Yes, Daniel was taking Fables (who can't keep their nose out of his business) hostage so he could later add them to his 'collection'. Daniel only broke one knee in the previous part, which was Johnny's (the Fable who had to get pulled and pushed up the basement stairs in this part).
Thank ya, thank ya, appreciate it! I like minotaurs myself, and I've always found them to be unique. I just wonder where I first saw or heard about them sometimes.
First, I love Minotuars. They are one of my favorite mythos, with Dragons being my first. Seeing one in your story deposited so way made me … morea little hype I enjoyed decimating those things in the God of War games.
If I recall correctly, Daniel was taking Fables hostage on your previous chapter, breaking knees and such or was the another person? Aside from that, I liked the every scene beginning to the end, especially the beginning. Things escalated quickly as got right down to the point.
Can't wait to see where you take the story next!
Good morning, everyone! Here I am, once again, with a little something something I need to let out - and it won't be in a message this time.
Lately, I feel like no one is really appreciating the things I do (or try to do) in here - whether it's me posting a comment on a story, trying to make someone feel better, or being active in general with stories. I know it may sound like bullshit to the lot of you but that's the impression I'm getting. Any of you who think otherwise, please let me know.
Plus, there's all these amazing conversations you guys are having. I feel left in the dark whenever I see, read, or skim through some of them, with what all the thumbs that certain ones are getting. Because I know, whenever I try to start a conversation, I either don't get a response back or the person doesn't feel like I'm worth the time to have a further talk with. Is there something I'm doing wrong here? Maybe it's something I'm posting that makes you guys cringe?
On another topic, my stories and yours (the first part may sound selfish but I hope you guys understand):
Whenever I post a chapter to my current story, I feel like you guys are losing interest or forgetting about it because I don't frequently post as much for it every day, every few days, or week like you guys. So I think anything related to my story deserves more likes because I rarely post them (about 2 or 3 chapters I post, and maybe a picture in a month given my rate - give or take). On another note, I thank those who took the time in posting comments and questions about my story.
Now for your stories, I haven't been feeling it as of late when it comes to reading. Meaning I believe I'm lacking the attention-span and willpower to catch up, post comments, or ask questions about your chapters in comparison to my activity in the previous months.
Now, I don't know if I should take a break from here, because most of this has been making me feel kind of sad, including the forum in general with me not being included in most things, unless I try to throw myself in a conversation or something to get attention.
Again, I'm saying all of this because I felt like sharing - if I don't say anything then people won't know either, so there's that. I apologize if it sounds like I'm desperate. If I'm not clear on anything, ask and I'll trying to make it so.
I think for a start we all need to accept that this forum is slowing down, I'm still here and plan to stay for the foreseeable future.
For your first point, I think it depends on how much you try and interact with the other users. For example, I try and talk to pudding_pie, JJwolf and Tetra through PM's everyday because when I started talking to them months ago, we kept finding things in common and now we just find new stuff to talk about. It can be about life, the stories and OC's, games. movies. similar interests.
This helps me to keep convos going on this thread because I just find new things to ask and new things to say. Just try and give your input whenever possible and maybe start trying to actively PM us, I'm on here most of the day and always ready to chat about anything! I'm very open to stuff
Now I haven't read anything since Saturday, but that's because weekends are busy times for me and I didn't get much sleep, when I come home from work today I will read your stuff and comment on it/ like it. The thread is slowing down, there are maybe 3-4 regulars left from the original 8, and I hope this is temporary cuz I miss the good times we all had...
Just hang in there dude, we don't hate you, and sometimes we just forget to click the like button or post a comment, it's not done with intent.
Good morning, everyone! Here I am, once again, with a little something something I need to let out - and it won't be in a message this time.… more
Lately, I feel like no one is really appreciating the things I do (or try to do) in here - whether it's me posting a comment on a story, trying to make someone feel better, or being active in general with stories. I know it may sound like bullshit to the lot of you but that's the impression I'm getting. Any of you who think otherwise, please let me know.
Plus, there's all these amazing conversations you guys are having. I feel left in the dark whenever I see, read, or skim through some of them, with what all the thumbs that certain ones are getting. Because I know, whenever I try to start a conversation, I either don't get a response back or the person doesn't feel like I'm worth the time to have a further talk with. Is there something I'm doing wrong here? Maybe it's something I'm posting that mak… [view original content]
After The Count and Obrecht finished up their conversation about who would succeed him, Obrecht leaves the chamber and ventures around the building. He makes his way to a closed off room and opens the secured door by pricking his finger and offering a drop of blood to the guardian protecting it. The being on the door recognizes his blood and allows him to enter without any, disagreements.
In the dark gloomy room is a dagger. The hilt black as coal and the blade, radiant as the sun. This weapon, the very same weapon he used to execute Urdumar years ago. Obrecht can still see the look he had on his face when the dagger found it’s way into Urdumar’s chest. He removes the dagger and secures from sight, leaves the room and make his way back to The Count’s chamber..
New York Airport, U.S
While Marco and Ademar prepare for their flight to Spain, Marco begins to experiences his hunger once again. He can smell the blood of someone who could their hand near, his pupils begin to widen, and nearly carried away towards the delightful smell of of the red crimson liquid. His uncles smacks him out of and tells him to focus, he tries but it is difficult. He isn’t sure why his hunger chose to return after being absent for so long.
Marco grabs the pedant a pray in his native tongue, to halt his urge. Sin mal no puede hacerme daño, ni puede destruir. His eyes return to normals he takes a breath and is ready to move out. He still wishes to take something that would knock him out while onboard.
After several hours, the two final arrived in Spain. This has been the first time Marco has ever been to the country. He still remembers long ago when his father said he would bring him and his mother here for a vacation, that never happened sadly.
Vampire council, Spain
They rented a car and navigated through the countryside enroute to the council. After a 20 minutes of driving, they finally arrived. They got out, and knocked on the large twin doors,a well sturdy guard answers and recognizes Ademar and invites him and his nephew inside.
Once inside, Ademar told Marco to wait, while he seek out The Count. Marco observes the surroundings of the old strange building. The crest that Ademar keeps on his wall hangs right above the throne, were the Count would sit in a meeting. He is then greeted by the mysterious assassin Sadira, who greatly surprising him.
“Mmm, so young… But, not too fragile..” Sadira said in a grisly yet seductive tone..
Marco is then mesmerized by this strange woman's appearance, and noticed how strange her eyes glowed. Golden, like a demonic spider of some sort..
Ademar then calls Marco over, then look away from Sadira. When he would look back, she vanishes leaving being a single string of web.
He don’t know what he just seen, but pays it no attention at the moment. He is here for one thing, Obrecht. And Ademar was leading him right to him.
Inside The Count's Chamber
Once inside, before going any further, Ademar bows in respect. He then grabs Marco and forces his nephew to bow his head in respect also. They arise and approach The Count.
“My lord, I… apologize for the long wait. I had to fetch my nephew. I believe you haven’t met..”
The Count, slightly raises his head too see Marco then calls him over.
“Come closer, my child, let me have a closer look at thee.”
Marco steps over by the dying Vampire side and immediately ask for Obrecht, demanding answers of what happened with his father. Ademar tells his nephew mind mind his manners, but The Count forgives all and tells Marco the story of his father’s betrayal.
“You resemble Urdumar in so many ways, young Dhampir. The result of a Vampire and Human joined as one, proven to be more powerful… than both. Your father, your uncle, and Obrecht, and now you are heir to the council, and the throne.
Your father, betrayed us. Stolen such a wicked curio that was forbidden from usage. If any word of it risen among the other clans.. We all would’ve been torn apart.. which is why.. I had no choice. I had to call for his execution, to prevent a terrible war. It crushed me, seeing someone that I called.. a son befallen to such a fate. You may hate me… if you will.”
Marco is silent after hearing what he just heard from The Count, he thinks until he hear a voice in the back of his head.
“Old fish face is right kiddo. But he wasn’t the one who sent you dad to his death.. You know who you’re here for..” Said his guardian angel
The door to the chamber began to open, and from it emerged Obrecht, doing his best to conceal his the evil grin on his face as he approached The Count.
“My lord, and my fellow heirs…”
Marco begins to approach his nemesis, displaying his dhampir appearance.
“You have a lot of explaining to do. What happened between you and my father ten years ago!” Marco demanded.
“You must be Marco. I can see the resemblance from a mile away.. If you must know, since your time in this world is very short. I set Urdumar, I made a deal with the Fable called Crooked Man or whatever these Mundies called him. He help me eliminate the threat that preventing me from claiming the throne. Now there’s two… his son and brother.”
These words leave The Count speechless. He is enrage by what Obrecht have just admitted to, having to orchestrated a false execution of an innocent in order to ascend to power. This was high treason, and The Count wasn’t having it.
“Obrecht, how could you? You were like a son to me. I took you in from the sorrows of an orphan trained you under my wing so one day you would possible take my place.. and yet you commit such a godawful, a such a hellish crime. You… you Obrecht will get a punishment worse than death.” The Count as he attempts to rises up, but he's held down by his weakened state.
“I appreciate… all you have done for me, but. Your services, IS NOT LONGER REQUIRED!” Obrecht as he throws the dagger he stolen into the chest of The Count. The old withered Vampire begins to scream in agony as his flesh is reduced to ashes onto a pile on top of his bed. The Count is no more..
Marco and Ademar stare in horror after witness what Obrecht has just done.
“Obrecht, you son of a bitch. You think you’re going to get away with this?!” Ademar removing his word from his side.
“Oh no, partner. I WILL get away, and once I eliminated you two, there won’t be anyone to get in my way from taking the throne AND the council. Once I take over the council, I will then raise up a legion to take the throne as Vampire King. All in due time, but first… let’s take out the trash.”
Obrecht then begins to cut himself several times. Then stabs himself with another dagger, he falls to the floor and begins to call out for help.
“Help they killed him! They killed The Count!”
Soldier begins to swarm the room surrounding Marco and Ademar. As they draw closer preparing to apprehend them, Ademar reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pellet. He throws hard at the ground and both him and Marco instantly vanishes, outside the council and in the wilds of Spain.
Several hours later
Marco and Ademar were recognized and branded as traitors. Leaving Obrecht to become the new Count. In coming days he would seek council with the other clans and the Vampire King, but as of now, he must deal with his two problems. He gives orders to his hired assassin, Sadira to arrange a bounty for Marco and Ademar.
“Dead or Alive, whichever is easier. Send out the word, to all hunters, bounty hunters of the like. Find those traitors, and do whatever necessary as possible to do so. Use their loves ones as bait, I don’t care how… JUST FIND THEM!”
This thread and TWAU forum itself is slowing down. Everyone is either busy or lost interest all together with it. I'm still lurking about but even then, I'm not too sure about my future on this either.
I have to agree with Hman. YOU have to make the effort to talk to others. We've all tried to comment, like and it seems like it falls on the people and how they interact. I can only speak for myself. I've tried to like and comment as much a I can. Jump into conversations if you want to be a part of it. Put your two cents in. I've done this beofre in the past and even now sometimes. If you don't get a response right away, they are not doing it to dis you, either. Also, thos PM's Hman mentioned do help.
I'm off today and try to catch up as much as I can. I don't always comment right away. We all know this and we've all got other things. School, work, family life, etc that has taken away our time. We all can't lose our heads if someone does not comment or like something right away. Seems like you've lost interest, however, in the forum all together. As far as your stories go, I do like them. I may get something wrong every so often or get confused but one again, do not do this to be a dick or dis you.
Also, you mentioned the users lacking in liking a comment, yet I've gone back to your recent post, and not a single person that made a comment got a like. To me, that shows either I'm wasting your time, you're annoyed or do not care. That's just me, though. Again, only speaking for myself.
I'm not pointing anyone out and I don't want to begin a war with anyone but this thread use to be fun. There was none of these posts or messages or problems. Now, every other week or so, this is all I ever see anymore. TBH, I've lost interest in this thread; one of the reasons why I ended the Porgie clan story and wish to do other projects. You can't control how other people view a story or post. You just can't.
All I can say, my good man, is jump into those conversations. Make an effort to get out there. It's hard, I know but you can't do that to yourself, either. As far as your stories, I'll continue to read and do my thing, should you post them. Just hang in there, man. I hope this passes, too....
Good morning, everyone! Here I am, once again, with a little something something I need to let out - and it won't be in a message this time.… more
Lately, I feel like no one is really appreciating the things I do (or try to do) in here - whether it's me posting a comment on a story, trying to make someone feel better, or being active in general with stories. I know it may sound like bullshit to the lot of you but that's the impression I'm getting. Any of you who think otherwise, please let me know.
Plus, there's all these amazing conversations you guys are having. I feel left in the dark whenever I see, read, or skim through some of them, with what all the thumbs that certain ones are getting. Because I know, whenever I try to start a conversation, I either don't get a response back or the person doesn't feel like I'm worth the time to have a further talk with. Is there something I'm doing wrong here? Maybe it's something I'm posting that mak… [view original content]
As much as I hate to admit it, it definitely is for sure. I see what you're saying and I should do that, since most of the time normal comments do not seem to be doing the trick for me. I'll consider doing more PM's as an alternative!
I understand. Sometimes I don't realize it and think people conveniently have the time to do whatever I request them to do - or when I post something.
I think for a start we all need to accept that this forum is slowing down, I'm still here and plan to stay for the foreseeable future.
Fo… morer your first point, I think it depends on how much you try and interact with the other users. For example, I try and talk to pudding_pie, JJwolf and Tetra through PM's everyday because when I started talking to them months ago, we kept finding things in common and now we just find new stuff to talk about. It can be about life, the stories and OC's, games. movies. similar interests.
This helps me to keep convos going on this thread because I just find new things to ask and new things to say. Just try and give your input whenever possible and maybe start trying to actively PM us, I'm on here most of the day and always ready to chat about anything! I'm very open to stuff
Now I haven't read anything since Saturday, but that's because weekends are busy times for me and I didn't get much sleep, when I co… [view original content]
I've technically did make the effort, though I realize now it seems normal comments are not working for me for the most part. So I'll consider sending occasional PM's this time, maybe post more of my favorite music like I've done in the past! Anyway, I see what you're saying.
I have not lost interest, else I wouldn't be here talking and pouring my feelings out to you guys. Maybe that's a little too dramatic on my part but you understand what I'm getting at, lol. It's just I feel like I've been lagging behind, like I lost my spark at the moment.
Concerning the thumbs, I'm sorry, but to me - comments, feedback, or responses are far more important than likes. Yes, I usually give the person a like (normally in here), but sometimes, it's a weird habit with me, something I don't want to explain - not in the normal comments, anyway. :S
This thread and TWAU forum itself is slowing down. Everyone is either busy or lost interest all together with it. I'm still lurking about bu… moret even then, I'm not too sure about my future on this either.
I have to agree with Hman. YOU have to make the effort to talk to others. We've all tried to comment, like and it seems like it falls on the people and how they interact. I can only speak for myself. I've tried to like and comment as much a I can. Jump into conversations if you want to be a part of it. Put your two cents in. I've done this beofre in the past and even now sometimes. If you don't get a response right away, they are not doing it to dis you, either. Also, thos PM's Hman mentioned do help.
I'm off today and try to catch up as much as I can. I don't always comment right away. We all know this and we've all got other things. School, work, family life, etc that has taken away our time. We all can't lose our heads if someone does … [view original content]
Zylen is a badass, awesome and cocky. He has all the elements to a bad ass and then some! He has no fear against Mary. Bet he's already made a name for himself in the Fables community, what with being a part of the sheriff and all. With the gun to his head, he took that chance to rub Mary just enough to get her to respond. I love that. Proving one has no fear is a plus, especially with confronting Bloody Mary.
I love how the goons took off as well. The Crooked Man is something but physically, he's nothing. Zylen and Justine, especially together, are a pair to not mess with. They are another pair so far on here that are to never cross in the dark. I love Justine; her influence in this story is unquestionable and it was neat seeing her interact. They are indeed trying to one up but that makes it funny to read!!! Do they have sexual tension, she and Zylen? They seem like it. LOL
Smoke and Mirrors... Finale
Zylen had to buy time, he might not be able to take on all four goons at once. So he decided to stall till Ju… morestine was here, and he had to time it just right so that he would be get hit by something right as she shows up, that way she's on top of her game. Plus seeing Justine in a cold blooded really amused him. Bloody Mary smiled.
"My boss says you and your partner has been a bit...busy and forthcoming about your demands. However, the Crooked Man doesn't like being backed up in a corner." She said
Zylen crossed his arms. "We don't fuck around Mary. You of all people should know that, I remember when we did a job for you back in the day."
Mary began to laugh. "Oh I know you rounded up a good amount of people too! Took me months to get all the blood off my clothes." She pulled out her gun. "But I'm being payed as a body guard. So that means you need to back off."
Dum came out of the alleyway to his ri… [view original content]
I loved this so much!!! Honestly, Jack got what he deserved. I was wondering if he'd mention anything to Nick or Damien about Gren 'calling' for Chinese and letting something slip. We all know how Jack can be....
I loved the beginning. It would make sense why he knows Jersey, considering the connection he has with Katie in the future. Needless to say, I was going to ask if they've HAD other encounters in the past before? For some reason, I got this major hostility from both when they spoke to one another and fought at the end. I mean, I know Jersey was getting the shit beat out of him but this is what I picked up.
I'm loving Nick's drink of choice. I'm not much for the hard stuff but it was fitting to him. Jack flashing that ring around was a major spit in the face but it seems that Damien and Nick can only handle the blonde schemer for so long. I'm glad he got what he deserved. That and a show outside of Rosa's.
I was happy to see you left Gren there. Robert made me angry and he's my own OC. But that's how he is and sadly, its hard to orget centuries of how one deals with the pain. His hesitation to Nick's question made me laugh but I'm glad to see he told Nick and Damien the truth. I cried when Nick asked about Carla but he was genuinly really sweet and kind to Gren's answer. :') It would seem Nick knows something, what with how he answered Gren. :')
I loved the ending, too. It was wonderfully done. Nick gave Jersey just enough to prove he's not kidding around. I'd like to think this would make Jersey beg for forgivness and go searching for Frank but it won't. But that's what you get, Jersey and I hope this causes you a headache for days and long nights of thinking about your brother. Thanks, Nick. You did marvelous with this guy.
I loved this!!!! I was pleased! You're really good with these one-shot deals!
This is a non-canon one-shot written in response to one of JJwolf's chapters.
Really tired from last night (stupid me lol) and I think th… moree Vampire Challenge can wait until tomorrow, so please enjoy this!
A Game Of Life And Death
O New York
“I don’t want to hear another fucking lie from you, Jersey!” Nick held the scrawny man against the wall by his throat and squeezed his neck tight enough that Jersey’s breathes became a pitch higher than normal, he tried to claw at Nick’s face but the attempt was futile in itself. Jersey had fucked up big this time, and he knew it, as did Nick. Nick had trusted Jersey with a very expensive diamond and platinum ring that was to be his wedding ring to Bloody Mary.
Nick had known Jersey since the 1940’s and the two had a mutual respect for each other’s power, but their friendship was often strained due to their conflicting personalities. Nick had gone to the Lucky Pawn to collect said ring, and … [view original content]
Damn Jack. I swear, you can't be trusted with a single thing. Interesting knowing Jersey and Nick were considered friends or at least had an… more understanding. I always thought Jersey and Nick would be enemies for some stupid reason. XD
I liked the Trip Trap scene and was pleased to see Damien there. Jack with his low blows and that Jim Bean sounds good, minus the salt. Also, nice that they just take Jack out back and beat the crap out of him but he did have the ring and waves it around like its nothing.
Gren just huffed “He’s a fucking mess and being difficult
So freaking true. -points to JJ- Don't you EVEN tell me otherwise because yes he is! Gren, you can be, too, so shutup.XD
Robert looked at Nick and mustered a somewhat forced smile
Jesus, dude. Well, I'm a mess.
“Robert... are you gay?” Robert and Gren both looked at Nick in shock
As did pie. Damn, just like that! XD But Nick seems like he's a st… [view original content]
I've actually not been on in over a week, so that's why I've not been writing any posts or anything. I've just been so busy doing everything, that I've lost the initial interest in coming on and doing stuff and writing. TBH, I don't know if I'll be writing any longer on here, NOT because of ANYTHING you guys have done; I love EVERY story on this forum. Every. Single. One. But I've realized that sooner or later, I'm going to be a lot more absent than I already am, so I kind of want to slowly wind down a bit. You know? I might do what Pie did; Write the future of all my OC's and what eventually happens. I want to continue my Vampire story, but I've lost the interest in writing it further. I go through periods of time like this more often than not. Please don't take my absence as anything offensive; I've just got so much going on that I can't even think straight sometimes. I feel really bad for not always commenting on everyone's stuff. I feel bad for not always checking the page. I feel bad for favoring some stories a little more than others sometimes. But seriously, EVERY writer on this page has an incredible amount of talent, most times more talent than I've got. It's been a pleasure being friends with all of you, and it'd be great if we could still talk and stuff in the future, but I think I might be retiring in the 'Fables Fanfiction' department. After all, there has to be an end at some point, am I right? Whatever you decide, Godspeed, my dear DragonButter. Don't let lack of comments/likes be the reason you want to stop writing. But if you really feel like taking a break, I totally respect that.
That being said, I don't plan on disappearing completely; If anyone would like, I've got Tumblr, Instagram, email, and plenty of other ways to talk and what not. I'll still check this page; Just not as often as I used to. I still have things I'm undecided on, so I'll probably post a few more times before drifting, you know?
And try not to be so hard on yourself; You're sincerely a great person, and I'm so happy to have gotten to know you, as well as the countless others who contribute every day. This was definitely a worthwhile experience, but I think I'm ready to step down from the pedestal of creation and take a much needed break.
I'm also sorry about not stating any of this earlier, but I've been kind of afraid of what others would say or think, so I've sort of been silent for the time being. I guess this post applies to EVERYONE on here, whoever wants to take the time to read it. I love all of you guys, seriously. I've got a lot ahead of me, so wish me luck
Good morning, everyone! Here I am, once again, with a little something something I need to let out - and it won't be in a message this time.… more
Lately, I feel like no one is really appreciating the things I do (or try to do) in here - whether it's me posting a comment on a story, trying to make someone feel better, or being active in general with stories. I know it may sound like bullshit to the lot of you but that's the impression I'm getting. Any of you who think otherwise, please let me know.
Plus, there's all these amazing conversations you guys are having. I feel left in the dark whenever I see, read, or skim through some of them, with what all the thumbs that certain ones are getting. Because I know, whenever I try to start a conversation, I either don't get a response back or the person doesn't feel like I'm worth the time to have a further talk with. Is there something I'm doing wrong here? Maybe it's something I'm posting that mak… [view original content]
Guys, I have some bad news: Tetra contacted me earlier and told me that he is leaving the thread for good, he didn't say why, but he wishes all of us the best of luck. He wanted me to tell you all this...
JJ, he praised you especially for going through all the shit and coming out the other side fighting
Wow... I'm still in shock... This isn't a joke either
I come on after a day at work, and not only has Tetra left, but you're leaving as well?! :'O
God-dammit, it's been only a year and the whole place has gone to shit! We start arguing and then people leave... I don't think I can handle this any longer!!
Please, EMMY, don't go, I still have to use Harmony. Who else am I going to talk to about her and what she does as an OC?!
I've actually not been on in over a week, so that's why I've not been writing any posts or anything. I've just been so busy doing everything… more, that I've lost the initial interest in coming on and doing stuff and writing. TBH, I don't know if I'll be writing any longer on here, NOT because of ANYTHING you guys have done; I love EVERY story on this forum. Every. Single. One. But I've realized that sooner or later, I'm going to be a lot more absent than I already am, so I kind of want to slowly wind down a bit. You know? I might do what Pie did; Write the future of all my OC's and what eventually happens. I want to continue my Vampire story, but I've lost the interest in writing it further. I go through periods of time like this more often than not. Please don't take my absence as anything offensive; I've just got so much going on that I can't even think straight sometimes. I feel really bad for not always commenting on everyone's stuff. I feel b… [view original content]
I'm leaving, too and I'm pretty sure pie is at the end of May. I hope Tetra is alright and my dude, thank you. :') I hope you find all you'r… moree looking for in the future, Tetra. you were truly a wonderful addition to this thread. Stay strong yourself, dude.
Thanks for letting us know, man I know it sucks; Things constantly change, and we can only hope Tetra is alright. Hopefully he'll come on and explain himself more in the future, but if not, that's totally understandable. That's all I've got to say about that. He was a fine addition to the page, and I'm glad to call him my friend.
@pudding_pie @JJwolf @DragonButter @LupineNoir @EMMYPESS @MasterStone
Guys, I have some bad news: Tetra contacted me earlier and told me … morethat he is leaving the thread for good, he didn't say why, but he wishes all of us the best of luck. He wanted me to tell you all this...
JJ, he praised you especially for going through all the shit and coming out the other side fighting
Wow... I'm still in shock... This isn't a joke either
You're being too hard on yourself and it shows. You've been a terrific person and host of this thread. We've all become so busy recently and its beginning to show. I think a much needed break is in the works for all of us. I just recently began my tale and it seems is the place where I'll end up here in a bit.
I've tried to comment and like the stories and I do apologies if it came off that I liked one person's story over the others. We've all contributed in diffeent ways over this past year and it shows. We've all have interesting OC's and stories to tell. Each and every one of us is creative in their own way and I'm sorry once again for not showing it to either you or the others. I do like your stories and if you choose to wrote them, I'll be there. If not, I'd still like to read them no matter where it is.
TBH, I think I'm stepping down from the writing, as Pie and EMMY have mentioned. I may do what he did and just show what happens to the characters. I'm becoming busy myself and want to date, go to school, work, etc. And, do not take this the wrong way-this goes to everyone here-but ever since our first issue with the posting and comments, I've lost complete interest. I will not publicly post why but I have my reasons. Plus, after that 'joke' with my OC, the bad taste remains and I can't seem to get it out.
I feel horrible for not commenting or liking other stories in the past. I truly am. You are all such wonderful people and I'd like to remain in contact in the future; I'll be getting a DA account really soon, so me and Pie will be lurking around there.Do not let the amount of comment or likes be the reason to stop all together but I agree, too, sound slike you've lost interest as well.
Is this my farewell speech, too? It would seem like its the beginning of my goodbye. This was, as pie stated, one hell of a ride. I've been blessed to have known each and every one of you on a personal note. You'll always be remembered but it would seem that, as Grendel does, jump to another bar and start fresh. I'll continue my story under the same name over at, if anyone is interested.
You are all creative and love each and everyone of you. Always family and I'll always remember this thread. It brought me wonderful friends, stories and memories. From Tman, to Nick; Marco, Draco, Weasel, Harmony, Kieron and the Porgies. :') I have you, Dragon, to thank for this thread because it brought me my best friend, Chad. Because of your thread, I joined and we've been inseperable. I love him and his family. I love you all and will treasure the times spent on here. No regrets.
I'm not sure if pie will ocntinue. I know he was caught in the middle. I've been all over the place with the fanfics and I believe I lost my spark. It's a damn shame I was so fucking scared to tell this story so long ago. Guess we all have some learning to do....I hope you find that you are looking for, Dragon. You and I may not have seen eye to eye but I respect you, dude. You're an awesome person and I wish you and the others all the love and luck this world has to offer you. Pie once told me that with cloudy days, comes rain but jump in those puddles the rain creates. You're an awesome dude. I love you all.
I'll check from time to time and read. Lurk around the threads and may comment but Jacob Jones is officially stepping down as a writer. Best of luck to you all, especially you @EMMYPESS You have a bright path ahead of you!! Good luck!
I'll be over at DA (hopefully with the same name) and if you all still want, Pie is at DA as well with his work.
Good morning, everyone! Here I am, once again, with a little something something I need to let out - and it won't be in a message this time.… more
Lately, I feel like no one is really appreciating the things I do (or try to do) in here - whether it's me posting a comment on a story, trying to make someone feel better, or being active in general with stories. I know it may sound like bullshit to the lot of you but that's the impression I'm getting. Any of you who think otherwise, please let me know.
Plus, there's all these amazing conversations you guys are having. I feel left in the dark whenever I see, read, or skim through some of them, with what all the thumbs that certain ones are getting. Because I know, whenever I try to start a conversation, I either don't get a response back or the person doesn't feel like I'm worth the time to have a further talk with. Is there something I'm doing wrong here? Maybe it's something I'm posting that mak… [view original content]
I'm leaving, too and I'm pretty sure pie is at the end of May. I hope Tetra is alright and my dude, thank you. :') I hope you find all you're looking for in the future, Tetra. you were truly a wonderful addition to this thread. Stay strong yourself, dude.
@pudding_pie @JJwolf @DragonButter @LupineNoir @EMMYPESS @MasterStone
Guys, I have some bad news: Tetra contacted me earlier and told me … morethat he is leaving the thread for good, he didn't say why, but he wishes all of us the best of luck. He wanted me to tell you all this...
JJ, he praised you especially for going through all the shit and coming out the other side fighting
Wow... I'm still in shock... This isn't a joke either
Because one, I'm getting really busy. I have other things on my mind: dating, work, school and I explained in my post above. Two, I have a horrible taste in my mouth after the first time and with that whole crap with Robert, I just can't anymore. I will never forget that, dude and if you don't understand, that's fine. All these 'rules' and 'posts' about people being unfair is messed up. This place was so care-free and fun and I have a feeling, this is why Tetra left. I don't know but these are my thoughts.
I won't necessarily be leaving right away; I've got some thinking to do, and some decisions to make. I'll probably write a conclusion chapter, OR something similar to what Pie has done, as you know. I still want to occasionally check the page and see how everyone's doing, that's for sure.
I don't necessarily think 'gone to shit' is the right expression. I think that everyone's starting to move onto new chapters in their lives. It happens. I saw it coming eventually. Just know that you can always contact me through other means, if you want my email or one of my social media outlets. I'm not done writing; I'm just done writing most of what I've written here on this forum. One day, I hope to compile/rewrite all I've done and put it together into one piece. But sadly, it won't be for a long time. You can still use Harmony, and if you need any info on her you can, again, contact me via PM, email, or social media messaging.
You're a great friend man, and I loved being able to talk about comics and such with you. I just have so much going on, that maintaining a presence on this site has been bumped down from the priority list. I hope you and everyone else is understanding and supportive That being said, DON'T give up if you don't want to; There are still members around willing to give you insight and what not on the thread You're SO talented, and sometimes you're hard on yourself about it. Good luck man, and if you have any further inquiries, you can PM me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
No no no no no no T_T
I come on after a day at work, and not only has Tetra left, but you're leaving as well?! :'O
God-dammit, it's be… moreen only a year and the whole place has gone to shit! We start arguing and then people leave... I don't think I can handle this any longer!!
Please, EMMY, don't go, I still have to use Harmony. Who else am I going to talk to about her and what she does as an OC?!
So are you leaving for good or just not writing anymore?? Cuz right now I'm seeing little reason in staying on the thread, FOR FUCK'S SAKE I've only been here for 5 months!!! T_T
Because one, I'm getting really busy. I have other things on my mind: dating, work, school and I explained in my post above. Two, I have a h… moreorrible taste in my mouth after the first time and with that whole crap with Robert, I just can't anymore. I will never forget that, dude and if you don't understand, that's fine. All these 'rules' and 'posts' about people being unfair is messed up. This place was so care-free and fun and I have a feeling, this is why Tetra left. I don't know but these are my thoughts.
@pudding_pie @JJwolf @DragonButter @LupineNoir @EMMYPESS @MasterStone
Guys, I have some bad news: Tetra contacted me earlier and told me … morethat he is leaving the thread for good, he didn't say why, but he wishes all of us the best of luck. He wanted me to tell you all this...
JJ, he praised you especially for going through all the shit and coming out the other side fighting
Wow... I'm still in shock... This isn't a joke either
Harry continues to cry in the corner of a dark room
But then who's left? You, Tetra, JJ and Pie are leaving, that leaves me, Ramm, Stone, and Dragon...
-sigh- I think I'm going to stop writing on this thread as well, go back to, try and make it work there. I love all of you like my own family! I can;t just let go.
Emily, send me the ways I can keep in touch with you in a PM, I'm not giving up a friend. Not after today.
I won't necessarily be leaving right away; I've got some thinking to do, and some decisions to make. I'll probably write a conclusion chapte… morer, OR something similar to what Pie has done, as you know. I still want to occasionally check the page and see how everyone's doing, that's for sure.
I don't necessarily think 'gone to shit' is the right expression. I think that everyone's starting to move onto new chapters in their lives. It happens. I saw it coming eventually. Just know that you can always contact me through other means, if you want my email or one of my social media outlets. I'm not done writing; I'm just done writing most of what I've written here on this forum. One day, I hope to compile/rewrite all I've done and put it together into one piece. But sadly, it won't be for a long time. You can still use Harmony, and if you need any info on her you can, again, contact me via PM, email, or social media messaging.
You're a great fri… [view original content]
Yeah I'll be leaving, but I don't have any idea how long before I do. It could be a week, or it could be a month. It depends on how things personally go in my life, and how things go on here as well. You are an amazing writer, MasterStone. I'm sorry I've not always commented on the stuff you post, but it is what it is. You're chapters have always been captivating and entertaining I know it's hard to let go; I for one am REALLY sad, but life moves on, and sometimes the things you love to do get in the way of other things you love to do, or even responsibilities. So I'll probably check here every once in a while, but that'll be it for me. Might post a last chapter or whatever, but other than that, if you want to keep in contact, PM me and I'll tell you different ways you can reach me from time to time.
Oh my god. Is this really happening?! Damn, I hope for the best and hops everything is going well, it must be something really serious. :'/
Edit: And more are leaving too? Damn :'/
I completely agree with you man, and I totally understand. I had similar feelings with the whole 'commenting' debacle; I as well will not directly post my exact feelings or thoughts on it, but I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who's moving on with life. To be honest, I've been thinking about it for months, but I've just never been sure of any of it. Robert was an AWESOME OC; Seeing his future with Jersey's brother was fantastic, as well as their adopted little girl
And thanks. I can definitely call you guys my friends - Hell, extended family! Love ya man, and Godspeed!
You're being too hard on yourself and it shows. You've been a terrific person and host of this thread. We've all become so busy recently and… more its beginning to show. I think a much needed break is in the works for all of us. I just recently began my tale and it seems is the place where I'll end up here in a bit.
I've tried to comment and like the stories and I do apologies if it came off that I liked one person's story over the others. We've all contributed in diffeent ways over this past year and it shows. We've all have interesting OC's and stories to tell. Each and every one of us is creative in their own way and I'm sorry once again for not showing it to either you or the others. I do like your stories and if you choose to wrote them, I'll be there. If not, I'd still like to read them no matter where it is.
TBH, I think I'm stepping down from the writing, as Pie and EMMY have mentioned. I may do what he did and just show what h… [view original content]
I know... -sigh- I think I might just return to, some of us are posting there it would seem so I can keep in contact on there or through other means....
I don't think I can write on here anymore, the spark has just been killed...
Oh my god. Is this really happening?! Damn, I hope for the best and hops everything is going well, it must be something really serious. :'/
Edit: And more are leaving too? Damn :'/
Well, I'm glad I wasn't the only one. TBH, I was hoping I wasn't. We all have to move on at some point an it seems to be happening. We've all become busy: school, work, dating, family, etc. I've been thinking of this for two months now, as was pie. Harmony was a blessing and breath of freshair to this thread. I'd like to see the conclusion as pie did, if you ever have the time. Robert appreciates the love and he and his family do as well.
You are going to do wonderful in this world and I love you and the others. This was a wonderful time but now, we must all move forward. Love ya' right back, Ems! And good luck.
I completely agree with you man, and I totally understand. I had similar feelings with the whole 'commenting' debacle; I as well will not di… morerectly post my exact feelings or thoughts on it, but I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who's moving on with life. To be honest, I've been thinking about it for months, but I've just never been sure of any of it. Robert was an AWESOME OC; Seeing his future with Jersey's brother was fantastic, as well as their adopted little girl
And thanks. I can definitely call you guys my friends - Hell, extended family! Love ya man, and Godspeed!
I was thinking of doing it tonight; I've got Algebra homework to finish and whatnot. I REALLY want to share what I had planned though, you know? Glad you enjoyed her as much as I did
Well, I'm glad I wasn't the only one. TBH, I was hoping I wasn't. We all have to move on at some point an it seems to be happening. We've al… morel become busy: school, work, dating, family, etc. I've been thinking of this for two months now, as was pie. Harmony was a blessing and breath of freshair to this thread. I'd like to see the conclusion as pie did, if you ever have the time. Robert appreciates the love and he and his family do as well.
You are going to do wonderful in this world and I love you and the others. This was a wonderful time but now, we must all move forward. Love ya' right back, Ems! And good luck.
Yeah, I'm starting to feel that way to. The spark is burning out after this announcement. If this really is the end, I would say this has been an pleasure. Maybe we could not have some kind of going away celebration. :'/
I know... -sigh- I think I might just return to, some of us are posting there it would seem so I can keep in contact on there or through other means....
I don't think I can write on here anymore, the spark has just been killed...
Lol Jack, that didn't occur to me cuz I was too tired when I wrote this to think up alternatives :P
Nick and Jersey just have conflicting personalities, they don't have a friendship, it's an understanding based around respect.
Holly just grabbed anything tbh :P Jack didn't flash it, Damien took it out of his pocket and flashed it to Nick to see if it was the right ring
Nick has an idea of the future, he isn't gifted with foresight, but lets just say that he can see the connection Gren and Emily have, and knows that Carla won't stick around... Put two and two together
I loved this so much!!! Honestly, Jack got what he deserved. I was wondering if he'd mention anything to Nick or Damien about Gren 'calling'… more for Chinese and letting something slip. We all know how Jack can be....
I loved the beginning. It would make sense why he knows Jersey, considering the connection he has with Katie in the future. Needless to say, I was going to ask if they've HAD other encounters in the past before? For some reason, I got this major hostility from both when they spoke to one another and fought at the end. I mean, I know Jersey was getting the shit beat out of him but this is what I picked up.
I'm loving Nick's drink of choice. I'm not much for the hard stuff but it was fitting to him. Jack flashing that ring around was a major spit in the face but it seems that Damien and Nick can only handle the blonde schemer for so long. I'm glad he got what he deserved. That and a show outside of Rosa's.
I was happy to see … [view original content]
Yeah, I'm starting to feel that way to. The spark is burning out after this announcement. If this really is the end, I would say this has been an pleasure. Maybe we could not have some kind of going away celebration. :'/
I totally understand and ewww....Algebra! XD holds up cross, while holding holy water I'd like to read, if you do post what happens to everyone in the future.
I was thinking of doing it tonight; I've got Algebra homework to finish and whatnot. I REALLY want to share what I had planned though, you know? Glad you enjoyed her as much as I did
Thanks, man
Ok guys, this day has fucked me up and I'm extremely sad, but I have to know this so that I can make a decision as well:
Who is staying and who is leaving?
I'm really worried about Tetra as well, his last PM to me before that 'I'm leaving message' said that he's been suspended from Uni, and he can't find a job anywhere. I miss him already
Thank you EM'S, you too. It's been a blast! And thank you for letting me use your OC in my past stories. But as you life goes on, I had fun here, it's amazing how this grew since last year.
Yeah I'll be leaving, but I don't have any idea how long before I do. It could be a week, or it could be a month. It depends on how things … morepersonally go in my life, and how things go on here as well. You are an amazing writer, MasterStone. I'm sorry I've not always commented on the stuff you post, but it is what it is. You're chapters have always been captivating and entertaining I know it's hard to let go; I for one am REALLY sad, but life moves on, and sometimes the things you love to do get in the way of other things you love to do, or even responsibilities. So I'll probably check here every once in a while, but that'll be it for me. Might post a last chapter or whatever, but other than that, if you want to keep in contact, PM me and I'll tell you different ways you can reach me from time to time.
I'll be lurking but writing, I'm done on this thread. I'll open a account and continue with Robert and Frank's tale because I was just getting started. On my DA, too. My fanfics will mostly be there, too. Like i said, pie is there and has a acount as well.
So are you leaving for good or just not writing anymore?? Cuz right now I'm seeing little reason in staying on the thread, FOR FUCK'S SAKE I've only been here for 5 months!!! T_T
I'll be lurking but writing, I'm done on this thread. I'll open a account and continue with Robert and Frank's tale because I was jus… moret getting started. On my DA, too. My fanfics will mostly be there, too. Like i said, pie is there and has a acount as well.
This goes to all of you. This place has been a wonerful edition to my life and this past year was marvelous. Pie and I would like to say our goodbyes to you all. Goodluck in the roads and choices you all make. :') We'll be on DA, if anyone wishes to continue speaking there. I'll send you my email through a pm, if you'd like as well. I'll be on as well, continuing my tale, if anyone is interested as well. I'll still like and comment if anyone posts on here. I'll lurk around the forum but Jacob is out.
I miss him already too I'm leaving, though not 'officially' just yet. Probably after everyone is completely informed and goodbyes have been passed around enough. You know?
Ok guys, this day has fucked me up and I'm extremely sad, but I have to know this so that I can make a decision as well:
Who is staying a… morend who is leaving?
I'm really worried about Tetra as well, his last PM to me before that 'I'm leaving message' said that he's been suspended from Uni, and he can't find a job anywhere. I miss him already
Thank you EM'S, you too. It's been a blast! And thank you for letting me use your OC in my past stories. But as you life goes on, I had fun here, it's amazing how this grew since last year.
Yes, Daniel was taking Fables (who can't keep their nose out of his business) hostage so he could later add them to his 'collection'. Daniel only broke one knee in the previous part, which was Johnny's (the Fable who had to get pulled and pushed up the basement stairs in this part).
Thank ya, thank ya, appreciate it! I like minotaurs myself, and I've always found them to be unique. I just wonder where I first saw or heard about them sometimes.
Good morning, everyone! Here I am, once again, with a little something something I need to let out - and it won't be in a message this time.
Lately, I feel like no one is really appreciating the things I do (or try to do) in here - whether it's me posting a comment on a story, trying to make someone feel better, or being active in general with stories. I know it may sound like bullshit to the lot of you but that's the impression I'm getting. Any of you who think otherwise, please let me know.
Plus, there's all these amazing conversations you guys are having. I feel left in the dark whenever I see, read, or skim through some of them, with what all the thumbs that certain ones are getting. Because I know, whenever I try to start a conversation, I either don't get a response back or the person doesn't feel like I'm worth the time to have a further talk with. Is there something I'm doing wrong here? Maybe it's something I'm posting that makes you guys cringe?
On another topic, my stories and yours (the first part may sound selfish but I hope you guys understand):
Whenever I post a chapter to my current story, I feel like you guys are losing interest or forgetting about it because I don't frequently post as much for it every day, every few days, or week like you guys. So I think anything related to my story deserves more likes because I rarely post them (about 2 or 3 chapters I post, and maybe a picture in a month given my rate - give or take). On another note, I thank those who took the time in posting comments and questions about my story.
Now for your stories, I haven't been feeling it as of late when it comes to reading. Meaning I believe I'm lacking the attention-span and willpower to catch up, post comments, or ask questions about your chapters in comparison to my activity in the previous months.
Now, I don't know if I should take a break from here, because most of this has been making me feel kind of sad, including the forum in general with me not being included in most things, unless I try to throw myself in a conversation or something to get attention.
Again, I'm saying all of this because I felt like sharing - if I don't say anything then people won't know either, so there's that. I apologize if it sounds like I'm desperate. If I'm not clear on anything, ask and I'll trying to make it so.
I think for a start we all need to accept that this forum is slowing down, I'm still here and plan to stay for the foreseeable future.
For your first point, I think it depends on how much you try and interact with the other users. For example, I try and talk to pudding_pie, JJwolf and Tetra through PM's everyday because when I started talking to them months ago, we kept finding things in common and now we just find new stuff to talk about. It can be about life, the stories and OC's, games. movies. similar interests.
This helps me to keep convos going on this thread because I just find new things to ask and new things to say. Just try and give your input whenever possible and maybe start trying to actively PM us, I'm on here most of the day and always ready to chat about anything! I'm very open to stuff
Now I haven't read anything since Saturday, but that's because weekends are busy times for me and I didn't get much sleep, when I come home from work today I will read your stuff and comment on it/ like it. The thread is slowing down, there are maybe 3-4 regulars left from the original 8, and I hope this is temporary cuz I miss the good times we all had...
Just hang in there dude, we don't hate you, and sometimes we just forget to click the like button or post a comment, it's not done with intent.
Vampire Challenge- Chapter 7
Vampire council, Spain
After The Count and Obrecht finished up their conversation about who would succeed him, Obrecht leaves the chamber and ventures around the building. He makes his way to a closed off room and opens the secured door by pricking his finger and offering a drop of blood to the guardian protecting it. The being on the door recognizes his blood and allows him to enter without any, disagreements.
In the dark gloomy room is a dagger. The hilt black as coal and the blade, radiant as the sun. This weapon, the very same weapon he used to execute Urdumar years ago. Obrecht can still see the look he had on his face when the dagger found it’s way into Urdumar’s chest. He removes the dagger and secures from sight, leaves the room and make his way back to The Count’s chamber..
New York Airport, U.S
While Marco and Ademar prepare for their flight to Spain, Marco begins to experiences his hunger once again. He can smell the blood of someone who could their hand near, his pupils begin to widen, and nearly carried away towards the delightful smell of of the red crimson liquid. His uncles smacks him out of and tells him to focus, he tries but it is difficult. He isn’t sure why his hunger chose to return after being absent for so long.
Marco grabs the pedant a pray in his native tongue, to halt his urge. Sin mal no puede hacerme daño, ni puede destruir. His eyes return to normals he takes a breath and is ready to move out. He still wishes to take something that would knock him out while onboard.
After several hours, the two final arrived in Spain. This has been the first time Marco has ever been to the country. He still remembers long ago when his father said he would bring him and his mother here for a vacation, that never happened sadly.
Vampire council, Spain
They rented a car and navigated through the countryside enroute to the council. After a 20 minutes of driving, they finally arrived. They got out, and knocked on the large twin doors,a well sturdy guard answers and recognizes Ademar and invites him and his nephew inside.
Once inside, Ademar told Marco to wait, while he seek out The Count. Marco observes the surroundings of the old strange building. The crest that Ademar keeps on his wall hangs right above the throne, were the Count would sit in a meeting. He is then greeted by the mysterious assassin Sadira, who greatly surprising him.
“Mmm, so young… But, not too fragile..” Sadira said in a grisly yet seductive tone..
Marco is then mesmerized by this strange woman's appearance, and noticed how strange her eyes glowed. Golden, like a demonic spider of some sort..
Ademar then calls Marco over, then look away from Sadira. When he would look back, she vanishes leaving being a single string of web.
He don’t know what he just seen, but pays it no attention at the moment. He is here for one thing, Obrecht. And Ademar was leading him right to him.
Inside The Count's Chamber
Once inside, before going any further, Ademar bows in respect. He then grabs Marco and forces his nephew to bow his head in respect also. They arise and approach The Count.
“My lord, I… apologize for the long wait. I had to fetch my nephew. I believe you haven’t met..”
The Count, slightly raises his head too see Marco then calls him over.
“Come closer, my child, let me have a closer look at thee.”
Marco steps over by the dying Vampire side and immediately ask for Obrecht, demanding answers of what happened with his father. Ademar tells his nephew mind mind his manners, but The Count forgives all and tells Marco the story of his father’s betrayal.
“You resemble Urdumar in so many ways, young Dhampir. The result of a Vampire and Human joined as one, proven to be more powerful… than both. Your father, your uncle, and Obrecht, and now you are heir to the council, and the throne.
Your father, betrayed us. Stolen such a wicked curio that was forbidden from usage. If any word of it risen among the other clans.. We all would’ve been torn apart.. which is why.. I had no choice. I had to call for his execution, to prevent a terrible war. It crushed me, seeing someone that I called.. a son befallen to such a fate. You may hate me… if you will.”
Marco is silent after hearing what he just heard from The Count, he thinks until he hear a voice in the back of his head.
“Old fish face is right kiddo. But he wasn’t the one who sent you dad to his death.. You know who you’re here for..” Said his guardian angel
The door to the chamber began to open, and from it emerged Obrecht, doing his best to conceal his the evil grin on his face as he approached The Count.
“My lord, and my fellow heirs…”
Marco begins to approach his nemesis, displaying his dhampir appearance.
“You have a lot of explaining to do. What happened between you and my father ten years ago!” Marco demanded.
“You must be Marco. I can see the resemblance from a mile away.. If you must know, since your time in this world is very short. I set Urdumar, I made a deal with the Fable called Crooked Man or whatever these Mundies called him. He help me eliminate the threat that preventing me from claiming the throne. Now there’s two… his son and brother.”
These words leave The Count speechless. He is enrage by what Obrecht have just admitted to, having to orchestrated a false execution of an innocent in order to ascend to power. This was high treason, and The Count wasn’t having it.
“Obrecht, how could you? You were like a son to me. I took you in from the sorrows of an orphan trained you under my wing so one day you would possible take my place.. and yet you commit such a godawful, a such a hellish crime. You… you Obrecht will get a punishment worse than death.” The Count as he attempts to rises up, but he's held down by his weakened state.
“I appreciate… all you have done for me, but. Your services, IS NOT LONGER REQUIRED!” Obrecht as he throws the dagger he stolen into the chest of The Count. The old withered Vampire begins to scream in agony as his flesh is reduced to ashes onto a pile on top of his bed. The Count is no more..
Marco and Ademar stare in horror after witness what Obrecht has just done.
“Obrecht, you son of a bitch. You think you’re going to get away with this?!” Ademar removing his word from his side.
“Oh no, partner. I WILL get away, and once I eliminated you two, there won’t be anyone to get in my way from taking the throne AND the council. Once I take over the council, I will then raise up a legion to take the throne as Vampire King. All in due time, but first… let’s take out the trash.”
Obrecht then begins to cut himself several times. Then stabs himself with another dagger, he falls to the floor and begins to call out for help.
“Help they killed him! They killed The Count!”
Soldier begins to swarm the room surrounding Marco and Ademar. As they draw closer preparing to apprehend them, Ademar reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pellet. He throws hard at the ground and both him and Marco instantly vanishes, outside the council and in the wilds of Spain.
Several hours later
Marco and Ademar were recognized and branded as traitors. Leaving Obrecht to become the new Count. In coming days he would seek council with the other clans and the Vampire King, but as of now, he must deal with his two problems. He gives orders to his hired assassin, Sadira to arrange a bounty for Marco and Ademar.
“Dead or Alive, whichever is easier. Send out the word, to all hunters, bounty hunters of the like. Find those traitors, and do whatever necessary as possible to do so. Use their loves ones as bait, I don’t care how… JUST FIND THEM!”
Marcolta De’Coco - $500,000
Ademar Vanx’ De’Coco - $400,000
And so.. the hunt is on.. Questions? Ask away.
This thread and TWAU forum itself is slowing down. Everyone is either busy or lost interest all together with it. I'm still lurking about but even then, I'm not too sure about my future on this either.
I have to agree with Hman. YOU have to make the effort to talk to others. We've all tried to comment, like and it seems like it falls on the people and how they interact. I can only speak for myself. I've tried to like and comment as much a I can. Jump into conversations if you want to be a part of it. Put your two cents in. I've done this beofre in the past and even now sometimes. If you don't get a response right away, they are not doing it to dis you, either. Also, thos PM's Hman mentioned do help.
I'm off today and try to catch up as much as I can. I don't always comment right away. We all know this and we've all got other things. School, work, family life, etc that has taken away our time. We all can't lose our heads if someone does not comment or like something right away. Seems like you've lost interest, however, in the forum all together. As far as your stories go, I do like them. I may get something wrong every so often or get confused but one again, do not do this to be a dick or dis you.
Also, you mentioned the users lacking in liking a comment, yet I've gone back to your recent post, and not a single person that made a comment got a like. To me, that shows either I'm wasting your time, you're annoyed or do not care. That's just me, though. Again, only speaking for myself.
I'm not pointing anyone out and I don't want to begin a war with anyone but this thread use to be fun. There was none of these posts or messages or problems. Now, every other week or so, this is all I ever see anymore. TBH, I've lost interest in this thread; one of the reasons why I ended the Porgie clan story and wish to do other projects. You can't control how other people view a story or post. You just can't.
All I can say, my good man, is jump into those conversations. Make an effort to get out there. It's hard, I know but you can't do that to yourself, either. As far as your stories, I'll continue to read and do my thing, should you post them. Just hang in there, man. I hope this passes, too....
As much as I hate to admit it, it definitely is for sure.
I see what you're saying and I should do that, since most of the time normal comments do not seem to be doing the trick for me. I'll consider doing more PM's as an alternative!
I understand. Sometimes I don't realize it and think people conveniently have the time to do whatever I request them to do - or when I post something.
Thanks for your input, man.
I've technically did make the effort, though I realize now it seems normal comments are not working for me for the most part. So I'll consider sending occasional PM's this time, maybe post more of my favorite music like I've done in the past! Anyway, I see what you're saying.
I have not lost interest, else I wouldn't be here talking and pouring my feelings out to you guys. Maybe that's a little too dramatic on my part but you understand what I'm getting at, lol. It's just I feel like I've been lagging behind, like I lost my spark at the moment.
Concerning the thumbs, I'm sorry, but to me - comments, feedback, or responses are far more important than likes. Yes, I usually give the person a like (normally in here), but sometimes, it's a weird habit with me, something I don't want to explain - not in the normal comments, anyway. :S
Thanks for the input regardless. (brofist!)
Zylen is a badass, awesome and cocky. He has all the elements to a bad ass and then some! He has no fear against Mary. Bet he's already made a name for himself in the Fables community, what with being a part of the sheriff and all. With the gun to his head, he took that chance to rub Mary just enough to get her to respond. I love that.
Proving one has no fear is a plus, especially with confronting Bloody Mary.
I love how the goons took off as well. The Crooked Man is something but physically, he's nothing. Zylen and Justine, especially together, are a pair to not mess with. They are another pair so far on here that are to never cross in the dark. I love Justine; her influence in this story is unquestionable and it was neat seeing her interact. They are indeed trying to one up but that makes it funny to read!!!
Do they have sexual tension, she and Zylen? They seem like it. LOL
Can't wait for more, dude!
I loved this so much!!! Honestly, Jack got what he deserved. I was wondering if he'd mention anything to Nick or Damien about Gren 'calling' for Chinese and letting something slip. We all know how Jack can be....
I loved the beginning. It would make sense why he knows Jersey, considering the connection he has with Katie in the future. Needless to say, I was going to ask if they've HAD other encounters in the past before? For some reason, I got this major hostility from both when they spoke to one another and fought at the end. I mean, I know Jersey was getting the shit beat out of him but this is what I picked up.
I'm loving Nick's drink of choice. I'm not much for the hard stuff but it was fitting to him. Jack flashing that ring around was a major spit in the face but it seems that Damien and Nick can only handle the blonde schemer for so long. I'm glad he got what he deserved. That and a show outside of Rosa's.
I was happy to see you left Gren there.
Robert made me angry and he's my own OC. But that's how he is and sadly, its hard to orget centuries of how one deals with the pain. His hesitation to Nick's question made me laugh but I'm glad to see he told Nick and Damien the truth. I cried when Nick asked about Carla but he was genuinly really sweet and kind to Gren's answer. :') It would seem Nick knows something, what with how he answered Gren. :')
I loved the ending, too. It was wonderfully done. Nick gave Jersey just enough to prove he's not kidding around. I'd like to think this would make Jersey beg for forgivness and go searching for Frank but it won't.
But that's what you get, Jersey and I hope this causes you a headache for days and long nights of thinking about your brother. Thanks, Nick. You did marvelous with this guy.
I loved this!!!! I was pleased! You're really good with these one-shot deals!
Trust me, I'm not! Robert can be stubborn but you know why.:'(
I've actually not been on in over a week, so that's why I've not been writing any posts or anything. I've just been so busy doing everything, that I've lost the initial interest in coming on and doing stuff and writing. TBH, I don't know if I'll be writing any longer on here, NOT because of ANYTHING you guys have done; I love EVERY story on this forum. Every. Single. One. But I've realized that sooner or later, I'm going to be a lot more absent than I already am, so I kind of want to slowly wind down a bit. You know? I might do what Pie did; Write the future of all my OC's and what eventually happens. I want to continue my Vampire story, but I've lost the interest in writing it further. I go through periods of time like this more often than not. Please don't take my absence as anything offensive; I've just got so much going on that I can't even think straight sometimes. I feel really bad for not always commenting on everyone's stuff. I feel bad for not always checking the page. I feel bad for favoring some stories a little more than others sometimes. But seriously, EVERY writer on this page has an incredible amount of talent, most times more talent than I've got. It's been a pleasure being friends with all of you, and it'd be great if we could still talk and stuff in the future, but I think I might be retiring in the 'Fables Fanfiction' department. After all, there has to be an end at some point, am I right? Whatever you decide, Godspeed, my dear DragonButter. Don't let lack of comments/likes be the reason you want to stop writing. But if you really feel like taking a break, I totally respect that.
That being said, I don't plan on disappearing completely; If anyone would like, I've got Tumblr, Instagram, email, and plenty of other ways to talk and what not. I'll still check this page; Just not as often as I used to. I still have things I'm undecided on, so I'll probably post a few more times before drifting, you know?
And try not to be so hard on yourself; You're sincerely a great person, and I'm so happy to have gotten to know you, as well as the countless others who contribute every day. This was definitely a worthwhile experience, but I think I'm ready to step down from the pedestal of creation and take a much needed break.
I'm also sorry about not stating any of this earlier, but I've been kind of afraid of what others would say or think, so I've sort of been silent for the time being. I guess this post applies to EVERYONE on here, whoever wants to take the time to read it. I love all of you guys, seriously. I've got a lot ahead of me, so wish me luck
Dragon, you've been a wonderful host.
@pudding_pie @JJwolf @DragonButter @LupineNoir @EMMYPESS @MasterStone
Guys, I have some bad news: Tetra contacted me earlier and told me that he is leaving the thread for good, he didn't say why, but he wishes all of us the best of luck. He wanted me to tell you all this...
JJ, he praised you especially for going through all the shit and coming out the other side fighting
Wow... I'm still in shock... This isn't a joke either
No no no no no no T_T
I come on after a day at work, and not only has Tetra left, but you're leaving as well?! :'O
God-dammit, it's been only a year and the whole place has gone to shit! We start arguing and then people leave... I don't think I can handle this any longer!!
Please, EMMY, don't go, I still have to use Harmony. Who else am I going to talk to about her and what she does as an OC?!
WHAT?! Why are you leaving?!?! :O
Fuck's sake am I in some kind of fucking nightmare?!!!!! What the fuck happened today?! >:(
Thanks for letting us know, man
I know it sucks; Things constantly change, and we can only hope Tetra is alright. Hopefully he'll come on and explain himself more in the future, but if not, that's totally understandable. That's all I've got to say about that. He was a fine addition to the page, and I'm glad to call him my friend.
You're being too hard on yourself and it shows. You've been a terrific person and host of this thread. We've all become so busy recently and its beginning to show. I think a much needed break is in the works for all of us. I just recently began my tale and it seems is the place where I'll end up here in a bit.
I've tried to comment and like the stories and I do apologies if it came off that I liked one person's story over the others. We've all contributed in diffeent ways over this past year and it shows. We've all have interesting OC's and stories to tell. Each and every one of us is creative in their own way and I'm sorry once again for not showing it to either you or the others. I do like your stories and if you choose to wrote them, I'll be there. If not, I'd still like to read them no matter where it is.
TBH, I think I'm stepping down from the writing, as Pie and EMMY have mentioned. I may do what he did and just show what happens to the characters. I'm becoming busy myself and want to date, go to school, work, etc. And, do not take this the wrong way-this goes to everyone here-but ever since our first issue with the posting and comments, I've lost complete interest. I will not publicly post why but I have my reasons. Plus, after that 'joke' with my OC, the bad taste remains and I can't seem to get it out.
I feel horrible for not commenting or liking other stories in the past. I truly am. You are all such wonderful people and I'd like to remain in contact in the future; I'll be getting a DA account really soon, so me and Pie will be lurking around there.Do not let the amount of comment or likes be the reason to stop all together but I agree, too, sound slike you've lost interest as well.
Is this my farewell speech, too? It would seem like its the beginning of my goodbye. This was, as pie stated, one hell of a ride. I've been blessed to have known each and every one of you on a personal note. You'll always be remembered but it would seem that, as Grendel does, jump to another bar and start fresh. I'll continue my story under the same name over at, if anyone is interested.
You are all creative and love each and everyone of you. Always family and I'll always remember this thread. It brought me wonderful friends, stories and memories. From Tman, to Nick; Marco, Draco, Weasel, Harmony, Kieron and the Porgies. :') I have you, Dragon, to thank for this thread because it brought me my best friend, Chad. Because of your thread, I joined and we've been inseperable. I love him and his family. I love you all and will treasure the times spent on here. No regrets.
I'm not sure if pie will ocntinue. I know he was caught in the middle. I've been all over the place with the fanfics and I believe I lost my spark. It's a damn shame I was so fucking scared to tell this story so long ago. Guess we all have some learning to do....I hope you find that you are looking for, Dragon. You and I may not have seen eye to eye but I respect you, dude. You're an awesome person and I wish you and the others all the love and luck this world has to offer you.
Pie once told me that with cloudy days, comes rain but jump in those puddles the rain creates. You're an awesome dude. I love you all.
I'll check from time to time and read. Lurk around the threads and may comment but Jacob Jones is officially stepping down as a writer. Best of luck to you all, especially you @EMMYPESS You have a bright path ahead of you!!
Good luck!
I'll be over at DA (hopefully with the same name) and if you all still want, Pie is at DA as well with his work.
I'm leaving, too and I'm pretty sure pie is at the end of May. I hope Tetra is alright and my dude, thank you. :') I hope you find all you're looking for in the future, Tetra. you were truly a wonderful addition to this thread. Stay strong yourself, dude.
Because one, I'm getting really busy. I have other things on my mind: dating, work, school and I explained in my post above. Two, I have a horrible taste in my mouth after the first time and with that whole crap with Robert, I just can't anymore. I will never forget that, dude and if you don't understand, that's fine. All these 'rules' and 'posts' about people being unfair is messed up. This place was so care-free and fun and I have a feeling, this is why Tetra left. I don't know but these are my thoughts.
I won't necessarily be leaving right away; I've got some thinking to do, and some decisions to make. I'll probably write a conclusion chapter, OR something similar to what Pie has done, as you know. I still want to occasionally check the page and see how everyone's doing, that's for sure.
I don't necessarily think 'gone to shit' is the right expression. I think that everyone's starting to move onto new chapters in their lives. It happens. I saw it coming eventually. Just know that you can always contact me through other means, if you want my email or one of my social media outlets. I'm not done writing; I'm just done writing most of what I've written here on this forum. One day, I hope to compile/rewrite all I've done and put it together into one piece. But sadly, it won't be for a long time. You can still use Harmony, and if you need any info on her you can, again, contact me via PM, email, or social media messaging.
You're a great friend man, and I loved being able to talk about comics and such with you. I just have so much going on, that maintaining a presence on this site has been bumped down from the priority list. I hope you and everyone else is understanding and supportive
That being said, DON'T give up if you don't want to; There are still members around willing to give you insight and what not on the thread
You're SO talented, and sometimes you're hard on yourself about it. Good luck man, and if you have any further inquiries, you can PM me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
So are you leaving for good or just not writing anymore?? Cuz right now I'm seeing little reason in staying on the thread, FOR FUCK'S SAKE I've only been here for 5 months!!! T_T
Oh my god. Is this really happening?! Damn, I hope for the best and hops everything is going well, it must be something really serious. :'/
Edit: And more are leaving too? Damn :'/
Harry continues to cry in the corner of a dark room
But then who's left? You, Tetra, JJ and Pie are leaving, that leaves me, Ramm, Stone, and Dragon...
-sigh- I think I'm going to stop writing on this thread as well, go back to, try and make it work there. I love all of you like my own family! I can;t just let go.
Emily, send me the ways I can keep in touch with you in a PM, I'm not giving up a friend. Not after today.
I'll be leaving, but I don't have any idea how long before I do. It could be a week, or it could be a month. It depends on how things personally go in my life, and how things go on here as well. You are an amazing writer, MasterStone. I'm sorry I've not always commented on the stuff you post, but it is what it is. You're chapters have always been captivating and entertaining
I know it's hard to let go; I for one am REALLY sad, but life moves on, and sometimes the things you love to do get in the way of other things you love to do, or even responsibilities. So I'll probably check here every once in a while, but that'll be it for me. Might post a last chapter or whatever, but other than that, if you want to keep in contact, PM me and I'll tell you different ways you can reach me from time to time.
I completely agree with you man, and I totally understand. I had similar feelings with the whole 'commenting' debacle; I as well will not directly post my exact feelings or thoughts on it, but I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who's moving on with life. To be honest, I've been thinking about it for months, but I've just never been sure of any of it. Robert was an AWESOME OC; Seeing his future with Jersey's brother was fantastic, as well as their adopted little girl
And thanks. I can definitely call you guys my friends - Hell, extended family! Love ya man, and Godspeed!
I know... -sigh- I think I might just return to, some of us are posting there it would seem so I can keep in contact on there or through other means....
I don't think I can write on here anymore, the spark has just been killed...
Well, I'm glad I wasn't the only one. TBH, I was hoping I wasn't. We all have to move on at some point an it seems to be happening. We've all become busy: school, work, dating, family, etc. I've been thinking of this for two months now, as was pie. Harmony was a blessing and breath of freshair to this thread. I'd like to see the conclusion as pie did, if you ever have the time. Robert appreciates the love and he and his family do as well.
You are going to do wonderful in this world and I love you and the others. This was a wonderful time but now, we must all move forward. Love ya' right back, Ems! And good luck.
I was thinking of doing it tonight; I've got Algebra homework to finish and whatnot. I REALLY want to share what I had planned though, you know? Glad you enjoyed her as much as I did
Thanks, man
Yeah, I'm starting to feel that way to. The spark is burning out after this announcement. If this really is the end, I would say this has been an pleasure. Maybe we could not have some kind of going away celebration. :'/
Lol Jack, that didn't occur to me cuz I was too tired when I wrote this to think up alternatives :P
Nick and Jersey just have conflicting personalities, they don't have a friendship, it's an understanding based around respect.
Holly just grabbed anything tbh :P Jack didn't flash it, Damien took it out of his pocket and flashed it to Nick to see if it was the right ring
Nick has an idea of the future, he isn't gifted with foresight, but lets just say that he can see the connection Gren and Emily have, and knows that Carla won't stick around... Put two and two together
Lol, Nick to the rescue XD
Thnx man! Got more planned btw!! XP
Thing is that some people are leaving the thread and other's are just done with writing...
I totally understand and ewww....Algebra! XD holds up cross, while holding holy water I'd like to read, if you do post what happens to everyone in the future.
Ok guys, this day has fucked me up and I'm extremely sad, but I have to know this so that I can make a decision as well:
Who is staying and who is leaving?
I'm really worried about Tetra as well, his last PM to me before that 'I'm leaving message' said that he's been suspended from Uni, and he can't find a job anywhere. I miss him already
Thank you EM'S, you too. It's been a blast! And thank you for letting me use your OC in my past stories. But as you life goes on, I had fun here, it's amazing how this grew since last year.
I'll be lurking but writing, I'm done on this thread. I'll open a account and continue with Robert and Frank's tale because I was just getting started. On my DA, too. My fanfics will mostly be there, too. Like i said, pie is there and has a acount as well.
Oh yes! you can post anything!
He just got it a month ago. Never used it but after all this, he will now. As will I.
You can post fanfics on DA???
When did Pie get He didn't use one when he was reviewing TDAU...
This goes to all of you. This place has been a wonerful edition to my life and this past year was marvelous. Pie and I would like to say our goodbyes to you all. Goodluck in the roads and choices you all make. :') We'll be on DA, if anyone wishes to continue speaking there. I'll send you my email through a pm, if you'd like as well. I'll be on as well, continuing my tale, if anyone is interested as well. I'll still like and comment if anyone posts on here. I'll lurk around the forum but Jacob is out.
One hell of a ride. Stay awesome
See you all around....
#PorgieClan #Grendel bros 4 life #Robert Grendel #see you around
I miss him already too
I'm leaving, though not 'officially' just yet. Probably after everyone is completely informed and goodbyes have been passed around enough. You know?
No problem, man
If you need anything, PM me, because I should still be around for another couple days.
I'll be searching!