If you make Justine too much like Revy then the creativity is gone... but whatever, she still kicks ass and scares the shit out of me!!!! XP
Her backstory was a horrible one, but those assholes got what they deserved. I like how Justine views everything as forgettable, in a sense that you don't remember anything because you don't have to, she views corpses and jobs as everyday life, rather than something to reflect over... That's quite a message dude
Smoke and Mirrors... Part: Three
Zelyns Apartment...
Justine opened the door and saw Dum sitting in the chair. She threw him a smile a… morend walked in the door.
"Who the fuck are you!?" He asked
"I'm Zelyns partner. Nice to meet you shit head." Justine said lighting a cigarette.
Justine grabbed her holster and handguns. She was in shock.
"Wow he even loaded my handguns, submachine gun and everything else!" She looked at Dum "He doesn't normally do that. I've been doing this a lot longer than him and he still says I need more work!" She laughed. "He never gives me that chance though." She said aiming her handguns at Dum.
"Wait! Wait! I...I have a question!" Dum said
Justine raised an eyebrow. "Oh? The pig has a question?" She shot him in both of his legs. Dum cried out in pain. "Well!? Out with it!" She said
Dum tried to hold back tears. "How...how did you and Zelyn start your business? You see we're both a lot a-" He wa… [view original content]
If you make Justine too much like Revy then the creativity is gone... but whatever, she still kicks ass and scares the shit out of me!!!! XP… more
Her backstory was a horrible one, but those assholes got what they deserved. I like how Justine views everything as forgettable, in a sense that you don't remember anything because you don't have to, she views corpses and jobs as everyday life, rather than something to reflect over... That's quite a message dude
I await more! XD
The penultimate chapter... will tomorrow bring that last ever chapter of the Porgie family? Or will it be a temporary end until a new tale arises? We shall just have to wait and see now won't we
Your dick was small
LMFAO! Oh man, you write a serious scene full of hate and raw emotion and you throw in THAT?! XP
Carla... I'm speaking as someone who hasn't read all of your work; I did not know of Carla's tale with Gren, but I know how she manipulated and killed those around her, even her own kin, to get what she wanted. Do I feel a sense of sadness for her having to spend an eternity of suffering at the hands of everyone she wronged? Yes I do. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Do I feel that Carla should be sent to a final resting place? Well... yes, but not for a very long time yet.
I guess I just think that enough is enough applies to everything in this world, and while Carla does not deserve forgiveness or peace, I think deep down inside that an eternity of suffering is a bit much. However, the bitch needs to learn a lesson, and if that lesson takes an eternity to learn, then she will learn for an eternity
The war of Fabletown part 6 Goodbye, Carla....Hello new beginnings.
Emily and Gren made their way one final time to the Underworld. They … morefound their daughter and Erica. Holding the box high, she beams.
"My mom is inside, Emily and Gren."
Thanking little Erica, Gren grabs Emily's hand and the couple make their way inside the box. At first, the area was dark and quiet. There was not a single sound until the ear piercing cries of Carla. Emily and Gren found her tossing herself against the walls, trying to escape. Michelle, standing ever so quietly, watched the soul bounce around like a trapped fly. Emily found herself smirking and giggling at the woman. Pity. The babies inside of Emily kicked around, pleased to know all was over.
Gren folds his hands; he could sense the fear dripping off of the lost soul. He felt no sorrow for the woman or regrets. She deserved every miserable moment oo earth and then some. They were nowhere near thr… [view original content]
Dude, you promised me that Gren wasn't gonna hurt Frank!! :'O
Jersey you fucking prick, you don't deserve Katie after what you did, to attack a future Brother-in-law like that and then play happy families with him in the future... I apologise to Pie and you, JJ, for any offence caused, but I hope you understand where my anger is coming from at least
Oh and not to split hairs, but seeing as Lyla has Wolf heritage, couldn't she smell the blood? Unless she's keeping it a secret for now??
"I'm going to FUCK you up, Grendel...."
You know I'm quite surprised at how weak Robert is in his Glamour, he can barely move after that assault, yet if he was a Grendel then he would be perfectly fine- Oh wait, I just remembered, his right toe got smashed during the beat-down... I'm gonna assume that the damage done to his right toe was enough for him to be weakened?
Forgot to ask you this as well, are you cool with me writing a one-shot in response to that previous chapter? I want to know you're ok with it before I go ahead.
Thank you @pudding_pie for this wonderful picture. By the way, congragulations for the Porgie Clan. They've been a wonderful treasure to me,… more your many fans and I look forward to more. #ForeverForward
"Dad, what happened to you?"
Rj drops his books and heads to his injured father. Gren was the one to pick the boy up from school and said not a single word to RJ until they reached a block to their apartment. Ice packs and many pillows under his foot, Robert attempts to wave at his son. He'd created so many stories and explanations to why he was this way.
"I fell, kiddo." Robert smiles. "You know how clumsy your dad is."
"You have bruises, a split lip....what the hell is this over here...is that a gash on the side of your ear!?"
"Watch the language, RJ." Robert, with Gren's help, sits up. "I told you, I fell."
"WHERE!? Out the window?"
"No. I, uh, was climbing up the stairs and lost my balance. Told you. Clumsy dad."
Gren… [view original content]
Honestly, there is always a possibility for the Porgies to return with a new tale. but for right now, I think I'm pleased with the outcome.
This is the beauty about endings and how people view the writing. First off, Carla is a bitch and will even throw the 'your dick is small' card just to see a reaction. I can honestly say Gren and Carla's story was bitter sweet; there was love in it, yes but for all the wrong reasons. She knew what she was doing; no one put a gun to her head and told her to choose this path but she did it anyways. She betrayed her family, killed her own blood and made fools of Gren, Rosie, Emily and many others.
I personally think suffering as so for all eternity is what Carla deserves. I think her demise fits perfectly for the mess she created by her own hands. Will Gren and Emily ease up on Carla? Honestly, in time, they will but for now, she needs to learn.....
Yes, Emily is going into labor and we shall see what happens after this!
The penultimate chapter... will tomorrow bring that last ever chapter of the Porgie family? Or will it be a temporary end until a new tale a… morerises? We shall just have to wait and see now won't we
Your dick was small
LMFAO! Oh man, you write a serious scene full of hate and raw emotion and you throw in THAT?! XP
Carla... I'm speaking as someone who hasn't read all of your work; I did not know of Carla's tale with Gren, but I know how she manipulated and killed those around her, even her own kin, to get what she wanted. Do I feel a sense of sadness for her having to spend an eternity of suffering at the hands of everyone she wronged? Yes I do. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Do I feel that Carla should be sent to a final resting place? Well... yes, but not for a very long time yet.
I guess I just think that enough is enough applies to everything in this world, and while Carla does not deserve forgiveness or peace, I … [view original content]
Zylen, Bigby and Snow walked in. There was a huge smoke cloud from when Justine was in there, Zelyn could tell she had too much to smoke and too much to drink. Although he didn't really care, both were already practically dead so it didn't matter how much they drank or how much they smoked just like a Fable. The first thing Zylen saw was Jack asking for darts, Bigby began to walk forward and tried to confront Holly about her sisters death. Jack then began to get in Bigbys way and began to irritate Bigby. Zylen exhaled and thought how annoying Jack was so he decided to act on it. He walked over to Jack and put his hand on his gun.
"Get out Jack..." He said gazing into Jacks eyes.
Jack felt chills down his spine, but he still found some humor. "Hey Skelle-bro! Long time no see! In fact we shoul-" Zylenn punched him in the gut.
"Out..." Zylen said
Jack began to slowly step backwards and then ran out the door. Zelyn could feel Snow getting angry. In fact he thought she was going to yell at him but she kept a straight face. Zylenn noticed Justine left a pack of cigarettes. He walked over Woodies body, and took out a cigarette and lit it. Bigby began to lay on the news that Lilly was dead. Now he could feel Grens anger, he exhaled, smoke pouring from his mouth and walked over. He put his hand on Gren.
"Sit down Grendel." Zylen said "It's for your best interest."
Gren spit on his shoes "Go fuck yourself Zyl." He smirked.
Zelyn pulled out his handgun and shot Gren in his kneecap. Gren began to fall but Zylen picked him up put him in a chair and brushed him off. Bigby was going to give him hell for doing this but he didn't care. Bigby wasn't meant to die today but if it came down to it he would put him down. Zylen could feel Snows anger, she even began to clench her fists. She didn't do anything about it though, like Bigby said they needed Zylen. Zylen put out his cigarette and grabbed another one and lit it.
"Next time sit." Zylen said
Bigby got a tip from Holly to go to the Pudding N Pie. Holly then asked if she could have Lillys corpse, Bigby told her he promised she would get it and Snow began to back Bigby up. She brought Holly over to a booth. Bigby grabbed Zylen by the collar and dragged him outside.
"What the fuck was that Zylen!?" Bigby growled.
Zylenn was uninterested, he hated being lectured. "That? I don't see why you care...I got him to shut up so you could talk."
"So you shot him in the leg!? Was that necessary!?" Bigby continued to growl.
Zylen exhaled smoke into the air. "I do anything by any means necessary. If I felt like killing Grendel there I would've. He has a nice price on his head that I could collect. But I sense he has done nothing wrong, and I don't really mind him. So I don't take it away from him. My senses are like yours Bigby, except far greater. I can see into their past, present and future. I can feel anyone's emotions at a given time no matter where they are. Like you are with Snow. Or am I wrong?"
"Fuck. You. Don't you have any morales, anything at all!?" Bigby said
This almost made Zylen chuckle. "Morales? Tell me sheriff was it right to almost rip Grendel arm off for no reason? This world has no set Morales, people live in his world however they want and feel, there is no right or wrong sheriff. Only what you want to believe is right and wrong."
Bigby looked away. This whole thing has backfired on him. "I have my own way of doing things." Bigby grunted.
"And I have no morales, I have given up caring on anything long ago sheriff. I do as I please unless my boss Hades forbids it. And he actually gives me a lot of leeway. So I'm telling you this now Wolf as the small, sliver of 'friendship' we have. We will always be business associates, we will never become friends, nor will you question my real work any longer. If you continue to do so I will be sure to leave your corpse on Snows door, and when you come down to my ferry in the underworld I will let you hear her mourn of your death all the way across until we hit land." He stomped out the cigarette in his mouth. He looked at Bigby. "Are we clear, Mr.Wolf?"
Bigby could feel his heart tear, he always thought that he and Zylen had at least some friendship. They've worked on cases together and got along well. But now...he had lost one of the only people who actually showed him respect. Bigby kept a stern look. "Whatever you say Charon..."
The two began to walk to the Pudding N Pie...
At the Pudding N Pie...
Zylen looked at the midnight sky. He loved nighttime it was lonely. Dark. He felt like he was being pulled into it and it gave him peace. He felt like he was a bit harsh on Bigby, however what he said was true. He would kill Bigby and he would place his corpse right in front of Snows door, if he got out of hand. His future however told Zylen a different way he would die. The two were greeted to Vivian at the front door. Sadly her end was soon, he almost felt like collecting her coin now and saving the trouble. But he decided against it, he wanted to talk to Georgie Porgie. The two walked in to see Georgie with one of his girls, Zylen noticed the woman. She went by Nerissa, also known as the little mermaid. Zylen hated seeing women do this, especially if it's forced. She had lived an innocent life and has done nothing wrong. He would give her a second chance at life. They walked up to Georgie. Bigby began to yell at him, telling him to turn off the music. Zylen went over to the bar and lit a cigarette.
"Hans." He called
Hans walked over. "Yes sir?"
"Whiskey, no ice." Zylen said putting exact change on the table.
Hans got him his drink. Zylen could hear Bigby get louder, Hans butted in saying something about a black book. Georgie then began to yell at Hans, then at Nerissa and then at Bigby. Georgie walked over and got his crowd control bat, Bigby then proceeded to disarm Georgie and proceeded to smash some of his stuff. Zylen continued to fink and watch, he found it somewhat amusing. He watched Georgie pull out a black book and hand it to Bigby. Bigby checked the book but went nowhere with it from Georgie. Bigby proceeded to walk away.
"Bigby." Zylen called out "This is where we part ways for now."
Bigby didn't turn around and continued walking. Zylen could feel the hurt in his heart, but he didn't care, Bigby would get the job done. Zylen finished his drink and walked up to Georgie.
"I assume you got a call from your boss?" Zylen said
"Yes, I'll 'Ave the money by the deadline." Georgie said
Zylen patted Georgies shoulder. "I could always count on you for collecting." His grip became tight. "I get people need a place to work, but does that mean you have to put that ribbon on them Georgie?"
Georgie began to get tense. "It's my boss!"
Zylen knew he was telling the truth, he just wanted to be sure. He let go. "After all this is through. You'll get your second chance. But no more ribbons, understand?"
Georgie gulped and nodded. Zylen began to walk out. "I look forward to seeing you again, you do great work."
Zylen walked out of the Pudding N Pie he was headed to Lillys funeral...
On the way to the funeral...
Zylen continued to smoke as he walked. He was a bit far from the funeral but he was in no rush. He could feel Justine getting closer to him. He stopped dead in his tracks. There was a woman in front of him. She gave him a maniacle smile.
"Zylen darling, why didn't you tell me you were in town? I would've thrown you a party!" The woman smiled.
Zylen felt three goons around him. Dee, Dum, and Jersey. He remained silent.
"Hmmm? Cat got your tongue handsome?" The woman continued to smile.
Zylen finished his cigarette and stomped it out. This wasn't going to end well. "You know, even though this is our second time meeting...I've always enjoyed the conversation. Bloody Mary..."
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know! I hope I got Georgies accent right! XD if I didn't please feel free to yell at me XP
Honestly, there is always a possibility for the Porgies to return with a new tale. but for right now, I think I'm pleased with the outcome. … more
This is the beauty about endings and how people view the writing. First off, Carla is a bitch and will even throw the 'your dick is small' card just to see a reaction. I can honestly say Gren and Carla's story was bitter sweet; there was love in it, yes but for all the wrong reasons. She knew what she was doing; no one put a gun to her head and told her to choose this path but she did it anyways. She betrayed her family, killed her own blood and made fools of Gren, Rosie, Emily and many others.
I personally think suffering as so for all eternity is what Carla deserves. I think her demise fits perfectly for the mess she created by her own hands. Will Gren and Emily ease up on Carla? Honestly, in time, they will but for now, she needs to learn.....
Yes, Emily is going into labor and we shall see what happens after this!
Jesus fucking Christ, Zelyn! You're a beast! XD He just shot Gren in the bloody kneecap and was Bigby really getting onto Zelyn for doing so!? Oh man! I was thinking it would be the other way around but I guess Bigby is trying to men his past. Damn....that was an intense scene. Damnit, Gren....seriously? Just sit the fuck down. lol
And Georgie. DAFUQ, man. Where was THIS all at during the game!? I loved his interaction with Hans, Bigby and Zelyn. I thought you did great with Georgie. I just love that man. XD lol I was seriously waiting for Zelyn to pimp slap him for some odd reason. :P
And Bloody Mary. THAT I look forward to. Zelyn and her ar going to butt heads! I loved this, my good man! -brofist- Can't wait for more!!
Smoke and Mirrors... Part: Four
Back at the Trip Trap...
Zylen, Bigby and Snow walked in. There was a huge smoke cloud from when Justi… morene was in there, Zelyn could tell she had too much to smoke and too much to drink. Although he didn't really care, both were already practically dead so it didn't matter how much they drank or how much they smoked just like a Fable. The first thing Zylen saw was Jack asking for darts, Bigby began to walk forward and tried to confront Holly about her sisters death. Jack then began to get in Bigbys way and began to irritate Bigby. Zylen exhaled and thought how annoying Jack was so he decided to act on it. He walked over to Jack and put his hand on his gun.
"Get out Jack..." He said gazing into Jacks eyes.
Jack felt chills down his spine, but he still found some humor. "Hey Skelle-bro! Long time no see! In fact we shoul-" Zylenn punched him in the gut.
"Out..." Zylen said
Jack began to slowly ste… [view original content]
Smoke and Mirrors... Part: Four
Back at the Trip Trap...
Zylen, Bigby and Snow walked in. There was a huge smoke cloud from when Justi… morene was in there, Zelyn could tell she had too much to smoke and too much to drink. Although he didn't really care, both were already practically dead so it didn't matter how much they drank or how much they smoked just like a Fable. The first thing Zylen saw was Jack asking for darts, Bigby began to walk forward and tried to confront Holly about her sisters death. Jack then began to get in Bigbys way and began to irritate Bigby. Zylen exhaled and thought how annoying Jack was so he decided to act on it. He walked over to Jack and put his hand on his gun.
"Get out Jack..." He said gazing into Jacks eyes.
Jack felt chills down his spine, but he still found some humor. "Hey Skelle-bro! Long time no see! In fact we shoul-" Zylenn punched him in the gut.
"Out..." Zylen said
Jack began to slowly ste… [view original content]
LMAO! XD Glad you think so! Bigby wants to leave Zylen be, but he feels like as a friend and the need to do his job he tried to talk some sense to him. Zylen however has his own job and agenda. Lol poor Gren XD
Glad you liked him man! I always felt like this was how Georgie should've acted so I tweaked him a little bit XD Lol! That would've been funny! XD
Oh yes! Especially when Justine is coming in for back up! >:D I'm glad to hear it man! Brofist Awesome!
Jesus fucking Christ, Zelyn! You're a beast! XD He just shot Gren in the bloody kneecap and was Bigby really getting onto Zelyn for doing so… more!? Oh man! I was thinking it would be the other way around but I guess Bigby is trying to men his past. Damn....that was an intense scene. Damnit, Gren....seriously? Just sit the fuck down. lol
And Georgie. DAFUQ, man. Where was THIS all at during the game!? I loved his interaction with Hans, Bigby and Zelyn. I thought you did great with Georgie. I just love that man. XD lol I was seriously waiting for Zelyn to pimp slap him for some odd reason. :P
And Bloody Mary. THAT I look forward to. Zelyn and her ar going to butt heads! I loved this, my good man! -brofist- Can't wait for more!!
-sigh- Never again am I writing a chapter from 1am till 3am... I'm tired and I've gotta go to the gym in 3 hours time, lack of sleep makes me really moody, but it's my own fault. I hope you all enjoy the chapter though!
Vampire Challenge Chapter 7 – Conflict
Nick and Jayne reached The Gas Works about 15 minutes before sundown, so long as Nick was inside the club when night fell, then the chances of him killing any humans was reduced. Though it seemed that humans wouldn’t be a problem here, the bouncer refused to let in anyone that wasn’t a Vampire! The bouncer let Jayne in, but stopped Nick in his tracks, Nick glared at the bouncer but it seemed that a fight was more likely right now than a verbal discussion, that is until Jayne whispered in the big and black bouncers ear “He’s my snack for tonight...” The bouncer stared at Nick for a while longer before letting him pass.
Nick leaned down to Jayne’s ear as some punk girl in a shiny leather skirt gave them each a luminescent red wristband to confirm they were allowed into the club, he spoke to her “What did you say to him?” Jayne just grinned as they kept walking “You’re my snack for tonight, I’m going to take you home and drain you” Nick spanked Jayne on the butt and pulled her close into his chest as they mimicked the sultry behaviours of other patrons at the club “You’ve never drained me before, my dear” Jayne bit her lip and turned around in Nick’s arms, running her hands across his shoulders “Well you can never last long enough, honey”.
As the couple continued to play their games, Isaac was sat at the bar drinking down a straight vodka, ignoring the temptations of a Vampire girl who was still a teenager; she tried to mount his lap put he gently pushed her off and shot her a glare of annoyance, she took the hint with a toothy hiss and walked off into the crowd. Isaac was waiting for the right moment to strike the night-crawling scum down, a band was scheduled to play at the club shortly, and it was rumoured that they were a very good Megadeth tribute band. Isaac didn’t care much for heavy metal music, but he had to admit that it did make intense situations even more fuelled with adrenaline.
The sun finally went down, and Nick felt the change within him. His eyes went a hideous red, his incisors were long and sharp, and he was thirsty for blood. Jayne noticed his change when he became still like a statue and then started scanning the room for a human, but there were none in sight, so other sources of blood were required. Jayne tried to get Nick’s attention, but he found himself unable to speak just like last night, instead he pushed her aside and followed his nose to a back door that clearly read ‘Keep Out’ but he just waltzed through the door instead.
Not long after the door had shut did the band come on, they were dressed in leather pants, and had 80’s hair with some kitted out guitars; they got ready and the singer announced that they were gonna get straight into the heavy stuff, so they started with one of Megadeth’s heaviest songs: Holy Wars, The Punishment Due. The song started out on its fast riff and Jayne lost herself to the rocker inside of her, as she thrashed and head banged along with almost everyone else in the club. She felt so free in these places, so accepted, and before she knew it she had forgotten about her curse, and the whereabouts of her man.
Isaac would let the song play for a bit longer, let everyone truly lose themselves before he started the massacre...
Meanwhile, Nick stumbled his way through the back of the club and came across a room filled with bags of blood. The bags proved that this blood was taken from willing donors; it was easy enough to steal this stuff, blood didn’t have such a high price on it in New York and a case of bags going missing wasn’t exactly high on a Policeman’s list of crimes. Nick tore into the bags and drank them down like they were bags of water; he just couldn’t quench his thirst! Eventually after consuming close to 20, 2-pint bags, Nick felt full enough to go without a need to consume for what he hoped would be until sunrise.
His mouth still dripping, Nick walked out of the storeroom and back into the main area where the rave was happening, unknowingly being watched on the security cameras by the Prince, Algol. “What is he doing here? He must be here for a reason...” Algol looked through the other cameras in the main room and noticed a lonely man at the bar, he zoomed in on the man’s face and recognised him in an instant “Welcome back, Isaac”
Isaac finished up his vodka and slammed the glass down onto the plastic bar, he stood up and removed his hood. He pulled out both of his handguns as the song entered into its lyrics “Brother will kill Brother! Spilling blood across the land! Killing for Religion! Something I don’t understand!” With those first lyrics done, Isaac fired into the crowds of people, the band for some reason kept playing as Vampires dropped dead left and right, after 12 shots Isaac made a snap decision to dive behind the bar and ripped the bartender’s head off in a forceful motion. He noticed a rifle of sorts underneath the bar and pulled out an M16, loaded with silver bullets no less!
In amongst all of this, most patrons hadn’t even realised that guns had been fired and Vampires had died due to the loud music and the intense feelings all around the place. Isaac stood up and fired into the crowd, dropping even more Vampires, this time he was noticed and the band steadily stopped playing and ran for their lives, whilst other Vampires turned their attentions to the Daywalker. Having exhausted the clip of his new toy, Isaac dropped the metal rifle with a thud and pulled out his knife and Uzi. He rolled over the bar and set about dispatching his opponents with quick slashes and stabs, and well placed shots to their heads with his Uzi.
Eventually his only remaining opponent was Jayne, Isaac could tell she was a Fledgling, and holstered his weapons, preferring to use a more even style of combat against this ‘newbie’. Isaac made a simple gesture of ‘come at me’ with his left hand, and Jayne took up a basic fighting stance with her arms up and legs positioned. Jayne started the fight with a right punch, Isaac took the blow across the face, largely to get a measure of how strong this Vampire was, and it wasn’t a smart idea. Isaac stumbled and his face felt a little swollen from the punch, but Jayne wouldn’t let him recover, Nick had taught her to remain on the offensive and never give your opponent any advantage.
She rushed Isaac and delivered 2 more punches to his face; Isaac ducked the third punch and hit Jayne with a gut punch, followed by an uppercut and a reverse roundhouse kick to the face. Jayne fell over with the force of the kick and felt her lip bleed a little; she got up and took up the stance once again, she threw another punch which was dodged and retaliated with a kick to the stomach, another stray punch and Isaac grabbed Jayne’s hand and broke her arm at the elbow. Jayne screamed from the pain and fell to her knee’s, the tears forming in her eyes were ones of anger as opposed to sadness, she was angry that she was losing...
Isaac was actually surprised at how unexciting this fight was, but he heard a slow clap come from the darkened corner of the room. Nick stepped out and moved in front of Jayne, Isaac was impressed by Nick’s physique and could tell he was a battle-hardened soul, but saw no reason why this Vampire would be able to beat him. Nick took up a similar stance to Jayne, though Nick held a lot more confidence in his stance than Jayne had, and was keeping his eyes fixed on Isaac’s, his gaze never once faltering. Isaac took up his stance and the two stared at each other before Nick delivered a quick jab to Isaac’s lip, splitting it and surprising the Daywalker.
Isaac went in with 3 punches that Nick blocked with little effort and then responded with a groin kick and Isaac dropped to his knees from the force of the blow. Nick kneed Isaac in the chin afterwards and forcefully dragged him up to his feet, Isaac broke Nick’s grasp on him and slammed his hands against Nick’s ears simultaneously, Nick became groggy from the attack and Isaac managed a couple of lucky punches that forced Nick to stumble backwards. Nick was cursing in his head about the absence of his Harbinger powers right now, this fight would be a lot easier if he had them, but Death hadn’t returned them to Nick, so it seemed that he was being serious about Nick having to earn them back.
Though how Nick was meant to earn them back was a complete mystery to him...
The two men continued trading blows for a couple more minutes, both men were bruised and bloody from the fists and boots of the other, and they were getting tired. Eventually Nick got the upper hand when used his elbow to block Isaac’s punch and then kicked out his knee, breaking it backwards. Isaac stumbled to the ground and realised that defeat was certain in his current condition, his fist was hurting like crazy and he couldn’t move his leg at all, never mind the immense pain he was feeling from it.
Isaac crawled away from Nick, and remembered a neat little toy he had in his backpack that he had almost forgotten was still in there from last year. Nick went over to Jayne and helped her to her feet, he still couldn’t say a word and the craving for blood was coming back to him in waves, but she could see the concern in his eyes, she sighed and caught her breath some more “I’m ok” She looked over Nick’s shoulder and saw Isaac rummaging around in his backpack for something, Isaac pulled out a stick made of silver and click a button, the stick produced a sharpened tip and Isaac threw it with a cry at Jayne.
Jayne closed her eyes expecting to feel the biting pain, but she felt nothing, and the reason for this was apparent as soon as she opened her eyes. Nick was standing in front of her, the spike and pierced straight through his heart; he fell to his knees and started breathing heavily as his body burned away into ash. Jayne was in so much shock she didn’t even register Isaac drag himself up to his feet and retrieve the silver stake from the ground. He folded it away and left the club in a state, Jayne fell to her knees herself and grabbed handfuls of the ash, she let it fall through her fingers as a cloaked man entered from nowhere.
“Jayne do you know where my Son is, I can’t feel his presence anymore-” Death stopped talking when he saw Jayne next to the pile of ash, tears of heartbreak and sadness were forming in her eyes as she looked at Death “Bring him back... bring him back!” Jayne sobbed uncontrollably as Death leaned against the bar, his heart felt heavier than a boulder as a moist tear formed in his eye; he lifted his head up and screamed into the heavens “ARGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!”
The club shook like an earthquake had hit it and Jayne could feel the dark energies emanating from Death, he was ready to level this place to the ground as he glared at the pile of ash, his Son was dead, killed because Death took away the very thing that kept Nick alive through all those battles...
To be continued...
Did I just do what I think I did? The answer is yes...
So yeah, that's that. If it wasn't stupid o'clock in the morning over here then I could've made this scene more feelsy I guess, but I'm satisfied with what I wrote. So, please Like, leave your comments/questions below, and I will see you all tomorrow after I watch Mad Max: Fury Road at the cinema!! XD
I understand and I'm sure Pie read this and forced a smile. I never wanted to have anyone hate Jersey. Just show that this shit does happen. Trust me, for I've been through it with my own father and 'friends' but he will get better. Saying he does not deserve Katie is like stating Georgie does not deserve Lyla or Gren to Emily. Any of our OC's or others that have done shitty things in the past. We learn. Some tale longer (like Jersey) but they learn. There is a reason behind my sanity, so just hang on.
Robert's toes was damaged with the bat, so he is weak for the moment. Give him a few more hours and he'll be good to go. :)And Lyla. She noticed. TRUST me. Can't forget a thing like Grendel blood but I have my ways, Hman.
Dude, you promised me that Gren wasn't gonna hurt Frank!! :'O
Jersey you fucking prick, you don't deserve Katie after what you did, to at… moretack a future Brother-in-law like that and then play happy families with him in the future... I apologise to Pie and you, JJ, for any offence caused, but I hope you understand where my anger is coming from at least
Oh and not to split hairs, but seeing as Lyla has Wolf heritage, couldn't she smell the blood? Unless she's keeping it a secret for now??
"I'm going to FUCK you up, Grendel...."
You know I'm quite surprised at how weak Robert is in his Glamour, he can barely move after that assault, yet if he was a Grendel then he would be perfectly fine- Oh wait, I just remembered, his right toe got smashed during the beat-down... I'm gonna assume that the damage done to his right toe was enough for him to be weakened?
Forgot to ask you this as well, are you cool with me writing a one-sho… [view original content]
Don't make Gren and Emily be 'nice' to Carla. Please. As a reader to your work, I think this punishment suits her. She did not go 'easy' on Lyla, Georgie, her own parents; siblings, sons, neices, nephews. Any of them, so why should Gremily? That's just me, though. This is your work but I think her spending all eternity with no rest or peace is what this bitch has been looking for. >:(
Honestly, there is always a possibility for the Porgies to return with a new tale. but for right now, I think I'm pleased with the outcome. … more
This is the beauty about endings and how people view the writing. First off, Carla is a bitch and will even throw the 'your dick is small' card just to see a reaction. I can honestly say Gren and Carla's story was bitter sweet; there was love in it, yes but for all the wrong reasons. She knew what she was doing; no one put a gun to her head and told her to choose this path but she did it anyways. She betrayed her family, killed her own blood and made fools of Gren, Rosie, Emily and many others.
I personally think suffering as so for all eternity is what Carla deserves. I think her demise fits perfectly for the mess she created by her own hands. Will Gren and Emily ease up on Carla? Honestly, in time, they will but for now, she needs to learn.....
Yes, Emily is going into labor and we shall see what happens after this!
Oh my poor baby! :'o Bad, Zylen! squirts with spary bottle I can see we're playing good cop bad, eh Zylen? I was waiting for Bigby and his little partner in crime to fist fight! Gren, you sexy, stubborn man! >:(
I love how Georgie is hiding away at the club and the other goons are all on their own! XD Smart man. I too wish it was like this. Leave Georgie be and go after the REAL threat but that's just me. He's too precious, that Georgie. I'd watch it, Porgie You have two pretty pissed off dudes in your club. Just find Lyla, eat your cinnamon buns and shut up. XD
Oh and Bloody Mary! i'm waiting for Justine to just fucking fly out of nowhere and destroy her! >:D evil laughter Yes.....I loved this, dude! Can't wait to read the next section!
Smoke and Mirrors... Part: Four
Back at the Trip Trap...
Zylen, Bigby and Snow walked in. There was a huge smoke cloud from when Justi… morene was in there, Zelyn could tell she had too much to smoke and too much to drink. Although he didn't really care, both were already practically dead so it didn't matter how much they drank or how much they smoked just like a Fable. The first thing Zylen saw was Jack asking for darts, Bigby began to walk forward and tried to confront Holly about her sisters death. Jack then began to get in Bigbys way and began to irritate Bigby. Zylen exhaled and thought how annoying Jack was so he decided to act on it. He walked over to Jack and put his hand on his gun.
"Get out Jack..." He said gazing into Jacks eyes.
Jack felt chills down his spine, but he still found some humor. "Hey Skelle-bro! Long time no see! In fact we shoul-" Zylenn punched him in the gut.
"Out..." Zylen said
Jack began to slowly ste… [view original content]
Zylen hisses and backs into a corner lol! XD Zylen does like mind games Oh they'll fight, but later on All he had to do was sit down XD
Georgie is a smart man, plus the crooked man called ahead of time. So Mary couldn't pull him in to fight XD It's like Justine knew exactly what would happen Lol I can see him just sitting on a couch curled up with cinnamon buns! Lol!
If bloody mary even lays a finger on Zylen she's dead! XD Imminent torture scene inbound! Lol!
Oh my poor baby! :'o Bad, Zylen! squirts with spary bottle I can see we're playing good cop bad, eh Zylen? I was waiting for Bigby and his l… moreittle partner in crime to fist fight! Gren, you sexy, stubborn man! >:(
I love how Georgie is hiding away at the club and the other goons are all on their own! XD Smart man. I too wish it was like this. Leave Georgie be and go after the REAL threat but that's just me. He's too precious, that Georgie. I'd watch it, Porgie You have two pretty pissed off dudes in your club. Just find Lyla, eat your cinnamon buns and shut up. XD
Oh and Bloody Mary! i'm waiting for Justine to just fucking fly out of nowhere and destroy her! >:D evil laughter Yes.....I loved this, dude! Can't wait to read the next section!
Oh. Shit. Is...is he really dead? Damn dude o.o I didn't expect that, I was secretly rooting for Issac because I thought I knew he'd get his shit kicked in but...damn dude o.o RIP in peace Nick...
This was awesome dude! I also heard Mad Max was really good as well, I might have to see it at some point XD. Keep up the awesome work, I look forward to more!
-sigh- Never again am I writing a chapter from 1am till 3am... I'm tired and I've gotta go to the gym in 3 hours time, lack of sleep makes m… moree really moody, but it's my own fault. I hope you all enjoy the chapter though!
Vampire Challenge Chapter 7 – Conflict
Nick and Jayne reached The Gas Works about 15 minutes before sundown, so long as Nick was inside the club when night fell, then the chances of him killing any humans was reduced. Though it seemed that humans wouldn’t be a problem here, the bouncer refused to let in anyone that wasn’t a Vampire! The bouncer let Jayne in, but stopped Nick in his tracks, Nick glared at the bouncer but it seemed that a fight was more likely right now than a verbal discussion, that is until Jayne whispered in the big and black bouncers ear “He’s my snack for tonight...” The bouncer stared at Nick for a while longer before letting him pass.
Nick leaned down to Jayne’s ear as some punk girl in a shiny … [view original content]
Worked hard on this like usual. Feedback would be appreciated, too. As you all know. Expect some twists if any of you remember what's going on in my story. I was thinking on posting this and the rest of my story on Fanfiction to be on the safe side.
Chapter 11, Part 2: Survivor
"HAHAHA, you're going to kill me? Don't make me laugh. Just who do ya think you are?"
The girl smirks. "This." Her clothes began to slowly rip apart, her skin growing tufts of fur all over, and finally - horns and a towering stature adding to her now-intimidating appearance.
"Ah, a minotaur! Explains why you got caught so easily by one of my guys earlier."
The woman roars and pins him against the nearest wall, voice booming in hostility.
"Whoa! Skipping the formalities, aren't we? Very well." He smiles. "Afraid I don't know what you're talking about, love."
Daniel coughs. "Alright, alright, if ya want to know that much." He grunts. "Her head is over there," He nods to a corner of the room. "Top shelf, far left corner."
"What - no, NO! YOU'RE LYING!"
"Would I? Well, I guess anyone would in a situation like this - but I assure you, this is no joke."
She growls, and placed both hands around his neck, tightening her grip.
"Hey, HEY!" Hold on now! Y-you haven't seen the jar up cl-close. Errugh!" Daniel struggled to breathe. Or so she thought.
She loosened her grip to let him speak. "Please, just look at the jar. Also, mind ya manners when you're by my collection."
"Whatever, you're coming with me." She wrapped her arm around his neck as if he was a doll. Meanwhile, she carefully walked over to the shelves of jars of what she assumed were mutilated body parts or organs of his previous victims. Unbelievably, she assumed right.
Looking at the head in the jar she was directed to, she reads the label on it. "Carie."
"Oh my," She tears up. "It really is you - just what in the fuck has he done to you, little sis?"
The minotaur turns her head. "YOU'RE DEAD." And yet, she pauses, noticing that the little man she held captive was gone. "Huh?"
Daniel's voice echoes in the room. "Bet you didn't expect that to happen, did ya?"
She yells. "Sorcery!"
"Not quite."
She smashes the table in front of her. "Come out and face me!"
"Sure, but you won't like the odds..." The metal door closes itself shut, while the only light bulb in the room flickers on and off rapidly. Then, the bulb changes back to normal.
Standing still, the minotaur faces her now-transparent opponent: a red, misty form of the Irishman to picture.
After her heart skips a beat, she stutters for the first time ever in her life. "G... g... gg..."
"Scared? Don't blame you. It seems that whenever I turn into, well, this. I tend to frighten the shit out of my victims. Don't worry though, it'll all be over soon, sweet.
She raises her fists, getting her horns ready in her 'final stand'. "Try me."
"And as always, they think they can harm me, but they never do. Believe me, all of 'em tried."
"Anyway, your beasty eyes will make a fine asset for my collection." He holds up his knife and floats towards her. "Now, stay the fuck still."
She swats at the air in panic as he comes closer, hoping that somehow the spirit would fade away. "No, no, get away! Get awa- AHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Silence.
Outside of the room...
"Fuck, fuck, she's dying in there! We've got to do something!"
"And do what, huh? Flail our bodies at the door until he opens up? Nuh-uh, ain't gonna happen. 'Sides, we can't do shit with the restraints around our wrists, as you and the rest of us already know."
The man sighed. "You're right. If only we were her, she's the only one who got rid of her restraints earlier, please tell me you guys saw it too."
"No," The other man responded. "Not really, considering we can't sense things through walls like you can."
"Yeah, but the door wasn't fully shut all the way." He looks at him and the others. "Nothing? Seriously?"
They shake their heads.
"Damn, well - wait. The fight between them has ended. He's doing something to her now. Oh god, the things he's thinking on doing to her!"
The two women whimper at his prediction, while the guy with the broken knee cringes at his exaggeration.
"Wait, wait, she's waking up now. Not like the previous others..."
Roars, breaking glass, and muffled yells were heard. Then, outward dents started to form on the door.
"It's her, she's managed to escape!"
CRASH, CRASH, BOOM. The metal door falls off its hinges in front of them. The minotaur walks out bloodied, with only one eye left.
"The key, I've got the fucking key. And his petty knife..."
She walks over to the other prisoners to free them, attempting to unlock the metal contraptions as fast as possible.
After a minute, "There," the final restraint clicks open after the key was inserted. "The last one."
The mom and her daughter sigh in relief. "How can we ever repay you?"
"With nothing. Go. Before he regains his senses and kills you all."
"Aren't you coming with us?" The psychic asks.
"No. After what he did to my eye and my sister, I've no reason to live anymore."
The psychic adds in furthermore. "Don't be like that, we-"
"I am like that, now go."
The psychic looks at her in pity. He sighs, realizing it was no use arguing with a beast such as her. He directs his attention to the mom and the teen. "Up the stairs, the two of you. When you both get the door open, try and pull Johnny up. I'll do the opposite by pushing."
They nod and went to work at the cellar door up top, which they got open without difficulty.
Looking around to make sure no one was there, the two press their stomachs against the grass and hold out their hands from the surface.
"Here Johhny, grab their hands."
"Alright. Piece of shit Daniel breaking my knee, still can't believe it." He grabs onto their hands, as they pull with all their might on their end. The psychic pushes from his feet up.
"It's working! Come on girls, you can do it! And you as well, string bean."
"Fuck off with the jokes, big guy. Maybe you should make yourself less heavier next time."
Many seconds later, Johnny finally makes it up on the surface. The girls and him wave at the psychic to come up.
He looks at the minotaur. "Please come with us."
"No. I'll break the steps leading out of this place if you ask me again, trapping you down here with me."
"Fine. Can I get your name at least?"
"Beautiful name. Mine's John."
She grunts. "Plain name, but a nice one at that."
He makes his away up the cellar stairs. Groans were heard from the room she was previously in. "Lock the cellar door." She told the four above.
"What?" The psychic said.
"Just do it!"
As much as they hated her request, one of them did just that. The minotaur was trapped in complete darkness, apart from the light that was emitting from the room before her.
Daniel's voice echoed. "You broke my jars, all the precious work I did. UNDONE BY YOU, BITCH!"
"Should've put them in a more secure place other than shelves."
"SHUT UP!" He breathes in and out to calm himself. "You've done more than enough to earn the right to be made minotaur meat by my hands."
Before Taharia had a chance to get ready, the now-insane Irishman impales a chainsaw through the back of her skull.
"Huh? You like that!?" He mixes the blade furiously around in her noggin. Brain chunks, skull bits, and bits of tissue were flying around everywhere. To make matters worse, he made sure her head was nothing more than a pile of mush after he was done. Numerous pints of blood caked the floor and ceiling, including his nice shoes.
"My goddamn shoes, shit. Oh well, had to be done. Bitch was technically streaking on my property for having her minotaur tits out like that."
"Hmmm," He picks up one of her horns. "Interesting to see that even they can withstand the force of a chainsaw. Could make for a nice display at Leppy's bar."
Putting the chainsaw back in its original spot, he walked the steps to the surface door, trying to open it. "Of course they locked it. Don't want to change to my spirit form with all this blood on my clothes."
More time passes. "Daniel, you still down there?"
"Yes, Chris, still here."
An unlocking sound was heard. "Boss, your girlfriend was asking about you, I - holy shit!"
"Yeah Chris, covered in blood, I know. Keep your voice down."
"May I ask how? How you're covered in blood, that is."
"Girl you brought in earlier, turned out to be a hassle. Broke my collection to get at me, and freed the rest while I was in shock."
"Oh, and the girl?"
"Dead, with her blood all over me, and on my nice fucking shoes - as you can tell."
"Now get me some new attire before I completely lose my mind here."
"Yes, sir."
"Ah, being in fresh clothes feels much better, though I could use a shower. Fuck it, I'll greet her like this. Nearly all the Mundies are back living their boring lives at the Dublin port, anyway."
"So, Daniel, what about the prisoners that escaped? Want me to get a team out to search for them?"
"Yes, but not now. Sure, they might tell others what I do here, but who's going to believe them when we can make the evidence simply disappear?"
Chris grins. "That's right, how could I forget about 'The Recycler'?"
"By the way, if you don't mind me changing the subject, your girlfriend is still waiting for you. She's growing impatient, Daniel."
"Like normal, she'll get over it. Take me to her."
Daniel walks over with Chris to the parking lot of the golf club. Surprised, he spots her leaning against her motorcycle instead of waiting at the club.
"Babe, I-"
"Don't you 'babe' me, Daniel. I-" Sniff, sniff. "Is that blood I smell?"
"Yeah, a minor incident in the clubs' kitchen. One of the chefs accidentally squirted pig blood on me."
"Uh-huh, sure."
Chris steps in to defend his boss. "It's true, Miss Albourne, I've seen it happen myself."
Abby rolls her eyes, tapping onto the right sleeve of her leather jacket. "You two are the worst liars I've heard in a long time. Thankfully for you both, I don't care enough this time to ask or find out. And Daniel?"
"Yes, Ab?"
"You're not getting a ride back." She sits on the padded seat of the bike. "Just so you know."
"I deserve it." He raises his arms to try and succumb to her - playing the innocent, defeated man.
Abby scoffs. "Common trick in the book, Danny boy. Strike 3 for you, meaning no sex tonight." She puts on her helmet, revs the cycle's engine motor, and drives away.
Sigh. "Could this day get any worse, Chris?"
"Hope not, Daniel."
A young man runs out from the golf club, waving his arms from a distance until he got closer. Another member of Daniel's well-kept gang, no doubt.
"Sir, sir!" He keels over a little, bending down to catch a short breath.
"Sir, what? Out with it, boy." Daniel glares at the kid. He always enjoyed toying with some of his younger, lower ranked members from time-to-time.
"You, uh, you got a phone call. From one of your hitmen, sir."
"Oh? Did he say what's it about?"
"He said it was urgent. Even recommended to be only heard from your ears only."
"Got it, I'll be there shortly to hear what he has to say. You can go now."
The man nods and walks back inside.
"Well, see ya tomorrow, Chris. Got a long day ahead of us."
"See ya, Daniel." Chris walks to his car in the parking lot, whilst Daniel goes to his office inside the club.
He picks up the phone. "Yes, what is it?"
"Sir, the target is in the United States. She's escaped."
"What do you mean she escaped? Even with the magical barriers placed around the country? How?"
The hitman responds. "Whatever the deal was, she managed to pull it off, but most likely with the help of some inside or outside forces."
"If any of them are in Ireland, I want them found!"
"Already done sir, a few we've captured. Would've been better off if they stayed there in America's Fabletown, to be honest."
"America's Fabletown, you say?"
"Yes, that is correct, sir."
"Okay, spot where you have the captives?"
"Ireland's eye."
"Good, I'll be there tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up with everything. Anything else?"
"Yes, actually. A few rival groups of guns are looking to collect on the Irishwoman's bounty. Italian, Russian, Chinese, you name it. Whoever put it out the bounty must've put a hefty reward for her."
"Quite." His grip tightens around the phone, almost breaking it.
"I'm here, it's just, that'll be all. Thanks." He hangs up.
"Fayde, Fayde, Fayde. I can't believe you would be willing to cower from your home country like this, and from your recently-deceased family as well. What a shame."
He grabs a black and white family photo from one of his desk drawers. Sighing sadly, he pins it to his dart board.
"Well, no more hiding from you, sweet sister of mine." He grabs a dart from a pack from another drawer. "You'll soon learn that your brother, the great Daniel O'Brien was the the one you've failed to kill." Taking aim, he throws the dart perfectly at Fayde's head in the picture. "Bullseye, Fayde Everwind - or should I say: Faye O'Brien?
This is a side of Nick which I cannot recall seeing. He is usually MUCH more of a premeditator and a calculator. He also consumes blood indiscriminately. Is the curse that much of a power over his will? I will never forgive him for that cat, though.
I'm on a roll! Got another chapter written, this one is kinda graphic at the start, but at least I have the story planned out now (I think) … moreSo please enjoy!
Vampire Challenge Chapter 5 – We Have Work To Do
Nick felt his teeth with both his fingers and his tongue, even his eyes had turned back to their usual heterochromatic selves. He looked back at Jayne and marched towards her, Jayne froze a little “What are you-” she gasped as Nick grabbed her face and checked over her features. Her skin was still cold, her eyes were still a disgusting red, and her incisors were still sharper and longer than usual.
The morning sun began to peek through the apartment and Jayne used Nick’s body as a shield against it, the problem with Nick’s apartment was that its large city-view window was North facing, and as a result it caught most of the sun’s rays when it rose each morning in New York. Nick knew that Vampires burned in the sun and was willing t… [view original content]
I am not a Greek Mythologist, but I have a certain amount of knowledge in the area. This Zylen appeals to me greatly. His interrogation of Dum was, to me, bliss. Reading that asshole being scared shitless made my day.
I am already a fan of Justine as well. I think that she and Gertraud should exchange notes over a cuppa.
Smoke and Mirrors... Part: Two
Zylen stood in the back with his headphones on. He didn't much care to see how Bigby went about his interr… moreogations. However whenever Zylen was a part of interrogations his real job beckoned to get out. Any other situation and he could care less. When he was younger and more human, he was beaten countless times a day. For some reason he correlated his beatings to interrogations, and it made him want payback... He watched as Bluebeard and Bigby fought with one another and Crane getting upset when Bigby shoved a picture of 'the dead snow white'. Zylen could hear the words Dum was letting out and it irritated him to no end. Bigby looked Zylens way, he noticed that there was something wrong with Zylen. Zylens chest began to feel hot and his 'heart' began to race, he had to do something. Bluebeard looked at Zylen.
"What can't handle it? I knew you weren't Fabletown material." Bluebeard said
This pushed Zylen … [view original content]
The war of Fabletown part 5
"Everything happens for a reason, even if you are not yet wise enough to see it. People change so you can lea… morern to let go and sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together." -Unknown
Fabletown. Some time ago....
Gren could feel his heart beating faster, as he stepped out of his apartment and into the streets. Handcuffed, the Sheriff walked him to the end of the sidewalk. The two Fables stayed away from prying eyes; Bigby leaned against a light pole, took out a cigarette and offered one to Gren. Shaking his head, Gren remained still and alarmed. He had no idea where these accusations came from or why. He had NEVER done something so vile.
Snow had to keep Georgie back, as he screamed into the afternoon. It was rather warm for an October day but the gentle, caressing wind made it easier for those caught in the sudden heat wave. Bigby watched as Lyla pulls her husband back; the Fable … [view original content]
Ah no no, Georgie and Gren do deserve those women because they saved them from going down the dark path's; Jersey was already on the dark path and not looking to turn back... He worked for the Crooked Man, Georgie had no say in what happened to him, and Gren was just trying to get by in life, but Jersey? He had everything he needed, and did as he pleased with no regrets.
Look, you don't seem to realise how much this is pissing me off, I understand that this is what happens dude, I do, but it doesn't mean I should feel pity for someone holding onto a belief that is so old-fashioned it should be a crime to be homophobic or racist or whatever else! -sigh- rant over, let's move on, things like this are touchy subjects for me because I cannot stand this type of behaviour, I don't tolerate it from anyone, and if people give me the look and pass it off as a joke, I really couldn't give two shits >:(
Damaged toes, ok
I figured she would notice, but I like to be sure of these things
Yeah, would it be ok? It won't be as bad as the one I did for Noah (well, Jersey won't be dead at the end of it)
And I'm keeping that promise, Hman.
I understand and I'm sure Pie read this and forced a smile. I never wanted to have anyone hate Jers… moreey. Just show that this shit does happen. Trust me, for I've been through it with my own father and 'friends' but he will get better. Saying he does not deserve Katie is like stating Georgie does not deserve Lyla or Gren to Emily. Any of our OC's or others that have done shitty things in the past. We learn. Some tale longer (like Jersey) but they learn. There is a reason behind my sanity, so just hang on.
Robert's toes was damaged with the bat, so he is weak for the moment. Give him a few more hours and he'll be good to go. :)And Lyla. She noticed. TRUST me. Can't forget a thing like Grendel blood but I have my ways, Hman.
Oh God for Jersey?
Thanks, Hman!
Oh. Shit. Is...is he really dead? Damn dude o.o I didn't expect that, I was secretly rooting for Issac because I thought I knew he'd get his… more shit kicked in but...damn dude o.o RIP in peace Nick...
This was awesome dude! I also heard Mad Max was really good as well, I might have to see it at some point XD. Keep up the awesome work, I look forward to more!
No no it's fine, I love comments on all my stuff anyways :P
The curse only affects Nick at night, but even he can feel full after a while, the feeling just doesn't last for more than like 10-15 minutes. Nick can't plan ahead for everything! And this situation didn't exactly call for any of what you mentioned
Well considering that he is no longer a Harbinger, yes, the curse can take over his will like that. And Nick didn't kill the cat or the dog, he could smell their blood and it wasn't appealing to him at all, so he walked on by...
This may be a bit late, but screw it.
This is a side of Nick which I cannot recall seeing. He is usually MUCH more of a premeditator and … morea calculator. He also consumes blood indiscriminately. Is the curse that much of a power over his will? I will never forgive him for that cat, though.
I am not a Greek Mythologist, but I have a certain amount of knowledge in the area. This Zylen appeals to me greatly. His interrogation of D… moreum was, to me, bliss. Reading that asshole being scared shitless made my day.
I am already a fan of Justine as well. I think that she and Gertraud should exchange notes over a cuppa.
I'm seriously crying right now....it's 4am and I'm crying as I write this but the tears are good and I'll allow them to fall. A year ago, I joined this marvelous forum and took a chance at writing some fanfic. It had been a year since my last actual fanfic for another show, so I was not too sure. I took a chance and I'm pleased to say, no regrets. The Porgie Clan was never meant to go this far, nor mean a whole hell of a lot to me but they have stolen a large slice of my heart and there, they shall always be. No regrets; GeorgiexLyla until the bitter end, along with their rambunctious, seven children with different stories and now, children of their own. We've lost a few on the way but one will forever be with me....Ethan, my good man, you will be missed. I want to thank Dragon for creating this thread and those that have been with me since day one and those that joined later but saw the point I was trying to make with my tale; on this emotional rollercoaster as we stepped into the lives of Georgie Porgie and Lyla Smith and it has been one hell of a ride. The Porgies shall continue through my drawings but for the writing, think their tale has been told.
Vivian is granted her wish to remain on Earth. She finally knows where she belongs. She is forever the guardian to Emily Porgie and keeps a close eye on the children. Gren finds it odd at moments, seeing the former hostess of the Pudding n' Pie but he knows it brings Emily much joy. He's still getting use to it. Vivian is no longer invisible to a living soul and can be seen by all. She and Nick reunite and are more in love then ever before. A month after returning, Vivian learns she is pregnant and nine months later, gives birth to a little boy, whom they name David Ethan. The baby is solid blue and is see-through but nothing a glamour can not fix. He enjoys chasing the quads around and even adopted a ghost Cat to play with. Puddles it not pleased...As reward to Nick for being there in Georgie's darkest hours and for the twins, he now has a permanent body
but keeps his ghostly apperance. No ghost sex ever continued in Emily and Gren's bed ever again.
Rosie thinks about her mother and brothers from time to time but only the good memories she recalls as a child. But those last for only a short time. Rosie keeps busy with work and is now a fulltime nanny to a disabled child. Looking after Erica during her darkest times has given Rosie a wonderful opportunity, passion and spark to help this world one person at a time. She graduated college with her Master's degree and couldn't be more happy with life. She lives in the country side with Woody and even started a mini ranch with a Horse, Geese and several Pigs. Woody found a job as a carpenter and with the help from Gren and several other Fable men, built a home for himself and Rosie. They married later
that year and are expecting a little boy in the summer. Gren and Emily are estatic and can't wait to be grandparents. Rosie has the nursery decorated. Woody can not recall seeing so many fishes in a child's room.
Michelle becomes the Toothfairy and can rest easy knowing she now has a choice. Every so often, she has dreams of her father and mother but those rarely happen now. She gives birth to a boy that summer and looks identical to Ethan. She has never been more in love then she is with her son. EJ is just what she needed. Erica has her own guardian in the mason jar and adores her blue Ladybug and little brother. She's grown rapidly, is intelligent and is enthusiastic about the world and life. She rarely uses her powers and if needed, only for good. Michelle will forever be grateful to Ethan for giving their daughter another chance at life. She misses him terribly but one day, they'll all reunite as one.
Isaiah Grendel retrned to the North Pole after the war but stays in contact with both Gren and Robert. He continues to work beside Santa and keeps his Vampire secret to himself. Well, only one person has figured it out but she won't say a single word. Sheila Porgie thinks the secret is awesome and out of respect, has not revieled it. Rumor has it Sheila is connected to the swamp beast and is his future mate but who really knows. Every night, he looks to the heavens and thanks his family and will remain loyal until the end.
Robert Grendel is proud to be second in charge beside Gren. He's a satisfied Grendel and is pleased to know his little brother has found happiness after all these centuries. Robert keeps in touch with his son RJ and loves his many neices and nephews. After the war, he moved to the Pine Barrens and relocated in a log cabin he built with his own two hands. He and Frank, Jersey's brother, are happily together and are in the process of adopting a little girl. RJ can not wait to babysit his younger sibling and is proud of his father for being himself and accepting life. Robert is overwhelmed with love and he wouldn't have it any other way.
Peter Porgie remains the Sheriff of Fabletown. He's finally accepted his back ground and has searched out his sister Winter, in hopes she'll teach him the ways of the North Wind. Snow White is proud and welcomes Peter to visit and be around his half siblings. He and Holly are expecting their second child in the fall and Lily Faith can not wait to be an older sister. She's hoping for another girl, just so she can 'dress' her up in pretty dresses. Ethan's memory lives on in the Woodlands; during Remeberance Day, a speech and moment of silence for the fallen Fable that gave his life to protect. Erica wants to take his place as Deputy Mayor when the time comes. For now, the postion belongs to Gren. Peter can not be more proud of his brother-in-law.
Katie and Jersey are happy as can be with their thirteen girls. Katie remains the Council leader for the Wolves. She has rebuild the fallen city to what it once was. Malcom remains her second in command and rules the city with a stern, yet friendly fist. Speaking of Malcom, he has a special place in the Leeds household. Katie and Jersey learned their youngest daughter, Hope, is connected to Malcom. He finally has a reason in life. All thirteen girls are growing, rambunctious and mischevious. Jersey is terrified of the teen years but is prepared...
Penelope and Johann are no longer together but remain civil for their only son, Josiah. They both have moved on; Johann remains the Butcher, as Penelope is now the Librarian and assistant for Peter. Josiah is developing quickly and his Wolf senses grow stronger each day. He hopes
to be a pack leader one day like his grandfather.
After the war, Georgie Junor lurks around the shadows and mirrors, keeping evil at bay. When he's not busy doing so, he's the bartender for the Trip Trap, loving father and devoted husband. Mary is a stay-at-home mom and loves being busy with the children, cooking and keeping the
home neat and tidy. Rumor has it, she and Junior want to add as many children to their family as they can. George is an honor roll student and is very friendly with Blossom Wolf, daughter to Snow White and Bigby Wolf. Mary and Snow play around with the idea of one day being mother-in-laws. Seems like that's the direction these two are heading, don't you think? Sheila Porgie wants to be the next Fable to roam the mirrors but she's in no hurry. She's more curious about Isaiah's 'secret' world....Twins Aubrey and Sophia are occupied with school, gossip and dolls. They use their fireball powers only for s'mores and scaring off birds. Twins Haylee and Damien are trouble together and have become inseperable. Junior swears it's like his brothers Ethan and Peter's relationship when they were kids.
After forty eight hours of intense labor, Emily and Gren welcomed three beautiful, happy and healthy baby girls. Aaliyah Logan, a little Wolf that resembles Lyla in many ways. Brooklyn Snow was second born into the world and looks identical to her mother but has Lyla's heart of gold. Third born is miss Calla Rose and is the Grendel of the bunch. So far, no known powers but in time, Gren and Emily hope each have their own special little gifts. They are easy girls and are loved by their large family. Liam is actually pleased to be the only boy, for he does not have to share his toys and has a room all to himself. Aaliyah, Calla and Brooklyn love to watch the Price is Right with daddy and their older siblings while mommy cleans the home. Emily swears all three girls have Gren's short attention span and are entertained by the smallest things. She and Gren would love to have more children in the future; Gren wants at LEAST ten and Emily agrees that's a good number. Speaking of the quads, each of those little buggers are doing wonderfully and have a bright future ahead of them:
Viviana guards the gates of the Underworld but returns to Earth to live her life with family and friends. Hades shall wait until SHE is ready to take her place in the throne beside him. The Underworld awaits their new Queen. Viviana is proud to be a striking resemblence to their guardian angel and has no regrets or remorse for the blonde haired woman. She was merely protecting what belonged to her. I hear she grows up be exactly like Vivian but the young woman she desired to be before everything occured with the Crooked Man. Viviana is a gentle soul with so much love to give. Her parents couldn't be more proud.
Liam is delighted to say he no longer doubts himself. Rumor has it he grows to be a powerful leader and Alpha to his own pack, as his grandfather Thomas was once. He claims to still see him and Calla from time to time and Gren appreciates his parents for believing in their own way. It brought his son a new outlook on life. With the Grendels that walk beside him and always looked to the young boy for answers, Liam rebuilds the community and creates a new beginning for the swamp creatures. His abilities come in handy when defending the small and weak. He grows into the young man always planned for little Liam. I overheard Jack Horner say the mini Gren is built like his uncle Robert with the brains of his uncle Isaiah and heart of his father. Liam can not be more overjoyed to be the descendant to Emily Porgie and Grendel.
While Liam becomes the new voice to the Grendels, Seraphina is the leader for the Wood Elves. She has become what her grandmother Calla was once in the Homelands. After much suffering for the Fables, they are given a second chance. Both siblings create a peace treaty for the two worlds and there has been nothing but love since. Seraphina is a wonderful Enchantress and practices her new found gifts with her father and mother from time to time. She is loved by all and saught after for much needed guidance and wisdom. In the future, she and Sunflower marry. With a provided glamour, the two go on and create a family of their own but that's not for another couple decades down the road. Emily jokes when it comes to her Seraphina and swears she's Gren but as a girl. Wonder where she heard such a thing...guess this is to be true, for everything reminds Fabletown of Gren when they look at his daughter. She couldn't be more content of this. Just don't anger her TOO much. Last guy that did that, ended up in the ground.
Chloe is satisfied in her own world and strides to learn as much as she can. Her goal in life is to work with the broken-Fables, Wolves, Halfers. Anyone-so something like Carla does not happen again. Chloe wishes to aide the fallen and forgotten. But for the time being, she practices her shadow manpulation and uses this more for shadow puppets during sleepovers or an excuse to play hide-n-seek with her cousins George and Sheila. The carbon copy of Emily is destined to take her mother's place when the time comes but that's not for a very long time. She takes pleasure in learning a few new techiques every now and then and spends a lot of quality time with her parents and siblings. Speculation has it Chloe and Connor Wolf are an item in the future but no one is too sure for the time being. The two are close friends at the moment, so it's a possibility.....
Georgie and Lyla are more in love and remain together now and always. Forever forward. I hear they took a much needed vacation to England and stayed for almost two months. They renewed their vows a year ago and can't wait to live a normal lives with their children, grandchildren and hopefully, great grandchildren. Georgie is no longer afraid to openly talk about his past and is slowly working on overcoming his fear of the dark. Lyla holds his hands with every step, painful tear and forgiving laughter. The 'monster' is gone and no longer consumes the Fables' life. Georgie has found true happiness, as did Lyla. Lyla's parents John and Nancy Smith still reside in their private settlement in the hills of Fabletown. They both still think of their fallen daughters and what could have possibly gone wrong but the sunlight brought by their loved ones eases the pain. Both are still going strong and see no need in slowing down just yet.
Fabletown is slowly recovering from all the suffering. They all move forward, as it's recommended to heal wounds. Wonderful what time can do; scars remain, yes but those alive try to mose past it and live for the moments blessed to them. Eventually, Gren and Emily will remove themselves like Calla and Thomas had; they'll pass on the bow and title of Alpha one day but that's for another life. They, along with the others, have changed for the better. Gren is thankful to have found his true calling, happiness and love with Emily Porgie. Looking back, he sees where the clues were and his destination in this world. He'd go through it all over again, knowing what he does now. Emily's wish came true. Every dream she created. Becoming a part of Gren's life gave her a new chance. She's forever thankful to Vivian; she was so lost without either and can not see her life any other way. She holds the title of protector closely to her heart. Together, they love deeper, smile brighter, fly higher and laugh a lot more. All because two people fell in love...
Happy endings do indeed qualify for Fables such as them. Think this is how the story was meant to end...for all of them.They remained as one, just like the times before. Forever Forward for they were, the Porgie Clan. And they lived happily ever after.
The End
And that does it, folks. Any questions or comments, you know the drill. If there are any questions, I'd be more then happy to answer them. If not, I, along with the Porgies, would like to thank you all for the love and support. I'll continue to draw and you can see them on my DA site. Hopefully in the fall of this year or spring of 2016, I'll begin a digital comic of the Porgie Clan but as children. Looking forward to that project. Thank you all once again. Thid was indeed one hell of a ride!
Ah it's always nice to see another psychotic man and his collection of trophies, however it's even better when the psychotic man loses his collectibles and goes on a rampage! XD I like Daniel don't know why lol the dude is a nut job. And he's Faydes brother!? Damn man I'm seeing a lot of twists as of late o.o Is she a couple screws loose like him? I guess we'll have to see!
Feedback wise this was awesome! I look forward to more!
Worked hard on this like usual. Feedback would be appreciated, too. As you all know. Expect some twists if any of you remember what's going… more on in my story. I was thinking on posting this and the rest of my story on Fanfiction to be on the safe side.
Chapter 11, Part 2: Survivor
"HAHAHA, you're going to kill me? Don't make me laugh. Just who do ya think you are?"
The girl smirks. "This." Her clothes began to slowly rip apart, her skin growing tufts of fur all over, and finally - horns and a towering stature adding to her now-intimidating appearance.
"Ah, a minotaur! Explains why you got caught so easily by one of my guys earlier."
The woman roars and pins him against the nearest wall, voice booming in hostility.
"Whoa! Skipping the formalities, aren't we? Very well." He smiles. "Afraid I don't know what you're talking about, love."
She slams his head against the wall. "YOU DO KNOW. DON'T … [view original content]
Wait....did Nick just die? Like, for real, he's gone?Nah! He'll return. He has to come back. I mean, this is the tank that can never be put down. Sure, Isaac is something else and I thought the scene was done perfectly but to kill Nick? I mean, he JUST got with Jayne! He and Damien were going to be the duo of pure comedy but, if you say he's dead RIP, my good man. I'll be waiting for your return, though....
I want to see that movie. Maybe I'll go later with Jacob.
-sigh- Never again am I writing a chapter from 1am till 3am... I'm tired and I've gotta go to the gym in 3 hours time, lack of sleep makes m… moree really moody, but it's my own fault. I hope you all enjoy the chapter though!
Vampire Challenge Chapter 7 – Conflict
Nick and Jayne reached The Gas Works about 15 minutes before sundown, so long as Nick was inside the club when night fell, then the chances of him killing any humans was reduced. Though it seemed that humans wouldn’t be a problem here, the bouncer refused to let in anyone that wasn’t a Vampire! The bouncer let Jayne in, but stopped Nick in his tracks, Nick glared at the bouncer but it seemed that a fight was more likely right now than a verbal discussion, that is until Jayne whispered in the big and black bouncers ear “He’s my snack for tonight...” The bouncer stared at Nick for a while longer before letting him pass.
Nick leaned down to Jayne’s ear as some punk girl in a shiny … [view original content]
I had to go back and read this again because I'm trying to recall the lat chapter. I remember bits and pieces, so hopefully I don't butcher this too much. First off, holy shit. When you described the Minotaur, I was thinking it was Dixa for a minute. Maybe because of the description, until you told me her name. I was sad to see her leave so soon but seems like Daniel is no playing around. So, in those jars, they are all Banshees? Is Daniel, Chris and the the others sort of like 'bounty' hunters in Ireland? After the jars were smashed open, Fayde was able to escape, it would seem like.
Daniel must be in some sort of hunter's club or something. They are seeking out the Banshee and have hitmen. I have a feeling Fayde did something to Daniel or he's just a douche. He does not appear to have the same qualities as Fayde, so I'm wondering if he just hates the creatures and was pissed his sister is one or, as stated before, he's a dick. :P Interesting little twist there, knowing Daniel IS her brother. Changed her name and everything. No wonder she ran away.
I'm wondering if that demon she has is not the work of Daniel. Hm. I liked this a lot and look forward to reading, if it be here or on ff.net. Seems like everyone is heading in that direction these days. XD -brofist-
Worked hard on this like usual. Feedback would be appreciated, too. As you all know. Expect some twists if any of you remember what's going… more on in my story. I was thinking on posting this and the rest of my story on Fanfiction to be on the safe side.
Chapter 11, Part 2: Survivor
"HAHAHA, you're going to kill me? Don't make me laugh. Just who do ya think you are?"
The girl smirks. "This." Her clothes began to slowly rip apart, her skin growing tufts of fur all over, and finally - horns and a towering stature adding to her now-intimidating appearance.
"Ah, a minotaur! Explains why you got caught so easily by one of my guys earlier."
The woman roars and pins him against the nearest wall, voice booming in hostility.
"Whoa! Skipping the formalities, aren't we? Very well." He smiles. "Afraid I don't know what you're talking about, love."
She slams his head against the wall. "YOU DO KNOW. DON'T … [view original content]
Whew, wow dude, it was quite a ride, I hope I knuckle down and read it all from the start someday! I was saddened by the notion that Bigby wasn't present to witness these events, live his life with Snow and watch their 7 Cubs grow old, but he's out there somewhere, and I know he's smiling.
I do have some questions actually, hope you're ready:
The first one is the most obvious, in spite of your claim that the tale has been told for the Porgie Clan, there is always a possibility of more, whether it's to do with the children or maybe the adults, a writer's mind does tend to revisit the past a lot. So my first question is is there a chance that you will explore the Porgie Clan again in the future?
With Johann and Penelope separated, I do wonder why they drifted apart. I am also curious to know if they are each seeing anyone new??
Although this has not happened, would it be possible for Georgie and Lyla to have more children? It's a strange question, but Fables live for a very long time and can potentially just reproduce all their lives...
Now for a hard question, was there ever a moment where you considered killing off a more dearer character? Like permanently killing off Georgie or Lyla or Gren or Emily etc.? Ethan was tragic and I will miss him like everyone else, but what made you choose Ethan above the others?
I think I'm done bombarding you now dude, my last question is a general one: Are you done with writing on this thread or will you continue to grace us with your works from time to time?
You did amazing dude, you should be very proud of yourself! XD -virtual hug-
I'm seriously crying right now....it's 4am and I'm crying as I write this but the tears are good and I'll allow them to fall. A year ago, I … morejoined this marvelous forum and took a chance at writing some fanfic. It had been a year since my last actual fanfic for another show, so I was not too sure. I took a chance and I'm pleased to say, no regrets. The Porgie Clan was never meant to go this far, nor mean a whole hell of a lot to me but they have stolen a large slice of my heart and there, they shall always be. No regrets; GeorgiexLyla until the bitter end, along with their rambunctious, seven children with different stories and now, children of their own. We've lost a few on the way but one will forever be with me....Ethan, my good man, you will be missed. I want to thank Dragon for creating this thread and those that have been with me since day one and those that joined later but saw the point I was trying to make with my tale; on this emotio… [view original content]
Dude you had me almost at tears in the beginning with the message, then you mention the blue lady bug again and I'm crying, and super long story short Tetra slips on his headphones I'm going to go sob like a child in the corner now.
This was so awesome!!! Digital Comic you say? I'd read and pay for it! I'm not one to use hash tags but eh what the hell! #PorgieClan One question though! Are you going to start another story?
I'm seriously crying right now....it's 4am and I'm crying as I write this but the tears are good and I'll allow them to fall. A year ago, I … morejoined this marvelous forum and took a chance at writing some fanfic. It had been a year since my last actual fanfic for another show, so I was not too sure. I took a chance and I'm pleased to say, no regrets. The Porgie Clan was never meant to go this far, nor mean a whole hell of a lot to me but they have stolen a large slice of my heart and there, they shall always be. No regrets; GeorgiexLyla until the bitter end, along with their rambunctious, seven children with different stories and now, children of their own. We've lost a few on the way but one will forever be with me....Ethan, my good man, you will be missed. I want to thank Dragon for creating this thread and those that have been with me since day one and those that joined later but saw the point I was trying to make with my tale; on this emotio… [view original content]
Nick is dead in this story, and he ain't coming back. I have no issue with telling you all this, one reason I decided to kill him off was because of JJ and his pointing out that no matter what, Nick can never be permanently stopped. Well guess what JJ, I found a way! Also I knew it would be a huge shock to the audience :P
As for everyone else's reaction to Nick dying, I have some perspectives to show next chapter
Wait....did Nick just die? Like, for real, he's gone?Nah! He'll return. He has to come back. I mean, this is the tank that can never be put … moredown. Sure, Isaac is something else and I thought the scene was done perfectly but to kill Nick? I mean, he JUST got with Jayne! He and Damien were going to be the duo of pure comedy but, if you say he's dead RIP, my good man. I'll be waiting for your return, though....
I want to see that movie. Maybe I'll go later with Jacob.
I know. I'm still cleaning my freaking face. XP I'm a mess. My babies. :')
Good luck with that mess. lmao He's out there. I wanted to focus on my clan. Leave Snow & Bigby to my senpai Bill. XD
Here are the answers:
As of right now, me writing the Porgie Clan is finished. However, you never know. I may get a spark and run with it. I'll be creating a digital comic of the Porgie clan kids and how their childhood would shape them into the adults we know and love now. Reasons behind some unanswered questions. If I do return to creating a story, I'll pick right up with their children and go from there.
Johann and Penelope are from two different worlds and they do love one another but not the way a man and woman should. More like sleeping with your best friend. They felt a seperation was best and it has been. They are civil and love their son. I hear he's single and still working as a Butcher and she is dating some guy. Hear they are taking it slow but she does adore him.
I have considered this in the past before but to be honest, no. Seven is a good number for them. Plus, Georgie got snipped not too long ago. They don't want to take chances. XD
Yes actually. Emily. She was on the chopping block during Georgie Junior's tale but I felt like she did not have a chance to develop as a character like the others and the idea to place her with Gren was like an itch that needed to be scratched and I could no longer ignore it. I almost killed off Lyla some time ago but I couldn't do that to either her or Georgie. Gren? No, never. That grease ball grew on me. I didn't want to kill off Peter. Ever. And the Porgies had a curse, as you know it. Each child's was different. Only one that didn't get it was Junior and no one is sure as to why this is. Ethan was the last to show it. His was too severe, though. He'd die either way. Curse would only end if that person sacrificed themself; for if they didn't, it was passed on to the next generation and start all over. He did it for love and to give a second chance to a little girl that stole his heart.
Ah. This question. From time to time, I might post, especially during challenges. But I think I'm done. I want to focus on my artwork, being a father, wonderful husband and tackle that digital project.
Thanks, my good man. I appreciate the love. Bittersweet but well worth it. -brofist-
The End... :')
Whew, wow dude, it was quite a ride, I hope I knuckle down and read it all from the start someday! I was saddened by the n… moreotion that Bigby wasn't present to witness these events, live his life with Snow and watch their 7 Cubs grow old, but he's out there somewhere, and I know he's smiling.
I do have some questions actually, hope you're ready:
* The first one is the most obvious, in spite of your claim that the tale has been told for the Porgie Clan, there is always a possibility of more, whether it's to do with the children or maybe the adults, a writer's mind does tend to revisit the past a lot. So my first question is is there a chance that you will explore the Porgie Clan again in the future?
* With Johann and Penelope separated, I do wonder why they drifted apart. I am also curious to know if they are each seeing anyone new??
* Although this has not happened, would it be possible for Georgie and Lyla to hav… [view original content]
I know. I'm still cleaning my freaking face. XP I'm a mess. My babies. :')
Good luck with that mess. lmao He's out there. I wanted to foc… moreus on my clan. Leave Snow & Bigby to my senpai Bill. XD
Here are the answers:
* As of right now, me writing the Porgie Clan is finished. However, you never know. I may get a spark and run with it. I'll be creating a digital comic of the Porgie clan kids and how their childhood would shape them into the adults we know and love now. Reasons behind some unanswered questions. If I do return to creating a story, I'll pick right up with their children and go from there.
* Johann and Penelope are from two different worlds and they do love one another but not the way a man and woman should. More like sleeping with your best friend. They felt a seperation was best and it has been. They are civil and love their son. I hear he's single and still working as a Butcher and she is dating some guy. Hear t… [view original content]
I'm still crying! I swear, you'd think I just lost my BF! XD -hands you tissue- Damn that Ladybug, I know! I'll join you in that corner, dude!
Yes, I'm going to start a digital comic either in the fall or early next year in the spring. I want to dust off my photoshop and learn the ways of digital work. As of now, it will be viewed publicily through my DA but in time, Ill charge but friends can get special privilages, if you catch my drift. LOL I hate hashtags, too but it seemed fitting. #PorgieClan
And to answer your question, I will not. Sadly, the Porgie clan WAS my final piece and I'm pleased and went out with a smile. I'll do challenges but that is it.
Dude you had me almost at tears in the beginning with the message, then you mention the blue lady bug again and I'm crying, and super long s… moretory short Tetra slips on his headphones I'm going to go sob like a child in the corner now.
This was so awesome!!! Digital Comic you say? I'd read and pay for it! I'm not one to use hash tags but eh what the hell! #PorgieClan One question though! Are you going to start another story?
Seriously, JJ? I'm going to kick his ass! XD JK JK Wow, man. That's a bold move but I like it. Knowing you'll show what will take place in the next chap, well, I'll be eager to see it! I was shocked, tbh.....
Looks so freaking good! I was like, what time is it over there!? Like almost 2pm or something. XD
Nick is dead in this story, and he ain't coming back. I have no issue with telling you all this, one reason I decided to kill him off was be… morecause of JJ and his pointing out that no matter what, Nick can never be permanently stopped. Well guess what JJ, I found a way! Also I knew it would be a huge shock to the audience :P
As for everyone else's reaction to Nick dying, I have some perspectives to show next chapter
I'm about to leave and see it myself
Haha! Nice correlation there with the fire :P
That's not actually why he loves her but sure, I guess that helps
If you make Justine too much like Revy then the creativity is gone... but whatever, she still kicks ass and scares the shit out of me!!!! XP
Her backstory was a horrible one, but those assholes got what they deserved. I like how Justine views everything as forgettable, in a sense that you don't remember anything because you don't have to, she views corpses and jobs as everyday life, rather than something to reflect over... That's quite a message dude
I await more! XD
I thought I made her a bit more psychotic...damn I'll have to go even further then! XP
Her Backstory was indeed quite tragic! Thanks man!
Awesome!
The penultimate chapter... will tomorrow bring that last ever chapter of the Porgie family? Or will it be a temporary end until a new tale arises? We shall just have to wait and see now won't we
LMFAO! Oh man, you write a serious scene full of hate and raw emotion and you throw in THAT?! XP
Carla... I'm speaking as someone who hasn't read all of your work; I did not know of Carla's tale with Gren, but I know how she manipulated and killed those around her, even her own kin, to get what she wanted. Do I feel a sense of sadness for her having to spend an eternity of suffering at the hands of everyone she wronged? Yes I do. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Do I feel that Carla should be sent to a final resting place? Well... yes, but not for a very long time yet.
I guess I just think that enough is enough applies to everything in this world, and while Carla does not deserve forgiveness or peace, I think deep down inside that an eternity of suffering is a bit much. However, the bitch needs to learn a lesson, and if that lesson takes an eternity to learn, then she will learn for an eternity
Emily's going into labour!!! :O
I await the finale dude! XD
I don't know, I haven't watched enough of Black Lagoon yet to make an accurate comparison :P
Dude, you promised me that Gren wasn't gonna hurt Frank!! :'O
Jersey you fucking prick, you don't deserve Katie after what you did, to attack a future Brother-in-law like that and then play happy families with him in the future... I apologise to Pie and you, JJ, for any offence caused, but I hope you understand where my anger is coming from at least
Oh and not to split hairs, but seeing as Lyla has Wolf heritage, couldn't she smell the blood? Unless she's keeping it a secret for now??
You know I'm quite surprised at how weak Robert is in his Glamour, he can barely move after that assault, yet if he was a Grendel then he would be perfectly fine- Oh wait, I just remembered, his right toe got smashed during the beat-down... I'm gonna assume that the damage done to his right toe was enough for him to be weakened?
Forgot to ask you this as well, are you cool with me writing a one-shot in response to that previous chapter? I want to know you're ok with it before I go ahead.
I look forward to more! XD
Honestly, there is always a possibility for the Porgies to return with a new tale. but for right now, I think I'm pleased with the outcome.
This is the beauty about endings and how people view the writing. First off, Carla is a bitch and will even throw the 'your dick is small' card just to see a reaction. I can honestly say Gren and Carla's story was bitter sweet; there was love in it, yes but for all the wrong reasons. She knew what she was doing; no one put a gun to her head and told her to choose this path but she did it anyways. She betrayed her family, killed her own blood and made fools of Gren, Rosie, Emily and many others.
I personally think suffering as so for all eternity is what Carla deserves. I think her demise fits perfectly for the mess she created by her own hands. Will Gren and Emily ease up on Carla? Honestly, in time, they will but for now, she needs to learn.....
Yes, Emily is going into labor and we shall see what happens after this!
Smoke and Mirrors... Part: Four
Back at the Trip Trap...
Zylen, Bigby and Snow walked in. There was a huge smoke cloud from when Justine was in there, Zelyn could tell she had too much to smoke and too much to drink. Although he didn't really care, both were already practically dead so it didn't matter how much they drank or how much they smoked just like a Fable. The first thing Zylen saw was Jack asking for darts, Bigby began to walk forward and tried to confront Holly about her sisters death. Jack then began to get in Bigbys way and began to irritate Bigby. Zylen exhaled and thought how annoying Jack was so he decided to act on it. He walked over to Jack and put his hand on his gun.
"Get out Jack..." He said gazing into Jacks eyes.
Jack felt chills down his spine, but he still found some humor. "Hey Skelle-bro! Long time no see! In fact we shoul-" Zylenn punched him in the gut.
"Out..." Zylen said
Jack began to slowly step backwards and then ran out the door. Zelyn could feel Snow getting angry. In fact he thought she was going to yell at him but she kept a straight face. Zylenn noticed Justine left a pack of cigarettes. He walked over Woodies body, and took out a cigarette and lit it. Bigby began to lay on the news that Lilly was dead. Now he could feel Grens anger, he exhaled, smoke pouring from his mouth and walked over. He put his hand on Gren.
"Sit down Grendel." Zylen said "It's for your best interest."
Gren spit on his shoes "Go fuck yourself Zyl." He smirked.
Zelyn pulled out his handgun and shot Gren in his kneecap. Gren began to fall but Zylen picked him up put him in a chair and brushed him off. Bigby was going to give him hell for doing this but he didn't care. Bigby wasn't meant to die today but if it came down to it he would put him down. Zylen could feel Snows anger, she even began to clench her fists. She didn't do anything about it though, like Bigby said they needed Zylen. Zylen put out his cigarette and grabbed another one and lit it.
"Next time sit." Zylen said
Bigby got a tip from Holly to go to the Pudding N Pie. Holly then asked if she could have Lillys corpse, Bigby told her he promised she would get it and Snow began to back Bigby up. She brought Holly over to a booth. Bigby grabbed Zylen by the collar and dragged him outside.
"What the fuck was that Zylen!?" Bigby growled.
Zylenn was uninterested, he hated being lectured. "That? I don't see why you care...I got him to shut up so you could talk."
"So you shot him in the leg!? Was that necessary!?" Bigby continued to growl.
Zylen exhaled smoke into the air. "I do anything by any means necessary. If I felt like killing Grendel there I would've. He has a nice price on his head that I could collect. But I sense he has done nothing wrong, and I don't really mind him. So I don't take it away from him. My senses are like yours Bigby, except far greater. I can see into their past, present and future. I can feel anyone's emotions at a given time no matter where they are. Like you are with Snow. Or am I wrong?"
"Fuck. You. Don't you have any morales, anything at all!?" Bigby said
This almost made Zylen chuckle. "Morales? Tell me sheriff was it right to almost rip Grendel arm off for no reason? This world has no set Morales, people live in his world however they want and feel, there is no right or wrong sheriff. Only what you want to believe is right and wrong."
Bigby looked away. This whole thing has backfired on him. "I have my own way of doing things." Bigby grunted.
"And I have no morales, I have given up caring on anything long ago sheriff. I do as I please unless my boss Hades forbids it. And he actually gives me a lot of leeway. So I'm telling you this now Wolf as the small, sliver of 'friendship' we have. We will always be business associates, we will never become friends, nor will you question my real work any longer. If you continue to do so I will be sure to leave your corpse on Snows door, and when you come down to my ferry in the underworld I will let you hear her mourn of your death all the way across until we hit land." He stomped out the cigarette in his mouth. He looked at Bigby. "Are we clear, Mr.Wolf?"
Bigby could feel his heart tear, he always thought that he and Zylen had at least some friendship. They've worked on cases together and got along well. But now...he had lost one of the only people who actually showed him respect. Bigby kept a stern look. "Whatever you say Charon..."
The two began to walk to the Pudding N Pie...
At the Pudding N Pie...
Zylen looked at the midnight sky. He loved nighttime it was lonely. Dark. He felt like he was being pulled into it and it gave him peace. He felt like he was a bit harsh on Bigby, however what he said was true. He would kill Bigby and he would place his corpse right in front of Snows door, if he got out of hand. His future however told Zylen a different way he would die. The two were greeted to Vivian at the front door. Sadly her end was soon, he almost felt like collecting her coin now and saving the trouble. But he decided against it, he wanted to talk to Georgie Porgie. The two walked in to see Georgie with one of his girls, Zylen noticed the woman. She went by Nerissa, also known as the little mermaid. Zylen hated seeing women do this, especially if it's forced. She had lived an innocent life and has done nothing wrong. He would give her a second chance at life. They walked up to Georgie. Bigby began to yell at him, telling him to turn off the music. Zylen went over to the bar and lit a cigarette.
"Hans." He called
Hans walked over. "Yes sir?"
"Whiskey, no ice." Zylen said putting exact change on the table.
Hans got him his drink. Zylen could hear Bigby get louder, Hans butted in saying something about a black book. Georgie then began to yell at Hans, then at Nerissa and then at Bigby. Georgie walked over and got his crowd control bat, Bigby then proceeded to disarm Georgie and proceeded to smash some of his stuff. Zylen continued to fink and watch, he found it somewhat amusing. He watched Georgie pull out a black book and hand it to Bigby. Bigby checked the book but went nowhere with it from Georgie. Bigby proceeded to walk away.
"Bigby." Zylen called out "This is where we part ways for now."
Bigby didn't turn around and continued walking. Zylen could feel the hurt in his heart, but he didn't care, Bigby would get the job done. Zylen finished his drink and walked up to Georgie.
"I assume you got a call from your boss?" Zylen said
"Yes, I'll 'Ave the money by the deadline." Georgie said
Zylen patted Georgies shoulder. "I could always count on you for collecting." His grip became tight. "I get people need a place to work, but does that mean you have to put that ribbon on them Georgie?"
Georgie began to get tense. "It's my boss!"
Zylen knew he was telling the truth, he just wanted to be sure. He let go. "After all this is through. You'll get your second chance. But no more ribbons, understand?"
Georgie gulped and nodded. Zylen began to walk out. "I look forward to seeing you again, you do great work."
Zylen walked out of the Pudding N Pie he was headed to Lillys funeral...
On the way to the funeral...
Zylen continued to smoke as he walked. He was a bit far from the funeral but he was in no rush. He could feel Justine getting closer to him. He stopped dead in his tracks. There was a woman in front of him. She gave him a maniacle smile.
"Zylen darling, why didn't you tell me you were in town? I would've thrown you a party!" The woman smiled.
Zylen felt three goons around him. Dee, Dum, and Jersey. He remained silent.
"Hmmm? Cat got your tongue handsome?" The woman continued to smile.
Zylen finished his cigarette and stomped it out. This wasn't going to end well. "You know, even though this is our second time meeting...I've always enjoyed the conversation. Bloody Mary..."
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
I hope I got Georgies accent right! XD if I didn't please feel free to yell at me XP
Do what is best, I am satisfied with the ending, but if you do more then I will read it
The small dick line was just funny to me :P But yes, I see what you mean.
Carla needs to be taught a very long and hard lesson, I agree completely... Gren and Emily letting up on her in a few centuries time? Ok.
I can't wait! XD
Jesus fucking Christ, Zelyn! You're a beast! XD He just shot Gren in the bloody kneecap and was Bigby really getting onto Zelyn for doing so!? Oh man! I was thinking it would be the other way around but I guess Bigby is trying to men his past. Damn....that was an intense scene. Damnit, Gren....seriously? Just sit the fuck down. lol
And Georgie. DAFUQ, man. Where was THIS all at during the game!? I loved his interaction with Hans, Bigby and Zelyn. I thought you did great with Georgie. I just love that man. XD lol I was seriously waiting for Zelyn to pimp slap him for some odd reason. :P
And Bloody Mary. THAT I look forward to.
Zelyn and her ar going to butt heads! I loved this, my good man! -brofist- Can't wait for more!!
I'm really tired at 3am so I'll read this tomorrow, btw dude, isn't your character called Zylen not Zelyn? :P
LMAO! XD Glad you think so! Bigby wants to leave Zylen be, but he feels like as a friend and the need to do his job he tried to talk some sense to him. Zylen however has his own job and agenda. Lol poor Gren XD
Glad you liked him man! I always felt like this was how Georgie should've acted so I tweaked him a little bit XD Lol! That would've been funny! XD
Oh yes! Especially when Justine is coming in for back up! >:D I'm glad to hear it man! Brofist Awesome!
That's so odd, my tablet must keep correcting me lol thank you Hazza! I never noticed it! XD
Everyone keeps calling him Zelyn and I'm like "What?" :P
It's definitely Zylen
I have no idea why I did that! Lol XD I'll have to be careful next chapter! Lol!
-sigh- Never again am I writing a chapter from 1am till 3am... I'm tired and I've gotta go to the gym in 3 hours time, lack of sleep makes me really moody, but it's my own fault. I hope you all enjoy the chapter though!
Vampire Challenge Chapter 7 – Conflict
Nick and Jayne reached The Gas Works about 15 minutes before sundown, so long as Nick was inside the club when night fell, then the chances of him killing any humans was reduced. Though it seemed that humans wouldn’t be a problem here, the bouncer refused to let in anyone that wasn’t a Vampire! The bouncer let Jayne in, but stopped Nick in his tracks, Nick glared at the bouncer but it seemed that a fight was more likely right now than a verbal discussion, that is until Jayne whispered in the big and black bouncers ear “He’s my snack for tonight...” The bouncer stared at Nick for a while longer before letting him pass.
Nick leaned down to Jayne’s ear as some punk girl in a shiny leather skirt gave them each a luminescent red wristband to confirm they were allowed into the club, he spoke to her “What did you say to him?” Jayne just grinned as they kept walking “You’re my snack for tonight, I’m going to take you home and drain you” Nick spanked Jayne on the butt and pulled her close into his chest as they mimicked the sultry behaviours of other patrons at the club “You’ve never drained me before, my dear” Jayne bit her lip and turned around in Nick’s arms, running her hands across his shoulders “Well you can never last long enough, honey”.
As the couple continued to play their games, Isaac was sat at the bar drinking down a straight vodka, ignoring the temptations of a Vampire girl who was still a teenager; she tried to mount his lap put he gently pushed her off and shot her a glare of annoyance, she took the hint with a toothy hiss and walked off into the crowd. Isaac was waiting for the right moment to strike the night-crawling scum down, a band was scheduled to play at the club shortly, and it was rumoured that they were a very good Megadeth tribute band. Isaac didn’t care much for heavy metal music, but he had to admit that it did make intense situations even more fuelled with adrenaline.
The sun finally went down, and Nick felt the change within him. His eyes went a hideous red, his incisors were long and sharp, and he was thirsty for blood. Jayne noticed his change when he became still like a statue and then started scanning the room for a human, but there were none in sight, so other sources of blood were required. Jayne tried to get Nick’s attention, but he found himself unable to speak just like last night, instead he pushed her aside and followed his nose to a back door that clearly read ‘Keep Out’ but he just waltzed through the door instead.
Not long after the door had shut did the band come on, they were dressed in leather pants, and had 80’s hair with some kitted out guitars; they got ready and the singer announced that they were gonna get straight into the heavy stuff, so they started with one of Megadeth’s heaviest songs: Holy Wars, The Punishment Due. The song started out on its fast riff and Jayne lost herself to the rocker inside of her, as she thrashed and head banged along with almost everyone else in the club. She felt so free in these places, so accepted, and before she knew it she had forgotten about her curse, and the whereabouts of her man.
Isaac would let the song play for a bit longer, let everyone truly lose themselves before he started the massacre...
Meanwhile, Nick stumbled his way through the back of the club and came across a room filled with bags of blood. The bags proved that this blood was taken from willing donors; it was easy enough to steal this stuff, blood didn’t have such a high price on it in New York and a case of bags going missing wasn’t exactly high on a Policeman’s list of crimes. Nick tore into the bags and drank them down like they were bags of water; he just couldn’t quench his thirst! Eventually after consuming close to 20, 2-pint bags, Nick felt full enough to go without a need to consume for what he hoped would be until sunrise.
His mouth still dripping, Nick walked out of the storeroom and back into the main area where the rave was happening, unknowingly being watched on the security cameras by the Prince, Algol. “What is he doing here? He must be here for a reason...” Algol looked through the other cameras in the main room and noticed a lonely man at the bar, he zoomed in on the man’s face and recognised him in an instant “Welcome back, Isaac”
Isaac finished up his vodka and slammed the glass down onto the plastic bar, he stood up and removed his hood. He pulled out both of his handguns as the song entered into its lyrics “Brother will kill Brother! Spilling blood across the land! Killing for Religion! Something I don’t understand!” With those first lyrics done, Isaac fired into the crowds of people, the band for some reason kept playing as Vampires dropped dead left and right, after 12 shots Isaac made a snap decision to dive behind the bar and ripped the bartender’s head off in a forceful motion. He noticed a rifle of sorts underneath the bar and pulled out an M16, loaded with silver bullets no less!
In amongst all of this, most patrons hadn’t even realised that guns had been fired and Vampires had died due to the loud music and the intense feelings all around the place. Isaac stood up and fired into the crowd, dropping even more Vampires, this time he was noticed and the band steadily stopped playing and ran for their lives, whilst other Vampires turned their attentions to the Daywalker. Having exhausted the clip of his new toy, Isaac dropped the metal rifle with a thud and pulled out his knife and Uzi. He rolled over the bar and set about dispatching his opponents with quick slashes and stabs, and well placed shots to their heads with his Uzi.
Eventually his only remaining opponent was Jayne, Isaac could tell she was a Fledgling, and holstered his weapons, preferring to use a more even style of combat against this ‘newbie’. Isaac made a simple gesture of ‘come at me’ with his left hand, and Jayne took up a basic fighting stance with her arms up and legs positioned. Jayne started the fight with a right punch, Isaac took the blow across the face, largely to get a measure of how strong this Vampire was, and it wasn’t a smart idea. Isaac stumbled and his face felt a little swollen from the punch, but Jayne wouldn’t let him recover, Nick had taught her to remain on the offensive and never give your opponent any advantage.
She rushed Isaac and delivered 2 more punches to his face; Isaac ducked the third punch and hit Jayne with a gut punch, followed by an uppercut and a reverse roundhouse kick to the face. Jayne fell over with the force of the kick and felt her lip bleed a little; she got up and took up the stance once again, she threw another punch which was dodged and retaliated with a kick to the stomach, another stray punch and Isaac grabbed Jayne’s hand and broke her arm at the elbow. Jayne screamed from the pain and fell to her knee’s, the tears forming in her eyes were ones of anger as opposed to sadness, she was angry that she was losing...
Isaac was actually surprised at how unexciting this fight was, but he heard a slow clap come from the darkened corner of the room. Nick stepped out and moved in front of Jayne, Isaac was impressed by Nick’s physique and could tell he was a battle-hardened soul, but saw no reason why this Vampire would be able to beat him. Nick took up a similar stance to Jayne, though Nick held a lot more confidence in his stance than Jayne had, and was keeping his eyes fixed on Isaac’s, his gaze never once faltering. Isaac took up his stance and the two stared at each other before Nick delivered a quick jab to Isaac’s lip, splitting it and surprising the Daywalker.
Isaac went in with 3 punches that Nick blocked with little effort and then responded with a groin kick and Isaac dropped to his knees from the force of the blow. Nick kneed Isaac in the chin afterwards and forcefully dragged him up to his feet, Isaac broke Nick’s grasp on him and slammed his hands against Nick’s ears simultaneously, Nick became groggy from the attack and Isaac managed a couple of lucky punches that forced Nick to stumble backwards. Nick was cursing in his head about the absence of his Harbinger powers right now, this fight would be a lot easier if he had them, but Death hadn’t returned them to Nick, so it seemed that he was being serious about Nick having to earn them back.
Though how Nick was meant to earn them back was a complete mystery to him...
The two men continued trading blows for a couple more minutes, both men were bruised and bloody from the fists and boots of the other, and they were getting tired. Eventually Nick got the upper hand when used his elbow to block Isaac’s punch and then kicked out his knee, breaking it backwards. Isaac stumbled to the ground and realised that defeat was certain in his current condition, his fist was hurting like crazy and he couldn’t move his leg at all, never mind the immense pain he was feeling from it.
Isaac crawled away from Nick, and remembered a neat little toy he had in his backpack that he had almost forgotten was still in there from last year. Nick went over to Jayne and helped her to her feet, he still couldn’t say a word and the craving for blood was coming back to him in waves, but she could see the concern in his eyes, she sighed and caught her breath some more “I’m ok” She looked over Nick’s shoulder and saw Isaac rummaging around in his backpack for something, Isaac pulled out a stick made of silver and click a button, the stick produced a sharpened tip and Isaac threw it with a cry at Jayne.
Jayne closed her eyes expecting to feel the biting pain, but she felt nothing, and the reason for this was apparent as soon as she opened her eyes. Nick was standing in front of her, the spike and pierced straight through his heart; he fell to his knees and started breathing heavily as his body burned away into ash. Jayne was in so much shock she didn’t even register Isaac drag himself up to his feet and retrieve the silver stake from the ground. He folded it away and left the club in a state, Jayne fell to her knees herself and grabbed handfuls of the ash, she let it fall through her fingers as a cloaked man entered from nowhere.
“Jayne do you know where my Son is, I can’t feel his presence anymore-” Death stopped talking when he saw Jayne next to the pile of ash, tears of heartbreak and sadness were forming in her eyes as she looked at Death “Bring him back... bring him back!” Jayne sobbed uncontrollably as Death leaned against the bar, his heart felt heavier than a boulder as a moist tear formed in his eye; he lifted his head up and screamed into the heavens “ARGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!”
The club shook like an earthquake had hit it and Jayne could feel the dark energies emanating from Death, he was ready to level this place to the ground as he glared at the pile of ash, his Son was dead, killed because Death took away the very thing that kept Nick alive through all those battles...
To be continued...
Did I just do what I think I did? The answer is yes...
So yeah, that's that. If it wasn't stupid o'clock in the morning over here then I could've made this scene more feelsy I guess, but I'm satisfied with what I wrote. So, please Like, leave your comments/questions below, and I will see you all tomorrow after I watch Mad Max: Fury Road at the cinema!! XD
And I'm keeping that promise, Hman.
I understand and I'm sure Pie read this and forced a smile.
I never wanted to have anyone hate Jersey. Just show that this shit does happen. Trust me, for I've been through it with my own father and 'friends' but he will get better. Saying he does not deserve Katie is like stating Georgie does not deserve Lyla or Gren to Emily. Any of our OC's or others that have done shitty things in the past. We learn. Some tale longer (like Jersey) but they learn. There is a reason behind my sanity, so just hang on. 
Robert's toes was damaged with the bat, so he is weak for the moment. Give him a few more hours and he'll be good to go. :)And Lyla. She noticed. TRUST me. Can't forget a thing like Grendel blood but I have my ways, Hman.
Oh God for Jersey?
Thanks, Hman!
Don't make Gren and Emily be 'nice' to Carla. Please. As a reader to your work, I think this punishment suits her. She did not go 'easy' on Lyla, Georgie, her own parents; siblings, sons, neices, nephews. Any of them, so why should Gremily? That's just me, though. This is your work but I think her spending all eternity with no rest or peace is what this bitch has been looking for. >:(
Oh my poor baby! :'o Bad, Zylen! squirts with spary bottle I can see we're playing good cop bad, eh Zylen? I was waiting for Bigby and his little partner in crime to fist fight! Gren, you sexy, stubborn man! >:(
I love how Georgie is hiding away at the club and the other goons are all on their own! XD Smart man. I too wish it was like this. Leave Georgie be and go after the REAL threat but that's just me. He's too precious, that Georgie. I'd watch it, Porgie You have two pretty pissed off dudes in your club. Just find Lyla, eat your cinnamon buns and shut up. XD
Oh and Bloody Mary! i'm waiting for Justine to just fucking fly out of nowhere and destroy her! >:D evil laughter Yes.....I loved this, dude! Can't wait to read the next section!
Zylen hisses and backs into a corner lol! XD Zylen does like mind games
Oh they'll fight, but later on
All he had to do was sit down XD
Georgie is a smart man, plus the crooked man called ahead of time. So Mary couldn't pull him in to fight XD It's like Justine knew exactly what would happen
Lol I can see him just sitting on a couch curled up with cinnamon buns! Lol!
If bloody mary even lays a finger on Zylen she's dead! XD Imminent torture scene inbound! Lol!
Oh. Shit. Is...is he really dead? Damn dude o.o I didn't expect that, I was secretly rooting for Issac because I thought I knew he'd get his shit kicked in but...damn dude o.o RIP in peace Nick...
This was awesome dude! I also heard Mad Max was really good as well, I might have to see it at some point XD. Keep up the awesome work, I look forward to more!
Worked hard on this like usual. Feedback would be appreciated, too. As you all know.
Expect some twists if any of you remember what's going on in my story. I was thinking on posting this and the rest of my story on Fanfiction to be on the safe side.
Chapter 11, Part 2: Survivor
"HAHAHA, you're going to kill me? Don't make me laugh. Just who do ya think you are?"
The girl smirks. "This." Her clothes began to slowly rip apart, her skin growing tufts of fur all over, and finally - horns and a towering stature adding to her now-intimidating appearance.
"Ah, a minotaur! Explains why you got caught so easily by one of my guys earlier."
The woman roars and pins him against the nearest wall, voice booming in hostility.
"Whoa! Skipping the formalities, aren't we? Very well." He smiles. "Afraid I don't know what you're talking about, love."
Daniel coughs. "Alright, alright, if ya want to know that much." He grunts. "Her head is over there," He nods to a corner of the room. "Top shelf, far left corner."
"What - no, NO! YOU'RE LYING!"
"Would I? Well, I guess anyone would in a situation like this - but I assure you, this is no joke."
She growls, and placed both hands around his neck, tightening her grip.
"Hey, HEY!" Hold on now! Y-you haven't seen the jar up cl-close. Errugh!" Daniel struggled to breathe. Or so she thought.
She loosened her grip to let him speak. "Please, just look at the jar. Also, mind ya manners when you're by my collection."
"Whatever, you're coming with me." She wrapped her arm around his neck as if he was a doll. Meanwhile, she carefully walked over to the shelves of jars of what she assumed were mutilated body parts or organs of his previous victims. Unbelievably, she assumed right.
Looking at the head in the jar she was directed to, she reads the label on it. "Carie."
"Oh my," She tears up. "It really is you - just what in the fuck has he done to you, little sis?"
The minotaur turns her head. "YOU'RE DEAD." And yet, she pauses, noticing that the little man she held captive was gone. "Huh?"
Daniel's voice echoes in the room. "Bet you didn't expect that to happen, did ya?"
She yells. "Sorcery!"
"Not quite."
She smashes the table in front of her. "Come out and face me!"
"Sure, but you won't like the odds..." The metal door closes itself shut, while the only light bulb in the room flickers on and off rapidly. Then, the bulb changes back to normal.
Standing still, the minotaur faces her now-transparent opponent: a red, misty form of the Irishman to picture.
After her heart skips a beat, she stutters for the first time ever in her life. "G... g... gg..."
"Scared? Don't blame you. It seems that whenever I turn into, well, this. I tend to frighten the shit out of my victims. Don't worry though, it'll all be over soon, sweet.
She raises her fists, getting her horns ready in her 'final stand'. "Try me."
"And as always, they think they can harm me, but they never do. Believe me, all of 'em tried."
"Anyway, your beasty eyes will make a fine asset for my collection." He holds up his knife and floats towards her. "Now, stay the fuck still."
She swats at the air in panic as he comes closer, hoping that somehow the spirit would fade away. "No, no, get away! Get awa- AHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Silence.
Outside of the room...
"Fuck, fuck, she's dying in there! We've got to do something!"
"And do what, huh? Flail our bodies at the door until he opens up? Nuh-uh, ain't gonna happen. 'Sides, we can't do shit with the restraints around our wrists, as you and the rest of us already know."
The man sighed. "You're right. If only we were her, she's the only one who got rid of her restraints earlier, please tell me you guys saw it too."
"No," The other man responded. "Not really, considering we can't sense things through walls like you can."
"Yeah, but the door wasn't fully shut all the way." He looks at him and the others. "Nothing? Seriously?"
They shake their heads.
"Damn, well - wait. The fight between them has ended. He's doing something to her now. Oh god, the things he's thinking on doing to her!"
The two women whimper at his prediction, while the guy with the broken knee cringes at his exaggeration.
"Wait, wait, she's waking up now. Not like the previous others..."
Roars, breaking glass, and muffled yells were heard. Then, outward dents started to form on the door.
"It's her, she's managed to escape!"
CRASH, CRASH, BOOM. The metal door falls off its hinges in front of them. The minotaur walks out bloodied, with only one eye left.
"The key, I've got the fucking key. And his petty knife..."
She walks over to the other prisoners to free them, attempting to unlock the metal contraptions as fast as possible.
After a minute, "There," the final restraint clicks open after the key was inserted. "The last one."
The mom and her daughter sigh in relief. "How can we ever repay you?"
"With nothing. Go. Before he regains his senses and kills you all."
"Aren't you coming with us?" The psychic asks.
"No. After what he did to my eye and my sister, I've no reason to live anymore."
The psychic adds in furthermore. "Don't be like that, we-"
"I am like that, now go."
The psychic looks at her in pity. He sighs, realizing it was no use arguing with a beast such as her. He directs his attention to the mom and the teen. "Up the stairs, the two of you. When you both get the door open, try and pull Johnny up. I'll do the opposite by pushing."
They nod and went to work at the cellar door up top, which they got open without difficulty.
Looking around to make sure no one was there, the two press their stomachs against the grass and hold out their hands from the surface.
"Here Johhny, grab their hands."
"Alright. Piece of shit Daniel breaking my knee, still can't believe it." He grabs onto their hands, as they pull with all their might on their end. The psychic pushes from his feet up.
"It's working! Come on girls, you can do it! And you as well, string bean."
"Fuck off with the jokes, big guy. Maybe you should make yourself less heavier next time."
Many seconds later, Johnny finally makes it up on the surface. The girls and him wave at the psychic to come up.
He looks at the minotaur. "Please come with us."
"No. I'll break the steps leading out of this place if you ask me again, trapping you down here with me."
"Fine. Can I get your name at least?"
"Beautiful name. Mine's John."
She grunts. "Plain name, but a nice one at that."
He makes his away up the cellar stairs. Groans were heard from the room she was previously in. "Lock the cellar door." She told the four above.
"What?" The psychic said.
"Just do it!"
As much as they hated her request, one of them did just that. The minotaur was trapped in complete darkness, apart from the light that was emitting from the room before her.
Daniel's voice echoed. "You broke my jars, all the precious work I did. UNDONE BY YOU, BITCH!"
"Should've put them in a more secure place other than shelves."
"SHUT UP!" He breathes in and out to calm himself. "You've done more than enough to earn the right to be made minotaur meat by my hands."
Before Taharia had a chance to get ready, the now-insane Irishman impales a chainsaw through the back of her skull.
"Huh? You like that!?" He mixes the blade furiously around in her noggin. Brain chunks, skull bits, and bits of tissue were flying around everywhere. To make matters worse, he made sure her head was nothing more than a pile of mush after he was done. Numerous pints of blood caked the floor and ceiling, including his nice shoes.
"My goddamn shoes, shit. Oh well, had to be done. Bitch was technically streaking on my property for having her minotaur tits out like that."
"Hmmm," He picks up one of her horns. "Interesting to see that even they can withstand the force of a chainsaw. Could make for a nice display at Leppy's bar."
Putting the chainsaw back in its original spot, he walked the steps to the surface door, trying to open it. "Of course they locked it. Don't want to change to my spirit form with all this blood on my clothes."
More time passes. "Daniel, you still down there?"
"Yes, Chris, still here."
An unlocking sound was heard. "Boss, your girlfriend was asking about you, I - holy shit!"
"Yeah Chris, covered in blood, I know. Keep your voice down."
"May I ask how? How you're covered in blood, that is."
"Girl you brought in earlier, turned out to be a hassle. Broke my collection to get at me, and freed the rest while I was in shock."
"Oh, and the girl?"
"Dead, with her blood all over me, and on my nice fucking shoes - as you can tell."
"Now get me some new attire before I completely lose my mind here."
"Yes, sir."
"Ah, being in fresh clothes feels much better, though I could use a shower. Fuck it, I'll greet her like this. Nearly all the Mundies are back living their boring lives at the Dublin port, anyway."
"So, Daniel, what about the prisoners that escaped? Want me to get a team out to search for them?"
"Yes, but not now. Sure, they might tell others what I do here, but who's going to believe them when we can make the evidence simply disappear?"
Chris grins. "That's right, how could I forget about 'The Recycler'?"
"By the way, if you don't mind me changing the subject, your girlfriend is still waiting for you. She's growing impatient, Daniel."
"Like normal, she'll get over it. Take me to her."
Daniel walks over with Chris to the parking lot of the golf club. Surprised, he spots her leaning against her motorcycle instead of waiting at the club.
"Babe, I-"
"Don't you 'babe' me, Daniel. I-" Sniff, sniff. "Is that blood I smell?"
"Yeah, a minor incident in the clubs' kitchen. One of the chefs accidentally squirted pig blood on me."
"Uh-huh, sure."
Chris steps in to defend his boss. "It's true, Miss Albourne, I've seen it happen myself."
Abby rolls her eyes, tapping onto the right sleeve of her leather jacket. "You two are the worst liars I've heard in a long time. Thankfully for you both, I don't care enough this time to ask or find out. And Daniel?"
"Yes, Ab?"
"You're not getting a ride back." She sits on the padded seat of the bike. "Just so you know."
"I deserve it." He raises his arms to try and succumb to her - playing the innocent, defeated man.
Abby scoffs. "Common trick in the book, Danny boy. Strike 3 for you, meaning no sex tonight." She puts on her helmet, revs the cycle's engine motor, and drives away.
Sigh. "Could this day get any worse, Chris?"
"Hope not, Daniel."
A young man runs out from the golf club, waving his arms from a distance until he got closer. Another member of Daniel's well-kept gang, no doubt.
"Sir, sir!" He keels over a little, bending down to catch a short breath.
"Sir, what? Out with it, boy." Daniel glares at the kid. He always enjoyed toying with some of his younger, lower ranked members from time-to-time.
"You, uh, you got a phone call. From one of your hitmen, sir."
"Oh? Did he say what's it about?"
"He said it was urgent. Even recommended to be only heard from your ears only."
"Got it, I'll be there shortly to hear what he has to say. You can go now."
The man nods and walks back inside.
"Well, see ya tomorrow, Chris. Got a long day ahead of us."
"See ya, Daniel." Chris walks to his car in the parking lot, whilst Daniel goes to his office inside the club.
He picks up the phone. "Yes, what is it?"
"Sir, the target is in the United States. She's escaped."
"What do you mean she escaped? Even with the magical barriers placed around the country? How?"
The hitman responds. "Whatever the deal was, she managed to pull it off, but most likely with the help of some inside or outside forces."
"If any of them are in Ireland, I want them found!"
"Already done sir, a few we've captured. Would've been better off if they stayed there in America's Fabletown, to be honest."
"America's Fabletown, you say?"
"Yes, that is correct, sir."
"Okay, spot where you have the captives?"
"Ireland's eye."
"Good, I'll be there tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up with everything. Anything else?"
"Yes, actually. A few rival groups of guns are looking to collect on the Irishwoman's bounty. Italian, Russian, Chinese, you name it. Whoever put it out the bounty must've put a hefty reward for her."
"Quite." His grip tightens around the phone, almost breaking it.
"I'm here, it's just, that'll be all. Thanks." He hangs up.
"Fayde, Fayde, Fayde. I can't believe you would be willing to cower from your home country like this, and from your recently-deceased family as well. What a shame."
He grabs a black and white family photo from one of his desk drawers. Sighing sadly, he pins it to his dart board.
"Well, no more hiding from you, sweet sister of mine." He grabs a dart from a pack from another drawer. "You'll soon learn that your brother, the great Daniel O'Brien was the the one you've failed to kill." Taking aim, he throws the dart perfectly at Fayde's head in the picture. "Bullseye, Fayde Everwind - or should I say: Faye O'Brien?
END, of Chapter 11 part 2.
This may be a bit late, but screw it.
This is a side of Nick which I cannot recall seeing. He is usually MUCH more of a premeditator and a calculator. He also consumes blood indiscriminately. Is the curse that much of a power over his will? I will never forgive him for that cat, though.
I am not a Greek Mythologist, but I have a certain amount of knowledge in the area. This Zylen appeals to me greatly. His interrogation of Dum was, to me, bliss. Reading that asshole being scared shitless made my day.
I am already a fan of Justine as well. I think that she and Gertraud should exchange notes over a cuppa.
That flashback just made Carla's demise all the more sweeter.
Ding, dong, the bitch is dead, which ol' bitch? The dumb ol' bitch. Ding, dong the dumb ol' bitch is deeeeaaaad!
Fuck yes!
You better...
Ah no no, Georgie and Gren do deserve those women because they saved them from going down the dark path's; Jersey was already on the dark path and not looking to turn back... He worked for the Crooked Man, Georgie had no say in what happened to him, and Gren was just trying to get by in life, but Jersey? He had everything he needed, and did as he pleased with no regrets.
Look, you don't seem to realise how much this is pissing me off, I understand that this is what happens dude, I do, but it doesn't mean I should feel pity for someone holding onto a belief that is so old-fashioned it should be a crime to be homophobic or racist or whatever else! -sigh- rant over, let's move on, things like this are touchy subjects for me because I cannot stand this type of behaviour, I don't tolerate it from anyone, and if people give me the look and pass it off as a joke, I really couldn't give two shits >:(
Damaged toes, ok
I figured she would notice, but I like to be sure of these things
Yeah, would it be ok? It won't be as bad as the one I did for Noah (well, Jersey won't be dead at the end of it)
Yep. Nick is dead... and he will stay dead...
Thnx man! I'm going to see it in about 4 hours time
No no it's fine, I love comments on all my stuff anyways :P
The curse only affects Nick at night, but even he can feel full after a while, the feeling just doesn't last for more than like 10-15 minutes. Nick can't plan ahead for everything! And this situation didn't exactly call for any of what you mentioned
Well considering that he is no longer a Harbinger, yes, the curse can take over his will like that. And Nick didn't kill the cat or the dog, he could smell their blood and it wasn't appealing to him at all, so he walked on by...
Oh you'll like the next chapter then!
I'm sure Justine wouldn't mind!
I'm seriously crying right now....it's 4am and I'm crying as I write this but the tears are good and I'll allow them to fall. A year ago, I joined this marvelous forum and took a chance at writing some fanfic. It had been a year since my last actual fanfic for another show, so I was not too sure. I took a chance and I'm pleased to say, no regrets. The Porgie Clan was never meant to go this far, nor mean a whole hell of a lot to me but they have stolen a large slice of my heart and there, they shall always be. No regrets; GeorgiexLyla until the bitter end, along with their rambunctious, seven children with different stories and now, children of their own. We've lost a few on the way but one will forever be with me....Ethan, my good man, you will be missed. I want to thank Dragon for creating this thread and those that have been with me since day one and those that joined later but saw the point I was trying to make with my tale; on this emotional rollercoaster as we stepped into the lives of Georgie Porgie and Lyla Smith and it has been one hell of a ride.
The Porgies shall continue through my drawings but for the writing, think their tale has been told. 
Vivian is granted her wish to remain on Earth. She finally knows where she belongs. She is forever the guardian to Emily Porgie and keeps a close eye on the children. Gren finds it odd at moments, seeing the former hostess of the Pudding n' Pie but he knows it brings Emily much joy. He's still getting use to it. Vivian is no longer invisible to a living soul and can be seen by all. She and Nick reunite and are more in love then ever before. A month after returning, Vivian learns she is pregnant and nine months later, gives birth to a little boy, whom they name David Ethan. The baby is solid blue and is see-through but nothing a glamour can not fix. He enjoys chasing the quads around and even adopted a ghost Cat to play with. Puddles it not pleased...As reward to Nick for being there in Georgie's darkest hours and for the twins, he now has a permanent body
but keeps his ghostly apperance. No ghost sex ever continued in Emily and Gren's bed ever again.
Rosie thinks about her mother and brothers from time to time but only the good memories she recalls as a child. But those last for only a short time. Rosie keeps busy with work and is now a fulltime nanny to a disabled child. Looking after Erica during her darkest times has given Rosie a wonderful opportunity, passion and spark to help this world one person at a time. She graduated college with her Master's degree and couldn't be more happy with life. She lives in the country side with Woody and even started a mini ranch with a Horse, Geese and several Pigs. Woody found a job as a carpenter and with the help from Gren and several other Fable men, built a home for himself and Rosie. They married later
that year and are expecting a little boy in the summer. Gren and Emily are estatic and can't wait to be grandparents. Rosie has the nursery decorated. Woody can not recall seeing so many fishes in a child's room.
Michelle becomes the Toothfairy and can rest easy knowing she now has a choice. Every so often, she has dreams of her father and mother but those rarely happen now. She gives birth to a boy that summer and looks identical to Ethan. She has never been more in love then she is with her son. EJ is just what she needed. Erica has her own guardian in the mason jar and adores her blue Ladybug and little brother. She's grown rapidly, is intelligent and is enthusiastic about the world and life. She rarely uses her powers and if needed, only for good. Michelle will forever be grateful to Ethan for giving their daughter another chance at life. She misses him terribly but one day, they'll all reunite as one.
Isaiah Grendel retrned to the North Pole after the war but stays in contact with both Gren and Robert. He continues to work beside Santa and keeps his Vampire secret to himself. Well, only one person has figured it out but she won't say a single word. Sheila Porgie thinks the secret is awesome and out of respect, has not revieled it. Rumor has it Sheila is connected to the swamp beast and is his future mate but who really knows. Every night, he looks to the heavens and thanks his family and will remain loyal until the end.
Robert Grendel is proud to be second in charge beside Gren. He's a satisfied Grendel and is pleased to know his little brother has found happiness after all these centuries. Robert keeps in touch with his son RJ and loves his many neices and nephews. After the war, he moved to the Pine Barrens and relocated in a log cabin he built with his own two hands. He and Frank, Jersey's brother, are happily together and are in the process of adopting a little girl. RJ can not wait to babysit his younger sibling and is proud of his father for being himself and accepting life. Robert is overwhelmed with love and he wouldn't have it any other way.
Peter Porgie remains the Sheriff of Fabletown. He's finally accepted his back ground and has searched out his sister Winter, in hopes she'll teach him the ways of the North Wind. Snow White is proud and welcomes Peter to visit and be around his half siblings. He and Holly are expecting their second child in the fall and Lily Faith can not wait to be an older sister. She's hoping for another girl, just so she can 'dress' her up in pretty dresses. Ethan's memory lives on in the Woodlands; during Remeberance Day, a speech and moment of silence for the fallen Fable that gave his life to protect. Erica wants to take his place as Deputy Mayor when the time comes. For now, the postion belongs to Gren. Peter can not be more proud of his brother-in-law.
Katie and Jersey are happy as can be with their thirteen girls. Katie remains the Council leader for the Wolves. She has rebuild the fallen city to what it once was. Malcom remains her second in command and rules the city with a stern, yet friendly fist. Speaking of Malcom, he has a special place in the Leeds household. Katie and Jersey learned their youngest daughter, Hope, is connected to Malcom. He finally has a reason in life. All thirteen girls are growing, rambunctious and mischevious. Jersey is terrified of the teen years but is prepared...
Penelope and Johann are no longer together but remain civil for their only son, Josiah. They both have moved on; Johann remains the Butcher, as Penelope is now the Librarian and assistant for Peter. Josiah is developing quickly and his Wolf senses grow stronger each day. He hopes
to be a pack leader one day like his grandfather.
After the war, Georgie Junor lurks around the shadows and mirrors, keeping evil at bay. When he's not busy doing so, he's the bartender for the Trip Trap, loving father and devoted husband. Mary is a stay-at-home mom and loves being busy with the children, cooking and keeping the
home neat and tidy. Rumor has it, she and Junior want to add as many children to their family as they can. George is an honor roll student and is very friendly with Blossom Wolf, daughter to Snow White and Bigby Wolf. Mary and Snow play around with the idea of one day being mother-in-laws. Seems like that's the direction these two are heading, don't you think? Sheila Porgie wants to be the next Fable to roam the mirrors but she's in no hurry. She's more curious about Isaiah's 'secret' world....Twins Aubrey and Sophia are occupied with school, gossip and dolls. They use their fireball powers only for s'mores and scaring off birds. Twins Haylee and Damien are trouble together and have become inseperable. Junior swears it's like his brothers Ethan and Peter's relationship when they were kids.
After forty eight hours of intense labor, Emily and Gren welcomed three beautiful, happy and healthy baby girls. Aaliyah Logan, a little Wolf that resembles Lyla in many ways. Brooklyn Snow was second born into the world and looks identical to her mother but has Lyla's heart of gold. Third born is miss Calla Rose and is the Grendel of the bunch. So far, no known powers but in time, Gren and Emily hope each have their own special little gifts. They are easy girls and are loved by their large family. Liam is actually pleased to be the only boy, for he does not have to share his toys and has a room all to himself. Aaliyah, Calla and Brooklyn love to watch the Price is Right with daddy and their older siblings while mommy cleans the home. Emily swears all three girls have Gren's short attention span and are entertained by the smallest things. She and Gren would love to have more children in the future; Gren wants at LEAST ten and Emily agrees that's a good number. Speaking of the quads, each of those little buggers are doing wonderfully and have a bright future ahead of them:
Viviana guards the gates of the Underworld but returns to Earth to live her life with family and friends. Hades shall wait until SHE is ready to take her place in the throne beside him. The Underworld awaits their new Queen. Viviana is proud to be a striking resemblence to their guardian angel and has no regrets or remorse for the blonde haired woman. She was merely protecting what belonged to her. I hear she grows up be exactly like Vivian but the young woman she desired to be before everything occured with the Crooked Man. Viviana is a gentle soul with so much love to give. Her parents couldn't be more proud.
Liam is delighted to say he no longer doubts himself. Rumor has it he grows to be a powerful leader and Alpha to his own pack, as his grandfather Thomas was once. He claims to still see him and Calla from time to time and Gren appreciates his parents for believing in their own way. It brought his son a new outlook on life. With the Grendels that walk beside him and always looked to the young boy for answers, Liam rebuilds the community and creates a new beginning for the swamp creatures. His abilities come in handy when defending the small and weak. He grows into the young man always planned for little Liam. I overheard Jack Horner say the mini Gren is built like his uncle Robert with the brains of his uncle Isaiah and heart of his father. Liam can not be more overjoyed to be the descendant to Emily Porgie and Grendel.
While Liam becomes the new voice to the Grendels, Seraphina is the leader for the Wood Elves. She has become what her grandmother Calla was once in the Homelands. After much suffering for the Fables, they are given a second chance. Both siblings create a peace treaty for the two worlds and there has been nothing but love since. Seraphina is a wonderful Enchantress and practices her new found gifts with her father and mother from time to time. She is loved by all and saught after for much needed guidance and wisdom. In the future, she and Sunflower marry. With a provided glamour, the two go on and create a family of their own but that's not for another couple decades down the road. Emily jokes when it comes to her Seraphina and swears she's Gren but as a girl. Wonder where she heard such a thing...guess this is to be true, for everything reminds Fabletown of Gren when they look at his daughter. She couldn't be more content of this. Just don't anger her TOO much. Last guy that did that, ended up in the ground.
Chloe is satisfied in her own world and strides to learn as much as she can. Her goal in life is to work with the broken-Fables, Wolves, Halfers. Anyone-so something like Carla does not happen again. Chloe wishes to aide the fallen and forgotten. But for the time being, she practices her shadow manpulation and uses this more for shadow puppets during sleepovers or an excuse to play hide-n-seek with her cousins George and Sheila. The carbon copy of Emily is destined to take her mother's place when the time comes but that's not for a very long time. She takes pleasure in learning a few new techiques every now and then and spends a lot of quality time with her parents and siblings. Speculation has it Chloe and Connor Wolf are an item in the future but no one is too sure for the time being. The two are close friends at the moment, so it's a possibility.....
Georgie and Lyla are more in love and remain together now and always. Forever forward. I hear they took a much needed vacation to England and stayed for almost two months. They renewed their vows a year ago and can't wait to live a normal lives with their children, grandchildren and hopefully, great grandchildren. Georgie is no longer afraid to openly talk about his past and is slowly working on overcoming his fear of the dark. Lyla holds his hands with every step, painful tear and forgiving laughter. The 'monster' is gone and no longer consumes the Fables' life. Georgie has found true happiness, as did Lyla. Lyla's parents John and Nancy Smith still reside in their private settlement in the hills of Fabletown. They both still think of their fallen daughters and what could have possibly gone wrong but the sunlight brought by their loved ones eases the pain. Both are still going strong and see no need in slowing down just yet.
Fabletown is slowly recovering from all the suffering. They all move forward, as it's recommended to heal wounds. Wonderful what time can do; scars remain, yes but those alive try to mose past it and live for the moments blessed to them. Eventually, Gren and Emily will remove themselves like Calla and Thomas had; they'll pass on the bow and title of Alpha one day but that's for another life. They, along with the others, have changed for the better. Gren is thankful to have found his true calling, happiness and love with Emily Porgie. Looking back, he sees where the clues were and his destination in this world. He'd go through it all over again, knowing what he does now. Emily's wish came true. Every dream she created. Becoming a part of Gren's life gave her a new chance. She's forever thankful to Vivian; she was so lost without either and can not see her life any other way. She holds the title of protector closely to her heart. Together, they love deeper, smile brighter, fly higher and laugh a lot more. All because two people fell in love...
Happy endings do indeed qualify for Fables such as them. Think this is how the story was meant to end...for all of them.They remained as one, just like the times before. Forever Forward for they were, the Porgie Clan. And they lived happily ever after.
The End
And that does it, folks. Any questions or comments, you know the drill. If there are any questions, I'd be more then happy to answer them. If not, I, along with the Porgies, would like to thank you all for the love and support. I'll continue to draw and you can see them on my DA site. Hopefully in the fall of this year or spring of 2016, I'll begin a digital comic of the Porgie Clan but as children. Looking forward to that project.
Thank you all once again.
Thid was indeed one hell of a ride!
ForeverForward #PorgieClan
Oh man this was intense! o.o
Ah it's always nice to see another psychotic man and his collection of trophies, however it's even better when the psychotic man loses his collectibles and goes on a rampage! XD I like Daniel don't know why lol the dude is a nut job. And he's Faydes brother!? Damn man I'm seeing a lot of twists as of late o.o Is she a couple screws loose like him? I guess we'll have to see!
Feedback wise this was awesome! I look forward to more!
Wait....did Nick just die? Like, for real, he's gone?Nah! He'll return. He has to come back. I mean, this is the tank that can never be put down. Sure, Isaac is something else and I thought the scene was done perfectly but to kill Nick? I mean, he JUST got with Jayne! He and Damien were going to be the duo of pure comedy but, if you say he's dead RIP, my good man. I'll be waiting for your return, though....
I want to see that movie. Maybe I'll go later with Jacob.
I had to go back and read this again because I'm trying to recall the lat chapter. I remember bits and pieces, so hopefully I don't butcher this too much. First off, holy shit. When you described the Minotaur, I was thinking it was Dixa for a minute. Maybe because of the description, until you told me her name. I was sad to see her leave so soon but seems like Daniel is no playing around. So, in those jars, they are all Banshees? Is Daniel, Chris and the the others sort of like 'bounty' hunters in Ireland? After the jars were smashed open, Fayde was able to escape, it would seem like.
Daniel must be in some sort of hunter's club or something. They are seeking out the Banshee and have hitmen. I have a feeling Fayde did something to Daniel or he's just a douche. He does not appear to have the same qualities as Fayde, so I'm wondering if he just hates the creatures and was pissed his sister is one or, as stated before, he's a dick. :P Interesting little twist there, knowing Daniel IS her brother. Changed her name and everything. No wonder she ran away.
I'm wondering if that demon she has is not the work of Daniel. Hm. I liked this a lot and look forward to reading, if it be here or on ff.net.
Seems like everyone is heading in that direction these days. XD -brofist-
The End... :')
Whew, wow dude, it was quite a ride, I hope I knuckle down and read it all from the start someday! I was saddened by the notion that Bigby wasn't present to witness these events, live his life with Snow and watch their 7 Cubs grow old, but he's out there somewhere, and I know he's smiling.
I do have some questions actually, hope you're ready:
The first one is the most obvious, in spite of your claim that the tale has been told for the Porgie Clan, there is always a possibility of more, whether it's to do with the children or maybe the adults, a writer's mind does tend to revisit the past a lot. So my first question is is there a chance that you will explore the Porgie Clan again in the future?
With Johann and Penelope separated, I do wonder why they drifted apart. I am also curious to know if they are each seeing anyone new??
Although this has not happened, would it be possible for Georgie and Lyla to have more children? It's a strange question, but Fables live for a very long time and can potentially just reproduce all their lives...
Now for a hard question, was there ever a moment where you considered killing off a more dearer character? Like permanently killing off Georgie or Lyla or Gren or Emily etc.? Ethan was tragic and I will miss him like everyone else, but what made you choose Ethan above the others?
I think I'm done bombarding you now dude, my last question is a general one: Are you done with writing on this thread or will you continue to grace us with your works from time to time?
You did amazing dude, you should be very proud of yourself! XD -virtual hug-
Dude you had me almost at tears in the beginning with the message, then you mention the blue lady bug again and I'm crying, and super long story short Tetra slips on his headphones I'm going to go sob like a child in the corner now.
This was so awesome!!! Digital Comic you say? I'd read and pay for it!
I'm not one to use hash tags but eh what the hell! #PorgieClan One question though! Are you going to start another story? 
Nick is dead in this story, and he ain't coming back. I have no issue with telling you all this, one reason I decided to kill him off was because of JJ and his pointing out that no matter what, Nick can never be permanently stopped. Well guess what JJ, I found a way! Also I knew it would be a huge shock to the audience :P
As for everyone else's reaction to Nick dying, I have some perspectives to show next chapter
I'm about to leave and see it myself
I know. I'm still cleaning my freaking face. XP I'm a mess. My babies. :')
Good luck with that mess. lmao He's out there. I wanted to focus on my clan. Leave Snow & Bigby to my senpai Bill. XD
Here are the answers:
As of right now, me writing the Porgie Clan is finished. However, you never know. I may get a spark and run with it. I'll be creating a digital comic of the Porgie clan kids and how their childhood would shape them into the adults we know and love now. Reasons behind some unanswered questions.
If I do return to creating a story, I'll pick right up with their children and go from there.
Johann and Penelope are from two different worlds and they do love one another but not the way a man and woman should. More like sleeping with your best friend. They felt a seperation was best and it has been. They are civil and love their son. I hear he's single and still working as a Butcher and she is dating some guy. Hear they are taking it slow but she does adore him.
I have considered this in the past before but to be honest, no. Seven is a good number for them. Plus, Georgie got snipped not too long ago. They don't want to take chances. XD
Yes actually. Emily. She was on the chopping block during Georgie Junior's tale but I felt like she did not have a chance to develop as a character like the others and the idea to place her with Gren was like an itch that needed to be scratched and I could no longer ignore it. I almost killed off Lyla some time ago but I couldn't do that to either her or Georgie. Gren? No, never. That grease ball grew on me.
I didn't want to kill off Peter. Ever. And the Porgies had a curse, as you know it. Each child's was different. Only one that didn't get it was Junior and no one is sure as to why this is. Ethan was the last to show it. His was too severe, though. He'd die either way. Curse would only end if that person sacrificed themself; for if they didn't, it was passed on to the next generation and start all over. He did it for love and to give a second chance to a little girl that stole his heart. 
Ah. This question. From time to time, I might post, especially during challenges. But I think I'm done.
I want to focus on my artwork, being a father, wonderful husband and tackle that digital project. 
Thanks, my good man. I appreciate the love. Bittersweet but well worth it. -brofist-
Awww dude, don't cry, it had a happy ending, one of the best!
I will comment on them... Man this is gonna be weird for me AND you :P And if Bill ruins our dreams and keeps BigbyxSnow apart? What then? :O
Excellent to hear.
And who is this mystery man that Penny is dating? Poor Johann, he's a nice guy though so he'll strike lucky eventually.
I didn't know he got the snip... Ignore the question then! XP
I understand.
Will you continue to comment on other people's stories as well?
#PorgieClanForever Love you man, you did splendid -brofist-
I'm still crying! I swear, you'd think I just lost my BF! XD -hands you tissue- Damn that Ladybug, I know! I'll join you in that corner, dude!
Yes, I'm going to start a digital comic either in the fall or early next year in the spring. I want to dust off my photoshop and learn the ways of digital work.
As of now, it will be viewed publicily through my DA but in time, Ill charge but friends can get special privilages, if you catch my drift.
LOL I hate hashtags, too but it seemed fitting. #PorgieClan
And to answer your question, I will not. Sadly, the Porgie clan WAS my final piece and I'm pleased and went out with a smile. I'll do challenges but that is it.
Seriously, JJ? I'm going to kick his ass! XD JK JK Wow, man. That's a bold move but I like it. Knowing you'll show what will take place in the next chap, well, I'll be eager to see it! I was shocked, tbh.....
Looks so freaking good! I was like, what time is it over there!? Like almost 2pm or something. XD