[Face the guardians, claim prize, and return back to Etan]
Tezoth decided to accept the bonus challenge from the guardians, he only hope that this wouldn't take long so he can hurry back to Etan. He patiently waiting for the guardians to open the path and continued through the corridor. He arrived in this strange chamber with… food and cooking utensils. “This was the challenge?” as he walked over and grabbed a slice of fine baked bread and crunch down into it.
The guardians appeared before him in cooking hats. Hovering their way over towards the table, told Tezoth to prepare himself for this life or death challenge.
“Now Fable, you have accepted our challenge of taste. In this challenge, your taste bud will either save you or doom you. Both of us have prepare our own unique cuisines, you must taste and choose whose is better. Red statute or Blue statue.”
Tezoth has this look on his like. “Are they serious?” He thought while walking over towards the table. One of the statues summons a large glass of orange juice to his side and slides over to Tez.
The dragon first took a bite on from the smoke lamb chop, then followed up on the mash potatoes. This dish was fine, what, Tez felt it was lacking something.
He then dined on the second dish which was a baked fish, draped in lemon juice and button. This one was rich in flavors, but kinda spicy, necessarily. His taste buds exploded.
Now came the time to make a decision, Tezoth must decide which dish was fully suffice and which was a blatant failure. The two statues gaze into the dragon’s face waiting for him to make a decision. He looked at the lamb once, then looked at the fish, then took a sip of orange juice.
He finally makes his decision.
“The lamb was kinda undercooked and was lacking something… to give it the… bam. But the fish was well done, however the spicy season was unnecessary. I choose the fish.”
Suddenly the floor opens up and popping out a small chest. Tezoth reward, he waste no time claiming while the statues bicker amongst each other.
Tezoth then carefully made his way out of the with his gold, the material and his prize he won from the guardians. He then sprouted his wings and returned to the Fable Avengers HQ, without knowing it was under attack.
Avengers Headquarters
The headquarters gates were under attack by demonic wolves. They were part of Fenrir’s army and their leader were no where to be found and they began to advance past the defensive quickly.
Kieron organized the troop to form a special defensive formation, using some blood magics. This will help them combat the demons without taking any damage, but it won’t last long. He then returned to Etan for further orders.
“Sir, our defensives are doing great, but soon my magic will de-spell and the enemy will surely overwhelm us.. What action should we take now?”
“We send in our heavies, Kieron. Ogre’s, Dragon’s, Grendel’s, all of them. We need to wipe them out quickly. And where the hell is my father and uncle? They should’ve told me that he was coming.”
Etan and Kieron heard a menacing laugh coming from the doorway, then in came Hati and Skoll in their wolf forms. They are accompanied by the villain himself, Fenrir.
“Because they were working for me, this whole time, Etan. They always were, with often resistance..”
He couldn't believe his eyes. His own father and uncle were working with the enemy this whole time, perhaps even most of his life? How long exactly? Was everything his father told him true, there has to be an explanation.
Etan tried reason with them, but his words couldn’t get through. The only response they gave was a murderous glare and a twinkle of sadness in their eyes. They began to slowly walk forward to Etan and Kieron while Fenrir ordered them to bring him his Wrath.
“You have something of mines, grandson. My Wrath, the power that became your own. Now I want it back.”
“Sorry ‘grandpa’ but you’re getting nothing but a sword in your gut. Kieron, I’ll handle my dad and uncle, I’ll give you the honors.”
“With pleasure sir.”
Kieron then drew his sword and wasted no time attacking Fenrir. He catches his blade in one hand and forces Kieron into a wall, and tries to punch him only missing and leaving a giant hole in the wall.
Kieron then uses magic to magically bind Fenrir to the ground temporarily then twice to cut him down. His attack is blocked by a wolf protecting his master from harm and allowing him to break free.
“The same trick that worked in the books won’t happened again. Young man, if you value your, walk away.” Fenrir said as he rises from the floor out of his chains.
Kieron attempts to use more magic to combat him but out of no where, Gren, Robert and several other Grendel burst in through the way on a warpath. Dixa gracefully walks through the rubble along with them.
“I tried to tell them, sorry about the wall..”
Fenrir was not impressed. With the snap of his fingers he summoned more wolves to his aid, sending them at Kieron and the Grendels.
They tossed and thrown the brigade of wolves all over the place, being no match for their might. As the other Grendels make their way beating down the minions, Gren casual walk towards Fenrir. He confront him, demanding his Emily back.
“I want my fucking wife back!”
“Sorry, she belong to me now.. You can try to get her back… but I must warn you I-”
Gren then punches Fenrir out of the building into the courtyard, then leaps out of the whole down where he fell. When Gren gets there he see’s Emily standing there holding her bow.
Oh my gosh it was definitely worth going and grabbing the treasureXD That was hilarious! XD Good thing this is future Kieron supplying that much amount of blood magic to an army would have made younger Kieron lose his mind! Thankfully Kieron received a bit of help from the heavies because Fenrir is one burly enemy!
I think something is not right at all. Surely if Emily saw French she'd have hugged him by now, that and she's shown up with the bow in her hand. What did Fenrir do to Emily! >:(
Wrath of Fenrir Part 1
[Face the guardians, claim prize, and return back to Etan]
Tezoth decided to accept the bonus challenge from th… moree guardians, he only hope that this wouldn't take long so he can hurry back to Etan. He patiently waiting for the guardians to open the path and continued through the corridor. He arrived in this strange chamber with… food and cooking utensils. “This was the challenge?” as he walked over and grabbed a slice of fine baked bread and crunch down into it.
The guardians appeared before him in cooking hats. Hovering their way over towards the table, told Tezoth to prepare himself for this life or death challenge.
“Now Fable, you have accepted our challenge of taste. In this challenge, your taste bud will either save you or doom you. Both of us have prepare our own unique cuisines, you must taste and choose whose is better. Red statute or Blue statue.”
Tezoth has this look on his like. “Are they serious… [view original content]
It's quite alright, I never watched The Wire before either so I didn't get the reference. (well, I kind of did now that I looked a video up about it lol)
Willow street. Fabletown.
Robert woke up with a pounding headache. The severe thrusting caused him to collaspe to the ground and groan in… more agony. It felt like a two ton truck ran over his entire torso, skull and face, then backed up and drove on his corpse one final time. Robert glanced at the clock and noticed the time. He recalled being with his brother and watching Nick and Hades train them for the war. The images of Emily once again piled into his thoughts and all the occured in the kitchen came to a screeching hault.
Robert was flirting with Gren's wife. This was GREN'S wife he was pulling the moves on and Robert became nauseated and revolted simply thinking of these sudden thoughts and actions. Emily was a stunning woman, yes but to even attempt such activity on her? Ruin what progress he and Gren were striding to accomplish in their own mangeled relatonship?
Squirming his way to the bathroom sink, Robert's head pulsated, causin… [view original content]
Oh my gosh it was definitely worth going and grabbing the treasureXD That was hilarious! XD Good thing this is future Kieron supplying that … moremuch amount of blood magic to an army would have made younger Kieron lose his mind! Thankfully Kieron received a bit of help from the heavies because Fenrir is one burly enemy!
I think something is not right at all. Surely if Emily saw French she'd have hugged him by now, that and she's shown up with the bow in her hand. What did Fenrir do to Emily! >:(
Awesome chapter man! I look forward to more!
Wrath of Fenrir Part 1
[Face the guardians, claim prize, and return back to Etan]
Tezoth decided to accept the bonus challenge from th… moree guardians, he only hope that this wouldn't take long so he can hurry back to Etan. He patiently waiting for the guardians to open the path and continued through the corridor. He arrived in this strange chamber with… food and cooking utensils. “This was the challenge?” as he walked over and grabbed a slice of fine baked bread and crunch down into it.
The guardians appeared before him in cooking hats. Hovering their way over towards the table, told Tezoth to prepare himself for this life or death challenge.
“Now Fable, you have accepted our challenge of taste. In this challenge, your taste bud will either save you or doom you. Both of us have prepare our own unique cuisines, you must taste and choose whose is better. Red statute or Blue statue.”
Tezoth has this look on his like. “Are they serious… [view original content]
It's quite alright, I never watched The Wire before either so I didn't get the reference. (well, I kind of did now that I looked a video up about it lol)
LMAO Carla has become wicked and I've been guilty in loving those wicked characters! LOL man, Nick sure wants to challenge the abilities of others a lot recently. XD THAT I'd like to see. She's so cocky at the moment its not even funny.
Yeah stuff like that happens a lot, especially Junior & Mary's brady bunch over there. Well, George is the oldest; he's 13 and his siblings as such: Sheila 11, Aubrey & Sophia 9 and Haylee & Damien 6. Katie & Jersey's girls are: 1st litter 12, 2nd litter 11 and 3rd litter 10. Josiah is 6 years old at the moment and the quads as you know are 5. Peter & Holly's daughter is also 5.
Carla is a fucking bitch, BUT she is likeable for being that evil
Well Carla, YOU can't actually kill Nick... But let's humour her shall… more we? XD
Bella, Jersey and Katie's oldest, rolls her eyes and dodges a ball of fire.
Lol, that sounds like a regular occurrence :P
So how old are these kids? They must be at most 13 or under right...
I look forward to more bro! XD
You've made my Fayde absolutely stunning than ever, and I commend you entirely for that. Clothes and everything!
Although... there's this itty-bitty tiny detail I may call you out on - if you're willing to hear it.
LMAO Carla has become wicked and I've been guilty in loving those wicked characters! LOL man, Nick sure wants to challenge the abilities of… more others a lot recently. XD THAT I'd like to see. She's so cocky at the moment its not even funny.
Yeah stuff like that happens a lot, especially Junior & Mary's brady bunch over there. Well, George is the oldest; he's 13 and his siblings as such: Sheila 11, Aubrey & Sophia 9 and Haylee & Damien 6. Katie & Jersey's girls are: 1st litter 12, 2nd litter 11 and 3rd litter 10. Josiah is 6 years old at the moment and the quads as you know are 5. Peter & Holly's daughter is also 5.
Thanks, man! Get as much as I can now.
Why that shit is funny because Carla would be the one to open her mouth and reply with: 'Alright! Let's do this, cutie!' XD
They are fairly young but rather tough in their own ways. They'd all pretty much stay intact; Katie & Jersey's girls dealt with Echidna in the past when she tried to murder them & Jersey in the Pine Barrens.
Nah this weekend we are just signing papers and what not; next weekend we start the move. I'm going to try, no matter how busy, to post one like I've been doing.
We like wicked characters just to see how far they will go!
Yeah I should stop with the Nick challenging thing really...
They're so y… moreoung... I fear they will not come out of this unscathed
Yep, cuz come this weekend onwatds, Pie is officially BUSY XP
Against Nick? That Mundy has no idea... One thing I forgot to mention in Nick's bio is that he has little regard for their well-being. He's like Jack in Volume 5 of Jack of Fables when he justifies his pointless killing of Mundies to Bigby, screaming about how they don't live long enough to appreciate life, so why should they be given a chance to do so?...
Nick views Mundies as weak and not worth the air they're breathing, unless he knows them of course, but if some Mundy pissed him off, Nick would hurt them.
I didn't read that tale, who is Echidna? What does she look like? (Unfortunately, there is a boss in Devil May Cry 4 called Echidna, so all I imagine is this huge she-viper with a love of nature! XD)
Oh :O I thought the move was this weekend? Pretty sure that's what you said
You may be surprised at the amount of time you have to post, and other times you won't be able to get on here at all. But at least you're not quitting us
Why that shit is funny because Carla would be the one to open her mouth and reply with: 'Alright! Let's do this, cutie!' XD
They are fair… morely young but rather tough in their own ways. They'd all pretty much stay intact; Katie & Jersey's girls dealt with Echidna in the past when she tried to murder them & Jersey in the Pine Barrens.
Nah this weekend we are just signing papers and what not; next weekend we start the move. I'm going to try, no matter how busy, to post one like I've been doing.
That challenge Tman faced left me both laughing and hungry. That was a rather interesting first half; I thought the cooks bickering was rather ammusing and Tman acting casual as hell like always!
That was a major slap to Etan's face when he saw his father walking beside Fenrir in his form. Kieron and his blood magic is pretty damn awesome and he was lucky to have the Dragons and Grendels show up when they did. Fenrir is not playing around and Gren knocking his ass out into the court was badass! >:D
Emily being just there is too easy...she'd have that bow ready to attack Fenrir and defend her husband. It's a trap and I say something is not right...seems like Fenrir is playing with emotions right now. I'm like Tetra-what has Fenrir done to my Emily!? >:( Bastard!
Great like always, my good man! This is getting so flipping good!!!
Wrath of Fenrir Part 1
[Face the guardians, claim prize, and return back to Etan]
Tezoth decided to accept the bonus challenge from th… moree guardians, he only hope that this wouldn't take long so he can hurry back to Etan. He patiently waiting for the guardians to open the path and continued through the corridor. He arrived in this strange chamber with… food and cooking utensils. “This was the challenge?” as he walked over and grabbed a slice of fine baked bread and crunch down into it.
The guardians appeared before him in cooking hats. Hovering their way over towards the table, told Tezoth to prepare himself for this life or death challenge.
“Now Fable, you have accepted our challenge of taste. In this challenge, your taste bud will either save you or doom you. Both of us have prepare our own unique cuisines, you must taste and choose whose is better. Red statute or Blue statue.”
Tezoth has this look on his like. “Are they serious… [view original content]
LMAO Oh she'd still try and push her luck; Carla is blinded with power and is on a major ego-trip, she wouldn't know a threat if it crossed her path. She'd still try to pull a fast one, not knowing what she's really doing is digging her own grave....
I honestly thought you knew 'bout Echidna. My bad, man. Well, long story short she had Pandora's box, wanted to get back at Jersey, get back at Fabletown. Tried using one of the daughters as a vessel to hold the evil spirits but was back stabbed and her plan failed. LOL That's pretty much what she is: half Snake half woman but minus the love for nature. :P
I honestly thought I stated just the signing papers. My bad, man. No that's next weekend we do the move...:)
Nah, not quitting. Until they tell me otherwise, I'll be here.
Against Nick? That Mundy has no idea... One thing I forgot to mention in Nick's bio is that he has little regard for their well-being. He's … morelike Jack in Volume 5 of Jack of Fables when he justifies his pointless killing of Mundies to Bigby, screaming about how they don't live long enough to appreciate life, so why should they be given a chance to do so?...
Nick views Mundies as weak and not worth the air they're breathing, unless he knows them of course, but if some Mundy pissed him off, Nick would hurt them.
I didn't read that tale, who is Echidna? What does she look like? (Unfortunately, there is a boss in Devil May Cry 4 called Echidna, so all I imagine is this huge she-viper with a love of nature! XD)
Oh :O I thought the move was this weekend? Pretty sure that's what you said
You may be surprised at the amount of time you have to post, and other times you won't be able to get on here at all. But at least you're not quitting us
Damien would get her into bed or die trying... :P Tbh, Nick might try that just to insult her!!! XP
So this?:
JJ also made a comment earlier this week that read something like "Can't wait for this weekend man!" So I assumed because of his hype that this weekend was the move
Until they tell me otherwise
"Theeeey? Who's theeey? The smut-peddling flag-burners or the God-killing tree-huggers?!" Sorry, American Dad quotes stick with me sometimes :P
LMAO Oh she'd still try and push her luck; Carla is blinded with power and is on a major ego-trip, she wouldn't know a threat if it crossed … moreher path. She'd still try to pull a fast one, not knowing what she's really doing is digging her own grave....
I honestly thought you knew 'bout Echidna. My bad, man. Well, long story short she had Pandora's box, wanted to get back at Jersey, get back at Fabletown. Tried using one of the daughters as a vessel to hold the evil spirits but was back stabbed and her plan failed. LOL That's pretty much what she is: half Snake half woman but minus the love for nature. :P
I honestly thought I stated just the signing papers. My bad, man. No that's next weekend we do the move...:)
Nah, not quitting. Until they tell me otherwise, I'll be here.
Why did I have a feeling JJ had some part in this confusion, no offense. XD He's coming down to pick his room. Fool is moving in with us. I'm going to need a babysitter! XD
Damien would get her into bed or die trying... :P Tbh, Nick might try that just to insult her!!! XP
So this?:
JJ also made a comme… morent earlier this week that read something like "Can't wait for this weekend man!" So I assumed because of his hype that this weekend was the move
Until they tell me otherwise
"Theeeey? Who's theeey? The smut-peddling flag-burners or the God-killing tree-huggers?!" Sorry, American Dad quotes stick with me sometimes :P
Seriously, "They"?
This is quite alright. I can understand that my uploads are hard to keep up with (since I regurgitate one to three chapters per day XD). In fact, I might slow down for the sake of you and the others.
Over the past few days, I've been trying to catch up on all of your readings. However, it may come to a point where I can't catch up due to … morehow quickly chapters are being posted each day.
Even now, it's kind of becoming too much for me at the moment!
Aww, my dragon thief is critiquing someone else's cooking! That is definitely badass. XD Unfortunately for him, he may have gained a few pounds from the Gargoyles' meals. (the chefs were Gargoyles, right?)
I'm going to have to choose the Something's not right option because "it's a trap!" Something Admiral Ackbar would say as you know!
Wrath of Fenrir Part 1
[Face the guardians, claim prize, and return back to Etan]
Tezoth decided to accept the bonus challenge from th… moree guardians, he only hope that this wouldn't take long so he can hurry back to Etan. He patiently waiting for the guardians to open the path and continued through the corridor. He arrived in this strange chamber with… food and cooking utensils. “This was the challenge?” as he walked over and grabbed a slice of fine baked bread and crunch down into it.
The guardians appeared before him in cooking hats. Hovering their way over towards the table, told Tezoth to prepare himself for this life or death challenge.
“Now Fable, you have accepted our challenge of taste. In this challenge, your taste bud will either save you or doom you. Both of us have prepare our own unique cuisines, you must taste and choose whose is better. Red statute or Blue statue.”
Tezoth has this look on his like. “Are they serious… [view original content]
Oh my gosh it was definitely worth going and grabbing the treasureXD That was hilarious! XD Good thing this is future Kieron supplying that … moremuch amount of blood magic to an army would have made younger Kieron lose his mind! Thankfully Kieron received a bit of help from the heavies because Fenrir is one burly enemy!
I think something is not right at all. Surely if Emily saw French she'd have hugged him by now, that and she's shown up with the bow in her hand. What did Fenrir do to Emily! >:(
Awesome chapter man! I look forward to more!
This is quite alright. I can understand that my uploads are hard to keep up with (since I regurgitate one to three chapters per day XD). In fact, I might slow down for the sake of you and the others.
Damien finishes putting on his clothes and speaks "So, did you enjoy that?" Carla turns on her stomach with her legs curled up, a mischievous smile gracing her features "I never knew a Fable could have so much vigor"
Damien smirks as he grabs something from the floor "Well, if I forget how amazing it was" He picks up his phone and walks away "I'll just watch the video"
Carla screams "How did you film that?!" Damien yells back "You were face down most of the time!" XD
Yeah, Damien is like that :P
Oh he's moving in with you! That makes more sense with the whole "I get the biggest room" thing, he's not joking he's serious :O
Damien and Carla? I'll allow that. XD
Yup. PRETTY much that! XD
Why did I have a feeling JJ had some part in this confusion, no offens… moree. XD He's coming down to pick his room. Fool is moving in with us. I'm going to need a babysitter! XD
You know...THEY....-plays X Files music-
But no, I have no idea either who 'THEY' are. lol
MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN don't make me ship them now! lmao because that would be their relationship. Knowing her she'd sit back and watch it with him. lol And Damien would show his pals....lol
Yeah Jacob is moving with us; Tammy and I both agreed it would be for the best, not only for the kids but him as well and he can claim all he wants but PIE gets the bigger room. >:D
I can picture that moment when he leaves the bed:
Damien finishes putting on his clothes and speaks "So, did you enjoy that?" Carla turns… more on her stomach with her legs curled up, a mischievous smile gracing her features "I never knew a Fable could have so much vigor"
Damien smirks as he grabs something from the floor "Well, if I forget how amazing it was" He picks up his phone and walks away "I'll just watch the video"
Carla screams "How did you film that?!" Damien yells back "You were face down most of the time!" XD
Yeah, Damien is like that :P
Oh he's moving in with you! That makes more sense with the whole "I get the biggest room" thing, he's not joking he's serious :O
Damien doesn't share as it happens, you have to beat that info out of him (he protects his ladies, and his privacy is his privacy) I don't ship them at least, DamienxPenelope all the way for me XD
Yeah man, that sounds great Course you get the biggest room :P
MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN don't make me ship them now! lmao because that would be their relationship. Knowing her she'd sit back and watch it with h… moreim. lol And Damien would show his pals....lol
Yeah Jacob is moving with us; Tammy and I both agreed it would be for the best, not only for the kids but him as well and he can claim all he wants but PIE gets the bigger room. >:D
Aww, my dragon thief is critiquing someone else's cooking! That is definitely badass. XD Unfortunately for him, he may have gained a few pou… morends from the Gargoyles' meals. (the chefs were Gargoyles, right?)
I'm going to have to choose the Something's not right option because "it's a trap!" Something Admiral Ackbar would say as you know!
But in this one there were - that's what it seemed like to me by the way you described the statues wearing cooking hats. :P Then again, it didn't have to be a chef hat and they could've been wearing berets or something. XD
Kieron and Azaria sat outside the Resistance base...
"Couldn't sleep?" Kieron asked
"No, not what happened earlier...poor John." Azaria said sitting next to Kieron
His face became sad "If only I were a little quicker..." He said
"You did your best besides, if you didn't run up to the commander and cut him down to begin with we all could have died." She said
"There's so many things I should have done." Kieron said
Azaria became upset. "You also need to stop running in like that! You're going to get yourself killed!" She said
Kieron had a serious look on his face. He looked up towards the moon. "Hey Azaria...do you think I have a purpose outside of fighting...That i can lI've a normal life?" He said
"What the hell is that supposed to mean Kieron!?" She said getting even more upset.
"If I were to make it out alive...what would I do? Am I fit to live in the real world?"
Azaria got up, Kieron was confused so he followed her. In an instant she slapped him with extreme force. When he looked back she was crying.
"You shut your mouth right now Kieron." Azaria said in an upset tone.
Kieron decided to keep quiet. Azaria continued.
"Of course you can live in the real world! Who's permission do you need? There are people who care about you Kieron! So quit sounding like you're going to fucking die!!!" She yelled
Kieron was shocked. "Azaria I had no-"
"I know you don't understand but...I hate how you put yourself down constantly lately, there are some things you have no control over! Today was one of those days. Now please...stop...I...I hate seeing you like this Kieron." She wept
Kieron was still shocked, he didn't know how to respond...all he could manage was "I'm sorry Azaria."
"I care about you Kieron...I won't lose you!" She said.
Kieron smiled "Then let's survive this...together" He said holding out his hand.
Azaria grabbed his hand and Kieron brought her close and kissed her. After they kissed Kieron held her close.
"I love you Azaria." He said
"I love you too Kieron." She smiled still crying.
He picked her up and wiped her tears. "I think it's time for you to go to sleep" He laughed walking into the base.
She kissed him "Someday you'll learn to keep the mood." She laughed
"What's that supposed to mean?" He smiled
"Will you just carry me to bed you knucklehead." She said
"Your wish is my command, although I will have to make some adjustments." He smiled as they approached one of the rooms
"I'm okay with that." She smiled
Kieron opened the door, and then turned and closed the door...
The real world, hospital.
Nick walked up to the front desk, the desk worker was already scared.
"I have an appointment." Nick said taking off his hood.
"Y-Yes sir, the doctor is just down the hall have a good day." She said
Now I just gotta find this teleporter Nick thought.
As he looked around the place was no ordinary hospital, how could they send people here? He thought. As he walked around the building he stumbled upon a big room, he saw three people sleeping on hospital beds hooked up to multiple machines. Nick found the door and walked in.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything?" He said
The doctor startled looked over and saw Nick standing there. The strength Nick gave off made the scientist fall to his knees. "What-What can I do for you sir?" He asked
Nick lifted the man onto his feet. "First I'd like you to tell me what you guys are doing with these fables. And then I want you to send me to their location."
"We're just running tests! Honest we are even being funded by Fabletown to do it!" He said in fear.
"More details than that." Nick said crossing his arms.
"We've created a teleporter to Wonderland and we are trying to take it over to help Fabletown that's all I know!" The scientist said.
"Thank you, now can you take me to the location of a man named Kieron?" Nick said
"Yes sir!" The scientist said pushing a few buttons.
Nick stepped on the teleporter. He could feel the magic lift him and bring him somewhere else.
In wonderland a few miles away from the resistance base.
Nick could see the base off in the distance as he began to walk towards the base he noticed something off in the distance. It seemed to be an army one person stood out more than the others. He wore black heavy armour, he had a bastard sword on his back oddly enough they were both glowing so they must be magical, he also rode a dragon. Nick could tell that this had to be their strongest commander thankfully with his speed he could possibly meet them and take them out before they take the base by surprise. With that he began to run...
That's it! Time for Nick to get his hands dirty next chapter! I think you'll like it Hazza! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
Since leaving the park, Gren tried to contact Robert. He really wanted to see his brother and speak to him. Gren knew SOMETHING happened in the kitchen between Emily and Robert; Thomas explained Robert maybe challenging him once more and is trying to use Emily as the fire starter to this. The call, however, always went to voicemail. Even Isaiah tried several times but the same outcome every time.
Gren would attempt one last time before bed that evening but would have to speak to Robert in the morning. Gren did not want to cause anymore trouble between himself and Robert; his children loved their uncle Robert and Gren desperatly wanted his brothers to be a huge part in his life. Gren also knew if Robert refused to let go of it all and continue to cause trouble, he'd sadly have to let his older brother go once more and wait...
Isaiah took Thomas home; the pair would be back early in the morning to continue the training and as Isaiah placed Thomas in the front seat, Gren could see his father did not have much time. His skin was turning into a rough texture and his movements were stiff. Thomas described it
as walking through thick mud. While Gren paid farewell woth his brother and father, Emily heads to a nearby mirror.
She needed to contact Mary but as she drew closer to her bedroom, Emily picked up the sound of slow music. The song was a familiar one to her; it was by one of her favorite RnB artists. Aaliyah's 'One in a million' faintly playing somewhere in her bedroom. Did she forget to turn the radio off that morning? The children remained downstairs and continued their play of Pirates. Liam's spirits perked up for the moment.
Emily grabs the door knob and turns. Walking into her room, however, she was stunned to see who was waiting for the couple's return. Both naked and in the middle of round two, Nick and Vivian look over and notice Emily. They immediatly snatch what covers they could to conceal their bare bodies. Vivian's body begins to glow. Nick fumbles with the radio and knocks the object off the night stand. Mouth wide open, Emily could not believe what she saw. Nick holds out his hand.
"EMILY! Hey, hey! When, uh, when did you and the others get back?"
Emily points. "Ya' be...fookin' in my bed. Ya' two fookin' ghosts are havin' bloody sex in MY bed!"
"Okay, Emily. I KNOW this looks bad but I can assure you, Vivian and I were watching ourselves and we WERE going to clean the sheets and-"
"IN MY fookin' bed!" Emily clutches her face in disbelief. "Ya' two are fookin' in MY bed were me and Gren make love and bloody sleep! How the-oh my God-how long has this been goin' on!? Vivian!?"
Vivian adjusts in the bed, leaning forward. She could detect irritation in Emily's voice and facial expressions. "This was the first time we've had sex in your bed, Emily. We...we didn't think it would be a big deal, so long as we cleaned-"
"Not...a big...deal!? Ya' think I want otha' people in my fookin' bed doin' it!? No!"
Nick slides off the bed. Wrapping a sheet around his genitals, he tries to coax Emily and reassure her once more. "Emily...we didn't LEAVE any surprises and I promise you, we were going to clean up and-"
Emily walks away from Nick. The two guardians are baffled by what was going to take place with Emily. Emily was one to never leave in a pool of rage; she could only take so much before exploding and figuring out her own solution to the problem. Although both were already dead, Emily could still find something to punish the two. It was quiet; this unearthly feeling caused Vivian to become apprehensive as she searched for her dress and boots. Throwing the fallen blankets onto the bed, Vivian managed to find her clothes just as Emily returns. In her hand, the vacuum.
"Emily..." Nick tries to back away. "Okay, hey now-let's not do anything we're going to regret, alright? I mean, Viv and I apologies for making passionate ghost love in your bedroom but surely you can UNDERSTAND, right? I mean, YOU'VE been there with Gren-sexual tension, they look fucking good; you have not had none in awhile, you're alone and-"
Emily turns the Hoover on and aims at Nick. "Yeah, I unda'stand ya' Nick..." Emily beams. "....But, ya' see, I ain't NEVA' done it in someone else's bed. Hope it was worth it."
The vacuum begins to pull Nick into the gaping mouth. Nick clings to the bed post and pulls himself from the powerful suckage but it was too much for the spirit to endure. One by one, Nick's fingers slipped away from the polished frame and found himself deeply lodged into the dusty dag of the Vacuum. Vivian was partially dressed and pressed against the back corner. Her golden staff prepared in her hands.
"Emily, don't MAKE me puhish you for being bad. I'm warning you! Stay back!"
Emily giggles, aims the vacuum up and holds the front end near her guardian. Tiny parts of Vivian fly inside and join Nick. Within seconds, all of herself winds up inside the dusty bag and beside Nick. The bag moves around; Emily could hear the pleas of both guardians. Grabbing her phone, Emily dials Peter's number. Sitting on the bed, the quads knock on the door but are surprised to see the vacuum bouncing around. All four point; Emily only smiles, as Peter answers the phone.
"Ya' need ta' come and collect ya' guardian, Peter. He's been such a naughty little boy ta'day...."
Nick answers, the imprint of his thumb showing in the bag. "It WAS worth it, Emily! Worth it indeed!"
Michelle sat up and looked around the room. The last memory she had was Noah leaving with her daughter and Ethan falling to the ground. The potent taste of copper lingering on her tongue. Scanning the room, she was strangly still in her apartment, in her own bed. Michelle holds up her arm to examine the puncture wounds Noah left. It was surprisingly bandaged up; she could smell medication on her skin and noticed several cotton balls to keep it in place.
The apartment was silent except for the usual sounds of the city below. Carefully moving in her bed, Michelle listens for any human movements. She did, however, hear the faint whispers of the television in her living room. She was dressed in a thin teeshirt and pink panties. Grabbing the knife under her bed, Michelle inches her way toward the door and prepares herself to take down Noah. The fear bubbled into her mind, causing Michelle to panic and become lost in a blur. Was Erica okay? Did Ethan manage to track Noah down or was everything taken from her like always? Swallowing back the tears, Michelle peels the door back and finds Ethan sitting on the couch, with Erica in his lap. The little girl sucks on her spoon and dips it back into a bowl of ice cream.
Michelle was stunned and stuck in place. "Wha....what's going on? Where is Noah?"
"Mommy eat! Lookie! Look-"
"Erica, baby-wait!" Michelle tries to collect her thoughts. "Please just...I see it baby. Give mommy a minute." Michelle faces Ethan. "WHAT is going on? Where is Noah?"
"Been bloody taken' care of, love." Ethan pulls his jacket closer. "No need ta' worry 'bout him eva' again..."
"Oh my God, Ethan...." Michelle drops the knife. "What the hell happened to your voice?"
"Ya' don't like it?" Ethan turns and beams at Michelle. There was something so transfixed about it. "I think it suits me..."
Michelle walks over; she bends forward and scoops Erica in her arms. Michelle notices the scroll tattoo across Ethan's chest. It dawns on her what was taking place and Michelle could feel the color drip from her face. She had heard Carla mentioning the 'curse' that remained locked away in Ethan's soul. It took one event alone to release this; Michelle was not sure WHY or how this would impact the situation but she feared for not only him but herself as well. Michelle was the reason the curse was brought out and she couldn't help but feel a bit responsible for this.
"Ethan....you, you have...tattoos..."
Erica jumps around in michelle's grasp. "Inky, mommy. On arms. See!? And face!"
"Yes..." Michelle mutters. "Yes, the, the face ones are there, too."
Ethan stands up; the jacket falls to the ground, exhibiting every inch of color and black etched into his skin. Each one perfectly matching the ones Georgie bore. These did not seem to bother Ethan. Michelle also took notice of his clothes. Black everything. Michelle faces the floor, unable to comprehend the man that was before her and heading in their direction. Erica could care less and was too busy enjoying the remaining bits of her treat.
Michelle could smell his fragrance as Ethan stood before the young woman. Gently cupping her face, Ethan forces Michelle to look up and into his eyes. Everything about Ethan remained the same; his eyes the same amber color, nose, ears, lips-all of it was still the man she grew fond of and fell in love with. It was the mystery behind the voice change and tattoos that Michelle feared.
"Wolves don't need doctas' half the time. We can tend ta' our own wounds and such. Luckily, Noah did not do too much damage ta' ya'. I came back with Erica, found ya' on the floor and took care of the problem. I sucked the bloody poison out of ya' body, gave ya' a warm bath ta' help with the temperature and rest. Lots and lots of rest. Now that ya' be up, we need ta' get some food in ya'. How does Taco Bell sound, huh? Erica saw a commercial fa' it and said a bean and cheese burrito sounded yummy."
Michelle could feel the warmth of Ethan's hand but she was still so far behind and trying to grasp the 'new' man before her. He did not seem too different. Perhaps it was nothing to be concerned off. Perhaps the curse was to look like him but that seemed too easy.
"Taco Bell..." Michelle moves a loose strand of hair from Ethan's face. "Yes. That sounds good, actually. I could go for a deluxe Nacho grande with extra cheese."
"Perfect." Ethan takes the bowl from Erica's hand. "Ya' ready, little lady? Ya' wanna go with Ethan?"
"Oh you're bringing it here?"
"Yes love." Ethan holds Erica against his chest. "Ya' need ta' rest. Relax. Get off ya' feet. So, Deluxe Nacho with extra cheese, eh? Want anything else, love?"
Michelle could feel the burning tears in her eyes. "Yes. A medium Dr. Pepper, please. No ice..."
Michelle felt like stone the very minute she watched Ethan lift Erica into his arms; he wrote down their orders with a bright red pen and stuck the note in the front pocket of his jeans. Vivid images of who Georgie used to be swept over Michelle's mind; she knew who Ethan's father used to be and alot of Fables still held onto that image, even after all the changes he made to his life. Michelle was one of them. She viewed Georgie through the eyes of his children. She understood what that was like to attempt forgetting your past and striving to make life seem perfect and full of sunshine, when all you've known were those cloudy days. Seeing Ethan transform into his father frightened Michelle but in her heart, she knew he was still the same man.
Carla's words, however, haunted her mind and before she could speak another word, Ethan kisses the top of her forehead and leaves the apartment. Erica sits beside her mother. She throws a tantrum, wanting to attend Ethan and his journey to the nearby fastfood restaurant but after several seconds, Erica managed to calm herself down long enough to focus on the dancing Tiger on the television screen. Michelle stands up, giving her daughter a peck on the head and enters the kitchen.
As the Tiger sings on the television, Michelle buries her face into the counter and cries.
Any questions, you know the drill. Had time for one more today.
The Horsemen Rode Part: Three
Kieron and Azaria sat outside the Resistance base...
"Couldn't sleep?" Kieron asked
"No, not what hap… morepened earlier...poor John." Azaria said sitting next to Kieron
His face became sad "If only I were a little quicker..." He said
"You did your best besides, if you didn't run up to the commander and cut him down to begin with we all could have died." She said
"There's so many things I should have done." Kieron said
Azaria became upset. "You also need to stop running in like that! You're going to get yourself killed!" She said
Kieron had a serious look on his face. He looked up towards the moon. "Hey Azaria...do you think I have a purpose outside of fighting...That i can lI've a normal life?" He said
"What the hell is that supposed to mean Kieron!?" She said getting even more upset.
"If I were to make it out alive...what would I do? Am I fit to live in the real world?"
Azaria got up,… [view original content]
Wrath of Fenrir Part 1
[Face the guardians, claim prize, and return back to Etan]
Tezoth decided to accept the bonus challenge from the guardians, he only hope that this wouldn't take long so he can hurry back to Etan. He patiently waiting for the guardians to open the path and continued through the corridor. He arrived in this strange chamber with… food and cooking utensils. “This was the challenge?” as he walked over and grabbed a slice of fine baked bread and crunch down into it.
The guardians appeared before him in cooking hats. Hovering their way over towards the table, told Tezoth to prepare himself for this life or death challenge.
“Now Fable, you have accepted our challenge of taste. In this challenge, your taste bud will either save you or doom you. Both of us have prepare our own unique cuisines, you must taste and choose whose is better. Red statute or Blue statue.”
Tezoth has this look on his like. “Are they serious?” He thought while walking over towards the table. One of the statues summons a large glass of orange juice to his side and slides over to Tez.
The dragon first took a bite on from the smoke lamb chop, then followed up on the mash potatoes. This dish was fine, what, Tez felt it was lacking something.
He then dined on the second dish which was a baked fish, draped in lemon juice and button. This one was rich in flavors, but kinda spicy, necessarily. His taste buds exploded.
Now came the time to make a decision, Tezoth must decide which dish was fully suffice and which was a blatant failure. The two statues gaze into the dragon’s face waiting for him to make a decision. He looked at the lamb once, then looked at the fish, then took a sip of orange juice.
He finally makes his decision.
“The lamb was kinda undercooked and was lacking something… to give it the… bam. But the fish was well done, however the spicy season was unnecessary. I choose the fish.”
Suddenly the floor opens up and popping out a small chest. Tezoth reward, he waste no time claiming while the statues bicker amongst each other.
Tezoth then carefully made his way out of the with his gold, the material and his prize he won from the guardians. He then sprouted his wings and returned to the Fable Avengers HQ, without knowing it was under attack.
Avengers Headquarters
The headquarters gates were under attack by demonic wolves. They were part of Fenrir’s army and their leader were no where to be found and they began to advance past the defensive quickly.
Kieron organized the troop to form a special defensive formation, using some blood magics. This will help them combat the demons without taking any damage, but it won’t last long. He then returned to Etan for further orders.
“Sir, our defensives are doing great, but soon my magic will de-spell and the enemy will surely overwhelm us.. What action should we take now?”
“We send in our heavies, Kieron. Ogre’s, Dragon’s, Grendel’s, all of them. We need to wipe them out quickly. And where the hell is my father and uncle? They should’ve told me that he was coming.”
Etan and Kieron heard a menacing laugh coming from the doorway, then in came Hati and Skoll in their wolf forms. They are accompanied by the villain himself, Fenrir.
“Because they were working for me, this whole time, Etan. They always were, with often resistance..”
He couldn't believe his eyes. His own father and uncle were working with the enemy this whole time, perhaps even most of his life? How long exactly? Was everything his father told him true, there has to be an explanation.
Etan tried reason with them, but his words couldn’t get through. The only response they gave was a murderous glare and a twinkle of sadness in their eyes. They began to slowly walk forward to Etan and Kieron while Fenrir ordered them to bring him his Wrath.
“You have something of mines, grandson. My Wrath, the power that became your own. Now I want it back.”
“Sorry ‘grandpa’ but you’re getting nothing but a sword in your gut. Kieron, I’ll handle my dad and uncle, I’ll give you the honors.”
“With pleasure sir.”
Kieron then drew his sword and wasted no time attacking Fenrir. He catches his blade in one hand and forces Kieron into a wall, and tries to punch him only missing and leaving a giant hole in the wall.
Kieron then uses magic to magically bind Fenrir to the ground temporarily then twice to cut him down. His attack is blocked by a wolf protecting his master from harm and allowing him to break free.
“The same trick that worked in the books won’t happened again. Young man, if you value your, walk away.” Fenrir said as he rises from the floor out of his chains.
Kieron attempts to use more magic to combat him but out of no where, Gren, Robert and several other Grendel burst in through the way on a warpath. Dixa gracefully walks through the rubble along with them.
“I tried to tell them, sorry about the wall..”
Fenrir was not impressed. With the snap of his fingers he summoned more wolves to his aid, sending them at Kieron and the Grendels.
They tossed and thrown the brigade of wolves all over the place, being no match for their might. As the other Grendels make their way beating down the minions, Gren casual walk towards Fenrir. He confront him, demanding his Emily back.
“I want my fucking wife back!”
“Sorry, she belong to me now.. You can try to get her back… but I must warn you I-”
Gren then punches Fenrir out of the building into the courtyard, then leaps out of the whole down where he fell. When Gren gets there he see’s Emily standing there holding her bow.
“Emily.. is that you?
[Hug Emily]
[Somethings not right..]
Sorry dude...
And Bunk, cut McNulty a break will ya?
Oh my gosh it was definitely worth going and grabbing the treasureXD That was hilarious! XD Good thing this is future Kieron supplying that much amount of blood magic to an army would have made younger Kieron lose his mind! Thankfully Kieron received a bit of help from the heavies because Fenrir is one burly enemy!
I think something is not right at all. Surely if Emily saw French she'd have hugged him by now, that and she's shown up with the bow in her hand. What did Fenrir do to Emily! >:(
Awesome chapter man! I look forward to more!
Don't worry, it's all good!
It's quite alright, I never watched The Wire before either so I didn't get the reference.
(well, I kind of did now that I looked a video up about it lol)
Carla is a fucking bitch, BUT she is likeable for being that evil
Well Carla, YOU can't actually kill Nick... But let's humour her shall we? XD
Lol, that sounds like a regular occurrence :P
So how old are these kids? They must be at most 13 or under right...
I look forward to more bro! XD
You mean Gren
Now that was an unexpected challenge! That smoked lamb chop has made me feel so hungry though.....
That image of Grendel knocking Fenrir down into the courtyard was funny to picture!!
And I say Something isn't right. Emily is just THERE all of a sudden?! Nah man, hugging her would be the bad decision this time around.
I watched most of the Series, but I was about 15 when I started so my Mum didn't really let me watch Season 4
I got through Seasons 1 and 2, missed 3, watched some of 4, and a little of 5... I will re-watch the series at some point cuz it was good XD
LMAO Carla has become wicked and I've been guilty in loving those wicked characters!
LOL man, Nick sure wants to challenge the abilities of others a lot recently. XD THAT I'd like to see.
She's so cocky at the moment its not even funny.
Yeah stuff like that happens a lot, especially Junior & Mary's brady bunch over there.
Well, George is the oldest; he's 13 and his siblings as such: Sheila 11, Aubrey & Sophia 9 and Haylee & Damien 6. Katie & Jersey's girls are: 1st litter 12, 2nd litter 11 and 3rd litter 10. Josiah is 6 years old at the moment and the quads as you know are 5. Peter & Holly's daughter is also 5.
Thanks, man!
Get as much as I can now.
Of course Anything to improve it! Glad you like it!
We like wicked characters just to see how far they will go!
Yeah I should stop with the Nick challenging thing really...
They're so young... I fear they will not come out of this unscathed
Yep, cuz come this weekend onwatds, Pie is officially BUSY XP
Why that shit is funny because Carla would be the one to open her mouth and reply with: 'Alright! Let's do this, cutie!' XD
They are fairly young but rather tough in their own ways. They'd all pretty much stay intact; Katie & Jersey's girls dealt with Echidna in the past when she tried to murder them & Jersey in the Pine Barrens.
Nah this weekend we are just signing papers and what not; next weekend we start the move. I'm going to try, no matter how busy, to post one like I've been doing.
Against Nick? That Mundy has no idea... One thing I forgot to mention in Nick's bio is that he has little regard for their well-being. He's like Jack in Volume 5 of Jack of Fables when he justifies his pointless killing of Mundies to Bigby, screaming about how they don't live long enough to appreciate life, so why should they be given a chance to do so?...
Nick views Mundies as weak and not worth the air they're breathing, unless he knows them of course, but if some Mundy pissed him off, Nick would hurt them.
I didn't read that tale, who is Echidna? What does she look like? (Unfortunately, there is a boss in Devil May Cry 4 called Echidna, so all I imagine is this huge she-viper with a love of nature! XD)
Oh :O I thought the move was this weekend? Pretty sure that's what you said
You may be surprised at the amount of time you have to post, and other times you won't be able to get on here at all. But at least you're not quitting us
That challenge Tman faced left me both laughing and hungry. That was a rather interesting first half; I thought the cooks bickering was rather ammusing and Tman acting casual as hell like always!
That was a major slap to Etan's face when he saw his father walking beside Fenrir in his form.
Kieron and his blood magic is pretty damn awesome and he was lucky to have the Dragons and Grendels show up when they did. Fenrir is not playing around and Gren knocking his ass out into the court was badass! >:D
Emily being just there is too easy...she'd have that bow ready to attack Fenrir and defend her husband. It's a trap and I say something is not right...seems like Fenrir is playing with emotions right now. I'm like Tetra-what has Fenrir done to my Emily!? >:( Bastard!
Great like always, my good man! This is getting so flipping good!!!
LMAO Oh she'd still try and push her luck; Carla is blinded with power and is on a major ego-trip, she wouldn't know a threat if it crossed her path. She'd still try to pull a fast one, not knowing what she's really doing is digging her own grave....
I honestly thought you knew 'bout Echidna. My bad, man. Well, long story short she had Pandora's box, wanted to get back at Jersey, get back at Fabletown. Tried using one of the daughters as a vessel to hold the evil spirits but was back stabbed and her plan failed. LOL That's pretty much what she is: half Snake half woman but minus the love for nature. :P
I honestly thought I stated just the signing papers. My bad, man. No that's next weekend we do the move...:)
Nah, not quitting. Until they tell me otherwise, I'll be here.
I think it may be time to buy a new phone -.-
I'll take that as a no. I'm going to explain it eventually anyway, lol.
Damien would get her into bed or die trying... :P Tbh, Nick might try that just to insult her!!! XP
So this?:
JJ also made a comment earlier this week that read something like "Can't wait for this weekend man!" So I assumed because of his hype that this weekend was the move
"Theeeey? Who's theeey? The smut-peddling flag-burners or the God-killing tree-huggers?!" Sorry, American Dad quotes stick with me sometimes :P
Seriously, "They"?
Damien and Carla? I'll allow that. XD
Yup. PRETTY much that! XD
Why did I have a feeling JJ had some part in this confusion, no offense. XD He's coming down to pick his room. Fool is moving in with us. I'm going to need a babysitter! XD
You know...THEY....-plays X Files music-
But no, I have no idea either who 'THEY' are. lol
This is quite alright. I can understand that my uploads are hard to keep up with (since I regurgitate one to three chapters per day XD). In fact, I might slow down for the sake of you and the others.
Aww, my dragon thief is critiquing someone else's cooking! That is definitely badass. XD Unfortunately for him, he may have gained a few pounds from the Gargoyles' meals. (the chefs were Gargoyles, right?)
I'm going to have to choose the Something's not right option because "it's a trap!" Something Admiral Ackbar would say as you know!
LOL My phone does that all the time.
This French guy needs to watch himself, though. Gren gonna get him for hugging his woman! >:D lol
That'd be nice! I'm personally at the part where the hunter and Gertraud get their Glamours from Fabletown.
This confirms it. I must slow down.
I can picture that moment when he leaves the bed:
Damien finishes putting on his clothes and speaks "So, did you enjoy that?" Carla turns on her stomach with her legs curled up, a mischievous smile gracing her features "I never knew a Fable could have so much vigor"
Damien smirks as he grabs something from the floor "Well, if I forget how amazing it was" He picks up his phone and walks away "I'll just watch the video"
Carla screams "How did you film that?!" Damien yells back "You were face down most of the time!" XD
Yeah, Damien is like that :P
Oh he's moving in with you! That makes more sense with the whole "I get the biggest room" thing, he's not joking he's serious :O
MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN don't make me ship them now! lmao because that would be their relationship. Knowing her she'd sit back and watch it with him. lol And Damien would show his pals....lol
Yeah Jacob is moving with us; Tammy and I both agreed it would be for the best, not only for the kids but him as well and he can claim all he wants but PIE gets the bigger room. >:D
Damien doesn't share as it happens, you have to beat that info out of him (he protects his ladies, and his privacy is his privacy) I don't ship them at least, DamienxPenelope all the way for me XD
Yeah man, that sounds great
Course you get the biggest room :P
Nothing is more evil than auto correct
There weren't chef's in the last one.
You can always edit your comment afterwards, y'know. XD
But in this one there were - that's what it seemed like to me by the way you described the statues wearing cooking hats. :P Then again, it didn't have to be a chef hat and they could've been wearing berets or something. XD
Trust me Dragon it's happened so many times, at this point I'm just going to leave it in as a blooper of sorts XP
The Horsemen Rode Part: Three
Kieron and Azaria sat outside the Resistance base...
"Couldn't sleep?" Kieron asked
"No, not what happened earlier...poor John." Azaria said sitting next to Kieron
His face became sad "If only I were a little quicker..." He said
"You did your best besides, if you didn't run up to the commander and cut him down to begin with we all could have died." She said
"There's so many things I should have done." Kieron said
Azaria became upset. "You also need to stop running in like that! You're going to get yourself killed!" She said
Kieron had a serious look on his face. He looked up towards the moon. "Hey Azaria...do you think I have a purpose outside of fighting...That i can lI've a normal life?" He said
"What the hell is that supposed to mean Kieron!?" She said getting even more upset.
"If I were to make it out alive...what would I do? Am I fit to live in the real world?"
Azaria got up, Kieron was confused so he followed her. In an instant she slapped him with extreme force. When he looked back she was crying.
"You shut your mouth right now Kieron." Azaria said in an upset tone.
Kieron decided to keep quiet. Azaria continued.
"Of course you can live in the real world! Who's permission do you need? There are people who care about you Kieron! So quit sounding like you're going to fucking die!!!" She yelled
Kieron was shocked. "Azaria I had no-"
"I know you don't understand but...I hate how you put yourself down constantly lately, there are some things you have no control over! Today was one of those days. Now please...stop...I...I hate seeing you like this Kieron." She wept
Kieron was still shocked, he didn't know how to respond...all he could manage was "I'm sorry Azaria."
"I care about you Kieron...I won't lose you!" She said.
Kieron smiled "Then let's survive this...together" He said holding out his hand.
Azaria grabbed his hand and Kieron brought her close and kissed her. After they kissed Kieron held her close.
"I love you Azaria." He said
"I love you too Kieron." She smiled still crying.
He picked her up and wiped her tears. "I think it's time for you to go to sleep" He laughed walking into the base.
She kissed him "Someday you'll learn to keep the mood." She laughed
"What's that supposed to mean?" He smiled
"Will you just carry me to bed you knucklehead." She said
"Your wish is my command, although I will have to make some adjustments." He smiled as they approached one of the rooms
"I'm okay with that." She smiled
Kieron opened the door, and then turned and closed the door...
The real world, hospital.
Nick walked up to the front desk, the desk worker was already scared.
"I have an appointment." Nick said taking off his hood.
"Y-Yes sir, the doctor is just down the hall have a good day." She said
Now I just gotta find this teleporter Nick thought.
As he looked around the place was no ordinary hospital, how could they send people here? He thought. As he walked around the building he stumbled upon a big room, he saw three people sleeping on hospital beds hooked up to multiple machines. Nick found the door and walked in.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything?" He said
The doctor startled looked over and saw Nick standing there. The strength Nick gave off made the scientist fall to his knees. "What-What can I do for you sir?" He asked
Nick lifted the man onto his feet. "First I'd like you to tell me what you guys are doing with these fables. And then I want you to send me to their location."
"We're just running tests! Honest we are even being funded by Fabletown to do it!" He said in fear.
"More details than that." Nick said crossing his arms.
"We've created a teleporter to Wonderland and we are trying to take it over to help Fabletown that's all I know!" The scientist said.
"Thank you, now can you take me to the location of a man named Kieron?" Nick said
"Yes sir!" The scientist said pushing a few buttons.
Nick stepped on the teleporter. He could feel the magic lift him and bring him somewhere else.
In wonderland a few miles away from the resistance base.
Nick could see the base off in the distance as he began to walk towards the base he noticed something off in the distance. It seemed to be an army one person stood out more than the others. He wore black heavy armour, he had a bastard sword on his back oddly enough they were both glowing so they must be magical, he also rode a dragon. Nick could tell that this had to be their strongest commander thankfully with his speed he could possibly meet them and take them out before they take the base by surprise. With that he began to run...
That's it! Time for Nick to get his hands dirty next chapter! I think you'll like it Hazza! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
Tell me about it man! XD ugh is there an app for disabling auto correct! XD
It's such a pain! I've been trying to keep an eye on the auto correct but it gets me every time!!! XD
I'm sure Kieron would hold him down so Gren can rapidly beat him like a punching bag XD
Since leaving the park, Gren tried to contact Robert. He really wanted to see his brother and speak to him. Gren knew SOMETHING happened in the kitchen between Emily and Robert; Thomas explained Robert maybe challenging him once more and is trying to use Emily as the fire starter to this. The call, however, always went to voicemail. Even Isaiah tried several times but the same outcome every time.
Gren would attempt one last time before bed that evening but would have to speak to Robert in the morning. Gren did not want to cause anymore trouble between himself and Robert; his children loved their uncle Robert and Gren desperatly wanted his brothers to be a huge part in his life. Gren also knew if Robert refused to let go of it all and continue to cause trouble, he'd sadly have to let his older brother go once more and wait...
Isaiah took Thomas home; the pair would be back early in the morning to continue the training and as Isaiah placed Thomas in the front seat, Gren could see his father did not have much time. His skin was turning into a rough texture and his movements were stiff. Thomas described it
as walking through thick mud. While Gren paid farewell woth his brother and father, Emily heads to a nearby mirror.
She needed to contact Mary but as she drew closer to her bedroom, Emily picked up the sound of slow music. The song was a familiar one to her; it was by one of her favorite RnB artists. Aaliyah's 'One in a million' faintly playing somewhere in her bedroom. Did she forget to turn the radio off that morning? The children remained downstairs and continued their play of Pirates. Liam's spirits perked up for the moment.
Emily grabs the door knob and turns. Walking into her room, however, she was stunned to see who was waiting for the couple's return. Both naked and in the middle of round two, Nick and Vivian look over and notice Emily. They immediatly snatch what covers they could to conceal their bare bodies. Vivian's body begins to glow. Nick fumbles with the radio and knocks the object off the night stand. Mouth wide open, Emily could not believe what she saw. Nick holds out his hand.
"EMILY! Hey, hey! When, uh, when did you and the others get back?"
Emily points. "Ya' be...fookin' in my bed. Ya' two fookin' ghosts are havin' bloody sex in MY bed!"
"Okay, Emily. I KNOW this looks bad but I can assure you, Vivian and I were watching ourselves and we WERE going to clean the sheets and-"
"IN MY fookin' bed!" Emily clutches her face in disbelief. "Ya' two are fookin' in MY bed were me and Gren make love and bloody sleep! How the-oh my God-how long has this been goin' on!? Vivian!?"
Vivian adjusts in the bed, leaning forward. She could detect irritation in Emily's voice and facial expressions. "This was the first time we've had sex in your bed, Emily. We...we didn't think it would be a big deal, so long as we cleaned-"
"Not...a big...deal!? Ya' think I want otha' people in my fookin' bed doin' it!? No!"
Nick slides off the bed. Wrapping a sheet around his genitals, he tries to coax Emily and reassure her once more. "Emily...we didn't LEAVE any surprises and I promise you, we were going to clean up and-"
Emily walks away from Nick. The two guardians are baffled by what was going to take place with Emily. Emily was one to never leave in a pool of rage; she could only take so much before exploding and figuring out her own solution to the problem. Although both were already dead, Emily could still find something to punish the two. It was quiet; this unearthly feeling caused Vivian to become apprehensive as she searched for her dress and boots. Throwing the fallen blankets onto the bed, Vivian managed to find her clothes just as Emily returns. In her hand, the vacuum.
"Emily..." Nick tries to back away. "Okay, hey now-let's not do anything we're going to regret, alright? I mean, Viv and I apologies for making passionate ghost love in your bedroom but surely you can UNDERSTAND, right? I mean, YOU'VE been there with Gren-sexual tension, they look fucking good; you have not had none in awhile, you're alone and-"
Emily turns the Hoover on and aims at Nick. "Yeah, I unda'stand ya' Nick..." Emily beams. "....But, ya' see, I ain't NEVA' done it in someone else's bed. Hope it was worth it."
The vacuum begins to pull Nick into the gaping mouth. Nick clings to the bed post and pulls himself from the powerful suckage but it was too much for the spirit to endure. One by one, Nick's fingers slipped away from the polished frame and found himself deeply lodged into the dusty dag of the Vacuum. Vivian was partially dressed and pressed against the back corner. Her golden staff prepared in her hands.
"Emily, don't MAKE me puhish you for being bad. I'm warning you! Stay back!"
Emily giggles, aims the vacuum up and holds the front end near her guardian. Tiny parts of Vivian fly inside and join Nick. Within seconds, all of herself winds up inside the dusty bag and beside Nick. The bag moves around; Emily could hear the pleas of both guardians. Grabbing her phone, Emily dials Peter's number. Sitting on the bed, the quads knock on the door but are surprised to see the vacuum bouncing around. All four point; Emily only smiles, as Peter answers the phone.
"Ya' need ta' come and collect ya' guardian, Peter. He's been such a naughty little boy ta'day...."
Nick answers, the imprint of his thumb showing in the bag. "It WAS worth it, Emily! Worth it indeed!"
Michelle sat up and looked around the room. The last memory she had was Noah leaving with her daughter and Ethan falling to the ground. The potent taste of copper lingering on her tongue. Scanning the room, she was strangly still in her apartment, in her own bed. Michelle holds up her arm to examine the puncture wounds Noah left. It was surprisingly bandaged up; she could smell medication on her skin and noticed several cotton balls to keep it in place.
The apartment was silent except for the usual sounds of the city below. Carefully moving in her bed, Michelle listens for any human movements. She did, however, hear the faint whispers of the television in her living room. She was dressed in a thin teeshirt and pink panties. Grabbing the knife under her bed, Michelle inches her way toward the door and prepares herself to take down Noah. The fear bubbled into her mind, causing Michelle to panic and become lost in a blur. Was Erica okay? Did Ethan manage to track Noah down or was everything taken from her like always? Swallowing back the tears, Michelle peels the door back and finds Ethan sitting on the couch, with Erica in his lap. The little girl sucks on her spoon and dips it back into a bowl of ice cream.
"Mommy!" Erica squawks with delight. "Lookie, lookie-Ice cream! Ethan ice cream!"
Michelle was stunned and stuck in place. "Wha....what's going on? Where is Noah?"
"Mommy eat! Lookie! Look-"
"Erica, baby-wait!" Michelle tries to collect her thoughts. "Please just...I see it baby. Give mommy a minute." Michelle faces Ethan. "WHAT is going on? Where is Noah?"
"Been bloody taken' care of, love." Ethan pulls his jacket closer. "No need ta' worry 'bout him eva' again..."
"Oh my God, Ethan...." Michelle drops the knife. "What the hell happened to your voice?"
"Ya' don't like it?" Ethan turns and beams at Michelle. There was something so transfixed about it. "I think it suits me..."
Michelle walks over; she bends forward and scoops Erica in her arms. Michelle notices the scroll tattoo across Ethan's chest. It dawns on her what was taking place and Michelle could feel the color drip from her face. She had heard Carla mentioning the 'curse' that remained locked away in Ethan's soul. It took one event alone to release this; Michelle was not sure WHY or how this would impact the situation but she feared for not only him but herself as well. Michelle was the reason the curse was brought out and she couldn't help but feel a bit responsible for this.
"Ethan....you, you have...tattoos..."
Erica jumps around in michelle's grasp. "Inky, mommy. On arms. See!? And face!"
"Yes..." Michelle mutters. "Yes, the, the face ones are there, too."
Ethan stands up; the jacket falls to the ground, exhibiting every inch of color and black etched into his skin. Each one perfectly matching the ones Georgie bore. These did not seem to bother Ethan. Michelle also took notice of his clothes. Black everything. Michelle faces the floor, unable to comprehend the man that was before her and heading in their direction. Erica could care less and was too busy enjoying the remaining bits of her treat.
Michelle could smell his fragrance as Ethan stood before the young woman. Gently cupping her face, Ethan forces Michelle to look up and into his eyes. Everything about Ethan remained the same; his eyes the same amber color, nose, ears, lips-all of it was still the man she grew fond of and fell in love with. It was the mystery behind the voice change and tattoos that Michelle feared.
"Ya' look good, love. Walkin' 'round betta', too."
"Who...how did these get treated, Ethan?"
"I did 'em."
"You? But...how?"
"Wolves don't need doctas' half the time. We can tend ta' our own wounds and such. Luckily, Noah did not do too much damage ta' ya'. I came back with Erica, found ya' on the floor and took care of the problem. I sucked the bloody poison out of ya' body, gave ya' a warm bath ta' help with the temperature and rest. Lots and lots of rest. Now that ya' be up, we need ta' get some food in ya'. How does Taco Bell sound, huh? Erica saw a commercial fa' it and said a bean and cheese burrito sounded yummy."
"Yummy yummy!" Erica smiles. "Mommy, cheese! Cheese!"
Michelle could feel the warmth of Ethan's hand but she was still so far behind and trying to grasp the 'new' man before her. He did not seem too different. Perhaps it was nothing to be concerned off. Perhaps the curse was to look like him but that seemed too easy.
"Taco Bell..." Michelle moves a loose strand of hair from Ethan's face. "Yes. That sounds good, actually. I could go for a deluxe Nacho grande with extra cheese."
"Perfect." Ethan takes the bowl from Erica's hand. "Ya' ready, little lady? Ya' wanna go with Ethan?"
"Oh you're bringing it here?"
"Yes love." Ethan holds Erica against his chest. "Ya' need ta' rest. Relax. Get off ya' feet. So, Deluxe Nacho with extra cheese, eh? Want anything else, love?"
Michelle could feel the burning tears in her eyes. "Yes. A medium Dr. Pepper, please. No ice..."
Michelle felt like stone the very minute she watched Ethan lift Erica into his arms; he wrote down their orders with a bright red pen and stuck the note in the front pocket of his jeans. Vivid images of who Georgie used to be swept over Michelle's mind; she knew who Ethan's father used to be and alot of Fables still held onto that image, even after all the changes he made to his life. Michelle was one of them. She viewed Georgie through the eyes of his children. She understood what that was like to attempt forgetting your past and striving to make life seem perfect and full of sunshine, when all you've known were those cloudy days. Seeing Ethan transform into his father frightened Michelle but in her heart, she knew he was still the same man.
Carla's words, however, haunted her mind and before she could speak another word, Ethan kisses the top of her forehead and leaves the apartment. Erica sits beside her mother. She throws a tantrum, wanting to attend Ethan and his journey to the nearby fastfood restaurant but after several seconds, Erica managed to calm herself down long enough to focus on the dancing Tiger on the television screen. Michelle stands up, giving her daughter a peck on the head and enters the kitchen.
As the Tiger sings on the television, Michelle buries her face into the counter and cries.
Any questions, you know the drill. Had time for one more today.
Teleporters? Nick kicking ass again? Count me in! The Wonderlands' resistance are pretty much fucked at this point.
Alright, I got a solution to your phone problem.
Magical ones!
He most certainly is!
Well find out next time on Dragon Ball Z!
Oh I'm sure they'll be fine as long as they don't pissed Nick off XD