It absolutely does get you different dialogues... buuut... onlly a couple of them are different (from Jack's side). But, every character's reaction is different too. So it makes sense playing with someone who you will enjoy listening to.
Wilhelm's lines are boring and dull. But that's only my opinion, of course. He's just straight "I'm here for the money and money only. I don't care about anything else. End of story."
Also why does he need saving? Is it just that he's never mentioned again?
What do you mean? Why Jack needs his ass saving? You'll see. It's kinda funny actually. xD
Heey... a tangentially related question, but I haven't properly played the pre-sequel yet, and I wonder - does playing as different characte… morers get you different dialogue from Jack and stuff, or is it just like BL2? I can't decide who I want to play as, and of course Timothy is a tempting option, but I also kind of like Wilhelm, cause I kinda... maybe... share his dream of becoming a robot... ahem, anyways...
Also why does he need saving? Is it just that he's never mentioned again?
Nah, he's still not really that confident even in the dlc, and not nearly as confident as Jack (no woder), but he does seem to care less about deaths and the madness of the whole situation. I'm not sure though how much of this is a "roleplaying" and how much is just him getting used to all of this.
That is right, sometimes was Timothy sarcastic jerk, but when i heard his echoes i imagined him as shy and unsure person, so maybe Jacks face gives him confidence, maybe?
Ah, thanks for the info, interesting...
As for the 'need saving' bit, I was referring to the #savetimothy thing that keeps popping up, actually, wondering if something happens to the character, or if it's just a case of a dlc pc never getting any closure to their story.
It absolutely does get you different dialogues... buuut... onlly a couple of them are different (from Jack's side). But, every character's r… moreeaction is different too. So it makes sense playing with someone who you will enjoy listening to.
Wilhelm's lines are boring and dull. But that's only my opinion, of course. He's just straight "I'm here for the money and money only. I don't care about anything else. End of story."
Also why does he need saving? Is it just that he's never mentioned again?
What do you mean? Why Jack needs his ass saving? You'll see. It's kinda funny actually. xD
There was that one unused(still not sure if unused) audio from Jack where he hinted doing with Tim pretty much what Lilith did to him - that's one reason. And there's the fact that we haven't heard anything from him since TPS and nobody knows if he's even alive... so there's that.
Ah, thanks for the info, interesting...
As for the 'need saving' bit, I was referring to the #savetimothy thing that keeps popping up, actu… moreally, wondering if something happens to the character, or if it's just a case of a dlc pc never getting any closure to their story.
The fact that each character has extensive and diverse dialogue is one of the best things about TPS, as are the different NPC interactions. Just based on dialogue I would personally go with Timothy, but it's worth choosing him for his 'Inspire' skill alone!
And he needs saving (or at least an acknowledgement of being okay) because he was missing during BL2,. It's basically that, like Telltale, Gearbox listens to players' feedback and will actively include popular characters. The former head writer knew how much of a fan favourite Timothy was, but he's now left so we have to make sure the next writer knows too. Alternatively convincing Telltale to include him (or at least a reference to him) would also be awesome!
Heey... a tangentially related question, but I haven't properly played the pre-sequel yet, and I wonder - does playing as different characte… morers get you different dialogue from Jack and stuff, or is it just like BL2? I can't decide who I want to play as, and of course Timothy is a tempting option, but I also kind of like Wilhelm, cause I kinda... maybe... share his dream of becoming a robot... ahem, anyways...
Also why does he need saving? Is it just that he's never mentioned again?
Sorry im just curious, but where did you heard about that unused echo of Jack and Timothy, that unused echo suppoused to be from pre-sequel or borderlands 2?
There was that one unused(still not sure if unused) audio from Jack where he hinted doing with Tim pretty much what Lilith did to him - that… more's one reason. And there's the fact that we haven't heard anything from him since TPS and nobody knows if he's even alive... so there's that.
From TPS I think, because it goes like "We're gonna have to change that gorgeous face kiddo - things are gonna get more fun for Handsome Jack... you'll see". I'll try to search for it, it's somewhere on tumblr.
Sorry im just curious, but where did you heard about that unused echo of Jack and Timothy, that unused echo suppoused to be from pre-sequel or borderlands 2?
I really, really wish DLC characters were included in the cutscenes because seeing his reaction to the ending of the campaign would have shed a lot of insight into his frame of mind. Would he have been like Athena? Or would he have joined in with Nisha & Wilhelm's celebrating/laughter - and if so, would it be because he genuinely agreed with them or because he was scared Jack would do the same thing to him if he didn't?
I can definitely see him becoming desensitised to the violence and maybe even getting used to being a douche bag (acting like Jack must have its perks), but I still hope that at he's core he's just that guy who got into some crazy stuff so he could pay off his student loans. Also, if he is alive, and even if he did turn out to be a jerk, I can't imagine that lasting long in a post-Jack Pandora - I mean could you imagine having the face of an instantly recognisable (and universally despised) dead man?
That's only speculation now. I barely remember anything from that dlc and need to rerun it to make sure but they were referring to the fact … morehe wasn't really, I dunno shocked (I guess?) at the... thing claptrap did in the church and it felt like he's more detached overall (than before, during TPS). But then again, the last time I played TPS I decide to do ALL the sidequests and well, there was that one time when he just suggested killing one of the npc to solve the problem (Wherefore Art Thou the mission wsa called I believe). I mean, I was "really"? That's the first thing that came to your mind?
So maybe it's not him who changed but it's just we idealized him too much? I mean, we barely know the guy.
There's also a possibility that he got into the character too, at last, because in the same DLC when claptrap left (after the angry speech I mean) he said "Am I suppose to break charcter now? I'm so confused".
I don't really know what to make of it all, really.
Aright, this clears things up, thanks. I'll probably be diving into TPS soon, seeing how there's still no news on Ep3...
The 'personal' touches in TPS sound really neat, I have to say I had some trouble getting into BL2, because I was trying to play it both as a straight up FPS, like Far Cry 3/4, which the crazy weapons didn't really allow for, and as an RPG like Fallout, which it isn't... (yes, I did try to shoot the Sanctuary citizens that kept banging on doors and driving me crazy, and was disappointed they were unkillable... and that nobody acknowledged my sociopathy...) I hope having a pc with more characterization will help with immersion.
Yep, everything @DeityD said!
The fact that each character has extensive and diverse dialogue is one of the best things about TPS, as are… more the different NPC interactions. Just based on dialogue I would personally go with Timothy, but it's worth choosing him for his 'Inspire' skill alone!
And he needs saving (or at least an acknowledgement of being okay) because he was missing during BL2,. It's basically that, like Telltale, Gearbox listens to players' feedback and will actively include popular characters. The former head writer knew how much of a fan favourite Timothy was, but he's now left so we have to make sure the next writer knows too. Alternatively convincing Telltale to include him (or at least a reference to him) would also be awesome!
I have a feeling he might've actually laughed but only because it's claptrap (I mean both annoying/useless and not human). And because in that dlc he was a "little" angry, part of the reason of it from realizing that Jack probably will never pay him and he's done it all literally for nothing.
Yeah, there's also that. I often imagine some instant knee-jerk reaction from the vault hunters, especially the original ones and especially Lilith when (if) seeing him. Like, hitting him first without even realizing it and then apologizing.
Speaking of his face... Is he just convinced for some reason there's a bomb in there that will go off if he'll try to change it or is there an actual evidence?
I really, really wish DLC characters were included in the cutscenes because seeing his reaction to the ending of the campaign would have she… mored a lot of insight into his frame of mind. Would he have been like Athena? Or would he have joined in with Nisha & Wilhelm's celebrating/laughter - and if so, would it be because he genuinely agreed with them or because he was scared Jack would do the same thing to him if he didn't?
I can definitely see him becoming desensitised to the violence and maybe even getting used to being a douche bag (acting like Jack must have its perks), but I still hope that at he's core he's just that guy who got into some crazy stuff so he could pay off his student loans. Also, if he is alive, and even if he did turn out to be a jerk, I can't imagine that lasting long in a post-Jack Pandora - I mean could you imagine having the face of an instantly recognisable (and universally despised) dead man?
Dammit...can't we just have friends that we can trust? In GoT it is understandable but in Tales from the Borderlands too? I feel the only one I can trust is Loader Bot
I am not sure if it was mentioned here, (and if it was, then I apologize). But in some unused audio is line spoken by August (I think), where he answers Rhys's question about how is Assquez capable of finding them. He says that Vasques is tracking loderbot. But it might have been unused, because when he finds them the first time loderbot is not with them, nor does it explain how is Yvette capable of tracking Rhys as she assures him.
Dammit...can't we just have friends that we can trust? In GoT it is understandable but in Tales from the Borderlands too? I feel the only one I can trust is Loader Bot
I think the number one question we should be wondering about is: What does Rhys look like shirtless?
I mean. For important reasons of course. Not just to see him shirtless. Obviously. He could totally be a siren.
I think that was just used as a threat to scare him so much that he'd never even think about trying to take it off, but given how much of a psychopath Jack is I could just as easily see it as being true...
I have a feeling he might've actually laughed but only because it's claptrap (I mean both annoying/useless and not human). And because in th… moreat dlc he was a "little" angry, part of the reason of it from realizing that Jack probably will never pay him and he's done it all literally for nothing.
Yeah, there's also that. I often imagine some instant knee-jerk reaction from the vault hunters, especially the original ones and especially Lilith when (if) seeing him. Like, hitting him first without even realizing it and then apologizing.
Speaking of his face... Is he just convinced for some reason there's a bomb in there that will go off if he'll try to change it or is there an actual evidence?
I think that was just used as a threat to scare him so much that he'd never even think about trying to take it off, but given how much of a psychopath Jack is I could just as easily see it as being true...
most likely, since claptrap been in all the other games i assume he'll eventually appear in tales from the borderlands, just my guess but i think claptrap is gonna be in episode 3, i'm looking forward to the conversation with claptrap.
Since I think my 'canon' playthrough will be with a Rhys who is obsessed with admires Handsome Jack, I want to know if it's a better choice to keep the fact he has Jack in his head to himself, or to tell Vaughn. It's usually clear which dialog options please Jack, but in that case I can't really tell what he prefers me to do...
Telling Vaughn leads to the potential exchange about saving their careers at Hyperion, which Jack seems happy with, but I trust Vaughn less and less and feel like it could backfire.
But it's more entertaining to tell Vaughn. Besides, you can probably make him do a guessing game that involves how many fingers he's holding. And then he'll say "lucky guess" when Rhys guessed correctly (thanks to the Jack AI).
Since I think my 'canon' playthrough will be with a Rhys who is obsessed with admires Handsome Jack, I want to know if it's a better choice … moreto keep the fact he has Jack in his head to himself, or to tell Vaughn. It's usually clear which dialog options please Jack, but in that case I can't really tell what he prefers me to do...
Telling Vaughn leads to the potential exchange about saving their careers at Hyperion, which Jack seems happy with, but I trust Vaughn less and less and feel like it could backfire.
Well if you aim to please him, then you should remember he gets kinda pissed at Rhys for not paying him much of attention (i.e. not answering him) in the dessert so... And I'm sure Vaughn and the others will find out sooner or later anyway, regardless of what we chose.
Since I think my 'canon' playthrough will be with a Rhys who is obsessed with admires Handsome Jack, I want to know if it's a better choice … moreto keep the fact he has Jack in his head to himself, or to tell Vaughn. It's usually clear which dialog options please Jack, but in that case I can't really tell what he prefers me to do...
Telling Vaughn leads to the potential exchange about saving their careers at Hyperion, which Jack seems happy with, but I trust Vaughn less and less and feel like it could backfire.
Dude no way, Sasha is the dullest character in all of borderlands next to Fiona. Currently they basically only matter due to their involvement with Rhys and Vaughn...
I'm curious just for the fact of what the hell is the rounded blue/grey marks/things on his chest in his outfit in the very beginning. They're not nearly light/blue enough to be siren tattoos, but nor does the color really scream metal/robotic. I need to know
I think the number one question we should be wondering about is: What does Rhys look like shirtless?
I mean. For important reasons of course. Not just to see him shirtless. Obviously. He could totally be a siren.
Dude no way, Sasha is the dullest character in all of borderlands next to Fiona. Currently they basically only matter due to their involvement with Rhys and Vaughn...
I think the Eden property thing was a joke on gullibility, something like the 'If you believe that, I've got some oceanfront property in 'insert-landlocked state/country/etc' that you'll love'.
As for the second thing, I imagine it pays to not look like a mongrel and to look sharp/suave at Hyperion (Rhys and Vaughn), while its obvious beneficial for grifters like Sasha and Fiona to be attractive and charming and would be good at disguises making them look such even if they actually weren't.
* Is the woman with Felix in the Polaroid Vallory?
* Why does Rhys have property on Eden (something) in present time?
* How is the group so darn good looking?
But it's more entertaining to tell Vaughn. Besides, you can probably make him do a guessing game that involves how many fingers he's holding. And then he'll say "lucky guess" when Rhys guessed correctly (thanks to the Jack AI).
Yeah, my problem is we don't really have the context for the options - is it 'I'm not telling Vaughn because I want to keep HJ to myself wait for Jack to tell me what to do about him', or 'I'm not telling Vaughn cause I'm ignoring Jack and pretending he doesn't exist lalalalala'? Also Jack seems ok with telling Vaughn, but then complains if you tell Vasquez... I want to do right by you, but you're sending me mixed messages, Jack.
I'm also sure Vaughn will find out eventually, but I may not want to give him too much time to plan how to screw me over, hmm...
Well if you aim to please him, then you should remember he gets kinda pissed at Rhys for not paying him much of attention (i.e. not answerin… moreg him) in the dessert so... And I'm sure Vaughn and the others will find out sooner or later anyway, regardless of what we chose.
You know... I think there will be no winning with Jack either way. He will blame Rhys even for the things he's not responsible for, like he always did.
He obviously will be sore if you'll choose Fiona over him, but I don't think telling Vaughn (or even Vasquez) will affect anything... other than Vaughn being pissed at you if you'll choose not to - but since he's not a saint himself. I dunno. It's hard to predict anything. That's why I have 3 different saves.
Yeah, my problem is we don't really have the context for the options - is it 'I'm not telling Vaughn because I want to keep HJ to myself wai… moret for Jack to tell me what to do about him', or 'I'm not telling Vaughn cause I'm ignoring Jack and pretending he doesn't exist lalalalala'? Also Jack seems ok with telling Vaughn, but then complains if you tell Vasquez... I want to do right by you, but you're sending me mixed messages, Jack.
I'm also sure Vaughn will find out eventually, but I may not want to give him too much time to plan how to screw me over, hmm...
You're probably right, especially considering this is going to lead into BL3, so the ending will have to be pretty definitive, and I doubt it's gonna be 'Jack gets to rule over Pandora with his trusted sidekick Rhys', but I'm trying, man... :P I just really love HJ Fanboy Rhys, motivational posters and all.
In fact, a question I really want answered is just how much will all those little 'X will remember that' moments actually matter in the end...
You know... I think there will be no winning with Jack either way. He will blame Rhys even for the things he's not responsible for, like he … morealways did.
He obviously will be sore if you'll choose Fiona over him, but I don't think telling Vaughn (or even Vasquez) will affect anything... other than Vaughn being pissed at you if you'll choose not to - but since he's not a saint himself. I dunno. It's hard to predict anything. That's why I have 3 different saves.
You're probably right, especially considering this is going to lead into BL3, so the ending will have to be pretty definitive, and I doubt it's gonna be 'Jack gets to rule over Pandora with his trusted sidekick Rhys', but I'm trying, man... :P I just really love HJ Fanboy Rhys, motivational posters and all.
But even in canon that has some limits. In almost every scene with Jack he says something well, rude like telling him to shut up and such. It seems he liked him more as a motivation posters.
In fact, a question I really want answered is just how much will all those little 'X will remember that' moments actually matter in the end...
Huehuehue, it'll be like Vasquez and his threats - he will kill Rhys either way, the difference will be only in his attitude (promising to do it quickly vs promising to make a wallet out of him). The undertone of the story might change, but the events will probably be the same no matter what.
You're probably right, especially considering this is going to lead into BL3, so the ending will have to be pretty definitive, and I doubt i… moret's gonna be 'Jack gets to rule over Pandora with his trusted sidekick Rhys', but I'm trying, man... :P I just really love HJ Fanboy Rhys, motivational posters and all.
In fact, a question I really want answered is just how much will all those little 'X will remember that' moments actually matter in the end...
But even in canon that has some limits. In almost every scene with Jack he says something well, rude like telling him to shut up and such. It seems he liked him more as a motivation posters.
Hmm... he can say something rude, but I don't think he has to... I'm preeeetty sure I managed to go through the entire game not saying a single disrespectful thing, and only really opposing Jack in some way by trying to get control of my arm back that one time. I even went for '...' when he tried to strangle me again at the start of Ep2... What can I say, I'm dedicated.
You're probably right, especially considering this is going to lead into BL3, so the ending will have to be pretty definitive, and I doubt i… moret's gonna be 'Jack gets to rule over Pandora with his trusted sidekick Rhys', but I'm trying, man... :P I just really love HJ Fanboy Rhys, motivational posters and all.
But even in canon that has some limits. In almost every scene with Jack he says something well, rude like telling him to shut up and such. It seems he liked him more as a motivation posters.
In fact, a question I really want answered is just how much will all those little 'X will remember that' moments actually matter in the end...
Huehuehue, it'll be like Vasquez and his threats - he will kill Rhys either way, the difference will be only in his attitude (promising to do it quickly vs promising to make a wallet out of him). The undertone of the story might change, but the events will probably be the same no matter what.
It absolutely does get you different dialogues... buuut... onlly a couple of them are different (from Jack's side). But, every character's reaction is different too. So it makes sense playing with someone who you will enjoy listening to.
Wilhelm's lines are boring and dull. But that's only my opinion, of course. He's just straight "I'm here for the money and money only. I don't care about anything else. End of story."
What do you mean? Why Jack needs his ass saving? You'll see. It's kinda funny actually. xD
Nah, he's still not really that confident even in the dlc, and not nearly as confident as Jack (no woder), but he does seem to care less about deaths and the madness of the whole situation. I'm not sure though how much of this is a "roleplaying" and how much is just him getting used to all of this.
Ah, thanks for the info, interesting...
As for the 'need saving' bit, I was referring to the #savetimothy thing that keeps popping up, actually, wondering if something happens to the character, or if it's just a case of a dlc pc never getting any closure to their story.
There was that one unused(still not sure if unused) audio from Jack where he hinted doing with Tim pretty much what Lilith did to him - that's one reason. And there's the fact that we haven't heard anything from him since TPS and nobody knows if he's even alive... so there's that.
Yep, everything @DeityD said!
The fact that each character has extensive and diverse dialogue is one of the best things about TPS, as are the different NPC interactions. Just based on dialogue I would personally go with Timothy, but it's worth choosing him for his 'Inspire' skill alone!
And he needs saving (or at least an acknowledgement of being okay) because he was missing during BL2,. It's basically that, like Telltale, Gearbox listens to players' feedback and will actively include popular characters. The former head writer knew how much of a fan favourite Timothy was, but he's now left so we have to make sure the next writer knows too. Alternatively convincing Telltale to include him (or at least a reference to him) would also be awesome!
Sorry im just curious, but where did you heard about that unused echo of Jack and Timothy, that unused echo suppoused to be from pre-sequel or borderlands 2?
From TPS I think, because it goes like "We're gonna have to change that gorgeous face kiddo - things are gonna get more fun for Handsome Jack... you'll see". I'll try to search for it, it's somewhere on tumblr.
UPD - here it is.
I really, really wish DLC characters were included in the cutscenes because seeing his reaction to the ending of the campaign would have shed a lot of insight into his frame of mind. Would he have been like Athena? Or would he have joined in with Nisha & Wilhelm's celebrating/laughter - and if so, would it be because he genuinely agreed with them or because he was scared Jack would do the same thing to him if he didn't?
I can definitely see him becoming desensitised to the violence and maybe even getting used to being a douche bag (acting like Jack must have its perks), but I still hope that at he's core he's just that guy who got into some crazy stuff so he could pay off his student loans. Also, if he is alive, and even if he did turn out to be a jerk, I can't imagine that lasting long in a post-Jack Pandora - I mean could you imagine having the face of an instantly recognisable (and universally despised) dead man?
Aright, this clears things up, thanks. I'll probably be diving into TPS soon, seeing how there's still no news on Ep3...
The 'personal' touches in TPS sound really neat, I have to say I had some trouble getting into BL2, because I was trying to play it both as a straight up FPS, like Far Cry 3/4, which the crazy weapons didn't really allow for, and as an RPG like Fallout, which it isn't... (yes, I did try to shoot the Sanctuary citizens that kept banging on doors and driving me crazy, and was disappointed they were unkillable... and that nobody acknowledged my sociopathy...) I hope having a pc with more characterization will help with immersion.
I have a feeling he might've actually laughed but only because it's claptrap (I mean both annoying/useless and not human). And because in that dlc he was a "little" angry, part of the reason of it from realizing that Jack probably will never pay him and he's done it all literally for nothing.
Yeah, there's also that. I often imagine some instant knee-jerk reaction from the vault hunters, especially the original ones and especially Lilith when (if) seeing him. Like, hitting him first without even realizing it and then apologizing.
Speaking of his face... Is he just convinced for some reason there's a bomb in there that will go off if he'll try to change it or is there an actual evidence?
Dammit...can't we just have friends that we can trust? In GoT it is understandable but in Tales from the Borderlands too? I feel the only one I can trust is Loader Bot
I am not sure if it was mentioned here, (and if it was, then I apologize). But in some unused audio is line spoken by August (I think), where he answers Rhys's question about how is Assquez capable of finding them. He says that Vasques is tracking loderbot. But it might have been unused, because when he finds them the first time loderbot is not with them, nor does it explain how is Yvette capable of tracking Rhys as she assures him.
Loader Bot is love
Loader Bot is life
Clearly the only canon ship.
Or Fiona shirtless...
Dear God no, Rhysha is the only true ship.
i understand why rhys can hold the gortys core, but how can fiona hold it? And what happened to vaughn and sasha?
Why not? They both activated it.
never thought about that, but that does make sense.
I think that was just used as a threat to scare him so much that he'd never even think about trying to take it off, but given how much of a psychopath Jack is I could just as easily see it as being true...
Rhys, please take off your shirt. Im doing science.
How dare you? "Nah, not happening, not happening, there's too much to do"
Is Claptrap said to be in this game? That would be amazing!
most likely, since claptrap been in all the other games i assume he'll eventually appear in tales from the borderlands, just my guess but i think claptrap is gonna be in episode 3, i'm looking forward to the conversation with claptrap.
Since I think my 'canon' playthrough will be with a Rhys who
is obsessed withadmires Handsome Jack, I want to know if it's a better choice to keep the fact he has Jack in his head to himself, or to tell Vaughn. It's usually clear which dialog options please Jack, but in that case I can't really tell what he prefers me to do...Telling Vaughn leads to the potential exchange about saving their careers at Hyperion, which Jack seems happy with, but I trust Vaughn less and less and feel like it could backfire.
But it's more entertaining to tell Vaughn. Besides, you can probably make him do a guessing game that involves how many fingers he's holding. And then he'll say "lucky guess" when Rhys guessed correctly (thanks to the Jack AI).
Well if you aim to please him, then you should remember he gets kinda pissed at Rhys for not paying him much of attention (i.e. not answering him) in the dessert so... And I'm sure Vaughn and the others will find out sooner or later anyway, regardless of what we chose.
Dude no way, Sasha is the dullest character in all of borderlands next to Fiona. Currently they basically only matter due to their involvement with Rhys and Vaughn...
I'm curious just for the fact of what the hell is the rounded blue/grey marks/things on his chest in his outfit in the very beginning. They're not nearly light/blue enough to be siren tattoos, but nor does the color really scream metal/robotic. I need to know
To each his own I guess.
I think the Eden property thing was a joke on gullibility, something like the 'If you believe that, I've got some oceanfront property in 'insert-landlocked state/country/etc' that you'll love'.
As for the second thing, I imagine it pays to not look like a mongrel and to look sharp/suave at Hyperion (Rhys and Vaughn), while its obvious beneficial for grifters like Sasha and Fiona to be attractive and charming and would be good at disguises making them look such even if they actually weren't.
I don't know, the scene that happens you just kind of ignore the fact that Jack exists and don't tell Vaughn is pretty damn entertaining in itself.
Yeah, my problem is we don't really have the context for the options - is it 'I'm not telling Vaughn because I want to
keep HJ to myselfwait for Jack to tell me what to do about him', or 'I'm not telling Vaughn cause I'm ignoring Jack and pretending he doesn't exist lalalalala'? Also Jack seems ok with telling Vaughn, but then complains if you tell Vasquez... I want to do right by you, but you're sending me mixed messages, Jack.I'm also sure Vaughn will find out eventually, but I may not want to give him too much time to plan how to screw me over, hmm...
You know... I think there will be no winning with Jack either way. He will blame Rhys even for the things he's not responsible for, like he always did.
He obviously will be sore if you'll choose Fiona over him, but I don't think telling Vaughn (or even Vasquez) will affect anything... other than Vaughn being pissed at you if you'll choose not to - but since he's not a saint himself. I dunno. It's hard to predict anything. That's why I have 3 different saves.
You're probably right, especially considering this is going to lead into BL3, so the ending will have to be pretty definitive, and I doubt it's gonna be 'Jack gets to rule over Pandora with his trusted sidekick Rhys', but I'm trying, man... :P I just really love HJ Fanboy Rhys, motivational posters and all.
In fact, a question I really want answered is just how much will all those little 'X will remember that' moments actually matter in the end...
But even in canon that has some limits. In almost every scene with Jack he says something well, rude like telling him to shut up and such. It seems he liked him more as a motivation posters.
Huehuehue, it'll be like Vasquez and his threats - he will kill Rhys either way, the difference will be only in his attitude (promising to do it quickly vs promising to make a wallet out of him). The undertone of the story might change, but the events will probably be the same no matter what.
Hmm... he can say something rude, but I don't think he has to... I'm preeeetty sure I managed to go through the entire game not saying a single disrespectful thing, and only really opposing Jack in some way by trying to get control of my arm back that one time. I even went for '...' when he tried to strangle me again at the start of Ep2... What can I say, I'm dedicated.