Voting is closed!
(!) The boy will drop down and hope for the best
I'll start working on this new part quick as day and post today, so… moremething today, probably. I'm not sure if everyone has voted or not, but the choice is fairly one sided at this point and it wouldn't make much of a change if someone or several people voted. Liquid, I guess you're the only one who thinks it's a good idea to pull himself up
After Jerry killed the two members of Zafir’s group to learn the location of Josie and Lindsay, he and Christian kill the drug addict who tried to kill them earlier to complete their final lie in the game.
Atlanta turns Jordan to their side and start to plan an escape but are interrupted by Zafir himself as he makes a civil war analogy, but as he leaves he gets a call on his walkie talkie and quickly leaves to take care of the matter.
Part Two
Jerry and Christian plan to enter directly through the front gate and face the question that will follow…
Jerry and christian arrive at the front gate and are escorted b y gunpoint as they meet Zafir and are questioned by him one at a time. Jerry follows the plan and it seems to have worked without a problem. He’s sent back to the common area without an escort and stops at the metal door Josie and Lindsay are supposedly being held, he knocks on it and doesn’t get an answer, but he vows to free them and leaves to get to the common area before someone catches him somewhere he shouldn't be.
Part Three
He arrives and informs his group, including Jordan, what the plan is and how they’re leaving tonight. But due to the fact Christian’s girlfriend, Maria, remains unknown, he wishes to quickly search Zafir’s room/office to learn of her location before they leave. But Jerry makes it quite clear that they are leaving tonight and opts to give Christian a knife to question Zafir, to which he declines and leaves with the group instead of looking for Maria.
Part Four
As they leave, Jerry kills a guard by snapping his neck with the help of Christian, but he finds himself briefly lost and away from the other members of the group. In doing so, he learns the meth cook Vincent witnessed the murder of the guard and sends his sister Clarice to find Zafir. Jerry turns to leave, but is spotted by the cook and is forced to kill him by stabbing him to death with the knife he offered to Christian.
He finds himself in the meth lab and makes a call to start a small chemical fire that will grow. He meets up with hte group at the door where Josie and Lindsay are being held. Christian removed the doorknob and Jerry quickly kicks the door in. But it’s an empty room, but with plenty of signs that two people were being held there.
Jerry starts to lose it with anger as the young boy Daniel thinks they could have already escape, but that begs the question, where would they go? It becomes clear they need to get to Harvest Hills as that would be the only place they would go.
They make their way out of the mall but are stopped by Zafir and his men when they are held at gunpoint. Jerry has a single chance to kill them man, but passively surrenders.
Part Five
But through it they both learn of Jerry and his group’s reasoning, while finally learn that Zafir had nothing to do with the kidnapping and would’ve killed the people responsible himself, due to his early days in the new world where his wife and daughter were raped and killed by bandits.
He lets them go and they take the truck packed with feed from the Harvest Hills storage house back to their old community.
Ending (thought you should read this part)
There was so much to think about, so many things Jerry had forgotten already. Zafir, he said Dan was broken, he could somehow see it in his eye. Jerry knew of what happened to Daniel’s family on the first day of the outbreak. He wasn’t kept in the dark entirely. Anthony had told him after Dean had told Anthony. But they were dead. Both lifeless corpses rotting a hole Jerry had dug, right next to Stan. The times had changed so fast, Jerry had been lost the first couple of days. But Anthony’s death shook him deeply. His dying wish was to have Jerry look after the group, he couldn’t help but think he only choose him due to the lack of other options at the time. But he himself, he was breaking, or already broken, mentally. How could he save himself while still trying to save a group of people that seemed to grow.
Jordan looked at her hands with red, sensitive eyes.
Christian looked back the whole ride as he thought of how quickly he abandoned his girlfriend, Maria. But Zafir’s words help clear his mind of one worry; that she wasn’t being tortured. Maria was safe, but out of reach.
Atlanta kept her eyes on the road, away from the group in the pickup bed, but every now and then looking back to make sure they were okay.
Ashley held Daniel’s hand, the boy never letting go as he stared almost blankly at the retreating road. He was lost in many ways.
They arrived soon enough at the front gate of their old daydream fort. It bleck, devoid of life, so much was lost here. From the first fight that broke out between Jerry and Anthony, to the final days of the community as Jerry pulled his enemy from the dead. The picture still haunted Jerry, of Anthony crawling towards him while making ungodly noises. It was all too clear in Jerry’s mind, but it was hard to forget, or remember Anthony as anything but that monster.
There was a long noise as the truck rolled over the knocked down gate and into the community.
The dead body of Anthony rested in the grave along with Stan and Dean. The darkened skies above sent chills down several of the groups’ spines, it was a sad sight for the remaining members.
But sadness had it’s way long enough… A light shined from inside one of the house, just has the headlights of the truck shined upon the house itself. It was the Harper’s house. Illuminated by the cold light of the truck, the house door swung open and a figure stepped out, holding their hand over their face to shield himself from the harsh light. It was a man, no a boy. He had dark hair, maybe brown. But it was clear he held a assault rifle on his side.
“Hello?” The boy called into the headlights as he struggled to see through them. Jerry flipped a switch and the lights died down just enough to see the boy’s face. He was somewhat short and had dark brown hair, he was young, probably in his teenage years.
Jerry gripped Anthony’s pistol tightly as he notice the boy reaching repositioning his assault rifle. “Don’t shoot!” Ashley quickly called to the young boy and he hesitated.
“I won’t shoot, but you can’t shoot either.” He answered as he let his rifle rest against the porch. “Who are you?” He asked through the softer light as he began to notice how many people there were for the first time. This was met by a shock look, almost one of fear.
“My name is Jerry Stewart…” he answered as he walked closer to the porch and the boy, “and this is my neighborhood.” The boy get a good look at Jerry, his broken nose, many cuts and bruises and blood stained shirt. It made a clear impression on the boy and he took a step back. “I don’t want to kill you, but--” Jerry started, but couldn't finish when a loud voice echoed from inside the house. “Keith...What’s--”
“Jerry?!” It was female, suddenly two other figures step out of the house and stood near the boy. It was Josephine and Lindsay. Josie being the one who called out.
Jerry’s expression lighted beyond measurement. He took several steps forward and then broke into a run. Within seconds he was giving Josie and Lindsay a big hug, much to their surprise. The boy stood back with a dumbfounded expression as he watched Jerry let go of the duo. He could make out bruises of their arms and face, but they were alive.
“Um…” Lindsay mumbled awkwardly.
“I found you. I’ve finally found you.” Jerry smiled as he looked back at the rest of the group, but soon remembered the dead members and his face hardened, “there’s a lot we need to talk about.”
Okay there
That's everythingyou need to know about chapter 5. I'd recommend you start reading the new episode since it's only just began. Anyway, thank you for reading!
I'm sorry ;-; i've been really busy lately but ive been like 2 or 3 parts behind xDD
I would have voted with the majority anyway c:. Also who is the boy?!?
Liquid, I guess you're the only one who thinks it's a good idea to pull himself up
And I'm still pretty sure it would have been worth a try. Falling ten feet is probably not beneficial for his health.
I didn't realize how much of a good team Jerry and Christian made until now and I also didn't even notice that Jerry set the lab fire. It's amazing what a quick review can do for you
Chapter Five: Nine O’clock Lab - Summary.
Part One
After Jerry killed the two members of Zafir’s group to learn the location of Josie … moreand Lindsay, he and Christian kill the drug addict who tried to kill them earlier to complete their final lie in the game.
Atlanta turns Jordan to their side and start to plan an escape but are interrupted by Zafir himself as he makes a civil war analogy, but as he leaves he gets a call on his walkie talkie and quickly leaves to take care of the matter.
Part Two
Jerry and Christian plan to enter directly through the front gate and face the question that will follow…
Jerry and christian arrive at the front gate and are escorted b y gunpoint as they meet Zafir and are questioned by him one at a time. Jerry follows the plan and it seems to have worked without a problem. He’s sent back to the common area without an escort and stops at the metal door Josie and Lindsay are supposedly being held, he … [view original content]
I'm glad the choices are tough! It's my goal to make you (and everyone) question their actions and choices to the point of regret!
But I… more try not to "recycle" ideas that play out in alternate choices, though it becomes very temping >.>
Oh and the shot Zafir or not choice... It would've been an awful ending due to the fact how many of the group would've died, but their probably would have been at least one surviving member to keep the story moving. It reminds me, I need to release the alternate choices. I'll do that soon, after I've finished this part I'm working on.
I didn't realize how much of a good team Jerry and Christian made until now and I also didn't even notice that Jerry set the lab fire. It's amazing what a quick review can do for you
No matter how much he wish to believe he could pull himself up, it was clear he couldn’t, but he also knew he couldn’t just dangle there for much longer. At least he wasn’t thinking shortsightedly, right? He prepared to drop down, but almost like stabbing yourself, your body isn’t willing to let you hurt yourself. But forcefully, he took a deep breath of the fresh morning air and then let his grip loosen and without a second thought, he threw his arms away from the branch and let himself fall.
A loud crack echoed pierced his ears and he felt an awful pain suddenly appear in the back of his head as he fell to the ground.
The boy hit the ground landing on his buttex and insaitly had a pain shoot up his thigh. He let out a muffled cry and whimpered as he cruncked leafs tightly in his hands. It overshadow a second pain in the back of his head. He soon discovered it as he felt a wetness between his head and the ground. Reaching towards the back of his head and giving it a feel, it was differently wet. Upon pulling his hand back, the tips of his fingers were covered in own red blood.
“Fuck…” he muttered as he tried to relax his muscles and lay flat on the ground “...fuck me.”
Teary eyed from the pain, he rose up and cringed as he looked at his surroundings. He diffidently didn’t want to be heard or spotted in this area.
The boy looked to his left and spotted a stick among the leafs, it would be his new walking cane for the time being. He leaned his body towards the long stick and had pain shoot up his spine and legs, but he wasn’t a stranger to pain, he worked through it and tightly gripped the stick as he propped himself up.
He cringed but found his footing and stood with his back slouched as he reviewed his options from there on.
There was no other options left. He was starving, dehydrated, sleepless, an open wound on the back of his head, and finally a possible broken bone. He needed to be found by someone, anyone, if he wanted to live.
He straightened his back and made himself as tall as he could as he raised his voice as loud as he could, “please! Anyone! Help, please! H-help--” He bellowed into the morning air at the top of his lungs, but the pain became too much, he soon felt his head lightning until he fell to the ground without so much as a whimper.
He laid on the leafy ground while a distance away...a man lay on a hill looking through the scope of a high powered sniper rifle. He wore a camouflage jacket that covered his face. He took his eye off the scope. “Shit…” he mumbled to himself as he looked at the unconscious boy in the distance.
He slowly awakened with a several pains returning to his awareness. “Ugh!” The boy exclaimed as he tried to sit up, but had a piercing pain shoot up his back. He fell back on the bed and bit down on his lip while the pain slowly faded away again.
He wiped his hands across his wet teary eyes and cleared his vision just enough so he could get a good look at his surroundings. The first thing that came clear to him as that he was in a one room cabin. It was small, probably about 10 foot walls in length made with logs and the same went for the roof.
It was honestly cozy and made a good shelter against the elements. There wasn’t fireplace, but there were candles on several shelves and they seem to do the trick to fight away the coldness of the autumn night. More notable, there was a wooden rake that look like it was meant to hold a rifle of sorts.
A sleeping bag was rolled up and set on the floor next to a fur rug. But worryingly so, he was alone in the cabin.
He sat himself up once again and this time worked through the pain until he was slid his legs off the bed and was finally sitting up. “Hello?” He called into the dimly lit room, just in case someone was nearby.
But he was met by no answer, though outside the cabin, he could hear footsteps approaching from the crack of the leafs.
The door swung open and tall man stepped inside with a sad look on their face and a sniper rifle over his shoulder, but when he saw the boy his expression lighten and he forced a smile. “Hello, I see you’re up…” his voice was kind enough, but something was off about him. He was very tall with an average build, accompanied by light brown hair and thick stubble.
“Hi,” the boy barely managed, “who are you and why am I here?” His tone taking a serious turn, he waited for the man’s answer.
“My name’s Vincent Hale, but call me Vince, “ he answered cheerfully as he pulled up a metal chair from the corner of the room and set the propped the rifle on the wall. He took a seat, “though...I’d like to know your name, too.”
“Zayne…” the boy mumbled reluctantly, “my name is Zayne.”
“Well, Zayne, you should be happy to know I’ve taken the liberty of dressing the wound on the back of your head--” He paused giving a reassuring look, “you’ve been good hands. It should heal before you know it.”
“What are you? A doctor?” Zayne groaned as he felt the back of his head and sure enough, he found a bump and guze covering it.
“No, it’s just common knowledge, I suppose. I’m actually a hunter, have been my whole life.” His smiled faded and his look became serious, “I don’t want to touch upon topics that may prove...hurtful, but you’re safe here and around me. I’ll like to know if that goes both ways…”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Zayne defensively replied.
“I’m talking about...the-- in these times the smallest of children can be killers and I want to know I’m safe around you.” Vince let out a patient sigh, “I don’t have to worry about you slitting my throat while sleep, do I?”
[Honesty - “Of course not.”]
[Tough - “Y’know what they, ‘sleep with one eye open’.”]
[Speculate - “Do I look like a killer?”]
[Sarcasm - “Yes, I’m going to stab the shit out of you with my bare hands.”]
Chapter 1: “Trauma” - Part 3: “New Faces”
The Countryside.
No matter how much he wish to believe he could pull himself up, it was clea… morer he couldn’t, but he also knew he couldn’t just dangle there for much longer. At least he wasn’t thinking shortsightedly, right? He prepared to drop down, but almost like stabbing yourself, your body isn’t willing to let you hurt yourself. But forcefully, he took a deep breath of the fresh morning air and then let his grip loosen and without a second thought, he threw his arms away from the branch and let himself fall.
A loud crack echoed pierced his ears and he felt an awful pain suddenly appear in the back of his head as he fell to the ground.
The boy hit the ground landing on his buttex and insaitly had a pain shoot up his thigh. He let out a muffled cry and whimpered as he cruncked leafs tightly in his hands. It overshadow a second pain in the back of his head. He soon discovered it as he felt … [view original content]
Chapter Five: Nine O’clock Lab - Summary.
Part One
After Jerry killed the two members of Zafir’s group to learn the location of Josie … moreand Lindsay, he and Christian kill the drug addict who tried to kill them earlier to complete their final lie in the game.
Atlanta turns Jordan to their side and start to plan an escape but are interrupted by Zafir himself as he makes a civil war analogy, but as he leaves he gets a call on his walkie talkie and quickly leaves to take care of the matter.
Part Two
Jerry and Christian plan to enter directly through the front gate and face the question that will follow…
Jerry and christian arrive at the front gate and are escorted b y gunpoint as they meet Zafir and are questioned by him one at a time. Jerry follows the plan and it seems to have worked without a problem. He’s sent back to the common area without an escort and stops at the metal door Josie and Lindsay are supposedly being held, he … [view original content]
Chapter 1: “Trauma” - Part 3: “New Faces”
The Countryside.
No matter how much he wish to believe he could pull himself up, it was clea… morer he couldn’t, but he also knew he couldn’t just dangle there for much longer. At least he wasn’t thinking shortsightedly, right? He prepared to drop down, but almost like stabbing yourself, your body isn’t willing to let you hurt yourself. But forcefully, he took a deep breath of the fresh morning air and then let his grip loosen and without a second thought, he threw his arms away from the branch and let himself fall.
A loud crack echoed pierced his ears and he felt an awful pain suddenly appear in the back of his head as he fell to the ground.
The boy hit the ground landing on his buttex and insaitly had a pain shoot up his thigh. He let out a muffled cry and whimpered as he cruncked leafs tightly in his hands. It overshadow a second pain in the back of his head. He soon discovered it as he felt … [view original content]
Chapter 1: “Trauma” - Part 3: “New Faces”
The Countryside.
No matter how much he wish to believe he could pull himself up, it was clea… morer he couldn’t, but he also knew he couldn’t just dangle there for much longer. At least he wasn’t thinking shortsightedly, right? He prepared to drop down, but almost like stabbing yourself, your body isn’t willing to let you hurt yourself. But forcefully, he took a deep breath of the fresh morning air and then let his grip loosen and without a second thought, he threw his arms away from the branch and let himself fall.
A loud crack echoed pierced his ears and he felt an awful pain suddenly appear in the back of his head as he fell to the ground.
The boy hit the ground landing on his buttex and insaitly had a pain shoot up his thigh. He let out a muffled cry and whimpered as he cruncked leafs tightly in his hands. It overshadow a second pain in the back of his head. He soon discovered it as he felt … [view original content]
Chapter 1: “Trauma” - Part 3: “New Faces”
The Countryside.
No matter how much he wish to believe he could pull himself up, it was clea… morer he couldn’t, but he also knew he couldn’t just dangle there for much longer. At least he wasn’t thinking shortsightedly, right? He prepared to drop down, but almost like stabbing yourself, your body isn’t willing to let you hurt yourself. But forcefully, he took a deep breath of the fresh morning air and then let his grip loosen and without a second thought, he threw his arms away from the branch and let himself fall.
A loud crack echoed pierced his ears and he felt an awful pain suddenly appear in the back of his head as he fell to the ground.
The boy hit the ground landing on his buttex and insaitly had a pain shoot up his thigh. He let out a muffled cry and whimpered as he cruncked leafs tightly in his hands. It overshadow a second pain in the back of his head. He soon discovered it as he felt … [view original content]
Chapter 1: “Trauma” - Part 3: “New Faces”
The Countryside.
No matter how much he wish to believe he could pull himself up, it was clea… morer he couldn’t, but he also knew he couldn’t just dangle there for much longer. At least he wasn’t thinking shortsightedly, right? He prepared to drop down, but almost like stabbing yourself, your body isn’t willing to let you hurt yourself. But forcefully, he took a deep breath of the fresh morning air and then let his grip loosen and without a second thought, he threw his arms away from the branch and let himself fall.
A loud crack echoed pierced his ears and he felt an awful pain suddenly appear in the back of his head as he fell to the ground.
The boy hit the ground landing on his buttex and insaitly had a pain shoot up his thigh. He let out a muffled cry and whimpered as he cruncked leafs tightly in his hands. It overshadow a second pain in the back of his head. He soon discovered it as he felt … [view original content]
Chapter 1: “Trauma” - Part 3: “New Faces”
The Countryside.
No matter how much he wish to believe he could pull himself up, it was clea… morer he couldn’t, but he also knew he couldn’t just dangle there for much longer. At least he wasn’t thinking shortsightedly, right? He prepared to drop down, but almost like stabbing yourself, your body isn’t willing to let you hurt yourself. But forcefully, he took a deep breath of the fresh morning air and then let his grip loosen and without a second thought, he threw his arms away from the branch and let himself fall.
A loud crack echoed pierced his ears and he felt an awful pain suddenly appear in the back of his head as he fell to the ground.
The boy hit the ground landing on his buttex and insaitly had a pain shoot up his thigh. He let out a muffled cry and whimpered as he cruncked leafs tightly in his hands. It overshadow a second pain in the back of his head. He soon discovered it as he felt … [view original content]
Chapter 1: “Trauma” - Part 3: “New Faces”
The Countryside.
No matter how much he wish to believe he could pull himself up, it was clea… morer he couldn’t, but he also knew he couldn’t just dangle there for much longer. At least he wasn’t thinking shortsightedly, right? He prepared to drop down, but almost like stabbing yourself, your body isn’t willing to let you hurt yourself. But forcefully, he took a deep breath of the fresh morning air and then let his grip loosen and without a second thought, he threw his arms away from the branch and let himself fall.
A loud crack echoed pierced his ears and he felt an awful pain suddenly appear in the back of his head as he fell to the ground.
The boy hit the ground landing on his buttex and insaitly had a pain shoot up his thigh. He let out a muffled cry and whimpered as he cruncked leafs tightly in his hands. It overshadow a second pain in the back of his head. He soon discovered it as he felt … [view original content]
I don't think so, but I'm still confuse which movie we're talking about. I'm starting to think it's King Kong, but for some reason I thought it was Beauty and the Beast XD
Well, I've watched the movie 3 times cause it's just so fucking awesome and the line goes like I wrote it.
I actually just wondered if you had it in mind when you wrote that sentence because it just made me think of the movie (guess not tho..)
I don't think so, but I'm still confuse which movie we're talking about. I'm starting to think it's King Kong, but for some reason I thought it was Beauty and the Beast XD
You're right tho I did mentioned he'll adjust himself to the new world and it's been some time since the start of the apocalypse so he probably had to go through some bad stuff
You're right tho I did mentioned he'll adjust himself to the new world and it's been some time since the start of the apocalypse so he probably had to go through some bad stuff
“Yes, I’m going to stab the shit out of you with my bare hands,” Zayne answered, sarcastically blowing over on the question.
Vince forced a lighthearted smile, “at least you’ve got a sense of humor, but a dry one.” He let out a sigh a depressed and his expression turned into a frown, “in the early days the children seemed so innocent… Now they’re just like everyone else…”
A brief moment a silence fell over them as Zayne bit his lip and replied, “yeah…” guilty of his answer.
“Sorry,” Vincent added, “I don’t mean to bring down the mood,” he apologized while looking Zayne in the eye, “but it’s a honest to god fact.”
“So…” Zayne mumbled, giving the cabin another look over, just to take it all in. “Could you explain something to me?” He asked ambiguously.
“I’ll tell you anything you want,” the man answer, “as long as I can give an answer.”
“ did you find me?” Zayne asked, an interested expression falling over his face. “I’m...I was pretty sure no one was following me at the time. I took extra care to avoid being found by leaving the road…”
“Well, Zayne…” Vincent sighed, “you entered my hunting territory so I chose to keep an eye on you while you passed through it, to make sure you weren’t in any danger while dealing with the...locals...or any of the dead. I didn’t plan to contact you, either, you didn’t seem like you wanted to be found so I kept away...but you made it quite clear you wanted help after you fell outta that tree.”
Zayne gave him a puzzled look, “you stalked me?” His voice carrying a worried but fierce tone.
“Well…” Vincent mumble, scratching the back of his head, “technically, yes...but not 24/7. I simply kept an eye on you,” he answer with reinsurance in his words.
“Right…” Zayne mutter in reply, his expression wandered and become undecided. “I’ve got lots of question…” he mumbled, glancing at the sniper rifle.
“Ask away,” Vincent smiled, halfheartedly awaiting the questions.
“I’m...I’m not entirely sure where I am,” Zayne admitted, “mind telling me?”
“Well, you’re in North-west Colorado,” Vincent answered with a smile, but he frowned and gave a puzzled look, “you didn’t just wander about, did you?”
“A lot...lots stuff happened, I…” Zayne trailed off and gave a depressed look. “I’ve been walkin’. That’s about it.”
“Well…” Vincent sighed with sympathetic look, “well that’s begs the question, where did you come from?”
“East…” Zayne answered reluctantly, “I-- we...caught word of a safe place somewhere west and we made our way towards it...but...we never found any such place.” An angry look filled his eyes, “it all went to pieces before we could even get through Kansas City…” Zayne hissed.
“The dead?” Vincent seculationed, “or the living?” He let out a sigh of annoyance and disappointment. “I’d never thought it could get this bad. So bad that the living join the list of problems you have to deal with…”
“You’ve had your fair share of encounters with those-- bad people.” Zayne gave an ambiguous glare out the cabin window. “I saw lights in the distance last night. Can you tell me anything about that?” He asked, returning his vision towards Vincent.
“ start this wasn’t last night. You’ve been out cold for 4 days.” Noticing Zayne sudden turn in expression, he was quick to try to reassure him, “I know it’s a lot to hear and take in, but it’s true.”
“Damn…” Zayne mumbled with a worried look.
But then Vincent said to Zayne, “you asked about lights in the distance? That’ll be the locals, or as local to this area as one can be. They’re bad, awful, irredeemable people... Those are the people you saw that night. I don’t to scare you...but...they’re cannibals as far I can tell, maybe slavers. They round up people, pretty much what you saw in the distance, and...take them away… Fuck, I’m sorry if this is scaring you, it’s not my intention. You need to know and I need to tell you.”
A steadily worried faced Zayne let out several heavy breaths as he gulped. “They...they don’t know where we’re at? Do they?!” Zayne exclaimed as he frantically looked out the window to see if he could spot a cannibal hiding the brush.
“Yes…” Vincent reluctantly answered with gloomy voice, “they know exactly where I am.”
Zayne’s eyes widened and he tried to stand up, but once again the pain shot up his spine and he started to fall to the ground, but Vincent was quick to jump up and catch him. He carefully laid Zayne back in the bed, “whoa! Calm down, there’s more to learn before you make your choice…”
“Choice?” Zayne hissed as he waited for the pain to subside.
“I’ll get to that.” He took a deep breath and continued in a calming tone, “they know where I am, sure, but they haven’t attacked me with good reason. They’re scared of me. Well, at least the power I to speak.” Vincent reached over to the sniper rifle and pulled it towards him, setting it on his lap. “This is what I mean...I’m a hunter, but most importantly...I can shoot any of those inbreds before they can get close…”
“Inbred?” Zayne questioned, not knowing the word.
“Um… It’s an insult that refers to one’s intelligence…” Vincent awkwardly explained. “But we’re offtopic now… Um… It’s pretty much been a silent truce, I’ve never seen them in person, not counting through the scope… seems to be coming to end, rapidly. They’ve gotten close into territory they know is mine. I, of course, have the power to kill them without getting close...but...I’m not one for killing the living, even those sonsofbitches, but when it comes down to it...I’m ready to pull the trigger.”
“You haven’t done anything about them yet?” Zayne pondered, “how many could there be?”
Vincent clicked his tongue, giving painful frown as he explained, “more than I can handle. Sure, I could take out a good few, but I couldn’t kill them all. Not to mention the consequences of firing a single shot. I’d get walkers from miles around entering my hunting area, killing the game, maybe even killing me if I’m not too careful or get overrunned,” his expression grew depressed, probably because of the thought. “And I will get overrunned if I fire carelessly. Too many people have learned that the hard way… I don’t intend to get into a firefight with a group of unknown size.”
“But…” Zayne mumbled with the look of a plan brewing in his eye, “but what if you figure out where they hang their hat and just… It isn’t nearby, right?”
“I cover a good amount of land, several miles, but I have no idea where they hang their hat,” Vincent replied a matter of factly. “Even if I worked up the balls to start a fight at their home, I’d likely be done in by the dead anyway, if not the living.”
“Well,” Zayne sighed, “it’s seems you have a big problem…”
“Yeah, well, eh…” Vincent muttered incoherently, but he gave a serious look and continued. “It’s time for that choice I was talking about.”
“What’d you mean by that?” Zayne questioned as Vincent laid the sniper rifle on the wall.
“It’s...well, you have a choice right now. You’re free to leave whenever you feel like it, you’re also welcome to stay here as long as you’ll like. I’d recommend you stay at least long enough to get back on your feet.” He folded his hands and looked Zayne in the eye. “What will it be, then?” Vincent asked.
Chapter One: “Trauma” - Part 4: “Simple.”
The Countryside
“Yes, I’m going to stab the shit out of you with my bare hands,” Zayne answe… morered, sarcastically blowing over on the question.
Vince forced a lighthearted smile, “at least you’ve got a sense of humor, but a dry one.” He let out a sigh a depressed and his expression turned into a frown, “in the early days the children seemed so innocent… Now they’re just like everyone else…”
A brief moment a silence fell over them as Zayne bit his lip and replied, “yeah…” guilty of his answer.
“Sorry,” Vincent added, “I don’t mean to bring down the mood,” he apologized while looking Zayne in the eye, “but it’s a honest to god fact.”
“So…” Zayne mumbled, giving the cabin another look over, just to take it all in. “Could you explain something to me?” He asked ambiguously.
“I’ll tell you anything you want,” the man answer, “as long as I can give an answer.”
“ did you find me… [view original content]
Cannibalism is probably the only thing I haven't accused Zafir's group of in the last episode, so naturally I am creeped out by these cannibal people. However, I like Vince and Zayne, they make for a nice team. Hopefully they don't get eaten.
Chapter One: “Trauma” - Part 4: “Simple.”
The Countryside
“Yes, I’m going to stab the shit out of you with my bare hands,” Zayne answe… morered, sarcastically blowing over on the question.
Vince forced a lighthearted smile, “at least you’ve got a sense of humor, but a dry one.” He let out a sigh a depressed and his expression turned into a frown, “in the early days the children seemed so innocent… Now they’re just like everyone else…”
A brief moment a silence fell over them as Zayne bit his lip and replied, “yeah…” guilty of his answer.
“Sorry,” Vincent added, “I don’t mean to bring down the mood,” he apologized while looking Zayne in the eye, “but it’s a honest to god fact.”
“So…” Zayne mumbled, giving the cabin another look over, just to take it all in. “Could you explain something to me?” He asked ambiguously.
“I’ll tell you anything you want,” the man answer, “as long as I can give an answer.”
“ did you find me… [view original content]
[Plan to stay until fully well.]
Cannibalism is probably the only thing I haven't accused Zafir's group of in the last episode, so natura… morelly I am creeped out by these cannibal people. However, I like Vince and Zayne, they make for a nice team. Hopefully they don't get eaten.
And I'm still pretty sure it would have been worth a try. Falling ten feet is probably not beneficial for his health.
Chapter Five: Nine O’clock Lab - Summary.
Part One
After Jerry killed the two members of Zafir’s group to learn the location of Josie and Lindsay, he and Christian kill the drug addict who tried to kill them earlier to complete their final lie in the game.
Atlanta turns Jordan to their side and start to plan an escape but are interrupted by Zafir himself as he makes a civil war analogy, but as he leaves he gets a call on his walkie talkie and quickly leaves to take care of the matter.
Part Two
Jerry and Christian plan to enter directly through the front gate and face the question that will follow…
Jerry and christian arrive at the front gate and are escorted b y gunpoint as they meet Zafir and are questioned by him one at a time. Jerry follows the plan and it seems to have worked without a problem. He’s sent back to the common area without an escort and stops at the metal door Josie and Lindsay are supposedly being held, he knocks on it and doesn’t get an answer, but he vows to free them and leaves to get to the common area before someone catches him somewhere he shouldn't be.
Part Three
He arrives and informs his group, including Jordan, what the plan is and how they’re leaving tonight. But due to the fact Christian’s girlfriend, Maria, remains unknown, he wishes to quickly search Zafir’s room/office to learn of her location before they leave. But Jerry makes it quite clear that they are leaving tonight and opts to give Christian a knife to question Zafir, to which he declines and leaves with the group instead of looking for Maria.
Part Four
As they leave, Jerry kills a guard by snapping his neck with the help of Christian, but he finds himself briefly lost and away from the other members of the group. In doing so, he learns the meth cook Vincent witnessed the murder of the guard and sends his sister Clarice to find Zafir. Jerry turns to leave, but is spotted by the cook and is forced to kill him by stabbing him to death with the knife he offered to Christian.
He finds himself in the meth lab and makes a call to start a small chemical fire that will grow. He meets up with hte group at the door where Josie and Lindsay are being held. Christian removed the doorknob and Jerry quickly kicks the door in. But it’s an empty room, but with plenty of signs that two people were being held there.
Jerry starts to lose it with anger as the young boy Daniel thinks they could have already escape, but that begs the question, where would they go? It becomes clear they need to get to Harvest Hills as that would be the only place they would go.
They make their way out of the mall but are stopped by Zafir and his men when they are held at gunpoint. Jerry has a single chance to kill them man, but passively surrenders.
Part Five
But through it they both learn of Jerry and his group’s reasoning, while finally learn that Zafir had nothing to do with the kidnapping and would’ve killed the people responsible himself, due to his early days in the new world where his wife and daughter were raped and killed by bandits.
He lets them go and they take the truck packed with feed from the Harvest Hills storage house back to their old community.
Ending (thought you should read this part)
There was so much to think about, so many things Jerry had forgotten already. Zafir, he said Dan was broken, he could somehow see it in his eye. Jerry knew of what happened to Daniel’s family on the first day of the outbreak. He wasn’t kept in the dark entirely. Anthony had told him after Dean had told Anthony. But they were dead. Both lifeless corpses rotting a hole Jerry had dug, right next to Stan. The times had changed so fast, Jerry had been lost the first couple of days. But Anthony’s death shook him deeply. His dying wish was to have Jerry look after the group, he couldn’t help but think he only choose him due to the lack of other options at the time. But he himself, he was breaking, or already broken, mentally. How could he save himself while still trying to save a group of people that seemed to grow.
Jordan looked at her hands with red, sensitive eyes.
Christian looked back the whole ride as he thought of how quickly he abandoned his girlfriend, Maria. But Zafir’s words help clear his mind of one worry; that she wasn’t being tortured. Maria was safe, but out of reach.
Atlanta kept her eyes on the road, away from the group in the pickup bed, but every now and then looking back to make sure they were okay.
Ashley held Daniel’s hand, the boy never letting go as he stared almost blankly at the retreating road. He was lost in many ways.
They arrived soon enough at the front gate of their old daydream fort. It bleck, devoid of life, so much was lost here. From the first fight that broke out between Jerry and Anthony, to the final days of the community as Jerry pulled his enemy from the dead. The picture still haunted Jerry, of Anthony crawling towards him while making ungodly noises. It was all too clear in Jerry’s mind, but it was hard to forget, or remember Anthony as anything but that monster.
There was a long noise as the truck rolled over the knocked down gate and into the community.
The dead body of Anthony rested in the grave along with Stan and Dean. The darkened skies above sent chills down several of the groups’ spines, it was a sad sight for the remaining members.
But sadness had it’s way long enough… A light shined from inside one of the house, just has the headlights of the truck shined upon the house itself. It was the Harper’s house. Illuminated by the cold light of the truck, the house door swung open and a figure stepped out, holding their hand over their face to shield himself from the harsh light. It was a man, no a boy. He had dark hair, maybe brown. But it was clear he held a assault rifle on his side.
“Hello?” The boy called into the headlights as he struggled to see through them. Jerry flipped a switch and the lights died down just enough to see the boy’s face. He was somewhat short and had dark brown hair, he was young, probably in his teenage years.
Jerry gripped Anthony’s pistol tightly as he notice the boy reaching repositioning his assault rifle. “Don’t shoot!” Ashley quickly called to the young boy and he hesitated.
“I won’t shoot, but you can’t shoot either.” He answered as he let his rifle rest against the porch. “Who are you?” He asked through the softer light as he began to notice how many people there were for the first time. This was met by a shock look, almost one of fear.
“My name is Jerry Stewart…” he answered as he walked closer to the porch and the boy, “and this is my neighborhood.” The boy get a good look at Jerry, his broken nose, many cuts and bruises and blood stained shirt. It made a clear impression on the boy and he took a step back. “I don’t want to kill you, but--” Jerry started, but couldn't finish when a loud voice echoed from inside the house. “Keith...What’s--”
“Jerry?!” It was female, suddenly two other figures step out of the house and stood near the boy. It was Josephine and Lindsay. Josie being the one who called out.
Jerry’s expression lighted beyond measurement. He took several steps forward and then broke into a run. Within seconds he was giving Josie and Lindsay a big hug, much to their surprise. The boy stood back with a dumbfounded expression as he watched Jerry let go of the duo. He could make out bruises of their arms and face, but they were alive.
“Um…” Lindsay mumbled awkwardly.
“I found you. I’ve finally found you.” Jerry smiled as he looked back at the rest of the group, but soon remembered the dead members and his face hardened, “there’s a lot we need to talk about.”
Okay there
That's everythingyou need to know about chapter 5. I'd recommend you start reading the new episode since it's only just began. Anyway, thank you for reading!
And it wasn't the flesh eating dead or the lead of bullets. It was gravity that was his undoing
I didn't realize how much of a good team Jerry and Christian made until now and I also didn't even notice that Jerry set the lab fire. It's amazing what a quick review can do for you
I wonder who it would be... I hope it would be Dan.
You have a good point. I might need to start doing
I could see a lot of interesting things coming from that, but I would've been very reluctant to kill off half the characters
It sort of reminds me of "It wasn't the airplanes, it was beauty killed the beast" but I'm way off here right? lol
"'tis beauty who killed the beast"
I think that's it XD
It would be nice because some tend to miss stuff, myself included, and some skim so that would be pretty cool.
Well I mean one of them would survive, another would probably have fatal injuries, and maybe one goes missing like wherever the fuck they went
It's diffidently something to consider
Most actually, most would've had fatal injuries ;_;
Chapter 1: “Trauma” - Part 3: “New Faces”
The Countryside.
No matter how much he wish to believe he could pull himself up, it was clear he couldn’t, but he also knew he couldn’t just dangle there for much longer. At least he wasn’t thinking shortsightedly, right? He prepared to drop down, but almost like stabbing yourself, your body isn’t willing to let you hurt yourself. But forcefully, he took a deep breath of the fresh morning air and then let his grip loosen and without a second thought, he threw his arms away from the branch and let himself fall.
A loud crack echoed pierced his ears and he felt an awful pain suddenly appear in the back of his head as he fell to the ground.
The boy hit the ground landing on his buttex and insaitly had a pain shoot up his thigh. He let out a muffled cry and whimpered as he cruncked leafs tightly in his hands. It overshadow a second pain in the back of his head. He soon discovered it as he felt a wetness between his head and the ground. Reaching towards the back of his head and giving it a feel, it was differently wet. Upon pulling his hand back, the tips of his fingers were covered in own red blood.
“Fuck…” he muttered as he tried to relax his muscles and lay flat on the ground “...fuck me.”
Teary eyed from the pain, he rose up and cringed as he looked at his surroundings. He diffidently didn’t want to be heard or spotted in this area.
The boy looked to his left and spotted a stick among the leafs, it would be his new walking cane for the time being. He leaned his body towards the long stick and had pain shoot up his spine and legs, but he wasn’t a stranger to pain, he worked through it and tightly gripped the stick as he propped himself up.
He cringed but found his footing and stood with his back slouched as he reviewed his options from there on.
There was no other options left. He was starving, dehydrated, sleepless, an open wound on the back of his head, and finally a possible broken bone. He needed to be found by someone, anyone, if he wanted to live.
He straightened his back and made himself as tall as he could as he raised his voice as loud as he could, “please! Anyone! Help, please! H-help--” He bellowed into the morning air at the top of his lungs, but the pain became too much, he soon felt his head lightning until he fell to the ground without so much as a whimper.
He laid on the leafy ground while a distance away...a man lay on a hill looking through the scope of a high powered sniper rifle. He wore a camouflage jacket that covered his face. He took his eye off the scope. “Shit…” he mumbled to himself as he looked at the unconscious boy in the distance.
He slowly awakened with a several pains returning to his awareness. “Ugh!” The boy exclaimed as he tried to sit up, but had a piercing pain shoot up his back. He fell back on the bed and bit down on his lip while the pain slowly faded away again.
He wiped his hands across his wet teary eyes and cleared his vision just enough so he could get a good look at his surroundings. The first thing that came clear to him as that he was in a one room cabin. It was small, probably about 10 foot walls in length made with logs and the same went for the roof.
It was honestly cozy and made a good shelter against the elements. There wasn’t fireplace, but there were candles on several shelves and they seem to do the trick to fight away the coldness of the autumn night. More notable, there was a wooden rake that look like it was meant to hold a rifle of sorts.
A sleeping bag was rolled up and set on the floor next to a fur rug. But worryingly so, he was alone in the cabin.
He sat himself up once again and this time worked through the pain until he was slid his legs off the bed and was finally sitting up. “Hello?” He called into the dimly lit room, just in case someone was nearby.
But he was met by no answer, though outside the cabin, he could hear footsteps approaching from the crack of the leafs.
The door swung open and tall man stepped inside with a sad look on their face and a sniper rifle over his shoulder, but when he saw the boy his expression lighten and he forced a smile. “Hello, I see you’re up…” his voice was kind enough, but something was off about him. He was very tall with an average build, accompanied by light brown hair and thick stubble.
“Hi,” the boy barely managed, “who are you and why am I here?” His tone taking a serious turn, he waited for the man’s answer.
“My name’s Vincent Hale, but call me Vince, “ he answered cheerfully as he pulled up a metal chair from the corner of the room and set the propped the rifle on the wall. He took a seat, “though...I’d like to know your name, too.”
“Zayne…” the boy mumbled reluctantly, “my name is Zayne.”
“Well, Zayne, you should be happy to know I’ve taken the liberty of dressing the wound on the back of your head--” He paused giving a reassuring look, “you’ve been good hands. It should heal before you know it.”
“What are you? A doctor?” Zayne groaned as he felt the back of his head and sure enough, he found a bump and guze covering it.
“No, it’s just common knowledge, I suppose. I’m actually a hunter, have been my whole life.” His smiled faded and his look became serious, “I don’t want to touch upon topics that may prove...hurtful, but you’re safe here and around me. I’ll like to know if that goes both ways…”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Zayne defensively replied.
“I’m talking about...the-- in these times the smallest of children can be killers and I want to know I’m safe around you.” Vince let out a patient sigh, “I don’t have to worry about you slitting my throat while sleep, do I?”
[Honesty - “Of course not.”]
[Tough - “Y’know what they, ‘sleep with one eye open’.”]
[Speculate - “Do I look like a killer?”]
[Sarcasm - “Yes, I’m going to stab the shit out of you with my bare hands.”]
[Sarcasm - “Yes, I’m going to stab the shit out of you with my bare hands.”]
Let's do it.
Thanks Hope!!!
Wait so whos the boy at the end? Was he already introduced?
[Sarcasm - “Yes, I’m going to stab the shit out of you with my bare hands.”]
[Sarcasm - “Yes, I’m going to stab the shit out of you with my bare hands.”]
Everyone loves sarcasm, right? Right?
Absolutely correct. 112%
[Sarcasm - “Yes, I’m going to stab the shit out of you with my bare hands.”]
Because it's looks like he still has a healthy sense of humor :P
Well, I've watched the movie 3 times cause it's just so fucking awesome and the line goes like I wrote it.
I actually just wondered if you had it in mind when you wrote that sentence because it just made me think of the movie (guess not tho..)
[Honesty - “Of course not.”]
Fuck yo' bandwagon.
[Sarcasm - “Yes, I’m going to stab the shit out of you with my bare hands.”]
[Sarcasm - “Yes, I’m going to stab the shit out of you with my bare hands.”]
A little sarcasm can't hurt anybody.
[Sarcasm - “Yes, I’m going to stab the shit out of you with my bare hands.”]
I don't think so, but I'm still confuse which movie we're talking about. I'm starting to think it's King Kong, but for some reason I thought it was Beauty and the Beast XD
The boy at the end of episode 1 is named Keith while the boy in the beginning of episode 2 is Zayne
You'd be the to know that XD
hahaha yeah I did talk about King Kong(original ofc)...Hands down one of the best movies ever made.
You're right tho I did mentioned he'll adjust himself to the new world and it's been some time since the start of the apocalypse so he probably had to go through some bad stuff
Yeah, considering how far they've come, he could be hardened, less joking and more serious.
[Sarcasm - “Yes, I’m going to stab the shit out of you with my bare hands.”]
Chapter One: “Trauma” - Part 4: “Simple.”
The Countryside
“Yes, I’m going to stab the shit out of you with my bare hands,” Zayne answered, sarcastically blowing over on the question.
Vince forced a lighthearted smile, “at least you’ve got a sense of humor, but a dry one.” He let out a sigh a depressed and his expression turned into a frown, “in the early days the children seemed so innocent… Now they’re just like everyone else…”
A brief moment a silence fell over them as Zayne bit his lip and replied, “yeah…” guilty of his answer.
“Sorry,” Vincent added, “I don’t mean to bring down the mood,” he apologized while looking Zayne in the eye, “but it’s a honest to god fact.”
“So…” Zayne mumbled, giving the cabin another look over, just to take it all in. “Could you explain something to me?” He asked ambiguously.
“I’ll tell you anything you want,” the man answer, “as long as I can give an answer.”
“ did you find me?” Zayne asked, an interested expression falling over his face. “I’m...I was pretty sure no one was following me at the time. I took extra care to avoid being found by leaving the road…”
“Well, Zayne…” Vincent sighed, “you entered my hunting territory so I chose to keep an eye on you while you passed through it, to make sure you weren’t in any danger while dealing with the...locals...or any of the dead. I didn’t plan to contact you, either, you didn’t seem like you wanted to be found so I kept away...but you made it quite clear you wanted help after you fell outta that tree.”
Zayne gave him a puzzled look, “you stalked me?” His voice carrying a worried but fierce tone.
“Well…” Vincent mumble, scratching the back of his head, “technically, yes...but not 24/7. I simply kept an eye on you,” he answer with reinsurance in his words.
“Right…” Zayne mutter in reply, his expression wandered and become undecided. “I’ve got lots of question…” he mumbled, glancing at the sniper rifle.
“Ask away,” Vincent smiled, halfheartedly awaiting the questions.
“I’m...I’m not entirely sure where I am,” Zayne admitted, “mind telling me?”
“Well, you’re in North-west Colorado,” Vincent answered with a smile, but he frowned and gave a puzzled look, “you didn’t just wander about, did you?”
“A lot...lots stuff happened, I…” Zayne trailed off and gave a depressed look. “I’ve been walkin’. That’s about it.”
“Well…” Vincent sighed with sympathetic look, “well that’s begs the question, where did you come from?”
“East…” Zayne answered reluctantly, “I-- we...caught word of a safe place somewhere west and we made our way towards it...but...we never found any such place.” An angry look filled his eyes, “it all went to pieces before we could even get through Kansas City…” Zayne hissed.
“The dead?” Vincent seculationed, “or the living?” He let out a sigh of annoyance and disappointment. “I’d never thought it could get this bad. So bad that the living join the list of problems you have to deal with…”
“You’ve had your fair share of encounters with those-- bad people.” Zayne gave an ambiguous glare out the cabin window. “I saw lights in the distance last night. Can you tell me anything about that?” He asked, returning his vision towards Vincent.
“ start this wasn’t last night. You’ve been out cold for 4 days.” Noticing Zayne sudden turn in expression, he was quick to try to reassure him, “I know it’s a lot to hear and take in, but it’s true.”
“Damn…” Zayne mumbled with a worried look.
But then Vincent said to Zayne, “you asked about lights in the distance? That’ll be the locals, or as local to this area as one can be. They’re bad, awful, irredeemable people... Those are the people you saw that night. I don’t to scare you...but...they’re cannibals as far I can tell, maybe slavers. They round up people, pretty much what you saw in the distance, and...take them away… Fuck, I’m sorry if this is scaring you, it’s not my intention. You need to know and I need to tell you.”
A steadily worried faced Zayne let out several heavy breaths as he gulped. “They...they don’t know where we’re at? Do they?!” Zayne exclaimed as he frantically looked out the window to see if he could spot a cannibal hiding the brush.
“Yes…” Vincent reluctantly answered with gloomy voice, “they know exactly where I am.”
Zayne’s eyes widened and he tried to stand up, but once again the pain shot up his spine and he started to fall to the ground, but Vincent was quick to jump up and catch him. He carefully laid Zayne back in the bed, “whoa! Calm down, there’s more to learn before you make your choice…”
“Choice?” Zayne hissed as he waited for the pain to subside.
“I’ll get to that.” He took a deep breath and continued in a calming tone, “they know where I am, sure, but they haven’t attacked me with good reason. They’re scared of me. Well, at least the power I to speak.” Vincent reached over to the sniper rifle and pulled it towards him, setting it on his lap. “This is what I mean...I’m a hunter, but most importantly...I can shoot any of those inbreds before they can get close…”
“Inbred?” Zayne questioned, not knowing the word.
“Um… It’s an insult that refers to one’s intelligence…” Vincent awkwardly explained. “But we’re offtopic now… Um… It’s pretty much been a silent truce, I’ve never seen them in person, not counting through the scope… seems to be coming to end, rapidly. They’ve gotten close into territory they know is mine. I, of course, have the power to kill them without getting close...but...I’m not one for killing the living, even those sonsofbitches, but when it comes down to it...I’m ready to pull the trigger.”
“You haven’t done anything about them yet?” Zayne pondered, “how many could there be?”
Vincent clicked his tongue, giving painful frown as he explained, “more than I can handle. Sure, I could take out a good few, but I couldn’t kill them all. Not to mention the consequences of firing a single shot. I’d get walkers from miles around entering my hunting area, killing the game, maybe even killing me if I’m not too careful or get overrunned,” his expression grew depressed, probably because of the thought. “And I will get overrunned if I fire carelessly. Too many people have learned that the hard way… I don’t intend to get into a firefight with a group of unknown size.”
“But…” Zayne mumbled with the look of a plan brewing in his eye, “but what if you figure out where they hang their hat and just… It isn’t nearby, right?”
“I cover a good amount of land, several miles, but I have no idea where they hang their hat,” Vincent replied a matter of factly. “Even if I worked up the balls to start a fight at their home, I’d likely be done in by the dead anyway, if not the living.”
“Well,” Zayne sighed, “it’s seems you have a big problem…”
“Yeah, well, eh…” Vincent muttered incoherently, but he gave a serious look and continued. “It’s time for that choice I was talking about.”
“What’d you mean by that?” Zayne questioned as Vincent laid the sniper rifle on the wall.
“It’s...well, you have a choice right now. You’re free to leave whenever you feel like it, you’re also welcome to stay here as long as you’ll like. I’d recommend you stay at least long enough to get back on your feet.” He folded his hands and looked Zayne in the eye. “What will it be, then?” Vincent asked.
[Plan to stay until fully well.]
[Stay for the extended future.]
[Leave at the first chance.]
[Plan to stay until fully well.]
These people in the woods, the locals, they kinda freak me out.
Well, you're gonna get even more freaked out as this story-line progresses...
[Plan to stay until fully well.]
Cannibalism is probably the only thing I haven't accused Zafir's group of in the last episode, so naturally I am creeped out by these cannibal people. However, I like Vince and Zayne, they make for a nice team. Hopefully they don't get eaten.
Pls no.
Hopefully is the key word...
...It won't be long now. They will return soon.
What? I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of bad things to come >:3