I have a question about Handsome Jack....


I have a question about Handsome Jack: is he blind in one eye? I've only started to play the Borderlands games recently after playing TALES FROM THE BORDERLANDS. You get to a little about Jack's backstory, why he start to ware a mask on his face over his original face. His original face shows he has a damage eye that is white. even through he has a mask where you can see his Iris one blue and one green - its basic like waring a fine layer over his face so just because he covers he damage face doesn't he's eye is back to normal. right?


  • Nah I think he's good. They probably would have mentioned it by now if so.

  • @HandsomeJack we need you here!

  • Maybe? I dont think they ever said he was, but he might have a tech eye replacement in his mask

  • edited April 2015

    Well his real eye was damaged - that's 100%, but I don't think he can't see with it now. I think his mask does the trick after all because no way he'd just go around blind in one eye having all the money and technology in the world.

  • What can I say, Cupcake?

    Finally Naka-what's-his-name did something right - couldn't let these baby blue/greens go to waste.

    armis37 posted: »

    @HandsomeJack we need you here!

  • Serious answer/question:

    What if his eye didn't turn white from the original TPS damage but from the final showdown with Lilith/the Vault Hunters at the end of BL2? We only see the milky-eye after his demise. So what if it was normal before then? Hell, he could normally wear a contact lens that disguises the damage that gets knocked out during the fight?

    At the end of TPS, straight after he's branded it's difficult to see just how damaged his eye is. I swear you can detect a hint of his iris:

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    Click for bigger pic

    Alternatively it's the same pseudo-science/magic that makes his mask able to move/express itself like a normal face.

    (also that screen cap is the stuff of nightmares...)

  • Considering how advanced technologies are in this setting, I think it is possible that his mask allows him to see with both eyes.

  • When I first watched the ending, I thought Jack didn't have an eye anymore. But you can see that he does indeed have an eye, if you unlock Timothy's "And Jill" head. I believe, Gearbox used the same model in the ending cutscene.
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    Also, when Jack puts his mask on, you can see he has a grey streak through his hair. But in the actual cutscene his hair looks normal.

  • Super science mask technology allows him to see I'll bet and the hologram is just an A.I. I assume and that will see whatever Rhys sees, but with science gook around it.

  • Scars fade with time so it makes sense it would be white around Lilith/the Vault Hunters fight. but realistic no after the incident. there would be massive scar tissue he iris looks in a very bad condition. I don't know Borderlands series well enough yet but yeah he could put in a device to make himself see again that or ask Professor Nakayama to do it for him.

    Serious answer/question: What if his eye didn't turn white from the original TPS damage but from the final showdown with Lilith/the Vault


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    I think his eye got fucked up after Lilith punched the vault symbol into his face, but if they have enough technology to make bionic eyes and shit I bet they could just do a transplant or something.

  • Sorry for offending you. I am just saying that realistically he would be blind in one eye. however video games are never really realistic so yeah he wouldn't be blind at all he would have 100% good vision.

    that is all I am saying if Handsome Jack was real he have problems with his vision but this is a video game with a fictional character, in a fictional world where implants are easy to come by so no problem.

    DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A BLIND MAN???? I think his eye got fucked up after Lilith punched the vault symbol into his face, but if they have enough technology to make bionic eyes and shit I bet they could just do a transplant or something.

  • edited April 2015

    I can see Jack being half blind. I have a dominant eye that I favor way too much (I've had lazy eye surgery but I haven't seen a difference (haha)). If Jack's right eye was more dominant than his left, he probably wouldn't notice much of a difference. Covering his scar with a contact, it'd look around and seem normal, though it probably wouldn't constrict to light.

    Possibly Jack's always been partially blind thanks to injuries caused by his grandmother, which could be a cause of his heterochromia.

  • Dude I was totally kidding -- I just thought the gif was funny :O

    Sorry for offending you. I am just saying that realistically he would be blind in one eye. however video games are never really realistic so

  • Don't worry, it made me laugh like a demented walrus!

    Dude I was totally kidding -- I just thought the gif was funny :O

  • HAHA omg that is the best descriptor, I have never heard a demented walrus laugh but somehow it makes total sense

    I knew I could count on Handsome Jack to get my dumb humor :')

    Don't worry, it made me laugh like a demented walrus!

  • edited April 2015

    You put your first sentence all in caps lock, I thought you were yelling. yeah that was funny but I thought the way you typed that it seemed your more angry then making a joke.

    sorry for the misunderstanding.

    Dude I was totally kidding -- I just thought the gif was funny :O

  • what did his grandmother do to him? I don't know that part of Jack's story I only recently start to play borderlands 2

    Dapnee posted: »

    I can see Jack being half blind. I have a dominant eye that I favor way too much (I've had lazy eye surgery but I haven't seen a difference

  • edited April 2015

    Just wait till you get the mission "To Grandmother's House We Go" from him (it's closer to the end of the game,you'll get in from the messege board once you'll get to the eridium mining area). You won't regret it. But you might regret the spoilers. Or you might not, I dunno. :)

    what did his grandmother do to him? I don't know that part of Jack's story I only recently start to play borderlands 2

  • edited April 2015

    I don't mind spoilers and there is a strong chance that I won't get to the end of the game. I am having a very hard time getting a hang of the gameplay.

    DeityD posted: »

    Just wait till you get the mission "To Grandmother's House We Go" from him (it's closer to the end of the game,you'll get in from the messeg

  • edited April 2015

    Well then, long story short his grandma was an abusive old ******. In that mission we find a "grandma's buzz axe" and the description on it says "A disciplinary weapon use by Handsome Jack's grandmother. About as painful as it looks". In the pre-sequel he also says she killed his cat because he didn't make his bed, or something close to that.

    Upd, here it is btw -

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    I'm curious what class did you pick? :) I know some can be pretty tough to handle (I'm looking at you, zer0), especially in singleplayer, maybe you just need to chose another to make your life easier because really - BL2 is worth al least a one run.

    I don't mind spoilers and there is a strong chance that I won't get to the end of the game. I am having a very hard time getting a hang of the gameplay.

  • edited April 2015

    Thanks for telling me that. I picked zer0. I am pretty good at snipping and pretty good at melee usually in action games. pretty bad mid range i.e the shot gun, machine guns etc. I am not sure if I am upgrading well through. I have up-graded my health bar to 216 and my shield is currently 315. but once the shield is gone - which to be fair takes a few shots, the health disappears in 2 shots. 216 goes down to 70 then to 6 health and then I am dead. Yes I don't give up straight away and try and get a second kill to get some health back but the thing is Zer0 reloads soooooooooooo slow. 12 sec half the time I run out of time. Zer0 is quick on his feet and seems to pretty good at speed but he can't take a hit at all.

    with the snipping I usually stay up hill with a good look out over the bandit camp take out 10 kills then move to the first line of buildings hide upstairs and take out a few more bandits but its here where I ran in to trouble. a Psycho uerally attacks me from behind, and they urselly have a fire grenade in their hands and like before Zer0 can't take a hit. so if I go in to close combat I get over whelmed, if I sniper I get in to the first layer or second layer of bandits and get attack from behind, if I don't have shield cause its recharging I am dead from the first hit from a Psycho

    DeityD posted: »

    Well then, long story short his grandma was an abusive old ******. In that mission we find a "grandma's buzz axe" and the description on it

  • If Psycho's are bombarding you from behind, that is one thing you'll have to learn to stop letting happen to yah. Still catches me sometimes too, but Zer0 is known for being the definition of a Glass Cannon. He can dish out absolute hull tons of damage, but can't take it back.

    In the meantime, in such early levels maybe you should try a spike shield or nova shield for those close-up encounters. See if those suit your fancy.

    Thanks for telling me that. I picked zer0. I am pretty good at snipping and pretty good at melee usually in action games. pretty bad mid ra

  • So that is that then, it's not because I am levelling up zer0 wrong he is just that, what you called him a "Glass Cannon"? well that suck is there anyway to get him a good defence?

    Where can you find a spike shield or a nova shield?

    is the any good balance characters? you know with good attack and good defence.

    ActionHank posted: »

    If Psycho's are bombarding you from behind, that is one thing you'll have to learn to stop letting happen to yah. Still catches me sometimes

  • edited April 2015

    I find Axton is pretty excellent all around. The turrets are an awesome distraction right off the bat.(But so early in the game, all the characters are quite the same anyway.) Spike or Nova shields are just random shields you'd find anywhere so, keep an eye out for those.

    As for giving him a good defense, the most well-known way to give ANYONE a defense, is to give them a Moxxi weapon. These are special guns given to you by Moxxi for her missions. They're unique in that they will heal you for a small percentage of the damage you deal while holding those weapons. Including melee attacks and such. However, I don't like Moxxi weapons because of how game-breaking they actually are. They are the one thing in the game I 100% avoid due to just how broken they seem to be.

    Otherwise, Zer0 DOES have protective abilities but those skills are few and far between for him, and you seem to be quite early for him. It might do you well to look for a Survivor Class Mod for him because those slowly regen health. Or, if you find any Transfusion grenades, try and get used to using those. They send out homing orbs that steal enemies health to give to you.

    EDIT: Other than those methods, it's also good to know just how valuable a nice piece of cover is. It's easy to get into the flow of killing everyone so easily and then not recognizing that you're running blindly into bullet fire and wondering why you're losing. HAppens to me lots.

    So that is that then, it's not because I am levelling up zer0 wrong he is just that, what you called him a "Glass Cannon"? well that suck i

  • Thanks very much for the advice ActionHank. yes very early on I am looking for a kidnaped Roland and get him back to the Crimson Riders

    ActionHank posted: »

    I find Axton is pretty excellent all around. The turrets are an awesome distraction right off the bat.(But so early in the game, all the cha

  • Aaah, alrighty. What kind of guns ARE you running, if I may ask?

    And pretty soon you'll be fighting Loaders. Those robot enemies are the most fun in the whole game for me. So many critical spots to destroy them with.

    Thanks very much for the advice ActionHank. yes very early on I am looking for a kidnaped Roland and get him back to the Crimson Riders

  • You mean what weapons in the game right? here is what I currently have and few other states:

    Symmetrical Turtle Shield: Shield 377%
    Health - 304%
    Level 13

    Current mission: Cult Following Lighting the match

    Equipped Weapons:

    Scarlet Jericho

    Defered Competition

    Sneety Horrorshow

    Backpack Weapons:

    Fioated Dart

    Double Lovin' Pounder

    Scalable Projectile


    Slick Widow Maker

    can you tell me anything about the Loaders?

    ActionHank posted: »

    Aaah, alrighty. What kind of guns ARE you running, if I may ask? And pretty soon you'll be fighting Loaders. Those robot enemies are the most fun in the whole game for me. So many critical spots to destroy them with.

  • clap-tpclap-tp Banned
    edited April 2015

    yeah exreamly high burning on his eye means he lost it, but this is how it works in OUR world where people also die from a bullet to the head. even if he lost it he likely fixed it with hyperian tech.

  • Aaah, running all sniper rifles. If that's how you plan to play Zer0 through the whole game, you might be interested in the skill Critical Ascension. That will be a lot later for you still, but it only works with Sniper Rifles anyway, so. Also, maybe when you get your fourth weapon slot, it'd be a good idea to keep a rocket launcher on you for Fight For Your Life revives. Those things are super wicked useful for that.

    As for the Loaders... really, they're just walking, big dumb robots turrets and I love them. The Badass variants are a force to be reckon with however. All that being said, aim for either their red eye, or the black parts where their limbs connect with their bodies. You can also shoot their arms off this way, really reccomended for those Badass types especially with their huge guns.

    You mean what weapons in the game right? here is what I currently have and few other states: Symmetrical Turtle Shield: Shield 377% Heal

  • edited April 2015

    Ahaha, yes playing an assasin is fun, but a tough fun. xD I know zer0 can be a pain in the ass to play, especially in the boss fights (I still remember running like a wounded chicken from captain Flynt and his psychos, literally just running around all the fight like in some Dark Souls). But it will get better once you'll reach the higher levels I believe. The thing is, playing as a sniper one should always stay away from the fight and that can be tricky so yeah, you literally should just run away from enemies and don't let them near.
    Also, unfortunately it's almost impossible to survive using only the sniper rifles. I can't really get far without a submachine gun and a pistol, both with a high fire rate and + decent accuracy. I also hate the shotguns and rocket launchers, and even assault rifles, but using only one kind of a weapon is really tough, especially since the class is also pretty tough itself.

    But after all, assasin is not really a good class for the first playthrough of BL, it's more of a challenge. Like ActionHank already said, for the new players Axton is better because of his turret ability which will literally do all the work for you and it'll also attract enemies attention so half of them will attack the turret. Though I don't mean it like your life will be 150% easier, maybe it'll be wiser to stick with zer0 for a while, gain a decent level and then decide.

    Thanks for telling me that. I picked zer0. I am pretty good at snipping and pretty good at melee usually in action games. pretty bad mid ra

  • Yes I got Critical Ascension but I will upgrade it more. Yeah I use Sniper rifles a lot but I mainly have all those because the last time I played I found some guns that dose 76 % damage, 87 % damage and even a pistol that 90% damage. yeah it was a no brainer. I do use elemental weapons a lot through because of the raped fire rate and it take out shields really quickly. I plan to get the fourth weapon shot next time I go to Sanctuary I am guessing the black market has it. ok I will think about the rocket launcher but if the bandit is really close to me it would kill me too I am sure.

    thanks for the advice for the Loaders.

    ActionHank posted: »

    Aaah, running all sniper rifles. If that's how you plan to play Zer0 through the whole game, you might be interested in the skill Critical A

  • I picked Zer0 because in other action games I am a good snipper. so I based that choice on my history with shooter games then anything I knew about characters you can play as in borderlands 2. Yeah it is more challenging but I am getting a hang of the characters.

    I have a lot of sniper guns yes but its because the last time I played I find some with really high damage, .76 % damage, 87 % damage and even a pistol that 90% damage. That saying I use elemental weapons a lot because I love the height firing rate and that they are take out bandits shields. I too use a lot of pistols. By no means I plan to stick just the Sniping tree. I plan to go with Bloodshed tree too I really like Decepti0n

    DeityD posted: »

    Ahaha, yes playing an assasin is fun, but a tough fun. xD I know zer0 can be a pain in the ass to play, especially in the boss fights (I sti

  • edited April 2015

    IF you're IN Fight For Your Life mode while using a rocket, you'll still be invincible from the explosion, the bandit will die and THEN you'll get up. So feel free to spam rockets in close-range when you're ready to die. EDIT: This is also the same reason that, if you are ABOUT to lose all your health it's a good idea to run fast and get as close to a vulnerable target as you can before going down. There are a couple unique launchers that act more dangerously but, those are much rarer for you. As for elemental stuff, if you HAPPEN to have a good Corrosive weapon, you might consider using it on those loaders, because acid destroys metal. Then again, don't go out of your way cause elements don't make a massive difference on the first playthrough.

    As for the fourth weapon slot, it's actually another thing you get from the story. Probably after you rescue Roland I THINK.

    Yes I got Critical Ascension but I will upgrade it more. Yeah I use Sniper rifles a lot but I mainly have all those because the last time I

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