Glad that it is so! I have little else to do aside from cleaning the dishes and floors. It is why I post so often.
Speaking of which ther… moree will be a break were I will post no chapters for a couple of days (familial issues). This may give those who can not keep up with the speed of my posts a chance to catch up. I will still be on these forums. I just won't have time to write.
If one was to do their homework during the breaks at school, they would have all the time in the world to do things at home (like chores and videogames ).
Sorry to hear that about your family
Mine isn't dysfunctional, but my Parent's can only be civil with each other...
Don't you have schoolwork? (Oh God, I turn 20 and already I'm turning into a Parent!!! :O)
If one was to do their homework during the breaks at school, they would have all the time in the world to do things at home (like chores and videogames ).
Thank you for the kind words, Hazza.
Look what Hman got!!!!:
Cuz I'm so retro! I last played this easily 13-14 years ago, and my nostalgia has spread to it for some unkno… morewn reason XP
On a side note, I am currently displeased with something that I found out happened recently. It's not a personal issue at all, but it would've been nice if said event didn't happen cuz now it means waiting for an EVEN LONGER amount of time. Don't bother asking me what happened cuz it's kinda private, and the desired outcome was for everyone here though...
Aside from that, I hope everyone is doing well
(And don't be surprised if I start an unexpected selfie craze for whatever reason...)
Look what Hman got!!!!:
Cuz I'm so retro! I last played this easily 13-14 years ago, and my nostalgia has spread to it for some unkno… morewn reason XP
On a side note, I am currently displeased with something that I found out happened recently. It's not a personal issue at all, but it would've been nice if said event didn't happen cuz now it means waiting for an EVEN LONGER amount of time. Don't bother asking me what happened cuz it's kinda private, and the desired outcome was for everyone here though...
Aside from that, I hope everyone is doing well
(And don't be surprised if I start an unexpected selfie craze for whatever reason...)
I'll play it on my PS3, I had a 60GB one that could play PS1 and PS2, but it's gotten the red light of death about 4 times now, so it's sat in my room collecting dust
I have a new PS3 (a slim one) and it can play PS1, but sadly not PS2...
I'll play it on my PS3, I had a 60GB one that could play PS1 and PS2, but it's gotten the red light of death about 4 times now, so it's sat in my room collecting dust
I have a new PS3 (a slim one) and it can play PS1, but sadly not PS2...
Yeah it sucks, some PS2 games haven't been re-released on PSN (Like X-Men 2: Wolverine's Revenge... loved that game!) and others have been remastered in HD, but some stuff has been removed...
For example, in Devil May Cry 3 (which is a frustratingly difficult game on higher difficulties) there was 1 cheat code that unlocked everything. In the PS2 version, this was awesome cuz you could enter it and save the game! In the HD remaster, the code is still there, but if you use it then then both trophies AND saving are disabled!! >:(
I forgot the PS3 can actually play old games, curse you Sony!!!
Yeah, sucks with the fat PS3 getting red lights. There's always an issue bound to happen with consoles that were currently new at the time.
If it becomes a hassle, you don't have to change it. I was actually thinking on doing something with her eye color in my story, but I don't know if it's going to happen anytime soon.
I will wait, I'm going to save one of the pictures you recently posted and will probably use it as my avatar on here. XD
It's all good man!
Good to know! I actually don't yet know if I can take her back in Create-A-Sim and fix it, however I'll play around an… mored If I do fix it, I'll re-upload a pic of her with grey eyes. Also, I have to send you the extra pics (as I've just remembered NOW that I haven't yet) so expect those shortly!
Well yeah, it would take the challenge (and fun) out for the trophy accomplishments and the game's progress if you could simply cheat in order to get them. That goes for other games, too.
Every company has its bad qualities, though they seem they are getting better now that the next-gen systems have been out for a while!
Yeah it sucks, some PS2 games haven't been re-released on PSN (Like X-Men 2: Wolverine's Revenge... loved that game!) and others… more have been remastered in HD, but some stuff has been removed...
For example, in Devil May Cry 3 (which is a frustratingly difficult game on higher difficulties) there was 1 cheat code that unlocked everything. In the PS2 version, this was awesome cuz you could enter it and save the game! In the HD remaster, the code is still there, but if you use it then then both trophies AND saving are disabled!! >:(
Sony sucks sometimes..., if that WAS going on in Gremily's bed, she'd need to burn the sheets and all. I mean,
Pretty much, yes. He has all those fun qualities and as far as Vivian, she is in physical form just invisible to everyone except for those I listed that can see her. Vacuums are pretty freaking powerul, my good man and if it can take Nick, then there goes Viv. Plus, its just fun to picture.
I have a friend that suffered a foursome in her actual bed at that Halloween party I went to dressed as Bigby... Man, she was not in… more the mood for the aftermath of that party. To my knowledge there was no mess, but the thought of 4 people??? Nah man, that's bad :P
So Nick's host has ghost properties and abilities as well? That makes sense
But Vivian is a physical form right? You can bump into Vivian (seeing as she's just invisible) so how can she get sucked in?
I still don't trust him... but that's just me., if that WAS going on in Gremily's bed, she'd need to burn the sheets and all. I mean,
Pretty much, yes. He has all… more those fun qualities and as far as Vivian, she is in physical form just invisible to everyone except for those I listed that can see her. Vacuums are pretty freaking powerul, my good man and if it can take Nick, then there goes Viv. Plus, its just fun to picture.
Well, guess I'll have to show you then, huh?
I don't care for trophies that much... UNLESS they're that easy to obtain in which case I have 4 Platinum trophies that may as well have been handed to me! XP
PS4 not having any backwards compatibility was a huge downside imo...
Well yeah, it would take the challenge (and fun) out for the trophy accomplishments and the game's progress if you could simply cheat in ord… moreer to get them. That goes for other games, too.
Every company has its bad qualities, though they seem they are getting better now that the next-gen systems have been out for a while!
I did know of the games brilliance back in the day... The first Bond game I played was Nightfire on PS2, then Agent Under Fire :P
The mos… moret recent Bond game, 007 Legends (which was meant to coincide with the 50 year Anniversary) sucked! It was just CoD with James Bond! >:'(
"No, Emily. Look, I'm fuckin' busy right now. Just...leave him there and I'll send either Ethan or Holly to pick him up. No, I doubt they can. Yes, I'm sure. Alright....bye."
Peter did not have time to babysit his guardian and had no intentions on making a trip to his sister's house. Right now, his mind was focused on the issue slowly creeping upon the town and his family alike. Penkle returned to the Sheriff's side with another stack of papers. The troll observed Peter take a yellow hightlighter and mark several spots on the paper. Once this was complete, Peter hands the stack to the Troll.
"EVERYTHING in yellow needs to be done by tomorrow night. There is to be no excuses, no mistakes-nothing. We need to warn everyone. Those related to this family need to stay indoors that are not going to participate in this war. We need to protect everyone that is in these walls and all around. You get all that, Penkle?"
"Yes sir, Peter." Penkle sticks the stack under his arms. "Do you want me contact Ethan now? Come down and-"
"No." Peter leans against the table. "I need...need Ethan to stay away from this as much as possible. My father is doing enough...."
Cocking an eyebrow, all Penkle could do was nod and head towards the back. Snow White takes a notice of Peter's posture; he stood just like his father, quivered his bottom lip like Bigby and even had the same method of frowning the brow when he was in a deep thought. Snow sighed. Stiffning his upper lip, Peter runs his fingers through the field of brown hair. He takes out a cigarette and lights it; the ipod plays 'Mockingbird' by Eminem on the desk as he returns to Ethan's desk and searches for a hole puncher. Snow holds one up and grins.
"You need to relax. You're taking on too much, Peter."
"I'm fine, Snow." Peter walks away leaving a trail of smoke. "I promise I'll be fine. This is nothing. We've had worse."
"I'll never forget when Mary began murdering Fables and Halfers alike. Those were dangerous times for us all. And Echidna and-"
"Yeah." Peter turns to look at Snow. "Guess my family has a large red target on their chest, huh Snow?"
"Guess that's one thing we have in common, Peter." Snow touches his arm. "Things have changed for us all."
"Only for the moment but I promise I'll fix this. I can't depend on Emily alone."
"You have to, Peter. We need Emily's powers with the bow and we have your father right now and-"
"Why do you need him, Snow?" Peter takes another long puff. "I mean, why do you need to reopen up old wounds, just to see if this thing will work or not. WHAT if this backfires and he's left in a pile of emotions-I can't THINK what this will do to him and I will not lose my father to that bullshit again. I've seen him deal with those demons, Snow. Please...."
"I assure you, Peter, this was HIS idea. He wants to help Emily. I have full confidence in your sister. You are all strong in your own ways; Penelope became the Dark Knight, Junior walks through the glass, sending fear into the hearts of mundies and Fables alike; Katherine has created a city with the fallen Folkers and like the Phoenix has risen from the ashes and created a wonderous place to start a new. You're too much like Bigby and although you wish to pretend, I see it more now and now the older you've become. Strong. And Ethan-"
"I want to protect him, Snow. I can't explain it but there is something in here telling me to do so...."
When Snow did not answer right away, Peter knew he was close to unraveling the truth. The look on her face, the petrified, concerned glare focusing in her pupils said enough for Peter to make his final decision. There was indeed something brewing inside of his twin brother. Perhaps it was their connection or the thoughts Peter used to develop when the boys were younger but Peter always felt like Ethan was doomed, no matter what. Peter was determined, however to end this war and protect his family, including Ethan. He was not going to lose his brother...
"Where is my father?" Peter hangs his head and glares at the ground. "Is here here or-"
"We have them in the basement of the building. The chambers. I can take you now or-"
"Thanks Snow." Peter tosses the burning end into his cigarette tray. "I'll see you down there."
Heading out and towards the chambers, all Peter could think back to were the days he and the others spent, careless and free, unaware evil was always lurking just a few feet from them.
"I..I can't do this." Lyla places the photo against her chest. "I can't. This is too much..."
Katie tries to comfort her mother. Malcom, John and Jersey stand near a stone wall, basking under the glow of a torch. Junior, sitting on the edge of a wooden beam, glances every so often into the mirror to check on the children and try to see if anything had changed within the streets of Fabletown. Georgie stood in the middle of the room, watching his wife drown in sorrow.
"Love, we hafta' do this and-"
"Sending you BACK there is not going to fix this!" Lyla throws the picture down. "I will not lose you to that...that PIG, Georgie! I can't LOSE you! I....I can't-"
Katie steps to the side and allows Georgie the opportunity to comfort Lyla. Lyla grabs Georgie's face and pulls close to her own. Her amber eyes lost in a sea of tears.
"Love, I NEED ta' do this. I can't allow our daughter to be the sole savior ta' this fookin' town. Ta' us. Part of this is my fookin' fault and-"
"HOW is this your fault!? My sister had no right using our love and conceiving children her free pass to tear this city down wall by wall. I'm tired of people using the Porgies and THEIR excuse in bringing pure evil to our lives! Please! you can't DO this!"
"And I won't let our daughter do this alone, either! She and Gren are indeed two very strong people but even then that can only go so far."
Georgie kisses Lyla on the forehead and steps back. "No, Georgie. Please....there has to be another way."
The torture Katie felt inside her soul the second she was handed another photo. Inhaling deeply, Georgie grabs his daughter's hand and holds tight. "Ya' dad is a tough son-of-a-bitch. I got this, love. don't ya' worry 'bout me...."
Peter managed to hide beside the large wooden doors and take a look at his father. Katie holds the picture up to Georgie's face. It was a black and white photo of his family. The only one Georgie ever owned and kept hidden in a shoe box at home. The only people to have known about this photo were Lyla and Nick; slowly over the years, he revieled his lost childhood to his children and other members as the family grew. Georgie could feel the discomfort in his stomach. Mind became a thick, black blanket and before anyone could say a word, all the lights were switched off.
The whimpers pouring from the middle of the floor easily sent chills along the arms of those present that day. Grinding his teeth, Peter desperatly wanted to grab Georgie, run up the stairs and into the light. His father despised the dark and nothing but old wounds were opening. Georgie hated the dark. Too many bad things took place in the dark.
"Oh my God...." Lyla found herself clinging to her son's arm. "I can'! No stop! Stop this now, Katherine!"
The curse, despite leaving Georgie's body, left a single tattoo on his right palm. A single thorn. Certain memories would trigger this tattoo into releasing the Dark magic inside of Georgie's body. Lyla's voice continued to carry on, even as her eyes glued to her husband, now glowing a dark majestic purple. The dark fueled his fears and caused the magic to seep through his veins and out for the world to view. Lyla continued to beg but Peter had to be strong for the both of them; he held his devestated mother back as the others could only stand back and watch. Katherine begins to sing the song. This caused Peter to growl...
'Georgie Porgie pudding n' pie. Kissed the girls and made them cry. When the boys came out to play-'
"That's ENOUGH, Katie!" Peter's voice carries inside the chambers and over her singing. "Stop! I'm the Sheriff and I demand this obscenity to end! NOW!"
"Ya' can't DO that, Peter-" Georgie struggles against the change. "I need ta' complete this, my son or else it can seriously fookin' hurt me. ya' old man...."
Peter remains hushed as Katie completes the song. '-Georgie Porgie ran away....'
Snow and Peter, along with Katie and Lyla stand back and lean their bodies against the wooden door. Georgie's entire body glowed in the dark; the mirror began reacting to the darkness flowing through his body and mind. Junior's eyes began to bleed as he slowly transformed into his true form. Screams and moans from the darkness echoed in the room; the purple reflecting off of Georgie's body continued to grow brighter as he left his mind wandering in his childhood memories and past experiences. The sorrow from within himself could suddenly be felt. The feeling was like a thousand knives penetrating your body, as fire consumed your soul and tortured your heart tauntings that never left one's mind.
"Katie, what's happening to dad..." Peter grabs his sister's hand. "Please..."
"Right now, the memories are triggering the power inside. This isn't necesserily 'evil' magic but it tends to focus toward the destruction, harming, cursing and complications of the life its directed at. Dad can manipulate his curse and place them in the person directed at. Watch...."
Katie turns the lights on; Georgie's eyes were as the dark as the night sky and lost. Lyla's face was stained with tears. Reaching out her hand, Snow pulls Lyla back. She of all people knew what it was like to see your loved one in a situation you can't tame. Katie takes out a picture of Carla. Before she could mouth the name, Georgie's hand lifts up and sends a blast of black mixed with purple into the image. Katie drops it; everyone watches the image being consumed with little Demonic creatures, chewing, cackling and ripping apart the picture. When the picture was consumed and nothing remained, all the creatures returned to Georgie; he was kneeling on the cold, cobblestone floor, collecting each demon in the thorn tattoo.
When all were gone, Georgie stands and closes his eyes. Inhaling deeply, the color returns to his body and as the lights flicker, he returns to his original state. Opening his eyes, they were the same shade of brown Lyla knew and loved. Pulling away from her son, she leaps into Georgie's eyes and kisses his lips softly.
"My Georgie..." She rubs his face and continues to kiss him. "Oh my God, are you alright? My precious, beautiful Georgie..."
"I'm alright, love. I think I got the fookin' handle on this now."
Katie smiles. "It would appear you do, dad. I think now we need to head back to the office and discuss how we're going to slip my father into the plan and the war that hangs over our head."
Snow answers. "We can have Emily and Gren take care of Carla for the first half and while she is busy with them, Georgie can enter the picture and use his ability to fight off Carla. Two users of Dark magic is a never ending battle, yes but once the other believes they can't do it, their powers weaken. Georgie-you must remain calm and collected as you face Carla. You CAN'T let her think she's won for if you begin to think that way, it shall happen. The magic will only flow, if you continue to let it do so."
Georgie nods, as he and Lyla head up the stairs. Peter quickly follows, grabs his father's hnd and examines it. The tattoo was still visible but faintly seeping through the skin. Georgie smiles, securing his youngest son under his arm.
"I'll be FINE, Peter. We 'ave this."
"I know. Its just...I hate seeing you in such pain and those memories, pictures-that song-I won't lose you to-"
"Ya' aint gunna lose me, Peter. Believe me. I've dealt with MY Demons."
As Peter and the others reach the lounge, his phone wildy goes off; the music plays and echoes in the halls. Stepping to the side, he noticed the call coming from Holly.
"Peter, where are you?"
"I'm...I'm at work..Holly, what's wrong?" Every turns to face the distraught man in the dark shirt and pants. "What...what is it? Is it Lily!?"
"No..." Holly's voice trembles. "It''s your brother. I think something is happening to Ethan, Peter. He JUST stopped by to grab some stuff and...he looked JUST like Georgie. He had the same tattoos and everything. Oh fuck and his voice....Peter-"
Running out the door, Peter aims his target on Michelle's apartment. His mother's voice was right behind but all he could picture was his brother. He knew it. Peter always had this feeling something was not 'right' about his brother. As Holly continued to speak, Peter runs down the busy streets.
He began praying he was not too late...
Any questions, you know the drill. Feeling like shit today; allergies are acting up BAD among other things as well. I'll be good, though. Pie is a toughie. Carla, however, is in for a wonderful treat...>:)
I remember Agent Under Fire having weird controls for moving and aiming
Legends is ok tbh, it uses the CoD engine, and it's mission are based on 1 film for each Bond:
1st mission is Goldeneye
2nd mission is On Her Majesty's Secret Service
3rd mission is License To Kill
4th mission is Die Another Day
5th mission is Moonraker
The DLC mission is Skyfall
All the missions have been modernised with some of the 'old' aspects left in for the nostalgia (technology wise at least) And you play as Daniel Craig's Bond the whole way through...
Boss Fights are all fist fights with QTE's, although they are pretty awesome!
OMG I ship Kieron and Azaria! He does have emotions and he can finally let them be free with her! This teleporter thing sounds interesting, too and I'd be scared shitless if Nick came through and was threatning me as such! XD I'm wondering how all thise ties into what took place before but I'll just have to wait and see for myself. Holding onto my theories, JUST in case.
I read this earlier but forgot to comment! XD I loved this so much and look forward to more and see where this leaves our good friends and their battle with Wonderland.
The Horsemen Rode Part: Three
Kieron and Azaria sat outside the Resistance base...
"Couldn't sleep?" Kieron asked
"No, not what hap… morepened earlier...poor John." Azaria said sitting next to Kieron
His face became sad "If only I were a little quicker..." He said
"You did your best besides, if you didn't run up to the commander and cut him down to begin with we all could have died." She said
"There's so many things I should have done." Kieron said
Azaria became upset. "You also need to stop running in like that! You're going to get yourself killed!" She said
Kieron had a serious look on his face. He looked up towards the moon. "Hey you think I have a purpose outside of fighting...That i can lI've a normal life?" He said
"What the hell is that supposed to mean Kieron!?" She said getting even more upset.
"If I were to make it out alive...what would I do? Am I fit to live in the real world?"
Azaria got up,… [view original content]
Look what Hman got!!!!:
Cuz I'm so retro! I last played this easily 13-14 years ago, and my nostalgia has spread to it for some unkno… morewn reason XP
On a side note, I am currently displeased with something that I found out happened recently. It's not a personal issue at all, but it would've been nice if said event didn't happen cuz now it means waiting for an EVEN LONGER amount of time. Don't bother asking me what happened cuz it's kinda private, and the desired outcome was for everyone here though...
Aside from that, I hope everyone is doing well
(And don't be surprised if I start an unexpected selfie craze for whatever reason...)
For a game that came out in 2000 to some pretty bad reviews (the main criticism was how it took inspiration from several popular PS1 games, like Metal Gear Solid, and just didn't know which game it wanted to be) I wanna play it again
Man, after seeing this and all these Nintendo 64 talk and what not, makes me wanna go searching for my old games, boot them up and see if they work. And if they do...:D
Man, after seeing this and all these Nintendo 64 talk and what not, makes me wanna go searching for my old games, boot them up and see if they work. And if they do...:D
It was a steal at £6.74! XD
For a game that came out in 2000 to some pretty bad reviews (the main criticism was how it took inspiration f… morerom several popular PS1 games, like Metal Gear Solid, and just didn't know which game it wanted to be) I wanna play it again
Yes! I did good! XD Kieron finally learns how to express his feelings and it may have cost him a good slap to the face it paid off! Magic teleporters into someone's mind is very interesting XD Dude I'd run so fast if I saw him coming XD I think you'll love the next act then
Hey that's alright man! XD I don't know what was up with my internet yesterday but it refused to allow me on this site so I have to catch up on your story as well, although from the comments it didn't seem too pleasant o.o Glad you are enjoying the story Pie! Hey they're heroes so they must prevail!....right?
OMG I ship Kieron and Azaria! He does have emotions and he can finally let them be free with her! This teleporter thing sounds interesting,… more too and I'd be scared shitless if Nick came through and was threatning me as such! XD I'm wondering how all thise ties into what took place before but I'll just have to wait and see for myself. Holding onto my theories, JUST in case.
I read this earlier but forgot to comment! XD I loved this so much and look forward to more and see where this leaves our good friends and their battle with Wonderland.
Think you and me would be in the corner, begging for our lives.
That was my internet yesterday, too. It kept kicking me off but this weather has been stupid. Go home, California-you're drunk! XD I love the story and I'm curious how its all going to be and end! My latest post was not bad; I think everyone is just concerned for Ethan and his curse. I agree, my good man. Prevail!!
Yes! I did good! XD Kieron finally learns how to express his feelings and it may have cost him a good slap to the face it paid off! Magic t… moreeleporters into someone's mind is very interesting XD Dude I'd run so fast if I saw him coming XD I think you'll love the next act then
Hey that's alright man! XD I don't know what was up with my internet yesterday but it refused to allow me on this site so I have to catch up on your story as well, although from the comments it didn't seem too pleasant o.o Glad you are enjoying the story Pie! Hey they're heroes so they must prevail!....right?
Think you and me would be in the corner, begging for our lives.
That was my internet yesterday, too. It kept kicking me off but this wea… morether has been stupid. Go home, California-you're drunk! XD I love the story and I'm curious how its all going to be and end! My latest post was not bad; I think everyone is just concerned for Ethan and his curse. I agree, my good man. Prevail!!
Dude I think Emily needs to go on a Luigi's mansion escapade finding all the ghosts doing it in all the rooms XD I'd pay to read it at least :P
I don't know what to think of the new Ethan he seems fine and I feel that he still deeply cares for the two which is shown but maybe there is something else...
Awesome part as always! Now I must read the next part! XD
Since leaving the park, Gren tried to contact Robert. He really wanted to see his brother and speak to him. Gren knew SOMETHING happened in … morethe kitchen between Emily and Robert; Thomas explained Robert maybe challenging him once more and is trying to use Emily as the fire starter to this. The call, however, always went to voicemail. Even Isaiah tried several times but the same outcome every time.
Gren would attempt one last time before bed that evening but would have to speak to Robert in the morning. Gren did not want to cause anymore trouble between himself and Robert; his children loved their uncle Robert and Gren desperatly wanted his brothers to be a huge part in his life. Gren also knew if Robert refused to let go of it all and continue to cause trouble, he'd sadly have to let his older brother go once more and wait...
Isaiah took Thomas home; the pair would be back early in the morning to continue the training and as Isaiah place… [view original content]
Look what Hman got!!!!:
Cuz I'm so retro! I last played this easily 13-14 years ago, and my nostalgia has spread to it for some unkno… morewn reason XP
On a side note, I am currently displeased with something that I found out happened recently. It's not a personal issue at all, but it would've been nice if said event didn't happen cuz now it means waiting for an EVEN LONGER amount of time. Don't bother asking me what happened cuz it's kinda private, and the desired outcome was for everyone here though...
Aside from that, I hope everyone is doing well
(And don't be surprised if I start an unexpected selfie craze for whatever reason...)
Speaking of FF, I still need to play Final Fantasy 7!!!
My friends called it "an awesome classic that everyone should play!"
I have seen the movie Advent Children as well, both regular and extended cuts. I don't play FF, but I understand the events of 7 enough to get into it :P
Dude I think Emily needs to go on a Luigi's mansion escapade
I need to find a reference now of this game and draw her as such, being Vivian and Nick the ghosts she has to capture! XD
A lot of people are unsure of Ethan right now. He deeply loves those girls and would NEVER hurt them but with the situation with Carla and his family in danger, he'd do ANYTHING to protect them.
Dude I think Emily needs to go on a Luigi's mansion escapade finding all the ghosts doing it in all the rooms XD I'd pay to read it at least… more :P
I don't know what to think of the new Ethan he seems fine and I feel that he still deeply cares for the two which is shown but maybe there is something else...
Awesome part as always! Now I must read the next part! XD
Wow...Georgie is a badass and a very manly man to he able to do that. I understand how Peter feels seeing someone close to you go through everything all over again is an awful sight but it needed to be done. Poor Peter he's getting a lot of shit thrown at him in such a short amount of time...
Amazing as always! Hopefully Georgie kicks the everliving shit out of Carla >:D
Business Office. Late afternoon
"No, Emily. Look, I'm fuckin' busy right now. Just...leave him there and I'll send either Ethan or Holly … moreto pick him up. No, I doubt they can. Yes, I'm sure. Alright....bye."
Peter did not have time to babysit his guardian and had no intentions on making a trip to his sister's house. Right now, his mind was focused on the issue slowly creeping upon the town and his family alike. Penkle returned to the Sheriff's side with another stack of papers. The troll observed Peter take a yellow hightlighter and mark several spots on the paper. Once this was complete, Peter hands the stack to the Troll.
"EVERYTHING in yellow needs to be done by tomorrow night. There is to be no excuses, no mistakes-nothing. We need to warn everyone. Those related to this family need to stay indoors that are not going to participate in this war. We need to protect everyone that is in these walls and all around. You get all that, Pe… [view original content]
Dude I think Emily needs to go on a Luigi's mansion escapade
I need to find a reference now of this game and draw her as such, being… more Vivian and Nick the ghosts she has to capture! XD
A lot of people are unsure of Ethan right now. He deeply loves those girls and would NEVER hurt them but with the situation with Carla and his family in danger, he'd do ANYTHING to protect them.
Thanks, my good man!
Sorry to hear that about your family
Mine isn't dysfunctional, but my Parent's can only be civil with each other...
Don't you have schoolwork? (Oh God, I turn 20 and already I'm turning into a Parent!!! :O)
Was that The Lonely Island?
Damn, they got Elijah Wood and Ryan Reynolds in the video!
If one was to do their homework during the breaks at school, they would have all the time in the world to do things at home (like chores and videogames
Thank you for the kind words, Hazza.
Well I'll be damned :P I was terrible with homework in my last year of High-School, thankfully College was all assignments
The one and only. (see what I did there?)
Nice! I still have my GoldenEye cartridge for the Nintendo 64 somewhere at my parents house.
Nice, it makes me wish I owned an original Playstation, even a PS2 would've sufficed!
I'll play it on my PS3, I had a 60GB one that could play PS1 and PS2, but it's gotten the red light of death about 4 times now, so it's sat in my room collecting dust
I have a new PS3 (a slim one) and it can play PS1, but sadly not PS2...
Kinda :P
I never played Goldeneye 64!! :O
I never owned a Nintendo 64 either...
Game made me feel 2spooky.
I forgot the PS3 can actually play old games, curse you Sony!!!
Yeah, sucks with the fat PS3 getting red lights. There's always an issue bound to happen with consoles that were currently new at the time.
It was the godfather of shooting games at it's time.
Nah man good thing! A VERY good thing, my man!
Yeah it sucks, some PS2 games haven't been re-released on PSN (Like X-Men 2: Wolverine's Revenge... loved that game!) and others have been remastered in HD, but some stuff has been removed...
For example, in Devil May Cry 3 (which is a frustratingly difficult game on higher difficulties) there was 1 cheat code that unlocked everything. In the PS2 version, this was awesome cuz you could enter it and save the game! In the HD remaster, the code is still there, but if you use it then then both trophies AND saving are disabled!! >:(
Sony sucks sometimes...
If it becomes a hassle, you don't have to change it. I was actually thinking on doing something with her eye color in my story, but I don't know if it's going to happen anytime soon.
I will wait, I'm going to save one of the pictures you recently posted and will probably use it as my avatar on here. XD
I did know of the games brilliance back in the day... The first Bond game I played was Nightfire on PS2, then Agent Under Fire :P
The most recent Bond game, 007 Legends (which was meant to coincide with the 50 year Anniversary) sucked! It was just CoD with James Bond! >:'(
Well yeah, it would take the challenge (and fun) out for the trophy accomplishments and the game's progress if you could simply cheat in order to get them. That goes for other games, too.
Every company has its bad qualities, though they seem they are getting better now that the next-gen systems have been out for a while!, if that WAS going on in Gremily's bed, she'd need to burn the sheets and all. I mean,
Pretty much, yes. He has all those fun qualities and as far as Vivian, she is in physical form just invisible to everyone except for those I listed that can see her. Vacuums are pretty freaking powerul, my good man and if it can take Nick, then there goes Viv. Plus, its just fun to picture.
Well, guess I'll have to show you then, huh?
Well I say foursome, it was 2 separate couples doing their own thing, but in the same bed
If you say so :P
Lol, yet another lesson for Hman XD
I don't care for trophies that much... UNLESS they're that easy to obtain in which case I have 4 Platinum trophies that may as well have been handed to me! XP
PS4 not having any backwards compatibility was a huge downside imo...
Which was also known for having the most frustrating escort level concerning Natalya. Fuck that level.
YES, I have also played both those games! So many memories!!!
Haven't played Legends, and I don't plan to, lol.
Oh man this has to be one of my favorite themes ever! Tetra then proceeds to jam out to Luigi's Mansion lol
Business Office. Late afternoon
"No, Emily. Look, I'm fuckin' busy right now. Just...leave him there and I'll send either Ethan or Holly to pick him up. No, I doubt they can. Yes, I'm sure. Alright....bye."
Peter did not have time to babysit his guardian and had no intentions on making a trip to his sister's house. Right now, his mind was focused on the issue slowly creeping upon the town and his family alike. Penkle returned to the Sheriff's side with another stack of papers. The troll observed Peter take a yellow hightlighter and mark several spots on the paper. Once this was complete, Peter hands the stack to the Troll.
"EVERYTHING in yellow needs to be done by tomorrow night. There is to be no excuses, no mistakes-nothing. We need to warn everyone. Those related to this family need to stay indoors that are not going to participate in this war. We need to protect everyone that is in these walls and all around. You get all that, Penkle?"
"Yes sir, Peter." Penkle sticks the stack under his arms. "Do you want me contact Ethan now? Come down and-"
"No." Peter leans against the table. "I need...need Ethan to stay away from this as much as possible. My father is doing enough...."
Cocking an eyebrow, all Penkle could do was nod and head towards the back. Snow White takes a notice of Peter's posture; he stood just like his father, quivered his bottom lip like Bigby and even had the same method of frowning the brow when he was in a deep thought. Snow sighed. Stiffning his upper lip, Peter runs his fingers through the field of brown hair. He takes out a cigarette and lights it; the ipod plays 'Mockingbird' by Eminem on the desk as he returns to Ethan's desk and searches for a hole puncher. Snow holds one up and grins.
"You need to relax. You're taking on too much, Peter."
"I'm fine, Snow." Peter walks away leaving a trail of smoke. "I promise I'll be fine. This is nothing. We've had worse."
"I'll never forget when Mary began murdering Fables and Halfers alike. Those were dangerous times for us all. And Echidna and-"
"Yeah." Peter turns to look at Snow. "Guess my family has a large red target on their chest, huh Snow?"
"Guess that's one thing we have in common, Peter." Snow touches his arm. "Things have changed for us all."
"Only for the moment but I promise I'll fix this. I can't depend on Emily alone."
"You have to, Peter. We need Emily's powers with the bow and we have your father right now and-"
"Why do you need him, Snow?" Peter takes another long puff. "I mean, why do you need to reopen up old wounds, just to see if this thing will work or not. WHAT if this backfires and he's left in a pile of emotions-I can't THINK what this will do to him and I will not lose my father to that bullshit again. I've seen him deal with those demons, Snow. Please...."
"I assure you, Peter, this was HIS idea. He wants to help Emily. I have full confidence in your sister. You are all strong in your own ways; Penelope became the Dark Knight, Junior walks through the glass, sending fear into the hearts of mundies and Fables alike; Katherine has created a city with the fallen Folkers and like the Phoenix has risen from the ashes and created a wonderous place to start a new. You're too much like Bigby and although you wish to pretend, I see it more now and now the older you've become. Strong. And Ethan-"
"I want to protect him, Snow. I can't explain it but there is something in here telling me to do so...."
When Snow did not answer right away, Peter knew he was close to unraveling the truth. The look on her face, the petrified, concerned glare focusing in her pupils said enough for Peter to make his final decision. There was indeed something brewing inside of his twin brother. Perhaps it was their connection or the thoughts Peter used to develop when the boys were younger but Peter always felt like Ethan was doomed, no matter what. Peter was determined, however to end this war and protect his family, including Ethan. He was not going to lose his brother...
"Where is my father?" Peter hangs his head and glares at the ground. "Is here here or-"
"We have them in the basement of the building. The chambers. I can take you now or-"
"Thanks Snow." Peter tosses the burning end into his cigarette tray. "I'll see you down there."
Heading out and towards the chambers, all Peter could think back to were the days he and the others spent, careless and free, unaware evil was always lurking just a few feet from them.
"I..I can't do this." Lyla places the photo against her chest. "I can't. This is too much..."
Katie tries to comfort her mother. Malcom, John and Jersey stand near a stone wall, basking under the glow of a torch. Junior, sitting on the edge of a wooden beam, glances every so often into the mirror to check on the children and try to see if anything had changed within the streets of Fabletown. Georgie stood in the middle of the room, watching his wife drown in sorrow.
"Love, we hafta' do this and-"
"Sending you BACK there is not going to fix this!" Lyla throws the picture down. "I will not lose you to that...that PIG, Georgie! I can't LOSE you! I....I can't-"
Katie steps to the side and allows Georgie the opportunity to comfort Lyla. Lyla grabs Georgie's face and pulls close to her own. Her amber eyes lost in a sea of tears.
"Love, I NEED ta' do this. I can't allow our daughter to be the sole savior ta' this fookin' town. Ta' us. Part of this is my fookin' fault and-"
"HOW is this your fault!? My sister had no right using our love and conceiving children her free pass to tear this city down wall by wall. I'm tired of people using the Porgies and THEIR excuse in bringing pure evil to our lives! Please! you can't DO this!"
"And I won't let our daughter do this alone, either! She and Gren are indeed two very strong people but even then that can only go so far."
Georgie kisses Lyla on the forehead and steps back. "No, Georgie. Please....there has to be another way."
The torture Katie felt inside her soul the second she was handed another photo. Inhaling deeply, Georgie grabs his daughter's hand and holds tight. "Ya' dad is a tough son-of-a-bitch. I got this, love. don't ya' worry 'bout me...."
Peter managed to hide beside the large wooden doors and take a look at his father. Katie holds the picture up to Georgie's face. It was a black and white photo of his family. The only one Georgie ever owned and kept hidden in a shoe box at home. The only people to have known about this photo were Lyla and Nick; slowly over the years, he revieled his lost childhood to his children and other members as the family grew. Georgie could feel the discomfort in his stomach. Mind became a thick, black blanket and before anyone could say a word, all the lights were switched off.
The whimpers pouring from the middle of the floor easily sent chills along the arms of those present that day. Grinding his teeth, Peter desperatly wanted to grab Georgie, run up the stairs and into the light. His father despised the dark and nothing but old wounds were opening. Georgie hated the dark. Too many bad things took place in the dark.
"Oh my God...." Lyla found herself clinging to her son's arm. "I can'! No stop! Stop this now, Katherine!"
The curse, despite leaving Georgie's body, left a single tattoo on his right palm. A single thorn. Certain memories would trigger this tattoo into releasing the Dark magic inside of Georgie's body. Lyla's voice continued to carry on, even as her eyes glued to her husband, now glowing a dark majestic purple. The dark fueled his fears and caused the magic to seep through his veins and out for the world to view. Lyla continued to beg but Peter had to be strong for the both of them; he held his devestated mother back as the others could only stand back and watch. Katherine begins to sing the song. This caused Peter to growl...
'Georgie Porgie pudding n' pie. Kissed the girls and made them cry. When the boys came out to play-'
"That's ENOUGH, Katie!" Peter's voice carries inside the chambers and over her singing. "Stop! I'm the Sheriff and I demand this obscenity to end! NOW!"
"Ya' can't DO that, Peter-" Georgie struggles against the change. "I need ta' complete this, my son or else it can seriously fookin' hurt me. ya' old man...."
Peter remains hushed as Katie completes the song. '-Georgie Porgie ran away....'
Snow and Peter, along with Katie and Lyla stand back and lean their bodies against the wooden door. Georgie's entire body glowed in the dark; the mirror began reacting to the darkness flowing through his body and mind. Junior's eyes began to bleed as he slowly transformed into his true form. Screams and moans from the darkness echoed in the room; the purple reflecting off of Georgie's body continued to grow brighter as he left his mind wandering in his childhood memories and past experiences. The sorrow from within himself could suddenly be felt. The feeling was like a thousand knives penetrating your body, as fire consumed your soul and tortured your heart tauntings that never left one's mind.
"Katie, what's happening to dad..." Peter grabs his sister's hand. "Please..."
"Right now, the memories are triggering the power inside. This isn't necesserily 'evil' magic but it tends to focus toward the destruction, harming, cursing and complications of the life its directed at. Dad can manipulate his curse and place them in the person directed at. Watch...."
Katie turns the lights on; Georgie's eyes were as the dark as the night sky and lost. Lyla's face was stained with tears. Reaching out her hand, Snow pulls Lyla back. She of all people knew what it was like to see your loved one in a situation you can't tame. Katie takes out a picture of Carla. Before she could mouth the name, Georgie's hand lifts up and sends a blast of black mixed with purple into the image. Katie drops it; everyone watches the image being consumed with little Demonic creatures, chewing, cackling and ripping apart the picture. When the picture was consumed and nothing remained, all the creatures returned to Georgie; he was kneeling on the cold, cobblestone floor, collecting each demon in the thorn tattoo.
When all were gone, Georgie stands and closes his eyes. Inhaling deeply, the color returns to his body and as the lights flicker, he returns to his original state. Opening his eyes, they were the same shade of brown Lyla knew and loved. Pulling away from her son, she leaps into Georgie's eyes and kisses his lips softly.
"My Georgie..." She rubs his face and continues to kiss him. "Oh my God, are you alright? My precious, beautiful Georgie..."
"I'm alright, love. I think I got the fookin' handle on this now."
Katie smiles. "It would appear you do, dad. I think now we need to head back to the office and discuss how we're going to slip my father into the plan and the war that hangs over our head."
Snow answers. "We can have Emily and Gren take care of Carla for the first half and while she is busy with them, Georgie can enter the picture and use his ability to fight off Carla. Two users of Dark magic is a never ending battle, yes but once the other believes they can't do it, their powers weaken. Georgie-you must remain calm and collected as you face Carla. You CAN'T let her think she's won for if you begin to think that way, it shall happen. The magic will only flow, if you continue to let it do so."
Georgie nods, as he and Lyla head up the stairs. Peter quickly follows, grabs his father's hnd and examines it. The tattoo was still visible but faintly seeping through the skin. Georgie smiles, securing his youngest son under his arm.
"I'll be FINE, Peter. We 'ave this."
"I know. Its just...I hate seeing you in such pain and those memories, pictures-that song-I won't lose you to-"
"Ya' aint gunna lose me, Peter. Believe me. I've dealt with MY Demons."
As Peter and the others reach the lounge, his phone wildy goes off; the music plays and echoes in the halls. Stepping to the side, he noticed the call coming from Holly.
"Peter, where are you?"
"I'm...I'm at work..Holly, what's wrong?" Every turns to face the distraught man in the dark shirt and pants. "What...what is it? Is it Lily!?"
"No..." Holly's voice trembles. "It''s your brother. I think something is happening to Ethan, Peter. He JUST stopped by to grab some stuff and...he looked JUST like Georgie. He had the same tattoos and everything. Oh fuck and his voice....Peter-"
Running out the door, Peter aims his target on Michelle's apartment. His mother's voice was right behind but all he could picture was his brother. He knew it. Peter always had this feeling something was not 'right' about his brother. As Holly continued to speak, Peter runs down the busy streets.
He began praying he was not too late...
Any questions, you know the drill.
Feeling like shit today; allergies are acting up BAD among other things as well. I'll be good, though.
Pie is a toughie. Carla, however, is in for a wonderful treat...>:)
I remember Agent Under Fire having weird controls for moving and aiming
Legends is ok tbh, it uses the CoD engine, and it's mission are based on 1 film for each Bond:
All the missions have been modernised with some of the 'old' aspects left in for the nostalgia (technology wise at least) And you play as Daniel Craig's Bond the whole way through...
Boss Fights are all fist fights with QTE's, although they are pretty awesome!
OMG I ship Kieron and Azaria! He does have emotions and he can finally let them be free with her!
This teleporter thing sounds interesting, too and I'd be scared shitless if Nick came through and was threatning me as such! XD I'm wondering how all thise ties into what took place before but I'll just have to wait and see for myself. Holding onto my theories, JUST in case. 
I read this earlier but forgot to comment! XD I loved this so much and look forward to more and see where this leaves our good friends and their battle with Wonderland.
Oh these playstation 1 games always bring me back to my childhood!
Good times, man. Great find on your part, BTW.
It was a steal at £6.74! XD
For a game that came out in 2000 to some pretty bad reviews (the main criticism was how it took inspiration from several popular PS1 games, like Metal Gear Solid, and just didn't know which game it wanted to be) I wanna play it again
Sounds like an epic plan!
Man, after seeing this and all these Nintendo 64 talk and what not, makes me wanna go searching for my old games, boot them up and see if they work. And if they do...:D

Yes! I did good! XD Kieron finally learns how to express his feelings and it may have cost him a good slap to the face it paid off!
Magic teleporters into someone's mind is very interesting XD Dude I'd run so fast if I saw him coming XD I think you'll love the next act then 
Hey that's alright man! XD I don't know what was up with my internet yesterday but it refused to allow me on this site so I have to catch up on your story as well, although from the comments it didn't seem too pleasant o.o Glad you are enjoying the story Pie! Hey they're heroes so they must prevail!....right?
Think you and me would be in the corner, begging for our lives.
That was my internet yesterday, too. It kept kicking me off but this weather has been stupid. Go home, California-you're drunk! XD I love the story and I'm curious how its all going to be and end!
My latest post was not bad; I think everyone is just concerned for Ethan and his curse. I agree, my good man. Prevail!!
Just tell Nick you love Motorhead and whiskey and he'll be fine XP
Nah, he'd hurt you...
Dude I think Emily needs to go on a Luigi's mansion escapade finding all the ghosts doing it in all the rooms XD I'd pay to read it at least :P
I don't know what to think of the new Ethan he seems fine and I feel that he still deeply cares for the two which is shown but maybe there is something else...
Awesome part as always! Now I must read the next part! XD
Ah I love the old PlayStation one days, I still have a ton of them in my dorm room. Currently replaying the first Final Fantasy
Speaking of FF, I still need to play Final Fantasy 7!!!
My friends called it "an awesome classic that everyone should play!"
I have seen the movie Advent Children as well, both regular and extended cuts. I don't play FF, but I understand the events of 7 enough to get into it :P
I need to find a reference now of this game and draw her as such, being Vivian and Nick the ghosts she has to capture! XD
A lot of people are unsure of Ethan right now. He deeply loves those girls and would NEVER hurt them but with the situation with Carla and his family in danger, he'd do ANYTHING to protect them.
Thanks, my good man!
Wow...Georgie is a badass and a very manly man to he able to do that. I understand how Peter feels seeing someone close to you go through everything all over again is an awful sight but it needed to be done.
Poor Peter he's getting a lot of shit thrown at him in such a short amount of time...
Amazing as always! Hopefully Georgie kicks the everliving shit out of Carla >:D
Dude that'd be so awesome!
I say give the new Ethan a chance! He has Georgie's awesome accent what could go wrong? XD
No problem!