Rhys is exponentially taller than Fiona, so he'll typically make fun of her shorter height. Don't fret, she does get payback in the form of a shin kick.
Whenever Rhys is away for business trips, he'll typically have a harder time to sleep without the presence of a warm, safe body next to him. A.K.A.: Fiona.
Have I mentioned that Fiona really likes to steal Rhys's shirts? Because she truly does.
Fiona likes to tell exaggerated tales of how she obtained her scars. Rhys listens, nodding along with her tales, knowing that most are fabricated embellishments, but nonetheless indulging in her desire to have a little self-pride
Rhys kisses her eyebrow scar and Fiona kisses his neck tattoo. It's a common occurrence between them.
Rhys, though he won't admit it, is the cuddlier out of the two.
That's all I can think of on the fly. @ReigningQueen and I thought of the first two.
I had a dream last night. I dreamed episode 3 came out and I played it.
In one part of the episode you had to take fiiona to a restaurant and try to be as smooth as possible.
It was awesome<3
Oh my the influence of this thread has come to higher level than expected... pshh who am I kiddin' I watch so much you tube that last night I dreamt of a letsplay with Seananners ...
I had a dream last night. I dreamed episode 3 came out and I played it.
In one part of the episode you had to take fiiona to a restaurant and try to be as smooth as possible.
It was awesome<3
I have a soft spot for Rhysha too, but what can I say, Rhyiona's won out. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and giggly. Besides, this thread is so goofy, I love it! Especially the lovely fanfic and fanart.
But really though, it's very simple.
Because the first screenshot is just a stuff of nightmares. The second, however.. I mean, yep they can die but al least they'll die together - wait that came out all wrong. xD
Could I join Rhyiona, please?
I have a soft spot for Rhysha too, but what can I say, Rhyiona's won out. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and giggly. Besides, this thread is so goofy, I love it! Especially the lovely fanfic and fanart.
Could I join Rhyiona, please?
I have a soft spot for Rhysha too, but what can I say, Rhyiona's won out. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and giggly. Besides, this thread is so goofy, I love it! Especially the lovely fanfic and fanart.
Could I join Rhyiona, please?
I have a soft spot for Rhysha too, but what can I say, Rhyiona's won out. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and giggly. Besides, this thread is so goofy, I love it! Especially the lovely fanfic and fanart.
Could I join Rhyiona, please?
I have a soft spot for Rhysha too, but what can I say, Rhyiona's won out. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and giggly. Besides, this thread is so goofy, I love it! Especially the lovely fanfic and fanart.
Could I join Rhyiona, please?
I have a soft spot for Rhysha too, but what can I say, Rhyiona's won out. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and giggly. Besides, this thread is so goofy, I love it! Especially the lovely fanfic and fanart.
Could I join Rhyiona, please?
I have a soft spot for Rhysha too, but what can I say, Rhyiona's won out. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and giggly. Besides, this thread is so goofy, I love it! Especially the lovely fanfic and fanart.
Hello, guys!^-^ Can I join to Rhyona family too?) I played TFTB recently and started ship that guys immediately Damn, they are so cute, really! On your forum I saw this again
Hello, guys!^-^ Can I join to Rhyona family too?) I played TFTB recently and started ship that guys immediately Damn, they are so cute, really! On your forum I saw this again
Hello, guys!^-^ Can I join to Rhyona family too?) I played TFTB recently and started ship that guys immediately Damn, they are so cute, really! On your forum I saw this again
Hello, guys!^-^ Can I join to Rhyona family too?) I played TFTB recently and started ship that guys immediately Damn, they are so cute, really! On your forum I saw this again
one last test: what am I thinking about? :^)
I feel so fucking loved!! I love you too~
Thank you ;A;
Rhyiona. Duh
maybe that was just common sense ;P
I think we should all start to list our head cannons for Rhys and Fiona
Rhys cries watching sappy movies and Fiona has to spend like half an hour reassuring him that it wasn´t real.
That's all I can think of on the fly. @ReigningQueen and I thought of the first two.
Can you also get Loader Bot? I don't know if you have and I've missed it, but he deserves a spot, too.
I had a dream last night. I dreamed episode 3 came out and I played it.
In one part of the episode you had to take fiiona to a restaurant and try to be as smooth as possible.
It was awesome<3
Oh my the influence of this thread has come to higher level than expected... pshh who am I kiddin' I watch so much you tube that last night I dreamt of a letsplay with Seananners ...
Could I join Rhyiona, please?
I have a soft spot for Rhysha too, but what can I say, Rhyiona's won out. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and giggly. Besides, this thread is so goofy, I love it! Especially the lovely fanfic and fanart.
DeityD, are you Russian?
We are always happy about new members who have found the right path!
But you are already part of our family.
We will need wolfie here
Aww, I like that. I hadn't officially joined, though, so I thought I would now.
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome!
Are you Russian?
Um, he just need to add an icon.
Leave him alone dang it. This is not his job anymore !
Yeah, I am
Mind if I'll PM you?
Yep. Is there like a convention or something I don't know about? xD
You're always welcome here! I'll update the list when possible.
We're glad you like the thread. The aim is to make people smile!
Guys please don't fight.
I should probably do that, yeah, oops. Thank you!
Whaat? You're Russian too? I had no idea!
Well, now you know.
Do you mind if I'll message you too then?
Hello, guys!^-^ Can I join to Rhyona family too?) I played TFTB recently and started ship that guys immediately
Damn, they are so cute, really! On your forum I saw this again 
Yes, of course! Welcome to the family!
Hello and Welcome
Yeah, awesome! Thanks
I'm quite happy nowl 
Update for @HeartOfGold and @TTGirl.
Welcome to the family, guys!