Was Vaughn gonna go through with it?

I know how he said he never was but I think he might have if Vasquez didn't bring it up and make him scared I dunno he seems a bit shifty to me



  • Personally, I think so.

    I have a problem with trust as far as this game goes -- I don't trust anyone with the exception of Loader Bot, Rhys and maybe Felix (a very weird combination, yes, I know). I feel like I'm the only one who chose not to forgive Vaughn, but his line, "You lying snake, I thought I could trust you!" during the confrontation with Vasquez in the desert makes me believe that Vaughn was going to go through with it.

    Part of me thinks that regardless, he wouldn't have, since Vaughn is a bit of a wuss anyway. Can't be too cautious, though.

  • I want to believe him when he said he wouldn't, but he will have to prove it to me somehow to fully earn my trust back. I do believe that he was genuine in saying he wouldn't go through with it, he's been helping Rhys the whole time to try and get his promotion, why would he help Vasquez and backstab his friend like that. But on the other hand, I was also promised by Bonnie she wouldn't betray us again in TWD S2, and she did it again, so Vaughn lying about this is always a possibility.

  • edited March 2015

    Yes, Vaughn works for Hyperion so he is a weasel. I don't trust him.

  • Nah, Vaughs my bro, bro.

  • That's totally bro, bro!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Nah, Vaughs my bro, bro.

  • I don't really trust him, and I didn't forgive him OR brofist him. 8U Which is hypocritical of me cuz I agreed to sell him out to Vasquez and all that...

  • I think he would go through with it. One playthrough I forgave him.. the other I did not. Didn't even brofist him! D: The horror!!

  • You don't trust yourself?

    Personally, I think so. I have a problem with trust as far as this game goes -- I don't trust anyone with the exception of Loader Bot, Rh

  • Oh hell no. Fiona acts extremely shifty in her own parts.

    Flog61 posted: »

    You don't trust yourself?

  • Didn't even brofist him!

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    Linsepins posted: »

    I think he would go through with it. One playthrough I forgave him.. the other I did not. Didn't even brofist him! The horror!!

  • edited May 2015

    No, I really don't think Vaughn was gonna go through with it. For a few reasons:

    1)Vaughn didn't have to admit to taking the deal at all. Remember, at first, Rhys thought Vasquez was talking to HIM, and if Vasquez had had a chance to tell you that he was actually talking to Vaughn, Vaughn could have just denied everything and said that Vasquez was crazy or trying to turn you and Vaughn against each other. And I think most people would have believed Vaughn over Vasquez. But Vaughn came clean, and that's the only reason we even know he took the deal.

    So, basically, if Vaughn DID intend to betray you, then when Vasquez found you in the desert:

    Either Vaughn thought you and he were both gonna get out of that situation alive -- in which case, it would have been much more logical for him to deny everything than to admit that he took the deal with no intention of following through on it -- or he thought YOU were definitely going to die -- in which case, why bother telling you that he never intended to follow through? Plus, in that case, why did Vaughn never ask Vasquez that only Vaughn's life be spared? No, he just kept trying to guilt-trip Vasquez in a way that seems to me like a futile and desperate attempt to get Vasquez to give up his evil ways altogether and let you and Vaughn both live.

    Therefore, Vaughn did not intend to betray you.

    2)I've never seen a playthrough where Rhys took the deal to betray Vaughn, but in that case, I'm sure that silence is still an option for you when Vasquez confronts you in the desert and you think he's talking to you about the deal. I'd bet there's even an option to deny taking the deal. And I'd also bet that most people who actually intended to betray Vaughn would have denied everything or said nothing, whereas those who did not intend to betray Vaughn would have come clean at that point. Think about it.

    Plus, to be honest, if I'd known for sure that taking Vasquez's deal didn't really mean I had to betray Vaughn, I would have considered it much more. I probably still wouldn't have taken it, but you have to admit, it's sort of a smart strategy to take Vasquez's deal if you don't intend to follow through with it and you don't expect him to follow through with his end but you know he's dumb enough to believe that you might follow through with yours.....

    3)Maybe I'm missing something because a lot of people seem to think this game is a lot darker than I think it is, but I don't think this is the sort of game where your best friend would betray you. It's a happy, cartoon-y, adventure game where no one dies and everyone gets rich at the end. =) That's my impression anyway.

  • I guess Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us and Game of Thrones has given a lot of player trust issues. I personally truly want this game to be an adventure game about a group of people, who has become friends and family by circumstances, enjoying a dangerous yet awesome adventure on Pandora.

    TWDGFTW posted: »

    No, I really don't think Vaughn was gonna go through with it. For a few reasons: 1)Vaughn didn't have to admit to taking the deal at all.

  • I'm really a naive person who believe and trust is friends, so without proof, I can't say if Vaughn is a traitor

  • I believe he wasn't gonna go through with it. Its Vaughn, the money man, he's smarter than to betray his best friend to Vazquez who he already doesn't trust. I think he did it to keep Vazquez off of their back.

  • I don't picture Vaughn becoming any sort of traitor/villain in the story; he's my bro. And Vaughn's smart, he's knows to trust Rhys over Assquez. He just said what Vasquez wanted to hear.

  • Lol, The Walking Dead has given me major trust issues in REAL LIFE, so I guess I get why other players might have trust issues playing TFTB, but to me, it just seems so obvious that this IS

    an adventure game about a group of people, who has become friends and family by circumstances, enjoying a dangerous yet awesome adventure on Pandora.

    that the idea that it might not be that kind of game confuses and disturbs me. It would just be the most horrible thing if this game turns out to be a TWD in sheep's clothing. Not because I don't love TWD, because I obviously do, but, you know....I really want this game to be a happy one. =D

    I guess Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us and Game of Thrones has given a lot of player trust issues. I personally truly want this game to be

  • I think he was going to go through with it, otherwise why would he be cursing Vasquez for reneging on the deal? He should just be going 'too bad I couldn't fool you' once Wallethead pulled out the shotty and it became clear he had no intention of honoring the agreement.

    But all in all, I'm curious how this will all play out in future episodes, especially in playthroughs where you accept Vasquez's deal, since you never get the chance to tell Vaughn that you did.

  • I don't think he was going to, but I'm biased; I have a huge soft spot for little guys and underdogs.

    On a side note, ever since I heard Chris Hardwick say this, I really think it'd be hilarious for Vaughn to say it in a future episode...

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  • Seriously though, if Vaughn does betray us in the end, I'm going to go ballistic.

  • I hope Vaughn isn't that stupid (and treacherous etc). Because seriously, the only thing a deal with Vasquez will get you is an impromptu space walk. >.>

  • Yeah, darkness, death and despair doesn't necessarily make a good story. Fun, black comedy and adventure with comrades can work just as well. :D

    TWDGFTW posted: »

    Lol, The Walking Dead has given me major trust issues in REAL LIFE, so I guess I get why other players might have trust issues playing TFTB,

  • Yeah...Henderson knows. We should fly up in space and ask him about it.

    ((I still love the way Rhys said it back in Episode 1. :) ))

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    I hope Vaughn isn't that stupid (and treacherous etc). Because seriously, the only thing a deal with Vasquez will get you is an impromptu space walk. >.>

  • Maybe I'm missing something because a lot of people seem to think this game is a lot darker than I think it is, but I don't think this is the sort of game where your best friend would betray you

    It's Pandora, greed/betrayal is the name of the game. Morally shady people doing morally shady things to other morally shady people all to serve their morally shady lives.

    I'd probably be more likely to trust someone in both TWD and TWAU than I would in Tales - but that doesn't mean that their betrayal won't/can't be hilarious!

    TWDGFTW posted: »

    No, I really don't think Vaughn was gonna go through with it. For a few reasons: 1)Vaughn didn't have to admit to taking the deal at all.

  • Right. =)

    Yeah, darkness, death and despair doesn't necessarily make a good story. Fun, black comedy and adventure with comrades can work just as well.

  • Alt text

    Flog61 posted: »

    You don't trust yourself?

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni

    Given how much he seems to be enjoying himself down on Pandora, I doubt it ever really crossed his mind to legit throw Rhys to the wolves. Considering how much of a weasel Vasquez is, I don't know how, even for a minute, Vaughn would've thought selling out Rhys would've benefited him. He'd still end up floating in deep space all dead-like.

    Vaughn is a bro and there's all there is to it.

  • Yeah, after looking into the other Borderlands games a bit more, greed and betrayal do seem to be what Pandora is all about. The moral of the other Borderlands games seems to be that no one is the good guy. Everyone's a bad guy. But I still think there's plenty of reason to think that Vaughn was not going to go through with it. And plus, Rhys and Vaughn are not from Pandora, and Fiona and Sasha obviously want to get off Pandora. So, to paraphrase a cliche, they might be in Pandora but I'm not sure how much Pandora is in them......lol, you know?

    I mean, this is also a Telltale game, and I trust Telltale to give more meaning to their stories than just "Everyone is bad." For instance, they gave more meaning to The Walking Dead than just "Everyone dies." Lee did die, but he died as a hero (and started as a murderer). (And I know that Season 2 of the Walking Dead was not as meaningful as Season 1, but I truly believe that's only because Clem's story is not over yet. When it ends, I expect it to be just as inspiring as Lee's.)

    And I know that Rhys, Vaughn, Fiona, and Sasha are not great people, whether they consider Pandora their home or not. But if there's one type of story I love, it's one where the characters start off fairly flawed but also likable and become better people by the end of the story. That's basically Lee's story (murderer to martyr). And since TFTB is a comedy game, it can be a non-tragic version of the whole redemption thing.

    I just want everyone in this story to become really good people and BFF's and fly off into space together, laughing and rolling in dollar bills! I just want it so bad!

    Maybe I'm missing something because a lot of people seem to think this game is a lot darker than I think it is, but I don't think this is th

  • It's hard to say, I really like Vaughn so i hope not. Did anyone else find the part where Vasquez put his hand on Vaughns shoulder near the end of the episode weird? Vaughn did say "get your hands off me" but the whole thing seemed alittle mysterious.

  • I think Vaughn would betray Rhys because, and this is shocking I know, he was terrified of dying. I can't really act like that's the sort of thing most normal people would react with great aplomb to. The fact he feels really horrible about it doesn't mean I believe for a moment that Vaughn was telling the truth about "just playing along." Seriously, he works for Hyperion.

  • kenjisalkkenjisalk Telltale Alumni

    It was a very "I need an adult" moment. Vasquez gives people the creeps because he seems like he's constantly making unwanted passes at everyone.

    I can only imagine how insane the sexual harassment policies are at Hyperion (and by that I mean there are likely no policies in place at Hyperion).

    Suzy222 posted: »

    It's hard to say, I really like Vaughn so i hope not. Did anyone else find the part where Vasquez put his hand on Vaughns shoulder near the

  • I can only imagine how insane the sexual harassment policies are at Hyperion (and by that I mean there are likely no policies in place at Hyperion).

    Huehuehue, just remember Nakayama. xD Of course there isn't.

    kenjisalk posted: »

    It was a very "I need an adult" moment. Vasquez gives people the creeps because he seems like he's constantly making unwanted passes at ever

  • Just replayed the first episode and while Fiona and Vaughn were fighting off psychos in the death race, he asks "did you get the case". I respond "next time I will you ungrateful little skag turd" considering I went to save him, and he responds "sorry, but If I don't get this case, Vasquez will have my ass in a sling....

    Vaughn is looking a bit more suspicious

  • Nooooo! Please I don't want to lose our bro-buddy Vaughn! :(

    You are right, Vaughn is looking really suspicious right now and TTG is really trying to make him look like a traitor but... I just don't want to believe that.

    Just replayed the first episode and while Fiona and Vaughn were fighting off psychos in the death race, he asks "did you get the case". I re

  • Remember that Jack trusted people once upon a time.

    And the consequences turned him into a complete lunatic.

    In this franchise, if your goal in life isn't to get rich and/or kill for thrills then you're going to die horribly, turn into a monster, live a life of constant misery, or some combination of the above.

    Zarpedon lost her humanity, estranged herself from her daughter, killed hundreds of innocents, created the circumstances that would birth the biggest bastard in the sector, got all her men murdered by said bastard, and died unheeded and alone on a scav-covered piece of dirt.

    Jack's determination to improve his home was warped into an omni-destructive obsession that led him to make deals with bandits and murder some of the "good" people on Pandora like Helen and Roland.

    If nothing else, Jack's corporate jihad prodded Roland into creating the closest thing Pandora had to a genuinely benevolent peacekeeping force. Then he got shot in the back, mirroring his betrayal of Jack, an act of treachery of which he was the only penitent party of. Oh yeah, and his men are now under the increasingly unstable control of his volatile, sadistic girlfriend whose lieutenants are too meek to meaningfully criticize.

    Hammerlock just had a hard life full of maiming and failed relationships. Which wouldn't be so noteworthy if his unrepentantly wicked sister wasn't having a ball 24/7.

    Which is why I'm sure Rhys will be a-okay. He just wants to be Hyperion's top dog and that's pretty much it.

    Fiona is the one I'm more worried for. She wants off of Pandora. No one who's wanted to do that has ever succeeded. Only those that came to the planet willingly or don't care one way or the other seem to have that ability.

    Maybe I'm missing something because a lot of people seem to think this game is a lot darker than I think it is, but I don't think this is th

  • edited May 2015

    I hope he doesn't, but one thing that seems suspicious to me is that if, at the end(ish) of episode two, when talking to Vasquez, you pick "how do you keep finding us" Vasquez mentions trying to escape your shadow in the dark and then Vaughn freaks out and orders Loaderbot to attack.

    Also someone pointed out in an earlier thread that Vaughn keeps touching his glasses whenever you find new info/before the moonshots and the grave scene. I haven't verified this myself, but given the capabilities of his glasses shown before, he could easily be uploading info to Vasquez.

    hope this isn't the case, but.....

  • Perhaps it changes depending on how you treat him. You can make both very douchy and very supportive comments of him and yvette so perhaps if you're being a bastard he betrays you, or maybe he meant to betray you but you can change his mind by just being supportive and friendly.

  • I checked episode 2 when somebody said about out and they were right, Vaughn does keep touching his glasses during certain events.

    But honestly I hope Vaughn isn't up to something ;_; or him and Rhys can't be bro bros anymore!

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    I hope he doesn't, but one thing that seems suspicious to me is that if, at the end(ish) of episode two, when talking to Vasquez, you pick "

  • edited May 2015

    I personally think that vaugh was going to betray Rhys. The way he tries to reconcile with Rhys ("i was never going to betray you") while giving a retarded explanation ("i gave Vasquez our location to keep him off") seems way to suspicious. Also: Vasquez somehow manages to magically find the group in Old Haven.

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    (unless Loader Bot has a tracking chip of some kind... which sounds like a reasonable theory...)

  • (unless Loader Bot has a tracking chip of some kind... which sounds like a reasonable theory...)

    Equally reasonable: Rhys' cybernetics have tracking capabilities (they're Hyperion-issued, and were possibly the way that Yvette was tracking them).

    Zarzunabas posted: »

    I personally think that vaugh was going to betray Rhys. The way he tries to reconcile with Rhys ("i was never going to betray you") while gi

  • Another (quite reasonable) possibility.

    Hey, it could also be Jack transmitting a signal to Helios.

    (unless Loader Bot has a tracking chip of some kind... which sounds like a reasonable theory...) Equally reasonable: Rhys' cyberneti

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