Ah I see! A teacher of history by any chance?
:O Please don't! Their relationship hasn't been shown enough yet!!!
I typed in 'very neurotic Austrian' into Google and it came up with Dr. Alfred Adler
I forgot to include this: I did not percieve any of this as being a dick. This is just healthy constructive criticism. Being a dick would be responding to each chapter saying that my story sucks, I should go die in a hole, that kindergartners have written better, etc.
Besides, I am a difficult person to offend (but do not take advantage of that XD).
I didn't think this needed to be split into 2 parts if I'm honest, but whatever
Ah, it is now that machines are becoming even more commo… moren... I wonder what that was like back then, seeing something so marvellous parade through the streets and making it's mark on history?...
Fifty marks sounds like Alfred over-paid the waiter by 5x the amount! Damn, they must have money to spare :P
Also, in spite of being lovers, I would like to see more 'couple stuff' between Alfred and Gartraud; they don't hold hands, hug, kiss, or even make sweet remarks that often... Maybe I'm just used to the portrayal of other couples in Fables and on this thread
Now In spite of me sounding like a dick in places with this comment, I really do enjoy this tale! So I look forward to more dude! XD
I feel as though I'm being overly critical though, fair enough that you don't offend easily (wish I was like that...) but if I start sounding a little dickish then please tell me ok
I have received a hate review from a troll before on TDAU Act 2; in which I was labelled as a terrible writer, with shit story ideas, I had no right to review anyone else's fics as they were all 10x better writers than I am, and that I'm an asshole to everyone this forum...
I have also experienced plagiarism before... The plagiarism was harder to deal with than the review (I just deleted the review, but it took the author who plagiarised not only me, but several other authors months before he admitted he was in the wrong and changed everything)
I forgot to include this: I did not percieve any of this as being a dick. This is just healthy constructive criticism. Being a dick would be… more responding to each chapter saying that my story sucks, I should go die in a hole, that kindergartners have written better, etc.
Besides, I am a difficult person to offend (but do not take advantage of that XD).
I feel as though I'm being overly critical though, fair enough that you don't offend easily (wish I was like that...) but if I start soundin… moreg a little dickish then please tell me ok
I have received a hate review from a troll before on TDAU Act 2; in which I was labelled as a terrible writer, with shit story ideas, I had no right to review anyone else's fics as they were all 10x better writers than I am, and that I'm an asshole to everyone this forum...
I have also experienced plagiarism before... The plagiarism was harder to deal with than the review (I just deleted the review, but it took the author who plagiarised not only me, but several other authors months before he admitted he was in the wrong and changed everything)
Robert woke up with a pounding headache. The severe thrusting caused him to collaspe to the ground and groan in agony. It felt like a two ton truck ran over his entire torso, skull and face, then backed up and drove on his corpse one final time. Robert glanced at the clock and noticed the time. He recalled being with his brother and watching Nick and Hades train them for the war. The images of Emily once again piled into his thoughts and all the occured in the kitchen came to a screeching hault.
Robert was flirting with Gren's wife. This was GREN'S wife he was pulling the moves on and Robert became nauseated and revolted simply thinking of these sudden thoughts and actions. Emily was a stunning woman, yes but to even attempt such activity on her? Ruin what progress he and Gren were striding to accomplish in their own mangeled relatonship?
Squirming his way to the bathroom sink, Robert's head pulsated, causing the man to lean against the bathroom door and vomit on the floor. A thick, black material poured from his lips and onto the tile. Touching the liquid, it stung his fingers and left a slight black tint to his flesh.
"What the fuck is this shit?" Robert thought back to the alley. "What did that bitch DO to me? What...what is going on here!?"
"Ah, you're awake." A female voice spoke, causing Robert to lift against the door. "You Grendels sure do sleep a lot..."
"Who the fuck is there!?" Robert growls, glaring into the kitchen. "Come on out, you fucking bitch!"
The female voice cackles; Robert notices a heel clad foot appear one at a time, then the appearence of Carla. Beside her, Hecate. The beautiful woman in the toga holds up the golden skull. The item gleams under the kitchen lights.
"Why Robert Grendel. It's been SO long since our last conversation. How have you been, hm? Ah my little spell is working perfectly!"
"What are you up to, Carla!?" Robert leaps forward, hoping to snag her in his hand. "You're killing this town! You murdered your own sister! Sons! Have you no heart or shame for the actions you've done to this town?"
Again, Carla laughs. "Do I CARE, Robert? Absolutly not, my poor foolish friend! Those boys were weak, as far as I could tell. The only useful child has no fucking clue she's being played in my little plan! Poor, sweet, pitiful Rosie will learn the hard lessons in life and see this world for what it truly is. And you, Robert...you're going to help bring Gren down for me."
"No..." Robert reaches forward again, hissing. "YOU have no power over me! I shall fight this and refuse to aide you! He's my brother! He's family and I will not have Gren's blood on my hands because of you!"
"You don't have a choice, Robert!" Carla pushes him back to the groud. "The spell has already begun and no matter how hard you tried to hide or ignore it, this little thing will find you. I have you working your way up. You've gained Gren's trust, therefore he's allowed you into his home. Around his children and that wife of his. EVERYONE has a weakness, Robert. Your brother's main shortcoming lies in the beauty of Emily Porgie. Love can make beast or man become deranged and blinded by its powers. Once you get in there and remove Emily, your brother will come crashing down and become weak. Depressed, lonely little pile of misery that I can EASILY remove with a single swipe of my hand. Those quads can either join me or killed on the spot. Then, once I posses the bow in my hands, I will have control over this town! Over the Underworld and all that lie before me! The Wolf community shall rise again and all those standing in my way will perish."
"You're a sick fucking bitch!" Robert attempts to sit up. "Gren was nothing but good to you! He loved those kids and you made him return to the bottle and a path that nearly killed him-"
"-Yes but I didn't take into consideration that bitch Vivian guiding that pathetic skank into his eager arms and the two becoming one. Awww, how fucking precious is THAT, Robert?! Two lonely, pitiable people becoming one and taking on this world with such confidence! That makes for grade A bullshit, don't you think? Emily should have been rotting in the Earth and Gren hanging from a branch or lead pipe in his cheap ass studio apartment. Whiskey his only friend...."
Robert jabs into Carla's chest, causing the woman to fall into the table and Robert tumbling near the sink. Hactes throws the golden skull in the air, leaving a cloud of gold dust. She blows this into Robert's face, leaving the man powerless and unable to speak. His eyes dart back and forth,
watching Carla sit up, adjust her dress and giggle.
"No, no, Robert." Carla kicks Robert in the side. "That was very stupid of you. You should know better by now, foolish Fable. YOU all forget one thing: magic can be learned by ANYONE, even a mundy! Look at that....little old me, knowing magic compared to your pathetic thirteenth floor
Witches and their useless methods. You and this town have no idea what your headed for....everyone thinks Hades and Nick can teach Emily a few tricks? My stupid sister and her family, Snow Bitch tagging along, can scare ME!? They think its all been worked out and they can take me down and all will live happuly ever after. But, no....No, Robert. It's not that easy anymore. See, everything is falling into place, even as we speak: Ethan's curse is setting in quite nicely. Rosie has her foot in the door, still holding to Gren's trust. Emily has the bow and wouldn't you FUCKING know it-Gren LOVES Emily! So, by me-oh, I'm sorry-YOU, killing her, he loses all hope. I take the bow, kill all the others, Ethan becomes a reckless killing machine and all will kneel before me! Nothing can stop me, Robert. NO ONE..."
"You're wrong..." Robert grunts, holding onto his side. He smiles the entire time. "You did not take into consideration the power and knowledge they recieved. My brother is alpha. He's stronger then you know of. Emily is wiser. Lyla and the others are searching. Preparing for this War, even as WE speak now, Carla. You THINK you've won...but you didn't. You lost." Robert chuckles. "You LOST, you stupid bitch! NO magic you posses can stop what they have planned..."
Carla grips Robert's shirt and pins him to the ground. The pounding headache returns, as Carla releases a cloud of spours into Robert's face.
"You will listen to me and listen good. I NEED you to GET Emily: I don't care HOW you do it. Rape the little bitch for all I care. Have your fun before we kill her and send Gren into a rage. Then, you battle him as he's weak and vulnerable. Don't kill him JUST yet-finish off those brats. Again, I don't care HOW, just do it. And, as he falls into a miserable state of bullshit....KILL him..."
Robert agrees; Carla releases the man, watching Robert collide into the counter and stare into the open space. Carla chuckles, walks out the door and is followed by Hecate.
"Take care, Robert. See you in two days..."
Business Office. Afternoon
"GEORGE! No!" Sheila chases after her brother. "You can't DO that, it isn't fair!"
Jersey and Katie's thirteen girls sat in the play area of the Business Office; Junior and Mary's six attended while their parents helped out with the plan, while Josiah sat in the corner and observed the chaos falling before him. George creates a portal and jumps through; Sheila pokes her head into the spinning vortex but could not locate her brother.
"GEORGE!" Sheila screams into the air. "I'm telling mom if you keep being an asshole!"
"OH you said a bad word." Aubrey turns to Sophia and the girls snicker. "We're telling mom and dad."
"Go ahead-TELL mom and dad. Just know this: that gold fish you BOTH have in the room. Well, let's just say TODD is going for a swim in the morning..."
"You're lying!" Sophia stands up, a fireball circling in her hands. "You wouldn't DARE touch Todd."
"WATCH me. Go ahead-TELL mom and dad..."
Bella, Jersey and Katie's oldest, rolls her eyes and dodges a ball of fire. While Sophia and Sheila dueled over a fish, the mini Jersey carried on and found the vortex spinning. She taps on the item and clears her throat.
"Uh, George. I do believe we had something to TALK about..."
George pokes through and scans the area. "I'm the oldest here, Bella. And I SAY we have everything in order and there is no need to look it over again."
"You're older by a YEAR, George." Bella chuckles. "Then it goes me. And I say we need to go over ONE last time before this happens."
"Fine. I guess." George steps through. "I don't want her near me, though. Sheila bites."
"This way, then." Bella grabs George's hand and leads him to the others. She speaks. "Alright, we all know our mommy and daddys are against this woman-my mommy said this was her aunt Carla but she became a bad woman. She is trying to hurt uncle Gren, aunt Emmy and all the others. We have to help them out and stop Carla from doing any further damage and-"
"HEY!" Aubrey looks over and waves. "Where are Seraphina, Liam, Vivi and Chloe at, Bell?"
"They are with their parents but I assure you all of them are aware of our place in this and will stand by for their next motives. I hear Hades and this mysterious man named Nick are training aunt Emmy and uncle Gren. While those four and dealing with that, we'll handle this. I'll catch the quads up. We're supposed to see them tomorrow and I'll make sure to address anything you guys feel they need to know..."
George takes a seat beside his sister Haylee and Damien. "Go over the plan one more time, Bella."
"Alright." Bella stands on a nearby chair. "We are ALL aware if what is taking place. I know my parents are with papa and nana, along with uncle Hans, aunt Gina and Malcom and-"
Hope chuckles. "Teehee. Malcom..."
Bella rolls her eyes and continues. "ANYWAYS...as I was saying, they're busy doing that at the moment. What WE'RE going to do is this: Maddie is going to change the weather to a severe rain and hail storm. While they are trying to figure out what is taking place, Seraphina will summon the plants and direct them to Carla. The ones that can fly are taking to the sky and will dive one at a time to destract her. While those that are flying and the plants make her weak and vulnerable, Viviana and Chloe are going to summon the shadows and use them to play 'tricks' on Carla's eyes. I don't think she knows they can do that. While that is taking place, the ones able to create portals, hop in mirrors...anything reflective, to be exact, will slide through and leave their marks on Carla and attack. Once aunt Emmy sees we're all in danger, the arrows and bow will appear and she'll be able to take Carla down. Uncle Gren will finish her off...."
"Wow." George whistles after the description. "That's a lot of detail, Bella. But...do you THINK we can pull this off or-"
"We got this, George." Bella dimples, taking a seat between her sisters. "Carla may be a mundy with a lot of powerful spells and tricks on her side but she's forgetting WHO she's messing with. We're a family and family sticks together."
Hope pulls on Bella's dress. "Is it true....they are going to train papa Georgie?"
"That is correct."
"HOW can papa Georgie help?" Sheila throws her hands up. "He's a normal Fable and has no powers. He-"
Bella glares over and peeks; she wanted to make sure no adults were heading their way and would overhear their secret plan to assist in the war. Bella continues.
"I heard my mommy talking to your mommy and daddy two nights ago-I think it has to do with that song we don't sing and some pictures? I heard your daddy say they had several photos and that's it. I guess when you sing the song and show papa Georgie these pictures, there is a dark magic deep inside of him and if Carla is USING dark magic, they want to be prepared...."
"Oh." Hope plays with her pigtail. "Bella, I'm scared."
"We'll be fine." Bella holds her younger sister. "Like I said, we're family and we got this down. I'll let the others know and when the time comes-"
"HOW are we all to meet up? We can't all go through the mirrors."
"Half through the mirrors, others on the backs of those that can fly. We'll meet in aunt Emmy and uncle Gren's home because it will take place there."
"Why?" George looked concerned. "WHY there?"
Bella looks up. "Because of aunt Emmy."
Any questions, you know the drill! Oh I can't wait! Just 3 more days and we'll be heading to San Fren!! GAH I'm so excited over here! Hope you all are having a wonderful week so far. I FINALLY got my thesis paper done and now we wait!
Over the past few days, I've been trying to catch up on all of your readings. However, it may come to a point where I can't catch up due to how quickly chapters are being posted each day.
Even now, it's kind of becoming too much for me at the moment!
Not a problem, my good man. Trying to get a chap a day until the move and everything takes place. I've fallen behind a few chaps myself. XD That new guy is a beast, though! XD XD
Over the past few days, I've been trying to catch up on all of your readings. However, it may come to a point where I can't catch up due to … morehow quickly chapters are being posted each day.
Even now, it's kind of becoming too much for me at the moment!
Not a problem, my good man. Trying to get a chap a day until the move and everything takes place. I've fallen behind a few chaps myself. XD That new guy is a beast, though! XD XD
Over the past few days, I've been trying to catch up on all of your readings. However, it may come to a point where I can't catch up due to … morehow quickly chapters are being posted each day.
Even now, it's kind of becoming too much for me at the moment!
Over the past few days, I've been trying to catch up on all of your readings. However, it may come to a point where I can't catch up due to … morehow quickly chapters are being posted each day.
Even now, it's kind of becoming too much for me at the moment!
@DragonButter(?) Robert Grendel will remember this....
now, to your comment pie, thisis me ALL the time with you. XD LMAO I loved the design of Fayde. She's so pretty and I love the natural red hair men and women have. I think it's a breath of fresh air. Belinda is very beautiful, too, although I pictured her with black hair for some odd reason. Damn, Johnathan! 0.0 I have three hunks to pick from now: him, Ethan & Peter Porgie! XD Damn, that smile and Matthew is too precious! He reminds me of my nephew.
I love the drawings, too. I recall reading about Carter and he's a handsome young man with this mysterious woman. And the picture with Harmony and her infant son had me falling into a pit of emotions! I love her; she and Lyla are the kinds of mothers any child would be blessed to have in their lives.
Glad to hear school has been going great. Same bullshit, just different day with me. School, work and doing my thang. Wonderful work as always!
Not a problem, my good man. Trying to get a chap a day until the move and everything takes place. I've fallen behind a few chaps myself. XD That new guy is a beast, though! XD XD
You know I'm very confused with myself, I absolutely HATE Carla yet I just love how evil this bitch is! I do hope they kill her though no matter how awesomely evil she is -.-
Hopefully the plan they have set up will take Carla down. It sounds like Georgie is going to do something Badass though!
Congrats man! I hope all goes well with the landlord and I hope you have fun too while you're there! I remember when you first started talking about that thesis paper, good to know it's finally done and over with! my week is going pretty goo, I hope to hang out with my group of friends tonight!
Willow street. Fabletown.
Robert woke up with a pounding headache. The severe thrusting caused him to collaspe to the ground and groan in… more agony. It felt like a two ton truck ran over his entire torso, skull and face, then backed up and drove on his corpse one final time. Robert glanced at the clock and noticed the time. He recalled being with his brother and watching Nick and Hades train them for the war. The images of Emily once again piled into his thoughts and all the occured in the kitchen came to a screeching hault.
Robert was flirting with Gren's wife. This was GREN'S wife he was pulling the moves on and Robert became nauseated and revolted simply thinking of these sudden thoughts and actions. Emily was a stunning woman, yes but to even attempt such activity on her? Ruin what progress he and Gren were striding to accomplish in their own mangeled relatonship?
Squirming his way to the bathroom sink, Robert's head pulsated, causin… [view original content]
I understand man, if you wanna skip one of my chapters then I can fill you in on what happened with a brief recap...
Also the one-shot I posted is just for fun, it's not important :P
That's alright man, the fact you even tried to keep up is awesome.
I'd be more than happy to summarize the events that has happened up until now in my story if you want me to! And I'm sure everyone else would to
Rammstein sure does find the time to bust out his chapters doesn't he?
Shame that he lives in Australia cuz his hours are so opposite to ours (he's asleep when I'm awake practically)
(I realise I just butted in on your convo... sorry guys...)
Ah that was Kieron in the future, I did that to show how Kieron would act in Stones story so people wouldn't be like woah what happened to Kieron!? and well a peak of the future of my story XD
Right now in my story Kieron and his friends just suffered their first casualty and Kieron feels as if it was all his fault due to him letting his guard down when the fight was not over. And now Nick and Galen have joined the fight, Nick to help Kieron and Galen to help the King ensure victory. Also Hans has been captured by scientists and may be experimented on just like Kieron has been.
I try my best! Even when people don't seem to notice.
I think the last part I've read was when Kieron started to become an efficient and fearsome leader in order to put Wonderlands' armies in their place.
I needed to make something clear, Pie. I now see where Emily gets her butt. It's not Lyla:
Damn! Dat ass, Georgie! :P
Ahem, anyways, to the story! AH! My poor Robert! I hope Carla gets what is coming to her; I hope Robert fights this spell, turns on Carla and goes from there! Fights beside Gren and Emily and destroys this woman! >:( The idea of her using her own family members is disgusting!
These children are too precious! George and Sheila remind me of my sister and I. Bella is my favorite, besides Hope. (I saw what you did there with that whole Malcom comment) lol That plan, though! I think its too cute they are trying to help their family out. I loved that saying Bella did: 'Family stays together' I'm curious about Georgie, now.......
Willow street. Fabletown.
Robert woke up with a pounding headache. The severe thrusting caused him to collaspe to the ground and groan in… more agony. It felt like a two ton truck ran over his entire torso, skull and face, then backed up and drove on his corpse one final time. Robert glanced at the clock and noticed the time. He recalled being with his brother and watching Nick and Hades train them for the war. The images of Emily once again piled into his thoughts and all the occured in the kitchen came to a screeching hault.
Robert was flirting with Gren's wife. This was GREN'S wife he was pulling the moves on and Robert became nauseated and revolted simply thinking of these sudden thoughts and actions. Emily was a stunning woman, yes but to even attempt such activity on her? Ruin what progress he and Gren were striding to accomplish in their own mangeled relatonship?
Squirming his way to the bathroom sink, Robert's head pulsated, causin… [view original content]
I need to eventually look at your bios for Nick and Galen since I've forgotten about them! (if you haven't already listed them down as a result, that is!)
Ah that was Kieron in the future, I did that to show how Kieron would act in Stones story so people wouldn't be like woah what happened to K… moreieron!? and well a peak of the future of my story XD
Right now in my story Kieron and his friends just suffered their first casualty and Kieron feels as if it was all his fault due to him letting his guard down when the fight was not over. And now Nick and Galen have joined the fight, Nick to help Kieron and Galen to help the King ensure victory. Also Hans has been captured by scientists and may be experimented on just like Kieron has been.
LMAO If you need a recap yourself, just let me know and I'll get you to the current situations.
Will Ramm become the next pie? We'll … morefind out later in... The Twilight Zone.
This has made my flipping day!
EDIT: I just noticed you DId ask for a recap. OH its been one of those days. lol
I need to eventually look at your bios for Nick and Galen since I've forgotten about them! (if you haven't already listed them down as a result, that is!)
I needed to make something clear, Pie. I now see where Emily gets her butt. It's not Lyla:
Damn! Dat ass, Georgie! :P
Ahem, anyway… mores, to the story! AH! My poor Robert! I hope Carla gets what is coming to her; I hope Robert fights this spell, turns on Carla and goes from there! Fights beside Gren and Emily and destroys this woman! >:( The idea of her using her own family members is disgusting!
These children are too precious! George and Sheila remind me of my sister and I. Bella is my favorite, besides Hope. (I saw what you did there with that whole Malcom comment) lol That plan, though! I think its too cute they are trying to help their family out. I loved that saying Bella did: 'Family stays together' I'm curious about Georgie, now.......
Great chap, man!
I needed to make something clear, Pie. I now see where Emily gets her butt. It's not Lyla:
Damn! Dat ass, Georgie! :P
Ahem, anyway… mores, to the story! AH! My poor Robert! I hope Carla gets what is coming to her; I hope Robert fights this spell, turns on Carla and goes from there! Fights beside Gren and Emily and destroys this woman! >:( The idea of her using her own family members is disgusting!
These children are too precious! George and Sheila remind me of my sister and I. Bella is my favorite, besides Hope. (I saw what you did there with that whole Malcom comment) lol That plan, though! I think its too cute they are trying to help their family out. I loved that saying Bella did: 'Family stays together' I'm curious about Georgie, now.......
Great chap, man!
That's me, too. I hate her with a passion but she's so deliciously evil! >:D It will all work out, my good man and I think you all will like what Georgie has to offer, that loveable British fool.
I hope so, too, man! And awesome to hear you'll be with friends! You need that little break after all those midterms and what not!
You know I'm very confused with myself, I absolutely HATE Carla yet I just love how evil this bitch is! I do hope they kill her though no ma… moretter how awesomely evil she is -.-
Hopefully the plan they have set up will take Carla down. It sounds like Georgie is going to do something Badass though!
Congrats man! I hope all goes well with the landlord and I hope you have fun too while you're there! I remember when you first started talking about that thesis paper, good to know it's finally done and over with! my week is going pretty goo, I hope to hang out with my group of friends tonight!
Now I definitely know it's the Twilight Zone because you replied to the wrong comment!
Anyway, glad it did. I try my best as I've mentioned to some. :P
Oh, and yes! I do aim to be a history teacher.
I forgot to include this: I did not percieve any of this as being a dick. This is just healthy constructive criticism. Being a dick would be responding to each chapter saying that my story sucks, I should go die in a hole, that kindergartners have written better, etc.
Besides, I am a difficult person to offend (but do not take advantage of that XD).
I feel as though I'm being overly critical though, fair enough that you don't offend easily (wish I was like that...) but if I start sounding a little dickish then please tell me ok
I have received a hate review from a troll before on TDAU Act 2; in which I was labelled as a terrible writer, with shit story ideas, I had no right to review anyone else's fics as they were all 10x better writers than I am, and that I'm an asshole to everyone this forum...
I have also experienced plagiarism before... The plagiarism was harder to deal with than the review (I just deleted the review, but it took the author who plagiarised not only me, but several other authors months before he admitted he was in the wrong and changed everything)
For me, being a dick would be a hate review like what you described. I am confident you wouldn't fall so far as that!
Thanks for the vote of confidence
I know, and I picked up on that.
Willow street. Fabletown.
Robert woke up with a pounding headache. The severe thrusting caused him to collaspe to the ground and groan in agony. It felt like a two ton truck ran over his entire torso, skull and face, then backed up and drove on his corpse one final time. Robert glanced at the clock and noticed the time. He recalled being with his brother and watching Nick and Hades train them for the war. The images of Emily once again piled into his thoughts and all the occured in the kitchen came to a screeching hault.
Robert was flirting with Gren's wife. This was GREN'S wife he was pulling the moves on and Robert became nauseated and revolted simply thinking of these sudden thoughts and actions. Emily was a stunning woman, yes but to even attempt such activity on her? Ruin what progress he and Gren were striding to accomplish in their own mangeled relatonship?
Squirming his way to the bathroom sink, Robert's head pulsated, causing the man to lean against the bathroom door and vomit on the floor. A thick, black material poured from his lips and onto the tile. Touching the liquid, it stung his fingers and left a slight black tint to his flesh.
"What the fuck is this shit?" Robert thought back to the alley. "What did that bitch DO to me? What...what is going on here!?"
"Ah, you're awake." A female voice spoke, causing Robert to lift against the door. "You Grendels sure do sleep a lot..."
"Who the fuck is there!?" Robert growls, glaring into the kitchen. "Come on out, you fucking bitch!"
The female voice cackles; Robert notices a heel clad foot appear one at a time, then the appearence of Carla. Beside her, Hecate. The beautiful woman in the toga holds up the golden skull. The item gleams under the kitchen lights.
"Why Robert Grendel. It's been SO long since our last conversation. How have you been, hm? Ah my little spell is working perfectly!"
"What are you up to, Carla!?" Robert leaps forward, hoping to snag her in his hand. "You're killing this town! You murdered your own sister! Sons! Have you no heart or shame for the actions you've done to this town?"
Again, Carla laughs. "Do I CARE, Robert? Absolutly not, my poor foolish friend! Those boys were weak, as far as I could tell. The only useful child has no fucking clue she's being played in my little plan! Poor, sweet, pitiful Rosie will learn the hard lessons in life and see this world for what it truly is. And you, Robert...you're going to help bring Gren down for me."
"No..." Robert reaches forward again, hissing. "YOU have no power over me! I shall fight this and refuse to aide you! He's my brother! He's family and I will not have Gren's blood on my hands because of you!"
"You don't have a choice, Robert!" Carla pushes him back to the groud. "The spell has already begun and no matter how hard you tried to hide or ignore it, this little thing will find you. I have you working your way up. You've gained Gren's trust, therefore he's allowed you into his home. Around his children and that wife of his. EVERYONE has a weakness, Robert. Your brother's main shortcoming lies in the beauty of Emily Porgie. Love can make beast or man become deranged and blinded by its powers. Once you get in there and remove Emily, your brother will come crashing down and become weak. Depressed, lonely little pile of misery that I can EASILY remove with a single swipe of my hand. Those quads can either join me or killed on the spot. Then, once I posses the bow in my hands, I will have control over this town! Over the Underworld and all that lie before me! The Wolf community shall rise again and all those standing in my way will perish."
"You're a sick fucking bitch!" Robert attempts to sit up. "Gren was nothing but good to you! He loved those kids and you made him return to the bottle and a path that nearly killed him-"
"-Yes but I didn't take into consideration that bitch Vivian guiding that pathetic skank into his eager arms and the two becoming one. Awww, how fucking precious is THAT, Robert?! Two lonely, pitiable people becoming one and taking on this world with such confidence! That makes for grade A bullshit, don't you think? Emily should have been rotting in the Earth and Gren hanging from a branch or lead pipe in his cheap ass studio apartment. Whiskey his only friend...."
Robert jabs into Carla's chest, causing the woman to fall into the table and Robert tumbling near the sink. Hactes throws the golden skull in the air, leaving a cloud of gold dust. She blows this into Robert's face, leaving the man powerless and unable to speak. His eyes dart back and forth,
watching Carla sit up, adjust her dress and giggle.
"No, no, Robert." Carla kicks Robert in the side. "That was very stupid of you. You should know better by now, foolish Fable. YOU all forget one thing: magic can be learned by ANYONE, even a mundy! Look at that....little old me, knowing magic compared to your pathetic thirteenth floor
Witches and their useless methods. You and this town have no idea what your headed for....everyone thinks Hades and Nick can teach Emily a few tricks? My stupid sister and her family, Snow Bitch tagging along, can scare ME!? They think its all been worked out and they can take me down and all will live happuly ever after. But, no....No, Robert. It's not that easy anymore. See, everything is falling into place, even as we speak: Ethan's curse is setting in quite nicely. Rosie has her foot in the door, still holding to Gren's trust. Emily has the bow and wouldn't you FUCKING know it-Gren LOVES Emily! So, by me-oh, I'm sorry-YOU, killing her, he loses all hope. I take the bow, kill all the others, Ethan becomes a reckless killing machine and all will kneel before me! Nothing can stop me, Robert. NO ONE..."
"You're wrong..." Robert grunts, holding onto his side. He smiles the entire time. "You did not take into consideration the power and knowledge they recieved. My brother is alpha. He's stronger then you know of. Emily is wiser. Lyla and the others are searching. Preparing for this War, even as WE speak now, Carla. You THINK you've won...but you didn't. You lost." Robert chuckles. "You LOST, you stupid bitch! NO magic you posses can stop what they have planned..."
Carla grips Robert's shirt and pins him to the ground. The pounding headache returns, as Carla releases a cloud of spours into Robert's face.
"You will listen to me and listen good. I NEED you to GET Emily: I don't care HOW you do it. Rape the little bitch for all I care. Have your fun before we kill her and send Gren into a rage. Then, you battle him as he's weak and vulnerable. Don't kill him JUST yet-finish off those brats. Again, I don't care HOW, just do it. And, as he falls into a miserable state of bullshit....KILL him..."
Robert agrees; Carla releases the man, watching Robert collide into the counter and stare into the open space. Carla chuckles, walks out the door and is followed by Hecate.
"Take care, Robert. See you in two days..."
Business Office. Afternoon
"GEORGE! No!" Sheila chases after her brother. "You can't DO that, it isn't fair!"
Jersey and Katie's thirteen girls sat in the play area of the Business Office; Junior and Mary's six attended while their parents helped out with the plan, while Josiah sat in the corner and observed the chaos falling before him. George creates a portal and jumps through; Sheila pokes her head into the spinning vortex but could not locate her brother.
"GEORGE!" Sheila screams into the air. "I'm telling mom if you keep being an asshole!"
"OH you said a bad word." Aubrey turns to Sophia and the girls snicker. "We're telling mom and dad."
"Go ahead-TELL mom and dad. Just know this: that gold fish you BOTH have in the room. Well, let's just say TODD is going for a swim in the morning..."
"You're lying!" Sophia stands up, a fireball circling in her hands. "You wouldn't DARE touch Todd."
"WATCH me. Go ahead-TELL mom and dad..."
Bella, Jersey and Katie's oldest, rolls her eyes and dodges a ball of fire. While Sophia and Sheila dueled over a fish, the mini Jersey carried on and found the vortex spinning. She taps on the item and clears her throat.
"Uh, George. I do believe we had something to TALK about..."
George pokes through and scans the area. "I'm the oldest here, Bella. And I SAY we have everything in order and there is no need to look it over again."
"You're older by a YEAR, George." Bella chuckles. "Then it goes me. And I say we need to go over ONE last time before this happens."
"Fine. I guess." George steps through. "I don't want her near me, though. Sheila bites."
"This way, then." Bella grabs George's hand and leads him to the others. She speaks. "Alright, we all know our mommy and daddys are against this woman-my mommy said this was her aunt Carla but she became a bad woman. She is trying to hurt uncle Gren, aunt Emmy and all the others. We have to help them out and stop Carla from doing any further damage and-"
"HEY!" Aubrey looks over and waves. "Where are Seraphina, Liam, Vivi and Chloe at, Bell?"
"They are with their parents but I assure you all of them are aware of our place in this and will stand by for their next motives. I hear Hades and this mysterious man named Nick are training aunt Emmy and uncle Gren. While those four and dealing with that, we'll handle this. I'll catch the quads up. We're supposed to see them tomorrow and I'll make sure to address anything you guys feel they need to know..."
George takes a seat beside his sister Haylee and Damien. "Go over the plan one more time, Bella."
"Alright." Bella stands on a nearby chair. "We are ALL aware if what is taking place. I know my parents are with papa and nana, along with uncle Hans, aunt Gina and Malcom and-"
Hope chuckles. "Teehee. Malcom..."
Bella rolls her eyes and continues. "ANYWAYS...as I was saying, they're busy doing that at the moment. What WE'RE going to do is this: Maddie is going to change the weather to a severe rain and hail storm. While they are trying to figure out what is taking place, Seraphina will summon the plants and direct them to Carla. The ones that can fly are taking to the sky and will dive one at a time to destract her. While those that are flying and the plants make her weak and vulnerable, Viviana and Chloe are going to summon the shadows and use them to play 'tricks' on Carla's eyes. I don't think she knows they can do that. While that is taking place, the ones able to create portals, hop in mirrors...anything reflective, to be exact, will slide through and leave their marks on Carla and attack. Once aunt Emmy sees we're all in danger, the arrows and bow will appear and she'll be able to take Carla down. Uncle Gren will finish her off...."
"Wow." George whistles after the description. "That's a lot of detail, Bella. But...do you THINK we can pull this off or-"
"We got this, George." Bella dimples, taking a seat between her sisters. "Carla may be a mundy with a lot of powerful spells and tricks on her side but she's forgetting WHO she's messing with. We're a family and family sticks together."
Hope pulls on Bella's dress. "Is it true....they are going to train papa Georgie?"
"That is correct."
"HOW can papa Georgie help?" Sheila throws her hands up. "He's a normal Fable and has no powers. He-"
Bella glares over and peeks; she wanted to make sure no adults were heading their way and would overhear their secret plan to assist in the war. Bella continues.
"I heard my mommy talking to your mommy and daddy two nights ago-I think it has to do with that song we don't sing and some pictures? I heard your daddy say they had several photos and that's it. I guess when you sing the song and show papa Georgie these pictures, there is a dark magic deep inside of him and if Carla is USING dark magic, they want to be prepared...."
"Oh." Hope plays with her pigtail. "Bella, I'm scared."
"We'll be fine." Bella holds her younger sister. "Like I said, we're family and we got this down. I'll let the others know and when the time comes-"
"HOW are we all to meet up? We can't all go through the mirrors."
"Half through the mirrors, others on the backs of those that can fly. We'll meet in aunt Emmy and uncle Gren's home because it will take place there."
"Why?" George looked concerned. "WHY there?"
Bella looks up. "Because of aunt Emmy."
Any questions, you know the drill! Oh I can't wait! Just 3 more days and we'll be heading to San Fren!! GAH I'm so excited over here!
Hope you all are having a wonderful week so far. I FINALLY got my thesis paper done and now we wait! 
I'll explain more in due time! In your case, just know that she's meant to be a badass Banshee who's Irish and on the run!
Over the past few days, I've been trying to catch up on all of your readings. However, it may come to a point where I can't catch up due to how quickly chapters are being posted each day.
Even now, it's kind of becoming too much for me at the moment!
Not a problem, my good man.
Trying to get a chap a day until the move and everything takes place. I've fallen behind a few chaps myself. XD That new guy is a beast, though! XD XD
Rammstein sure does find the time to bust out his chapters doesn't he?
Shame that he lives in Australia cuz his hours are so opposite to ours (he's asleep when I'm awake practically)
(I realise I just butted in on your convo... sorry guys...)
I understand man, if you wanna skip one of my chapters then I can fill you in on what happened with a brief recap...
Also the one-shot I posted is just for fun, it's not important :P
That's alright man, the fact you even tried to keep up is awesome.
I'd be more than happy to summarize the events that has happened up until now in my story if you want me to! And I'm sure everyone else would to
@DragonButter (?) Robert Grendel will remember this....
now, to your comment pie, thisis me ALL the time with you. XD LMAO I loved the design of Fayde. She's so pretty and I love the natural red hair men and women have. I think it's a breath of fresh air.
Belinda is very beautiful, too, although I pictured her with black hair for some odd reason. Damn, Johnathan! 0.0 I have three hunks to pick from now: him, Ethan & Peter Porgie! XD Damn, that smile and Matthew is too precious! He reminds me of my nephew. 
I love the drawings, too. I recall reading about Carter and he's a handsome young man with this mysterious woman. And the picture with Harmony and her infant son had me falling into a pit of emotions!
I love her; she and Lyla are the kinds of mothers any child would be blessed to have in their lives.
Glad to hear school has been going great. Same bullshit, just different day with me. School, work and doing my thang.
Wonderful work as always!
Don't make me the bad guy here.
Will Ramm become the next pie? We'll find out later in... The Twilight Zone.
EDIT: I'll send you a message or comment asking for a recap later.
You know I'm very confused with myself, I absolutely HATE Carla yet I just love how evil this bitch is! I do hope they kill her though no matter how awesomely evil she is -.-
Hopefully the plan they have set up will take Carla down. It sounds like Georgie is going to do something Badass though!
Congrats man! I hope all goes well with the landlord and I hope you have fun too while you're there! I remember when you first started talking about that thesis paper, good to know it's finally done and over with!
my week is going pretty goo, I hope to hang out with my group of friends tonight! 
A recap would be great! I believe the last chapter I left off on was when Nick unexpectedly met Lyla again.
I try my best! Even when people don't seem to notice.
I think the last part I've read was when Kieron started to become an efficient and fearsome leader in order to put Wonderlands' armies in their place.
Ah that was Kieron in the future, I did that to show how Kieron would act in Stones story so people wouldn't be like woah what happened to Kieron!? and well a peak of the future of my story XD
Right now in my story Kieron and his friends just suffered their first casualty and Kieron feels as if it was all his fault due to him letting his guard down when the fight was not over. And now Nick and Galen have joined the fight, Nick to help Kieron and Galen to help the King ensure victory. Also Hans has been captured by scientists and may be experimented on just like Kieron has been.
I needed to make something clear, Pie. I now see where Emily gets her butt. It's not Lyla:
Damn! Dat ass, Georgie! :P
Ahem, anyways, to the story! AH! My poor Robert! I hope Carla gets what is coming to her; I hope Robert fights this spell, turns on Carla and goes from there! Fights beside Gren and Emily and destroys this woman! >:( The idea of her using her own family members is disgusting!
These children are too precious! George and Sheila remind me of my sister and I.
Bella is my favorite, besides Hope. (I saw what you did there with that whole Malcom comment) lol That plan, though! I think its too cute they are trying to help their family out. I loved that saying Bella did: 'Family stays together' I'm curious about Georgie, now.......
Great chap, man!
LMAO If you need a recap yourself, just let me know and I'll get you to the current situations.
This has made my flipping day!
EDIT: I just noticed you DId ask for a recap. OH its been one of those days. lol
I need to eventually look at your bios for Nick and Galen since I've forgotten about them! (if you haven't already listed them down as a result, that is!)
Nah man! I was teasing. -brofist-
Ya' know I love ya'!
Now I definitely know it's the Twilight Zone because you replied to the wrong comment!
Anyway, glad it did. I try my best as I've mentioned to some. :P
That's the latest chapter so you're good to go
Oh Nick and Galen are Hazzas OCs
Damn, Georgie got some booty on him :P
Ah, shit! That's right! Fuck, the name Nick is floating around this discussion a lot! XD
I feel like a dum dum. Forgive me @HazzatheMan!
You didn't comment on my last chapter either >:(
Dear freaking lord that ass! XD Okay! It's Georgie's fault!
I assure you all will be answered in the following chapters!
I think you'll like the Georgie idea. 
Thanks, man. That image...XD
That's me, too. I hate her with a passion but she's so deliciously evil! >:D It will all work out, my good man and I think you all will like what Georgie has to offer, that loveable British fool.
I hope so, too, man! And awesome to hear you'll be with friends! You need that little break after all those midterms and what not!
DAH! XD Man told ya'. Can't do nothing right today!
I just pictured Rod Serling making a comment like: 'What you're about to watch is a nightmare...'
You're awesome, bro. -brofist-
Of course I haven't, because I was currently trying to catch up with everyone's stories at the time (like I said).
No that's my fault man I should've said so XD