
Proof. Check and mate.
More proof and it's real
Proof of their love.
Not to be rude, but the stuff you guys are posting are uncannily similar to ours on the Rhyiona thread.
Which ones in particular?
DO NOT SHIP RHYSHA AT ALL... but you have really good music taste
There's not a lot of good synonyms for 'proof'
That's cool. To Rhyiona shippers that come in peace:
To Rhyiona shippers that don't come in peace:
Few things.
While Carver did lead a large group of survivors, Jack lead Hyperion. Both are dead, but I think Jack's reign is more impressive.
don't even get me started on arvo okay.
Troy serves as nothing but a plot device.
Buuuut since I bashed one argument, I must bash another.
Jack's crazy and often kills/threatens employees of his Hyperion.
Bigby, is a bit of a douchebag and has proven that mere silver can kill him if used correctly. (i think in the comics its a bit different on when silver can hurt him but we're focusing on TWAU Bigby, so).
Kenny is short-tempered and is responsible for Duck having existed.
That having been said, can any ship give me a compelling argument to join them? Not sure where I should stand.
I personally ship Rhysha because I love their dynamic. Sasha is a competent fighter and anti-Hyperion, while Rhys tries to seem like a competent fighter but isn't and is Hyperion, so their relationship is conflicting but also balances each other out. They also both try to out-sass each other which leads to some pretty great banter.
To me they just seem to have the best chemistry and moments in the game so far, and there do seem to be real hints that they are starting to like each other. But to each his own.
This is weird replying again, but brother and sister? Here's their theme song then XD
Plus, Cersei and Jaime are sister and brother, yes? And we all love how that turned out.
Sasha's pet names for Rhys. Also heard that she'll call him "Mr. Tiny Business Cards" if you tell her about his childhood in the first episode and then call Pandora cities garbage in the second episode.
Mr. Roboto is a song by Styx.