The Vent/Help Thread



  • just believe in the lord, and you will be alright

    George, next time, could you not impose religion, please? I (and, hopefully, many others) tolerate suggestions to help out but, by saying to "just believe something religious", you'll provoke arguments. I'd like to keep this thread with the leasts dispute.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    life isn't so bad kid, just believe in the lord, and you will be alright.

  • Yeah, was gonna say this but wasn't sure if it was wise.

    Generally if someone's having a problem, just telling them to be religious isn't going to necessarily help. People often need more practical, or compassionate, solutions.

    Not to mention the fact that a massive, massive number of Americans don't believe in a Christian god.

    FauDeef posted: »

    just believe in the lord, and you will be alright George, next time, could you not impose religion, please? I (and, hopefully, many

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited May 2015

    Seriously, I don't think George was "imposing religion" by suggesting that. People take comfort in all kinds of things.

    Plus, imposing a complete whitewash of religious topics is just as likely (if not more) to start an argument.

    That's just my two cents. Like you said, this is no place for bickering, so if I'm out of line, I apologize.

    FauDeef posted: »

    just believe in the lord, and you will be alright George, next time, could you not impose religion, please? I (and, hopefully, many

  • It's not just as likely. If George had instead said 'Take comfort in your family and those who love you' no-one would have cried out 'WHY DIDNT YOu MENTION GOD'.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Seriously, I don't think George was "imposing religion" by suggesting that. People take comfort in all kinds of things. Plus, imposing a

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited May 2015

    When I said that, was referring to FauDeef's statement that religious topics have no place in this thread, not George's comment.

    I think it's a good time to end this discussion. Bye.

    Flog61 posted: »

    It's not just as likely. If George had instead said 'Take comfort in your family and those who love you' no-one would have cried out 'WHY DIDNT YOu MENTION GOD'.

  • Well, I never said those topics had no place in this thread. I was saying that I prefer if people suggest instead of giving out orders. There's a difference between

    Just believe in the lord


    Have you tried to believe in the lord?

    Anywho, "Bye", I guess.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    When I said that, was referring to FauDeef's statement that religious topics have no place in this thread, not George's comment. I think it's a good time to end this discussion. Bye.

  • Fair enough, it's your thread. Probably not worth arguing about.

    FauDeef posted: »

    Well, I never said those topics had no place in this thread. I was saying that I prefer if people suggest instead of giving out orders. Ther

  • I have a feeling you might love Miracle of Sound.

    I have a new Rant today So, Often, some People ask me, "Hey Noah, Who's your Favorite Music Artist?" So, I'll answer with my favori

  • I know the exact feeling brother, it can get progressively hard at times. I've had experiences like yours before...not exactly but similar experiences. I take hope in one day being a hero to people...I take hope and pride in what I can be and focus on reaching that dream than to get hurt by right now. Just remember, life will always try to keep you down and there will be someone new leading you away from your hope and push you into depression and hopelessness but I hope you can take pride in how much you mean to everyone either online, your friends, your family...people depend on each other. You're a great person from how well I've gotten to know you, we all make mistakes and we all feels broken but I know you're a strong person. Just stand for what you believe in, people are here for you, like myself and others.

    So... I have no Idea where my Girlfriend is, she was supposed to get back Online today, and she's just gone. Which worries me. And to make m

  • edited May 2015

    What pisses you off about the first link? There are 2 different sides on the issue. This pis

  • I agree with the second one. Anti-white racism is still racism. A white prof that writes stuff like that about black students would be dropped so fast they'd leave cracks in the pavement. This pis

  • This comment Makes me really glad to know you. Thank you so much.

    I know the exact feeling brother, it can get progressively hard at times. I've had experiences like yours before...not exactly but similar e

  • Can someone Explain how this Turned into a Religious Argument?

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Fair enough, it's your thread. Probably not worth arguing about.

  • Well. I'm actually Religious, So I was okay with this, And I know some people might not be, But that's a matter of opinion to them, They can just walk away. I was actually quite happy with what george said.

    FauDeef posted: »

    just believe in the lord, and you will be alright George, next time, could you not impose religion, please? I (and, hopefully, many

  • Just that people do that. It sickens me.

    I understand the reasoning, but I think stuff like that should be stopped.

    What pisses you off about the first link? There are 2 different sides on the issue.

  • ....People bringing their babies to a better life?

    Just that people do that. It sickens me. I understand the reasoning, but I think stuff like that should be stopped.

  • People are abusing the system to do it.

    They ONLY come to the US to have their child and reap the benefits. They aren't moving here (If they are it is for like twenty years anyway) If they were in the immediate future than I'd have no problem.

    He’s daughter was born in America as well. He and her husband, educated in Britain and from prosperous families, hoped to send their children to an international school in Shanghai that admits only foreign students. When the kids turn 21 they can petition for green cards for their parents, too.

    They clearly have a good life to be willing to spend that much money. And since they had a daughter in America as well, they must have spent another 50 grand there.

    Sorry if I come off harsh, this just infuriates me.

    ....People bringing their babies to a better life?

  • edited May 2015

    Alt text

    I agree that was disgraceful what happened there on that thread tbh

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    A lot of us could stand to lighten the fuck up. It seems like lighthearted debate isn't something this community can handle anymore. I d

  • I'm gonna regret this, but in what context?

  • But they are paying for their plane ticket, buying a shitload of American goods, it's not like they are being smuggled in. If anything, it would help th economy with all that spending. I don't see how it's bad.

    People are abusing the system to do it. They ONLY come to the US to have their child and reap the benefits. They aren't moving here (If t

  • The USA Happy Baby is suspected of tax evasion, money laundering, and visa fraud. The plane ticket only benefits the airline, which could in fact be Chinese (Don't know enough about Chinese-American air travel to be certain about this)

    Tax evasion is no good considering how much money these people are making, and that it's a crime.

    And visa fraud is bad. If someone can lie why they came to America so they could to have a baby, imagine what else they could do successfully. Terrorism, stuff of that ilk.

    And considering how these people go back to China and don't pay taxes, it's not that beneficial to the economy.

    It's all opinion though. I'm going to bed goodnight.

    But they are paying for their plane ticket, buying a shitload of American goods, it's not like they are being smuggled in. If anything, it would help th economy with all that spending. I don't see how it's bad.

  • Can you kill my cat? She's being a real bitch.

  • edited May 2015

    Oh, Christ. Those people annoy me.

    The definition of art is anything that has human skill or creativity applied to it, so even that random scribble we all did as toddlers makes us artists.

    Let us take a historical example: Vincent Van Gough. He was shunned and mocked for his paintings when he was around, and now, his paintings are hailed as masterpeices.

    I have a new Rant today So, Often, some People ask me, "Hey Noah, Who's your Favorite Music Artist?" So, I'll answer with my favori

  • I don't even know what GMG is.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I hear Valve really is screwing people in other countries, isn't there a easier way like use GMG or something.

  • Welcome to my world.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Steam Australia is going to start adding taxes to the pricing in 2017. I know this isn't for a long time, but it makes me FUCKING FURIOUS

  • It's the internet.

    Can someone Explain how this Turned into a Religious Argument?

  • I tried that with my cat and he ripped my face off.

  • $160. That's ten bucks more than the euthanasia people charge.

  • Green Man Gaming, its sorta a steam substitute, that sometimes you can find better deals with them, BUT you have to make sure you are getting a steam key to activate, sometimes they sell you games that aren't connected to steam.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I don't even know what GMG is.

  • George, next time, could you not impose religion, please?

    I don't see myself censoring what i say though TBH, but Next time i give advice i will be sure not to mention anything religious.

    FauDeef posted: »

    just believe in the lord, and you will be alright George, next time, could you not impose religion, please? I (and, hopefully, many

  • Sad, IMO Dr MLK was a great man, he would be probably half proud, and half ashamed of where we are today, and that someone would say such things, then quote him. It makes me shake my head.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I agree with the second one. Anti-white racism is still racism. A white prof that writes stuff like that about black students would be dropped so fast they'd leave cracks in the pavement.

  • 170 Dollars to kill a cat?

    I'm in the wrong business.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    $160. That's ten bucks more than the euthanasia people charge.

  • Yeah, makes me want to grab my .22 and give her the Old Yeller treatment.

    Our next door neighbor has a small child though, so nahhh.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    170 Dollars to kill a cat? I'm in the wrong business.

  • edited May 2015

    Alt text

    What.... the fuck... Why the hell would you do something like that, man? You were never like this!

  • Our next door neighbor has a small child though, so nahhh.

    Just take it out for a "walk.' Then if the kid asks, it "ran away."

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Yeah, makes me want to grab my .22 and give her the Old Yeller treatment. Our next door neighbor has a small child though, so nahhh.

  • Haha, there's a swamp 30mi north of my house. That would be the place to do it.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Our next door neighbor has a small child though, so nahhh. Just take it out for a "walk.' Then if the kid asks, it "ran away."

  • You're not being censored. You're free to say whatever you want, but you'll have to face the consequences (whether they're good or not).

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    George, next time, could you not impose religion, please? I don't see myself censoring what i say though TBH, but Next time i give advice i will be sure not to mention anything religious.

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