Hello, I just discovered this wonderful community, pleased to meet you all!
I played episode 1 of TFTBL two days before the release of episode 2, so I was very very lucky. I missed the ep1-ep2 waiting time, so I wanted to ask, when did they start releasing trailers and stuff last time...? Like 1 month before the release? Because the waiting is killing me. Don't they let us see lil teaser pictures in the meantime or something? Nothing...?
so I wanted to ask, when did they start releasing trailers and stuff last time...?
I think 1-2 weeks before the release but I'm not sure - it's been awhile. I remember they showed the trailer almost right before the release, a week maybe.
Hello, I just discovered this wonderful community, pleased to meet you all!
I played episode 1 of TFTBL two days before the release of ep… moreisode 2, so I was very very lucky. I missed the ep1-ep2 waiting time, so I wanted to ask, when did they start releasing trailers and stuff last time...? Like 1 month before the release? Because the waiting is killing me. Don't they let us see lil teaser pictures in the meantime or something? Nothing...?
Oh god, what have I gotten myself into.
Hello, I just discovered this wonderful community, pleased to meet you all!
I played episode 1 of TFTBL two days before the release of ep… moreisode 2, so I was very very lucky. I missed the ep1-ep2 waiting time, so I wanted to ask, when did they start releasing trailers and stuff last time...? Like 1 month before the release? Because the waiting is killing me. Don't they let us see lil teaser pictures in the meantime or something? Nothing...?
Oh god, what have I gotten myself into.
Hello, I just discovered this wonderful community, pleased to meet you all!
I played episode 1 of TFTBL two days before the release of ep… moreisode 2, so I was very very lucky. I missed the ep1-ep2 waiting time, so I wanted to ask, when did they start releasing trailers and stuff last time...? Like 1 month before the release? Because the waiting is killing me. Don't they let us see lil teaser pictures in the meantime or something? Nothing...?
Oh god, what have I gotten myself into.
Ow... I guess I'll have to satisfy my TFTBL thirst by playing ep 1 and 2 all over again until I can recite the dialogues by heart while eating a giant bowl of ice cream and crying...
Hello, I just discovered this wonderful community, pleased to meet you all!
I played episode 1 of TFTBL two days before the release of ep… moreisode 2, so I was very very lucky. I missed the ep1-ep2 waiting time, so I wanted to ask, when did they start releasing trailers and stuff last time...? Like 1 month before the release? Because the waiting is killing me. Don't they let us see lil teaser pictures in the meantime or something? Nothing...?
Oh god, what have I gotten myself into.
Hello, I just discovered this wonderful community, pleased to meet you all!
I played episode 1 of TFTBL two days before the release of ep… moreisode 2, so I was very very lucky. I missed the ep1-ep2 waiting time, so I wanted to ask, when did they start releasing trailers and stuff last time...? Like 1 month before the release? Because the waiting is killing me. Don't they let us see lil teaser pictures in the meantime or something? Nothing...?
Oh god, what have I gotten myself into.
It was great for me because I watched episode one, an then, because I hadn't bought it, completely forgot about it! The wait was easy because I never dwelled on it. However, once I'd seen Episode 2 I bought it. Now I must wait Let's just hope it's not like the gap in Broken Age XD
Ow... I guess I'll have to satisfy my TFTBL thirst by playing ep 1 and 2 all over again until I can recite the dialogues by heart while eating a giant bowl of ice cream and crying...
Ow... I guess I'll have to satisfy my TFTBL thirst by playing ep 1 and 2 all over again until I can recite the dialogues by heart while eating a giant bowl of ice cream and crying...
Returned from the conference... now back to waiting. I'm gonna have to replay Eps 1 & 2 before 3 comes out though, I haven't named my savefiles and now I don't remember what I did in each anymore...
All I'm doing these days is shooting stuff in BL2, TPS and Far Cry 4, come on Telltale, I'll forget what a story-driven game is at this rate!
Been away from this forum for a while since I thought it might help with the wait... I have now realized.. This forum is the thing that keeps me sane... somewhat sane. That and watching Tabletop episodes with Troy Baker and Laura Bailey just to hear some familiar voices in these difficult times...
I hope episode 3 comes in the beginning of june. I try not to get my hopes up too much, tho ;-;
Sounds pretty good. . The first achievement is obviously a reference to the long wait between episodes lol. My guess is episode 3 comes out this Tuesday May 19th. If so it is gonna be a jampacked gaming day with TFTB, Life is Strange, and The Witcher 3.
Probably old news, but has anyone seem the episode 3 achievement list?
http://www.xboxachievements.com/game/tales-from-the-borderlands/ac… morehievements/
Sounds pretty good. . The first achievement is obviously a reference to the long wait between episodes lol. My guess is episode 3 comes out this Tuesday May 19th. If so it is gonna be a jampacked gaming day with TFTB, Life is Strange, and The Witcher 3.
My girlfriend likes watching me play videogames and Telltale was perfect since we could have different playthroughs with our own choices. I think this was a bad decision because I feel that she loves Tales from the Borderlands more than she loves me.
Yo! As a gamer myself (girl), I always get excited about games, I always talk about them with passion. Wait until she plays games herself, if she already has the passion of watching, you'll surely meet another side of her. But don't worry, I'm pretty sure it's just a phase!! Also it's very important NOT to get jealous over everything!! Believe me, I had a boyfriend that did that (at first it was cute, but then became very annoying).
My girlfriend likes watching me play videogames and Telltale was perfect since we could have different playthroughs with our own choices. I think this was a bad decision because I feel that she loves Tales from the Borderlands more than she loves me.
Hello, I just discovered this wonderful community, pleased to meet you all!
I played episode 1 of TFTBL two days before the release of ep… moreisode 2, so I was very very lucky. I missed the ep1-ep2 waiting time, so I wanted to ask, when did they start releasing trailers and stuff last time...? Like 1 month before the release? Because the waiting is killing me. Don't they let us see lil teaser pictures in the meantime or something? Nothing...?
Oh god, what have I gotten myself into.
Probably old news, but has anyone seem the episode 3 achievement list?
http://www.xboxachievements.com/game/tales-from-the-borderlands/ac… morehievements/
Sounds pretty good. . The first achievement is obviously a reference to the long wait between episodes lol. My guess is episode 3 comes out this Tuesday May 19th. If so it is gonna be a jampacked gaming day with TFTB, Life is Strange, and The Witcher 3.
Probably old news, but has anyone seem the episode 3 achievement list?
http://www.xboxachievements.com/game/tales-from-the-borderlands/ac… morehievements/
Sounds pretty good. . The first achievement is obviously a reference to the long wait between episodes lol. My guess is episode 3 comes out this Tuesday May 19th. If so it is gonna be a jampacked gaming day with TFTB, Life is Strange, and The Witcher 3.
Probably old news, but has anyone seem the episode 3 achievement list?
http://www.xboxachievements.com/game/tales-from-the-borderlands/ac… morehievements/
Sounds pretty good. . The first achievement is obviously a reference to the long wait between episodes lol. My guess is episode 3 comes out this Tuesday May 19th. If so it is gonna be a jampacked gaming day with TFTB, Life is Strange, and The Witcher 3.
[Blow His Mind] Part 2?
I kinda suspected that someone would say that.
...And so it continues....
what's LIS?
Life is Strange
Looks at the date
Ah, I see Tuesday is rolling around again in a few days...
Must. Not. Hope. ;_;
I can't take this anymore
Damn.. that gif is so smooth..
Hello, I just discovered this wonderful community, pleased to meet you all!
I played episode 1 of TFTBL two days before the release of episode 2, so I was very very lucky. I missed the ep1-ep2 waiting time, so I wanted to ask, when did they start releasing trailers and stuff last time...? Like 1 month before the release? Because the waiting is killing me. Don't they let us see lil teaser pictures in the meantime or something? Nothing...?
Oh god, what have I gotten myself into.
I think 1-2 weeks before the release but I'm not sure - it's been awhile. I remember they showed the trailer almost right before the release, a week maybe.
Ow... I guess I'll have to satisfy my TFTBL thirst by playing ep 1 and 2 all over again until I can recite the dialogues by heart while eating a giant bowl of ice cream and crying...
Usually we get trailers 5 days before release (release is nearly always on a Tuesday).
It was great for me because I watched episode one, an then, because I hadn't bought it, completely forgot about it! The wait was easy because I never dwelled on it. However, once I'd seen Episode 2 I bought it. Now I must wait
Let's just hope it's not like the gap in Broken Age XD
Well, maybe Episode 3 will pull a GoT. I barely heard anything about GoT's episode 3 before its release. It came out of nowhere.
Replayed TWD !&2, TWAU, Got, LiS and TFtB for the milionth time....I really need a trailer at May 19th! TellTale!
Join the club. I personally already lost count how many times I've played/watched it.
Pretty sure it's over 20 at this point...
Play lis around 40 times.....trust me with that took me 2 months..
Returned from the conference... now back to waiting. I'm gonna have to replay Eps 1 & 2 before 3 comes out though, I haven't named my savefiles and now I don't remember what I did in each anymore...
All I'm doing these days is shooting stuff in BL2, TPS and Far Cry 4, come on Telltale, I'll forget what a story-driven game is at this rate!
I don't think that I can survie seeing Lee dying that many times
I sayed life is strange not twd s1.
Oh right sorry my trears filled eyes played a trick on me....Lee T_T
Been away from this forum for a while since I thought it might help with the wait... I have now realized.. This forum is the thing that keeps me sane... somewhat sane. That and watching Tabletop episodes with Troy Baker and Laura Bailey just to hear some familiar voices in these difficult times...
I hope episode 3 comes in the beginning of june. I try not to get my hopes up too much, tho ;-;
Well, I'm away to go see Mad Max tonight... It might help with the withdrawal symptoms I am currently having waiting for Episode 3. X3
Probably old news, but has anyone seem the episode 3 achievement list?
Sounds pretty good.
. The first achievement is obviously a reference to the long wait between episodes lol. My guess is episode 3 comes out this Tuesday May 19th. If so it is gonna be a jampacked gaming day with TFTB, Life is Strange, and The Witcher 3. 
This Tuesday? That's way too optimistic.
As well all of the achievements for TFTB and GOT were released with the game, so you can look at the episode 4 & 5 achievements as well.
My girlfriend likes watching me play videogames and Telltale was perfect since we could have different playthroughs with our own choices. I think this was a bad decision because I feel that she loves Tales from the Borderlands more than she loves me.
And another week wasted with waiting for episode 3.
Yo! As a gamer myself (girl), I always get excited about games, I always talk about them with passion. Wait until she plays games herself, if she already has the passion of watching, you'll surely meet another side of her. But don't worry, I'm pretty sure it's just a phase!! Also it's very important NOT to get jealous over everything!! Believe me, I had a boyfriend that did that (at first it was cute, but then became very annoying).
no news, come on your killing me tell-tale
I wouldnt say the 19th at this rate. Stiiiiiill possible the 26th but thats a stretch.
Episode 3 hasn't even been rated yet, I doubt it'll come out this Tuesday.
The moment telltale leaves you off a cliff hanger moment at the end of the episode and you just-
wow that last achievemants name .....i'm kinda scared now
My emotions right now