You slather me with compliments, you find some way to cheer me up when I'm glum, you never talk shit about me, and yet you're practically spewing the stuff out of your mouths when addressing my family. I wonder why?
Maybe you're all just overly insecure and can't cope, and picking on easy targets make you feel better. Is that it? If so, well, you sicken me, and I'm simply gonna add 'pathetic' to the list of adjectives appropriate to describe you lot. You calling my twin, a person who is no less of a human being than the rest of us and suffering from severe social anxieties, a "retard", "dumbass", "faggot"... I'm no saint myself, but I can tell you, that really tempts me to flat-out nail each and every one of you in the nose. Perhaps I will; see how you like "being put in your place". So he doesn't speak or engage in 'normal activities' - what the hell does that matter to you? But apparently you ain't satisfied enough, huh? No, of course not.
You're all the equivalent of leeches: sucking and draining people's contentment just to make them feel unwanted and to make you feel powerful, to give your egos a boost, however small. That's now even clearer, since you've taken to bashing my father. Okay, so he's eccentric. "Dude, look at wut he's wearin'! His fashion sense sux lololol!" Please, now you're just acting like one of the stereotypical mean characters from some fucking high school flick. Seriously, why do you idiots care? Does he not fit your criteria of a perfect dad? Go play with yourselves.
I shout at you to piss off and stop insulting them, and what do you four do? Stay calm and apologize like champs. But that doesn't mean anything, since you resume in insulting them anyway, like nothing has happened. And to think that you all seemed like decent guys when I first met you. Now I'm considering to actually throw a punch the next time I run into any of you... preferably somewhere painful. Hah. Some good-for-nothing 'friends' you are.
i dont really like to whine or complain but ive been thinking about posting something on this thread and i now i felt like it...
I know t… morehat there are people who are dealing with much tougher and heavier shit than me and they have it worse than me but i still feel like i dont lead the most glamorous life and its not easy for me...
my dad died when i was 9 years old from cancer... he wasnt a great man but, i dunno... he was still my dad and i kinda miss him...
people used to tease me and make fun of me all the time in school, and to this day i dont know why, maybe because i was different than them, i saw the world in a different way, i didnt talk much, i liked to be alone, i had trouble with my walk and my feet... they liked to provoke me until i got mad and i would get in a fight... some of that shit still happens but ive learnt to live with it and ignore most of it...
recently there was i girl i liked but she was with another guy… [view original content]
I've been working so hard to improve my self esteem and actually try to get my anxiety down to a reasonable level because without medication it is almost impossible to get rid of the levels of anxiety I have. I get scared so much when I have to get up in front of crowds and talk, it usually ends well. Some recent times I had to do this was during a presentation in my English class, I had to get up twice in order to read for my group. I was stuttering, my heart was racing, I was shaking and I thought I bombed it both times...However, everyone told me I did great and how they never even noticed how scared I was. The teacher told me it was great since I went up without a paper which most groups just read from I actually winged it without it. It actually helped me a lot, we may have lost against the other team that day but it really helped me to be able to read in front of crowds.
Since then I've worked on my self esteem and improving my mental image of myself. It's still hard for me but in the past I've had my mind beating me up, telling me I was a horrible, fat, ugly, bad person. I now have created someone else in my mind to stand up for myself. It is the voice of encouragement and it is louder than the other voice. It tells me the truth of how other people see me, not of how I see myself in the past. Since this voice has appeared in my head I've managed to actually be able to think of myself as handsome and walk with dignity and hope.
Today, my group had to do a presentation in my Physics class. I was still scared but the voice of encouragement was helping me through it, it was the first time I thought I could go up there and be fine. My group did go up there, I still shook but I was able to face the crowd and talk without stuttering. When we finished I thought we did horrible but when the teacher told us how we did, we actually got 100%. I can't tell you how happy I was, especially when we did better than this girl in my class who I hate and she actually tried to ruin my group's presentation by pointing out a small mistake in my wording.
No offense, but I more on my mind right now than just school.
I know dropping was a huge mistake, but at the time, I had no other options. Now that I'm clean from any sort of anti-depressants (yeah, anti, my ass), I figure it'll be easier to return to a schedule. I've been driven mad without school, I need some sort of routine to function.
Public speaking is scary at first, but the more you do it, the better you get. It helps when you realize that if you do make a few mistakes, it isn't the end of the world, and most people don't notice, anyway. Eventually, you can even make fun of yourself when you make a mistake and realize it right away, and the audience loves it. Especially in a class setting where they're about to do the same thing. So keep encouraging yourself, and your confidence will improve with experience.
I've been working so hard to improve my self esteem and actually try to get my anxiety down to a reasonable level because w… moreithout medication it is almost impossible to get rid of the levels of anxiety I have. I get scared so much when I have to get up in front of crowds and talk, it usually ends well. Some recent times I had to do this was during a presentation in my English class, I had to get up twice in order to read for my group. I was stuttering, my heart was racing, I was shaking and I thought I bombed it both times...However, everyone told me I did great and how they never even noticed how scared I was. The teacher told me it was great since I went up without a paper which most groups just read from I actually winged it without it. It actually helped me a lot, we may have lost against the other team that day but it really helped me to be able to read in front of crowds.
Since then I've worked on my self esteem and i… [view original content]
Yeah, anxiety sucks big time. I also have self-esteem problems, as much as I try to cover it up. It's caused me to miss out on a lot of things and keep doubting what others say in favor of listening to that pestering voice in my head that tells me I'm not good enough.
I don't have a problem speaking in front of large groups, but that's because I know that if I fuck up it won't stay in that person's mind and they probably won't judge me for it. They won't go to sleep at night and say "Ha, can't believe Maddi stuttered during the presentation" or "Maddi forgot what she needed to say for a couple seconds, what a loser!". Most people are too busy worrying about themselves.
If it makes you feel any better about your looks, you kind of remind me of Ansel Elgort who played Augustus in The Fault in Our Stars
I've been working so hard to improve my self esteem and actually try to get my anxiety down to a reasonable level because w… moreithout medication it is almost impossible to get rid of the levels of anxiety I have. I get scared so much when I have to get up in front of crowds and talk, it usually ends well. Some recent times I had to do this was during a presentation in my English class, I had to get up twice in order to read for my group. I was stuttering, my heart was racing, I was shaking and I thought I bombed it both times...However, everyone told me I did great and how they never even noticed how scared I was. The teacher told me it was great since I went up without a paper which most groups just read from I actually winged it without it. It actually helped me a lot, we may have lost against the other team that day but it really helped me to be able to read in front of crowds.
Since then I've worked on my self esteem and i… [view original content]
Everyone has self-esteem problems to an extent. The best thing you can do is to just ignore yourself when you start to feel all of the doubts and other feelings. You can't let self-doubt control your actions. If you want to go somewhere, go there. If you want to do something, do it. It may sound simple, but it really is the best way. Next time you are experiencing the feelings that tell you not to do something you want to do, just do it anyway. Those feelings won't go away, you just have to have the willpower to ignore them, and over time it gets easier.
Yeah, anxiety sucks big time. I also have self-esteem problems, as much as I try to cover it up. It's caused me to miss out on a lot of thin… moregs and keep doubting what others say in favor of listening to that pestering voice in my head that tells me I'm not good enough.
I don't have a problem speaking in front of large groups, but that's because I know that if I fuck up it won't stay in that person's mind and they probably won't judge me for it. They won't go to sleep at night and say "Ha, can't believe Maddi stuttered during the presentation" or "Maddi forgot what she needed to say for a couple seconds, what a loser!". Most people are too busy worrying about themselves.
If it makes you feel any better about your looks, you kind of remind me of Ansel Elgort who played Augustus in The Fault in Our Stars
I've been working so hard to improve my self esteem and actually try to get my anxiety down to a reasonable level because w… moreithout medication it is almost impossible to get rid of the levels of anxiety I have. I get scared so much when I have to get up in front of crowds and talk, it usually ends well. Some recent times I had to do this was during a presentation in my English class, I had to get up twice in order to read for my group. I was stuttering, my heart was racing, I was shaking and I thought I bombed it both times...However, everyone told me I did great and how they never even noticed how scared I was. The teacher told me it was great since I went up without a paper which most groups just read from I actually winged it without it. It actually helped me a lot, we may have lost against the other team that day but it really helped me to be able to read in front of crowds.
Since then I've worked on my self esteem and i… [view original content]
Alright, just try not to blame yourself for things like that, or at least try not to hit yourself for them. Maybe buy a punching bag and take your anger out on it or something. It's better than wasting energy on injuring yourself.
I dont have trouble talking to people and believe it or not im actually very wise and interesting to conversate with (if that makes any sens… moree)... but to me 95% of people in my life are garbage, so sometimes im happier alone...
i dont think i really need big help... im sane, im aware what i do, i just sometimes need to get shit out of my system and sometimes it happens to be the day im mad at myself...
the only time i have caused myself big harm was when i actidentally hurt someone i care about... one time i actidentally closed my little nieces fingers with a trunk door, i didnt see her... luckily nothing was broken and she was alright couple hours later but i didnt know that at the time and i gave myself a bruise near my eye...
i also apreaciate you worrying about me
Yeah, I always used to have a voice in my head screaming at me and beating in the bad things about myself. At one point in my life I was a terrible person and I deserved that voice, surprisingly it made me into a better and wiser man. However even after I changed it stayed with me and caused depression. Just about a week ago that changed, there was a new voice in my head along with the old one that helped me. Whenever the old starts talking the new jumps in and defends me. It feels strange but nice.
That's another thing. Before the presentation I did notice how noone truly cared and it helped me go up there. What did suck was how nobody but one person clapped for us when we finished but whatever, 100% whoo!
Yeah, anxiety sucks big time. I also have self-esteem problems, as much as I try to cover it up. It's caused me to miss out on a lot of thin… moregs and keep doubting what others say in favor of listening to that pestering voice in my head that tells me I'm not good enough.
I don't have a problem speaking in front of large groups, but that's because I know that if I fuck up it won't stay in that person's mind and they probably won't judge me for it. They won't go to sleep at night and say "Ha, can't believe Maddi stuttered during the presentation" or "Maddi forgot what she needed to say for a couple seconds, what a loser!". Most people are too busy worrying about themselves.
If it makes you feel any better about your looks, you kind of remind me of Ansel Elgort who played Augustus in The Fault in Our Stars
I used to have self-esteem problems and always stuttered during presentations but in life there are only so many times you can get in awkward and high pressured situations till it becomes like water off a ducks back and you begin just to enjoy the challenge.
I used to feel bad in myself people will notice that and prey on my weakness to make me feel worthless till one day you read my story before
I stood up and said I really cannot give a f**k anymore I have faults but I'm going to be the best markd I can be and in order to maximize my gifts and potential I need to believe in myself then others will to. I always did things with complete conviction and belief in myself helping me achieve many hard goals and told the haters stfu earning a lot of respect.
I Made a lot of friends who encouraged me who were bright positive people
Haters are cowards they will only go after the weak they perceive
As I said before you become as you think you are, you need to fight your inner voice and try to be positive about yourself
I did a presentation months ago and got a distinction(A) in it I usually just do my best give 100% and not judge myself till the whole thing is over
I just tried to be natural understood they will be pressure and have fun with it and I made the class laugh a lot it was good
There was even a girl in my class like your story who criticized and interrupted everyone's presentation ruining theirs but mine happened like this I expected it no one said a thing to her just let her
(I turn and see a smirk on her face she is about to speak and interrupt for another ten minute rant like the others)
Me: ( I stopped my presentation and turned and pointed at her as the class watched my presentation) Don't you even dare speak save your questions till the end
Her: But...but...
Me: You shut your mouth I'm not done yet
The whole class and teacher laughed and applauded my mate even nodded at me I think they were relieved finally someone said it to her XD She was as quiet as a mouse for any presentation or public speaking I ever did again
Your a very smart and nice guy your still young experience teaches you confident it will all come together one day believe me. Just keep your head up and do your best till that day where everything will just make sense don't worry
I've been working so hard to improve my self esteem and actually try to get my anxiety down to a reasonable level because w… moreithout medication it is almost impossible to get rid of the levels of anxiety I have. I get scared so much when I have to get up in front of crowds and talk, it usually ends well. Some recent times I had to do this was during a presentation in my English class, I had to get up twice in order to read for my group. I was stuttering, my heart was racing, I was shaking and I thought I bombed it both times...However, everyone told me I did great and how they never even noticed how scared I was. The teacher told me it was great since I went up without a paper which most groups just read from I actually winged it without it. It actually helped me a lot, we may have lost against the other team that day but it really helped me to be able to read in front of crowds.
Since then I've worked on my self esteem and i… [view original content]
I hate it when people earn my trust and act like they want to be my friend, you know when someone is all nice to you and they converse with you but then they practically ignore you after a while and you realize they weren't really a friend, just a classmate or someone that tried to shake your hand when there was no on around to make the situation very awkward....
I dislike how when you have a friend you told so much too, someone you could talk about anything to, just completely ignores you and makes you feel like they hate you, for no reason whatsoever, and when you talk to them about it the conversation is made awkward because they still think of you as a friend....
I hate how people constantly tease me and annoy me, this guy in my class keeps trying to hug me, some people give me creepy faces... only ok when my friends do that to me lol, some people are a douche to you for your entire life and suddenly care... maybe not a bad thing but why? I dislike when my parents keep interrupting me when I'm doing something important like homework - it makes me lose my mojo, what I hate the most is when people undermine mine opinion because theirs is supreme.
What gets me steamed the most is bullying! I hate seeing people getting hurt emotionally, physically or mentally, I hate when people make fun of others behind their backs, I hate how people are so disrespectful to teachers, I hate how people keep punching you no reason and I really hate when people make fun of special needs kids just because they're different, it gives me an ill feeling. What I hate the most is when I ever do anything close to that, I end up hating myself for the smallest mistakes this thread has given me a place to vent, I no longer have to vent to myself when I pace around the room talking to myself about situations or conversations I'll never be involved in when no is around
You slather me with compliments, you find some way to cheer me up when I'm glum, you never talk shit about me, and yet you're practically sp… moreewing the stuff out of your mouths when addressing my family. I wonder why?
Maybe you're all just overly insecure and can't cope, and picking on easy targets make you feel better. Is that it? If so, well, you sicken me, and I'm simply gonna add 'pathetic' to the list of adjectives appropriate to describe you lot. You calling my twin, a person who is no less of a human being than the rest of us and suffering from severe social anxieties, a "retard", "dumbass", "faggot"... I'm no saint myself, but I can tell you, that really tempts me to flat-out nail each and every one of you in the nose. Perhaps I will; see how you like "being put in your place". So he doesn't speak or engage in 'normal activities' - what the hell does that matter to you? But apparently you ain't satisfied enough, huh? No, of course no… [view original content]
I love my mom and all, but I think it's unfair to blame ME, for the things that SHE does.
She's going aorund the house and talking crap about me infront of my family on how irresponsible i am. It's true that I lost things from time to time,
but this time, it's her fault. It was her that moved things around the house and she's looking for this Bluetooth thingie (for PC) then pins that blame on me,
i really hate the "if-you-use-it-it's-your-fault" mentality and it's driving everyone crazy
I love my mom and all, but I think it's unfair to blame ME, for the things that SHE does.
She's going aorund the house and talking crap a… morebout me infront of my family on how irresponsible i am. It's true that I lost things from time to time,
but this time, it's her fault. It was her that moved things around the house and she's looking for this Bluetooth thingie (for PC) then pins that blame on me,
i really hate the "if-you-use-it-it's-your-fault" mentality and it's driving everyone crazy
Well I have social anxiety and it honestly sucks. I honestly didn't know for the longest time too. So now it's all just hitting me and I've gotten a lot better in some parts but a lot worse in others. Like I'm able to raise my hand in class but in certain situations I flip. Like when a teacher tells us to partner up and a knot grows in my stomach. It's odd how scared I am to talk to people, afraid of what I might say might sound stupid. But, I'm working on it
So, I wake up every morning, and I say the worst shit about my self, and I've been contemplating suicide. I think I am the most useless piece of shit ever, and some days I just wanna end it. But I have people who count on me, and a suicidal Girlfriend, and Responsibilities, The worst part is, My life is considered amazing, but I hate myself, I hate myself a lot. Some days I just want to hurt people, But... I don't even know. I vented, I guess...
I had similar feelings a few years back (besides the hurting other people part) and I understand how hard it is and how much it sucks. But suicide isn't going to solve anything, in fact it will make things a whole lot worse for you. It took me a night in the hospital to figure that out, and I hope you can be smarter than I was and realize that ending your life won't solve anything. If you ever need to talk to someone, I'm here for you.
So, I wake up every morning, and I say the worst shit about my self, and I've been contemplating suicide. I think I am the most useless piec… moree of shit ever, and some days I just wanna end it. But I have people who count on me, and a suicidal Girlfriend, and Responsibilities, The worst part is, My life is considered amazing, but I hate myself, I hate myself a lot. Some days I just want to hurt people, But... I don't even know. I vented, I guess...
I had similar feelings a few years back (besides the hurting other people part) and I understand how hard it is and how much it sucks. But s… moreuicide isn't going to solve anything, in fact it will make things a whole lot worse for you. It took me a night in the hospital to figure that out, and I hope you can be smarter than I was and realize that ending your life won't solve anything. If you ever need to talk to someone, I'm here for you.
Life is a gift you must learn to love yourself being that negative is making you feel that way. Try to be more positive and please don't I have lost people in the past to suicide it never solves anything and leaves a negative mark on everyone who knew you destroying their lifes forever they and you deserve much better
I know things seem bleak but that's the fun in life finding happiness and overcoming challenges to find it believe in yourself and I know you can do it.
Just keep fighting the bad taughts and the answers will come one day
So, I wake up every morning, and I say the worst shit about my self, and I've been contemplating suicide. I think I am the most useless piec… moree of shit ever, and some days I just wanna end it. But I have people who count on me, and a suicidal Girlfriend, and Responsibilities, The worst part is, My life is considered amazing, but I hate myself, I hate myself a lot. Some days I just want to hurt people, But... I don't even know. I vented, I guess...
You always seemed like a really cool and friendly person to me so I'm shocked to hear you suffer from anxiety at least take heart your such an awesome person once you sort that out everything will go great and anxiety is only temporary and extremely fixable everyone goes through that stage every now and again
It's great also you found your real friends to that's an important step in friendship as a lot of friends can be landmines so you have to be careful who you trust and hang around with
That guy is a douche who is looking for a reaction do not give it to him or you will suffer the consequences that sounds like an extremely sneaky person who will get you locked up once you react
Do not let negative forces dictate your life or your mood you have to try move on this will always harm your mental state but in this case I think you have unfinished business with this guy so you won't be able to till you sort this problem of him harassing your family just don't fall to his level
For fuck's sake. When I buy a new Xbox 360 controller, I expect it to last more than a few months before the battery pack loosens. Seriously, did Microsoft not think to develop a controller with stronger plastic to hold the battery pack? Not once in nine years?!
I use to own an xbox 360 the dark days red ring, games getting scratched by the system all the time, controller problems and the exclusives were not great
Then I got a ps3 all my problems were solved with great games I couldn't play on xbox360 :P
For fuck's sake. When I buy a new Xbox 360 controller, I expect it to last more than a few months before the battery pack loosens. Seriously… more, did Microsoft not think to develop a controller with stronger plastic to hold the battery pack? Not once in nine years?!
I use to own an xbox 360 the dark days red ring, games getting scratched by the system all the time, controller problems and the exclusives were not great
Then I got a ps3 all my problems were solved with great games I couldn't play on xbox360 :P
Huntington bank, made a bank mistake, and billed me -23 dollars in a overdraft fee. I had to pay Ohio State 213 dollars in taxes for this year, so i wrote a check, they took it out of a an account i have that i don't use often. Luckily i checked my email today, to find out that there was a negative balance.
The anger swelled inside me, The checking "account" has plenty of money to cover it. Its not about the -23 dollars its about Corporate trying to screw every last dollar out of me. I'm at the point, i will switch banks over -23 dollars. I guarantee they'll lose more money off my money from intrest than, twenty three dollars. I was forced to pay it, but i am not taking this sitting down. No sir, I called Customer service, and they wouldn't waive the fee. So i am going to switch banks. Fuck them, last dime they make off my money.
Huntington bank, made a bank mistake, and billed me -23 dollars in a overdraft fee. I had to pay Ohio State 213 dollars in taxes for this ye… morear, so i wrote a check, they took it out of a an account i have that i don't use often. Luckily i checked my email today, to find out that there was a negative balance.
The anger swelled inside me, The checking "account" has plenty of money to cover it. Its not about the -23 dollars its about Corporate trying to screw every last dollar out of me. I'm at the point, i will switch banks over -23 dollars. I guarantee they'll lose more money off my money from intrest than, twenty three dollars. I was forced to pay it, but i am not taking this sitting down. No sir, I called Customer service, and they wouldn't waive the fee. So i am going to switch banks. Fuck them, last dime they make off my money.
you probably cant see very well from the light but i busted up my knuckles
Illuminatot confirmed
Illuminatot confirmed
You slather me with compliments, you find some way to cheer me up when I'm glum, you never talk shit about me, and yet you're practically spewing the stuff out of your mouths when addressing my family. I wonder why?
Maybe you're all just overly insecure and can't cope, and picking on easy targets make you feel better. Is that it? If so, well, you sicken me, and I'm simply gonna add 'pathetic' to the list of adjectives appropriate to describe you lot. You calling my twin, a person who is no less of a human being than the rest of us and suffering from severe social anxieties, a "retard", "dumbass", "faggot"... I'm no saint myself, but I can tell you, that really tempts me to flat-out nail each and every one of you in the nose. Perhaps I will; see how you like "being put in your place". So he doesn't speak or engage in 'normal activities' - what the hell does that matter to you? But apparently you ain't satisfied enough, huh? No, of course not.
You're all the equivalent of leeches: sucking and draining people's contentment just to make them feel unwanted and to make you feel powerful, to give your egos a boost, however small. That's now even clearer, since you've taken to bashing my father. Okay, so he's eccentric. "Dude, look at wut he's wearin'! His fashion sense sux lololol!" Please, now you're just acting like one of the stereotypical mean characters from some fucking high school flick. Seriously, why do you idiots care? Does he not fit your criteria of a perfect dad? Go play with yourselves.
I shout at you to piss off and stop insulting them, and what do you four do? Stay calm and apologize like champs. But that doesn't mean anything, since you resume in insulting them anyway, like nothing has happened. And to think that you all seemed like decent guys when I first met you. Now I'm considering to actually throw a punch the next time I run into any of you... preferably somewhere painful. Hah. Some good-for-nothing 'friends' you are.
I'm done.
Yep, I did.
I also play games because I want to escape my life. I love to invest myself because I feel like I am not me anymore, I'm someone who matters.
I've been working so hard to improve my self esteem and actually try to get my anxiety down to a reasonable level because without medication it is almost impossible to get rid of the levels of anxiety I have. I get scared so much when I have to get up in front of crowds and talk, it usually ends well. Some recent times I had to do this was during a presentation in my English class, I had to get up twice in order to read for my group. I was stuttering, my heart was racing, I was shaking and I thought I bombed it both times...However, everyone told me I did great and how they never even noticed how scared I was. The teacher told me it was great since I went up without a paper which most groups just read from I actually winged it without it. It actually helped me a lot, we may have lost against the other team that day but it really helped me to be able to read in front of crowds.
Since then I've worked on my self esteem and improving my mental image of myself. It's still hard for me but in the past I've had my mind beating me up, telling me I was a horrible, fat, ugly, bad person. I now have created someone else in my mind to stand up for myself. It is the voice of encouragement and it is louder than the other voice. It tells me the truth of how other people see me, not of how I see myself in the past. Since this voice has appeared in my head I've managed to actually be able to think of myself as handsome and walk with dignity and hope.
Today, my group had to do a presentation in my Physics class. I was still scared but the voice of encouragement was helping me through it, it was the first time I thought I could go up there and be fine. My group did go up there, I still shook but I was able to face the crowd and talk without stuttering. When we finished I thought we did horrible but when the teacher told us how we did, we actually got 100%. I can't tell you how happy I was, especially when we did better than this girl in my class who I hate and she actually tried to ruin my group's presentation by pointing out a small mistake in my wording.
If you don't , big mistake. Seriously get back in school, unless you plan on enlisting, you got to have a plan.
No offense, but I more on my mind right now than just school.
I know dropping was a huge mistake, but at the time, I had no other options. Now that I'm clean from any sort of anti-depressants (yeah, anti, my ass), I figure it'll be easier to return to a schedule. I've been driven mad without school, I need some sort of routine to function.
I'm going back, I really do assure you that much.
Public speaking is scary at first, but the more you do it, the better you get. It helps when you realize that if you do make a few mistakes, it isn't the end of the world, and most people don't notice, anyway. Eventually, you can even make fun of yourself when you make a mistake and realize it right away, and the audience loves it. Especially in a class setting where they're about to do the same thing.
So keep encouraging yourself, and your confidence will improve with experience.
Yeah, anxiety sucks big time. I also have self-esteem problems, as much as I try to cover it up. It's caused me to miss out on a lot of things and keep doubting what others say in favor of listening to that pestering voice in my head that tells me I'm not good enough.
I don't have a problem speaking in front of large groups, but that's because I know that if I fuck up it won't stay in that person's mind and they probably won't judge me for it. They won't go to sleep at night and say "Ha, can't believe Maddi stuttered during the presentation" or "Maddi forgot what she needed to say for a couple seconds, what a loser!". Most people are too busy worrying about themselves.
If it makes you feel any better about your looks, you kind of remind me of Ansel Elgort who played Augustus in The Fault in Our Stars
Everyone has self-esteem problems to an extent. The best thing you can do is to just ignore yourself when you start to feel all of the doubts and other feelings. You can't let self-doubt control your actions. If you want to go somewhere, go there. If you want to do something, do it. It may sound simple, but it really is the best way. Next time you are experiencing the feelings that tell you not to do something you want to do, just do it anyway. Those feelings won't go away, you just have to have the willpower to ignore them, and over time it gets easier.
A girl in your class tried ruining your presentation by pointing out a mistake in your wording? Man, FUCK that bitch.
Alright, just try not to blame yourself for things like that, or at least try not to hit yourself for them. Maybe buy a punching bag and take your anger out on it or something. It's better than wasting energy on injuring yourself.
Yup. I hate her and she hates me. I think she likes annoying me after I beat her in an argument once.
Yeah, I always used to have a voice in my head screaming at me and beating in the bad things about myself. At one point in my life I was a terrible person and I deserved that voice, surprisingly it made me into a better and wiser man. However even after I changed it stayed with me and caused depression. Just about a week ago that changed, there was a new voice in my head along with the old one that helped me. Whenever the old starts talking the new jumps in and defends me. It feels strange but nice.
That's another thing. Before the presentation I did notice how noone truly cared and it helped me go up there. What did suck was how nobody but one person clapped for us when we finished but whatever, 100% whoo!
I used to have self-esteem problems and always stuttered during presentations but in life there are only so many times you can get in awkward and high pressured situations till it becomes like water off a ducks back and you begin just to enjoy the challenge.
I used to feel bad in myself people will notice that and prey on my weakness to make me feel worthless till one day you read my story before
I stood up and said I really cannot give a f**k anymore I have faults but I'm going to be the best markd I can be and in order to maximize my gifts and potential I need to believe in myself then others will to. I always did things with complete conviction and belief in myself helping me achieve many hard goals and told the haters stfu earning a lot of respect.
I Made a lot of friends who encouraged me who were bright positive people
Haters are cowards they will only go after the weak they perceive
As I said before you become as you think you are, you need to fight your inner voice and try to be positive about yourself
I did a presentation months ago and got a distinction(A) in it I usually just do my best give 100% and not judge myself till the whole thing is over
I just tried to be natural understood they will be pressure and have fun with it and I made the class laugh a lot it was good
There was even a girl in my class like your story who criticized and interrupted everyone's presentation ruining theirs but mine happened like this I expected it no one said a thing to her just let her
(I turn and see a smirk on her face she is about to speak and interrupt for another ten minute rant like the others)
Me: ( I stopped my presentation and turned and pointed at her as the class watched my presentation) Don't you even dare speak save your questions till the end
Her: But...but...
Me: You shut your mouth I'm not done yet
The whole class and teacher laughed and applauded my mate even nodded at me I think they were relieved finally someone said it to her XD She was as quiet as a mouse for any presentation or public speaking I ever did again
Your a very smart and nice guy your still young experience teaches you confident it will all come together one day believe me. Just keep your head up and do your best till that day where everything will just make sense don't worry
I hate it when people earn my trust and act like they want to be my friend, you know when someone is all nice to you and they converse with you but then they practically ignore you after a while and you realize they weren't really a friend, just a classmate or someone that tried to shake your hand when there was no on around to make the situation very awkward....
I dislike how when you have a friend you told so much too, someone you could talk about anything to, just completely ignores you and makes you feel like they hate you, for no reason whatsoever, and when you talk to them about it the conversation is made awkward because they still think of you as a friend....
I hate how people constantly tease me and annoy me, this guy in my class keeps trying to hug me, some people give me creepy faces... only ok when my friends do that to me lol, some people are a douche to you for your entire life and suddenly care... maybe not a bad thing but why? I dislike when my parents keep interrupting me when I'm doing something important like homework - it makes me lose my mojo, what I hate the most is when people undermine mine opinion because theirs is supreme.
What gets me steamed the most is bullying! I hate seeing people getting hurt emotionally, physically or mentally, I hate when people make fun of others behind their backs, I hate how people are so disrespectful to teachers, I hate how people keep punching you no reason and I really hate when people make fun of special needs kids just because they're different, it gives me an ill feeling. What I hate the most is when I ever do anything close to that, I end up hating myself for the smallest mistakes
this thread has given me a place to vent, I no longer have to vent to myself when I pace around the room talking to myself about situations or conversations I'll never be involved in when no is around 
I love my mom and all, but I think it's unfair to blame ME, for the things that SHE does.
She's going aorund the house and talking crap about me infront of my family on how irresponsible i am. It's true that I lost things from time to time,
but this time, it's her fault. It was her that moved things around the house and she's looking for this Bluetooth thingie (for PC) then pins that blame on me,
i really hate the "if-you-use-it-it's-your-fault" mentality and it's driving everyone crazy
Hate that! I usually took the fall for those kinda thing too. "Max touched it, he must've lost it."
I've had enough bullshit today.
I hope your ok
Well I have social anxiety and it honestly sucks. I honestly didn't know for the longest time too. So now it's all just hitting me and I've gotten a lot better in some parts but a lot worse in others. Like I'm able to raise my hand in class but in certain situations I flip. Like when a teacher tells us to partner up and a knot grows in my stomach. It's odd how scared I am to talk to people, afraid of what I might say might sound stupid. But, I'm working on it
So, I wake up every morning, and I say the worst shit about my self, and I've been contemplating suicide. I think I am the most useless piece of shit ever, and some days I just wanna end it. But I have people who count on me, and a suicidal Girlfriend, and Responsibilities, The worst part is, My life is considered amazing, but I hate myself, I hate myself a lot. Some days I just want to hurt people, But... I don't even know. I vented, I guess...
I had similar feelings a few years back (besides the hurting other people part) and I understand how hard it is and how much it sucks. But suicide isn't going to solve anything, in fact it will make things a whole lot worse for you. It took me a night in the hospital to figure that out, and I hope you can be smarter than I was and realize that ending your life won't solve anything. If you ever need to talk to someone, I'm here for you.
Thank you... I really appriciate it.
Sounds like you've got it rough man. I'm really sorry, and I hope things get better for you, If you ever need someone to talk to, I'll talk to you.
That freakin' awesome man. I'm glad to hear it.
Life is a gift you must learn to love yourself being that negative is making you feel that way. Try to be more positive and please don't I have lost people in the past to suicide it never solves anything and leaves a negative mark on everyone who knew you destroying their lifes forever they and you deserve much better
I know things seem bleak but that's the fun in life finding happiness and overcoming challenges to find it believe in yourself and I know you can do it.
Just keep fighting the bad taughts and the answers will come one day
You always seemed like a really cool and friendly person to me so I'm shocked to hear you suffer from anxiety at least take heart your such an awesome person once you sort that out everything will go great and anxiety is only temporary and extremely fixable everyone goes through that stage every now and again
It's great also you found your real friends to that's an important step in friendship as a lot of friends can be landmines so you have to be careful who you trust and hang around with
That guy is a douche who is looking for a reaction do not give it to him or you will suffer the consequences that sounds like an extremely sneaky person who will get you locked up once you react
Do not let negative forces dictate your life or your mood you have to try move on this will always harm your mental state but in this case I think you have unfinished business with this guy so you won't be able to till you sort this problem of him harassing your family just don't fall to his level
Best of luck bro
For fuck's sake. When I buy a new Xbox 360 controller, I expect it to last more than a few months before the battery pack loosens. Seriously, did Microsoft not think to develop a controller with stronger plastic to hold the battery pack? Not once in nine years?!
I use to own an xbox 360 the dark days red ring, games getting scratched by the system all the time, controller problems and the exclusives were not great
Then I got a ps3 all my problems were solved with great games I couldn't play on xbox360 :P
If there was no PC, then Playstation owners would be the master race.
Huntington bank, made a bank mistake, and billed me -23 dollars in a overdraft fee. I had to pay Ohio State 213 dollars in taxes for this year, so i wrote a check, they took it out of a an account i have that i don't use often. Luckily i checked my email today, to find out that there was a negative balance.
The anger swelled inside me, The checking "account" has plenty of money to cover it. Its not about the -23 dollars its about Corporate trying to screw every last dollar out of me. I'm at the point, i will switch banks over -23 dollars. I guarantee they'll lose more money off my money from intrest than, twenty three dollars. I was forced to pay it, but i am not taking this sitting down. No sir, I called Customer service, and they wouldn't waive the fee. So i am going to switch banks. Fuck them, last dime they make off my money.
Yes, fuck banks. Credit Union.
Lawyers, Doctors, Bankers biggest Crooks of them all.
They are all horrible people. Also politicians.