Cuz you told me about Junior and Mary's 'private moments' sometimes involving blood (why dude, why?!) that was all I could think of when Junior's blood started pouring... don't ask me why :P
Gren leaps from his bed; naked and running down the hall
Ok so Gren has a habit of sleeping nude, but Emily as well?! Damn, these 2 must be sore! XP No, in all seriousness, I hope Gren doesn't have to fight Robert, too much is at stake already...
Night before the battle part 2
Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying… more as with a voice of thunder, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.
Junior could not shrug off this abnormal feeling as he sat in his bed, looking into the mrror beside the window. The curtains blew along the object and walls of his six bedroom apartment in the downtown region of Fabletown; Mary tossed for a moment but returned to her dreams and various thoughts blooming in her mind. Junior stands up and walks towards the mirror. Even the most foul of spirits were silent when Junior poked his head through the glass. They huddled in the corner, their blank eyes glaring at their master. Junior scans the floor, sides and corners. It was all the same. Junior eyes a shadow person gliding along the … [view original content]
Yeah, I know, I made another message a few days ago. Not sick anymore - that's a plus! But I'm here sort of talking about something else. I've kind of lost interest in writing the particular tale I'm stuck on, with Belinda and Friends. I'm just having trouble planning the last chapter or two out, and it really frustrates me because I want to make them to the best of my ability, but nothing I've written satisfies me enough to share with you guys. So I've been holding off entirely on posting on here, and I haven't been as active as I usually am, so I'm sorry about that. I'm still considering finishing up my story, but idk if I have the motivation to do so. Part of me would rather just explain what I planned on happening just to get it over with, because I'm really, really itching to start something new. I want to do the new challenge as soon as possible (for another reason I have yet to address) and I also want to write about some other stuff, and I've been doing a lot of NON fable writing on my own, and I've been also itching for someone other than myself to read those writings (I have a fair amount of them.) So if you're interested in reading anything unfable related (I promise these stories are NOT bad; some might be a bit long though >.<) Then I might want to hit you up on that. I have a Gmail and if you have one too I can share it.
Now, my second order of business. I want to start the challenge early because this summer, I'm going to be basically absent. I got a job on the beach I live nearby, which is probably a 40 minute drive from my house, but I'll be living at the place I'm working at the whole summer. From June 30th to August 21st. I don't know if there will be computers or internet (well there will probably be internet) but I doubt I'm going to be able to write very often, so I will be basically gone, to some extent. Hopefully I'll be able to go home for long enough periods of time that I can come on here and pop by and say hi, but otherwise, unfortunately I'll be gone. Well duh, I've said that a few times now. I'm sorry, but work is work, and I'm super excited for this summer (living basically on the beach is going to be sweet!) and I hope I'll be able to at least read what you guys post from there. I've actually been waiting to say this all for a while (applied for the job in the end of February >.>) but I wanted to wait a while before telling you guys just because I wasn't sure when the right time to say so was.
Third (point?). I've been going through a bit of a rough time with certain family members. Lets just say, there was something with my sister, and it's caused an even more strained relationship between my mom and dad about her, and it's really freakin' nutso. I'm not involved with it, but being the oldest and the one who basically knows everything going on, it's a lot. And it's not that I know EVERYTHING, but I know enough, you know? Anywho, I'm fine, just occasionally bewildered at how crazy stuff can get, you know?
I've also been probably the busiest in my life at this point. With Junior Cruise coming up next week, I still have to go dress shopping, I have to start tutoring a kid for NHS (Not looking forward to it. I think I'm a crap tutor but lets hope for the best), I have things to do and places to be and the stress of college is starting to weigh down on me and I have to make sure I do well in my classes and blah blah blah, all this personal stuff I'm telling you is probably boring and a waste of time but I guess I just needed to write it out a bit.
I'm good, but not great. You know? Like, life is great, but I wish I had more to be happy about and excited about than this. I guess I need a bit of a pick-me-up, but I have no idea what kind of pick-me-up would work. And I also miss going on here as regularly as I used to, and being able to read all your guys's stories. -sigh-
Anyway, hope I didn't upset anyone, as I've basically described my current life story, haha.
First off, never apologies for being busy. My hiatus kicks in this Friday and I too am not sure how often I'll be posting or reading and so forth. Life is, how you said it, life. It's never fair but you gotta do what needs to be done.
Now, I understand how you feel about the tale. I will, however, wait for the ending results for it was an interesting tale with many questions floating in my head. Take your time and do not feel as if we'll be angry for the lack of posting. You're life has been pretty busy and those thoughts take over your ability to write or do anything for that matter. If I had a Gmail account, I'd be mor than happy to read those other stories you've created. Maybe I'll make one just so I can.
Now, congrats on your summer job! That sounds very exciting, tbh! It's money, great opportunity and a way to put yourself out there! HOPEFULLY, they have the internet and you can pop in every so often to read, comment or say hello. Being by the beach is freaking wonderful!! Just don't turn into a lobster and strawberry love child like I always end up as. XD It's tough but you come off as that young lady always looking for a challenge! >:D Plus, no one can say no to $$$$!
And third, I'm sorry to hear about the situation at home. Being the oldest must be tough but hang in there. Take a breather; go for a walk, hang with friends, listen to music and pray. You'll be alright, I promise you this. Your parents SEEM understanding and willing to talk. Hopefully you all can sit and talk about this. I totally understand parents being, well....parents. XD I hear you about college and please: as a friend and someone who cares, it sounds like you're taking on a lot and you might need a little break from tutoring an what not. Have fun with shopping. ENJOY that junior cruise!
Sounds like the pick-me-up you need begins with you. Go for a walk, get ice cream. See a movie, read your books. Be alone. Talk know you're doing the best and more then is required of you. I miss your comments and reactions for my stories but I know life happens and that comes first. I myself move to San Fran this weekend; Emily is growing like a weed and rolling around now. My 2nd peanut is growing and doing well; me and Tammy are happy as ever and JJ is JJ. Enough said. XD
Love ya' like family, Emmy and know I'm here, along with the others, should you need a shoulder to lean on. Be proud of your accomplishments and keep going forward!
Hey Guys! - Part 2
Yeah, I know, I made another message a few days ago. Not sick anymore - that's a plus! But I'm here sort of talking ab… moreout something else. I've kind of lost interest in writing the particular tale I'm stuck on, with Belinda and Friends. I'm just having trouble planning the last chapter or two out, and it really frustrates me because I want to make them to the best of my ability, but nothing I've written satisfies me enough to share with you guys. So I've been holding off entirely on posting on here, and I haven't been as active as I usually am, so I'm sorry about that. I'm still considering finishing up my story, but idk if I have the motivation to do so. Part of me would rather just explain what I planned on happening just to get it over with, because I'm really, really itching to start something new. I want to do the new challenge as soon as possible (for another reason I have yet to address) and I also want to write ab… [view original content]
I'm so sorry about that whole mary & Junior bit. XD Now that's all you'll picture. XD My bad. lol
Yes; they both like to sleep naked and feel one another against their chest or back. I now, sounds odd but its what they do. And that sore part...I'll have to ask them both on seperate occasions. XD I hope Robert and Gren do not fight, either. Those two have been through so much.
Hades AND Nick will be marvelous teachers to those two little tykes.
Shit is stirring up! :O
Cuz you told me about Junior and Mary's 'private moments' sometimes involving blood (why dude, why?!) that was al… morel I could think of when Junior's blood started pouring... don't ask me why :P
Gren leaps from his bed; naked and running down the hall
Ok so Gren has a habit of sleeping nude, but Emily as well?! Damn, these 2 must be sore! XP No, in all seriousness, I hope Gren doesn't have to fight Robert, too much is at stake already...
Hades will be a good teacher, he knows things 8)
I look forward to more dude! XD
OMG wait....Kieron KNEW Nyx before he became the kitten!? So, he came back to SAVE Kieron after all this time!? OMG, dude...Tetra! No more feels! God, is THIS what I've been doing to people!? :'0 I feel horrible for Kieron! That poor man and all the shit that occured after the amnesia. As if nothing in his life ever happened. All a dream...oh wow. How ironic. The thoughts of Wonderland. His amnesia. Shit, man.....:(
Seeing Nyx would always be there, along with his faint memories and lessons learned, for the time being.
I thought Nick was very well portrayed in this and played his part fairly well int the 'hell' of Wonderland and all that happened since the last few chapters. He's always ready for a challenge and I know it won't be THAT easy for the end and battle of Wonderland!
And they fell...the finale
Wonderland was now collapsing around them as Alice had finally snapped. Kieron for all everyone else knew had … morealso lost his mind. Nyx was scared to be around Kieron so he went on Ogs shoulder. The castle was now in sight and the end was near, knowing this Nyx had a flashback.
Nyxs mind...
Nyx found himself to be in an open field, the sky was white and there were no trees, barely any grass. He looked forward and saw Kieron as a little kid, he was running around and had smiles on his face. He began to see Kieron get older he saw him grow sad, and then he aged again to see him look compassionless and cold. This was who he will become, and Nyx felt as if it were his fault since he altered his future so much. When he looked at Kieron again he was back to a kid, Kieron ran up to Nyx and gave him a hug.
"Do you have to die?" Kieron asked
Nyx began to remember things, he was terminally ill teenage fable, he m… [view original content]
How could you upset us with your real life problems? You're just simply telling how it is and I respect that. I also understand where you're coming from - you gotta do what you gotta do. Inevitably, it's probably going to be the same scenario for the rest of us in the future: being ultra-busy with our jobs, friends, and/or family in general.
Concerning the challenge, I'm going to make it available early for you guys because there could be similar situations where others might not be on as often during summer. (you and pie being prime examples thus far)
Congrats on the beach job! Hopefully it'll act as a 'port in the storm' in your current future schedule at hand.
Hey Guys! - Part 2
Yeah, I know, I made another message a few days ago. Not sick anymore - that's a plus! But I'm here sort of talking ab… moreout something else. I've kind of lost interest in writing the particular tale I'm stuck on, with Belinda and Friends. I'm just having trouble planning the last chapter or two out, and it really frustrates me because I want to make them to the best of my ability, but nothing I've written satisfies me enough to share with you guys. So I've been holding off entirely on posting on here, and I haven't been as active as I usually am, so I'm sorry about that. I'm still considering finishing up my story, but idk if I have the motivation to do so. Part of me would rather just explain what I planned on happening just to get it over with, because I'm really, really itching to start something new. I want to do the new challenge as soon as possible (for another reason I have yet to address) and I also want to write ab… [view original content]
By the way, don't feel bad about Belinda, I'm sure she adores what you have written about her so far. ;D I'm super-positive we'll feel the same way too! So don't be scared or disappointed, post what you have and your internet fam will post kind feedback in return!
I may send you a PM with my Gmail soon, I'm quite interested to browse your non-Fable reads myself.
Hey Guys! - Part 2
Yeah, I know, I made another message a few days ago. Not sick anymore - that's a plus! But I'm here sort of talking ab… moreout something else. I've kind of lost interest in writing the particular tale I'm stuck on, with Belinda and Friends. I'm just having trouble planning the last chapter or two out, and it really frustrates me because I want to make them to the best of my ability, but nothing I've written satisfies me enough to share with you guys. So I've been holding off entirely on posting on here, and I haven't been as active as I usually am, so I'm sorry about that. I'm still considering finishing up my story, but idk if I have the motivation to do so. Part of me would rather just explain what I planned on happening just to get it over with, because I'm really, really itching to start something new. I want to do the new challenge as soon as possible (for another reason I have yet to address) and I also want to write ab… [view original content]
I can not help but feel a tiny bit sympathetic for Robert. His methods are questionable, but he simply wants respect. This is no atonement or excuse, though.
This has escalated faster than I expected. I look forward to the next chapter
Before the Battle.....
'Seems like all of Fabletown is preparing for my sister's battle against our suddenly power craving aunt. We never… more suspected Carla but guess that's how people like to sink their claws nice and deep and when no one is looking, rip it from under our feet. As the Sheriff, I'm taking a chance by allowing so many to become involved but guess that's the beauty of family and having so much support. I know Carla is terrified, for my sister Emily has been known to fill the dreams of many to the brim with begins our War for Fabletown.'
All of Fabletown became a city within the shadows. All no longer spoke of roamed the city at night; there was a terrible feeling over the city and the Fables inside. Little did the mundies see the terror consumed inside and the power that crawled through the dark. Peter and Ethan made their final announcement and broadcast all over to the Fables: No one was to leave their homes or… [view original content]
Wow, nearly 3 months away! I'd love a job near the beach, but beaches in England suck :P I'm happy that you got the job but also sad that you won't be able to get on here much for a bit. Everything really is changing for the lovely people on this thread isn't it?...
As for your personal stuff, I can't imagine being the oldest and therefore the 'responsible' one of the siblings, I hope that whatever the issue is can be sorted out sooner rather than later. You don't need all that extra stress on your shoulders at a time like this, especially when you've got so much going for you
It sounds like you're in my shoes with not being satisfied with what you're writing, I have moments where I just don't write at all or I write a Snigby one-shot that I've had in my head for a while. I find it difficult to spread my time between 4 different fics, especially as I have stuff in the real world I need to get on with like applying for a second job at Blenheim Palace and learning how to drive. But you make time for these things and sometimes you just need the right motivator.
I personally like listening to music (a lot) when I come up with story ideas in my head, like a fight scene. I have some heavy metal song blaring whilst Nick is annihilating someone like say, Harmony (I've been planning that fight for ages :P) and I get all excited like "I really need to write this now!" Just try and find a way that gets you motivated to write for your story, it's not easy and I knew writing fanfiction wasn't going to be easy when I started back in September last year, but you find a way
I wish you luck with your endeavours Emily, we're all here for you if you need it and we eagerly await your timely return to us. Stay safe, and my OC Nick sends his blessings to you :P
Hey Guys! - Part 2
Yeah, I know, I made another message a few days ago. Not sick anymore - that's a plus! But I'm here sort of talking ab… moreout something else. I've kind of lost interest in writing the particular tale I'm stuck on, with Belinda and Friends. I'm just having trouble planning the last chapter or two out, and it really frustrates me because I want to make them to the best of my ability, but nothing I've written satisfies me enough to share with you guys. So I've been holding off entirely on posting on here, and I haven't been as active as I usually am, so I'm sorry about that. I'm still considering finishing up my story, but idk if I have the motivation to do so. Part of me would rather just explain what I planned on happening just to get it over with, because I'm really, really itching to start something new. I want to do the new challenge as soon as possible (for another reason I have yet to address) and I also want to write ab… [view original content]
BUT, you assured me that the true love was there, and that Junior consented to getting cut up in the bedroom (eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww!!!!!!!) so I guess I'll be fine with it, hehe
Nothing wrong with sleeping nude, it's very comfortable imo, but I've never heard of it being a regular thing for a couple in the Fables fan-verse!!! XP
I love it when the author doesn't want his/her own work to portray something bad when it probably will, or probably won't. Keeps us all guessing
Oh yes, Nick, where is that son of a bitch when you need him?... XD
I'm so sorry about that whole mary & Junior bit. XD Now that's all you'll picture. XD My bad. lol
Yes; they both like to sleep naked … moreand feel one another against their chest or back. I now, sounds odd but its what they do. And that sore part...I'll have to ask them both on seperate occasions. XD I hope Robert and Gren do not fight, either. Those two have been through so much.
Hades AND Nick will be marvelous teachers to those two little tykes.
As everyone has said there is no need to apologize if you are busy. I've had those days, sometimes for me I wait until it hits me and I get this drive to want to write so many parts. That's my advice, although I'm not very good at giving advice XD. Although I hope at some point you finish that story, I wouldn't mind if you took a break from it and decided to write the tale you do want to write so you have that drive to write something instead of the alternative.
Congrats on the summer job EMMY! Sounds like a pretty awesome job to me. On the beach and gaining money, lucky lucky It would be cool if you had internet so you could stop by and say hello!
Ah I know how it is when it comes to family stuff, I'm not on the greatest terms with my parents. And my brother and my dad fight quite a bit and just hearing it bothers me. But things will get better I can promise that!
Hey we are all here to listen and help out as best as we can, seems like the last part is as Pie said step back look at everything in front of you, take a deep breath and do what needs to be done, and while doing so there will be times where you can have time to have a lot of fun.
You know we are always here if you need us EMMY! You're doing great things and have a pretty bright future ahead of you! Like Pie said Love you like family EMMY Keep up the awesome work!
Hey Guys! - Part 2
Yeah, I know, I made another message a few days ago. Not sick anymore - that's a plus! But I'm here sort of talking ab… moreout something else. I've kind of lost interest in writing the particular tale I'm stuck on, with Belinda and Friends. I'm just having trouble planning the last chapter or two out, and it really frustrates me because I want to make them to the best of my ability, but nothing I've written satisfies me enough to share with you guys. So I've been holding off entirely on posting on here, and I haven't been as active as I usually am, so I'm sorry about that. I'm still considering finishing up my story, but idk if I have the motivation to do so. Part of me would rather just explain what I planned on happening just to get it over with, because I'm really, really itching to start something new. I want to do the new challenge as soon as possible (for another reason I have yet to address) and I also want to write ab… [view original content]
Yes Kieron did know Nyx before all the recent events and was trying to help him and guard him, buy Nyx feels as if he only made things worse. Yes Pie this is what you have been doing to others XD But there will be more As do I, I just want to write him a chapter where he is generally happy and is enjoying himself but that comes at the end of Kierons story Its as if the clocks were turned back and Kieron would never have known remembered all of his struggles and everything he's been through if Nick didn't step up and tell him. Now Kieron is the only one out of the group that actually remembers what happened.
Oh yes Wonderland is not finished yet but there will be a break for now...
OMG wait....Kieron KNEW Nyx before he became the kitten!? So, he came back to SAVE Kieron after all this time!? OMG, dude...Tetra! No more f… moreeels! God, is THIS what I've been doing to people!? :'0 I feel horrible for Kieron! That poor man and all the shit that occured after the amnesia. As if nothing in his life ever happened. All a dream...oh wow. How ironic. The thoughts of Wonderland. His amnesia. Shit, man.....:(
Seeing Nyx would always be there, along with his faint memories and lessons learned, for the time being.
I thought Nick was very well portrayed in this and played his part fairly well int the 'hell' of Wonderland and all that happened since the last few chapters. He's always ready for a challenge and I know it won't be THAT easy for the end and battle of Wonderland!
Look forward to more as always!
Anyone can tell you that Mary may have taken things a bit far but in the end, their true love is and will always be there for one another. Just remember that the next time you only picture the blood and what not.
Guess Gremily have started their own little trend and did not notice it. XD I'm the same way when it comes to certain things and it's true: having the audience guess is always the fun part, for in the end, you find out if you're right or wrong about the character.
Ah yes, Nick. he and Hades have quite the training for Vivi and Liam. You know how he is, though....mysterious. XD
BUT, you assured me that the true love was there, and that Junior consented to getting cut up in the bedroom (eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww!!!!!!!) so… more I guess I'll be fine with it, hehe
Nothing wrong with sleeping nude, it's very comfortable imo, but I've never heard of it being a regular thing for a couple in the Fables fan-verse!!! XP
I love it when the author doesn't want his/her own work to portray something bad when it probably will, or probably won't. Keeps us all guessing
Oh yes, Nick, where is that son of a bitch when you need him?... XD
that the true love was there
Anyone can tell you that Mary may have taken things a bit far but in the end, their true love is and wi… morell always be there for one another. Just remember that the next time you only picture the blood and what not.
Guess Gremily have started their own little trend and did not notice it. XD I'm the same way when it comes to certain things and it's true: having the audience guess is always the fun part, for in the end, you find out if you're right or wrong about the character.
Ah yes, Nick. he and Hades have quite the training for Vivi and Liam. You know how he is, though....mysterious. XD
'Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave.' Proverbs 5:5
Vivian slipped back into the house. Her nose began to bleed once more. Her palms covered in a thick paste of red. The images of death swam along her mind. This caused Vivian to panic and find herself alone with all the fears she thought were impossible of finding her, even in death. She refused to let Emily slip through her fingers; Vivian used to have dreams of her body being found in the woods, gutters of the city or decaying
somewhere alone in an abandoned building. Once Gren came into her life, however, these seemed to vanish overnight and left the guardian angel a moment of rest and looking for brighter days. It wasn't until Carla and Emily becoming in danger once more did these horrible thoughts come back.
Vivian did not want to lose Emily. The consequences were unknown to Vivian and she did not want to return to the dark and alone for all eternity. Her life was nothing and since becoming a large piece in Emily's life, Vivian finally had a purpose. A voice. Something even in life was taken from her. The blood continued to pour from her nose and coated her fingers like jelly to bread. The emotions burned. The glow Vivian normally carried began to slip away. There was something more she would face inregards to Emily but Vivian did not know of what...
"Viv." Nick floats around the corner in his spirit form. "Are you here? Vivian?"
"Over here, sweetie." Vivian tries to clean the blood. ""
Thing about Angel blood, it was a stain that forever marked the guardian until the problem was resolved. There was no way Vivian could avoid the questions followed the minute Nick turned the corner and found his precious soul bleeding and tears dripping from her eyes. Nick flies over and attempts to brush the sadness away. He rubs his face along Vivian's brow.
"What is it, dear? Vivian....?"
Vivian glances out the window. "I keep...keep having these horrific dreams and thoughts of Emily. She's dead. Gren is crying and I'm alone in the dark again...Carla. Her voice. I hear it in the dark, Nick. Please-tell me this is all a part of my fears and nothing more!"
Nick looks down; his eyes told a different story and conclusion she wanted to hear. Still cupping her nose, Vivian leans forward.
"Nicholas, please...I'm NOT going to lose Emily....right!?"
"I've been having the same thought about Ethan." Nick floats towards the window. "Especially since his 'curse' set in, Vivian. I think there is more to this war then Carla. What...what have you seen? Just Emily dead and Gren weeping?"
"Yes." Vivian felt the difficulty explaining her nightmare. "She' his arms. I'm in the dark and all I hear is Carla laughing. Mocking me, telling me even in death, I failed to protect them."
"Me too." Nick frowns, his brow creases and teeth glimmer in the moonlight. "I think that bitch is messing with our thoughts, though and hoping to make us weak. We're guardians-we have sent them down the right path and all have become stronger. I do not fear for our lives, Vivian! The others have proven themselves! Carla is scared and KNOWS we are more then what she assumed and could easily take down."
Vivian stands. The blood seemed to ease the moment Nick's words passed his lips. The orb glides along the curtains and peers out the window. Still under the moonlight and holding eachother tight, Emily and Gren remained as one for the time being. The night sky became dimmer with
each passing hour and soon, they'd be facing the women that caused so many broken hearts, lost lives and fears. Nick, however, was not about to allow Carla win.
He was sent to protect and guide Georgie and as he found his place with Lyla and created several children, his attention was focused on the twins. Peter overcame his demons and now, Nick was needed once again for Ethan. The motives, however, is what caused the guardian to worry and think twice. Nick prayed the only change Ethan would endure was the outer shell and nothing within. Vivian, her lovely face coated with tears,
walked over to Nick and also looked out.
"I swore to Hope and all the other Saints witnessing my second coming that I'd protect her." Vivian touches the glass. "Carla could come knocking on that door right now and I'd be prepared to lose it all just to see her smile again. I'm not going to allow Emily to slip through my grasp again, Nick. She's a strong person. Wild like the Calico Horses in the open fields; sturdy like the Oak tree and heart of gold. A Rebel soul that for awhile, could not be tied down but she managed to drive Grendel wild and he tamed her spirit. Something I wanted her to have. Love...a thing I never encountered alive but for what I could give her, I'd do it all over again, knowing where my Emily would end up. A mother to four babies and another on the way. A wife. Protector. My assigned soul to guide the moment she was conceived. That's enough for me to believe in her. She can do this. Carla can not take her away..."
Nick beams. "You really think they can do this, huh?"
"I know she can. She and Gren have become more then just a couple. Something changed the moment they became one. Reminds me of Georgie and Lyla when he finally accepted his fate in this wretched town. Same goes for Ethan. You can not tell me that boy has not grown..."
Nick shakes his head and chuckles. "My boys were always something. Peter can fucking say what he wanted but the older he became, the more I saw Bigby in that boy. And Ethan...had his mother's heart but father's spirit. John did not help much, either but I guess since the change, he has become different...but for the best."
Vivian tilts back and plants a kiss on Nick's forehead. "We did what was needed and now, our final piece shall be put into place. Tomorrow, you and I will make sure all is dealt with and nothing can stop them. I know Emily is capable of using that bow and taking Carla down and protecting her family and this town. Grendel has put all past him and with his new title as alpha, he's stronger then ever before. From what I hear, each of the kids will be in this: Penelope, Junior, Ethan and Peter. Katie has Malcom and the Wolf council on their side, prepared to fight by their side. Snow White is willing to aide them in this battle and from what I know, Jersey and Isaiah will fight until the bitter end for Gren, Emily, this town....their families...."
"Really?" Nick cocks his eyebrow and continues looking out the window. "Wow. I know Peter mentioned a large group just, you know, not everyone..."
Vivian leans against the wall; Gren and Emily entered the home, glanced up to the stairs and disappeared to their room. The wind picked up and blew through her hair. Nick was at a stand still, for there was something foul around the guardians. The ever so familiar stench and presence of Death. Vivian's nose began to bleed once more. Touching a nostril, it glowed red and seemed to sting for a moment. Looking up towards the heavens, she knew what needed to be done. More to being a Guardian Angel then what was portrayed of them. Extending out her arms, a golden shell of armor covers Vivian's body.
It shimmers and gleams; standing back, Nick is blind for a few seconds before taking notice of his apperance. A Slender body, also glamoured with armor, sword and shield. A pair of massive, white wings pin to each side of his back. Flapping them furiously, Nick takes off into the night sky. Vivian, on ground, is not too far behind. The guardians knew what was required of them tomorrow and both were ready. Smiling, both take off into the night.
Peter and Ethan's apartment. VERY late into the night...
Peter found Ethan's bed empty. Neither he nor Michelle were there but his scent was immediatly picked up. There was a difference, however, about his brother that night. Running along the apartment, Peter found his brother leaning against the deck and smoking a rather large cigar. The errie glow at the front made a tiny, circle of yellows and oranges. Peter was careful to approach his brother, as he took out a cigarette and joined Ethan. Wearing only his boxers, Ethan's chest seemed to flicker along the light of the moon. He did not seem to notice Peter; he remained hushed and glancing down to the city that never sleeps.
"Ta'morrow is the day, Peter...." Ethan inhales the smoke. "Are ya' scared?"
"No." Peter coughs, taking another puff. "We allow that to show, Carla wins and will take that and run."
"Yes, I agree." Ethan beams. "I can't wait ta' get down there and fookin' destroy that bitch fa' woot she's done. to all of us. Ya' hear 'bout Erica's fatha', Peter? Noah of all the bloody people."
Peter was distraught upon hearing the news. It was something neither of the family members were prepared to take and swallow whole. Peter knew it devestated Ethan the most; he loved Michelle and wanted the best for Erica. At times, he blamed himself for allowing Erica and Michelle to endure so much pain. She came to them for help years ago and they turned her away; a mother to an infant daughter, trying to escape her past and the disgusting plan Carla had for them both. Ethan cried many nights after finding this out. He could have saved them...
"It's not your fault." Peter could see Ethan began thinking this exact thought again. "You know that, right?"
"It is my fookin' fault, Peter." Ethan tosses the cigar into a cup of water. "She came ta' us for 'elp and we turned her away because we were too fookin' busy with Fabletown and otha' bloody bullshit!"
"We HAD no idea, Ethan!" Peter tries to look at Ethan. "We did not KNOW Carla was doing this! Stop for a second and-"
"But if we DID, Peter, we'd have caught this in time!" Ethan pushes PEter back. "We could 'ave stopped Carla, put Noah away and none of this fookin' war would 'ave started!"
"Michelle would never have told you anyways, Ethan! It took her HOW long before addressing her past? I mean, for Christ's sake, we didn't know she WAS the rumored daughter of Dark OR that Carla was planning on USING that to her advantage!"
"Woot are ya' syain', Peter...." His voice cracked and for a second, Peter was terrified. "The FOOK are ya' tryin' ta' say ova' there, huh? That I couldn't stop this!?"
"NONE of us could, Ethan! This was going to happen no matter what! It's fate! Emily is carrying the bow that Carla wanted! THAT'S the reason she got with Gren! She never loved the guy and we all knew it! She was hoping he'd give HER the bow and she'd go from there! Carla would still happen! This war...this fucking bullshit that is haunting this family, would still take place, Ethan! But instead, he gave it to Emily, she has it and now, Carla is out for revenge. Michelle would still have faced Noah and Erica would still be in her condition. Ethan-"
"Ya' be wrong, Peter." Ethan swats Peter's hand away. "I could 'ave saved them...I failed..."
"You're not Superman, Ethan! You can't save them all! You can't-"
Using both hands, Ethan presses Peter into the wall. Nearly colliding his skull into the brick wall, Peter reaches around and pulls away just in time. Growling, huffing and slowly changing, Ethan peers at his brother. Peter begins to transform; he could feel the anguish and sorrow building in his brother's mind. This war and love he had for Michelle was a deadly combination; add guilt and a pinch of hate and you got yourself a concoction ready to burst into flames at any given moment. Peter could sense the agony in Ethan's voice. He blamed himself for all that took place with Michelle and secretly for causing this war. Carla, in his mind, could have been stopped. But that was something even they could not avoid.
It had always been in the making. Not just for Ethan but all of them. Tossing Ethan into the ground, Peter arches his back, his yellow eyes glowing against the moon's light. Ethan bares his fangs, licking his lips and walking around his brother.
"FIGHT me, Peter, ya' fookin' bitch!"
"Calm DOWN, Ethan!" Peter clentches his fists. "You're not thinking straight! We can do this! We'll defeat Carla! All will be okay! We-"
"NO!" Ethan tilts his head back and howls. "I could 'ave fookin' SAVED us all!"
Lunging forward, Peter could feel Ethan's body shake as the brothers collaspe on the ground and fight. Peter sinks his teeth deep into Ethan's shoulders; howling in agony, Ethan stands up and swins his massive paw into Peter's back. Bits of fur, flesh and blood fly off his back and onto the ground. Wiping his lips clean, Peter continues to toss his brother around. A nearby vase breaks; grabbing the broken shards, Ethan immediatly turns into his human form and holds the sharp object up. Peter suddenly has flashes of his father and Bigby. The night it changed for them all.
"No...." Peter stands back. "No...Ethan, stop!"
"Ya' DONE, Wolf!" That voice. "I'd like ta' say it was nice knowin' ya' but-"
"NO!" Peter slams his body into Ethan, causing the men to fall into the cemented ground. "NO! I will NOT lose you, too! Please...."
Shaking his head, Ethan looks around. Peter was now in tears, huddled against his brother. "Peter...woot...woot happened? I-"
"Come back to me, Ethan. See past her bullshit, please! I won't lose you. I CAN'T lose you....come back. We'll fix this. I promise...." Peter craddles his brother like a child. "DON'T you dare leave me, Ethan. You're better than her...don't let Carla win."
Blinking his eyes, Ethan drops the shard and presses his head against Peter's bare chest. The words he spoke haunting his head. The image of his father fighting Bigby. That awful night so many lives were changed. The brothers remained as such until the sun rose above the buildings and blanket the town with the morning light. Michelle, however, watched the battle take place and cringed of the idea that Carla was using Ethan as well. Holding the purple pill, she sticks it in her mouth, swallows and beams.
She began to instantly feel the change, as Holly knocks on the door. "I'm ready dad." Michelle looks out the window. "SHOW me how to defeat someone as dark as you were....."
Any questions, you know the drill. We leave tomorrow! Got it all packed and ready to go! San Fran, here we come!!
First off, I love that image! 0.0 Looks like it came straight from the game itself! Did you use MS pait for this as well? I love the detail and the way Georgie looks at Lyla. Love these two with all my heart and soul.
Now, to the story. There was so much running through my head with the first one. This war has everyone all over the place. So many emotions are being felt and I love how you've taken the time to cover the 3 main Fables (Ethan, Peter & Emily) and we saw a view of their feelings and all that is currently running through their head. I feel HORRIBLE for both Gren and Emily; so much has happened in a short amount of time and now, Robert has been thrown into the mix as well. I KNOW you told me not to worry but I am and can't wait to see what Robert does. I pray to God he snaps out of this and helps Gremily and the others.
Now, Nick and Vivian have become another pairing that I'm really enjoying. At first, Nick was sort of just 'there' and I wasnt too sure how Vivian would work in this story but being Emily's guardian angel sure has opened up a lot of ideas with her. I love how devoted Vivian is to Emily and her place in this world. It always breaks my heart when Vivian gives little bits of her past and shows us she never HAD a voice; even her time spent with Georgie, she was hushed and told what to do. Now, she has that opportunity to shine and show her second chance was worth something. I loved seeing nick and Vivian in armor, though! These angels are ready to kick ass! Also:
Thing about Angel blood, it was a stain that forever marked the guardian until the problem was resolved.
That is very interesting. I'm loving the biblical route you've taken with this, Pie! I noticed the little italic quotes have been proverbs, revelations.
At times, he blamed himself for allowing Erica and Michelle to endure so much pain. She came to them for help years ago and they turned her away; a mother to an infant daughter, trying to escape her past and the disgusting plan Carla had for them both. Ethan cried many nights after finding this out. He could have saved them...
This entire thing made me cry and I explain as to why it did so. I was not too sure how the curse would come about with Ethan. Michelle did trigger it, yes but his GUILT for not 'saving' both her and Erica is what made the final transformation into what Georgie use to be. You played the game. You know what he did. It was all to protect himself and Vivian. Ethan is feeling the SAME way right now; he'll do anything to save those girls and it breaks my heart knowing he blames himself.....:'(
"You're not Superman, Ethan! You can't save them all!
Oh Peter! Well, there goes another piece of my heart today....
Ethan immediatly turns into his human form and holds the sharp object up. Peter suddenly has flashes of his father and Bigby. The night it changed for them all.
No! screams at computer No, No, no, No, No, NO NO NO NO NO!!! OMG, NO Ethan! No!!!! Not that night!!!
"Ya' DONE, Wolf!" That voice. "I'd like ta' say it was nice knowin' ya' but-"
"NO!" Peter slams his body into Ethan, causing the men to fall into the cemented ground. "NO! I will NOT lose you, too! Please...."
Jesus, pie! Enough with the feels!! Ethan, please! Don't! You're stronger then Carla is! Don't let her win! Peter loves you; Michelle & Erica NEED you! UGH! That devestation in Peter's words! He knows all about that night....fuck, pie....
"Come back to me, Ethan. See past her bullshit, please! I won't lose you. I CAN'T lose you....come back. We'll fix this. I promise...." Peter craddles his brother like a child. "DON'T you dare leave me, Ethan. You're better than her...don't let Carla win."
Inhales, cries some more Wow. Their connection is raw and you can see it just in this section alone. Carla needs to die. I don't care how, I don't care WHO does it but she really, really, REALLY needs to fucking die! She's messing with too many of the Porgies and Fabletown! What GIVES, Carla! You use to be so sweet...:(
Holding the purple pill, she sticks it in her mouth, swallows and beams.
Wait...what!?! :0
"I'm ready dad." Michelle looks out the window. "SHOW me how to defeat someone as dark as you were....."
OH....what....the fuck...I did NOT see this coming! NOOOOOOOOO! MICHELLE NO!!!!!!!!!!!
This was a really good one, pie! I hope you can finish this before the hiatus but that's not going to happen. At LEAST the parts we all need to know and see. BTW, I can't wait for San Fran! I'll text you in a bit, should you receive that one before coming on here.
Night before the battle part 3
'Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave.' Proverbs 5:5
Vivian slipped back int… moreo the house. Her nose began to bleed once more. Her palms covered in a thick paste of red. The images of death swam along her mind. This caused Vivian to panic and find herself alone with all the fears she thought were impossible of finding her, even in death. She refused to let Emily slip through her fingers; Vivian used to have dreams of her body being found in the woods, gutters of the city or decaying
somewhere alone in an abandoned building. Once Gren came into her life, however, these seemed to vanish overnight and left the guardian angel a moment of rest and looking for brighter days. It wasn't until Carla and Emily becoming in danger once more did these horrible thoughts come back.
Vivian did not want to lose Emily. The consequences were unknown to Vivian and she did not want to return to the … [view original content]
Thanks man, I appreciate it. I just feel like I use the 'busy' excuse too much, but to be honest, that's really how it is.
That would be great! I just have so many unfinished stories that I WANT to finish, but with the writing process comes the need to know from others that its worth finishing, you know? Like, I myself might think it's dragging on or going in the wrong direction, but with out someone to tell me otherwise or tell me that I'm right, then I'm sort of stuck, you know? I absolutely love writing so much, but I don't want to waste my talents.
Thanks! I'm so excited and a little nervous for it, but it is what it is. There should be internet so I should be able to use my phone at least, and maybe even post a chapter every once in a while, but yeah, I'll sort of be gone. I absolutely LOVE being on the Island (That's what be call our beaches, because essential they're on a barrier island with the ocean on one side and a bay on the other.) and it brings a lot of nostalgic feels whenever we do go over because I've been going to the beach there since I was a baby with my grandma and other relatives, so it's going to be awesome. Plus, I'll hopefully have my car fixed up and ready by then and my licence (Assuming I don't flunk the test.) so I'll be able to go to and from places all the time.
Yeah, it is what it is as well. My mom and dad are divorced and before they divorced they fought a lot, but after the divorce they were pretty civil to each other, especially for us guys, but with this thing with my sister, they got into a nasty argument on the phone about it and I was informed about the argument only because I'm the only child really that would understand why they're fighting and I'm not super upset about it but it bothers me sometimes, like I feel like I should swoop in and fix the problem myself but that's not my job, I'm just the kid. Unfortunately I CAN'T drop the tutoring; Since it's through NHS, I can't drop a student unless the student doesn't need help any more, so I just have to stick through it, but it's not that bad. I'm super excited for Junior Cruise, it's one of the few things I have to look forward to for the time being ^-^ I gotta get a dress, hopefully this weekend, and then I can relax more about that.
Yeah, I've been thinking about all that kind of stuff, and I'm sure doing some reading and hanging with friends will help a lot. It's even better that the weather is nicer so I can open a window. That really makes it feel fresher inside and what not. Glad to hear you moved in your new place smoothly. We need another pick of baby Emily, and I'm totally anticipated the day you announce baby 2's gender ^-^ Glad you and Tammy are well, too And JJ IS just JJ XD
First off, never apologies for being busy. My hiatus kicks in this Friday and I too am not sure how often I'll be posting or reading and so … moreforth. Life is, how you said it, life. It's never fair but you gotta do what needs to be done.
Now, I understand how you feel about the tale. I will, however, wait for the ending results for it was an interesting tale with many questions floating in my head. Take your time and do not feel as if we'll be angry for the lack of posting. You're life has been pretty busy and those thoughts take over your ability to write or do anything for that matter. If I had a Gmail account, I'd be mor than happy to read those other stories you've created. Maybe I'll make one just so I can.
Now, congrats on your summer job! That sounds very exciting, tbh! It's money, great opportunity and a way to put yourself out there! HOPEFULLY, they have the internet and you can pop in every so often to read, comment or say he… [view original content]
Thanks! I might just out that story on pause, maybe tell how it ends up but still write about it at a later date. Still haven't decided though.
I'll be eagerly awaiting for that, if you've not already sent it Beware though, there might be a sudden large influx of stories ranging from 5 pages to 60 pages XD I'll send you one at a time, if you'd like.
By the way, don't feel bad about Belinda, I'm sure she adores what you have written about her so far. ;D I'm super-positive we'll feel the s… moreame way too! So don't be scared or disappointed, post what you have and your internet fam will post kind feedback in return!
I may send you a PM with my Gmail soon, I'm quite interested to browse your non-Fable reads myself.
Night before the battle part 2
Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying… more as with a voice of thunder, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.
Junior could not shrug off this abnormal feeling as he sat in his bed, looking into the mrror beside the window. The curtains blew along the object and walls of his six bedroom apartment in the downtown region of Fabletown; Mary tossed for a moment but returned to her dreams and various thoughts blooming in her mind. Junior stands up and walks towards the mirror. Even the most foul of spirits were silent when Junior poked his head through the glass. They huddled in the corner, their blank eyes glaring at their master. Junior scans the floor, sides and corners. It was all the same. Junior eyes a shadow person gliding along the … [view original content]
Yeah, I know. Idk, I have a tendency of apologizing for things that might not need me to apologize but I do so anyway just for the sake of being proper and not offending/bothering anybody. I know that one day will be the last day we ever go on here before the forum is either taken down or we just get too busy with our lives and etc. But of course I won't be leaving anytime soon!
That would be awesome. I've got some good ideas for it! I might start it soon, possibly next week at some point.
And thanks! It'll definitely be something good for me this summer, and I'll also be making some extra dollars which is always nice. Gotta save all of it up though, for college and other future expenses.
How could you upset us with your real life problems? You're just simply telling how it is and I respect that. I also understand where you're… more coming from - you gotta do what you gotta do. Inevitably, it's probably going to be the same scenario for the rest of us in the future: being ultra-busy with our jobs, friends, and/or family in general.
Concerning the challenge, I'm going to make it available early for you guys because there could be similar situations where others might not be on as often during summer. (you and pie being prime examples thus far)
Congrats on the beach job! Hopefully it'll act as a 'port in the storm' in your current future schedule at hand.
Just about! The beaches here are nice depending on which states you're in, or which parts of which states you go to. Seaside used to be a major tourist beach area in New Jersey, however in recent years it's been destroyed by Hurricane Sandy and is also very ghetto-like after Snooki and the Jersey Shore crew came through and screwed it all up. I like to stick to my home beaches, Long Beach Island. It's filled with retired rich families who have gorgeous beach houses and tons of beach shops and food places. It's the best place to be in the summer, in my opinion. And yeah, I'll be sad not being active, but I'll get on as often as I can
Sometimes it weighs down, other times I just brush it off. You can't take all the shit that happens to heart, I learned that a long time ago with specific family members. I just get discouraged easily when I think about some things for too long, which is not a good thing. So that's something I need to work on. Thanks
Same. I'm either not in the mood for writing at all, or I write little passages that COULD become something, but I lack the motivation to put it through much else. Plus, I get in my own personal Snigby's from time to time XD I don't necessarily have fanfics, but I have a lot of things based on ideas from books and shows and writings I've read over the years. I have one specific story that I've got basically the whole basis of it plotted in my mind, but whenever I try to get it to paper, I just can't word it the right way for the life of me. I've started this story so many times and scrapped almost each one of them just because I was never satisfied enough with what I was getting. Hopefully one day though, I can get it down for good and finish it I'm learning to drive as well, it's a little awkward and nerve-wracking, but it's not hard. Good luck with applying for that second job by the way, sometimes it's really hard to get jobs these days.
I do that sometimes myself, if I REALLY need something to inspire me. Sometimes, I'll be listening to the songs on the radio, and I try to come up with scenarios that would go with each song that plays. That ones fun for when I'm on a long car ride and need to get some wheels turning in my head before I die of boredom XD Can't wait to see Nick's encounter with alternate Harmony btw; Your fics are definitely well written, and I wish I was able to get around and read them more often.
Wow, nearly 3 months away! I'd love a job near the beach, but beaches in England suck :P I'm happy that you got the job but also sad that yo… moreu won't be able to get on here much for a bit. Everything really is changing for the lovely people on this thread isn't it?...
As for your personal stuff, I can't imagine being the oldest and therefore the 'responsible' one of the siblings, I hope that whatever the issue is can be sorted out sooner rather than later. You don't need all that extra stress on your shoulders at a time like this, especially when you've got so much going for you
It sounds like you're in my shoes with not being satisfied with what you're writing, I have moments where I just don't write at all or I write a Snigby one-shot that I've had in my head for a while. I find it difficult to spread my time between 4 different fics, especially as I have stuff in the real world I need to get on with like applying for a second job at B… [view original content]
Yep Thanks, and even though you say you don't give great advice, I think otherwise I hope I finish it too, but it is what it is (if said that so many times in the past half hour, lol) If worse comes to worse, I'll give an abridged version of the ending and make a true one later on.
Hopefully I'll be making enough cash to spend some while I'm there, buy some new beach stuff and what not. It's exciting ^-^ There should be internet, so an occasional 'hello' should suffice.
Yeah, I hear ya. My parents fight sometimes, not a lot, so I guess that's why I'm still unsure about how I feel about it, you know? It just doesn't feel normal sometimes. I'm sure things will get better, hopefully.
Thanks again You guys are like an extension of my friends and family, so it's great to know you all care You keep up the awesome work too!
As everyone has said there is no need to apologize if you are busy. I've had those days, sometimes for me I wait until it hits me and I get … morethis drive to want to write so many parts. That's my advice, although I'm not very good at giving advice XD. Although I hope at some point you finish that story, I wouldn't mind if you took a break from it and decided to write the tale you do want to write so you have that drive to write something instead of the alternative.
Congrats on the summer job EMMY! Sounds like a pretty awesome job to me. On the beach and gaining money, lucky lucky It would be cool if you had internet so you could stop by and say hello!
Ah I know how it is when it comes to family stuff, I'm not on the greatest terms with my parents. And my brother and my dad fight quite a bit and just hearing it bothers me. But things will get better I can promise that!
Hey we are all here to listen and help out as best as we can, seem… [view original content]
Yeah, I know. Idk, I have a tendency of apologizing for things that might not need me to apologize but I do so anyway just for the sake of b… moreeing proper and not offending/bothering anybody. I know that one day will be the last day we ever go on here before the forum is either taken down or we just get too busy with our lives and etc. But of course I won't be leaving anytime soon!
That would be awesome. I've got some good ideas for it! I might start it soon, possibly next week at some point.
And thanks! It'll definitely be something good for me this summer, and I'll also be making some extra dollars which is always nice. Gotta save all of it up though, for college and other future expenses.
Thanks! I might just out that story on pause, maybe tell how it ends up but still write about it at a later date. Still haven't decided thou… moregh.
I'll be eagerly awaiting for that, if you've not already sent it Beware though, there might be a sudden large influx of stories ranging from 5 pages to 60 pages XD I'll send you one at a time, if you'd like.
I've only ever been to Middletown in New Jersey, and the beaches there are always lovely. Oh man, Jersey Shore... never watched it and don't intend to :P At least your hiatus is only for 3 months though!
I have a collection of Snigby one-shots (cute ones and adult ones) cuz I can't get enough of their romance, it's too damn sweet!!! XD I have my next story all plotted out as well, but we all go through rough drafts that never make the bill before we finally get that one piece of writing that starts it all at last
I applied for that job today and I hope the result is the best one. I haven't started learning to drive yet, but I've got everything I need to do so at least
I'll let you in on something: Harmony vs Nick will surprise everyone, maybe you especially
I have quite the imagination for stuff in my fanfics, I came up with my first story when I was cycling to work everyday just listening to my iPod, I need to send you the link to it actually
Just about! The beaches here are nice depending on which states you're in, or which parts of which states you go to. Seaside used to be a ma… morejor tourist beach area in New Jersey, however in recent years it's been destroyed by Hurricane Sandy and is also very ghetto-like after Snooki and the Jersey Shore crew came through and screwed it all up. I like to stick to my home beaches, Long Beach Island. It's filled with retired rich families who have gorgeous beach houses and tons of beach shops and food places. It's the best place to be in the summer, in my opinion. And yeah, I'll be sad not being active, but I'll get on as often as I can
Sometimes it weighs down, other times I just brush it off. You can't take all the shit that happens to heart, I learned that a long time ago with specific family members. I just get discouraged easily when I think about some things for too long, which is not a good thing. So that's something I need to work on.… [view original content]
Exactly! I'm sure the pay would be enough to buy some beach stuff! That's cool it's like you'll be away but on occasion just say yo this is what is going on and what not
That's exactly how I feel as well, what helped me when they would start fighting with each other or one of my siblings is music and a book (I was reading investment and business books at the time) and just give them space. I'm sure they will!
Of course we care! We all need help and most of the time it's from friends, I've tried going through life without friends and even shut my family out, it's very lonely and not fun. I won't let that happen to anyone else. Will do
Yep Thanks, and even though you say you don't give great advice, I think otherwise I hope I finish it too, but it is what it is (if said t… morehat so many times in the past half hour, lol) If worse comes to worse, I'll give an abridged version of the ending and make a true one later on.
Hopefully I'll be making enough cash to spend some while I'm there, buy some new beach stuff and what not. It's exciting ^-^ There should be internet, so an occasional 'hello' should suffice.
Yeah, I hear ya. My parents fight sometimes, not a lot, so I guess that's why I'm still unsure about how I feel about it, you know? It just doesn't feel normal sometimes. I'm sure things will get better, hopefully.
Thanks again You guys are like an extension of my friends and family, so it's great to know you all care You keep up the awesome work too!
Never apologies for what is currently taking your time. We all will eventually face the same and until then, remember to take time for yourself as well.
I honestly felt like the story was moving at a decent pace; I understand where you are coming from and worry you're not focusing on the information you'd wish to write and us read. Sometimes, you NEED to take that extra route to explain but at the rate your current story was going, thought it was well done. Perhaps you need to take a day away from writing to clear your mind and find that little outlet that will spark your creative juices again.
Sounds like a marvelous place to be and you'll have plenty to do so as you stay there for the summer. At least you'll have your phone with you. I recall one time when I was a counslor for a camp, we could not take our cell phones but when your knee deep in the backwoods, being eaten alive by bugs, there is no need for a phone. XD I hope you have a wonderful time and earn that extra $$$, seeing as you'd like to fix up the car and go. Good luck on that driving test! I recall my 1st time. It can be overwhelming but after some practice, its like ridind a bike. Big, metal bike. XD
I understand the family situation; my folks are divorced and although my dad up and vanished for years, I can understand the frustration of parents pulling you into the mix and it can be mind boggling and cause a few tears. Whatever is going on with your sister, maybe you are the one to speak to her and find out. I hope that little issue gets resolved for your sake and the family before you leave. No bueno having family troubles.
As far as your other activities, sounds like you enjoy doing them and although it causes stress, you're willing to do them and like to help put. Glad to hear you found a dress and I hope you have a freaking blast if I don't tell you then. Take lots of pics and just have fun!!!!
Just remember when you're feeling that urge to give up, take a walk and count your blessings. You've done a wonderful job, EMMY and you should be proud! I need to update the picture of little Emily, I know! XD The wedding is this fall for us (nervous but can't wait!!!) And besides my family, you guys will be one of the 1st people to know the gender of baby #2!
Thanks man, I appreciate it. I just feel like I use the 'busy' excuse too much, but to be honest, that's really how it is.
That would be … moregreat! I just have so many unfinished stories that I WANT to finish, but with the writing process comes the need to know from others that its worth finishing, you know? Like, I myself might think it's dragging on or going in the wrong direction, but with out someone to tell me otherwise or tell me that I'm right, then I'm sort of stuck, you know? I absolutely love writing so much, but I don't want to waste my talents.
Thanks! I'm so excited and a little nervous for it, but it is what it is. There should be internet so I should be able to use my phone at least, and maybe even post a chapter every once in a while, but yeah, I'll sort of be gone. I absolutely LOVE being on the Island (That's what be call our beaches, because essential they're on a barrier island with the ocean on one side and a bay on the… [view original content]
The first part of the story although I was worried about Vivians visions, it was pretty sweet!
I felt very sad about the second part with Ethan and Peter man... Is this payback for before? XD nah I'm just playing XP I hate how Ethan blames himself for not saving them, I see why he does though because he cares for them deeply.
Night before the battle part 3
'Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave.' Proverbs 5:5
Vivian slipped back int… moreo the house. Her nose began to bleed once more. Her palms covered in a thick paste of red. The images of death swam along her mind. This caused Vivian to panic and find herself alone with all the fears she thought were impossible of finding her, even in death. She refused to let Emily slip through her fingers; Vivian used to have dreams of her body being found in the woods, gutters of the city or decaying
somewhere alone in an abandoned building. Once Gren came into her life, however, these seemed to vanish overnight and left the guardian angel a moment of rest and looking for brighter days. It wasn't until Carla and Emily becoming in danger once more did these horrible thoughts come back.
Vivian did not want to lose Emily. The consequences were unknown to Vivian and she did not want to return to the … [view original content]
Thanks, man. The colors gave me such a headache but I love just how they looked on those inside!
Vivian will always and forever have these images. Sadly, its how she reacts that makes a difference. She hase total confidence in Emily.
And payback you say....>:D -plays evil music- Nah, jk my good man. But yes, Ethan DOES blame himself becaus he feels if he'd helped take Michelle away from the abuse, nothing like this would have happened but like Peter stated, it would have occured no matter what....Ethan loves those girls.
Woah man! That picture is awesome!
The first part of the story although I was worried about Vivians visions, it was pretty sweet!
I … morefelt very sad about the second part with Ethan and Peter man... Is this payback for before? XD nah I'm just playing XP I hate how Ethan blames himself for not saving them, I see why he does though because he cares for them deeply.
This was awesome man!
The Vampire Challenge is now up in the OP! Requirements and answers to possible questions are noted! Any other questions, I'll be more than happy to oblige.
Please have fun! I can't wait to see your submissions.
The Vampire Challenge is now up in the OP! Requirements and answers to possible questions are noted! Any other questions, I'll be more than happy to oblige.
Please have fun! I can't wait to see your submissions.
The Vampire Challenge is now up in the OP! Requirements and answers to possible questions are noted! Any other questions, I'll be more than happy to oblige.
Please have fun! I can't wait to see your submissions.
It's only the first 6. The rest are optional as you may already have noticed. :P (actually, that is a lot for the first 6 bulletpoints, still, you guys have four plus months to do it!)
I think this could be my challenge with the most requirements yet. XD
The Vampire Challenge is now up in the OP! Requirements and answers to possible questions are noted! Any other questions, I'll be more than happy to oblige.
Please have fun! I can't wait to see your submissions.
Wow, you really are like TWAUs' Snow White in some instances. That's good!
Also, stop saying the forum is going to get taken down! T.T I… moret's never going to happen - be positive!
Besides, if all or some of us are busy in the future, I hope we'll all make an attempt to go on here occasionally.
It's only the first 6. The rest are optional as you may already have noticed. :P (actually, that is a lot for the first 6 bulletpoints, stil… morel, you guys have four plus months to do it!)
I think this could be my challenge with the most requirements yet. XD
The year is 1994. The paint on Derek's 1989 Ford Thunderbird is chipped from years of wear and tear. Still, he takes pride in his vehicle as he sits on the corner of the street, just a few blocks down from Coney Island's fairgrounds. He watches through dark tinted sunglasses as the sun sets behind the giant Ferris wheel he's come to love so much about the place.
After all, it's the best place to feed at.
As he starts the car back up, he pops in the latest Bon Jovi album into his new CD player; It pays to have a little extra cash every now and again. He bobs his head to the music as the first song comes on, blasting through the speakers of his radio.
Girls in bathing suits pass by on roller blades, he gives one a charming wink before edging down slowly on the gas petal. Despite the urge to stop by the fair and say hello to a few 'friends', he's got more serious business to attend to. He's got a meeting with Magnus.
Magnus was an older vampire, although he didn't look the part. He had choppy brown hair that got in the way of his face far too often, intimidating red glowing eyes, and the muscles of a body builder. It was Derek's last wish to run into the man in the middle of a dark alleyway. He feared Magnus as much as he respected the man.
His car edged the curb just a few blocks east, and as he got closer to his destination he made sure to lower the volume of his songs. When he reached the entrance to some sort of abandoned warehouse. He doesn't even remember what it used to house, just that it was the general meeting place for all things supernatural.
He parks the car inside the gates, which were hastily left open for his visit. He parks along the gravel path, turns the car off, and makes sure to keep all the doors locked and the windows up. At any moment a crazy fairy boy might jump from the bushes and ransack him. That would be just his luck.
He fiddled with his key ring, counting how many keys he had on in to keep his mind occupied. It would be an understatement to say he was nervous. He found the key to the warehouse door; a standard that mostly all occult members of the Accords had with them. This place was one of three locations used in case of emergencies and for business dealings. Not that his business with Magnus was official by the Accords. This was for something personal. This was for something really personal.
The door handle jiggled as he pressed the key into it's slot. Sometimes it got stuck, which meant he'd have to shake the handle a bit, but it was no big deal. At least Magnus would know he was coming and have enough time to hide behind a table so he could pop out and scare him. Not that that was a likely situation.
The door swung inward and darkness swelled as Derek entered. It didn't matter if there were lights or not. He had perfect vision in the dark. He was a vampire, and by nature vampires came with a set of highly overpowered abilities. A drawback, however, is the inability to come into direct contact with sunlight. He was really pushing it earlier by watching as the sun set.
He also had super sensitive hearing. The scuttle of rat's feet could be heard in the metal ducts 20 feet above his head. He shivered, not from the cold, but from the eerieness the entire room conveyed. It was mostly empty, except for a wooden desk and a high backed chair in which nobody sat.
If it weren't for the faint smell of cheap cologne, Derek would have thought he was alone.
"I'm so glad you were able to come," Magnus's voice was omnipresent; Distant, yet blaring in Derek's ears. He blinked in the darkness, staring intently at the chair. Another blink, and as his eyes opened once more, Magnus was sat there, his hands folded neatly across the desk's surface.
"So is it a deal?" Derek wanted to go straight to business. No pointless chatter, no dragging this thing out. He wanted to get results, and then haul ass out of there.
Magnus's lips curled upward, a menacing gesture on his part. Derek stood only a few feet away, yet felt as if miles separated them. He couldn't help but notice how different he was to this man in front of him. Where Derek wore ripped jeans and band T-shirts, Magnus wore a grayed suit and tie. He seemed like your typical young white collar worker, but there was more than meets the eyes about him.
"Jumping straight into business I see. I like your style of getting things done. Where's the money I asked for?"
Derek slipped his long nimble fingers into his bulging pants pocket. They were wide enough to hold a small gun, let alone a wad of banded cash. He threw it on the ground by his feet, making sure not to let it fall in the small puddle of whatever-the-hell that liquid was. Could have been anything from water to pee. Definitely wasn't blood, he would have smelled it above everything else the room contained.
Magnus bit his lip as he looked down. "That's exactly five thousand?"
"Why would I give you any less?" Derek's voice was tense as he stared down Magnus's eyes.
Magnus let his lip go and sat back speculatively. "Alright. I'll take your word for it. Bring the girl in."
The sound of metal clanking together brought Derek out of his temporary stupor. His sensed blasted in his face as her scent entered the room. It was her. It was her. Magnus hadn't lied.
Magnus stood, walked around the table, and tapped a little red button on the desk's corner. A wire lead from the button and across the floor, and slowly, all the lights overhead faded on and brightened the room considerably. He bent over and took the stack of money, flipping his pale fingers over each dollar and counted them professionally. But Derek didn't care what Magnus was doing in that moment. He had only one thought on his mind.
Her eyes were wild, angry. She was bound behind her back, and a piece of cloth was fastened over her mouth to prevent her from speaking out. She kicked at her escorts, but they seemed like motionless statues as they held each of her arms. The moment her eyes laid on Derek's, everything else around them faded.
He approached her slowly. He felt his fangs bite into his lips immaturely; his emotions were taking over faster than he could process them. When he stood directly in front of her, he just stared into her eyes with awe. She stood completely still and unreadable. He wanted to stroke her red curling hair, to reassure her that everything would be alright. He loved her so much, and he was so sorry that she had to get mixed up with this terrible world. Derek removed her mouth guard.
"You fucking bastard!" She yelled at him, spit flying from her mouth. Derek hadn't expected this. He looked at her, confusion plain on his face. What had he done? Why was she angry with him?
"Wha-" But before he could ask anything, the guards let her go. She attacked him.
That felt good to write. Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement; It all meant the world to me. I just had to get some stuff of my chest, as well as let you guys know what was going on with me. The support on here is fantastic, I'm so happy that I'm apart of this community. I've been feeling better, both physically and emotionally. Hope you all had a great Thursday (Mine was pretty average. It was bring your kid to work day so I saw tons of little kids littering the halls of the highschool XD) I hope you guys liked this chapter. Certainly filled with suspense and maybe some mystery and some tension. So yeah
Shit is stirring up! :O
Cuz you told me about Junior and Mary's 'private moments' sometimes involving blood (why dude, why?!) that was all I could think of when Junior's blood started pouring... don't ask me why :P
Ok so Gren has a habit of sleeping nude, but Emily as well?! Damn, these 2 must be sore! XP No, in all seriousness, I hope Gren doesn't have to fight Robert, too much is at stake already...
Hades will be a good teacher, he knows things 8)
I look forward to more dude! XD
Hey Guys! - Part 2
Yeah, I know, I made another message a few days ago. Not sick anymore - that's a plus! But I'm here sort of talking about something else. I've kind of lost interest in writing the particular tale I'm stuck on, with Belinda and Friends. I'm just having trouble planning the last chapter or two out, and it really frustrates me because I want to make them to the best of my ability, but nothing I've written satisfies me enough to share with you guys. So I've been holding off entirely on posting on here, and I haven't been as active as I usually am, so I'm sorry about that. I'm still considering finishing up my story, but idk if I have the motivation to do so. Part of me would rather just explain what I planned on happening just to get it over with, because I'm really, really itching to start something new. I want to do the new challenge as soon as possible (for another reason I have yet to address) and I also want to write about some other stuff, and I've been doing a lot of NON fable writing on my own, and I've been also itching for someone other than myself to read those writings (I have a fair amount of them.) So if you're interested in reading anything unfable related (I promise these stories are NOT bad; some might be a bit long though >.<) Then I might want to hit you up on that. I have a Gmail and if you have one too I can share it.
Now, my second order of business. I want to start the challenge early because this summer, I'm going to be basically absent. I got a job on the beach I live nearby, which is probably a 40 minute drive from my house, but I'll be living at the place I'm working at the whole summer. From June 30th to August 21st. I don't know if there will be computers or internet (well there will probably be internet) but I doubt I'm going to be able to write very often, so I will be basically gone, to some extent. Hopefully I'll be able to go home for long enough periods of time that I can come on here and pop by and say hi, but otherwise, unfortunately I'll be gone. Well duh, I've said that a few times now. I'm sorry, but work is work, and I'm super excited for this summer (living basically on the beach is going to be sweet!) and I hope I'll be able to at least read what you guys post from there. I've actually been waiting to say this all for a while (applied for the job in the end of February >.>) but I wanted to wait a while before telling you guys just because I wasn't sure when the right time to say so was.
Third (point?). I've been going through a bit of a rough time with certain family members. Lets just say, there was something with my sister, and it's caused an even more strained relationship between my mom and dad about her, and it's really freakin' nutso. I'm not involved with it, but being the oldest and the one who basically knows everything going on, it's a lot. And it's not that I know EVERYTHING, but I know enough, you know? Anywho, I'm fine, just occasionally bewildered at how crazy stuff can get, you know?
I've also been probably the busiest in my life at this point. With Junior Cruise coming up next week, I still have to go dress shopping, I have to start tutoring a kid for NHS (Not looking forward to it. I think I'm a crap tutor but lets hope for the best), I have things to do and places to be and the stress of college is starting to weigh down on me and I have to make sure I do well in my classes and blah blah blah, all this personal stuff I'm telling you is probably boring and a waste of time but I guess I just needed to write it out a bit.
I'm good, but not great. You know? Like, life is great, but I wish I had more to be happy about and excited about than this. I guess I need a bit of a pick-me-up, but I have no idea what kind of pick-me-up would work. And I also miss going on here as regularly as I used to, and being able to read all your guys's stories. -sigh-
Anyway, hope I didn't upset anyone, as I've basically described my current life story, haha.
Love you guys.
First off, never apologies for being busy. My hiatus kicks in this Friday and I too am not sure how often I'll be posting or reading and so forth. Life is, how you said it, life.
It's never fair but you gotta do what needs to be done. 
Now, I understand how you feel about the tale. I will, however, wait for the ending results for it was an interesting tale with many questions floating in my head. Take your time and do not feel as if we'll be angry for the lack of posting. You're life has been pretty busy and those thoughts take over your ability to write or do anything for that matter. If I had a Gmail account, I'd be mor than happy to read those other stories you've created. Maybe I'll make one just so I can.
Now, congrats on your summer job! That sounds very exciting, tbh! It's money, great opportunity and a way to put yourself out there! HOPEFULLY, they have the internet and you can pop in every so often to read, comment or say hello. Being by the beach is freaking wonderful!! Just don't turn into a lobster and strawberry love child like I always end up as. XD It's tough but you come off as that young lady always looking for a challenge! >:D Plus, no one can say no to $$$$!
And third, I'm sorry to hear about the situation at home. Being the oldest must be tough but hang in there. Take a breather; go for a walk, hang with friends, listen to music and pray. You'll be alright, I promise you this. Your parents SEEM understanding and willing to talk. Hopefully you all can sit and talk about this.
I totally understand parents being, well....parents. XD I hear you about college and please: as a friend and someone who cares, it sounds like you're taking on a lot and you might need a little break from tutoring an what not. Have fun with shopping. ENJOY that junior cruise! 
Sounds like the pick-me-up you need begins with you. Go for a walk, get ice cream. See a movie, read your books. Be alone. Talk know you're doing the best and more then is required of you.
I miss your comments and reactions for my stories but I know life happens and that comes first. I myself move to San Fran this weekend; Emily is growing like a weed and rolling around now. My 2nd peanut is growing and doing well; me and Tammy are happy as ever and JJ is JJ. Enough said. XD
Love ya' like family, Emmy and know I'm here, along with the others, should you need a shoulder to lean on. Be proud of your accomplishments and keep going forward!
I'm so sorry about that whole mary & Junior bit. XD Now that's all you'll picture. XD My bad. lol
Yes; they both like to sleep naked and feel one another against their chest or back. I now, sounds odd but its what they do. And that sore part...I'll have to ask them both on seperate occasions. XD I hope Robert and Gren do not fight, either. Those two have been through so much.
Hades AND Nick will be marvelous teachers to those two little tykes.
OMG wait....Kieron KNEW Nyx before he became the kitten!? So, he came back to SAVE Kieron after all this time!? OMG, dude...Tetra! No more feels! God, is THIS what I've been doing to people!? :'0 I feel horrible for Kieron! That poor man and all the shit that occured after the amnesia. As if nothing in his life ever happened. All a dream...oh wow. How ironic. The thoughts of Wonderland. His amnesia. Shit, man.....:(
Seeing Nyx would always be there, along with his faint memories and lessons learned, for the time being.
I thought Nick was very well portrayed in this and played his part fairly well int the 'hell' of Wonderland and all that happened since the last few chapters. He's always ready for a challenge and I know it won't be THAT easy for the end and battle of Wonderland!
Look forward to more as always!
How could you upset us with your real life problems? You're just simply telling how it is and I respect that. I also understand where you're coming from - you gotta do what you gotta do. Inevitably, it's probably going to be the same scenario for the rest of us in the future: being ultra-busy with our jobs, friends, and/or family in general.
Concerning the challenge, I'm going to make it available early for you guys because there could be similar situations where others might not be on as often during summer. (you and pie being prime examples thus far)
Congrats on the beach job! Hopefully it'll act as a 'port in the storm' in your current future schedule at hand.
By the way, don't feel bad about Belinda, I'm sure she adores what you have written about her so far. ;D I'm super-positive we'll feel the same way too! So don't be scared or disappointed, post what you have and your internet fam will post kind feedback in return!
I may send you a PM with my Gmail soon, I'm quite interested to browse your non-Fable reads myself.
I can not help but feel a tiny bit sympathetic for Robert. His methods are questionable, but he simply wants respect. This is no atonement or excuse, though.
This has escalated faster than I expected. I look forward to the next chapter
Wow, nearly 3 months away! I'd love a job near the beach, but beaches in England suck :P I'm happy that you got the job but also sad that you won't be able to get on here much for a bit. Everything really is changing for the lovely people on this thread isn't it?...
As for your personal stuff, I can't imagine being the oldest and therefore the 'responsible' one of the siblings, I hope that whatever the issue is can be sorted out sooner rather than later. You don't need all that extra stress on your shoulders at a time like this, especially when you've got so much going for you
It sounds like you're in my shoes with not being satisfied with what you're writing, I have moments where I just don't write at all or I write a Snigby one-shot that I've had in my head for a while. I find it difficult to spread my time between 4 different fics, especially as I have stuff in the real world I need to get on with like applying for a second job at Blenheim Palace and learning how to drive. But you make time for these things and sometimes you just need the right motivator.
I personally like listening to music (a lot) when I come up with story ideas in my head, like a fight scene. I have some heavy metal song blaring whilst Nick is annihilating someone like say, Harmony (I've been planning that fight for ages :P) and I get all excited like "I really need to write this now!" Just try and find a way that gets you motivated to write for your story, it's not easy and I knew writing fanfiction wasn't going to be easy when I started back in September last year, but you find a way
I wish you luck with your endeavours Emily, we're all here for you if you need it and we eagerly await your timely return to us. Stay safe, and my OC Nick sends his blessings to you :P
BUT, you assured me that the true love was there, and that Junior consented to getting cut up in the bedroom (eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww!!!!!!!) so I guess I'll be fine with it, hehe
Nothing wrong with sleeping nude, it's very comfortable imo, but I've never heard of it being a regular thing for a couple in the Fables fan-verse!!! XP
I love it when the author doesn't want his/her own work to portray something bad when it probably will, or probably won't. Keeps us all guessing
Oh yes, Nick, where is that son of a bitch when you need him?... XD
As everyone has said there is no need to apologize if you are busy. I've had those days, sometimes for me I wait until it hits me and I get this drive to want to write so many parts. That's my advice, although I'm not very good at giving advice XD. Although I hope at some point you finish that story, I wouldn't mind if you took a break from it and decided to write the tale you do want to write so you have that drive to write something instead of the alternative.
Congrats on the summer job EMMY!
Sounds like a pretty awesome job to me. On the beach and gaining money, lucky lucky
It would be cool if you had internet so you could stop by and say hello! 
Ah I know how it is when it comes to family stuff, I'm not on the greatest terms with my parents. And my brother and my dad fight quite a bit and just hearing it bothers me. But things will get better I can promise that!
Hey we are all here to listen and help out as best as we can, seems like the last part is as Pie said step back look at everything in front of you, take a deep breath and do what needs to be done, and while doing so there will be times where you can have time to have a lot of fun.
You know we are always here if you need us EMMY!
You're doing great things and have a pretty bright future ahead of you! Like Pie said Love you like family EMMY Keep up the awesome work! 
Yes Kieron did know Nyx before all the recent events and was trying to help him and guard him, buy Nyx feels as if he only made things worse. Yes Pie this is what you have been doing to others XD But there will be more
As do I, I just want to write him a chapter where he is generally happy and is enjoying himself but that comes at the end of Kierons story
Its as if the clocks were turned back and Kieron would never have known remembered all of his struggles and everything he's been through if Nick didn't step up and tell him. Now Kieron is the only one out of the group that actually remembers what happened. 
Oh yes Wonderland is not finished yet
but there will be a break for now...
Glad to hear man!
Anyone can tell you that Mary may have taken things a bit far but in the end, their true love is and will always be there for one another. Just remember that the next time you only picture the blood and what not.
Guess Gremily have started their own little trend and did not notice it. XD I'm the same way when it comes to certain things and it's true: having the audience guess is always the fun part, for in the end, you find out if you're right or wrong about the character.
Ah yes, Nick. he and Hades have quite the training for Vivi and Liam. You know how he is, though....mysterious. XD
Next time I'll remember that Nick and her never tried anything that extreme :P I'll be ok...
Gremily is awesome! The guessing game can be so fun sometimes
That's Nick for ya
Night before the battle part 3
'Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave.' Proverbs 5:5
Vivian slipped back into the house. Her nose began to bleed once more. Her palms covered in a thick paste of red. The images of death swam along her mind. This caused Vivian to panic and find herself alone with all the fears she thought were impossible of finding her, even in death. She refused to let Emily slip through her fingers; Vivian used to have dreams of her body being found in the woods, gutters of the city or decaying
somewhere alone in an abandoned building. Once Gren came into her life, however, these seemed to vanish overnight and left the guardian angel a moment of rest and looking for brighter days. It wasn't until Carla and Emily becoming in danger once more did these horrible thoughts come back.
Vivian did not want to lose Emily. The consequences were unknown to Vivian and she did not want to return to the dark and alone for all eternity. Her life was nothing and since becoming a large piece in Emily's life, Vivian finally had a purpose. A voice. Something even in life was taken from her. The blood continued to pour from her nose and coated her fingers like jelly to bread. The emotions burned. The glow Vivian normally carried began to slip away. There was something more she would face inregards to Emily but Vivian did not know of what...
"Viv." Nick floats around the corner in his spirit form. "Are you here? Vivian?"
"Over here, sweetie." Vivian tries to clean the blood. ""
Thing about Angel blood, it was a stain that forever marked the guardian until the problem was resolved. There was no way Vivian could avoid the questions followed the minute Nick turned the corner and found his precious soul bleeding and tears dripping from her eyes. Nick flies over and attempts to brush the sadness away. He rubs his face along Vivian's brow.
"What is it, dear? Vivian....?"
Vivian glances out the window. "I keep...keep having these horrific dreams and thoughts of Emily. She's dead. Gren is crying and I'm alone in the dark again...Carla. Her voice. I hear it in the dark, Nick. Please-tell me this is all a part of my fears and nothing more!"
Nick looks down; his eyes told a different story and conclusion she wanted to hear. Still cupping her nose, Vivian leans forward.
"Nicholas, please...I'm NOT going to lose Emily....right!?"
"I've been having the same thought about Ethan." Nick floats towards the window. "Especially since his 'curse' set in, Vivian. I think there is more to this war then Carla. What...what have you seen? Just Emily dead and Gren weeping?"
"Yes." Vivian felt the difficulty explaining her nightmare. "She' his arms. I'm in the dark and all I hear is Carla laughing. Mocking me, telling me even in death, I failed to protect them."
"Me too." Nick frowns, his brow creases and teeth glimmer in the moonlight. "I think that bitch is messing with our thoughts, though and hoping to make us weak. We're guardians-we have sent them down the right path and all have become stronger. I do not fear for our lives, Vivian! The others have proven themselves! Carla is scared and KNOWS we are more then what she assumed and could easily take down."
Vivian stands. The blood seemed to ease the moment Nick's words passed his lips. The orb glides along the curtains and peers out the window. Still under the moonlight and holding eachother tight, Emily and Gren remained as one for the time being. The night sky became dimmer with
each passing hour and soon, they'd be facing the women that caused so many broken hearts, lost lives and fears. Nick, however, was not about to allow Carla win.
He was sent to protect and guide Georgie and as he found his place with Lyla and created several children, his attention was focused on the twins. Peter overcame his demons and now, Nick was needed once again for Ethan. The motives, however, is what caused the guardian to worry and think twice. Nick prayed the only change Ethan would endure was the outer shell and nothing within. Vivian, her lovely face coated with tears,
walked over to Nick and also looked out.
"I swore to Hope and all the other Saints witnessing my second coming that I'd protect her." Vivian touches the glass. "Carla could come knocking on that door right now and I'd be prepared to lose it all just to see her smile again. I'm not going to allow Emily to slip through my grasp again, Nick. She's a strong person. Wild like the Calico Horses in the open fields; sturdy like the Oak tree and heart of gold. A Rebel soul that for awhile, could not be tied down but she managed to drive Grendel wild and he tamed her spirit. Something I wanted her to have. Love...a thing I never encountered alive but for what I could give her, I'd do it all over again, knowing where my Emily would end up. A mother to four babies and another on the way. A wife. Protector. My assigned soul to guide the moment she was conceived. That's enough for me to believe in her. She can do this. Carla can not take her away..."
Nick beams. "You really think they can do this, huh?"
"I know she can. She and Gren have become more then just a couple. Something changed the moment they became one. Reminds me of Georgie and Lyla when he finally accepted his fate in this wretched town. Same goes for Ethan. You can not tell me that boy has not grown..."
Nick shakes his head and chuckles. "My boys were always something. Peter can fucking say what he wanted but the older he became, the more I saw Bigby in that boy. And Ethan...had his mother's heart but father's spirit. John did not help much, either but I guess since the change, he has become different...but for the best."
Vivian tilts back and plants a kiss on Nick's forehead. "We did what was needed and now, our final piece shall be put into place. Tomorrow, you and I will make sure all is dealt with and nothing can stop them. I know Emily is capable of using that bow and taking Carla down and protecting her family and this town. Grendel has put all past him and with his new title as alpha, he's stronger then ever before. From what I hear, each of the kids will be in this: Penelope, Junior, Ethan and Peter. Katie has Malcom and the Wolf council on their side, prepared to fight by their side. Snow White is willing to aide them in this battle and from what I know, Jersey and Isaiah will fight until the bitter end for Gren, Emily, this town....their families...."
"Really?" Nick cocks his eyebrow and continues looking out the window. "Wow. I know Peter mentioned a large group just, you know, not everyone..."
Vivian leans against the wall; Gren and Emily entered the home, glanced up to the stairs and disappeared to their room. The wind picked up and blew through her hair. Nick was at a stand still, for there was something foul around the guardians. The ever so familiar stench and presence of Death. Vivian's nose began to bleed once more. Touching a nostril, it glowed red and seemed to sting for a moment. Looking up towards the heavens, she knew what needed to be done. More to being a Guardian Angel then what was portrayed of them. Extending out her arms, a golden shell of armor covers Vivian's body.
It shimmers and gleams; standing back, Nick is blind for a few seconds before taking notice of his apperance. A Slender body, also glamoured with armor, sword and shield. A pair of massive, white wings pin to each side of his back. Flapping them furiously, Nick takes off into the night sky. Vivian, on ground, is not too far behind. The guardians knew what was required of them tomorrow and both were ready. Smiling, both take off into the night.
Peter and Ethan's apartment. VERY late into the night...
Peter found Ethan's bed empty. Neither he nor Michelle were there but his scent was immediatly picked up. There was a difference, however, about his brother that night. Running along the apartment, Peter found his brother leaning against the deck and smoking a rather large cigar. The errie glow at the front made a tiny, circle of yellows and oranges. Peter was careful to approach his brother, as he took out a cigarette and joined Ethan. Wearing only his boxers, Ethan's chest seemed to flicker along the light of the moon. He did not seem to notice Peter; he remained hushed and glancing down to the city that never sleeps.
"Ta'morrow is the day, Peter...." Ethan inhales the smoke. "Are ya' scared?"
"No." Peter coughs, taking another puff. "We allow that to show, Carla wins and will take that and run."
"Yes, I agree." Ethan beams. "I can't wait ta' get down there and fookin' destroy that bitch fa' woot she's done. to all of us. Ya' hear 'bout Erica's fatha', Peter? Noah of all the bloody people."
Peter was distraught upon hearing the news. It was something neither of the family members were prepared to take and swallow whole. Peter knew it devestated Ethan the most; he loved Michelle and wanted the best for Erica. At times, he blamed himself for allowing Erica and Michelle to endure so much pain. She came to them for help years ago and they turned her away; a mother to an infant daughter, trying to escape her past and the disgusting plan Carla had for them both. Ethan cried many nights after finding this out. He could have saved them...
"It's not your fault." Peter could see Ethan began thinking this exact thought again. "You know that, right?"
"It is my fookin' fault, Peter." Ethan tosses the cigar into a cup of water. "She came ta' us for 'elp and we turned her away because we were too fookin' busy with Fabletown and otha' bloody bullshit!"
"We HAD no idea, Ethan!" Peter tries to look at Ethan. "We did not KNOW Carla was doing this! Stop for a second and-"
"But if we DID, Peter, we'd have caught this in time!" Ethan pushes PEter back. "We could 'ave stopped Carla, put Noah away and none of this fookin' war would 'ave started!"
"Michelle would never have told you anyways, Ethan! It took her HOW long before addressing her past? I mean, for Christ's sake, we didn't know she WAS the rumored daughter of Dark OR that Carla was planning on USING that to her advantage!"
"Woot are ya' syain', Peter...." His voice cracked and for a second, Peter was terrified. "The FOOK are ya' tryin' ta' say ova' there, huh? That I couldn't stop this!?"
"NONE of us could, Ethan! This was going to happen no matter what! It's fate! Emily is carrying the bow that Carla wanted! THAT'S the reason she got with Gren! She never loved the guy and we all knew it! She was hoping he'd give HER the bow and she'd go from there! Carla would still happen! This war...this fucking bullshit that is haunting this family, would still take place, Ethan! But instead, he gave it to Emily, she has it and now, Carla is out for revenge. Michelle would still have faced Noah and Erica would still be in her condition. Ethan-"
"Ya' be wrong, Peter." Ethan swats Peter's hand away. "I could 'ave saved them...I failed..."
"You're not Superman, Ethan! You can't save them all! You can't-"
Using both hands, Ethan presses Peter into the wall. Nearly colliding his skull into the brick wall, Peter reaches around and pulls away just in time. Growling, huffing and slowly changing, Ethan peers at his brother. Peter begins to transform; he could feel the anguish and sorrow building in his brother's mind. This war and love he had for Michelle was a deadly combination; add guilt and a pinch of hate and you got yourself a concoction ready to burst into flames at any given moment. Peter could sense the agony in Ethan's voice. He blamed himself for all that took place with Michelle and secretly for causing this war. Carla, in his mind, could have been stopped. But that was something even they could not avoid.
It had always been in the making. Not just for Ethan but all of them. Tossing Ethan into the ground, Peter arches his back, his yellow eyes glowing against the moon's light. Ethan bares his fangs, licking his lips and walking around his brother.
"FIGHT me, Peter, ya' fookin' bitch!"
"Calm DOWN, Ethan!" Peter clentches his fists. "You're not thinking straight! We can do this! We'll defeat Carla! All will be okay! We-"
"NO!" Ethan tilts his head back and howls. "I could 'ave fookin' SAVED us all!"
Lunging forward, Peter could feel Ethan's body shake as the brothers collaspe on the ground and fight. Peter sinks his teeth deep into Ethan's shoulders; howling in agony, Ethan stands up and swins his massive paw into Peter's back. Bits of fur, flesh and blood fly off his back and onto the ground. Wiping his lips clean, Peter continues to toss his brother around. A nearby vase breaks; grabbing the broken shards, Ethan immediatly turns into his human form and holds the sharp object up. Peter suddenly has flashes of his father and Bigby. The night it changed for them all.
"No...." Peter stands back. "No...Ethan, stop!"
"Ya' DONE, Wolf!" That voice. "I'd like ta' say it was nice knowin' ya' but-"
"NO!" Peter slams his body into Ethan, causing the men to fall into the cemented ground. "NO! I will NOT lose you, too! Please...."
Shaking his head, Ethan looks around. Peter was now in tears, huddled against his brother. "Peter...woot...woot happened? I-"
"Come back to me, Ethan. See past her bullshit, please! I won't lose you. I CAN'T lose you....come back. We'll fix this. I promise...." Peter craddles his brother like a child. "DON'T you dare leave me, Ethan. You're better than her...don't let Carla win."
Blinking his eyes, Ethan drops the shard and presses his head against Peter's bare chest. The words he spoke haunting his head. The image of his father fighting Bigby. That awful night so many lives were changed. The brothers remained as such until the sun rose above the buildings and blanket the town with the morning light. Michelle, however, watched the battle take place and cringed of the idea that Carla was using Ethan as well. Holding the purple pill, she sticks it in her mouth, swallows and beams.
She began to instantly feel the change, as Holly knocks on the door. "I'm ready dad." Michelle looks out the window. "SHOW me how to defeat someone as dark as you were....."
Any questions, you know the drill.
We leave tomorrow! Got it all packed and ready to go! San Fran, here we come!! 
First off, I love that image! 0.0 Looks like it came straight from the game itself! Did you use MS pait for this as well? I love the detail and the way Georgie looks at Lyla. Love these two with all my heart and soul.
Now, to the story. There was so much running through my head with the first one. This war has everyone all over the place. So many emotions are being felt and I love how you've taken the time to cover the 3 main Fables (Ethan, Peter & Emily) and we saw a view of their feelings and all that is currently running through their head. I feel HORRIBLE for both Gren and Emily; so much has happened in a short amount of time and now, Robert has been thrown into the mix as well. I KNOW you told me not to worry but I am and can't wait to see what Robert does. I pray to God he snaps out of this and helps Gremily and the others.
Now, Nick and Vivian have become another pairing that I'm really enjoying. At first, Nick was sort of just 'there' and I wasnt too sure how Vivian would work in this story but being Emily's guardian angel sure has opened up a lot of ideas with her. I love how devoted Vivian is to Emily and her place in this world. It always breaks my heart when Vivian gives little bits of her past and shows us she never HAD a voice; even her time spent with Georgie, she was hushed and told what to do. Now, she has that opportunity to shine and show her second chance was worth something. I loved seeing nick and Vivian in armor, though! These angels are ready to kick ass! Also:
That is very interesting. I'm loving the biblical route you've taken with this, Pie! I noticed the little italic quotes have been proverbs, revelations.
This entire thing made me cry and I explain as to why it did so. I was not too sure how the curse would come about with Ethan. Michelle did trigger it, yes but his GUILT for not 'saving' both her and Erica is what made the final transformation into what Georgie use to be. You played the game. You know what he did. It was all to protect himself and Vivian. Ethan is feeling the SAME way right now; he'll do anything to save those girls and it breaks my heart knowing he blames himself.....:'(
Oh Peter!
Well, there goes another piece of my heart today....
No! screams at computer No, No, no, No, No, NO NO NO NO NO!!! OMG, NO Ethan! No!!!! Not that night!!!
Jesus, pie! Enough with the feels!! Ethan, please! Don't! You're stronger then Carla is! Don't let her win! Peter loves you; Michelle & Erica NEED you! UGH! That devestation in Peter's words!
He knows all about that night....fuck, pie....
Inhales, cries some more Wow. Their connection is raw and you can see it just in this section alone. Carla needs to die. I don't care how, I don't care WHO does it but she really, really, REALLY needs to fucking die! She's messing with too many of the Porgies and Fabletown! What GIVES, Carla! You use to be so sweet...:(
Wait...what!?! :0
OH....what....the fuck...I did NOT see this coming! NOOOOOOOOO! MICHELLE NO!!!!!!!!!!!
This was a really good one, pie! I hope you can finish this before the hiatus but that's not going to happen. At LEAST the parts we all need to know and see. BTW, I can't wait for San Fran! I'll text you in a bit, should you receive that one before coming on here.
Thanks man, I appreciate it. I just feel like I use the 'busy' excuse too much, but to be honest, that's really how it is.
That would be great! I just have so many unfinished stories that I WANT to finish, but with the writing process comes the need to know from others that its worth finishing, you know? Like, I myself might think it's dragging on or going in the wrong direction, but with out someone to tell me otherwise or tell me that I'm right, then I'm sort of stuck, you know? I absolutely love writing so much, but I don't want to waste my talents.
Thanks! I'm so excited and a little nervous for it, but it is what it is. There should be internet so I should be able to use my phone at least, and maybe even post a chapter every once in a while, but yeah, I'll sort of be gone. I absolutely LOVE being on the Island (That's what be call our beaches, because essential they're on a barrier island with the ocean on one side and a bay on the other.) and it brings a lot of nostalgic feels whenever we do go over because I've been going to the beach there since I was a baby with my grandma and other relatives, so it's going to be awesome. Plus, I'll hopefully have my car fixed up and ready by then and my licence (Assuming I don't flunk the test.) so I'll be able to go to and from places all the time.
Yeah, it is what it is as well. My mom and dad are divorced and before they divorced they fought a lot, but after the divorce they were pretty civil to each other, especially for us guys, but with this thing with my sister, they got into a nasty argument on the phone about it and I was informed about the argument only because I'm the only child really that would understand why they're fighting and I'm not super upset about it but it bothers me sometimes, like I feel like I should swoop in and fix the problem myself but that's not my job, I'm just the kid. Unfortunately I CAN'T drop the tutoring; Since it's through NHS, I can't drop a student unless the student doesn't need help any more, so I just have to stick through it, but it's not that bad. I'm super excited for Junior Cruise, it's one of the few things I have to look forward to for the time being ^-^ I gotta get a dress, hopefully this weekend, and then I can relax more about that.
Yeah, I've been thinking about all that kind of stuff, and I'm sure doing some reading and hanging with friends will help a lot. It's even better that the weather is nicer so I can open a window. That really makes it feel fresher inside and what not. Glad to hear you moved in your new place smoothly. We need another pick of baby Emily, and I'm totally anticipated the day you announce baby 2's gender ^-^ Glad you and Tammy are well, too
And JJ IS just JJ XD
Thanks, a bunch man
Thanks! I might just out that story on pause, maybe tell how it ends up but still write about it at a later date. Still haven't decided though.
I'll be eagerly awaiting for that, if you've not already sent it
Beware though, there might be a sudden large influx of stories ranging from 5 pages to 60 pages XD I'll send you one at a time, if you'd like.
Where am I in this scene, pie?? XD
Yeah, I know. Idk, I have a tendency of apologizing for things that might not need me to apologize but I do so anyway just for the sake of being proper and not offending/bothering anybody. I know that one day will be the last day we ever go on here before the forum is either taken down or we just get too busy with our lives and etc. But of course I won't be leaving anytime soon!
That would be awesome. I've got some good ideas for it! I might start it soon, possibly next week at some point.
And thanks! It'll definitely be something good for me this summer, and I'll also be making some extra dollars which is always nice. Gotta save all of it up though, for college and other future expenses.
I'm sure he'll draw such a scene for you :P
That would NOT be a good idea because there are so many things I'd want him to add....yeah....XD
Again, I'm SURE he would draw such a scene for you! XP
Just ask him nearer to Xmas, then it's bound to happen
Just about! The beaches here are nice depending on which states you're in, or which parts of which states you go to. Seaside used to be a major tourist beach area in New Jersey, however in recent years it's been destroyed by Hurricane Sandy and is also very ghetto-like after Snooki and the Jersey Shore crew came through and screwed it all up. I like to stick to my home beaches, Long Beach Island. It's filled with retired rich families who have gorgeous beach houses and tons of beach shops and food places. It's the best place to be in the summer, in my opinion. And yeah, I'll be sad not being active, but I'll get on as often as I can
Sometimes it weighs down, other times I just brush it off. You can't take all the shit that happens to heart, I learned that a long time ago with specific family members. I just get discouraged easily when I think about some things for too long, which is not a good thing. So that's something I need to work on. Thanks
Same. I'm either not in the mood for writing at all, or I write little passages that COULD become something, but I lack the motivation to put it through much else. Plus, I get in my own personal Snigby's from time to time XD I don't necessarily have fanfics, but I have a lot of things based on ideas from books and shows and writings I've read over the years. I have one specific story that I've got basically the whole basis of it plotted in my mind, but whenever I try to get it to paper, I just can't word it the right way for the life of me. I've started this story so many times and scrapped almost each one of them just because I was never satisfied enough with what I was getting. Hopefully one day though, I can get it down for good and finish it
I'm learning to drive as well, it's a little awkward and nerve-wracking, but it's not hard. Good luck with applying for that second job by the way, sometimes it's really hard to get jobs these days.
I do that sometimes myself, if I REALLY need something to inspire me. Sometimes, I'll be listening to the songs on the radio, and I try to come up with scenarios that would go with each song that plays. That ones fun for when I'm on a long car ride and need to get some wheels turning in my head before I die of boredom XD Can't wait to see Nick's encounter with alternate Harmony btw; Your fics are definitely well written, and I wish I was able to get around and read them more often.
Thanks again, and you too! I really appreciate it
Thanks, and even though you say you don't give great advice, I think otherwise
I hope I finish it too, but it is what it is (if said that so many times in the past half hour, lol) If worse comes to worse, I'll give an abridged version of the ending and make a true one later on.
Hopefully I'll be making enough cash to spend some while I'm there, buy some new beach stuff and what not. It's exciting ^-^ There should be internet, so an occasional 'hello' should suffice.
Yeah, I hear ya. My parents fight sometimes, not a lot, so I guess that's why I'm still unsure about how I feel about it, you know? It just doesn't feel normal sometimes. I'm sure things will get better, hopefully.
Thanks again
You guys are like an extension of my friends and family, so it's great to know you all care
You keep up the awesome work too!
Wow, you really are like TWAUs' Snow White in some instances.
That's good!
Also, stop saying the forum is going to get taken down! T.T It's never going to happen - be positive!
Besides, if all or some of us are busy in the future, I hope we'll all make an attempt to go on here occasionally.
Decide quickly or it's the Witching Well!
I'll send it later. At the moment, I'll be making the challenge up.
I've only ever been to Middletown in New Jersey, and the beaches there are always lovely. Oh man, Jersey Shore... never watched it and don't intend to :P At least your hiatus is only for 3 months though!
I have a collection of Snigby one-shots (cute ones and adult ones) cuz I can't get enough of their romance, it's too damn sweet!!! XD I have my next story all plotted out as well, but we all go through rough drafts that never make the bill before we finally get that one piece of writing that starts it all at last
I applied for that job today and I hope the result is the best one. I haven't started learning to drive yet, but I've got everything I need to do so at least
I'll let you in on something: Harmony vs Nick will surprise everyone, maybe you especially
I have quite the imagination for stuff in my fanfics, I came up with my first story when I was cycling to work everyday just listening to my iPod, I need to send you the link to it actually
I'm always glad to help XD
An abridged version would be funny! XD
Exactly! I'm sure the pay would be enough to buy some beach stuff!
That's cool it's like you'll be away but on occasion just say yo this is what is going on and what not 
That's exactly how I feel as well, what helped me when they would start fighting with each other or one of my siblings is music and a book (I was reading investment and business books at the time) and just give them space. I'm sure they will!
Of course we care! We all need help and most of the time it's from friends, I've tried going through life without friends and even shut my family out, it's very lonely and not fun. I won't let that happen to anyone else. Will do
Never apologies for what is currently taking your time. We all will eventually face the same and until then, remember to take time for yourself as well.
I honestly felt like the story was moving at a decent pace; I understand where you are coming from and worry you're not focusing on the information you'd wish to write and us read. Sometimes, you NEED to take that extra route to explain but at the rate your current story was going, thought it was well done.
Perhaps you need to take a day away from writing to clear your mind and find that little outlet that will spark your creative juices again. 
Sounds like a marvelous place to be and you'll have plenty to do so as you stay there for the summer. At least you'll have your phone with you. I recall one time when I was a counslor for a camp, we could not take our cell phones but when your knee deep in the backwoods, being eaten alive by bugs, there is no need for a phone. XD I hope you have a wonderful time and earn that extra $$$, seeing as you'd like to fix up the car and go. Good luck on that driving test! I recall my 1st time. It can be overwhelming but after some practice, its like ridind a bike. Big, metal bike. XD
I understand the family situation; my folks are divorced and although my dad up and vanished for years, I can understand the frustration of parents pulling you into the mix and it can be mind boggling and cause a few tears. Whatever is going on with your sister, maybe you are the one to speak to her and find out. I hope that little issue gets resolved for your sake and the family before you leave.
No bueno having family troubles.
As far as your other activities, sounds like you enjoy doing them and although it causes stress, you're willing to do them and like to help put. Glad to hear you found a dress and I hope you have a freaking blast if I don't tell you then.
Take lots of pics and just have fun!!!!
Just remember when you're feeling that urge to give up, take a walk and count your blessings. You've done a wonderful job, EMMY and you should be proud! I need to update the picture of little Emily, I know! XD The wedding is this fall for us (nervous but can't wait!!!) And besides my family, you guys will be one of the 1st people to know the gender of baby #2!
Woah man! That picture is awesome!
The first part of the story although I was worried about Vivians visions, it was pretty sweet!
I felt very sad about the second part with Ethan and Peter man... Is this payback for before? XD nah I'm just playing XP I hate how Ethan blames himself for not saving them, I see why he does though because he cares for them deeply.
This was awesome man!
Thanks, man. The colors gave me such a headache but I love just how they looked on those inside!
Vivian will always and forever have these images. Sadly, its how she reacts that makes a difference. She hase total confidence in Emily.
And payback you say....>:D -plays evil music- Nah, jk my good man. But yes, Ethan DOES blame himself becaus he feels if he'd helped take Michelle away from the abuse, nothing like this would have happened but like Peter stated, it would have occured no matter what....Ethan loves those girls.
Glad you liked it, my good man!
The Vampire Challenge is now up in the OP! Requirements and answers to possible questions are noted! Any other questions, I'll be more than happy to oblige.
Please have fun! I can't wait to see your submissions.
Wow, those are some requirements :O
Well it wouldn't be called a challenge if they weren't numerous now would it?! XD
Nearly done with my current story, about two chapters left. I'm still thinking about having a Blade and Underworld mash-up theme.
It's only the first 6. The rest are optional as you may already have noticed. :P (actually, that is a lot for the first 6 bulletpoints, still, you guys have four plus months to do it!)
I think this could be my challenge with the most requirements yet. XD
This is going to be so awesome! I just got done watching Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines and have been dying to get to this!
I shall start soon after I really wake up from this nap! XD
D'aww, stop XD Seriously though, thanks
Looks like I'm gonna have to postpone my current story for a while...
@JJwolf and @pudding_pie you're both gonna have to wait longer for Nick's encounter with the Grendels.
And @EMMYPESS you're also gonna have to wait longer for Nick to face Harmony and encounter Mirah.
Man this challenge is gonna be so fun! I love writing intense action, and it gives me a chance to create a kick-ass new OC!!! XD
The year is 1994. The paint on Derek's 1989 Ford Thunderbird is chipped from years of wear and tear. Still, he takes pride in his vehicle as he sits on the corner of the street, just a few blocks down from Coney Island's fairgrounds. He watches through dark tinted sunglasses as the sun sets behind the giant Ferris wheel he's come to love so much about the place.
After all, it's the best place to feed at.
As he starts the car back up, he pops in the latest Bon Jovi album into his new CD player; It pays to have a little extra cash every now and again. He bobs his head to the music as the first song comes on, blasting through the speakers of his radio.
Girls in bathing suits pass by on roller blades, he gives one a charming wink before edging down slowly on the gas petal. Despite the urge to stop by the fair and say hello to a few 'friends', he's got more serious business to attend to. He's got a meeting with Magnus.
Magnus was an older vampire, although he didn't look the part. He had choppy brown hair that got in the way of his face far too often, intimidating red glowing eyes, and the muscles of a body builder. It was Derek's last wish to run into the man in the middle of a dark alleyway. He feared Magnus as much as he respected the man.
His car edged the curb just a few blocks east, and as he got closer to his destination he made sure to lower the volume of his songs. When he reached the entrance to some sort of abandoned warehouse. He doesn't even remember what it used to house, just that it was the general meeting place for all things supernatural.
He parks the car inside the gates, which were hastily left open for his visit. He parks along the gravel path, turns the car off, and makes sure to keep all the doors locked and the windows up. At any moment a crazy fairy boy might jump from the bushes and ransack him. That would be just his luck.
He fiddled with his key ring, counting how many keys he had on in to keep his mind occupied. It would be an understatement to say he was nervous. He found the key to the warehouse door; a standard that mostly all occult members of the Accords had with them. This place was one of three locations used in case of emergencies and for business dealings. Not that his business with Magnus was official by the Accords. This was for something personal. This was for something really personal.
The door handle jiggled as he pressed the key into it's slot. Sometimes it got stuck, which meant he'd have to shake the handle a bit, but it was no big deal. At least Magnus would know he was coming and have enough time to hide behind a table so he could pop out and scare him. Not that that was a likely situation.
The door swung inward and darkness swelled as Derek entered. It didn't matter if there were lights or not. He had perfect vision in the dark. He was a vampire, and by nature vampires came with a set of highly overpowered abilities. A drawback, however, is the inability to come into direct contact with sunlight. He was really pushing it earlier by watching as the sun set.
He also had super sensitive hearing. The scuttle of rat's feet could be heard in the metal ducts 20 feet above his head. He shivered, not from the cold, but from the eerieness the entire room conveyed. It was mostly empty, except for a wooden desk and a high backed chair in which nobody sat.
If it weren't for the faint smell of cheap cologne, Derek would have thought he was alone.
"I'm so glad you were able to come," Magnus's voice was omnipresent; Distant, yet blaring in Derek's ears. He blinked in the darkness, staring intently at the chair. Another blink, and as his eyes opened once more, Magnus was sat there, his hands folded neatly across the desk's surface.
"So is it a deal?" Derek wanted to go straight to business. No pointless chatter, no dragging this thing out. He wanted to get results, and then haul ass out of there.
Magnus's lips curled upward, a menacing gesture on his part. Derek stood only a few feet away, yet felt as if miles separated them. He couldn't help but notice how different he was to this man in front of him. Where Derek wore ripped jeans and band T-shirts, Magnus wore a grayed suit and tie. He seemed like your typical young white collar worker, but there was more than meets the eyes about him.
"Jumping straight into business I see. I like your style of getting things done. Where's the money I asked for?"
Derek slipped his long nimble fingers into his bulging pants pocket. They were wide enough to hold a small gun, let alone a wad of banded cash. He threw it on the ground by his feet, making sure not to let it fall in the small puddle of whatever-the-hell that liquid was. Could have been anything from water to pee. Definitely wasn't blood, he would have smelled it above everything else the room contained.
Magnus bit his lip as he looked down. "That's exactly five thousand?"
"Why would I give you any less?" Derek's voice was tense as he stared down Magnus's eyes.
Magnus let his lip go and sat back speculatively. "Alright. I'll take your word for it. Bring the girl in."
The sound of metal clanking together brought Derek out of his temporary stupor. His sensed blasted in his face as her scent entered the room. It was her. It was her. Magnus hadn't lied.
Magnus stood, walked around the table, and tapped a little red button on the desk's corner. A wire lead from the button and across the floor, and slowly, all the lights overhead faded on and brightened the room considerably. He bent over and took the stack of money, flipping his pale fingers over each dollar and counted them professionally. But Derek didn't care what Magnus was doing in that moment. He had only one thought on his mind.
Her eyes were wild, angry. She was bound behind her back, and a piece of cloth was fastened over her mouth to prevent her from speaking out. She kicked at her escorts, but they seemed like motionless statues as they held each of her arms. The moment her eyes laid on Derek's, everything else around them faded.
He approached her slowly. He felt his fangs bite into his lips immaturely; his emotions were taking over faster than he could process them. When he stood directly in front of her, he just stared into her eyes with awe. She stood completely still and unreadable. He wanted to stroke her red curling hair, to reassure her that everything would be alright. He loved her so much, and he was so sorry that she had to get mixed up with this terrible world. Derek removed her mouth guard.
"You fucking bastard!" She yelled at him, spit flying from her mouth. Derek hadn't expected this. He looked at her, confusion plain on his face. What had he done? Why was she angry with him?
"Wha-" But before he could ask anything, the guards let her go. She attacked him.
That felt good to write. Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement; It all meant the world to me. I just had to get some stuff of my chest, as well as let you guys know what was going on with me. The support on here is fantastic, I'm so happy that I'm apart of this community. I've been feeling better, both physically and emotionally. Hope you all had a great Thursday (Mine was pretty average. It was bring your kid to work day so I saw tons of little kids littering the halls of the highschool XD) I hope you guys liked this chapter. Certainly filled with suspense and maybe some mystery and some tension. So yeah